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Security System Control

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Table of Contents
Operating the System .............................................................................................. 5
Introduction .............................................................................................................5
Powering Up With the Control Station ...................................................................... 5
Control Stations ........................................................................................................ 6
Control Station Overview ..........................................................................................7
Control Station Function Keys ...................................................................................8
Secondary Function Keys ..........................................................................................8
Installer Arming and Disarming .................................................................................9
Installer On Premises ................................................................................................. 9
Trouble Conditions ................................................................................................... 9
Testing ......................................................................................................................9

Programming the Control ..................................................................................... 10

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 10
Local Programming................................................................................................. 10
Remote Programming (RPM/2) ...............................................................................10
Area Partitioning ..................................................................................................... 10
LED Control Station Programming ..........................................................................12

Installer Level Programming .................................................................................. 13

Menu Options......................................................................................................... 13
Remote Connect ...........................................................................................13
Set Clock ....................................................................................................... 13
Edit Function Map .........................................................................................14
Entering a New Value At a Location ............................................................... 14
Programming Account Code and Telephone Number Digits ......................... 15
Programming Report Codes and Attribute Fields ...........................................15
Additional Programming Notes ..................................................................... 15
Programming Zone Names ...........................................................................15
Programming User Codes .............................................................................16
Restore Factory Defaults ................................................................................17
Days Until Next Comm Test ..........................................................................17
Call RPM ....................................................................................................... 17
Program RF Data ...........................................................................................18
Programming RF Zone Devices Into the RF Gateway .......................... 18
Programming RF User Devices Into the RF Gateway ............................ 19
Programming RF Devices Into the Control Panel ................................. 19

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Function Map ......................................................................................................... 20

Area Data Descriptions ..................................................................................20
Keypad Data Descriptions .............................................................................23
Zone Data Descriptions .................................................................................25
User Data Description ...................................................................................28
Authority Levels ............................................................................................. 29
Output Definitions Description ...................................................................... 31
Bell Output Activation .........................................................................33
Programmable Output Activation ....................................................... 33
Global System Options Description ............................................................... 35
Communicator Data Description ................................................................... 37
Communication Numbers Description .......................................................... 38
Dialed Digits Allowed ..........................................................................39
Pager Telephone Numbers .................................................................. 39
Event Reporting Description ..........................................................................40
Zone Report Codes Description ..................................................................... 42
User Report Codes Description ...................................................................... 44
System Report Codes Description .................................................................. 45
Area Schedules Description ...........................................................................47
Automatic Arming ..............................................................................47
Latch Key Schedules ...........................................................................47
Programming Options ...................................................................................49
Programming Notes ............................................................................................... 50

Digital Communicator Table For Contact ID Formats ........................................... 56

UL Programming Requirements ............................................................................ 59

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listing .................................................................... 59
UL Notes In This Manual .........................................................................................59
UL Notes About Program Functions ........................................................................59
UL Notes About Zone Planning ...............................................................................60

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Operating the System

Introduction Powering Up With The Control
The Sentrol ZX400/ZX410 Security System incorpo-
rates the most desired operational features available The control comes from the manufacturer with a fac-
today. The ZX400/ZX410 features ease of installation tory set (default) program. The factory default code
and programming with an easy-to-operate keypad. for user passcode No. 1 is “1234”. This passcode is
Features such as cross-zoning, delay before dialing, and authorized to perform all user level functions. The
an audibles “mute” function on the keypad help re- default setting for the installer passcode is “9632”. The
duce false alarms. installer passcode can perform the installer level func-
tions. (See Installer Level Programming - User Data
The ZX400/ZX410 is pre-programmed at the factory Description for the listed functions). All zones and Con-
with one 2-wire smoke detector zone and twelve bur- trol Stations are assigned to Area 1 at default. The de-
glar zones (one delay, two interior, and nine instant) fault setting for user passcode No. 50 is “1245” and it
through Sentrol’s unique “2 in 1” Zoning™. is authorized to perform all user level functions. It is
assigned to both Area 1 and 2.
A Zone Expander Module (ZXEXP) may be added to
provide an additional 2-wire smoke detector zone and When a Control Station is powered-up, it briefly dis-
up to 16 additional zones. Up to 16 RF Points may be plays a test pattern followed by its data bus address.
used with the 4710 and 4720 RF Gateways. The Control Station will then begin displaying infor-
mation from the control panel. During the first fifteen
The ZX400/ZX410 Security Control is easily pro- seconds after power-up, the control panel will instruct
grammed with any one of four Control Stations (LCD, the Control Station to display the panel’s software re-
LED, SSD, or VFD). The Control’s on-board RAM main- vision and flash the AWAY, STAY, NIGHT, READY, and
tains its data even with the power disconnected. The TROUBLE LEDs.
Control may also be programmed remotely with the
aid of a personal computer (PC) and a modem using
Sentrol’s remote programming software (RPM2PRO) READY

and a panel support module (PRO400). TROUBLE

The ZX400/ZX410 Security Control allows the division

of a single system into two distinct areas, with an op-
tional common area. To the customer, each area ap- PANEL REV 2.10
pears to be a fully functional system. The common
area appears to be an extension of both areas. Each
zone must be assigned to one of the two areas or to
the common area. Each Control Station must be as- NOTE
signed to one of the two areas and may be extended Rev number may change as software
to operate in the other area as a secondary area. The is upgraded.
common area is accessible to all Control Stations.

The Control may have up to 50 user codes. Each user

passcode must be assigned to one or both of the ar-
eas, and it must also be programmed with one of the
15 different levels of authority.

Common Area is available in Rev 2.11
software and later revisions. Check
software version label or control panel
to determine revision level of soft-
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Once the zones are in a secure state, the Control Nearly every option on the control requires the use
Station displays: of a valid user passcode. The user passcode may be
used for functions in a specific area or system-wide.
READY Most of the options may be performed at any time,
even while the control is fully or partially armed. To
perform a function, a user must press the key corre-
sponding to that function and then enter a passcode
with the appropriate authority level. For purposes
A1 READY TO ARM of discussion, the installer and the end user are both
considered system users, but have different levels of
JAN 21 05:27:52 authorization.

Control Stations

READY 1 2 3 4
TROUBLE 5 6 7 8
FIRE 9 10 11 12


CANCEL 1 2 3 D
CANCEL 1 2 3

4 5 6 4 5 6

7 8 9 7 8 9


LED Control Station SSD Control Station



CANCEL 1 2 3 D
CANCEL 1 2 3

4 5 6 4 5 6

7 8 9 7 8 9


LCD Control Station VFD Control Station


FIGURE 1 System Control Stations

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Control Station Overview

For SSD, LED, LCD, and VFD Control Stations:

Away, Stay, and Night Keys These keys, followed by a passcode, arm one or both areas to the
AWAY, STAY, or NIGHT level.
Away, Stay, and Night LED’s These LEDs backlight the AWAY, STAY, and NIGHT keys to indicate the
armed level of the Control Station’s primary area. These will flash
during Exit Time or during a Burglar Alarm after Dialer Delay has ex-
Off/Cancel Key This key, followed by a valid user code, disarms an area(s), silences
and cancels alarms, and silences trouble conditions.
Instant/Enter Key This key is used in programming to store entered data. Also, when
pressed during an exit time from a STAY or NIGHT arming, this key
disables both the entry and exit times for the primary area of the
Control Station.
Keypad Audibles The piezo resonator activates for conditions including entry and exit
notification, alarm, trouble, chime, etc.
Auxiliary Keys When enabled, these keys activate the auxiliary alarms (Fire, Police,
Medical Emergency) or call a pager.
Clear/Quit Key This key is used to reset any entry error and to allow you to escape out
of an operation. To clear a “Missing Keypad”, “Memory Error”, or
“Smoke Trouble” system trouble condition or to turn off the Duress
output, press and hold the CLEAR key for three seconds.
Keyboard Backlighting The Control Station contains recessed LEDs to provide a light in dark
or dimly lit environments.
For SSD and LED Control Stations only:
Ready LED This LED indicates the status of the Burglar zones assigned to the Con-
trol Station’s primary area. It illuminates when the Burglar zones are
all secure.
Trouble LED This LED will illuminate for system troubles (AC failure, low battery,
communication failure), zone troubles, and Burglar Tamper conditions.
(See Operating the System - Trouble Conditions for a complete list of
trouble conditions).
For LED Control Stations only:
Zone Status LED’s These LEDs generally indicate the condition of zones 1 through 12.
See the ZXLED8/ZXLED12 User Guide for how the LEDs indicate the
Normal, Faulted, Bypassed, Trouble, and Alarm conditions.
These LEDs may also display system trouble conditions and program-
ming information.
Fire Zone LED This LED indicates the status of the two-wire smoke zone on the main
control board (Zone 30).
For SSD Control Stations only:
Seven Segment Display The three Seven Segment Display (SSD) characters enunciate system
status, zone status and user information. See the ZXSSD User Guide for

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Control Station Function Keys TEST KEY

8 This key allows you to perform one of the
All Control Station function keys (except the View six following tests: Walk, Battery, Bell,
Info Key) require that the function key be pressed Communications, Keypad, and RF Signal
followed by a valid passcode. The passcode’s au- Strength. After a valid passcode is en-
thority level will determine if the selected function tered, you may select the test to perform.
can be performed. While entering the passcode, PROGRAM KEY
there will be a four second time-out for no activity. 9 This key is used to enter installer or user
After the passcode has been entered, there will be a level programming. User level program-
three minute time-out for no activity. The time-out ming is described in the appropriate User
will return the Control Station to idle. The operator Guide. Installer level programming is
may press the CLEAR key at any time to return the described in Installer Level Programming.
Control Station to idle.
Below are the functions associated with keys 0 - 9 This key is used to activate a door strike
and a brief description of the functions. For details or other similar function.
on the operation of these functions, as well as on
the three arming keys, see the appropriate User
Secondary Function Keys
1 This key is used to view information and
scroll through alarm and trouble condi- The Control Station secondary function keys may
tions. A passcode is not required to per- be activated by pressing the ENTER key followed by
form this function. Key #1 through Key #6. A passcode is not required
to activate these functions. These functions are ac-
ALM MEM KEY tivated by pressing the following:
2 This key allows you to view the most re-
cent alarm event(s) on the Control Sta-
ENTER + 1 Turns Lamp Trigger Output
3 From an LED or SSD Control Station, this ENTER + 2 Turns Universal Output ON or
key will initiate printing of the Event Log. OFF
From an LCD or VFD Control Station, this
key will allow you to view the Event Log
on the Control Station or initiate print-
ENTER + 3 Quick Access from Keypad

ing the log.

BYPASS KEY ENTER + 4 Turns Key 4 Output ON or OFF
This key allows you to select zones to be
bypassed (removed from the system) and
unbypassed (restored to the system). ENTER + 5 Turns Key 5 Output ON or OFF
5 This key extends or postpones an auto-
matic arming by one hour. ENTER + 6 Turns Key 6 Output ON or OFF
6 This key turns the chime function on or Please see Installer Level Programming - Output Defi-
off for a particular area. nitions Description for more details on the operation
of these functions. The above outputs are only avail-
7 able to the user if you program them as Programmable
This key resets all latched smoked detec-
Outputs. If any of these features are made available to
tors and clears “Smoke Troubles” and
the user, please instruct the user on their operation as
”Bell Silenced”.
it is not detailed in the appropriate User Guide.
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Installer Arming and Disarming To test the Received Signal Strength of each RF Zone
Device, use Test 6 - RF Signal Strength Test. From
the Control Station press the “8” key, followed by
The installer passcode may be used to arm one or
the Installer Code (9632) and then press the “6”
both areas. It may be used to disarm one or both
key. Next press the RF Zone Device Number (13 to
areas, but only if the area was armed by the installer
28). The Control Station will display and sound the
passcode. It may be used to silence alarms and to
Received Signal Strength of the last transmission sent
silence trouble conditions. When it is used to si-
by the RF Zone Device. See results below:
lence a Burglar alarm, it will not disarm the area or
cancel the alarm unless the area was armed by the
Strong Signal (HOT or 5 Control Station beeps):
installer passcode. For a detailed description of arm-
a strong or high level RF signal was measured by the
ing and disarming procedures, see the appropriate
receiver for that location of the transmitter. This is a
User Guide.
good location for the transmitter and receiver.
Acceptable (ACC or 3 Control Station beeps): a
Installer On Premises normal or acceptable level of RF signal was mea-
sured by the receiver for that location of the trans-
When the installer passcode is used to program Func- mitter. This is a good location for the transmitter
tion Map data or User Codes on the control panel or and receiver.
RF Data on an RF Gateway, a “Local Program Begin” Low Signal (LOW or 1 Control Station beep): a low
event is logged to be reported. A “Local Program End” or not acceptable level of RF signal was measured by
event is logged to be reported 255 seconds after the the receiver for that location of the transmitter. Make
programming mode is exited or upon the CLEAR key multiple test transmissions, making sure that obstruc-
being pressed and held for three seconds. tions between the transmitter and receiver are normal
but minimized (hands away from units, metal ladders
away from receiver, etc.) during these tests. The trans-
Trouble Conditions mitter and/or receiver will need to be relocated to ob-
tain ACCEPTABLE level readings.
The possible trouble conditions are: No Signal (NO or 1 long Control Station beep):
AC Power Failure Zone Trouble no RF signal or an extremely low RF signal was mea-
Communication Failure Telco Line 1 Fault sured by the receiver for that location of the trans-
Smoke Trouble RF Point Not Reporting mitter. Bring the transmitter to the RF Gateway and
Missing Keypad Memory Error
Fire Trouble Supervisory Trouble
activate the transmitter. The red LED on the RF Gate-
RF Jamming Silenced Burglar Tamper way should blink. If it does not, then the transmitter
RF Point Low Battery Zone Missing is not working. If the red LED does blink, but the
Low/No Battery Bell 1 Fault signal strength is still NO SIGNAL, then a program-
Silenced Fire Alarm RF Point Tampering ming error exists. Check the programming of the
Call RPM Failed RF User Device Low Battery zone in both the RF Gateway and the panel. If the
Non-Telco Fault
signal strength is STRONG or ACCEPTABLE, then the
transmitter and/or receiver will need to be relocated
Refer to the Installation manual for a description of these trouble to obtain ACCEPTABLE level readings. Be sure to
power down the control to clear out all signal
strength levels before testing the transmitter at its
new location.
After testing has been completed, the RF Gateway and
The ZX400/ZX410 provides the following testing ca- RF Zone Devices should be permanently mounted.
pabilities: Walk Test, Battery Test, Bell Test, Communi-
cator Test, Keypad Test and RF Signal Strength Test. NOTE
Refer to the appropriate User Guide for instructions on
performing these tests. Always ensure that a Walk Test Series 4000 RF Gateways and
(and an RF Signal Strength Test when applicable) is transmitters which are not UL La-
performed on a new installation. beled are not allowed in UL Cer-
tificated installations.
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Programming the Control

Introduction Remote Programming (RPM/2 Pro)

The control may be programmed locally from any The entire control database can be programmed
LED, SSD, LCD, or VFD Control Station. It may also remotely through a computer and modem using a
be programmed using the remote programming remote program called RPM/2 Pro. To use RPM/2
software, RPM/2 Pro. Throughout this section, the Pro with the ZX400/ZX410, you will need RPM2PRO
Fire Auxiliary key is referred to as the “A” key and and a panel support module for the ZX400 family
the Medical Auxiliary key is referred to as the “C” (PRO400). Remote programming utilizes extensive
key. error checking and security safeguards, including
data encryption, password log-on, panel IDs and
agency codes.
Local Programming
Panel IDs are used by RPM/2 Pro to identify a con-
trol during a remote programming session. The
There are two levels of Control Station programming: agency code is used by the control to identify the
User level and Installer level. remote programmer during initialization of a remote
programming session. These codes are loaded into
User Level Programming the control by RPM/2 Pro during the first RPM/2 Pro
Provides the ability to add, change, or delete user session. They cannot be viewed by local program-
passcodes. It also allows Scheduled Arming and ming.
Latch Key operation to be changed. A user passcode
with authority level 9, 10, or 15 is required to access The panel ID and agency code work together to pre-
the user level programming (see Installer Level Pro- vent illegal takeover by another computer with RPM/2
gramming - Authority Levels). See the appropriate Pro. Once the agency code is programmed, the
User Guide for more information regarding user level control also prevents local changing of account codes
programming. and telephone numbers and disables the RESTORE
DEFAULTS function.
Installer Level Programming
Allows total customization of the control’s operat-
ing features. Only the installer code may access this
level. Anyone attempting installer level program-
Area Partitioning
ming should be familiar with the contents of this
publication prior to programming the control panel. The control may be divided (partitioned) into two
independent areas. To the customer, each area ap-
pears to be a full-featured system. This allows one
NOTE control to be shared by two independent depart-
If the installer code is lost or forgot- ments within a common structure.
ten, it may be impossible to program
the control locally. NOTE
LED Control Stations cannot have a
If remote programming is used, it is possible to “lock-
Secondary Area.
out” or prevent takeover of a control by another in-
stallation company by selecting “Lockout Local
Each area can be programmed to control separate
Prog.” This prevents the installer passcode from
outputs with a dedicated audible or annunciator. It
gaining access through local Control Station pro-
is also possible to combine the outputs of both ar-
gramming. The installer passcode may still be used
eas so that a central siren, bell or audible can be
for the non-programming functions described in
Installer Level Programming - Authority Levels. Lock- used. The audible should be positioned so that it
can be heard by all partitions. When partitioning is
out Local Prog does not affect remote program-
not desired, simply designate all zones to a single
area (Area 1).

