Stock Management

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G. D. Achalan
Index Number: 1102702
BIT Registration Number: R1102702

Supervisor(s): Mr. Ragukumar S.T

November 2017

This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of

Bachelor of Information Technology (external) of the
University of Colombo School of Computing

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Dialog Axiata PLC is Sri Lanka’s largest telecommunications service provider with the
country’s largest mobile operator of 11.8 million subscribers and commands a 50% of the Sri
Lanka mobile market. The company has over 3500 employees in island wide, across 12 main
branches, 20 regional engineering offices, over 50 customer field support engineer offices. All
IT asset data stored in spread sheets and IT asset management team is doing a manual
processing to carry out operations such as asset issuing, maintenance, repair, clearance etc.
This developing system will help to increase the efficiency of their work, by reducing paper
work, spread sheet processing.

This system will provide many facilities such as asset release, asset transfer, asset maintenance,
asset clearance, maintenance and warranty, asset disposal, asset clearance, user management,
report generation and documents management etc.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) framework has been selected to the IT Asset Management

In the development environment, PHP has been selected as the programming language and the
MySQL server database have been selected as the database to store the data of the system and
NetBeans IDE (Integrated Development Environment) has been selected to implement the
system. At the end of this development process, efficient, user friendly and effective system
will be delivered to the company.

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my greatest gratitude and deep regards to all
those who helped me throughout my project and have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this long venture. First and foremost, I would like to express my very deepest
appreciation to my supervisor Mr. Ragukumar Steven Thanganathan for the guidance,
encouragement, ceaseless cooperation and useful critiques provided throughout the course of
this project in making this project a reality. His constant supervision and mentoring despite his
busy schedule is greatly appreciated.

I would also like to offer my special heartfelt thanks to the management of Dialog Axiata PLC.
I am particularly grateful for the staff for their support and being responsive in providing the
necessary information. I offer my sincere appreciation for the learning opportunities provided
by Esoft Metro Campus and special thanks of gratitude are extended to the committed and
dedicated lecture panel for providing the necessary coaching and for their extraordinary

A special word of thanks goes to all my friends and colleagues who helped me in completing
the project by exchanging various ideas, thoughts and suggestions and for the much-needed
motivation, support and inspiration they extended. Last but not least, most importantly, none
of this could have happened without my parents who were the driving forces to complete this
project and whose perseverance kept me going on and made me to strive towards my goal and
crown all efforts with success.

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DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................ xi
CHAPTER 01 – INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 MOTIVATION OF THE PROJECT........................................................................... 1
1.3 SCOPE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT .................................................................. 2
1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE SYSTEM.............................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 02 – ANALYSIS..................................................................................................... 4
2.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4
2.2 ANALYZING THE CURRENT MANUAL SYSTEM.............................................. 4
2.3 EXISTING SIMILAR SYSTEMS .............................................................................. 5
2.4 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 8
2.5 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 10
2.6 METHODOLOGY FOR THE PROPOSED SYSTEM ............................................ 11
CHAPTER 03–DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 12
3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 12
3.2 ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS EVALUATION ......................................................... 12
3.3 DESIGN DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................. 14
3.4 INTERFACE DESIGN ............................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER 04 – IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................... 24
4.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 24
4.2 IMPLEMENTATION ENVIRONMENT ................................................................. 24
4.3 CODE AND MODULE STRUCTURE .................................................................... 26
4.4 REUSED COMPONENTS ....................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 05 – EVALUATION ............................................................................................ 40
5.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 40
5.2 TEST PLAN .............................................................................................................. 40
5.3 TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 50

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5.4 USER EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 53
CHAPTER 06 – CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 54
6.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 54
6.2 CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PROJECT ..................................................... 54
6.3 FUTURE ENHANCEMENT .................................................................................... 55
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 56
APPENDIX A - SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION ................................................................... 57
APPENDIX B - DESIGN DOCUMENTATION .................................................................... 59
APPENDIX C - USER DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................ 67
APPENDIX D - MANAGEMENT REPORTS ....................................................................... 71
APPENDIX E - TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................... 76
APPENDIX F - CODE LISTING ............................................................................................ 81
APPENDIX G - CLIENT CERTIFICATE .............................................................................. 86

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Figure 2.1 Use case diagram of the current manual system ...................................................... 4
Figure 2.2 logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer...................................................................... 6
Figure 2.3 Home Page of ManageEngine AssetExplorer .......................................................... 6
Figure 2.4 logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer...................................................................... 7
Figure 3.1 High level use case diagram ................................................................................... 14
Figure 3.2 Use case diagram for Asset Release Management ................................................. 15
Figure 3.3 Use case diagram for Asset Procurement Request Management ........................... 15
Figure 3.4 Class diagram of the system ................................................................................... 16
Figure 3.5 Asset Release Management Sequence Diagram ..................................................... 17
Figure 3.6 Asset Procurement Request Management Sequence Diagram ............................... 18
Figure 3.7 Asset Release Activity Diagram ............................................................................. 19
Figure 3.8 Asset Procurement Request Activity Diagram ....................................................... 19
Figure 3.9 Home Page Interface Design .................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.10 Login Page with validation Interface Design ....................................................... 21
Figure 3.11 Data Tables Interface Design ............................................................................... 22
Figure 3.12 Form Interface Design .......................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.13 Sample Reports Interface Design ......................................................................... 23
Figure 3.14 Charts – Top 10 fast moving ................................................................................ 23
Figure 4.1 MVC Interaction Environment ............................................................................... 26
Figure 4.2 System Model Structure ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 4.3 Model Structure ...................................................................................................... 27
Figure B.1 Login Sequence Diagram....................................................................................... 64
Figure B.3 Asset Clearance Activity Diagram ........................................................................ 66
Figure C.1 Login Page ............................................................................................................. 67
Figure C.2 Dashboard Page ..................................................................................................... 68
Figure C.3 Module Functional Page ........................................................................................ 69
Figure C.4 Required Fields ...................................................................................................... 69
Figure C.5 Common Guidelines .............................................................................................. 70
Figure D.1 Asset Meter ............................................................................................................ 71
Figure D.2 Top 10 Fast moving asset for last 30 days. ............................................................ 72
Figure D.3 Asset Request throughout the year. ....................................................................... 72

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Figure D.4 Top 10 Top 10 Multiple Asset Owners ................................................................. 73
Figure D.5 Detailed Report for Asset requests for given period ............................................. 74
Figure D.6 Detailed Report for Asset Allocation for given period.......................................... 74
Figure D.7 Detailed Report for Asset Maintenance Report for given period .......................... 75
Figure D.8 Detailed Report for Asset Clearance Report for given period ............................... 75

