DRR Week 4 & 5 (Session 11 To 15)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


GRADE 11 Teacher ALEXIS G. FONTANILLA Learning Disaster Readiness and Risk
Teaching Dates and M-F 1 Hour Quarter 1st of 2nd Semester

OBJECTIVES Session 11 Session 12 Session 13 & 14 Session 15

I. CONTENT STANDARDS The learners demonstrate understanding of the… The learners demonstrate understanding of…
1. Concept of hazard Potential earthquake hazards:
2. Types of hazards 1. Ground shaking
3. The impact of various hazards 2. Ground rupture
3. Liquefaction
4. Earthquake-induced ground subsidence
5. Tsunami
6. Earthquake-induced landslide
A. Performance Standards The learners relate various types of hazard with a specific area The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to
for one’s preparedness. guide them on what to do before, during, and after an
B. Learning  Define hazards.  Explain the impact of  Identify various potential  Analyze the effects of the
Competencies/Objectives DRR11/12-Ie-14 various hazards on earthquake hazards. different earthquake
 Give examples of the different exposed DRR11/12-If-g-17 hazards.
types of hazards. elements.  Recognize the natural DRR11/12-If-g-19

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

DRR11/12-Ie-15 signs of an impending

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG CG CG CG

2. Learner’s Materials ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1
Modules Modules Modules Modules

3. Text Book Pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing the previous Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings Prayer and Greetings
lesson or presenting the Review of the previous Review of the previous Review of the previous Review of the previous
new lesson lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random
learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main
point of the previous point of the previous point of the previous point of the previous
discussion and what they discussion and what they discussion and what they discussion and what they
have learned from it. have learned from it. have learned from it. have learned from it.
B. Establishing purpose Learning Objectives, the Learning Objectives, the Learning Objectives, the Learning Objectives, the
for the lesson teacher communicates the teacher communicates the teacher communicates the teacher communicates the
learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives. learning objectives.

1Pic 1Word Instructions: Review of Earth Science Activity 1 “Earthquake-

Activity 1: Let’s Study and Refer to the given pictures related hazards” Recall the
Analyze: Volcano and and captions to guess the different earthquake-related
Parachutist. word/s by arranging the hazards and answer the
jumbled letters. Write your questions below. What are
answers on a separate sheet the different related hazards
of paper. brought by an earthquake?
What are their effects?
Differentiate one from the

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Let’s Think About This

Based on the illustration,
answer the following
tasks/questions below:
1. Cite hazards present in
the illustration.
2. What type of Hazards is
shown in the picture?
3. Based on the picture what
do you think will happen to
the parachutist?

C. Presenting Identifying potential Have you ever experienced

examples/instances of hazards can eliminate or an earthquake? Oftentimes,
the new lesson control unintentional people experience it while
injuries, property damage or on the ground, maybe inside
even worst, losing one’s life a building, and rarely while
that might happen in the near to a body of water.
future. What do you think will
Activity 2.1: Let’s Know! happen if you were to
SPOT THE HAZARD Figure 2. Popoy playing the experience an earthquake
role of an architect wanting nearby an ocean?

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

to build earthquake-resistant
structures Answer the Activity 2 “Aftermath”
following questions. Analyze the picture below.
1. What do you think is the Evaluate what you think had
reason why Popoy thought happened or what do you
of building earthquake- think is happening in the
Observe the picture and proof houses? picture? Describe the
answer the following 2. What are the possible condition of the buildings
questions below. hazards or dangers that can and infrastructures. Write
1. What objects do you see be caused by an earthquake? your answers in a paragraph
in the illustration above? form in 5 sentences only.
How many objects are there 3. Based from your previous
on the table? learnings, what are the
2. If you are going to shake materials and structural
the table, which object features of an earthquake-
would be affected the most proof house?
by the shaking? Why?
3. Based on the picture what
object/s can be considered

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

1. List down the 5 different

hazards found at home,
school and outside.
2. Classify the types of
Hazards present on the
given picture.
3. Can the effects of hazards
be avoided? How?