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An example of a partitioning application is a busi- Arming and disarming operations with a common
ness that is divided into two departments with both area are the same as without a common area, ex-
departments occupied by a different manager. The cept that when an area is armed in the AWAY mode,
control communicator would be installed in a se- all common area zones may need to be secure.
cure area (common utility closet) with dedicated and Common area zones may not be force-armed, but
uninterrupted AC power and telephone service. This they may be bypassed. Common area zones may
must be considered when planning the control panel be violated while either of the two areas is in Exit or
position as the power and phone service to a tenant Entry time countdown.
may be terminated if that tenant leaves.
Maximum Zones = 30
Each tenant’s compartment is assigned an area with a Up to 28 zones may be assigned to either area or
number of zones, codes, and Control Stations. When the common area (fire zones are system-wide and
an area experiences an alarm or other event, the adja- have no area assignment).
cent system area is not alerted to the event since the
Control Station would be programmed to respond only Maximum Users = 50
to events in the assigned area (see Table 1). Any number of users may be assigned to either or
both areas.
Another programming feature is the ability to allow
crossover between areas. This allows the user(s) from Maximum Supervised Control Stations = 6
one area to operate the other area from a desig- SSD, LCD, and VFD Control Stations can be assigned
nated Control Station. Programming is discussed in to operate in both areas if desired. LED Control Sta-
detail later in this manual. By factory default, users tions can only be assigned to operate in either Area
are only allowed to see and operate their primary 1 or Area 2.
assigned area. Multi-area operation may be useful
for applications where the security system is installed When reporting to the Central Station, the control
in a facility that is divided into departments. Each has three sets of Account Numbers. One set for sys-
department has a set of users who are responsible tem events, one set for Area 1 events and one set for
for arming and disarming only the security system Area 2 events. Examples of System events include:
to which they are assigned. If desired, the system Fire Alarms and Troubles, Common Area Burglar
may be set up to allow one or more users to have Alarms, AC Power Failure, Low Battery and automatic
control over both areas (see Table 2). tests. Examples of Area 1 or Area 2 events include:
Burglar Alarms, Holdup Alarms, Opening/Closings.
Another programming feature is common area bur-
glar zones (see Operating the System - Introduction). All events are grouped into several categories with
These zones may be used when a system needs to each category having options of reporting to receiver
be configured with two separate areas of protection A, receiver B and/or a Pager.
and a common area. For example, an office build-
ing with two separate offices and a common lobby.
The lobby (or common area) only gets armed when
both areas are armed in the AWAY mode. When one
area is armed in the AWAY mode, the common area
becomes an extension of the other area. When ei-
ther area is disarmed, the common area also is dis-
armed. Faulted common area zones may be viewed
on all Control Stations.

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System Account Numbers Area 1 Account Numbers Area 2 Account Numbers

Fire Zone 30 Burglar Zones 1 - 3 Burglar Zones 4 - 6

Users 1 - 3 Users 4 - 6

Control Stations 1 & 2 Control Stations 3 & 4

Table 1 Two Separate Areas


System Account Numbers Area 1 Account Numbers Area 2 Account Numbers

Common Burglar Zones 7 & 8 Burglar Zones 1 - 3 Burglar Zones 4 - 6

Fire Zone 30 Users 1 - 3, 7 Users 4 - 7

Control Stations 1, 2, 5 Control Stations 3 - 5

Table 2 Two Areas with Two Common Burglar Zones (Zones 7 & 8)
A Multi-Area User Code (User 7) and a Multi-Area Control Station (Keypad 5)

LED Control Station Programming

When in programming mode, an LED Control Sta- that hexadecimal digit will be displayed in binary
tion will mimic what is displayed on an SSD Control on the appropriate row of LEDs. See the Installer
Station. The top row of LEDs will correspond to the Level Programming section for programming with
first SSD character, the second row to the second the Control Station. It will also show examples of
SSD character and the third row to the third SSD SSD, LCD, or VFD Control Station displays. There are
character. If an SSD character is 1 - 9 or A - F, then no examples for LED Control Stations (see Figure 2).

Value Display
1 2 4 8
ZONE LEDs (1 - 4)
Display hexadecimal value 3
READY 1 2 3 4 corrresponding to left digit on SSD 4
Control Station (shown is '5') 5
TROUBLE LEDs TROUBLE 5 6 7 8 ZONE LEDs (5 - 8) 7
Flash indicating that the Display hexadecimal value of 8
control is in programming FIRE 9 10 11 12 center digit (shown is '6') 9
mode 10 (“A”)
ZONE LEDs (9 - 12) 11 (“B”)
Display hexadecimal value of 12 (“C”)
right digit (shown is '3') 13 (“D”)
14 (“E”)
15 (“F”)

Figure 2 LED Display

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Installer Level Programming

Menu Options Set Clock

This section will describe Installer Level Programming Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to
as performed locally from a Control Station. enter programming mode. Press the ‘2’ key for Set
Clock programming. The Control Station will go
To enter Installer Level Programming, press the PRO- into clock set mode.
GRAM (9) key and enter the installer passcode (de-
fault = 9632). The Control Station will then prompt The SSD Control Station will have a Set Clock prompt
you to select a programming option from 1 to 9 display. The LCD and VFD Control Station will dis-
where: play the current hour, minute, month, day, and year
(HH:MM MM/DD/YY). The zone LEDs on an LED
1 = REMOTE CONNECT Control Station will remain off. The hour must be
entered in 24-hour format.
The operator may start entering numbers from the
9 = PROGRAM RF DATA first hour digit. As a number is entered, it is dis-
played and the cursor automatically moves to the
next position on the LCD and VFD Control Station.
Remote Connect When a digit is entered, the Control Station will dis-
Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to
enter programming mode. Press the ‘1’ key to per-
form a Remote Connect. The control will seize the
telephone line and the Control Station will return to
idle. This feature is used to manually connect the
control to a remote programming computer. 24:58 02/11/96
If the CLEAR key is pressed, the cursor will move
back to the first hour digit and any changes that
were entered will be erased, i.e.: the current time
REMOTE CONNECT and date will be re-displayed. If the CLEAR key is
pressed and no changes have been entered, the
Control Station will return to idle with no changes
to the time or date.

14:58 02/11/96

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Entering a New Value at a Location

If the ENTER key is pressed, all changes that were
entered will be range checked. The entire time and While the Control Station is displaying the value at a
date need not be entered. Any fields that are not location, you can enter digits to change the value at
entered will remain unchanged. If the data entered that location. The new value is displayed as you
is within range parameters, the clock will be updated enter the digits. Other keys work as follows:
and the Control Station will return to idle. A “Begin
Set Clock” event will indicate the time before the ENTER - if pressed after new digits are entered,
change and an “End Set Clock” event will indicate the displayed value is stored at the
the time after the change. If the entered data is out current location.
of range, the Control Station will indicate an error, - if pressed with no new digits entered,
erase the previous entries and re-display the current then it will go to the next location.
time and date.
‘C’ Key - if pressed, it will go back one loca-
tion and ignore any digits entered.

CLEAR - if pressed after new digits are entered,

the new digits will be erased and the
INVALID SETTING original value will be re-displayed at
the location.
- if pressed with no new digits entered,
then it will return to the LOCATION
Edit Function Map
OFF CANCEL - on an LED or SSD Control Station, it
Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to will momentarily display the present
enter programming mode. Press the ‘3’ key to en- location number.
ter Edit Function Map mode. The Control Station
will prompt you for a location to be programmed.
The location numbers, definitions, and valid entries
for the locations are described in the Installer Level NOTE
Programming - Function Map section. From this When you press the ENTER key to
mode, you may edit the entire Function Map ex- store the new value, the system will
cept for User Codes and Zone Names. Editing Zone store the value as entered. It is the
Names is described in the Installer Level Program- responsibility of the programmer to
ming - Programming Zone Names section. Editing enter a value within the specified
User Codes is described in the Installer Level Pro- range. If the value entered is out of
gramming - Programming User Codes section. the range, then undesirable operation
may occur. In some cases, if the value
From the LOCATION prompt, enter digits for the entered is too large, it will be trun-
desired location number. The digits entered will be cated before it is stored causing a dif-
displayed. If more than three digits are entered, the ferent value to be stored than was
first digit entered will be discarded. If you make a entered.
mistake, you may press the CLEAR key to clear out
the location and start over. When the desired loca-
tion number is displayed, press the ENTER key. The
Control Station will then display the current value
programmed at that location.

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Programming Account Code and As in programming normal fields, if too many digits
Telephone Number Digits are entered, the first digit entered will be discarded.
The ENTER, OFF CANCEL, ‘C’, and CLEAR keys will
When the location being programmed is an account work the same as described above.
code or telephone number digit (see Installer Level
Programming - Communication Telephone Numbers
Description and Area Event Reporting Description), Additional Programming Notes
the value will be displayed as an “H” followed by a
single digit. The “H” indicates that this location is a To exit out of Edit Function Map mode and return
Hexadecimal field. The valid entries for these loca- the Control Station to the idle state, press the CLEAR
tions are “0” through “F”, where A - F correspond key from the LOCATION prompt. (You may need to
to 10 - 15 respectively. press the CLEAR key several times to get to the LO-
CATION prompt). An “End Local Programming”
To program a digit, enter digits as normal. To enter event will not be logged until 255 seconds after you
an A - F, enter a ‘1’ followed by a ‘0’ through ‘5’. exit programming mode. This is to allow you to
exit and re-enter programming mode repeatedly
As in programming normal fields, if too many digits without logging each one. To force an “End Local
are entered, the first digit entered will be discarded. Programming” event to be logged, immediately (i.e.:
The ENTER, OFF CANCEL, ‘C’, and CLEAR keys will to have it reported to the Central Station), press and
work the same as described above. hold the CLEAR key for three seconds.

When programming the value at the last program-

Programming Report Codes and Attribute ming location, the Control Station will return to the
Fields LOCATION prompt if the ENTER key is pressed.

When the location being programmed is a report If the panel has been programmed from RPM/2 Pro
code (see Installer Level Programming - Zone Re- and the Agency Code has been loaded into the panel,
port Codes Description thru System Report Codes then the locations corresponding to the telephone
Description) or an attribute field (see Installer Level numbers and account codes will not be editable.
Programming - Area Data Descriptions thru Zone
Data Descriptions and System Report Codes Descrip-
tion thru Area Schedules Description), the value will Programming Zone Names
be displayed as an “H” followed by two digits. The
“H” indicates that this location is a Hexadecimal field. Only the LCD and VFD Control Station may be used
The valid entries for these locations are “00” through to program zone names. Press the ‘9’ key and enter
“FF”, where A - F correspond with 10 - 15 respec- the installer passcode to enter programming mode.
tively. The Control Station display will automatically Press the ‘4’ key to program the zone names. The
display the hexadecimal value. Control Station will prompt you for a Zone ID to be
programmed. The valid Zone IDs are 1 to 30.
To program one of these locations, enter digits as
normal. To display a ‘1’ in the first digit location, Enter a number corresponding to the Zone ID and
you must enter a ‘0’ before the ‘1’, i.e. ‘01’ displays press ENTER. Once a valid Zone ID is selected, the
a ‘1’. To enter an A - F, enter a ‘1’ followed by a ‘0’ control will display the Zone ID and the current Zone
through ‘5’. For example: Name with the cursor on the first character. Press
the key associated with each character. Each keypress
Enter To Get will change the display to the next character listed
1-2-3 C3 for that key. The characters available for program-
0-1-2 12 ming the Zone Names are located on the next page.
1-8 18
0-1-1-0 1A
1-2 0C
2-1 21

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Key #1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ Programming User Codes

Key #2 A B C
The installer passcode has the authority to program
Key #3 D E F user passcodes locally if Lockout Local Installer Pro-
gramming is disabled. The control may be pro-
Key #4 G H I grammed with up to 50 user passcodes. See Installer
Level Programming - User Data Description for in-
Key #5 J K L structions on setting the authority level and area as-
Key #6 MNO signment for each passcode. To program or change
a user passcode:
Key #7 P Q R S
1. Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode
Key #8 T U V to enter programming mode.
Key #9 W X Y Z [ ¥ ] ^ _ 2. Press the ‘5’ key to Program User Codes. The
Control Station will prompt you to enter the User
Key #0 space ! “ # $ % & ‘ * + , - . / ID of the passcode that you wish to program.
‘A’ Key Used to move the cursor back one position 3. Enter the ID number and press the ENTER key.

‘C’ Key Used to move the cursor forward one position 4. Enter the new four-digit passcode. The Control
Station will beep twice and return to the User ID
If the ENTER or CLEAR key is pressed and no changes 5. Enter a new ID number or press the CLEAR key
have been made, the Control Station will return to to exit.
the Zone ID prompt. If the CLEAR key is pressed
and changes have been made, all changes will be The entire passcode is displayed on an LCD/VFD
cleared and the Control Station will return to dis- Control Station. Only one digit at a time is displayed
playing the original Zone Name. To save any changes on an SSD Control Station. To view the existing
made to the Zone Name, press the ENTER key. The passcode on an SSD Control Station, press the EN-
Control Station will return to the Zone ID prompt. TER key after each digit is displayed.
Press the CLEAR key to return to idle.
If the new passcode being entered is a duplicate of
an existing one, the Control Station will sound an
error tone and return to the first digit location so
that you may try again. To make a User passcode
inoperable, enter “0000” as the new four-digit

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Restore Factory Defaults Days Until Next Comm Test

This function provides a means to completely wipe The scheduling of Automatic Communications Tests
out the panel’s memory and restore it to a factory requires programming a “Comm Test Time-of-Day”
default state. If successfully completed, the panel and the number of “Days Between Comm Tests” as
will: described in Installer Level Programming - Commu-
nicator Data Description. If “Days Between Comm
• default the entire Function Map (including Zone Tests” is zero, then no automatic comm tests will
Names and User Passcodes) occur. Otherwise, a comm test will occur when a
• clear the Event Log and log a “System Startup” Days Until the Next Comm Test counter ticks down
event to zero. This function allows you to view that Days
• clear all alarm, trouble and armed conditions counter. If the value displayed is zero or one, then
• not affect the System Clock (time and date) the next comm test will occur at the next “Comm
• not affect data programmed in the RF Gateway(s) Test Time-of-Day”. This function also allows you to
change the number of Days Until the Next Comm
If the panel has been programmed from RPM/2 Pro Test.
and the Agency Code has been loaded into the panel,
then this function will be disabled. Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to
enter programming mode. Press the ‘7’ key to en-
Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to ter Days Until Next Comm Test programming. The
enter programming mode. Press the ‘6’ key to en- Control Station will display the number of days until
ter Restore Factory Defaults mode. The Control Sta- the next scheduled comm test.
tion will prompt you to select the default mode.
To change this value, enter a number between 0
and 255. If a mistake is made, press the CLEAR key
to start over. If a number greater than 255 is en-
tered, the first digit entered will be discarded. When
the desired number of days is displayed, press the
ENT 0=STANDARD ENTER key. The Control Station will return to idle.
1=COMM FIRE To exit out of this function without adjusting the
number of days, press the CLEAR key.

For a ZX400 or ZX410, enter 0. For a ZX440F, enter

1. To convert a ZX410 to a ZX440F with a ZXCFK Call RPM
(Commercial Fire Kit), you must default the panel
with option 1. Once the default mode is selected, This option is not available at this time.
the Control Station will prompt you to re-enter the
installer passcode for verification.

If it is entered correctly, the Control Station will go
back to the system powering up display.