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Table 2.1 Pros and Cons for ManageEngine Asset Explorer..................................................... 5
Table 2.2 Pros and Cons for BMC Track-It! ............................................................................. 7
Table 4.1 Implementation Environment .................................................................................. 24
Table 4.2 Technologies ............................................................................................................ 25
Table 5.1 Test Cases for Deployment Management Module .................................................. 41
Table 5.2 Test Cases for Maintenance Management Module.................................................. 42
Table 5.3 Test Cases for Warranty Management Module ....................................................... 43
Table 5.4 Test Cases for Tracking Management Module ........................................................ 43
Table 5.5 Test Cases for Procurement Management Module .................................................. 45
Table 5.6 Test Cases for Transfer Management Module ......................................................... 45
Table 5.7 Test Cases for Clearance Management Module ...................................................... 46
Table 5.8 Test Cases for User Management Module ............................................................... 47
Table 5.9 Test Cases for Report Management Module ........................................................... 48
Table 5.10 Test Cases for Document Management Module.................................................... 48
Table 5.11 Test Cases for Common Functions ........................................................................ 49
Table 5.12 Test Results for View a User Test Case ................................................................ 50
Table 5.13 Test Results for Add a User Test Case .................................................................. 51
Table 5.14 Test Results for Validation Test Case.................................................................... 52
Table 5.15 Ratings ................................................................................................................... 53
Table 5.16 User Acceptance Test Results................................................................................ 53
Table A.1 Hardware Requirements.......................................................................................... 57
Table A.2 Software Requirements ........................................................................................... 57
Table B.1 Use-Case Description for Asset Allocation ............................................................ 59
Table B.2 Use-Case Description for Create New Asset Category........................................... 59
Table B.3 Use-Case Description for New Asset Procurement Request .................................. 60
Table B.4 Use-Case Description for Approve Asset Procurement Request ............................ 60
Table B.5 Use-Case Description for Reject Asset Procurement Request ................................ 61
Table B.6 Use-Case Description for Asset Transfer ................................................................ 61
Table B.7 Use-Case Description for Asset Clearance ............................................................. 62
Table B.8 Use-Case Description for Asset Clearance ............................................................. 62
Table B.9 Use-Case Description for Manager Users ............................................................... 63

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Table B.10 Use-Case Description for Generate Reports ......................................................... 63
Table B.11 Use-Case Description for Login............................................................................ 64
Table E.1 Test Results for Deployment Management Module................................................ 77
Table E.2 Test Results for Maintenance Management Module ............................................... 77
Table E.3 Test Results for Procurement Management Module ............................................... 78
Table E.4 Test Results for Common Functions ....................................................................... 80

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AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
BIT - Bachelor of Information Technology
CD - Compact Disc
CRUD - Create, read, update and delete
GNU GPL - GNU General Public License
HR - Human Resource
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
IT - Information Technology
ITAMS - IT Asset Management System
JAD - Joint Application Development
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MVC - Model View Controller
LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
PLC - Public Limited Company
PO - Purchase Order
RAD - Rapid Application Development
ROM - Read-only Memory
RUP - Rational Unified Process
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle
UI - User Interface
URL - Universal Resource Locator
XML - Extensible Markup Language

P a g e | xi
Dialog Axiata PLC is Sri Lanka’s largest telecommunications service provider with the
country’s largest mobile operator of 11.8 million subscribers and commands a 50% of the Sri
Lanka mobile market. The company has over 3500 employees in island wide, across 12 main
branches, 20 regional engineering offices, over 50 customer field support engineer offices.
All IT asset data stored in spread sheets and IT asset management team is doing a manual
processing to carry out operations such as asset issuing, maintenance, repair, clearance etc.
This developing system will help to increase the efficiency of their work, by reducing paper
work, spread sheet processing. Furthermore, this system will enable decision making quickly
and easily without any obstacle.


Each employee is entitled to have specific IT assets such as desktops, laptops, monitors,
printers, scanners etc. and there is a separate team of 8 staff to manage IT assets.
Currently IT asset management team is consuming a lot of time using spreadsheets and
following IT asset management related processes such as asset issuing, maintenance, repair,
tracking, clearance etc.
Most of current IT asset data are stored in files, which is crucial to be digitized.
This is an opportunity for me to apply the knowledge gained in BIT degree program to my
workplace by developing a web based IT Asset Management System (ITAMS) for Dialog
Axiata PLC.

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Web Based IT Asset Management System for Dialog Axiata PLC will include following
• Asset Deploy Management
Provide a module for basic asset management functions, such as issuing assets, view
assets with a customized search, asset category and model review.
• Asset Maintenance Management
All asset repair information will be captured by this module. IT technicians will
able to manage your job tasks such as asset repairing, replacing, disposal of
unusable IT assets.
• Asset Warranty Management
Warranties can often lower the cost of repair and maintenance of your assets. This
module will enable track warranty efficiently.
• Asset Tracking Management
Assets will be using by multiple end users and this system will allow to track usage
• Asset Procurement Request Management
At Dialog, all procurements will be handled by SCM and divisional head needs to
approve every request made by IT Asset Management team. This system will enable
to provide procurement requirement to SCM and manage vendors.
• Asset Transfer Management
Asset transfers can occur due to divisional changes and job responsibility changes.
This module will manage asset transfers easily.
• Asset Clearance Management
When an employee resigns the company, he/she must hand over his/her assets to IT
Asset Management team and asset management team will verify if the asset is on
working condition or damaged. If damaged, there is a procedure to follow and
system should give information needed to IT Asset Management Team and HR.
• User Management
This is a role based system and authority should be managed from this module.

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• Document Management
This module will include report generation and document management. There are
several process and procedure documents that should be reviewed periodically for


Deliver an automated system that allows to allocate, track, maintenance, clearance etc.
• The system should able to manage all IT Assets effective and efficiently.
• Data regarding IT Assets should be properly organized and able to receive in a short
• The system should reduce time and manual effort related to deploying assets to
employees, maintenance, tracking, clearance and procurement.
• Assets should be tagged to each employee and should manage asset clearance when
employee resign the organization.
• Assist the management to get insights about IT Assets procurements.
• The data of the organization should be secure and should not allow unauthorized access
to the system.
• The system and database should be backed up properly and should maintain high

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“The analysis phase involves gathering requirements for the system and it is one of the main
phases in the software development life cycle. System analysts will focus on what the system
will do in an effort that views all stakeholders, as viable sources of information and help to get
an overall image of the system producing a high-level description of the system. Main
objectives of this phase are what services system should provide, required performance of the
system. Before analyzing the system, requirements gathering should be complete by using the
fact-finding techniques, such as interviews, observations, sample documentations etc.”


During analysis phase, below use cases were identified and all the functions were currently
doing manually using spreadsheets.

Figure 2.1 shows the use case diagram of the current manual system.

Figure 2.1 Use case diagram of the current manual system

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When considering the IT asset management systems, there are many propriety software
available. Most of the systems don’t include any data handling or processing systems as per
client’s requirement. As those are propriety software, the organizations business process need
to change as per required standard. Below are some examples for IT asset management

• ManageEngine Asset Explorer

ManageEngine Asset Explorer is a web-based IT Asset Management software that

helps you monitor and manage assets in your network from Planning phase to Disposal
phase. AssetExplorer provides you with a number of ways to ensure discovery of all
the assets in your network. Below are main functionalities of ManageEngine Asset
Explorer. [WWW2]

• Discover all the assets in your network.

