American Language Course Placement Test

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The document appears to be an English language placement test that includes multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. It also includes an answer key at the end.

The document aims to assess an individual's English language ability by having them complete a test with different question types.

The test includes questions about grammar, vocabulary, meanings of words and phrases, inferences about short passages, and real-world scenarios.


American Language Course Placement Test

Name: ____________________________________________ Level: ___________ Date: _____________

1. A new car will cost eight thousand dollars or higher. How much will the new car cost?
a. only $8,000 c. $8,000 or more
b. less than $8,000 d. just $8,000
2. Tom said, “Sometimes I eat out.” Where does Tom sometimes have his meal?
a. at home c. in bed
b. in a restaurant d. in the kitchen
3. Kim talked to Mary this morning.
a. Kim and Mary listened this morning. c. Mary didn't see Kim this morning.
b. Kim looked for Mary this morning. d. Mary listened to Kim this morning.
4. Robert doesn’t speak Spanish, and James doesn’t, either
a. Robert and James speak Spanish. c. Neither of them speaks Spanish.
b. Only Robert speaks Spanish. d. Only James doesn’t speak Spanish.
5. Carl said, “I need to buy a pair of new shoes, but I don’t have the time.”
a. Carl bought a pair of shoes. c. He doesn’t have time to buy new shoes.
b. Carl has time to do some shopping. d. He doesn’t have the money to buy the shoes..
6. The new student is nervous about the test.
a. The test doesn’t bother him. c. He thinks the test is easy.
b. He is happy about the test. d. He is worried about the test.
7. This hat fits me alright. I’ll take it.
a. It is the wrong size. c. It is the right size.
b. It is too tight. d. It is bright.
8. Martin knows more than the other men and has become the head of the group.
a. He is a follower now. c. He is a father now.
b. He is a cook now. d. He is a leader now.
9. Mr. Miller knows what the population of New York is.
a. He knows where New York is. c. He knows how many miles away New York is.
b. He knows how to get to New York. d. He knows how many people live in New York.
10. You should select the right answer for each question. What should you do?
a. study the right answer c. choose the right answer
b. try out the right answer d. correct the answer
11. Most accidents take place in heavy traffic.
a. Accidents happen at yellow lights. c. Accidents are cut down during the night.
b. Accidents occur when there are many cars. d. Accidents increase when the lights are red.
12. Mr. James asked John, “Do you have a local bank account?” What did Mr. James want to know?
a. if John had money in a bank. c. if the bank was open
b. if John could count money. d. if the account was for Mr. James
13. Will this plane be delayed?
a. Yes, it will be early. c. Yes, it came yesterday.
b. No, it won’t be late. d. No, it is a private plane.
14. Where is a person’s neck?
a. between his foot and his leg c. between his legs and his back
b. between his hand and his arm d. between his shoulders and his head
15. I had approximately ten dollars in my pocket. How much money did I have?
a. exactly ten dollars c. a lot more than ten dollars
b. about ten dollars d. much less than ten dollars
16. Frank notified his employer. What did Frank do?
a. He played a joke. c. He told his employer something.
b. He went out for a long lunch. d. He asked his employer for more money.
17. Do the students get off the bus here?
a. Yes, they enter the bus here. c. Yes, the students leave the bus here.
b. Yes, the bus leaved for town. d. Yes, the students use this bus.