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Program RF Data

In order for an RF Zone Device or RF User Device to After the last digit is entered, the data is sent to the
be received by an RF Gateway, the address of the RF RF Gateway and is confirmed and the Control Sta-
Device must be programmed into the RF Gateway tion returns to the RF Device selection prompt. If
(as described in the next two sections). The ZX400/ the data is successfully loaded into the RF Gateway,
ZX410 can support up to 12 RF User Devices per RF the Control Station beeps twice. If the RF Gateway
Gateway and up to 16 RF Zones. The 16 RF Zones does not respond, the Control Station sounds an
are programmed into the RF Gateways as devices error tone and briefly displays an error message.
13-28 corresponding to zones 13-28. The 12 RF Check the data bus connections to the RF Gateway.
User Devices are programmed into a RF Gateway as If the 8 digit number entered for the RF Zone is al-
devices 1-12 in any order (there is no correlation ready stored in the RF Gateway for another zone,
between these devices and the Control Panel’s con- the Control Station sounds an error tone and briefly
figuration data). The 4710 RF Gateway is restricted displays a message indicating the duplicate zone.
to devices 13-20 for zones 13-20 and devices 1-6
for six RF User Devices. From the RF Device prompt, select another RF Zone
Device or press the CLEAR key to return to the RF
Gateway prompt. From the RF Gateway prompt you
Programming RF Zone Devices Into the RF can switch to program the other RF Gateway (if ap-
Gateway plicable) or press the CLEAR key to exit.

Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to One RF Zone Device may be programmed into both
enter programming mode. Press the ‘9’ key to Pro- RF Gateways, but it must be programmed into a dif-
gram RF Data. The Control Station prompts you to ferent zone on each gateway. When programming
select an RF Gateway to program. Press ‘1’ or ‘2’. RF Zone Data into two RF Gateways, be sure to note
The Control Station then prompts you to select an which zones are programmed into each RF Gate-
RF Device to program. way. When the zones are then programmed into
the Control Panel, select the correct RF Gateway as
Enter 13 thru 28 to select an RF Zone and press the Expansion Device for that zone.
ENTER. The Control Station displays the eight dig-
its that are currently programmed in the RF Gate-
way for that zone. For each digit, you may program Programming RF User Devices Into the RF
a new value by pressing a digit key. The Control Gateway
Station will automatically move to the next digit.
To move to the next digit without changing the cur- Press the ‘9’ key and enter the installer passcode to
rent digit, press the ENTER key. enter programming mode. Press the ‘9’ key to Pro-
gram RF Data. The Control Station prompts you to
The first digit to enter is the Supervision setting select an RF Gateway to program. Press ‘1’ or ‘2’.
where: The Control Station then prompts you to select an
RF Device to program.
0 = Unsupervised
1 = 200 Seconds Enter 1 thru 12 to select an RF User Device and press
2 = 1 Hour ENTER. The Control Station displays the eight dig-
3 = 4 Hours its that are currently programmed in the RF Gate-
4 = 24 Hours way for that device. For each digit, you may pro-
gram a new value by pressing a digit key. The Con-
The next seven digits to enter come directly off of a trol Station will automatically move to the next digit.
label on the RF Device. To move to the next digit without changing the cur-
rent digit, press the ENTER key.
If you make a mistake while entering the eight dig-
The first digit to enter assigns the RF User Device to
its, press the CLEAR key and the Control Station re-
a keypad. This is required to determine the area of
turns to the first digit.
operation of the RF User Device and for the Access
function. Enter ‘1’ thru ‘6’ for a keypad assignment.

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The second digit to enter defines the operation of Programming RF Devices Into the Control Panel
the key(s) on the RF User Device, where:
After the RF Devices have been programmed into
the RF Gateway, they must also be programmed in
the Control Panel. The programming options for the
Control Panel’s Function Map are described in In-
1 AWAY STAY NIGHT OFF/CANCEL staller Level Programming - Function Map. When
2 AWAY STAY ACCESS OFF/CANCEL RF Devices are used in an installation, be sure to con-
sider the following:

4 AWAY STAY AUX/MED OFF/CANCEL For an RF Zone Device, the zone data described in
Installer Level Programming - Zone Data Descrip-
tions must be programmed for the selected zone.
6 AWAY PANIC/HOLDUP ENTER 4 OFF/CANCEL The Zone Type, Area Number and Burglar Zone At-
7 STAY PANIC/HOLDUP ENTER 4 OFF/CANCEL tributes locations are programmed as usual. The
Expansion Device location must be set to the ap-
propriate RF Gateway for the zone. The first digit of
9 AWAY ENTER 4 ENTER 6 OFF/CANCEL Zone Attributes location doesn’t need to be pro-
grammed because it is ignored for Wireless Zones,
but the second digit must be programmed as usual.
The next six digits to enter come directly off of a
label on the RF User Device. For an RF User Device, a user passcode must be cre-
ated that consists of the last four digits of the RF
If you make a mistake while entering the eight dig- Device’s address (see Installer Level Programming -
its, press the CLEAR key and the Control Station re- Programming User Codes). An appropriate author-
turns to the first digit. ity level and area assignment must also be pro-
grammed for that user (see Installer Level Program-
After the last digit is entered, the data is sent to the ming - User Data Description). It is also required that
RF Gateway and is confirmed and the Control Sta- either the area assignment of the user passcode or
tion returns to the RF Device selection prompt. If the area assignment of the associated keypad must
the data is successfully loaded into the RF Gateway, be a single area (i.e. an RF User Device on an RF
the Control Station beeps twice. If the RF Gateway Gateway can only operate on one area). An RF User
does not respond, the Control Station sounds an Device can be programmed into two RF Gateways
error tone and briefly displays an error message. with different keypad assignments on each. If the
Check the data bus connections to the RF Gateway. device’s passcode is operational in both areas and
If the 8 digit number entered for the RF User Device is the keypad on one RF Gateway is operational in one
already stored in the RF Gateway for another device, area and the keypad on the other RF Gateway is
the Control Station sounds an error tone and briefly operational on the other area, then the RF User De-
displays a message indicating the duplicate device. vice can operate on either area depending on which
RF Gateway detects it.
From the RF Device prompt, select another RF User
Device or press the CLEAR key to return to the RF NOTE
Gateway prompt. From the RF Gateway prompt you
can switch to program the other RF Gateway (if ap- For UL 1637 Home Health Care, RF
plicable) or press the CLEAR key to exit. In most User Devices may only be assigned
cases, you can program an RF User device into both to user passcodes 1-30.
RF Gateways.

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Function Map

To edit the Function Map, press the PROGRAM (9)

key, enter the installer passcode, and press the ‘3’
key to select the Edit Function Map programming
option. The Control Station will prompt for a loca-
tion to be programmed. All function map locations
can be programmed except for user codes and zone
When entering values into the pro-
gramming locations, it is possible to
enter values which exceed the valid
range of the programmed options. It
is the responsibility of the installer to
ensure the correct value of any entry
programmed into the control. The
valid entries for each location are de-
tailed in the following sections.

Area Data Descriptions

The following table refers to programming locations

1 through 20.


AWAY Exit Delay Time 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds for all Burglar zones, may be audibly annunci-
ated. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 1).

STAY & NIGHT Exit Time 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds for all Burglar zones, always silent.

Entry Delay Time 1 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds to enter Burglar zones defined as Delay #1, may be
audibly annunciated. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 1A).

Entry Delay Time 2 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds to enter Burglar zones defined as Delay #2, may
be audibly annunciated.

Pre-Alarm Warning Time 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds to correct a false alarm, always audible.
(See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 2).

Panic Key Alarms 00 to 33 The first digit defines the annunciation of an alarm activated by
(see the Panic Key Table) the Police key. The second digit defines the annunciation of an
alarm activated by the Medical/Emergency key. Either key may
also be used to initiate a call to a pager.

Closing Ringback 0 = Ringback Output Determines how the system annunciates the successful trans-
1 = Ringback Output and mission of an AWAY closing report to the Central Station.
2 = Ringback Output, Bell
Output and Keypads

Burglar Audible Lockout 0 = No Lockout Determines the number of times that a Bell Output may be acti-
1 to 15 = Alarms for an Area vated during an armed cycle, resets with disarm.

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Swinger Shunt 0 = No Shunt Determines the number of violations that may occur from an
1 to 15 = Violations for a Zone armed burglar zone before that zone is automatically bypassed.

Area Attributes 00 to FF • Bypassing - enables selective bypassing of any zone that is de-
(see the Area Attribute Table) fined as bypassable in this area.
• Force-Arming - permits arming of the area with zones faulted.
Faulted zones are temporarily bypassed and return to opera-
tion if the fault is corrected. Only zones that are defined as
bypassable may be force-armed. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog.
Notes, Note 4).
• Exit Arm - (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 3).
• 3 Second Panic Keys - requires all panic keys to be pressed and
held for approximately 3 seconds in order to activate alarm
condition. Only pertains to Control Stations that are Primary
to this area.
• Double Press Panic Keys - requires all panic keys to be pressed
twice within one second to activate. Only pertains to Control
Stations that are Primary to this area.
• Two Button Arm - enables quick arming by pressing AWAY,
STAY, or NIGHT followed by the ENTER key. Cannot be used
with force-arming.
• Double Press Arm - enables quick arming by pressing AWAY,
STAY, or NIGHT twice. Cannot be used with force-arming.
• Open After Alarm - enables opening reports to be reported
only if they occur after an alarm. All “opening” events will be
logged in the Event Log regardless of setting.
• Display Bypass Armed - when armed in STAY or NIGHT mode
with bypassed or force-armed zones, Control Stations with the
area as the Primary area will indicate that there are zones that
are bypassed.

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Area Data Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default
AWAY Exit Time (sec) [1] 60 [11] 60

STAY/NIGHT Exit Time (sec) [2] 60 [12] 60

Entry Time 1 (sec) [3] 20 [13] 20

Entry Time 2 (sec) [4] 40 [14] 40

Pre-Alarm Time (sec) [5] 0 [15] 0

Panic Key Alarms [6] H-21 [16] H-21

Closing Ringback [7] 0 [17] 0

Burglar Audible Lockout [8] 0 [18] 0

Swinger Shunt [9] 0 [19] 0

Area Attributes [10] H-09 [20] H-09

Panic Key Table

0 = No Keypad Sounder or Bell Output (invisible) 0 = No Keypad Sounder or Bell Output (visible)

1 = Keypad Sounder Only 1 = Keypad Sounder Only

2 = Keypad Sounder and Bell Output 2 = Keypad Sounder and Bell Output

3 = Call Pager, No Alarm 3 = Call Pager, No Alarm

If the First Digit entered is ’1‘, it must be entered as ’01‘

Area Attribute Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
All Features Below Disabled •
Two Button Arm • • •
• • • • •
Double Button Press Arm • • • • • •
• •
Open After Alarm • • • • • • • •
Display Bypassed Armed • • • • • • • •
Double Press Panic Keys • • • • • • • •
Bypass • • • • • • • •
Force-Arm • • • • • •
• •
Exit Arm • • • • • • • •
3 Second Panic Keys • • • • • • • •
If the First Digit entered is ‘1’, it must be entered as ‘01’. A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; E = 14; F = 15

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Keypad Data Descriptions

Keypad Data Default Table


Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default


Keypad Attribute [21] H-1C [23] H-1C [25] H-1C [27] H-1C [29] H-1C [31] H-1E

Access Time (sec) [22] 5 [24] 5 [26] 5 [28] 5 [30] 5 [32] 5

The following table refers to programming locations

21 through 32.
Keypad Attributes 00 to FF • Primary Area 1 or 2 - determines which area the Control
(see the Keypad Attribute table.) Station’s status indicator will reflect and which area the Con-
trol Station will display area status for when it is idle.
• Secondary Area Enabled - (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes,
Note 5).
• ‘A’ Key Enabled - defines if the Fire key is to be enabled at this
Control Station.
• ‘B’ Key Enabled - defines if the Police key is to be enabled at
this Control Station.
• ‘C’ Key Enabled - defines if the Medical/Emergency key is to
be enabled at this Control Station.
• Silent Exit Time - silences the exit alert at the Control Station.
• Silent Entry Time - silences the entry alert at the Control Sta-
tion. This does not affect Pre-Alarm Warning Time.
• Silent Trouble - silences the trouble conditions at the Control

Access Time 0 = Toggle • Time in seconds for an access output activated from this Con-
1 - 255 seconds trol Station. Toggle access feature allows the output to latch
• All access outputs assigned to this Control Station are affected
when the access function and a valid code is entered for this
Control Station (See Inst. Level Prog. - Output Definitions De-
scription). It is not area dependent. Typically used to activate
electrically operated door strikes.

This control is not a UL Listed Access Control System. The access feature should not be used in UL
Listed installations.

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Keypad Attribute Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
All Features Below Disabled •
‘C’ Key Enabled • • •• • • • •
Silent Exit Time • • • • • •
• •
Silent Entry Time • • • • • • • •
Silent Troubles • • • • • • • •
Primary Area 1 • • •
Primary Area 2 • • • •
Primary Area 1, Secondary Area 2 • • • •
Primary Area 2, Secondary Area 1 • • ••
‘A’ Key Enabled • • • • • • • •
‘B’ Key Enabled • • • • • • • •
If the First Digit entered is ‘1’, it must be entered as ‘01’. A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; E = 14; F = 15

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Zone Data Descriptions

Zone Data Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default

Zone 01 [33] 1 [34] 1 [35] H-0D [36] H-37

Zone 02 [37] 1 [38] 1 [39] H-03 [40] H-37
Zone 03 [41] 1 [42] 1 [43] H-03 [44] H-37
Zone 04 [45] 1 [46] 1 [47] H-0C [48] H-37
Zone 05 [49] 1 [50] 1 [51] H-0C [52] H-37
Zone 06 [53] 1 [54] 1 [55] H-0C [56] H-37
Zone 07 [57] 1 [58] 1 [59] H-0C [60] H-37
Zone 08 [61] 1 [62] 1 [63] H-0C [64] H-37
Zone 09 [65] 1 [66] 1 [67] H-0C [68] H-37
Zone 10 [69] 1 [70] 1 [71] H-0C [72] H-37
Zone 11 [73] 1 [74] 1 [75] H-0C [76] H-37
Zone 12 [77] 1 [78] 1 [79] H-0C [80] H-37
Zone 13 [81] 1 [82] 0 [83] 0 [84] H-0C [85] H-37
Zone 14 [86] 1 [87] 0 [88] 0 [89] H-0C [90] H-37
Zone 15 [91] 1 [92] 0 [93] 0 [94] H-0C [95] H-37
Zone 16 [96] 1 [97] 0 [98] 0 [99] H-0C [100] H-37
Zone 17 [101] 1 [102] 0 [103] 0 [104] H-0C [105] H-37
Zone 18 [106] 1 [107] 0 [108] 0 [109] H-0C [110] H-37
Zone 19 [111] 1 [112] 0 [113] 0 [114] H-0C [115] H-37
Zone 20 [116] 1 [117] 0 [118] 0 [119] H-0C [120] H-37
Zone 21 [121] 1 [122] 0 [123] 0 [124] H-0C [125] H-37
Zone 22 [126] 1 [127] 0 [128] 0 [129] H-0C [130] H-37
Zone 23 [131] 1 [132] 0 [133] 0 [134] H-0C [135] H-37
Zone 24 [136] 1 [137] 0 [138] 0 [139] H-0C [140] H-37
Zone 25 [141] 1 [142] 0 [143] 0 [144] H-0C [145] H-37
Zone 26 [146] 1 [147] 0 [148] 0 [149] H-0C [150] H-37
Zone 27 [151] 1 [152] 0 [153] 0 [154] H-0C [155] H-37
Zone 28 [156] 1 [157] 0 [158] 0 [159] H-0C [160] H-37
Zone 29* [161] 0 [162] H-63
Zone 30** [163] 2 [164] H-63

* Zone 29 is the Two-Wire Smoke Zone on the ZXEXP Module

** Zone 30 is the Two-Wire Smoke Zone on the Control Board

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The following table refers to programming locations

33 - 164.

Zone Type 0 = Not Used

1 = Burglar
2 = 24 Hour Fire
3 = 24 Hour Holdup
Note: Zone 29 & 30 may 4 = 24 Hour Auxiliary
only be programmed as 5 = Momentary Keyswitch
24 Hour Fire, Verified (Arm AWAY/Disarm)
Fire, Fire Supervisory or 6 = 24 Hour Communicator • Critical Condition Monitor (CCM), no local display.
Not Used; any other will 7 = 24 Hour Burglar Tamper
be interpreted as Not 8 = Universal • May be used to activate an output that is programmed as Uni-
Used. All other zones 9 = Universal Logged versal. Only the Universal Logged is posted in the Event Log
may be programmed as when activated. No events are reported to the Central Station.
any zone type.
10 = Verified Fire • Upon activation, control resets switched smoke power. The
loop is ignored for 30 seconds. Subsequent activation within
the next 60 seconds causes an alarm.