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

D. Discussing new Hazards can be categorized What are the Different What are Earthquake What are the natural signs
concepts and practicing in different types: Impacts of Hazards? Hazards? of an impending tsunami?
new skills #1 1. Natural hazards 1. Landslides
2. Quasi-natural hazards 1. Physical impact 2. Tsunami 1. Feel an earthquake.
3. Technological (or man- 2. Psychological impact 3. Liquefaction 2. See ocean water
made) hazards 3. Socio- cultural impact 4. Fires disappear from beach, bay,
4. Economic impact river.
 Hazards Signs and 5. Environmental impact Most commonly used 3. Hear an unusual roaring
Symbols 6. Biological impact methods of reducing sound
 Technology or Man- earthquake risks are as
Made Hazards Signs and Identification of Hazards follows: What should you do when a
Symbols and Risk Assessment 1. Effective recording and tsunami threatens?
 Natural Hazards Signs Risk assessment interpretation of ground 1. Preparations before a
and Symbols - Identify the hazards motion tsunami.
 Quasi-Natural Signs and - Assess the Risk 2. Constructing seismic 2. During the event of a
Symbols - Make the changes hazard maps tsunami.
- Checking the 3. Developing resistant
changes made structures

E. Discussing new Activity 1.1 Arrange Me! Activity 1.1: Concept Activity 1.1: Hurdling Activity 3: Look Out for the
concepts and practicing Choose the right example of Webbing Instruction: Language Barriers to Warnings! Read the
new skills #2 types of hazards below and Classify the following Understand Science following passages
write it on the hazard impacts by writing Learning the Skill: Defining carefully. Analyze and

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

corresponding table. them inside the appropriate terms using context clues determine the recognized
boxes. Give the meaning of the sign of an impending
avalanche volcanic underlined words by tsunami in each passage.
eruptions hurricanes oil spill examining how it is used in
biological attacks landslides the sentence. Look for Passage 1
mining explosions polluting context clues. An earthquake usually
ground water droughts wild 1. When the soil is water- shakes the coasts that its
fires or bush fires dam saturated, it tends to behave tsunami will strike soonest
failures fires transportation like a liquid. Such behavior and hardest. The shaking
accidents storm surge leads to secondary provides a natural warning
earthquake train accident earthquake effect which is to go to high ground or
plane crashes tornadoes called liquefaction. inland, or to seek refuge in
falling objects typhoon 2. During earthquakes, LPG high buildings or trees. At
floods air pollution water tanks and stoves may Simeulue, it has become
pollution acid rain global overturn and electrical lines almost a routine to run to
warming desertification Activity 1.2: That Hazard may sever, and the hills whenever a strong
smog lightning sandstorm consequently may lead to earthquake is felt. The
Looks Familiar! Instruction:
epidemic in human plants Spot 5 hazards you can fire. islanders especially take this
and animals identify from the picture. 3. Seismic activities must be precaution at night, when
On a photocopy of the monitored because they cannot easily confirm a
1. Have you seen the image, encircle all the earthquakes originate below among - occurrence of giant
following signs before? 2. hazards you can see using a the earth’s crust. waves after a major
Have you encountered 4. Ground subsidence earthquake, by watching
red inked pen.
people who failed to comply happens because of the soft from high ground for its

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

with the hazard’s signs and and liquid-like behavior of next sign, recession of the
symbols? 3. What did you some soil. sea. At Simeulue, a strong
feel upon observing it? 4. 5. A tsunami is caused by earthquake is sufficient
Do you think it is important earthquake in oceanic reason to expect a tsunami.
to know this precautionary floors. This leads to huge By contrast in mainland
sign? Why? flooding in communities Aceh, few heeded the giant
near the seashore. 2004 earthquake as a
tsunami warning. The
shaking could not have gone
unnoticed, for it damaged
buildings, knocked people
off their feet, and was said
to have lasted ten minutes.
When it was over, many
people went outdoors,
fearing further damage from
aftershocks. Some gathered
at buildings that had
collapsed. Others just
carried on with what they
had been doing. A few even
followed a receding river 2
km to the sea. Meanwhile,
the tsunami was

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

approaching. It followed the

earthquake by 15-20
minutes on mainland
Acehnese coasts and by 45-
50 minutes in Lampulo, 1.5
km seaward from the scene
at right. Some Indonesian
earthquakes, however,
scarcely shake the nearby
coasts their tsunamis will
soon strike. Such gentle
earthquakes sent deadly
tsunamis to southern Java in
1994 and 2006. The 1994
tsunami took 238 lives in
the east, the 2006 tsunami
about twice that number in
the west. They had the
stealth of a tsunami in 1896
that killed 22,000 people in
Japan, that country’s
greatest tsunami disaster
(Yulianto et al, 2010).