• Manage and Monitor software and hardware assets.
• Manage the complete IT Asset lifecycle.
• Track Purchase Orders and Contracts.
• Know the total cost of ownership of an asset.

Table 2.1 shows the pros and cons for ManageEngine AssetExplorer.
Pros Cons
Hardware changes automatically added. User interfaces are not user friendly.

Understand asset total cost of Difficult implementation.

The business process should change according to
the system.
Table 2.1 Pros and Cons for ManageEngine Asset Explorer

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Figure 2.2 shows the logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer.

Figure 2.2 logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer

Figure 2.3 shows the Home Page of ManageEngine AssetExplorer.

Figure 2.3 Home Page of ManageEngine AssetExplorer

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• BMC Track-It!
Track-It! Inventory is just one part of the fully integrated Track-It! solution. Each Track-It!
Module helps to automate, streamline and organize issues specific to IT challenges, to help you
reduce costs and improve service levels. Below are main functionalities of BMC Track-it
Inventory management solution. [WWW3]
• Automating your inventory collection process.
• Manage assets and reporting on assets.
• Track asset changes.

Table 2.2 shows the pros and cons for BMC Track-It!
Pros Cons

Track asset depreciation over time User interfaces are not user friendly.

Mobile-friendly Difficult implementation.

The business process should change The cost is higher compared to other similar
according to the system systems
Table 2.2 Pros and Cons for BMC Track-It!

Figure 2.4 shows the logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer.

Figure 2.4 logo of ManageEngine AssetExplorer

All these proprietary software, are based on a standard operating procedure but when it comes
to client’s requirements we need to redesign the business process. The cost of this proprietary
software is high and not customizable. So, that the best option is to develop the system to match
with the client’s requirements.

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What the system is supposed to achieve, is known as functional requirements. Functional
requirement can be a calculation, technical detail, etc. Following are the functional
requirements that have been identified through the system analysis.

2.4.1 Asset Deploy Module

• Asset administrator can be able to release assets by performing view, add update
• Asset administrator can be able maintain asset catalogue by inserting new categories,
deleting old categories, updating new details about assets items.

2.4.2 Asset Maintenance Module

• Asset administrator can be able to view, add and modify all asset repair details.
• Asset administrator can be able to view repair history.

2.4.3 Asset Procurement Management

• Most of the asset procurements are doing by SCM. IT asset management team will
request the asset details that need to be purchased by the SCM. This module will enable
the user to create, modify and delete the asset requests.
• Manager will be able to approve the purchase request, created by Asset administrator.
• After SCM processed the procurement this system will allows the user to insert items
to the asset database and can be release using deploying module.
• Minor assets such as accessories are purchased by using a rate card provided by the
SCM. Those assets can also insert in to the asset database.

2.4.4 Asset Tracking Management

• Asset administrator can be able to track asset assignment details such as asset usage
• Manager can be able to get insights about asset procurement by analyzing older assets.

2.4.5 Asset Warranty Management

• Asset administrator will receive alerts on recent asset warranty expiry items.
• Asset administrator can view and renew warranty by modifying asset warranty details.

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2.4.6 Asset Transfer Management
• Asset administrator can be able to transfer ownership of an asset from employee to
another employee when employee is changing their job role or division.

2.4.7 Asset Clearance Management

• Asset administrator can be able to revoke ownership of an asset of an employee when
he/she is leaving the organization.
• Disposal of the asset will be checked at this stage and if the asset is reusable it can be
release to another employee.

2.4.8 Document Management

• Managers can be able to manage documents related to asset management such as process
document by reviewing, updating and deleting.

2.4.9 Reports Management

• Managers can be able to get customized reports on asset management modules.

2.4.10 User Management

• Asset administrator can be able to view user accounts.
• Manager can be able to view, update, activate or deactivate user accounts.

2.4.11 Notification Management

• Asset administrator will receive notifications on low inventory items.

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Non-Functional requirements are also important facts which we need to consider when
developing the system. Non-functional requirements describe the system properties and
constraints of the system. Those requirements are applied to the whole system, not only for the
individual parts of the system. If we do not consider about non-functional requirements system
can be useless. Basically, Non-functional requirements describe how the system works.

2.5.1 Reliability
The users should trust the system and the data generate by the system. There’s a requirement
that data created in the system will be retained for a number of years without data being
changed by the system.

2.5.2 Availability
Availability indicates when a system is operational as well as how reliable it is during
operational periods. System should maintain availability with minimum downtime. The system
should available at any time. Scheduled downtime is acceptable.

2.5.3 Security
System should be achieving the security requirements. Because most of the important details
user details, asset details, procurement related details are stored in this system. If that
information is misplaced, then it will be a huge problem. Strict authentication will be used and
scheduled backups will be maintained.

2.5.4 Usability
Usability requirement has been achieved by using various techniques such as easy menu
navigation, searching options, attractive interfaces and use of matching colors.

2.5.5 Accuracy
Accuracy is an also important nonfunctional requirement which we need to consider. If we do
not consider about the accuracy, database problems can be occurred. By applying validation
techniques to the user input data accuracy has been achieved in this system.

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RUP (Rational Unified process) has been selected for the proposed system. RUP is not a single
fixed process, but rather an adaptable process framework. RUP can be used when client’s
requirements are not clear.
In this project, initially the system requirements were not clear, so requirements may likely to
be changed. Iterative and incremental development created as a response to inefficiencies and
problems found in the waterfall model, so we should be able to avoid problems which might
cause using waterfall model. Therefore, RUP is the most appropriate SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle) methodology. The RUP has determined a project life-cycle
consisting of four phases such as Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition. Brief
description is given below.
• Inception Phase: In this phase business case is defined and the procedural approach that
is to be taken to implement the project.
• Elaboration Phase: In this phase create the project plan and construct an architectural
baseline that implements a working application with limited functionality.
• Construction Phase: In this phase finish development based on the baseline architecture
• Transition Phase: In this phase supply the system to its end users.

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System design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a
system to satisfy specified requirements. [WWW4]
System designers may use various system design approaches. Such as modern structured
design, information engineering, prototyping, JAD, RAD and object-oriented design. Object-
oriented design is the process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of
solving a software problem and it is the widely-used approach in modern software designing.
The main advantage of using an object-oriented design is that it can be reused and coding and
understanding the coding will be easier and will minimize errors. [WWW5]


There are different strategies may involve the way of development, the development platform,
choice of system software used to system design. Below are some of the alternative solutions
• Packaged Software
As mentioned in 2.3 Existing Similar Systems, ManageEngine AssetExplorer, BMC
Track-It! are some of packaged software will install and configured on a web server.
Software package will include similar features and is bundled together as set of
• Cloud Solutions
Software will be web-based; therefore, will not be installed locally on a server. Users
able to use only client with any platform to use the system.