11 = Fire Supervisory
12 = Listen-In Module Input • See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 11.
13 = Reserved
14 = 24 Hour Non-Alarm • Communicator with local display.

Area Number 0 = Disable • Determines which area the zone belongs to. Fire zones are
1 = Area 1 visible to both areas regardless of settings. Only Burglar zones
2 = Area 2 may be assigned to the Common Area (see Operating the
3 = Common Area System - Introduction).

Expansion Device 0 = ZXEXP • Determines which data bus device the system will poll to get
1 = RF Gateway 1 the zone’s status data.
2 = RF Gateway 2
3 = ZEM

Burglar Zone Attributes 00 to FF • See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 2, 6, and 7 for a
(see the Burglar Zone complete description of the Burglar Zone Attributes.
Attribute Table)

Zone Attributes 00 to FF • Bell Output on Alarm - determines if Bell Output activates

(see the Zone Attribute Table) due to an alarm from the zone. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog.
Notes, Note 8).
• Keypad Sounder on Alarm - determines if Control Station
sounder activates due to an alarm from the zone. (See Inst.
Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 8).
• Bypassable - determines if a zone may be bypassed or force-
armed. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 9).
• Secure Watch - (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 10).
• Zone Supervision - determines how opens and shorts are
• Fast Zones - only applies to zones 1 - 12. A Fast Zone on
zones 1 - 6 has a loop response time of 80 msec. A Fast Zone
on zones 7 - 12 has a loop response time of 20 msec.

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Burglar Zone Attribute Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Standard (all below disabled) •
Chime Always • • •
• • •• •
Verifying • • • • • •
• •
Self-Verifying • • • • • • • •
Sentry Test • • • • • • • •
SECOND DIGIT Armed AWAY only Armed AWAY & Armed AWAY & Armed AWAY, STAY &
(interior) STAY NIGHT NIGHT (perimeter)
Instant • • • •
Delay 1 • • • •
Delay 2 • • • •
Follower • • • •
Arm STAY • • • • • • • •
Arm NIGHT • • • • • • • •

Zone Attribute Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Invalid • •
Alarm on Open - No Trouble
(EOL optional) • •
Alarm on Short - No Trouble
(EOL optional) • •
Alarm on Open or Short - No Trouble
(with EOL) • •
Trouble on Open or Short • •
Alarm on Open - Trouble on Short • •
Alarm on Short - Trouble on Open • •
Alarm on Open or Short - Trouble
on Open when disarmed (Burg only) • •
Fast Zones • • • • • • •
All Features Below Disabled •
Bell Output on Alarm • • •• • •• •
Keypad Sounder • • • • • •
• •
Bypassable • • • • • • • •
Secure Watch • • • • • • • •
If the First Digit entered is ‘1’, it must be entered as ‘01’. A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; E = 14; F = 15
• The first digit of the zone attribute is ignored for RF and ZEM zones.
• The only valid zone attributes for Zones 29 and 30 are ‘63’, ‘65’, ‘66’ and ‘67’.

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User Data Description

The user data block is used to set the level of au-

thority that determines the level of activity the user
can perform on the control and the areas that a par-
ticular user can perform operations on. The
passcodes associated with each user may be pro-
grammed as described in Installer Level Program-
ming - Programming User Codes.

User Data Code Default Table

Default Loc Default Loc Default Default Loc Default Loc Default

User 01 1234 [165] 10 [166] 1 User 26 0000 [215] 6 [216] 1

User 02 0000 [167] 6 [168] 1 User 27 0000 [217] 6 [218] 1

User 03 0000 [169] 6 [170] 1 User 28 0000 [219] 6 [220] 1

User 04 0000 [171] 6 [172] 1 User 29 0000 [221] 6 [222] 1

User 05 0000 [173] 6 [174] 1 User 30 0000 [223] 6 [224] 1

User 06 0000 [175] 6 [176] 1 User 31 0000 [225] 6 [226] 1

User 07 0000 [177] 6 [178] 1 User 32 0000 [227] 6 [228] 1

User 08 0000 [179] 6 [180] 1 User 33 0000 [229] 6 [230] 1

User 09 0000 [181] 6 [182] 1 User 34 0000 [231] 6 [232] 1

User 10 0000 [183] 6 [184] 1 User 35 0000 [233] 6 [234] 1

User 11 0000 [185] 6 [186] 1 User 36 0000 [235] 6 [236] 1

User 12 0000 [187] 6 [188] 1 User 37 0000 [237] 6 [238] 1

User 13 0000 [189] 6 [190] 1 User 38 0000 [239] 6 [240] 1

User 14 0000 [191] 6 [192] 1 User 39 0000 [241] 6 [242] 1

User 15 0000 [193] 6 [194] 1 User 40 0000 [243] 6 [244] 1

User 16 0000 [195] 6 [196] 1 User 41 0000 [245] 6 [246] 1

User 17 0000 [197] 6 [198] 1 User 42 0000 [247] 6 [248] 1

User 18 0000 [199] 6 [200] 1 User 43 0000 [249] 6 [250] 1

User 19 0000 [201] 6 [202] 1 User 44 0000 [251] 6 [252] 1

User 20 0000 [203] 6 [204] 1 User 45 0000 [253] 6 [254] 1

User 21 0000 [205] 6 [206] 1 User 46 0000 [255] 6 [256] 1

User 22 0000 [207] 6 [208] 1 User 47 0000 [257] 6 [258] 1

User 23 0000 [209] 6 [210] 1 User 48 0000 [259] 6 [260] 1

User 24 0000 [211] 6 [212] 1 User 49 0000 [261] 6 [262] 1

User 25 0000 [213] 6 [214] 1 User 50 1245 [263] 10 [264] 3

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The following table refers to programming locations

165 - 264.

Authority Level 0 to 15 See table on following page for Authority Level options.
(Enter 0 to disable).

Areas of Operation 0 = Disabled Determines which areas the passcode can be used to perform
1 = Area 1 operations on. If a 3 is selected, the Control Station it is used on
2 = Area 2 must be programmed for both areas in order to access both
3 = Both areas.

Authority Levels

Authorities levels 1 through 10 are the general pur- Control Station will beep 4 times after the 1st
pose levels with level 10 having the highest capa- passcode is entered signifying that it has been ac-
bilities. Level 11 is for limited disarm capabilities cepted. The 2nd passcode may then be entered.
(ie: Maid’s passcode). Level 12 is for User on Pre- Level 15 is for maintenance activities only. Level 15
mises reporting. Level 13 is for Duress reporting. does not allow the user to arm or disarm the sys-
tem, only to maintain it.
For High Level Security applications, only levels 14
and 15 should be used. If levels 14 and 15 are used, See the table on the next page for the options avail-
all other users should be set to Level 0 (zero). able for each authority level. To disable all capabili-
ties, set the authority level to zero (0).
Level 14 needs 2 different level 14 passcodes in
order to activate any of the options available. The

The Installer passcode has the authority level to perform the following operations:
Access from Keypad * Initiate Call to RPM/2 Pro
Arm (AWAY, STAY, NIGHT) * Remote Connect
Disarm if Armed by an Installer * Reset Smoke Power
Change Arming Level * Program RF Data
Edit User Codes * RF Signal Strength
Edit Zone Names * Set Clock
Force-Arm * Silence Trouble
View & Print Event Log * View Alarm Memory
Bypass Zones * Battery Test
Chime Enable/Disable * Bell Test
Default Function Map * Comm Test
Edit Function Map (except Zone Names & User Codes) * Keypad Test
Silence/Cancel Alarm if not Armed or if Armed by Installer * Walk Test
Silence Bell without Disarm if Armed by other than Installer Adjust Days Until Next Auto Comm Test

∗ Disabled if Lockout Local Programming is enabled (see Installer Level Programming - Programming Options).

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CAPABILITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Access From Keypad • • • • • • • • • • • ••
Chime Enable/Disable • • • • • • • • • • •
Silence Bell Without Disarm • • •
Arm (AWAY, STAY, NIGHT) • • • • • • • • • • ••
Changing Arming Level • • • • • • • • • • • ••
Remote Connect • • • • • • • • •• ••
Silence/Cancel Alarm • • • • • • ••
Silence Trouble • • • • • • • ••
Disarm • • • • • • ••
View Alarm Memory • • • • • • • ••
Reset Smoke Power
• • • • • • • ••
Bypass Zones • • • • • •
Force-Arm • • • • • • • ••
Abort Exit Arm • • • • •
Walk Test • • • • ••
Comm Test • • • • ••
Bell Test • • • • ••
Battery Test • • • • ••
Keypad Test • • • • ••
RF Signal Strength Test • • • • ••
Delay Scheduled Arming • • • ••
View & Print Event Log • • • ••
Edit Scheduled Arming • • ••
Edit Latch Key Operation • •
Set Clock • •
Abort Auto-Arming • • ••
Edit Zone Names • •
Edit User Codes • ••
Disarm If Armed By A Level 11
User Passcode •
Silence/Cancel Alarm If Not Armed
Or If Armed By A Level 11 Passcode •
Silence Bell Without Disarm If Armed
By Other Than A Level 11 Passcode •
Access From Keypad With User On
Premises Report •
Silence/CancelAlarm With User On
Premises Report •
Disarm With User On Premises Report •✝
Access From Keypad With Duress •
Arm (AWAY, STAY, NIGHT) with Duress •
Change Arming Level With Duress •
Force-Arm With Duress •
Silence/Cancel Alarm With Duress •
Disarm With Duress •✝
•• For High Level Security applications only
✝ The Off/Cancel key followed by a Duress or User On Premises passcode will always produce a ”Duress“ or ”User On Premises“ report regardless
of whether the system was armed.
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Output Definitions Description

This data block is used to assign the programmable Each output is assigned a condition (i.e.: Burglar,
outputs. The ZX400/ZX410 Control Board is Fire, Status, Alarm) and areas to which it should re-
equipped with one programmable output (PGO1) spond when the condition is active in those areas.
and one bell output (BELL). Additional outputs can For access conditions, the output is assigned to a
be obtained in groups of ten by the addition of out- Control Station(s). Output conditions 1 - 12 ignore
put driver modules (ZXODM) or a zone expander the area setting.
(ZXEXP). The 10 outputs on ODM2 are identical to
the 10 outputs on the zone expander.

Output Definitions Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default

Control Bell [265] 1 Zone Expander or ODM 2

Control PGO1 [266] 17 [267] 1 Output 01 [288] 13 [289] 1

Output 02 [290] 3 [291] 1
Output 03 [292] 14 [293] 1
Output 01 [268] 13 [269] 1 Output 04 [294] 15 [295] 1
Output 02 [270] 3 [271] 1 Output 05 [296] 19 [297] 1
Output 03 [272] 14 [273] 1 Output 06 [298] 31 [299] 1
Output 04 [274] 15 [275] 1 Output 07 [300] 18 [301] 1
Output 05 [276] 19 [277] 1 Output 08 [302] 25 [303] 1
Output 06 [278] 31 [279] 1 Output 09 [304] 34 [305] 1
Output 07 [280] 18 [281] 1 Output 10 [306] 39 [307] 1
Output 08 [282] 25 [283] 1
Output 09 [284] 34 [285] 1 Output conditions 39 and 40 add combinations of keypads 1 - 6.
Output 10 [286] 39 [287] 1 Conditions 13 - 38 are specified as a combination of Areas 1 & 2.

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The following table refers to programming locations

265 through 307.

Output Condition See next page for complete descriptions

0 = Not Used 22 = Armed and Exit Time Expired
1 = Fire Bell Output Trigger 23 = Exit Time
2 = Reserved 24 = Entry Time
3 = Fire Alarm 25 = Pre-Alarm Warning Time
4 = Fire Supervisory 26 = Annunciation
5 = Reserved 27 = Auto-Arm Warning
6 = Fire Trouble 28 = Closing Ringback
7 = Duress 29 = Trouble
8 = Low/No Battery 30 = Audible Trouble
9 = Failed to Comm 31 = Chime
10 = Telco Line Fault 32 = Universal Output
11 = Telco Line Seized 33 = Listen-In Module
12 = Ground Start 34 = Lamp Trigger
13 = Burglar Alarm 35 = Key 4 Output
14 = Holdup Alarm 36 = Key 5 Output
15 = Auxiliary Alarm 37 = Key 6 Output
16 = Other Bell Output Trigger 38 = RF Annunciator
17 = Violation 39 = Access by Keypad
18 = Ready 40 = Quick Access by Keypad
19 = Armed AWAY
20 = Armed STAY 101 - 130 = Zone (1 to 30) Violated
21 = Armed NIGHT 201 - 230 = Zone (1 to 30) In Alarm or Secure Watch

Areas of Operation (for Output Conditions 13 - 38) [add up selections]

1 = Area 1 (for Output Conditions 39 & 40)
2 = Area 2 1 = Control Station 1
3 = Both 2 = Control Station 2
4 = Control Station 3
8 = Control Station 4
16 = Control Station 5
32 = Control Station 6

If the Output Condition is “Ready”, “Armed AWAY”,

“Armed STAY”, “Armed NIGHT”, “Armed & Exit
Time Expired”, “Exit Time”, “Entry Time”, “Annun-
ciation”, “Key 4 Output”, “Key 5 Output”, or “Key
6 Output”, then the Areas of Operation should be
limited to a single area.

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Bell Output Activation Programmable Output Activation

The Bell Output is assignable to a combination of The programmable outputs will be activated accord-
areas and may activate due to an alarm condition in ing to their Output Condition listed in the following
any of the areas. A Fire Alarm from a Fire or Verified table. The output will go ON STEADY for the follow-
Fire zone or the ‘A’ Key will always activate the Bell ing conditions unless otherwise specified in the table
Output. A Burglar Alarm, a Burglar Tamper, a Holdup below.
Alarm, the ‘B’ Key, an Auxiliary Alarm, or the ‘C’ Key
may activate the Bell Output.

Each alarm type is programmable for its Bell Output

operation. (See Installer Level Programming - Glo-
bal System Options Description). If more than one
alarm type is active at the same time, the Bell Out-
put will annunciate the highest priority alarm. The
priority order is Fire, Auxiliary, Burglar, and Holdup.

If any of the Bell Output’s areas have Closing

Ringback Annunciation set to “Ringback Output,
Keypads, and Bell Output”, the Bell Output will emit
a two (2) second ringback tone. (See Installer Level
Programming - Area Data Description).

To prevent accidents, the Bell Test on AWAY arm and

the Ringback Bell are disabled while the duress out-
put is active.


Fire Bell Output Trigger Activates according to cadence when a Fire or Verified Fire zone or an ‘A’ Key is in alarm as described above.
Fire Alarm A Fire, Verified Fire or Water Flow zone or an ‘A’ Key is in alarm.
Fire Supervisory A zone defined as Fire Supervisory is in alarm.
Fire Trouble A Fire or Verified Fire zone is in Trouble.
Duress A Duress code has been used. To turn off, press the CLEAR key for 3 seconds.
Panel Low/No Battery A Panel Low/No Battery trouble condition occurs.
Failed to Comm A Failed to Comm trouble condition occurs.
Telco Line Fault A Telco Line Fault trouble condition occurs.
Telco Line Seized The system seizes the telephone line for an RPM connection or prior to making a call to the Central
Ground Start A Telco ground start circuit is triggered for one second.
Burglar Alarm A Burglar or a Burglar Tamper defined zone is in alarm.
Holdup Alarm A Holdup zone or an ‘B’ Key is in alarm.
Auxiliary Alarm An Auxiliary zone or an ‘C’ Key is in alarm.
Other Bell Output Trigger Activates according to cadence for an Auxiliary, Burglar or Holdup Alarm as described above.
Violation A Fire, Fire Supervisory, Water Flow, Burglar, Auxiliary, Visible Holdup or Burglar Tamper is in alarm.
Ready The area is ready to arm.
Armed AWAY The area has been armed in the AWAY mode.
Armed STAY The area has been armed in the STAY mode.
Armed NIGHT The area has been armed in the NIGHT mode.
Armed & Exit Time Expired The area has been armed in any way and the exit time has expired.
Exit Time The exit time starts in its area due to an AWAY, STAY, or NIGHT arm. The output will go ON STEADY
until the last ten seconds, then it will PULSE for the last ten seconds. When the Exit Time expires, it
will go ON STEADY for two seconds.