18. If it rains, the students may not go to the drive-in movie.

a. If it rains, the students will go to the drive-in.
b. It is certain that they will go to the drive-in.
c. If they go, it is sure to rain.
d. It is not certain that they will go.
19. The highways in some states are very narrow.
a. They are poor. c. They are not wide.
b. They are long. d. They are not nice.
20. Mary was silent all evening.
a. She didn’t talk. c. She didn’t eat.
b. She didn’t move. d. She didn’t sleep.
21. George went away when Shally arrived.
a. He smiled. c. He slept.
b. He left. d. He cried.
22. Mr. Smith is very punctual.
a. He is never on time. c. He is always late.
b. He likes to punch holes. d. He is always on time.
23. The rock crashed through the window.
a. It went through an open window. c. It hit and broke the window.
b. It did not go through the window. d. It passed near the window.
24. We will terminate our course next week.
a. We’ll accelerate our course. c. We’ll start our course.
b. We’ll postpone our course. d. We’ll end our course.
25. The needle moved to the left because the tank was empty.
a. The gasoline tank stayed full. c. The left-hand indicator had no needle.
b. The empty tank was on the left. d. The indicator showed an empty tank.
26. The pilot should concentrate on his flight.
a. He should read his manual. c. He should rest during a flight.
b. He should fly often. d. He should pay close attention to it.
27. There is no communication between them.
a. They sit next to each other. c. They do not go to school.
b. They like each other. d. They do not talk to each other.
28. The airplane was delayed. What happened to the plane?
a. It arrived late. c. It crashed.
b. It arrived early. d. It had to return.
29. We were on a tour when the accident happened. What were we doing when the accident happened?
a. making a turn c. taking a trip
b. building a tower d. getting off the bus
30. Joe wants to glance at the materials in the store. What does he want to do?
a. buy something c. test the materials
b. handle the materials d. have a quick look at the materials
31. Carl said, “I would rather have steak than chicken.” What does Carl prefer?
a. chicken c. both types of meat
b. steak d. all kinds of meat
32. Where did you put my pencil this morning?
a. I got it from Miss Bell. c. I laid it on the bookcase.
b. I ate it for breakfast. d. I bought it at the bookstore.
33. During the experiment, the gas was compressed. What happened to the gas?
a. It became lighter. c. It became clearer.
b. It became denser. d. It became darker.
34. 34. Lt. Adams was concerned about the health of his men. How did he feel

35. about their health?


36. sad

37. uninterested

38. worried

39. satisfied

40. 35. Jack told me that his friend is always in a hurry.

41. Jack’s friend is always late.

42. Jack’s friend is always rushing.

43. Jack’s friend does everything slowly.

44. Jack’s friend always asks for more time to finish.

45. 36. Ben didn’t want to go to school yesterday. But I made him go.

46. Ben stayed at home yesterday.

47. Ben went to school yesterday.

48. I did not see Ben at school yesterday.

49. I did not want Ben to go to school yesterday.

50. 37. He wouldn’t want to go through that experience again.

51. He has a dislike for experiences like that one.

52. He must like to do it again.

53. He enjoys experiences like that one.

54. He would like to do it again.

55. 38. James is an efficient worker.

56. He supervises other workers.

57. He does unsatisfactory work.

58. He does his work quickly and well.

59. He complains a lot.

60. 39. You should never skip class.

61. You shouldn’t miss class.

62. You shouldn’t be in class today.


63. You shouldn’t attend class.

64. You should never go to class.

65. 40. The driver is relaxed behind the wheel.

66. He is at ease.

67. He is frightened.

68. He is tense.

69. He is careful.

70. 41. The precipitation was good for the farmer’s crops.

71. The rain helped the crops to grow.

72. The farmers were paid good money for their crops.

73. The sun helped the crops to ripen quickly.

74. The farmers planted just the right crops.

75. 42. John said that his car is in good shape.affic is heavy in town during the rush hour.
a. There are many accidents. c. There are many cars on the street.
b. There are many people shopping. d. There are few cars on the street.
76. Jones thinks English is a difficult language.
a. Jones thinks English is easy. c. He thinks it is a dead language.
b. He thinks it is hard to learn. d. He thinks it is different.
77. Please pass the salt.
a. Please fill the salt shaker. c. Put salt on it, please.
b. Don’t use the salt. d. Please hand me the salt.
78. The pilot of the aircraft must concentrate on his flying.
a. He must do all his flying at once. c. He must give all of his attention to flying.
b. He should be taken off flying every year. d. He must relax his attention when flying.
79. Sally took a car to work today.
a. She went by bus. c. She went by helicopter.
b. She went by train. d. She went by automobile.
80. The instructor says, “What’s the shape of that box?” How should the student answer?
a. The box is green. c. The box is square.
b. The box is heavy. d. The box is expensive.
81. In what other way do we use to describe an organization whose people work together like a machine?
a. It is very powerful. c. It goes very fast.
b. It is well-oiled. d. It has teamwork.
82. Alfred quit walking after the sunset. When did Alfred stop?
a. after sitting down c. before the sun came up
b. after the sun went down d. during sunrise
83. Water was transformed into steam. What happened to the water?
a. It was changed to steam. c. It was placed next to the steam.
b. It was mixed with steam. d. It was moved by steam.
84. Gal said, “Remember your appointment with the doctor.” What did Gal want me to remember?
a. to call the doctor c. to go see the doctor
b. to write to the doctor d. to find out about the doctor
85. Captain Willis bought a brand new car. What kind of car did he get?