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In this project, there are some drawbacks in alternative solutions as customer requirement is
not satisfying due to many aspects. Below are some major drawbacks with regards to
alternative solutions.
• As the business process is complex, it is difficult to implement a package software in the
operational environment.
• Required changes that should match the current process which cannot be enclosed by
the alternative solutions.
• The cost is expensive compared to similar systems.
• The user interfaces are not user friendly.

To overcome above drawbacks, below strategies were involved in the proposed IT asset
management system.
• By using a standalone application, the data will not be centralized, therefore create a
web-based system and use client server architecture. Hence, there is no need to install
into any clients’ PCs and data will be centralized.
• Object-oriented design concepts will useful to plan coding in order to have a better
flowing program and can be reused.
• The system will use open-source components such as JQuery, Bootstrap.
• The system will host on a Linux web server which will reduce the cost.
• User friendly flat colors, fonts, icons will be used to enhance the usability of the system.

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3.3.1 High Level Use Case Diagram for the IT Asset Management

Figure 3.1 Shows the high-level use case diagram of the system

User Management <<extend>> Grant user permission

Reports Management <<extend>> Customized reports

Process document
Document Management <<include>>
Manager review and update

Procurement Request <<includ e>>

Procurement request
Management approval

Insert procured items via rate Check Asset

card Availability

Check assets
Asset Release <<include>>
released to

Asset Maintenance
Asset <<include>>
Administrator View, insert, modify System
repair details Administrator
Asset Tracking

Change ownership of asset from View asset tagged
employee to another employee history
View asset tagged
<<includ e>>

Revoke ownership of the Validate asset transfer

request Asset disposal

Check asset condition

Recieve Notifications on <<include>> Low inventory items

inventory items

Recent warranty expiry


Figure 3.1 High level use case diagram

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3.3.2 Use Case Diagram for Asset Release Management
After checking the availability of an asset and verify already given assets, Asset Administrator
can be able to release a new/existing asset to an employee.

Figure 3.2 shows the use case diagram for Asset Release Management.

Figure 3.2 Use case diagram for Asset Release Management

3.3.3 Use Case Diagram for Asset Release Management

Asset Administrator will create a request and it will send to Manager for approvals, once
approval granted, the request will send to supply chain management. Also, minor assets such
as accessories will be procured via a rate card, which can be insert to the system.

Figure 3.3 shows the use case diagram for Asset Procurement Request Management.

Figure 3.3 Use case diagram for Asset Procurement Request Management

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3.3.4 Class Diagram for the IT Asset Management System

Figure 3.4 shows the Class diagram of the system.

Figure 3.4 Class diagram of the system

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3.3.5 Sequence Diagram for the Asset Release Management Module

The sequence diagram which relates to the asset release management is displayed by
figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Asset Release Management Sequence Diagram

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3.3.6 Sequence Diagram for the Asset Procurement Request Module

The sequence diagram which relates to the asset procurement request management is displayed
by figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Asset Procurement Request Management Sequence Diagram

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3.3.7 Activity Diagrams

Asset Release Management and Asset Procurement Request Management modules is displayed
by figure 3.7 and figure 3.8 respectively.

Figure 3.7 Asset Release Activity Diagram

Figure 3.8 Asset Procurement Request Activity Diagram

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User Interface (UI) Design focuses on anticipating what users might need to do and ensuring
that the elements of interface that are easy to access, understand, and use to facilitate those
operations. UI brings together concepts from interaction design, visual design, and information
architecture. Below practices will be used when designing the interfaces.
• Keep the interface simple.
• Create consistency and use common UI elements.
• Strategically use color and texture.
There are several actions were taken in order to ensure the good and user-friendly interfaces
throughout whole system.
• Eye friendly colors were used for this system. (e.g. light blue has been used)
• Buttons are designed with flat colors which is user friendly and eye catching.
• Tab indexes were used for easily navigation.
• Easy accessibility provided by using keyboard function which will increase the
effectiveness of the system.
• Meaningful names and texts were used for button, forms and labels for increase the
effectiveness of the system.

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Home Page interface design is displayed by figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 Home Page Interface Design

Login interface design with validation is displayed by figure 3.10.

Figure 3.10 Login Page with validation Interface Design

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Data table design, with search, pagination and sortable functions is displayed by figure 3.11.

Figure 3.11 Data Tables Interface Design

Form and form validation is displayed by figure 3.12.

Figure 3.12 Form Interface Design

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Sample report design is displayed by figure 3.13.

Figure 3.13 Sample Reports Interface Design

Sample chart design is displayed by figure 3.14 and figure 3.15.

Figure 3.14 Charts – Top 10 fast moving Figure 3.15 Charts – Top 10 Asset owners

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In this phase, system design converts into a complete information system using suitable tools
and techniques. In the Software Development Life Cycle, the actual code is written here, and
if the system contains hardware, then the implementation phase will contain configuration and
fine-tuning for the hardware to meet certain requirements and functions.
Various tools and technologies were devised to aid in the implementation and coding aspects
of the system. Comments are included for later references which will be very useful when
incorporating changes to the system. Various coding standards and best practices were
followed when engaging in the coding process.


The System Implementation Environment can be divided into two categories, Hardware
Environment as well as Software Environment and listed below in table 4.1.

Hardware Environment Software Environment

Intel ® Core™ 2 Duo CPU 2.00 GHz Microsoft Windows 7
4GB RAM XAMPP Version 3.2.2
500GB HDD PHP Version 5.6.15
Apache 2.4.17
MariaDB 10.1.9

Table 4.1 Implementation Environment

4.2.1 Development Tools

• XAMPP - Free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package
developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB
database [WWW6]
• NetBeans IDE 8.2 – Used for coding.
• Google Chrome – Used as the standard browser.

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4.2.2 Technologies
The following technologies were used during implementation and listed below in table 4.2.
Technologies Description
PHP PHP used as the primary development language for the system. PHP
is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web
development but also used as a general-purpose programming
MariaDB MariaDB is used to implement all aspects related to database. It’s
community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database
management system intended to remain free under the GNU GPL
HTML Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for
creating web pages and web applications and widely used for web
CSS CSS is a style sheet language for describing the presentation of web
pages and to style the HTML elements to make the interface more
user friendly and attractive.
JavaScript and JavaScript and jQuery used for performing client-side validations.
JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented language with many in-
built functions to cater to different needs while jQuery is a cross-
platform JavaScript library which provides various widgets and other
effects to simplify JavaScript coding.
AJAX Ajax is a set of Web development techniques using many Web
technologies on the client side to create asynchronous Web
applications which means can be retrieve data from database without
refreshing the page.
Table 4.2 Technologies

P a g e | 25

4.3.1 Application Architecture

The system was built on top of MVC architecture. Model View and Controller divides a given
application into three interconnected parts. The MVC design pattern decouples these major
components allowing for efficient code reuse and parallel development. Figure 4.1 and figure
4.2 shows how MVC is being interacted.