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Entry Time The entry time starts in its area. The output will stay ON STEADY until the last ten seconds of entry
time. During the last ten seconds of entry time, it will PULSE.
Pre-Alarm Warning Time Any of its areas are in Pre-Alarm Warning Time. The output will PULSE when any of its areas are in
Pre-Alarm Warning Time.
Annunciation The Annunciation output operates like a combination of the Exit Time, Entry Time, and Pre-Alarm
Warning Time outputs. When the exit time starts in its area due to an AWAY, STAY, or NIGHT arm,
the output will go ON STEADY until the last ten seconds. During the last ten seconds, it will PULSE
and when the exit time expires, it will go ON STEADY for two seconds. When the entry time starts
in its area, the output will go ON STEADY until the last ten seconds of entry time. During the last
ten seconds, it will PULSE. When in Pre-Alarm Warning Time, the output will PULSE.
Auto Arm Warning The timer activates for 3 seconds for each minute of the ten minutes left before Auto-Arming oc-
curs. It will also activate at one minute and two minutes until before an Exit Arm occurs.
Closing Ringback A Closing Report due to an AWAY arm from a Control Station or keyswitch has been successfully
transmitted to the Central Station.
Trouble A System Trouble condition is present. (See Operating the System - Trouble Conditions).
Audible Trouble A System Trouble condition is present and has not been Silenced.
Chime A Disarmed Chime Always Burglar zone in any of its areas is violated, a Disarmed Perimeter (Arm on
STAY & Arm on NIGHT) Burglar zone in any of its areas is violated and that area has Chime Enabled.
Universal A Universal or Universal Logged zone is violated. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 16).
Listen-In An alarm event is reported to the Central Station from one of the output’s areas. (See Inst. Level
Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 11).
Lamp Trigger Any of its areas are in exit time, entry time and five minutes after entry time. The Output will go ON
STEADY when its areas are in entry time and will stay ON STEADY until five minutes after entry time
expires or five minutes after disarm (whichever is shorter). (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 17).
Key 4 Output ENTER + Key #4 is pressed on a keypad primary to its area. May be used to toggle an output ON/
Key 5 Output ENTER + Key #5 is pressed on a keypad primary to its area. May be used to toggle an output ON/
Key 6 Output ENTER + Key #6 is pressed on a keypad primary to its area. May be used to toggle an output ON/
RF Annunciator Activates when an RF Keyfob is used in one of the output‘s areas. The output will pulse once for an
RF Keyfob disarm, twice for a successful RF Keyfob arm, and three times for a failed RF Keyfob arm.
Access by Keypad Any of its Control Stations have an Access timer that is running or ON. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog.
Notes, Note 18).
Quick Access By Keypad Any of its Control Stations have a Quick Access timer that is running or ON. (See Inst. Level Prog. -
Prog. Notes, Note 18).
Zone Violated The zone is violated
Zone in Alarm or Secure Watch The zone goes into alarm. For a Burglar zone, it will deactivate when the alarm is silenced. For Fire,
Holdup, Auxiliary, Burglar Tamper, Verified Fire, and Fire Supervisory zones, it will deactivate when
the zone restores after the alarm has been silenced. For Water Flow zones, it will deactivate when
the zone restores. The zone goes into Secure Watch Trouble until the condition restores (See Inst.
Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 10).

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Global System Options Description

Global System Options Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default
Fire Bell 1 Cutoff Time (min) [308] 0 Fire Delay Before Dial (sec) [315] 0
Fire Bell 2 Cutoff Time (min) [309] 0 AC Failure Delay (min) [316] 30
Burglar Cutoff Time (min) [310] 10 Secure Watch Time (hrs) [317] 24
Holdup Cutoff Time (min) [311] 10 Reserved [318] 0
Aux Cutoff Time (min) [312] 10 Fire Bell [319] H-20
Universal Output Time (sec) [313] 0 System Attributes [320] H-30
Delay Before Dial (sec) [314] 0 Passcode Attempts [321] 8

The following table refers to programming locations

308 through 321:


Fire 1 Cutoff Time 0 = No Cutoff, Determines the time in minutes for Bell Output or Fire Bell 1
1 to 255 minutes Output and Fire Alarm signaling device.

Fire 2 Cutoff Time 0 = No Cutoff, Determines the time in minutes for Fire Bell 2 Output.
1 to 255 minutes
Burglar Cutoff Time 0 = No Cutoff, Determines the time in minutes for Bell Output or Other Bell
1 to 255 minutes Output and Burglar Alarm signaling device.
Holdup Cutoff Time 0 = No Cutoff, Determines the time in minutes for Bell Output or Other Bell
1 to 255 minutes Output and Holdup Alarm signaling device.
Auxiliary Cutoff Time 0 = No Cutoff, Determines the time in minutes for Bell Output or Other Bell
1 to 255 minutes Output and Auxiliary Alarm signaling device.
Universal Output Time 0 = Toggle ON, Controls the timer for output programmed as Universal. Acti-
1 to 255 seconds vated from Universal or Universal Logged zones. (See Inst. Level
Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 16).

Delay Before Dial 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds that a user has after a Burglar, Holdup or Auxil-
iary Alarm from a zone has occurred to silence the alarm with a
disarm and abort the alarm event. (See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog.
Notes, Note 12).

Fire Delay Before Dial 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds that a user has after a Fire Alarm from a zone
has occurred to silence the alarm and abort the alarm event.
(See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 13).

AC Trouble Delay 0 to 255 minutes Determines the time that AC power must be down until the
condition is reported to the Central Station. Time is in minutes
and if the time set is an odd number, it will be silent; if the time
set is an even number, it will be audible at the keypad.

Secure Watch Time 0 - 42 hours Time in hours during which there is no activity before a Secure
Watch event is logged to be reported. (See Inst. Level Prog. -
Prog. Notes, Note 10).

Fire Bell 00 to 30 The first digit defines the cadence of the Bell during a Fire Alarm.
(see Fire Bell Table) The second digit is reserved.

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System Attributes 00 to FF • Burglar Bell (Steady/Pulsed) - determines the operation of the
(see the System Bell Output or Other Bell Output during a Burglar alarm.
Attribute Table.) • Holdup Bell (Steady/Pulsed) - determines the operation of the
Bell Output or Other Bell Output during a Holdup alarm.
• Auxiliary Bell (Steady/Pulsed) - determines the operation of the
Bell Output or Other Bell Output during an Auxiliary alarm.
• Bell Test on Arm - if enabled, then the Bell Output or Other
Bell Output for an area will be activated for two seconds
when that area is armed in the AWAY mode.
• Log Alarm Abort Events - if enabled, Abort Alarm events are
posted in the Event Log. (See Inst. Level Prog.- Prog.
Notes, Notes 12 & 13).
• Log Access Events - if enabled, the “Keypad Access
Activated” events will be posted in the Event Log. These
events are not reportable to the Central Station.
• Print Access Only R/T - if enabled with a printer connected,
then only “Keypad Access Activated” events will be printed.
This does not affect the Event Log print command.

Passcode Entry Lockout 0 = No Lock, Sets the number of failed passcode entry attempts allowed
1 to 15 attempts before a 50 second lockout for a particular Control Station.

Fire Bell Table NOTE

FIRST DIGIT Alarm Bell operations only affect
0 = Steady 2 = Temporal
the Bell Outputs. They do not af-
1 = Pulsed (March Time) 3 = Calif March Time
fect the associated Alarm Indica-
tor outputs.

System Attribute Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
All Features Below Disabled • •
Log Alarm Abort Events • • •
• • • •

Log Access Events • • • • • • • •
Print Access Only Real Time • • • • • • • •
Burglar Bell Steady • • • • • • • •
Burglar Bell Pulsed • • • • • • • •
Holdup Bell Steady • • • • • • • •
Holdup Bell Pulsed • • • • • • • •
Aux Bell Steady • • • • • • • •
Aux Bell Pulsed • • • • • • • •
Bell Test on Arm
• • • • • • • •
If the First Digit entered is ‘1’, it must be entered as ‘01’. A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; E = 14; F = 15

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Communicator Data Description

Communicator Data Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default
Phone Line [322] H-10 Dialer Type [331] H-10
Enable Skip Test [323] 0 CS1 Dial Attempts [332] 5
Power-up Comm Test [324] 0 CS2 Dial Attempts [333] 5
Disable Call Waiting [325] 0 Pager Dial Attempts [334] 1
Comm Test Time of Day (hr:min) [326: 327] 00:00 Pager Delay Time (sec) [335] 15
Days Between Comm Tests [328] 0 On-Hook Time (sec) [336] 5
Time Between Calls (sec) [329] 5 Off-Hook Time (sec) [337] 3
Trans Formats [330] H-33

The following table refers to programming locations

322 through 337:
Phone Line 0 to 30 First digit is used to enable the phone line for digital communica-
(see Phone Line Table) tor event reporting and to enable monitoring of the phone line.
The second digit is reserved. If the phone line is disconnected, turn-
ing off the monitoring of the line will clear the PHONE LINE FAIL
trouble condition.
Enable Skip Test 0 = No Allows the auto comm test to be skipped if any signal has been
1 = Yes transmitted to the Central Station since the last auto comm test.
Power-up Comm Test 0 = No Causes a communicator test to be initiated immediately upon sys-
1 = Yes tem power up. Does not affect days between tests counter.
Disable Call Waiting 0 = No If enabled, the system will automatically dial “*70D” (or “1170D”
1 = Yes if pulse dialing) prior to dialing a telephone number. This will
temporarily disable the Call Waiting beeps during a phone call.
Comm Test Time of Day 00:00 to 23:59 HH:MM Sets the hour and minute in military format for the auto commu-
nicator test.
Days Between Comm Tests 0 = Disable, 1 to 255 days Sets the time intervals in days for the auto communicator test. A
setting of 0 disables Automatic Comm Test Reporting. Days until
next comm test may be manually adjusted by Control Station. (See
Installer Level Programming - Days Until Next Comm Test).
Time Between Calls 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds between a failed dial attempt to a Central Station
and the next dial attempt.
Trans Formats 00 to 44 First digit defines the transmission format used when the commu-
(see Trans Formats Table) nicator dials the phone number for Central Station 1. Second digit
defines the transmission format used when the communicator di-
als the phone number for Central Station 2. (See Inst. Level Prog.
- Prog. Notes, Note 14).
Dialer Type 00 to 20 First digit defines the type of dialing used on the phone line. Sec-
(see Dialer Types Table) ond digit is reserved.
CS1 Dial Attempts 1 to 15 attempts Maximum number of dial attempts when the communicator dials
the phone number for Central Station 1.
CS2 Dial Attempts 1 to 15 attempts Maximum number of dial attempts when the communicator dials
the phone number for Central Station 2.
Pager Dial Attempts 1 to 15 attempts Total number of dial attempts when the communicator dials a Pager
phone number. All attempts will be used.
Pager Delay Time 0 to 255 seconds Time in seconds that the communicator waits after dialing before
blindly sending a 6-digit pager message.
On-Hook Time 1 to 15 seconds Before the communicator dials a phone number, it seizes the phone
& Off-Hook Time line and goes off-hook for two seconds. It will then go back on-
hook for the On-Hook Time to disconnect an existing phone con-
nection. The communicator will then go back off-hook for the Off-
Hook Time to acquire dial tone before dialing.

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Phone Line Table Transmission Formats Table

0 = Pulsed 20 Baud - Non Extended 3 = Contact ID
0 = Disabled 2 = Enabled with Line Monitor
1 = Pulsed 20 Baud - Non Extended 4 = Non-Telco Contact ID
1 = Enabled 3 = Enabled with Silent Line Monitor
2 = Pulsed 40 Baud - Extended

Dialer Types Table

0 = US Rotary North American Standard (60/40) make/break ratio pulses.
1 = Touchtone® Industry standard DTMF tones. Touchtone is a trademark of AT&T.
2 = Foreign Rotary 67/33 make break ratio pulses, typical of foreign countries.

Receiver Compatibility Table


Ademco 685 3/1, 4/2, Contact ID 20B

FBI CP220 3/1, 4/2, Contact ID 20B - 40B
Osborne-Hoffman (Quick Alert) 3/1, 4/2, Contact ID 20B - 40B
Radionics 6000 3/1 20B - 40B
Radionics 6500 3/1, 4/2 20B - 40B
Silent Knight 9000 3/1, 4/2 20B - 40B
MLR-2DG 3/1, 4/2, Contact ID 20B - 40B

All receivers listed functioned with the listed formats at time of testing. Modifications or programming changes may affect receiver
operation. Consult manufacturer of specific receiver for setup and operation.

Communication Numbers Description

Event reporting assignments for each telephone num- of telephone dialing options and reporting formats are
ber are programmed under the Installer Level Program- programmed under the Installer Level Programming -
ming - Area Event Reporting section. The assignment Communicator Data Description section.

Communication Number Default Table

Loc Default
Central Station 1 Phone Number [338 - 357] all F’s
Central Station 2 Phone Number [358 - 377] all F’s
Area 1 Pager Phone Number [378 - 397] all F’s
Area 2 Pager Phone Number [398 - 417] all F’s
RPM/2 Pro Phone Number* [418 - 437] all F’s
Area 1 Pager Header Message [438 - 453] all F’s
Area 2 Pager Header Message [454 - 469] all F’s

* Available for future use.

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Dialed Digits Allowed Pager Telephone Numbers

All five phone numbers allow up to 20 hex digits. When an event is sent to a pager, the event’s Area
The two Pager Header Messages allow up to 16 hex Pager Phone Number is dialed. System events are
digits. See also Installer Level Programming - Pro- sent to the Area 1 Pager Phone Number. The com-
gramming Account Codes and Telephone Number municator then waits the Pager Delay Time (see I.L.P.
Digits. Communicator Data Descr.) before blindly sending
a pager message. The pager message may consist
of up to 16 digits from the appropriate Pager Header
0-9 Numbers from 0 to 9 dial the appropriate
Message followed by a two digit code from the Pager
Touchtone® or pulse digit.
Event Table. Or, if the Pager Header Message is not
A Same as 0.
needed, put an ‘F’ in its first digit and the appropriate
B Programming a B into any digit position
four digit account code is used in its place. The Pager
causes the communicator to produce a
Touchtone® * tone. Useful for unique appli- Event Table is also available on a wallet card.
cations such as voice mail, cellular, or pag-
ing applications. Only one message is sent per phone call and the call
C Programming a C into any digit position is made for the number of Pager Dial Attempts speci-
causes the communicator to produce a fied. There is no feedback from the pager, so pager
Touchtone® # tone.
events do not affect the failed to communicate con-
D, E Programming a D or E into any digit position dition.
causes a three second pause during dialing.
F An ‘F’ may be programmed after the last digit
of a number to signify end of dialing. An ‘F’ The paging network setup for
entered as the first digit of a number disables your area determines if your
that number.
pager will work with a pager
telephone number.

Pager Event Table


11 Fire Alarm 35 System Trouble Restore

12 Supervisory Alarm 36 AC Power Restore
13 Burglar Alarm 37 Central Station Comm Restore
14 Holdup Alarm
15 Duress 41 Arm
16 Auxiliary Alarm 42 Auto Arm Failed/Canceled
17 Critical Condition Monitor 43 Auto Arm Delayed
18 Exit Alarm 44 Recent Closing
45 Disarm
21 Zone Trouble 46 Burglar Alarm Canceled
22 Testing (Fire Zone)
23 Zone Bypassed 51 Latchkey Supervision
24 Unsuccessful Attempt to Access via Keypad 52 User On Premises
25 System Trouble
26 AC Power Failure 61 Comm Test
62 Comm Test (Not Normal)
31 Alarm Restore 63 Begin Installer Programming, Installer On Premise
32 Zone Trouble Restore 64 End Installer/Remote Programming, Installer Off Premise
33 Zone Unbypassed 65 Remote Programming Failure
66 Call Home (Panic Key)

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Event Reporting Description

Event Reporting Default Table


Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default
Tel 1 Account No (4 Hex Digits) [470 - 473] 0000 [478 - 481] 0000 [486 - 489] 0000
Tel 2 Account No (4 Hex digits) [474 - 477] 0000 [482 - 485] 0000 [490 - 493] 0000

Fire Phone No. [494] 3

System Events Phone No. [495] 0
System Troubles Phone No. [496] 3
Burglar Phone No. [497] 3 [505] 3
Hold-up Phone No. [498] 3 [506] 3
Auxiliary Phone No. [499] 3 [507] 3
CCM Phone No. [500] 3 [508] 3
Zone Trouble/Restore Phone No. [501] 0 [509] 0
Zone Bypass/Restore Phone No. [502] 0 [510] 0
Open/Close Phone No. [503] 0 [511] 0
Supervision Phone No. [504] 0 [512] 0

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The following table refers to programming locations

470 through 512:


Telephone 1 Account No. 4 Hex Digits Account number used when dialing CS1 Phone Number or Pager.
(See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 14).

Telephone 2 Account No. 4 Hex Digits Account number used when dialing CS2 Phone Number.
(See Inst. Level Prog. - Prog. Notes, Note 14).

Fire Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Fire Alarms, Fire
(See Phone Directors Table) Supervisories, and Restorals.
Note: These events are
reported using System
account codes only.