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Activity 4: “Tsunami VS
Tidal Wave” Read the
following statements. Write
TSUNAMI if the statement
is true. Otherwise, write
1. I should go to the shore to
watch a tsunami.
2. All undersea earthquakes
cause tsunami.
3. If I felt a strong
earthquake while near the
coast, I should wait to hear
the rumbling sound before
moving to high ground.
4. If a small tsunami is
coming, I should get out of
the water and wait until I
hear it is safe to return.
5. If a big tsunami is
coming, I should move as
far inland as I can or to
higher ground.
6. If I am swimming when a

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

small tsunami comes, I

could get dragged out to sea
by the strong rips and
7. A tsunami is most often
caused by undersea
F. Developing mastery Complete Me! Complete Activity 1.3: Assessment Activity 1.3. Info-comics Fill in the blanks with the
the following sentences by and Reduction of Risks • Create a 12-box comic strip correct answer.
giving the appropriate Choose 5 hazards you have which encourages people to A (1) _______________ is
answer needed in the blank. spotted from the picture in appreciate the value of a massive sea wave caused
Activity 1.2. That Hazard knowing earthquake hazards by (2) _________, (3)
Hazard is Looks Familiar. • Conduct a and risk reduction. You are ________ (4) ______ , and
_____________________. risk assessment with certainly allowed to go (5) ______ . Natural
It becomes hazard when proposed changes using the beyond 10 boxes if you warning signs are often
_____________________. table below. • An example want. The rubric below will monitored and observed to
The different types of is provided for your serve as your guide and prevent this sea wave. One
hazards are reference. your teacher’s basis for of the signs is a felt shaking
_____________________, rating your output. of the ground. If you are in
_____________________, a tsunami-prone area while
_____________________. the ground is shaking,
We can minimize the effects protect yourself first by
of hazards through doing the (6) ___________.

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

_____________________. Immediately go to (7)

________ when the shaking
stops. Another sign is (8)
_______ which is the
receding of the water
exposing the normally
submerged areas. If this is
observed, immediately run
Instruction: Fill in the away from the shore. And
blanks with word/s in order the last sign to look for is
to make the idea complete. hearing an unusual (9)
1. A _____________ is any _________ similar to that of
agent in a workplace, can be a train or jet aircraft. Do not
an object or procedure that wait for an (10) _____ if
can cause potential harm. one of the natural signs of
2. A ______ refers to the an impending tsunami is
potential harm a hazard can observed.
3. ______________ refers
to the susceptibility of an
element exposed to the risks
of a hazard.
4. _______________ refers

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

to the process of
determining all the agents in
a workplace that can cause
5. Risk Assessment
considers the
____________ of
happening and the
___________ of impact of a
risk. It is done to determine
which risks should be
addressed first or
6. The following are the
steps in hazard
identification and risk
assessment- (a) identify the
hazards, (b) __________,
(c) make changes, and
lastly, (d) _____________.
7. Changes must be made
after assessing the risks. The
changes made should be
________ on a regular

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

G. Finding practical A. Let’s Pretend! The Filipinos have been through Activity 7 “Captain, Oh
applications of concepts Philippines is considered as a lot of disasters- typhoon Captain!” In times of
and skills in daily living the third most prone to Yolanda, fire, July 1990- disasters and calamities, the
hazard country in the world, earthquakes, landslides, local government unit plays
having more than 20 covid-19 pandemic. Name it an important role in keeping
tropical cyclones in a year, and the Filipinos had been and maintaining the
earthquakes, and more than through it! Read the poem community safe.
20 active volcanoes found below, and then answer the
all over the country. As a questions that follow. Effective emergency action
disaster advocate, what are We Filipinos Are Disaster- can avoid the escalation of
the things that you can Resilient, Aren’t We? By an event. Read the
contribute to possibly Rodgem A. Barairo following statements below
minimize the risks of and answer the following
disaster in your home and To reduce disaster, is an questions. You are the
school? impossibility barangay captain in your
Never ever say, place near coastal area. The
B. Let’s Try This: We can prepare news mentioned your
Significant interview We can think of ways barangay as one of the
Conduct an interview Because truth is tsunami prone areas in the
among your family We’re hopeless, down on country. As a barangay
members about the hazards bended knees captain, what guidelines or
they encounter in the Never believe warning signs will you

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

following settings. Then The government and suggest for your

classify them according to Filipinos are capable constituents to be aware and
types of hazards. Because reality is We can’t prepared for possible
1. In school work hand in hand tsunami? Also, how can you
2. In barangay/ town/ Never believe help the people in your
province 3. In workplace Our nation can be great barangay in the preparation
again in time of a tsunami? What
Because truth is Filipinos are the ways of promoting
are not resilient the preparation for such
Forget the thought phenomena? How will you
That we can’t make it Never attract other captains of
ever say There’s hope after nearby barangays to do the
a disaster! same as what you will be
doing in your place in the
This time, read the poem in preparation of an impending
reverse, that is, from bottom tsunami?
to top.