a. a used car c. a repaired car

b. a car never used before d. an old car with a new engine
86. The fruit on the table is delicious.
a. It is very fresh. c. It has a good flavor.
b. It has been there for a month. d. It is not ripe.
87. Tom isn’t in class because he has been sick for two weeks.
a. Tom is now in class. c. Tom is ill.
b. Tom has been in class for two weeks. d. Tom is in good health.
88. Philip has just a little money.
a. He will get some money. c. He has a lot of small change.
b. He has only a little money. d. He hasn’t any money.
89. The taxi arrived there in ten minutes.
a. The taxi stopped there ten minutes. c. The taxi was delayed there ten minutes.
b. The taxi took off after ten minutes. d. The taxi got there in ten minutes.
90. James told the clerk, “I want a pack of cigarettes.”
a. James needed some matches. c. James wants to see some cigarettes.
b. James will buy some cigarettes. d. James saw some cigarettes in a package.
91. Mr. Brown always rides the bus to work.
a. He never works on the bus. c. He often drives to work.
b. He seldom rides the bus. d. He uses the bus all the time.
92. He has jus been assigned to a new job.
a. He was recently assigned to a new job.
b. He was assigned to the job several months ago.
c. He was never assigned to the new job.
d. He was once assigned to a new job.
93. The fog was so thick that we could not see.
a. The visibility was poor. c. There was a lot of snow.
b. It was raining. d. It was getting dark.
94. Harry usually gets to class on time.
a. He gets to class quickly. c. Once in a while, he gets to class on time.
b. He often gets to class late. d. Most of the time, he gets to class on time.
95. The wind did not damage the wheat.
a. The wind blew down the wheat. c. The wind did not hurt the wheat.
b. The wind did not bring rain for the wheat. d. The wind turned the wheat yellow.
96. Mr. Jackson picked up the best tool for his job.
a. He sold the best tool. c. He chose the best tool.
b. He overlooked the best tool. d. He didn’t see the best tool.
97. The instructor said, “ I can hardly hear you.” What did the instructor mean?
a. You are speaking too loudly. c. You are speaking roughly.
b. You are not speaking. d. You are not speaking loud enough.
98. The men were walking north and then turned left. Which way were they going then?
a. south c. east
b. right d. west
99. The sponge will absorb the water. What will it do?
a. splash out the water c. soak up the water
b. push up the water d. spread the water
100. Highway accidents can be kept to a minimum if everyone follows safety rules. How can accidents be
a. by staying on the highway c. by being somewhat careless
b. by obeying the traffic laws d. by maintaining minimum speed
101. Bob wears a crash helmet when he works. What part of his body does he protect?
a. his stomach c. his legs
b. his shoulders d. his head
102. Carl said, “I would rather have steak than chicken.” What did Carl prefer?
a. chicken c. both types of meat

b. steak d. all kinds of meat

103. His engine cut out when he was at eight thousand feet. What happened to his engine?
a. It stopped. c. It made a loud sound.
b. It dropped on the ground. d. It started after being off a while.
104. You’ll succeed if you stick to your work. What should you do to succeed?
a. change jobs often c. go to school
b. avoid distraction d. eat well
105. Jack told me that his friend is always in a hurry.
a. Jack’s friend is always late. c. Jack’s friend does everything slowly.
b. Jack’s friend is always rushing. d. Jack’s friend always asks for more time to finish.
106. She will be thirsty when she comes home.
a. She will want some rest. c. She will want some water.
b. She will want a bath. d. She will want some food.
107. That book belongs to Dr. Lewis.
a. Dr. Lewis borrows it. c. Dr. Lewis likes it.
b. Dr. Lewis owns it. d. Dr. Lewis wants it.
108. Joe went along with Tom’s idea.
a. It wasn’t Tom’s idea. c. Joe agreed with Tom.
b. Joe ignored the idea. d. Joe took Tom’s idea with him.
109. Some people like to argue all the time.
a. They like to walk against the wind. c. They like to use the plural.
b. They like to talk for or against something. d. They like to keep quiet all the time.
110. I was held up by the heavy traffic.
a. I was supported. c. I was delayed.
b. I was robbed. d. I was injured.
111. The father was severe with his child.
a. He was strict. c. He was happy.
b. He was pleasant. d. He was angry.
112. The instructions on the bulletin board told all personnel to turn in their weapons.
a. Everyone had to change their weapons. c. They must return the weapons.
b. All of them were issued new weapons. d. All of them had to clean their weapons.
113. Bob ran into one of his old college friends yesterday.
a. He collided with a friend. c. He noticed a friend.
b. He hit a friend. d. He met a friend.
114. The weather was cloudy yesterday morning, but it cleared up last night.
a. The weather got worse yesterday. c. It was cloudy last night.
b. The clouds went away last night. d. It was clear yesterday.
115. What are hammers used for?
a. to drive nails c. to turn screws
b. to bend or cut wire d. to cut wood
116. Did you help her make up her mind?
a. Yes, I decided for myself. c. Yes, I minded about the maid.
b. Yes, I helped her decide. d. Yes, I looked for a new sign.
117. It sounds like Jack enjoyed himself at the party.
a. Jack enjoyed the sound at the party. c. It seems that Jack had a good time.
b. Jack didn’t like the sounds at the party. d. Jack himself didn’t like the party.
118. Carol kept working on the problem until she solved it.
a. She is working on it. c. She finally gave up.
b. She kept it. d. She worked it out.
119. The report had to be amended.
a. It had to be recorded. c. It had to be compiled.
b. It had to be mailed. d. It had to be changed.
120. We do not object the food in the mess hall.
a. We don’t mind it. c. We will do without it.