System Events Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report system events.
(See Phone Directors Table) Includes Keypad Lockout, Auto Comm Test, Begin & End In-
Note: These events are staller Local Programming, End Remote Programming, Remote
reported using System Programming Denied & Aborted.
account codes only.

System Troubles Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report system events. In-
(See Phone Directors Table) cludes Keypad Missing & Restoral, AC Failure & Restoral, Panel Low/
Note: These events are No Battery & Restoral, Bell Faults & Restoral, Comm Restoral,
reported using System Memory Error, Phone Line Faults & Restoral, RF Jamming, RF Chan-
account codes only. nel Clear and RF Keyfob Low Battery.

Burglar Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Burglar Alarms,
(See Phone Directors Table) Burglar Tamper, Exit Alarm, Recent Closing, Burglar Alarm Can-
celed, and Restorals.

Hold-up Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Holdup Alarms,
(See Phone Directors Table) Duress, and Restorals.

Auxiliary Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Auxiliary Alarms
(See Phone Directors Table) and Restorals.

Critical Condition Monitor 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Critical Condition
(CCM) Phone No. (See Phone Directors Table) Monitoring events and Restorals.

Zone Trouble/Restore 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Zone Troubles and
Phone No. (See Phone Directors Table) Restorals.

Zone Bypass/Restore 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Zone Bypasses and
Phone No. (See Phone Directors Table) Restorals.

Open/Close Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Openings, Clos-
(See Phone Directors Table) ings, Auto Arm Fail, Auto Arm Aborted, and Closing Extended.

Supervision Phone No. 0 to 11 Directs which telephone number(s) to report Latch Key Supervi-
(See Phone Directors Table) sion, User on Premises, Secure Watch, and Secure Watch Re-

Phone Directors Table

0 = Do Not Report 6 = Pager Only

1 = CS1 Phone Only 7 = CS1 Phone and Pager
2 = CS2 Phone Only 8 = CS2 Phone and Pager
3 = CS1 Phone (CS2 Phone on Failure) 9 = CS1 Phone (CS2 Phone on Failure) and Pager
4 = CS2 Phone (CS1 Phone on Failure) 10 = CS2 Phone (CS1 Phone on Failure) and Pager
5 = CS1 Phone and CS2 Phone 11 = CS1 Phone, CS2 Phone and Pager

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Zone Report Codes Description

The Zone Report Codes utilize programming loca- These events will be posted and displayed differently
tions 513 through 632. Each Zone has an alarm, in the Event Log. If one of these events is reported
restore, bypass and trouble code. The restore may using a Pulsed format, then the standard Zone
be an alarm, trouble, or bypass restoral. A Zone Trouble report code will be used. If one of these
Trouble may result from one of the following conditions: events is reported using Contact ID then a more
descriptive report code will be used.
• Wiring problem
• Secure Watch Trouble Each report code requires a two digit entry. The
• No Response from Zone Expander first digit sets the primary event code and the sec-
ond digit sets the extended code. (See Installer Level
• Fire Trouble Programming - Programming Report Codes). If a
(Fire zone bypassed or Fire zone in Walk Test) transmission format other than a Pulsed format is
• Smoke Trouble used, it is only necessary to program a value other
than zero into either digit to enable that event to be
• RF Point Not Reporting reported, the correct transmitted data is automati-
• RF Sensor Tamper cally sent.
• RF Point Low Battery

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Zone Report Codes Default Table


Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default
Zone 01 [513] H-31 [514] H-E3 [515] H-AB [516] H-F3
Zone 02 [517] H-32 [518] H-E3 [519] H-AB [520] H-F3
Zone 03 [521] H-33 [522] H-E3 [523] H-AB [524] H-F3
Zone 04 [525] H-34 [526] H-E3 [527] H-AB [528] H-F3
Zone 05 [529] H-35 [530] H-E3 [531] H-AB [532] H-F3
Zone 06 [533] H-36 [534] H-E3 [535] H-AB [536] H-F3
Zone 07 [537] H-37 [538] H-E3 [539] H-AB [540] H-F3
Zone 08 [541] H-38 [542] H-E3 [543] H-AB [544] H-F3
Zone 09 [545] H-39 [546] H-E3 [547] H-AB [548] H-F3
Zone 10 [549] H-3A [550] H-E3 [551] H-AB [552] H-F3
Zone 11 [553] H-3B [554] H-E3 [555] H-AB [556] H-F3
Zone 12 [557] H-3C [558] H-E3 [559] H-AB [560] H-F3
Zone 13 [561] H-3D [562] H-E3 [563] H-AB [564] H-F3
Zone 14 [565] H-3E [566] H-E3 [567] H-AB [568] H-F3
Zone 15 [569] H-3F [570] H-E3 [571] H-AB [572] H-F3
Zone 16 [573] H-61 [574] H-E6 [575] H-AB [576] H-F6
Zone 17 [577] H-62 [578] H-E6 [579] H-AB [580] H-F6
Zone 18 [581] H-63 [582] H-E6 [583] H-AB [584] H-F6
Zone 19 [585] H-64 [586] H-E6 [587] H-AB [588] H-F6
Zone 20 [589] H-65 [590] H-E6 [591] H-AB [592] H-F6
Zone 21 [593] H-66 [594] H-E6 [595] H-AB [596] H-F6
Zone 22 [597] H-67 [598] H-E6 [599] H-AB [600] H-F6
Zone 23 [601] H-68 [602] H-E6 [603] H-AB [604] H-F6
Zone 24 [605] H-69 [606] H-E6 [607] H-AB [608] H-F6
Zone 25 [609] H-6A [610] H-E6 [611] H-AB [612] H-F6
Zone 26 [613] H-6B [614] H-E6 [615] H-AB [616] H-F6
Zone 27 [617] H-6C [618] H-E6 [619] H-AB [620] H-F6
Zone 28 [621] H-6D [622] H-E6 [623] H-AB [624] H-F6
Zone 29 [625] H-11 [626] H-E1 [627] H-AB [628] H-F1
Zone 30 [629] H-12 [630] H-E1 [631] H-AB [632] H-F1

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User Report Codes Description

The User Report Codes utilize programming loca- than zero into either digit to enable that event to be
tions 633 through 732. This data block is used to reported, the correct transmitted data is automati-
program the opening and closing reports for each cally sent.
user code.
The open and close report code is assigned to the
Each report code requires a two digit entry. The user, not the area. Some users may be assigned to
first digit sets the primary event code and the sec- arm and disarm multiple areas. Any user with the
ond digit sets the extended code. (See Installer Level authority to arm and disarm multiple areas has the
Programming - Programming Report Codes). If a same opening and closing report codes. However,
transmission format other than a Pulsed format is the Central Station can differentiate between areas
used, it is only necessary to program a value other by the account code transmitted.

User Report Code Default Table


Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default Loc Default
User 01 [633] H-C1 [634] H-B1 User 26 [683] H-CF [684] H-BF
User 02 [635] H-C2 [636] H-B2 User 27 [685] H-CF [686] H-BF
User 03 [637] H-C3 [638] H-B3 User 28 [687] H-CF [688] H-BF
User 04 [639] H-C4 [640] H-B4 User 29 [689] H-CF [690] H-BF
User 05 [641] H-C5 [642] H-B5 User 30 [691] H-CF [692] H-BF
User 06 [643] H-C6 [644] H-B6 User 31 [693] H-CF [694] H-BF
User 07 [645] H-C7 [646] H-B7 User 32 [695] H-CF [696] H-BF
User 08 [647] H-C8 [648] H-B8 User 33 [697] H-CF [698] H-BF
User 09 [649] H-C9 [650] H-B9 User 34 [699] H-CF [700] H-BF
User 10 [651] H-CA [652] H-BA User 35 [701] H-CF [702] H-BF
User 11 [653] H-CB [654] H-BB User 36 [703] H-CF [704] H-BF
User 12 [655] H-CC [656] H-BC User 37 [705] H-CF [706] H-BF
User 13 [657] H-CD [658] H-BD User 38 [707] H-CF [708] H-BF
User 14 [659] H-CE [660] H-BE User 39 [709] H-CF [710] H-BF
User 15 [661] H-CF [662] H-BF User 40 [711] H-CF [712] H-BF
User 16 [663] H-CF [664] H-BF User 41 [713] H-CF [714] H-BF
User 17 [665] H-CF [666] H-BF User 42 [715] H-CF [716] H-BF
User 18 [667] H-CF [668] H-BF User 43 [717] H-CF [718] H-BF
User 19 [669] H-CF [670] H-BF User 44 [719] H-CF [720] H-BF
User 20 [671] H-CF [672] H-BF User 45 [721] H-CF [722] H-BF
User 21 [673] H-CF [674] H-BF User 46 [723] H-CF [724] H-BF
User 22 [675] H-CF [676] H-BF User 47 [725] H-CF [726] H-BF
User 23 [677] H-CF [678] H-BF User 48 [727] H-CF [728] H-BF
User 24 [679] H-CF [680] H-BF User 49 [729] H-CF [730] H-BF
User 25 [681] H-CF [682] H-BF User 50 [731] H-CF [732] H-BF

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System Report Codes Description

Each report code requires a two digit entry. The format, it is only necessary to program a value other
first digit sets the primary event code and the sec- than zero into either digit to enable that event to be
ond digit sets the extended code. (See Installer Level reported, the correct transmitted data is automati-
Programming - Programming Report Codes). If the cally sent.
transmission format is anything other than a Pulsed

System Event Report Codes Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default

‘A’ Key Report Code [733] H-19 AC Restore Report Code [754] H-EA
‘B’ Key Report Code [734] H-29 Low/No Battery Report Code [755] H-F9
‘C’ Key Report Code [735] H-49 Battery Restore Code [756] H-E9
Duress Code [736] H-99 Bell Fault Report Code [757] H-00
Keypad Lockout Code [737] H-00 Bell Restore Report Code [758] H-00
Burg Cancel Report Code [738] H-00 Telco Fault Report Code [759] H-00
Quick Arm Report Code [739] H-00 Telco Restore Report Code [760] H-00
Auto-Arm Code [740] H-00 Reserved [761] H-00
Auto-Arm Failed Code [741] H-00 Reserved [762] H-00
Keyswitch Closing Code [742] H-00 Comm Restore Report Code [763] H-00
Keyswitch Opening Code [743] H-00 Memory Error Report Code [764] H-00
Installer/RPM Closing Code [744] H-00 Local Program Begin Code [765] H-00
Installer/RPM Opening Code [745] H-00 Local Program End Code [766] H-00
Closing Extended Code [746] H-00 RPM End Report Code [767] H-00
Exit Alarm Code [747] H-00 RPM Denied Report Code [768] H-00
Recent Closing Code [748] H-00 RPM Abort Report Code [769] H-00
Latch Key Supervision Code [749] H-00 Missing Keypad Code [770] H-00
User on Premises Code [750] H-00 Restore Keypad Code [771] H-00
Comm Test Not Norm Code [751] H-00 RF Jamming Code [772] H-00
Comm Test Report Code [752] H-00 RF Channel Clear Code [773] H-00
AC Fail Report Code [753] H-FA RF Keyfob Low Battery Code [774] H-00

The following table refers to programming locations

733 through 774:
‘A’ Key Report Code 00 to FF Code sent for alarms activated by pressing the Fire panic key.
‘B’ Key Report Code 00 to FF Code sent for alarms activated by pressing the Police panic key.
‘C’ Key Report Code 00 to FF Code sent for alarms activated by pressing the Medical panic key.
Duress Code 00 to FF Code sent for a duress (Authority Level 13) code arm or disarm.
Keypad Lockout Code 00 to FF Code sent when a Control Station is locked out due to failed passcode attempts.
Burg Cancel Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an authorized user resets a burglar alarm after reporting and be-
fore the Burglar Bell Cutoff timer expires.
Quick Arm Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an area is armed using Two-Button or Double Press Arming.
Auto-Arming Code 00 to FF Code sent when armed by scheduled program or Exit Arm.
Auto-Arm Failed Code 00 to FF Code sent when a scheduled arming is aborted or could not be completed.

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Keyswitch Closing Code 00 to FF Code sent when an area is armed by keyswitch zone.
Keyswitch Opening Code 00 to FF Code sent when an area is disarmed by keyswitch zone.
Installer/RPM Closing Code 00 to FF Code sent when an area is armed by RPM or the installer at a Control Station.
Installer/RPM Opening Code 00 to FF Code sent when an area is disarmed by RPM or the installer at a Control Station.
Closing Extended Code 00 to FF Code sent when the scheduled closing time is extended.
Exit Alarm Code 00 to FF Code sent in addition to a burglar alarm event if the alarm occurs when the exit time expires.
Recent Closing Code 00 to FF Code sent in addition to a burglar alarm event if the alarm occurs within two minutes
after exit time expires.
Latch Key Supervision Code 00 to FF Code sent when the Latch Key code is not entered during the programmed time window.
User on Premises Code 00 to FF Code sent when the User on Premises (Authority Level 12) passcode is entered to
disarm the system or perform the access operation.
Comm Test Not Norm Code 00 to FF Code sent at the comm test time-of-day in place of the comm test report when a
trouble condition is present. If this report code is set to 00, a normal comm test
event is transmitted.
Comm Test Report Code 00 to FF Code sent at the comm test time-of-day when no trouble conditions are present. Transmitted
at power-up, if Test On Power-Up is enabled. (See Inst. Level Prog.- Communication Data
Description). Implies proper operation of the communicator and the telephone line.
AC Fail Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the control has lost the primary AC input. The delay time before
this report is transmitted is located in Installer Level Programming - Global System
Options Description.
AC Restore Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the AC primary power has been restored.
Low Battery Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the control detects a low battery voltage reading of 11.3 VDC or less.
Battery Restore Code 00 to FF Code sent when the low battery condition has been restored.
Bell Fault Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the control panel detects a Bell Fault. Contact ID will distinguish
between Bell 1 and Bell 2 faults.
Bell Restore Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when a Bell Fault trouble restores. Contact ID will distinguish between Bell 1
and Bell 2 restores.
Telco Fault Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the control panel detects a Telco Fault. Contact ID will distinguish
between Phone Line and Non-Telco faults.
Telco Restore Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when a Telco Fault trouble restores. Contact ID will distinguish between
Phone Line and Non-Telco restores.
Comm Restore Report Code 00 to FF When the control is unsuccessful in reporting an event, the fail to communicate
(local trouble) displays. If a subsequent report of any type is successful, the control
also reports this code.
Memory Error Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when the internal memory check finds an unauthorized change in the
value of one or more of the programming options.
Local Prog Begin Code 00 to FF Code sent when a program function map is initiated at the control site.
Local Prog End Code 00 to FF Code sent after programming mode is terminated at the installation site. This occurs
255 seconds after exiting programming mode or by holding the CLEAR key for three
RPM End Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an RPM session has been completed normally.
RPM Denied Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an unauthorized RPM session is attempted (i.e.: improper ID code
or access device).
RPM Abort Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an RPM session is aborted. If an alarm event requiring a report to
the Central Station occurs during an RPM session, the control may abort the session
to report the event.
Missing Keypad Code 00 to FF Code sent when a supervised Control Station is removed or fails to respond to sys-
tem polling.
Restore Keypad Code 00 to FF Code sent when a missing Control Station is restored to the data bus.
RF Jamming Report Code 00 to FF Code sent when an RF Gateway detects an RF Jamming condition.
RF Channel Clear Code 00 to FF Code sent when an RF Gateway detects an RF Jamming condition has cleared.
RF Keyfob Low Battery Code 00 to FF Code sent when an RF Gateway detects a low battery condition on one of its Fobs.

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Area Schedules Description

Automatic Arming Latch Key Schedules

If automatic arming is enabled, the control produces A Latch Key User ID is used to determine which user
a warning signal at the appropriate Control Station(s) passcode must be entered on selected Latch Key
once every minute beginning ten minutes prior to Days. The user passcode must be entered within a
the event. During this warning, the same Control time window. If the user passcode is not entered
Station(s) may display a visual indication of the im- during the Time Window, a Latch Key Supervision
pending action and the amount of time remaining. event will be posted in the Event Log to be reported.
This allows the user ample warning to exit or over-
ride the impending action. Auto Arming time may For example, if Monday is a Latch Key Day and the
be extended by one hour during each ten minute Latch Key Time for Monday is 14:30 with a thirty minute
warning period (but not past midnight) using the Time Window and the Latch Key User ID is not en-
Delay Auto Arming function. The user can also abort tered between 14:00 and 15:00 hours, then a Latch
the scheduled arming for that day through User Level Key Supervision event will be posted at 15:00 hours.
programming. (See the appropriate User Guide).
Auto Arming arms the control in the AWAY, STAY, or NOTE
NIGHT mode with normal exit time. The Latch Key Time Window can-
not cross over the Midnight
boundary. During the Time Win-
dow, the Control Station will
chime once a minute until the user
passcode is entered or the Time
Window has expired, whichever
comes first.