1. Do you think you are a
resilient person? Why do
you say so?

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

2. Which manner of reading

the poem gives a more
realistic characterization of
our nation’s ability to
respond to disasters, from
top-to-bottom, or reverse
manner? Justify your
3. As a senior high school
student, how can you make
yourself disaster strong and
H. Making generalizations Explain Hazard and Its Explain the Hazard: Its Explain Earthquake Hazards Explain the Natural Signs
and abstractions about Types Impact, Identification and Impending Tsunami
the lesson Risk Assessment
I. Evaluating learning Read the following Write the letter of the best Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the
sentences carefully and answer on a separate sheet best answer. Write the best answer.
choose the letter of the of paper. chosen letter on a separate
correct answer. sheet of paper. 1. Which of the following
1. Which sequence is should be done if a tsunami
1. Which is not the meaning correct in hazard 1. Which community will be warning has been issued
of Hazard? identification and risk least affected by an while you are in school?
A. Hazard is an agent which assessment? I. Modify earthquake? A. Stay and observe what

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

has the potential to cause procedures based on risk A. A community that is will happen next.
harm to vulnerable target. assessment. II. Assess risks. within 1km radius of the B. Run immediately out of
B. Hazard cannot cause III. Monitor the epicenter. school and go to higher
harm or damage to humans, modifications if followed. B. A community that ground.
property, or environment. IV. Identify hazards. experiences an earthquake C. Stay out of danger by
C. Hazard is defined as the A. IV, III, I, II with a depth of focus of doing the Duck, Cover, and
source of danger and is C. II, I, IV, III 100km. Hold.
something that may cause B. IV, II, I, III C. A densely populated D. Follow the advice of
injury or harm. It is also the D. II, IV, I, III community that has no teachers and other school
uncertain course of events 2. Which of the following is earthquake preparedness personnel before making
in a country true about risk assessment? measures in place. any move.
D. Hazard is a dangerous A. It is done to know which D. A community that 2. Which of the following is
phenomenon, substance, risk should be addressed experiences an earthquake a common indicator of an
human activity or condition first. with a magnitude of 7.5. impending tsunami?
that may cause loss of life, B. It tells which risk is the 2. Which of the following is A. The sky suddenly clears.
injury or other health most serious. caused by a landslide or B. Winds suddenly change
impacts, property damage, C. Risk assessment is done explosion under the oceans? direction.
loss of livelihoods and by taking into consideration A. fire C. Seawater suddenly
services, social and both probability and impact. C. liquefaction retreats from the shore.
economic disruption, or D. All of the above B. ground rupture D. All of the above
environmental damage. 3. Which impact of a hazard D. tsunami 3 3. Which of the following is
2. Which is not an example is an economic impact of . At convergent plate not a natural sign of an
of Natural Hazards? hazard? boundaries, _______ impending tsunami?
A. Fires A. Viral disease A. Two plates slip past A. a felt earthquake

