Admission Test (Final Version PDF) - 2021

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Duração: 90 minutos
Exemplar Nº _____
Instruções para as respostas

Não escreva neste documento.

As respostas devem ser assinaladas na Folha de Respostas que lhe foi entregue.
Em caso de engano, preencher a resposta selecionada e assinalar outra resposta.
Assinalar mais do que uma resposta para cada questão resultará na anulação dessa
Não existe fator de correção.
Não é permitido retirar os agrafos nem escrever no enunciado.

Part I – Listening (1 - 30) pág. 2

Vai ouvir uma série de enunciados, frases incompletas e pequenos diálogos. De acordo
com a situação, deve procurar a opção correta.

Ex.: Staff Sergeant Lutton’s glass is empty.

[A] She has no water.

[B] The cup is on the table. Resposta Correta: [A]
[C] She’s thirsty.
[D] She wants to eat.

• Entre cada questão dispõe de 30 segundos para responder.

• Cada enunciado vai passar DUAS vezes.
• Para diminuir a possibilidade de erro, cada enunciado ouvido é precedido do
respetivo número, de 1 a 30.
• O teste NÃO pode ser interrompido.

Part II – Reading (31 - 60) pág. 4

Esta parte consta de 30 frases. Escolha a resposta correta e marque na sua folha de
Ex.: Corporal Dennis was ____ to his CO.
R.: [A] dining [B] talking [C] standing [D] sitting

Resposta correta: [B].

Part III – Writing pág. 7

Esta parte é constituída por um tema sobre o qual vai ter de escrever, seguindo as
indicações dadas. O número máximo de palavras é obrigatório.

Se depois de ler estas instruções persistirem dúvidas, coloque-as ao Professor

responsável pela execução dos testes.

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Part I – Listening
Directions for questions 1 through12.
You will hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a., b., c., or d., and mark your answer sheet.

1. a. 1003hrs 2. a. January
b. 1315hrs b. Summer
c. 1515hrs c. December
d. 1615hrs d. Winter

3. a. every one of them 4. a. they will drive

b. most of them b. they will fly
c. several of them c. they will walk
d. lots of them d. they will cycle

5. a. yesterday 6. a. he reads regulations

b. next week b. he works with machines
c. at the office c. he looks up words
d. on Saturday d. he uses recipes

7. a. to get his uniform pressed 8. a. the size

b. to have a drink b. the name
c. to get a haircut c. the colour
d. to do some shopping d. the temperature

9. a. put the shirt on 10. a. fast speed

b. buy the shirt b. broken
c. check the price c. excellent condition
d. find another like it d. houses a crew of 5

11. a. what time you ate breakfast 12. a. he left his unit
b. what time you dressed b. he assumed control
c. what time you opened your eyes c. he found his unit
d. what time you got out of bed d. he lost control

Directions for questions 13 through 24.

You will now hear statements on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a., b., c., or d., and mark your answer sheet.

13. a. They are too big. 14. a. He called it off.

b. They are too small. b. He called for it.
c. They are the wrong colour. c. He called about it.
d. They are the correct size. d. He called in for it.

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15. a. They have not eaten yet. 16. a. He must go to a doctor today.
b. They are eating now. b. He should go to a doctor.
c. They have to eat quickly. c. He couldn't go to a doctor.
d. They were late for lunch. d. He won’t go to a doctor.

17. a. The combat uniform is cheaper. 18. a. She is perfectly normal.

b. Both uniforms are the same price. b. She is quite happy.
c. The ceremonial uniform is the c. She is very lonesome.
cheapest. d. She is somewhat tense.
d. The ceremonial uniform is as
expensive as the other.

19. a. He is well known. 20. a. He is arriving very shortly.

b. He is not known. b. His departure was cancelled.
c. He does not know anyone. c. He is departing in a short time.
d. He is a shy person. d. He is coming today.

21. a. It is imaginary. 22. a. He is a careful pilot.

b. It is popular. b. He is a negligent pilot.
c. It is boring. c. He is a nervous pilot.
d. It is favourable. d. He is a careless pilot.

23. a. The gasoline tank stayed full. 24. a. They don’t like chicken and chips.
b. The empty tank was on the left. b. They bought some chicken and
c. The left-hand indicator had no chips.
needle. c. They don’t care for chicken and
d. The indicator showed an empty tank. chips too much.
d. They like chicken and chips.

Directions for questions 25 through 30.

You will hear mini dialogues on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a., b., c., or d., and mark your answer sheet.


25. a. He needs some work. 26. a. Her arm hurts.

b. He needs some sticky material. b. She feels good.
c. He needs a specific tool. c. Her arm is weak.
d. He needs a strong jack. d. She feels numb.