Area Schedules Default Table

Loc Default Loc Default
Scheduled Arm Mode [775] 0 [808] 0
Scheduled Arm Days [776] H-00 [809] H-00
Arm Time Sun (hr:min) [777:778] 00:00 [810:811] 00:00
Arm Time Mon (hr:min) [779:780] 00:00 [812:813] 00:00
Arm Time Tues (hr:min) [781:782] 00:00 [814:815] 00:00
Arm Time Wed (hr:min) [783:784] 00:00 [816:817] 00:00
Arm Time Thurs (hr:min) [785:786] 00:00 [818:819] 00:00
Arm Time Fri (hr:min) [787:788] 00:00 [820:821] 00:00
Arm Time Sat (hr:min) [789:790] 00:00 [822:823] 00:00
Latch Key User ID [791] 0 [824] 0
Latch Key Days [792] H-00 [825] H-00
Latch Key Window (min) [793] 0 [826] 0
Latch Time Sun (hr:min) [794:795] 00:00 [827:828] 00:00
Latch Time Mon (hr:min) [796:797] 00:00 [829:830] 00:00
Latch Time Tues (hr:min) [798:799] 00:00 [831:832] 00:00
Latch Time Wed (hr:min) [800:801] 00:00 [833:834] 00:00
Latch Time Thurs (hr:min) [802:803] 00:00 [835:836] 00:00
Latch Time Fri (hr:min) [804:805] 00:00 [837:838] 00:00
Latch Time Sat (hr:min) [806:807] 00:00 [839:840] 00:00

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The following table refers to programming locations

775 through 840:


Scheduled Arming Mode 0 = AWAY, 1 = STAY, 2 = NIGHT Determines the Auto Arm mode.
Scheduled Arming Days 00 to FF Selects the days of the week the system automatically arms.
(see the table below for a complete
description of each value’s activation)
Sunday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Sunday.
Monday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Monday.
Tuesday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Tuesday.
Wednesday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Wednesday.
Thursday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Thursday.
Friday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Friday.
Saturday Arming Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time for Auto Arming on Saturday.
Latch Key User ID 0 = disable, User 1 to 50 Determines the user passcode that has Latch Key Supervision.
Latch Key Days 00 to FF (see Scheduled Arming Selects the days of the week that Latch Key Supervision is
and Latch Key Days Table.) performed.
Latch Key Time Window 0 to 255 minutes Time in minutes (+/-) the Latch Key User Code may be
Sunday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Sunday.
Monday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Monday.
Tuesday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Tuesday.
Wednesday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Wednesday.
Thursday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Thursday.
Friday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Friday.
Saturday Latch Key Time 00:00 to 23:59 The time, (+/-) the Time Window, the Latch Key user
passcode must be entered on Saturday.

Scheduled Arming and Latch Key Days Table

FIRST DIGIT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
All Days Below Disabled • •
Thursday • • • • • • •

Friday • • • • • • • •
Saturday • • • • • • • •
All Days Below Disabled •
Sunday • • • • • •• •
• • • • • •
• •
Tuesday • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
If the First Digit entered is ‘1’, it must be entered as ‘01’. A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; E = 14; F = 15
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Programming Options

This section deals with the attributes of the Remote ming changes are still allowed. When the Datalock
Programming Manager Software. Before program- (agency code) is set, the Control Station emits an error
ming the specific functions, it is important to un- tone if any attempt is made to change an account
derstand the following: number or a phone number or to default the control.

Abort: During a remote programming session, the

control is fully functional and can detect and an- Programming Options Default Table
nunciate alarms locally. The control aborts a session
Loc Default
with RPM/2 Pro to report alarm events.
Installer Passcode [841 - 844] 9632
Datalock: As a provision of anti-takeover, the con- Call 2 Timer (sec) [845] 0
trol does not permit local programming of the ac- Auto Answer Ring Count [846] 5
count numbers and telephone numbers, or the Re- Enable RPM [847] 1
store Factory Defaults option to operate when an Enable Power Up Program [848] 0
agency code has been established and programmed
Lockout Local Program [849] 0
by the RPM/2 Pro software. Other installer program-

The following table refers to programming locations

841 through 849:


Installer Passcode 0000 to 9999 The installer passcode is the only passcode that may program the entire
Function Map. See Installer Level Programming - User Data Description
for a description of the other functions that may be performed.
2nd Call Timer 0 - 255 seconds Time in seconds for the answering machine bypass time window. This allows
the remote programmer to bypass an answering machine by making two
calls to the premises. The first call must ring three times or less and not be
answered. The answering machine bypass time window starts ten seconds
after the last ring of the first call. If the first ring of the second call occurs
within the answering machine bypass time window, the panel answers the
second call on the first ring. Remote Programming must be enabled and
Auto-Answer Ring count must be non-zero.
Auto Answer Ring Count 0 - 15 rings Sets the number of rings that must occur before the panel automatically
answers the telephone for operation with RPM/2 Pro. A ring count of 0
disables automatic answering, but manual connection may still be used. If
Remote Programming is not enabled, then the auto-answer ring count is
ignored and the panel never answers.
Enable RPM 0 = No Enables operation of the control with the RPM/2 Pro package.
1 = Yes
Enable Power Up Program 0 = No A quick way to enter program mode upon power up. Pressing the ”9“ key
1 = Yes and entering “9999” within the first 60 seconds after power up enters the
control into Installer Level Programming mode. Consider disabling this
feature for anti-takeover.
Lockout Local Program 0 = No This is provided for anti-takeover protection. If it is enabled, the
1 = Yes installer passcode is limited as noted in Installer Level Programming - User
Data Description. A user may still be able to perform user level program-
ming and RPM/2 Pro will be fully operational. Do not enable this unless an
RPM/2 Pro account has been established for the control.

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Programming Notes Note 3: Exit Arm

An Exit Arm is intended to automatically arm an area

Note 1: Restarting Exit Time
ten minutes after the premises are vacated. An Exit
Arm will only be attempted when it is enabled for
If an exit time is counting down from an AWAY arm-
an area and the area is disarmed and not in alarm.
ing, the exit time may be automatically restarted
The end user can disable the Exit Arm feature on a
once to reduce false alarms.
day-to-day basis (see the appropriate User Guide).
If a Disable Exit Arming is performed, the Exit Arm
The exit time will be restarted if a Perimeter (arm in
will be disabled until midnight.
STAY mode and arm in NIGHT mode) Burglar zone
is violated anytime during the last ten seconds of
exit time. When a Delay Burglar zone restores from a viola-
tion, the area’s Exit Arm timer is started at ten min-
If the exit time is not due to an Exit Arm or a Sched- utes. During this time, the Control Station may dis-
uled Arming, then the exit time will be restarted if play a visual indication of the impending action and
it expires and a Perimeter (Arm in STAY mode and the amount of time remaining. An audible warning
Arm in NIGHT mode) Burglar zone has not been signal will occur at two minutes until arming and at
violated during the exit time (i.e.: nobody went one minute until arming. When any Burglar zone is
out the door). violated, the area’s Exit Arm timer is halted. If a Delay
zone restores from a violation while the timer is run-
ning, the timer is restarted at ten minutes. If an
Note 1A: Entry Delay Times Instant or Follower Burglar zone restores from a vio-
lation, the timer is halted.
The Entry Delay Times (Entry Delay 1 and Entry De-
lay 2) of an area work together to provide a more If the timer expires (i.e.: ten minutes of no Burglar
secure Entry Delay Time. For example, Entry Delay zone activity following a Delay zone restoration),
1 may be programmed as 4 minutes and Entry De- then the system attempts to arm the area in the
lay 2 may be programmed as 1 minute. If Entry De- AWAY mode. If Force-Arming is enabled, then a
lay 1 (4 min.) is started and counts down to 2 min- Force-Arm may occur if needed. If the arming is
utes remaining when an armed Delay 2 zone is vio- successful, then Exit time is started and an Auto-Arm
lated, then the Entry Delay Time is reduced to the event is logged to be reported. If the arming can-
more secure Entry Delay 2 time (1 minute remain- not be completed, then nothing will happen.
ing). However, if the Entry Delay Time counts down
below the Entry Delay 2 Time (i.e. to 30 seconds
remaining), then no adjustment is made. Entry De- Note 4: Force-Arming
lay Time is only decreased, it is never increased.
If Force-Arming is enabled for an area, then an arm-
ing from a keyswitch zone, an Exit Arming or a
Note 2: Entry Time versus Pre-Alarm Warning Scheduled Arming will be Force-Armed if necessary.

Assuming Exit, Entry and Pre-Alarm Warning Times Note 5: LED Control Stations
are inactive, a violation of an armed Burglar zone
will cause the following actions depending on the The Secondary Area setting is ignored for LED Con-
area’s arm level and the type of Burglar zone: trol Stations since they cannot provide area infor-


Instant Burglar Instant Alarm Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning
Time Time Time Time

Delay Burglar Entry Time Entry Time Instant Entry Time Instant

Follower Burglar Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning Pre-Alarm Warning
Time Time Time Time Time

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mation and prompts. Therefore, LED Control Sta- Timer has expired without the violation being
tions cannot have a Secondary Area. verified, then nothing happens.

Common Area Burglar zones cannot be programmed

Note 6: Verifying or Self-Verifying Burglar Zones as verifying or self-verifying, but they can verify a veri-
fying or self-verifying zone from Area 1 or Area 2 (see
If an armed Verifying Burglar zone is violated, then a Operating the System - Introduction).
forty second Verification Timer is started. If the timer
expires and the zone that started it is still in violation,
then the zone’s violation is verified. If another armed Note 7: Sentry Test Burglar Zones
Burglar zone is violated while the timer is still running,
then that violation verifies the first zone’s violation. If a Burglar zone has Sentry Test enabled, then each
time the zone is disarmed, it must be tested before it
If an armed Self-Verifying Burglar zone is violated, can be armed again. A test consists of violating the
then a forty second Verification Timer is started. If zone from a restored state and then restoring it again.
the Timer expires and the zone is still in violation,
then the zone’s violation is verified. If another armed If the zone has not been tested, then it appears as a
Burglar zone is violated while the Timer is still run- faulted zone, making its area not ready to arm. An
ning, then that violation verifies the first zone’s vio- untested zone cannot be armed. If the zone is
lation. If the same armed Burglar zone is violated a bypassable, then it may be bypassed to get around
second time while the Timer is still running, then the testing. Force-Arming should not be enabled
the zone’s violation is verified. on systems with Sentry Test Burglar Zones.

If the area is armed such that a violation from the

zone would normally cause an instant alarm: Note 8: Zone Activation of Bell Output and
Keypad Sounders
• when the zone is first violated, nothing happens.
• when the violation is verified, an instant alarm The Bell Output on Alarm attribute determines
occurs. whether the Bell Output for the zone’s area activates
• if the Verification Timer expires without the vio- due to an alarm from the zone. It does not affect
lation being verified, then nothing happens. the activation of any other programmable outputs,
including an associated Alarm output.
If the area is armed such that a violation from the
zone would normally cause an Entry Time or Pre- This attribute is only used if the Zone Type is Bur-
Alarm Warning Time Delay: glar, Holdup, Auxiliary or Burglar Tamper; otherwise,
it is ignored. The Bell Output activates on all alarms
• when the zone is first violated, the Delay Timer from Fire and Verified Fire zones and from an ‘A’
is started. key. It never activates from the other Zone Types.
• if the violation is verified while the Delay Timer is
still running, then the Delay Timer continues as The Keypad Sounder on Alarm attribute determines
normal. whether the Control Station sounders activate due
• if the Verification Timer expires while the Delay to an alarm from the zone. It does not affect the
Timer is still running and the violation has not activation of any programmable outputs. This at-
been verified, then the time continues. If the tribute is only used if the Zone Type is Burglar,
Delay Timer expires and no zones are violated Holdup or Auxiliary; otherwise, it is ignored. Key-
from the Delay Time, then nothing happens. pad sounders activate on all alarms from Fire and
Verified Fire zones and from an ‘A’ key, as well as
• if the Delay timer expires before the Verification from Burglar Tamper and Fire Supervisory zones.
timer expires and the violation has not been veri- They never activate from the other Zone Types.
fied, then nothing will happen until either the vio-
lation is verified or the Verification Timer expires.
If a Holdup zone is programmed with neither Bell
• if the violation is verified after the Delay Timer Output on Alarm nor Keypad Sounder on Alarm,
has expired, then an instant alarm occurs. then an alarm from the zone will be invisible on the
• if the Verification Timer expires after the Delay Control Stations.

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Note 9: Bypassable Zones - Fire Trouble as follows. A Line-Seized indicator line must be con-
Condition nected from the ACTIVE output on the Listen-In
Module to an assigned Listen-In Module zone on
All zones may be programmed as Bypassable. If a the panel. A Listen-In output line must be connected
Fire, Verified Fire, or Fire Supervisory zone is from an assigned output on the panel to the ACTI-
bypassable and is bypassed, a Fire Trouble condi- VATE input on the Listen-In Module.
tion occurs and is reported. The condition remains
until the zone is unbypassed. The zone programmed as the Listen-In Module zone
is area independent and is used by the panel to de-
termine whether or not the Listen-In Module has
Note 10: Secure Watch seized the telephone line and has the microphone(s)
active. The output programmed as the Listen-In
The Secure Watch attribute may only be used with Output may be assigned to any combination of ar-
Burglar, Critical Condition Monitor, Non-Alarm, Uni- eas. It is used by the panel to signal the Listen-In
versal, and Universal Logged zones. It is ignored for Module for activation.
all other zone types.
The Listen-In Module may be configured in one of
If a Burglar zone has Secure Watch enabled, then two modes, Instant Seize mode or Answer mode.
the Secure Watch only applies when the zone is dis-
armed and not bypassed. Whenever the zone is vio- If the Listen-In Module is configured in Instant Seize
lated, disarmed or unbypassed, the zone’s Secure mode, then when it is first signaled from the panel,
Watch timer is reset to the programmed time. If it instantly seizes the phone line and signals the panel
that timer expires and the zone is disarmed and not through the Listen-In Module zone but does not turn
bypassed, then a Secure Watch Trouble event is on the microphones. When the panel releases the
posted for the zone to be reported. The trouble connection to the Central Station and deactivates
condition is not displayed on the keypad and it does the Listen-In Output, the Listen-In Module already
not prevent the area from being armed. A Secure has the line seized and assumes the connection.
Watch Trouble Restore event is posted for the zone
to be reported if the zone is then either violated, If the Listen-In Module is configured in Answer mode,
armed, or bypassed. then after the panel has signaled it by activating and
later deactivating the Listen-In Output, the Listen-In
If a Critical Condition Monitor, Non-Alarm, Univer- Module starts its incoming call timer. The incoming
sal, or Universal Logged zone has Secure Watch en- call timer starts when the Listen-In Output is deacti-
abled, then the Secure Watch only applies when the vated and runs for five minutes. If a call comes in
zone is not bypassed. When the zone is violated or while the timer is running, then the Listen-In Mod-
unbypassed, the zone’s Secure Watch timer is reset ule answers the call on the first ring. At that time, it
to the programmed time. If that timer expires and signals the panel through the Listen-In Module zone
the zone is not bypassed, then a Secure Watch that it has seized the line.
Trouble event is posted for the zone to be reported.
The trouble condition is not displayed on the key- When the control panel detects the Line-Seized sig-
pad. A Secure Watch Trouble restore event is posted nal from the Listen-In Module zone, it temporarily
for the zone to be reported if the zone is either vio- silences all alarm tones at the Control Stations and
lated or bypassed. the Bell Outputs, although the alarm output timers
continue. When the Listen-In Module releases the
While a zone has a Secure Watch Trouble condition, phone line, it removes the Line-Seized signal to the
its corresponding Secure Watch signaling device panel. When the control panel detects the Line-
(programmable output) will stay ON steady. Seized signal has been removed, it no longer silences
alarm tones at the Control Stations and Bell Out-
puts. The Bell Outputs are reactivated if they have
Note 11: The Listen-In Module not timed-out.