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

C. Landslides B. Anxiety and mental horizontally each other B. drawback of ocean

B. Flood trauma B. Two plates move in C. a loud rumbling sound
D. Tsunami C. Destruction of houses opposite directions away D. surge of cold winds
3. It is the type of Hazard and buildings from each other 4. Which of the following
that arises through D. Retrenchment of C. Two plates move in should be done if you
interaction of natural employees in manufacturing opposite directions toward experience any sign of a
processes and human companies each other tsunami?
activities D. Two plates are moving A. Go immediately to
A. Natural hazards For items 4 to 6, match the vertically higher ground.
C. Technological (or man- terms with their meanings. 4. Which of the following is B. Wait for an official
made) hazards As a construction worker, NOT TRUE about reduction evacuation order from the
B. Quasi-natural hazards Tyrel works in height, thus of earthquake risks? authorities.
D. None of the above is prone to fall. He is well- A. Hazards maps must be C. Go down to the beach to
4. Which is an example of trained and wears protective made. view the retreating ocean
Natural Hazards? equipment, though. B. Accurate data recording exposing the seafloor.
A. Avalanche 4. Which is considered as of earthquakes. D. Stay where you are and
C. Pollution risk in this given scenario? C. Strong and resilient wait until you see a huge
B. Plane crash A. potential fall buildings must be wave before running.
D. Smog B. being well-trained developed. 5. Which of the following
5. This type of hazards C. working in height D. Careful analysis and should not be done if a
arises directly as a result of D. wearing of protective interpretation of ground tsunami warning has been
human activities. equipment shaking is unnecessary. issued while you are at
A. Natural hazards 5. Which is considered as 5. Which secondary effect home?
C. Technological (or man- the hazard? of an earthquake is A. Follow the orders of the

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

made) hazards A. potential fall described as collapse of local authorities.

B. Quasi-natural hazards B. being well-trained buildings caused by B. Make sure your entire
D. None of the above C. working in height earthquake vibrating water- family is aware of the issue.
6. Which is not an example D. wearing of protective saturated fill or C. Wait for evacuation
of Quasi- Natural Hazards? equipment unconsolidated soil? orders by the authority
A. Air pollution 6. Since Tyrel is well- A. flood especially if you live near
C. Volcanic eruptions trained and always wears C. liquefaction the coast.
B. Smog protective equipment, how B. landslide D. Move in an orderly, calm
D. Water pollution will you judge his D. tsunami and safe manner to the
7. Which is an example of vulnerability to a fall? 6. Many divergent plate evacuation site or to any
Quasi- Natural Hazards? A. high boundaries coincide with safe place outside your
A. Fog B. low __________. evacuation zone.
C. Storm Surge C. moderate A. edges of the continents 6. Which of the following
B. Landslides D. cannot be determined C. transform faults statements is incorrect?
D. toxic B. mid-ocean ridge A. Earthquakes can cause
8. It is the type of hazards For items 7 to 11, given the D. volcano rapid changes in water level
that arises from natural following hazard impacts, 7. What might happen when and unpredictable
processes in the tell whether it is physical, ground shaking results to dangerous currents in
environment. psychological, socio- breakage of gas, electrical harbors and ports.
A. Natural hazards cultural, economic, lines and fuel lines, and B. Tsunamis generated in
C. Technological (or man- environmental or biological. overturning of stoves? distant locations will
made) hazards 7. Pollution of oceans and A. fire generally give people
B. Quasi-natural hazards rivers C. liquefaction enough time to move to
D. None of the above A. biological B. landslide higher ground.

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

9. Which is an example of C. environmental D. subsidence C. A tsunami from a local

Natural Hazards? B. economic 8. Which can help reduce earthquake could strike
A. Dam failures D. psychological the risk of an earthquake? some areas before a tsunami
C. Plane crashes 8. SARS A. hazard maps warning could be
B. Sandstorm A. biological B. building resistant announced.
D. Smog C. environmental structures D. You may only have a
10. Which of the following B. economic C. Through effective few minutes to move to
is a man-made disaster? D. psychological earthquake instrumentation higher ground if a local
A. Major fire 9. Retrenchments/ Job loss D. All of the above tsunami is generated.
C. Terrorism A. biological 9. During large earthquakes, 7. Which of the following
B. Pollution C. environmental which is responsible for the should be done if you
D. All of the above B. economic greatest number of experience any sign of
11. Bush Fire is an example D. socio-cultural fatalities? tsunami while you are out to
of what type of Hazards? 10. Mental trauma A. drowning sea?
A. Natural hazards A. biological B. fires A. Stay out of danger by
C. Technological (or man- C. psychological C. people buried alive doing the Duck, Cover, and
made) hazards B. economic D. Large objects (buildings) Hold.
B. Quasi-natural hazards D. socio-cultural fall on people B. Immediately take the
D. None of the above 11. Broken bones 10.Which is not a cause of ship back and fasten
12. Which one of the A. economic earthquake? securely it on the harbors.
following is a type of C. physical A. movement of tectonic C. Contact the harbor
Natural Hazard? B. environmental plates authority to verify
A. Acid rain D. socio-cultural B. changing of soil density conditions are safe for
C. Pollution 12. Which is an example of C. motion along earth’s navigation and berthing.