Figure 4.1 MVC Interaction Environment

Figure 4.2 System Model Structure

Model - Stores data that is retrieved according to commands from the controller and displayed
in the view which includes all CRUD operations.

View - The GUI generates new output to the user based on changes in the model.

Controller – Controller acts as a mediator between model and view. Controller can send
commands to the model to update the model's state. It can also send commands to its associated
view to change the view's presentation of the model.

P a g e | 26
Model Structure

Below main modules were created for the major modules of the system as shows in figure 4.3.
• Asset model
• Procurement model
• Maintenance model
• Warranty model
• Transfer model
• Clearance model
• Track model.
• Document model
• User model
• Login model
• Report model

All other common modules were represented by the common model such as for managing
category, employee and products etc.

Figure 4.3 Model Structure

P a g e | 27
4.3.2 Code Structure
Database Connection

The following code fragment used to establish database connection using MySQLi object-
oriented programming language. The parameters passed to SQL statement which should be
executed. The die condition is being used to display any errors that might occur during database
connectivity process.

P a g e | 28
Login to the system

Users are provided a login screen to enter username and password to access the system. After
the validation process in view is done, the username and password sent to the controller. The
controller sends the values fed from view to model. Model perform server-side validation and
check with the database values. If the values provide by the user are valid, the controller will
be redirecting to the home page. If the values are invalid, user will be redirected to login screen
with error messages.

P a g e | 29
P a g e | 30
As per above code, if the number of records from the model is equal to 0, it explains that the
intended user is entering invalid username or password and user will redirect to login screen.
If a corresponding value is found on database, the session will create with logged in user’s
details and will be redirected to user’s homepage.

Logout from the system

The below code fragment is unset the session and user will be redirected to login page and
ready to be used by user.

P a g e | 31
User role and privileges

Below code fragment is in place in session.php and make sure to get the user role. It will grant
access to relevant authorized user to carry out certain tasks.

Controller structure

Controller acts as a mediator between model and view. Controller can send commands to the
model to update the model's state. It can also send commands to its associated view to change
the view's presentation of the model. Below code fragment shows how different functions
based on the action received from the view.

P a g e | 32
P a g e | 33
Model structure

The following code fragment shows how asset issue function is processed.

The following code fragment shows the process of adding assets to the database. In the same
function system will enter warranty details and set remaining value to procurement request
asset count.

P a g e | 34
P a g e | 35
P a g e | 36
View overview

The following code fragment shows an instance of a view section.

P a g e | 37
P a g e | 38
• AdminLTE - AdminLTE is an open source project that is licensed under the MIT
license and can be used as open source admin dashboard & control panel theme.
• DataTables - It is a plug-in for the jQuery JavaScript library which is equipped with
advanced interaction controls over HTML tables. Inbuilt pagination facility and
advanced searching ability makes this a highly flexible tool. [WWW8]
• jQuery Datepicker – A jQuery plugin which provides a simple, highly configurable
datepicker to easily navigate through months and years. [WWW9]
• Bootstrap - Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing
websites and web applications [WWW10]
• Font Awesome and Ionicons – For Icons and graphics [WWW11]
• iCheck – for responsive inputs, such as check box and radio box. [WWW12]
• Chart.js – Chart.js used to create interactive management reports and dashboards. There
are so many varieties of charts available to display information effectively. [WWW13]

P a g e | 39
Testing is the process of evaluating a system with the intent to find whether application meets
the business and technical requirements and works as expected. Software Testing is a critical
element of software quality assurance. Verification involves ensuring whether the built
software conforms to its specification while validation refers to the set of activities that ensures
that the software has been built in traceable to the expectations of the customer. [WWW14]


“A test plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a product or
system meets its design specifications and other requirements. A test plan is usually prepared
by or with significant input from test engineers.”
Planning a test case is a very important aspect for developing system as well as for the
completed system. A suitable test plan was designed prior to the implementation of the system
which should have the ability to test the functionality of the overall system. By properly testing
a system, it can identify the errors which generate from the system and can correct them. The
implemented system was tested using different test cases. The following tables specify a
selection of test cases designed for the testing process.

The following tables specify a selection of test cases designed for the testing process.
5.2.1 Deployment Management Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
View all allocated assets Click the allocated asset The system should display
1 button. all allocated assets.
View new or reused Click asset release button. The system should display
2 assets all new and reused assets.
Retrieve all eligible Select employee ID from the The user should able to
employees. drop down or type part of the select employee ID or
employee ID type part of the employee
3 ID. List of employees
corresponding to
employee ID should

P a g e | 40
Allocate assets to a Select an employee who has A list of allocated assets
4 specific employee currently allocated assets to a selected employee
should display.
Issue a new asset to an Select or type employee The asset will be allocated
5 employee number to allocate asset and to an employee and update
click submit the asset status.
Add a new asset category Fill all the required fields A new asset category will
6 (positive) with appropriate data. add to asset catalogue
Add a new asset category Fill all the required fields An error should appear
(negative) with invalid data such as saying invalid characters
special characters and for category
Edit existing asset User can either type or select Asset category will be
8 category category and enter valid data. updated with edited
View category Select a category to view A new page will open
detailed information. with category information
corresponding to category
Continue or discontinued User can continue or Confirmation message
asset category discontinue an asset category should pop up and click
confirm button and the
10 asset should be set as
either continued or
discontinued depending
on the current status.
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave Display appropriate error
11 the mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.1 Test Cases for Deployment Management Module

P a g e | 41
5.2.2 Maintenance Management Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Select asset to add Click asset maintenance The system should display
1 maintenance details button. all assets to add any
maintenance details.
Add asset maintenance Fill all required fields in the Asset maintenance details
2 details (positive) New asset maintenance should be added to the
page. database.
Add asset maintenance Fill invalid or leave required Asset maintenance details
details. (negative) fields blank. should not be added to the
3 database. The system
should display appropriate
error messages.
View asset repair history. Select the relevant record The system should display
and click the view button in view asset maintenance
4 the asset maintenance page according to other
history page. selected record.
Update asset repair Select the relevant record The system will display
history. (positive) and click the update button update asset maintenance
5 in the asset maintenance history page according to
history page and then fill all the selected record and
the required fields. update the database.

Update asset repair Select the relevant record The system will display
history. (negative) and click the update button update asset maintenance
in the asset maintenance history page according to
6 history page and fill invalid the selected record and
or leave required fields should not update the
blank. database due to blank or
invalid data
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave Display appropriate error
7 the mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.2 Test Cases for Maintenance Management Module

P a g e | 42
5.2.3 Warranty Management Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
View expired Click the warranty expired System will display the
warranty details. assets button in the warranty expired assets details in
management interface. the warranty status
View warranty status Click the view warranty button System will display both
in the warranty management warranty valid and
2 interface. warranty expired assets
details in the warranty
status interface.
Renew warranty Search a specific asset from The system will display
details. view warranty interface and all the records which
3 click the renew button and then include warranty details
fill all required details in the and update the database.
renew warranty page.

Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave the Display appropriate error
4 mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.3 Test Cases for Warranty Management Module

5.2.4 Tracking Management Module

View transfer history. Click the transfer tracking System will display
1 button in the tracking transfer history page.
management interface.
View record of Click the view button in the System will display
2 individual asset. transfer history page. transfer history of
individual asset.
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave the Display appropriate error
3 mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.4 Test Cases for Tracking Management Module

5.2.5 Procurement Management Module

Select asset category Click new request and select All asset categories should
1 to request asset asset category retrieve except
discontinued assets.
Select asset model Click new request and select or All asset product names
2 and product name type product name and asset and model names should
model retrieve from database.
New asset request. Click the new request button in System will display new
the procurement request procurement request page
3 management page and then fill and update the database.
all required fields in new
procurement request page.

P a g e | 43
Assets add to same Once new request added, add Assets should add to the
4 purchase order more assets to the same request same purchase order ID

View all pending and Click the request status button Request status page will
approved request. in the procurement request be displayed. Both
5 management interface. approved and pending
request should be
View individual Click the view button on the System should display
6 pending or approved selected record in request status. request details of the
request. corresponding record.
Edit approved Login to the system as any user Once the asset request is
request. and check if the edit button is approved, system should
7 available. not display edit button and
should not allow to edit
any approved request.

Edit pending request. Click the edit button on the System will display
selected record and then update update procurement
8 the details in the update request page with current
procurement request page. values and update the

Manager should be Login to system as a manager The manager is only able

able to approve the and click approve button in to approve the request.
9 asset request. request status page. For any other users
approve button must not
Other user roles Login to system as a system System should not display
cannot be able to administrator or asset approve button and should
10 approve asset request. administrator. not able to approve any
asset request.
Reject Pending Login to system as a manager The record should be
11 request. and click reject button in rejected and updated to
request status page. the database.
Add asset acquisition Click the asset acquisition The system will display
details. button in the procurement asset acquisition and add
request management page and purchased assets pages
click the add button in the asset and update the database.
acquisition page and then fill
required fields in the add
purchased assets page

Select add asset count Select asset count from add Corresponding to the asset
13 purchased assets page. count serial number fields
should be generated.

P a g e | 44
Add warranty details In add purchase assets, check Warranty details will
14 warranty is available and enter update corresponding to
appropriate details the purchased assets
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave the Display appropriate error
15 mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.5 Test Cases for Procurement Management Module

5.2.6 Transfer Management Module

ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Select asset to transfer Click asset transfer button Only allocated assets
1 and select specific asset to should be displayed to
transfer transfer
Transfer assets to a Select or type an employee A list of allocated assets
2 specific employee ID who has currently to a specific employee
allocated assets. should display.
Transfer asset. Click transfer button on asset System should update the
inventory and select or type database.
3 employee ID and submit to
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave Display appropriate error
4 the mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.6 Test Cases for Transfer Management Module

P a g e | 45
5.2.7 Clearance Management Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
View all issued assets. Click asset clearance button in System should show all
1 the clearance management issued assets.
Clear assets. Click the clearance button on Once click the confirm
the selected row. button, confirmation
message should pop up and
the asset should be cleared.
View clearance Click clearance history button System will display all
3 history. in the clearance management cleared assets.
View individual Click view button in the System will display details
4 details of a cleared selected record in the clearance of selected record.
asset. history page.
Reallocate asset. Click reuse button in the Confirmation message
selected record in the clearance should pop up and once
5 history page. click confirm button and
the asset should be able to
Dispose asset. Click dispose button in the Confirmation message
selected record in the clearance should pop up and once
history page. click confirm button and
the asset should be dispose
and should not able to
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave the Display appropriate error
7 mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.7 Test Cases for Clearance Management Module

P a g e | 46
5.2.8 User Management
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Add a new user. Click new user in user A new user should be able to
1 management page. be added to the system.
Check email address Enter a new email address. A success message should
2 availability (positive) show that the email address is
available to use.
Check email address Enter an existing email An error message should
3 availability (negative) address. show that the email address is
not available to use.
Check email address Enter email address in An error message should
4 availability (negative) invalid format show that the email address is
View all users. Click user management in The system should display all
5 menu. users with minimal details.
View a specific user. Click view button for a The system should display a
selected user in user’s page. detailed information about
6 selected user in read only
view user page.
Update a specific user. Click update button for a The system should display
selected user in user’s page. current values in update user
7 page and should able to
update the user once submit.
Activate user. Click active button of any Confirmation message should
deactivated user. pop up and click confirm
button and user should be
De activate user. Click deactivate button of Confirmation message should
any activated user. pop up and click confirm
button and user should be
Data validation. Enter invalid data or leave Display appropriate error
the mandatory fields blank. messages.
Table 5.8 Test Cases for User Management Module

P a g e | 47
5.2.9 Report Management Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Generate reports. Select the necessary Necessary reports should be
1 parameters and click generate generated and displayed on
button. screen.
Save and print Generate the reports by fill in Save or print the report
2 reports. the necessary parameters. according to the relevance.
View asset insights Click asset insights button on Asset insights should display
3 reports management page. to mangers to get managerial
Data validation. Enter invalid data or Display error messages.
Table 5.9 Test Cases for Report Management Module

5.2.10 Document Management Module

ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Add new document Click new document in Add document page should
1 document management page. open to enter document
Upload multiple files Select document count in add File attachment fields should
2 document page. display corresponding to the
count of documents.
View all document Click view document in The system should display all
3 document management page. documents with minimal
View a specific Click view button in view The system should display a
document documents page. detailed information about
4 selected document in view
files page.
Review a document Click revise button for any A confirmation message
revise pending document. should pop up and the
document should mark as
View a specific file Click view button in view A new tab should open with
6 in a document files page. the file.
Remove a specific Click remove button in view The specific file should be
7 file files page. removed from the system.
Table 5.10 Test Cases for Document Management Module

P a g e | 48
5.2.11 Common Functions Module
ID Test Description Testing Procedure Expected Result
Login testing Enter an invalid or a wrong An error message must
1 (negative). combination of username and be displayed indicating
password. the error.
Login testing Enter a valid username and a Direct to the dashboard
2 (positive). password. for quick access.
Login to the system Click the login button leaving An error message is
without entering the username and/or password displayed indicating the
necessary details fields blank. fields are required.
Logout from the Click the logged in user name User must be logged out
4 system. and click logout button given. and must be redirected to
the login page.
System visualization Access the system in various The system interfaces
across browsers and browsers and use different must look the same
5 different screen sizes screen sizes. across different browsers
and the interface should
scale to the screen size.
Identify the user and Login to the system by Display the user's first
display in entering a valid username and name and last name with
homepage. password. the profile picture in the
Request to view a Click on the view button with Directs to a form loaded
record. a document icon displayed at with the values stored in
the end of the record set. the database displayed in
a read-only mode.
Request to edit a Click on the edit button with a Directs to the update
record. document and pen icon form filled with the
8 displayed at the end of the values stored in the
record set. database with a submit
Clear all the field Click the reset button The field values in the
9 values in a form. form must be cleared.
Trying to access a Enter the URL of a page Deny access and redirect
10 page without logged without logged in. to login page.
Trying to access a Enter the URL of a page Deny access and redirect
page without without the privilege to access to login page.
authorization or view that page.
(logged in).
Table 5.11 Test Cases for Common Functions

P a g e | 49
The data fields that are found in various individual forms were adequately tested with the entry
of sample dummy data to ensure the accuracy and reliability of each form field values. A
common set of error messages were used in appropriate places and highlight input field to keep
the flow of consistency across the system and to reduce confusion among system users.