The Listen-In Module must be wired to the telephone Also, when the panel detects the Line-Seized signal
lines in series with and behind the control panel. from the Listen-In Module zone and gets an event
The Listen-In Module must be connected to the panel (any event) to report to the Central Station, the panel

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signals the Listen-In operator by momentarily seiz- Control Stations do not produce the alarm tone for
ing the phone line and producing a tone. This in- the alarm and the Bell Output(s) are silent. The
terrupts the Listen-In Module connection for about muting of an alarm does not affect the operation of
one second but it does not hang-up the phone line. programmed outputs. If the Delay Before Dial Time
The panel also starts a two minute timer. It will not expires without the alarm being silenced, then the
try to call out to the Central Station until either the Control Stations resume the alarm tone and the Bell
Line-Seized signal from the Listen-In zone is removed Output(s) re-activate. The alarm cut-off timer(s) con-
or the two minute timer expires, whichever comes tinue to count while the alarm is muted.
first. If the timer expires before the Line-Seized sig-
nal is removed, the panel seizes the line to dial out
to the Central Station, disconnecting and hanging Note 13: Fire Delay Before Dial
up the Listen-In Module’s connection.
The Fire Delay Before Dial Time is used as the time
If an alarm is silenced through a Control Station dur- that a user has after a Fire Alarm from a zone has oc-
ing a Listen-In session, it has no impact on the Lis- curred to silence the alarm and abort the Alarm event.
ten-In operation.
If the Fire Delay Before Dial Time is not zero and
the alarm is silenced before the Fire Delay Before
Dial Time expires, then no Alarm events are posted
If a Holdup Alarm event is re- to be reported. If this occurs and Log Alarm Abort
ported to the Central Station, it is Events is enabled, the Alarm Aborted events are
the Listen-In operator’s responsi- posted for each zone that went into alarm, but they
bility to NOT activate the speak- are not reported. If a Fire Alarm is silenced before
ers on the Listen-In Module. the Fire Delay Before Dial Time expires, the user
has 255 seconds to reset the smoke detectors, oth-
erwise a smoke reset will automatically occur when
Note 12: Delay Before Dial Time 255 seconds elapses.

The Delay Before Dial Time is used as the time that If the Fire Delay Before Dial Time is zero or if Fire Delay
a user has after a Burglar, Holdup, or Auxiliary Alarm Before Dial Time expires before Fire Alarm is silenced,
from a zone has occurred to silence the alarm with a then the Alarm events are posted to be reported.
disarm and abort the Alarm event.
If a Fire Alarm is in Fire Delay Before Dial Time
If the Delay Before Dial Time is not zero and the alarm then when the Off Cancel key is pressed from a key-
is silenced before the Delay Before Dial Time expires, pad, all alarms in the keypads Primary and Second-
then no Alarm events are posted to be reported. If this ary area are muted until the Fire Delay Before Dial
occurs and Log Alarm Aborted Events is enabled, then Time expires. While an alarm is muted, the Control
Alarm Aborted events are posted for each zone that Stations do not produce the alarm tone for the alarm
went into alarm, but they are not reported. and the Bell Output(s) are silent. The muting of an
alarm does not affect the operation of programmed
If the Delay Before Dial Time is zero or if the Delay outputs. If the Fire Delay Before Dial Time expires
Before Dial Time expires before the alarm is silenced without the alarm being silenced, then the Control
with a disarm, then the Alarm events are posted to Stations resume the alarm tone and the Bell
be reported. If the alarm is a Burglar Alarm and the Output(s) re-activate. The alarm cut-off timer(s)
alarm is silenced with a disarm before the Burglar continue to count while the alarm is muted.
Bell Cutoff Timer expires, then a “Cancel Alarm”
event is logged to be reported. Fire Delay Before Dial Time does not apply to Fire
Alarms from Water Flow zones.
If an alarm in a Control Station’s Primary or Second-
ary area is in Delay Before Dial Time, then when
the OFF CANCEL key is pressed on the Control Sta- Note 14: Transmission Formats
tion, all alarms in the Control Station’s Primary and
Secondary areas are muted until the Delay Before If the Data Format is “Pulsed 20 Baud - Non-Ex-
Dial Time expires. While an alarm is muted, the tended”, then the number of digits in the account

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code determines how events are reported. If the to occur or the event may be reported using an-
fourth digit of the account code is 0, then events other phone number.
are reported in the 3/1 Non-Extended format. If
the fourth digit of the account code is not 0, then If the Pager option is used, up to 16 digits of the
events are reported in the 4/1 Non-Extended for- Pager Header Message and a 2-digit Pager Event
mat. Only the first digit of the report code is sent. If Message are sent. (If the Pager Header Message is
an account code digit or the first digit of the report not used, a 4-digit Account Code and a 2-digit Pager
code is 0, then that digit is transmitted as an ‘A’. Event Message are sent). The telephone number will
Each event is reported in two rounds for verifica- be dialed for the number of dial attempts pro-
tion. grammed and the pager message will be blindly sent
each time. There will be no feedback and, there-
For the 3/1 Non-Extended format, the first three dig- fore, no failed to communicate.
its of the account code and the first digit of the re-
port code are transmitted in a round. For the 4/1 The Pager option is perfect for the parent who works
Non-Extended format, all four digits of the account late and wants to know if their child arrived home
code and the first digit of the report code are trans- safely. When the child disarms the system, the par-
mitted in a round. ent is paged. Since arming/disarming reports are
programmed for each user, the system can be pro-
If the Data Format is “Pulsed 20 Baud - Extended” grammed to only page when the child’s user
or “Pulsed 40 Baud - Extended”, then the number passcode is used or when a passcode with the User
of digits in the account code must be four (4) digits. on Premises authority level is used. The pager op-
Both digits of the report code are sent. If an ac- tion can also be used with the Latch Key Supervi-
count code digit or one of the report code digits is sion report to page the parent when the child does
0, then that digit is transmitted as an ‘A’. Each event not come home when expected.
is reported in two rounds for verification.

For the 4/2 Extended format, then all four digits of Note 15: Powering Up While Armed
the account code and both digits of the report code
are transmitted in a round. If either area is armed when the panel powers up,
violations from all the burglar zones are ignored for
If the Data Format is “Contact ID”, then all four dig- three minutes. This allows all armed PIRs to stabi-
its of the account code are sent. The report code is lize without causing false alarms.
only used to determine if the event is sent or not.
The reports are generated from a Contact ID report
table. This is an Ademco developed format. Note 16: Universal Outputs

If the Data Format is “Non-Telco Contact ID”, then A Universal output may be assigned to any combi-
all four digits of the account code are sent. The re- nation of areas and is controlled by the Universal
port code is only used to determine if the event is timer or keypad in each of the areas. When a Uni-
sent or not. The reports are generated from a Con- versal or Universal Logged zone in an area is vio-
tact ID report table. The report will be sent to an lated, the area’s Universal timer will begin a count-
interface device over the data bus. The interface down. If the Universal Output Time is set to zero
device will send an acknowledgment to the system (0), then the area’s Universal timer will turn ON. To
upon successful transmission of an event. The asso- turn it OFF, use the ENTER + Key #2 secondary func-
ciated Central Station telephone number will not be tion.
used, but its first digit must not be an ‘F’. If the
interface device responds back with a transmission If the Universal Output Time is not set to zero (0),
failure or if the interface device “loses” the event, then the ENTER + Key #2 secondary function will
the system will view it as a failed dial attempt. If the override the Universal Output timer. For example, if
interface device is not responding on the data bus, the timer is running when the function is performed,
a “Non-Telco Failure” condition will be posted and then the output will be turned OFF and the timer
the system will not try to report through the inter- will halt. A new zone activation will turn the output
face. This may cause a “Comm Failure” condition ON and re-start the timer. If the timer is not run-

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ning when the function is performed, then the func-

tion will turn the output ON and subsequent zone
violations will be ignored until after the output is
turned OFF by performing the function again.

A Universal output will go ON STEADY when any of

its areas have a Universal timer that is either running
or ON. If the Universal Output Time is 0, only one
area should be used to control a Universal output.
Otherwise, an area will not be able to turn the out-
put OFF if another area has turned it ON.

Note 17: Lamp Trigger Outputs

A Lamp Trigger output will change state (ON to OFF

or OFF to ON) for the Control Station’s Primary area
when the ENTER + Key #1 secondary function is per-
formed. If the output is turned ON with the ENTER
+ Key #1 secondary function and then an arming
occurs, the output will turn OFF when the Exit Time

Note 18: Access and Quick Access Outputs

An Access output will be controlled by the Access

operations (0 + passcode) performed on any of its
Control Stations or from RPM. A Quick Access out-
put will be controlled by pressing ENTER + Key #3.

If a Control Station is used to toggle an Access or

Quick Access output between ON and OFF, then it
should be the only Control Station controlling that
output. Otherwise, you may not be able to turn the
output OFF if another Control Station has turned it

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Digital Communicator Table For Contact ID

This section cross-references many of the reporting
options and equivalent codes sent by Sentrol-manu-
factured controls when transmitting in the Contact
ID formats.

Simplified example of data sent in Contact ID format:

SSSS = 4 decimal digit subscriber # XYZ = Event code (3 decimal digits)
18 = Contact ID que for automation systems AA = Area number (00 for system events)
Q = Event qualifier; 1 = new event or opening; CCC = Zone, sensor, or user # (3 decimal digits)
3 = new restore or closing; 6 = previously
reported event


‘A’ Key Fire Alarm 1115 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Zone Fire Alarm 1110 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Fire Supervisory 1200 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Burglar Alarm 1130 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Burglar Tamper 1137 Zone (1 - 28)
‘B’ Key Holdup Alarm 1120 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Zone Holdup Alarm 1120 Zone (1 - 28)
Duress 1121 User (1 - 50)
‘C’ Key Auxiliary Alarm 1100 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Zone Auxiliary Alarm 1100 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone CCM Alarm 1150 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Non-Alarm 1163 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Fire Trouble 1373 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Fire Test Mode Begin 1604 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Burglar Trouble 1370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Holdup Trouble 1370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Auxiliary Trouble 1370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Other Trouble 1370 Zone (1 - 28)
Secure Watch Trouble 1641 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone No Response on Bus 1333 Zone (13 - 29)
RF Point Not Reporting 1381 Zone (13 - 28)
Smoke Trouble 1380 Zone (13 - 30)
RF Sensor Tamper 1383 Zone (13 - 28)
RF Point Low Battery 1384 Zone (13 - 28)
Zone Fire Bypass 1571 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Burglar Bypass 1573 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Holdup Bypass 1572 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Auxiliary Bypass 1572 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Other Bypass 1570 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Fire Alarm Restore 3110 Zone (1 - 30)

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Zone Fire Supervisory Restore 3200 Zone (1 - 30)

Zone Burglar Alarm Restore 3130 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Burglar Tamper Restore 3137 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Holdup Alarm Restore 3120 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Auxiliary Alarm Restore 3100 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Critical Condition Monitor Alarm Restore 3150 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Non-Alarm Restore 3163 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Fire Trouble Restore 3373 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Fire Test Mode End 3604 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Burglar Trouble Restore 3370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Holdup Trouble Restore 3370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Auxiliary Trouble Restore 3370 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Other Trouble Restore 3370 Zone (1 - 28)
Secure Watch Trouble Restore 3641 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone No Response Restore 3333 Zone (13 - 29)
RF Point Reporting 3381 Zone (13 - 28)
Smoke Trouble Restore 3380 Zone (13 - 30)
RF Sensor Tamper Restore 3383 Zone (13 - 28)
RF Point Low Battery Restore 3384 Zone (13 - 28)
Zone Fire Bypass Restore 3571 Zone (1 - 30)
Zone Burglar Bypass Restore 3573 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Holdup Bypass Restore 3572 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Auxiliary Bypass Restore 3572 Zone (1 - 28)
Zone Other Bypass Restore 3570 Zone (1 - 28)
User AWAY Arm from Keypad 3401 User (1 - 50)
User STAY or NIGHT Keypad Arm 3456 User (1 - 50)
Quick AWAY Arm from Keypad 3408 No Data
Quick STAY or NIGHT Keypad Arm 3408 No Data
Keyswitch Arm 3409 Zone (1 - 28)
Installer Arm 3400 No Data
RPM/2 Pro Arm 3407 No Data
Auto Arm 3403 No Data
Auto Arm Failed 1455 No Data
Auto Arm Aborted 3455 User (1 - 50)
Closing Extended 3405 User (1 - 50)
Exit Alarm 1374 Zone (1 - 28)
Recent Closing 3459 User (1 - 50)
User Disarm from Keypad 1401 User (1 - 50)
Keyswitch Disarm 1409 Zone (1 - 28)
Installer Disarm 1400 No Data
RPM/2 Pro Disarm 1407 No Data
Latch Key Supervision 1642 User (1 - 50)
User on Premises 1458 User (1 - 50)
Keypad Locked-out 1300 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Keypad Missing 1330 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Keypad Missing Restore 3330 500 + Keypad (1 - 6)
Burglar Alarm Canceled 3406 User (1 - 50)
Auto-Comm Test (Not Normal) 1608 No Data

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Auto-Communicator Test 1602 No Data

AC Failure 1301 No Data
AC Restore 3301 No Data
Panel Low/No Battery 1302 No Data
Panel Battery Restore 3302 No Data
Bell Fault 1321 No Data
Bell Restore 3321 No Data
Communication Restore 3354 No Data
Memory Error 1303 No Data
Begin Installer Local Program 1627 No Data
End Installer Local Program 1628 No Data
End Remote Programming 3412 No Data
Remote Programming Denied 1413 No Data
Remote Programming Aborted 1412 No Data
RF Jamming 1381 No Data
RF Channel Clear 3381 No Data
RF Keyfob Low Battery 1384 User (1 - 50)
Phone Line Failure 1351 No Data
Phone Line Restore 3351 No Data
Non-Telco Failure 1353 No Data
Non-Telco Restore 3353 No Data

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UL Programming Requirements
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
This control is listed by Underwriters Laboratories
(UL) as follows:

Household Burglary (Grade A) UL 1023
Household Fire UL 985
Central Station Burglary (Grade C) UL 1610/1635
Central Station Burglary (Grade B) UL 1610/1635
Home Health Care Signaling Equipment UL 1637
Local Burglary (Grade A) UL 609
Police Station Burglary Connection (Grade A) UL 365

UL has established certain requirements which per- • Communicator Enable - Local or police station
tain to the installation, use, and programming of connected burglar alarm installations: The com-
this equipment. The local Authority Having Juris- municator must be enabled.
diction (AHJ) and/or UL may have other requirements • Days Between Comm. Tests - Commercial instal-
which apply to the installation of this system that lations: automatic test performed every 24 hours.
are not detailed in this manual. It is the responsibil- • Time Between Dial Attempts - UL certified ac-
ity of the installing dealer to check with the AHJ and/ counts: no more than 45 seconds between at-
or UL before installing this system. The following tempts.
pages detail guidelines that must be followed in or- • Dial Type - Will not be programmed for foreign
der to comply with the UL listings as stated above. pulse.
• Dial Attempts Before Shutdown - Five dial at-
tempts minimum, ten dial attempts maximum.
UL Notes In This Manual • Arming/Disarming Reports - This function will
be enabled by programming report codes.
• Key “0” (Access) - The control has not been in- • Low Battery Reporting - This function will be en-
vestigated to UL 294 Access Control System re- abled by programming a report code for Grade
quirements. A Local Burglar, Grade A Police Connected, and
• Unsupervised Burglary Zones - UL does not per- Grade B and C Central Station Burglar installa-
mit the use of unsupervised zones. tions.
• Two Button/Double Press Arming - These func-
tions will be disabled. Four digit passcodes will
UL Notes About Program be used.
• Enable Force Arming - This function will be dis-
Functions abled.
• Enable Bypassing - This function will be disabled.
• Entrance Delay Time (1 and 2) - Maximum of • Burglar Alarm Output - Will be programmed to
45 seconds. STEADY.
• AWAY Exit Delay Time - Maximum of 60 sec- • Fire Alarm Output - Will be programmed to TEM-
onds. PORAL.
• Burglar Alarm Cutoff Time - Four minutes mini- • Burglar Loop Audible Lockout - This function will
mum for household BA/FA and 15 minutes for be disabled.
commercial burglar alarm and police station con- • Enable Bell Test Upon Arming - This function will
nected burglar alarm system. be enabled for Grade A Local Central Station
• Fire Cutoff Time - Minimum of four (4) minutes. Connected installations.

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• Enable Keypad Sounder for BA Zones - The sys-

tem will have an audible alarm output upon
• Auto-Arming - This function will be disabled.
• Listen-In Modules must not be used.
• Burglar zones will not be programmed as Veri-
fying or Self-Verifying.
• Output Type can NOT be programmed as
Ground Start
• RF User Devices must be assigned to User
Passcodes 1 - 30.

UL Notes About Zone Planning

• Burglar Loops - Will be defined as Alarm on

Open/Alarm on Short.
• Fire, Holdup, and Auxiliary Emergency Zones -
Will not be defined as bypassable.
• Special Functions/Alarms - Burglar zones will
have an audible output.
• Medical Emergency - At least one Control Sta-
tion will be used as part of the system.

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