b. We do not want it. d. We are arguing about it.

121. Although the saw is new, it’s dull.

a. It’s rusty. c. It needs to be cleaned.
b. It’s hard to cut with. d. It’s very sharp.
122. The machine makes a rather loud noise.
a. The noise will be gone. c. The machine is quite noisy.
b. The noise is irregular. d. The machine is very soft.
123. They fought off a surprise air raid.
a. They thought about it. c. They repelled it.
b. They bought it. d. They reserved it.
124. Johnny has been falling behind in his school work. How’s he doing?
a. His work is getting better. c. He hasn’t been doing all the work.
b. He’s been doing his work faster. d. His work isn’t as bad as it was.
125. W: What did you tell them?
M: That the situation is critical.
Q: What does the man mean?
a. Something funny is happening. c. Something strange is happening.
b. There is a severe problem. d. There is nothing to talk about.
126. M: Have you seen my new dog?
W: Yes, it’s very nice.
Q: How does the woman feel about the dog?
a. She is afraid of it. c. She wants it.
b. She likes it. d. She dislikes it.
127. M: Is General Douberg a good speaker?
W: He speaks with great precision.
Q: What does the woman say about the general?
a. He has a loud voice. c. He has a difficult accent to understand.
b. He speaks with exactness and clarity. d. He speaks with enthusiasm and joy.
128. W: Would you like more vegetables?
M: I have sufficient. Thank you.
Q: What did the man mean?
a. He has enough. c. He wants more.
b. He does not like vegetables. d. He would like something else.
129. W: John looks awful.
M: He should. It’s been a long time since he had a good meal.
Q: What does the man say about John?
a. He needs a good bath. c. He hasn’t worked for a long time.
b. He isn’t eating properly. d. He needs some new clothes.
130. M: I hear that David is in town.
W: Yes. His visit was a real surprise.
Q: What did the woman say about David’s visit?
a. It is costing money. c. She is waiting for it.
b. She did not expect it. d. It is already over.
131. M: Do you want to go to the cafeteria for lunch?
W: I can’t. I haven’t got a cent.
Q: What does the woman mean?
a. She is not hungry. c. She has no money.
b. She won’t have to buy her lunch. d. She does not like the cafeteria.
132. W: Did Toby knock?
M: Yes. She knocked three or four times.
Q: What was Toby trying to do?
a. get someone to open the door c. go to sleep
b. fix a car d. get something put away
133. M: Where is everybody?

W: Oh, didn’t you know? The meeting occurred yesterday.

Q: What did the woman say about the meeting?
a. It took place the day before. c. It was not cancelled the day before.
b. It was planned the day before. d. It did not end the day before.
134. W: Do you use four books in your class?
M: I did first, but then I eliminated one.
Q: How many books does the man use now?
a. 5 c. 3
b. 4 d. 1
135. The singer is very popular.
a. The singer sings badly. c. The singer sings folk music.
b. Many people like to listen to the singer. d. People who like the singer are intelligent.
136. The sign told us of a road hazard ahead. It told us about _____.
a. a place to eat c. a dangerous place
b. a place to sleep d. the distance to town
137. Is there any way to adjust the temperature?
a. Yes, we have air-conditioning controls. c. No, I don’t think it will rain.
b. Yes, you learn to like it in time. d. No, it never does in winter.
138. The general said, “I want to set up headquarters here.”
a. establish c. attach
b. dismiss d. abandon
139. Herb: Why didn’t the waitress take your order?
Evan: She _____ understand me.
a. might c. can
b. couldn’t d. could
140. Ed: How long has Mr. Rivers studied English?
Tom: He for one month.
a. studies c. will study
b. is studying d. has been studying
141. Was Jamie studying when the phone rang?
a. No, she is. c. Yes, she was.
b. No, she was. d. Yes, she will.
142. The stores are convenient.
a. easy to get to c. too far off
b. too expensive d. always full of people
143. Mr. Forster skipped the fourth question.
a. wrote c. omitted
b. answered d. asked
144. Will they understand the preflight instruction?
a. Post flight c. student
b. preparatory d. teacher’s
145. You can’t swim, _____?
a. can’t you c. do you
b. don’t you d. can you
146. The student has been in this school _____ one year.
a. since c. in
b. until d. for
147. The lesson was too long in two hours.
a. to finish c. finished
b. finishing d. in finishing
148. Joe has _____ this trip for a long time.
a. plans c. been planned
b. been planning d. planning
149. He keeps busy from morning sick call until it’s time to hit the sack. And then he’s likely to be roused
to soothe a midnight headache or administer to a man with an upset stomach.