27. a. The general was tired after 40 years. 28. a. waiting for his laundry to dry
b. General William stopped working b. getting his laundry
after 40 years. c. delivering his dirty clothes
c. The general stopped working for 40 d. putting his laundry in the machine
d. He tried to work for 40 years.

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29. a. It was broken in small pieces. 30. a. She wasn’t going.
b. It was dirty. b. She’ll be there in a few minutes.
c. It was locked tight. c. She was leaving immediately.
d. It was full of paint. d. She’d take a long time.

Part II – Reading
Directions for questions 31 through 60.
Select the one correct answer a., b., c., or d., and mark your answer sheet.


31. The POW (prisoner of war) was released.

a. He was set free. b. He was put in jail. c. He was caught. d. He was punished.

32. Peter joined the army. Being a soldier is tough, but he will get used to it.
a. He will use it. b. He will become c. He will start working d. He will buy it.
accustomed to it. on it.

33. Hard work accounted for the general’s success.

a. It was not the b. It objected to. c. It did not amount d. It was the reason
reason for. to. for.

34. Corporal Addison requested permission from the officer.

a. refused b. asked for c. gave d. looked for

35. I learned to swim by myself.

a. by being selfish b. with assistance c. without assistance d. without resistance

36. Tom goes to town frequently.

a. occasionally b. often c. seldom d. never

37. The armoured vehicles fuel supply was adequate.

a. too little b. sufficient c. adjusted d. reduced

38. The soldier’s behaviour was excellent.

a. conduct b. leave c. travel d. luck

39. The sergeant asked his CO, “Would you mind if I smoke?”.
a. please b. like c. object d. favour

40. Private Kushner was trying to get out of the building.

a. paint b. clean c. find d. leave

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41. I have worked _____ a gunner for several years.
a. in b. to c. as d. at

42. Turn the key to the _____ position. If you don’t do that, the motor will keep running.
a. “off” b. “on” c. “high” d. “safe”

43. I have been studying English _____ two hours. I am going to have a test tomorrow.
a. at b. for c. in d. since

44. John bought some toothpaste, but he didn’t _____ any soap.
a. to buy b. buying c. buy d. bought

45. During last week’s field training exercise _____ was very cold.
a. where b. there c. it d. their

46. He has just finished an experiment. It was one of _____ most successful experiments.
a. her b. it c. him d. his

47. I’m sorry, but I didn’t have _____ time to prepare the briefing last night.
a. any b. no c. many d. a few

48. Lieutenant Colonel Murdoch _____ a pack of cigarettes every day. He is thinking
about quitting.
a. smoke b. smoked c. smokes d. was smoking

49. Major Perry wanted to leave his car inside the building, so he put it _____ the garage.
a. on b. to c. in d. by

50. Food spoils _____ if it is not in a refrigerator, that’s why we use combat rations.
a. easier b. easily c. ease d. easing

51. I _____ take my pistol with me if my superiors allow me to do so.

a. will b. would c. am d. like

52. A sniper is a person _____ is trained to shoot at people from a place where (s)he
cannot be seen.
a. which b. who c. whose d. whom

53. Flying an aircraft is _____ as driving a car.

a. not as simple b. more simple c. the most simple d. simpler

54. “What did they give you for dessert at the mess hall?”
“We had a choice of fruit. I ate _____ apple.”
a. a b. there c. an d. the

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55. This is Sergeant Sayers, _____ brother has joined the paratrooper infantry course
last month.
a. that b. which c. who d. whose

56. _____ recruits normally _____ their family during basic training?
a. Do ... visit b. Does ... visit c. Has... visited d. Is... visited
57. When I _____ the obstacle course I broke my foot.
a. were doing b. was doing c. am doing d. do

58. “Can you look _____ my dog? I’m going on a training exercise for two weeks.”
a. out b. into c. through d. after

59. That soldier fights _____ of all.

a. courage b. the most courageously c. as courageously d. more courageous

60. Captain Peters asked Mary for a date. In this case, a date is _____.
a. a kind of fruit b. part of the calendar c. a social engagement d. a disagreement

Part III – Writing

Complete the task.

You will be assessed on the organization, logical development, complexity of your

writing, the richness and precision of vocabulary, accuracy of grammar and spelling, and
the suitability for the intended audience.

Write a text of about 80 to 100 words describing your best friend or a person you admire.

Your description should include:

o name the person you’ve chosen
o state the reason you’ve chosen him/her
o mention the time you saw/met him/her.
o physical appearance
o personality characteristics
o state the reasons you admire him/her
o hobbies, interests or any activities he/she takes part in
o make final comments and feelings about the person

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