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

B. Oil spill socio-cultural impact? faults D. Return to the port

D. Wild fire A. insanity D. shifting of bedrocks immediately when a
13. What is drought? B. burnt skin 11. Accurate data gathering, tsunami warning has been
A. No rainfall for a long C. closing of factories recording and interpretation issued for the area.
continuous period D. religious conflict as a of data pertaining to ground 8. Which of the following
B. Heavy rainfall for a long result of sudden shaking are all components should not be done in
continuous period displacement of group of of ___________. preparation of a tsunami?
C. Moderate rainfall for a people A. hazard mapping A. Go to higher ground and
long continuous period 13. Which of the following B. earthquake away from the shore
D. None of the above should be given instrumentation immediately.
14. Which is not associated consideration in risk C. structural engineering B. Make a copy of the
with the word HAZARD? assessment? D. none of the above contact numbers of
A. Cautious A. probability and impact 12. Which of the following emergency hotlines.
C. Peril B. type of hazard and is a primary hazard caused C. Prepare things to include
B. Menace impact by an earthquake? in your emergency or
D. Risk C. severity and type of A. cracks on the ground/ survival kit.
15. These are the example hazard faults D. Practice with all your
of Natural Hazards in the D. impact and type of B. landslides family members the
Philippines EXCEPT damage/ harm C. liquefaction evacuation routes and sites
A. Avalanche 14. If the product of D. tsunami in case an evacuation is
C. Volcanic eruptions probability and impact is 12, 13. When you are inside a issued.
B. Lightning what is the descriptive building when earthquake 9. Which of the following
D. None of the above rating of a given risk? begins, you should can cause a tsunami?
A. low _______________. A. landslide

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

C. high A. Run outside immediately B. underwater earthquake

B. moderate B. Duck, cover and hold on C. volcanic eruption
D. extreme C. Go to an open space. D. all of the above
15. The higher the chance a D. Call your friends and 10. Which of the following
risk will happen and the relatives to let them know if should be done after a felt
greater the severity of the you are okay or not. earthquake while you are at
impact, the _______ is the 14.Which can be prevented the beach?
priority that should be given by reinforcing slopes and A. Immediately go to higher
to a risk. rerouting of water passages? ground.
A. higher A. landslide B. Protect yourself by doing
C. more uncertain B. liquefaction the Drop, Cover, and Hold.
B. lower C. subsidence C. Stay calm and wait for
D. less uncertain D. tsunami the roaring sound before
15.If you are at risk from evacuating.
earthquakes, what can you D. Always look behind to
do to prepare for an see if a tsunami is behind
earthquake? you.
A. Choose a safe place in 11. Which of the following
every room of your house statements about tsunamis is
like sturdy tables or desk. CORRECT?
B. Develop a family disaster A. Tsunamis are perceptible
plan. in open ocean.
C. Educate yourself on B. Tsunamis consist of just
earthquake safety measures. a huge single wave.

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

D. All of the above C. Tsunami waves can be

very long and be as far as
one hour apart.
D. Tsunamis generated in
local locations will
generally give people
enough time to move to
higher ground.
12. Which of the following
correctly describes the
sound of a tsunami?
A. cracking ice
B. exploding firecrackers
C. passing freight train
D. deafening sound of
13. Which of the following
should be done if retreating
ocean water is observed?
A. Immediately go to higher
B. Stay calm and keep on
C. Check the ocean floor

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

and the exposed reefs.

D. Watch the waves for a
sudden change in level.
14. Which of the following
should be done if you are
staying near the coastal
areas in an event of a
tsunami warning?
A. Wait for an official
evacuation order from the
B. Wait until you observe a
drawback or feel an
C. Do not panic and stay at
home or small buildings
located in low lying coastal
D. Stay in upper floors of
high, multi-story, reinforced
concrete hotels for they can
provide a safe place to find
15. Which of the following

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

should not be done if you

are in harbor during a
A. Leave your boat in the
B. Wait for the official
orders of the harbor
C. You may move your
vessel to deep water if there
is enough time.
D. Physically move to
higher ground especially in
the event of a locally
generated tsunami.
J. Additional activities for
applications or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

wish to share with other


Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval:


Teacher II Subject Group Head, STEM & ABM OIC-Assistant School
Principal, SHS


Teacher I
Approved by:
Secondary School Principal IV

Address: Boyie St. Buag Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Cellphone No.: 09059716615
Email Address: [email protected]

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