a. He’s probably a gunnery sergeant. c. He’s probably a combat casualty.

b. He’s probably in communications. d. He’s probably a medical aidman.
150. After the twenty-minute reading lesson, the student will take a ten-minute break.
a. The break takes twenty minutes. c. The reading lesson follows the break.
b. The reading lesson requires ten minutes. d. The break follows the reading lesson.
151. The instructor will bring up a new subject at the meeting.
a. continue c. record
b. recall d. introduce
152. The headlines are printed in _____.
a. ordinary type c. large type
b. small type d. little letters
153. Jack Stevens, who had on a uniform, was an officer.
a. was torn c. was wearing
b. bought d. carried
154. What technique do you prefer when you study English?
a. technician c. dictionary
b. instructor d. method
155. The car approached at an extremely high speed.
a. a legally c. a normally
b. a very d. a fast
156. He was wounded in the lungs. It was hard for him to _____.
a. feel c. hear
b. see d. breathe
157. Mr. West is talking to the hotel clerk about a room for the weekend. He asks the clerk, “When is
check-out time?” What does the clerk answer?
a. You pay when you check out. c. Here’s your key.
b. Three o’clock. d. Write your name and address.
158. There are private and parochial schools in addition _____ the public schools.
a. of c. from
b. to d. with
159. Did you enjoy _____ all over the world?
a. travel c. traveling
b. to travel d. to traveling
160. If we had known that you were so tired, _____ so late.
a. we wouldn’t have stayed c. we won’t stay
b. we wouldn’t stay d. we’ll stay
161. Not much _____ about the matter since that time.
a. to say c. has been said
b. is saying d. have to say
162. Bob intended to write to his girlfriend as soon as he found the time.
a. pretended c. decided
b. planned d. objected
163. I tore my coat on a nail. I hope it won’t show.
a. I hope my coat can’t be seen. c. I hope the nail will stay up.
b. I hope it won’t rip on the nail. d. I hope the tear won’t be noticeable.
164. Mary won’t be here, and John won’t be here _____.
a. too c. also
b. neither d. either
165. Anna: Would you please switch the plates?
Carl: Certainly, I’ll _____.
a. exchange them c. break them
b. turn them over d. clean them
166. I was afraid he _____ understand.
a. can’t c. won’t
b. might not d. has not

167. A: What kind of weather is forecast for today?

B: There is an 80% possibility of rain.
A: Oh, I _____ have brought my raincoat.
a. must c. should
b. may d. will
168. He has to get by with what he has.
a. manage c. buy
b. suffer d. be careful


Answer Key:

1. B 21. D 41. B 61. B 81. D

2. A 22. B 42. C 62. B 82. D
3. A 23. D 43. A 63. C 83. D
4. A 24. A 44. C 64. A 84. C
5. B 25. A 45. D 65. A 85. C
6. C 26. D 46. B 66. C 86. D
7. C 27. C 47. A 67. B 87. B
8. B 28. C 48. B 68. C 88. D
9. D 29. D 49. C 69. A 89. B
10. C 30. D 50. D 70. A 90. B
11. D 31. C 51. D 71. B 91. C
12. C 32. B 52. A 72. D 92. A
13. D 33. D 53. B 73. C 93. C
14. B 34. B 54. C 74. A 94. B
15. A 35. A 55. C 75. C 95. D
16. C 36. B 56. C 76. B 96. D
17. B 37. B 57. B 77. D 97. A
18. C 38. C 58. B 78. D 98. B
19. C 39. B 59. B 79. A 99. C
20. B 40. C 60. A 80. B 100. A


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