Some test results are given below for some test cases and the rest of the test results can be
found in Appendix E.

Test Case ID 6
Module Name User Management Module
Test Case View a specific user
The system should display a detailed information about the selected user in read
Expected Output
only view.
No Output Status

Table 5.12 Test Results for View a User Test Case

P a g e | 50
Test Case ID 1
Module Name User Management Module
Test Case Add a user
Expected Output A new user should be able to be added to the system.
No Output Status

Table 5.13 Test Results for Add a User Test Case

Test Case ID 10
Module Name User Management Module
Test Case Data validation.
Display appropriate error messages.
No Test Case Output Status



2 inputs are

P a g e | 51
Wrong NIC


4 telephone

Table 5.14 Test Results for Validation Test Case

P a g e | 52
The Asset Management System was tested in an operational environment at the client premises
in order to verify whether the intended functionalities specified in the specification were been
implemented. Selected set of users with different user levels and rights were asked to work
with the system and the system was positively accepted by the users. It is quite evident that the
users were impressed of the system since most of the feedbacks received were positive. Some
feedbacks and suggestions given by the client were incorporated to the system to give better
satisfaction. The final results of the test indicated that the system has met its objectives and is
easy to work with.

A questionnaire was used to assess the customer feedback. The following is a sample
questionnaire result.
Ratings A – Excellent B - Good C - Acceptable D - Need to Improve
Table 5.15 Ratings

Evaluation User Role: Asset Administrator

No Evaluation Criteria A B C D
Simplicity - Ease of understanding
system functions.
Attractiveness - Look and feel of
the interfaces.
Effectiveness - Potential benefits
derived from the system.
Efficiency - Easiness of navigating
across the system.
Functionality - Extent of the
functionalities covered.
6 Ease of generating reports.
7 Meaningful error messages.
Degree of information provided in
the reports.
9 Task execution speed.
10 Clarity and consistency.
Table 5.16 User Acceptance Test Results

Moreover, some suggestions which were put forward by the users are displayed below.

P a g e | 53
Dialog Axiata PLC is Sri Lanka’s largest telecommunications service provider with the
country’s largest mobile operator of 11.8 million subscribers and commands a 50% of the Sri
Lanka mobile market. The company has over 3500 employees in island wide, across 12 main
branches, 20 regional engineering offices, over 50 customer field support engineer offices.

They need to enhance their IT Asset utilization by maintaining a proper IT asset management
system. Earlier they faced many difficulties using spread sheets and using manual processing.
Currently because of this IT asset management system, IT staff can carry out their daily
activities effectively and efficiently. Managers can get insights or forecasts to make decision
making easier.
All in all, it can be concluded that IT Asset Management System has a positive impact on
Dialog Axiata PLC which is quite evident from the high level of user satisfaction witnessed.


Each project objective was implemented successfully at client’s location and below key
achievements were able to get by using the implemented system. All spreadsheet processing
was replaced with the new system. The client’s expected level was achieved.
• The system was able to manage all IT Assets effective and efficiently.
• Data regarding IT Assets were properly organized and able to receive in a short period.
• The system was able to reduce time and manual effort related to deploying assets to
employees, maintenance, tracking, clearance and procurement.
• Managers were able to get insights about IT Assets procurements.

P a g e | 54

After successfully developing and deploying the entire system and based on the positive user
feedback received in the preceding evaluation phase, the developed system incorporates all the
features and functionalities expected by the client along with some additional features
exceeding their expectations. Although the IT Asset Management System has achieved its main
objectives, overcoming most problems and simplifying the operations, there are some
improvements which are not carried out as the proposed system was developed within a time
constrains and functionalities which were agreed by the client.

The following are the future enhancements that are to be incorporated into ITAMS in the days
to come:
• Integrate with LDAP for authentication and get more employee details. System users
will able to login to system by their domain credentials.
• Create Self portal for employees where they can review their own allocated assets.
• Conduct periodic asset review using self-portals.
• Add customized user roles. So that manager can create customized user roles.

P a g e | 55
• [WWW1] System Analysis and Design,
• [WWW2] Existing Similar Systems,
• [WWW3] Existing Similar Systems,
• [WWW4] System Design,
• [WWW5] Object-oriented Design,
• [WWW7] AdminLTE,
• [WWW8] Jquery DataTables,
• [WWW9] jQuery Datepicker,
• [WWW10] Bootstrap,
• [WWW11] Font Awesome and Ionicons,
• [WWW12] iCheck,
• [WWW13] Chart.js,
• [WWW14] Evaluation,
• [WWW15] Test Plan,

P a g e | 56
This documentation provides the necessary guidelines to aid in the installation process of IT
Asset Management System. This also includes the minimum set of hardware and software
requirements that should be met to install and operate the system.


Hardware Recommended Minimum Requirements

Processor Intel ® Core™ 2 Duo 2.00 GHz or similar.
Memory 1GB RAM or higher.
Display 1024 x 768 resolution or above. High Color 32-bit display.
Hard Disk space Minimum 1GB free disk space or higher.
Printer Dot-matrix, Inkjet or Laser Printer.
Internet Minimum 512kbps connection.
Table A.1 Hardware Requirements


Software Recommended Minimum Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8,

Operating System
Linux Ubuntu 9.0 or above, or any other compatible OS.

XAMPP Version 3.2.2/LAMP/WAMP or Individual packages –

Bundle Packages
MariaDB 10.1.9, PHP 5.6.15 Apache 2.4.17 phpMyAdmin 4.5.1

Code Editor NetBeans IDE 8.2

Web Browser Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox/Internet Explorer/Opera/Safari.

Table A.2 Software Requirements

Installation of IT Asset Management System

1. Install the necessary relevant software.
• Download and install the XAMPP server solution stack.
• Download and install a suitable web browser.
2. Setting up IT Asset Management System.
• Browse through the given supplementary CD and copy the ams folder and paste it
inside the following paths.
• Windows Environment with XAMPP installed – “C:\xampp\htdocs”
• Linux Environment with XAMPP installed – “/opt/lampp/htdocs
3. Database Setup.
• Open the browser and type the URL „http://localhost/phpmyadmin/’.
• Create a new database named as “db_ams” with the collation set to “utf8_general_ci”.

P a g e | 57
• Select the “db_ams” database from the database list and click the Import tab.
• Browse through the supplementary CD and select the “db_ams.sql” file and click on
the go button.

Launching the System

• Before launching the system, make sure whether Apache and MySQL services are
running. To verify that, open the XAMPP Control Panel and find it out.
• Now open your preferred web browser and type the following URL:
“http://localhost/ams/internal/view/login.php” or
• Login and get access to the system by providing the correct username and the
• The above-mentioned URL can be bookmarked and you can then drag and drop that
bookmark to your desktop for ease of access.

P a g e | 58

Some of the main use-case descriptions are mentioned below which provides an overview
understanding about the design of the system.

1. Use-Case Description for Asset Allocation

User-Case Allocate an asset

Actors Asset administrator
Asset are allocated to employees.
User should login to the system as an asset administrator
Flow of events
1. Employee request for an asset.
2. Asset administrator select the asset from asset inventory.
3. Asset administer select the employee ID.
4. Click submit button.

Post conditions
Selected asset allocated to selected employee.
Table B.1 Use-Case Description for Asset Allocation

2. Use-Case Description for Create New Asset Category

User-Case Create new asset category
Actors Asset administrator
New asset category should be able to create.
User should login to the system as an asset administrator
Flow of events

1. Check if the asset type is available.

2. If available, select the asset category type or enter new asset category details.
3. Sub-category should display corresponding to the asset category name.
4. Click submit button to add new asset category.

Post conditions
Selected asset allocated to selected employee.
Table B.2 Use-Case Description for Create New Asset Category

P a g e | 59
3. Use-Case Description for New Asset Procurement Request
User-Case New procurement request.
Actors Asset administrator, System administrator
New asset request should be able to create.
User should login to the system as an asset administrator or system administrator.
Asset category should be available to before asset request.
Flow of events
1. Check if the asset category is available.
2. If available, select the asset category type or enter new asset category details.
3. Sub-category should display corresponding to the asset category name.
4. Click submit button to add new asset category.
Post conditions
New asset request should generate and user may add more items to the same request.
Table B.3 Use-Case Description for New Asset Procurement Request

4. Use-Case Description for Approve Asset Procurement Request

User-Case Approve asset procurement request.
Actors Manager
Manager should able to approve asset procurement request.
User should login to the system as a manager.
Flow of events

1. Click approve button on any pending asset procurement request.

2. Confirm message should pop up and should able to click confirm.
3. The asset procurement request should approve.

Post conditions
User should not able to edit approved asset procurement request.
Table B.4 Use-Case Description for Approve Asset Procurement Request

P a g e | 60
5. Use-Case Description for Reject Asset Procurement Request

User-Case Reject asset procurement request.

Actors Manager
Manager should able to reject asset procurement request.
User should login to the system as a manager.
Flow of events

1. Click reject button on any pending asset procurement request.

2. Confirm message should pop up and should able to click confirm.
3. The asset procurement request should reject

Post conditions
The procurement request should reject.
Table B.5 Use-Case Description for Reject Asset Procurement Request

6. Use-Case Description for Asset Transfer

User-Case Transfer asset
Actors Asset Administrator
Asset administrator should able to transfer asset to a specific employee
User should login to the system as an asset administrator.
User should only transfer asset which are currently allocated.
Flow of events

1. Click transfer button on any issued asset.

2. User should able to select or enter employee ID in transfer to field.
3. Current allocations should display corresponding to the entered employee ID.
4. Click submit button to transfer asset

Post conditions
The asset ownership should change to selected employee.
Table B.6 Use-Case Description for Asset Transfer

P a g e | 61
7. Use-Case Description for Asset Clearance
User-Case Clearance Asset
Actors Asset Administrator
Asset administrator should able to clear asset of a selected employee

User should login to the system as an asset administrator

User should only transfer asset which are currently allocated.
Flow of events

1. Click clearance button on any issued asset.

2. Confirm message should pop up and should able to click confirm.
3. Asset should clear from selected employee.
4. User should able to view all cleared assets in clearance history.

Post conditions
The asset ownership should revoke from the selected user.
Table B.7 Use-Case Description for Asset Clearance

8. Use-Case Description for Add Document

User-Case Add Document
Actors Manager
Manager should able to add new documents
User should login to the system as a manager. Maximum document down is five attachments.
Flow of events

1. Click new document button in document management page.

2. Enter all required fields and select document count.
3. User should allow to upload files using file attachment fields.
4. Click submit button to add new document.

Post conditions
A new document should add with details.
Table B.8 Use-Case Description for Asset Clearance

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9. Use-Case Description for Manage Users
User-Case Manage Users
Actors Manager
Manager should able to add a new user and manage
User should login to the system as a manager. The user who request a user account does not
already possess an account.
Flow of events

1. The person who is in need to access the system requests an account from the manager.
2. The status of the person requesting the account is checked by the manager.
3. If the person does not already own an account, the account is created.
4. The access level of the user must be confined to the user type assigned when creating the

Post conditions
Authorized personnel are granted access to the system.
Table B.9 Use-Case Description for Manager Users

10. Use-Case Description for Generate Reports

User-Case Manage Users
Actors Manager
Manager should able to get several types of reports.
User should login to the system as a manager and required data and input should have been fed
into the system.
Flow of events

1. Select the relevant report to be generated under the reporting module.

2. Input the necessary parameters.
3. Click the generate button to generate the report.

Post conditions
Generated details will be displayed in a printable format.
Table B.10 Use-Case Description for Generate Reports

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11. Use-Case Description for Login
User-Case Login
Actors System Users.
Authorized users log into the system.
The user should possess an account and have the necessary privileges to login to the system.
Flow of events

1. The user enters the username and password.

2. User authentication takes place.
3. If the entered values are invalid, the user will be redirected to the login page with an error
message. Rather, if the entered values are valid, the user will be redirected to dashboard.

Post conditions

Only authorized users can have access to the system whereas access is restricted to others.
Table B.11 Use-Case Description for Login


Sequence Diagram for Login

Figure B.1 Login Sequence Diagram

P a g e | 64
Sequence Diagram for Asset Transfer

sd Asset Transfer

Inferface Database

Login (Username, Password) Authentication Request

View Home Page Return Authentication

Request Asset Transfer Page Get all issued assets

View Asset Transfer Page Return issued asset Process

Select asset to transfer

View asset transfer details form

Select employee ID to transfer Get assets allocated to selected Emp ID

Return currently allocated assets Process

Submit to transfer assset Process transfer request

View Success Message Send Success Message Process

Figure B.2 Asset Transfer Sequence Diagram

P a g e | 65

Activity Diagram for Asset Clearance

Figure B.3 Asset Clearance Activity Diagram

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This document is a reference to the users of IT Asset Management System and provides an
overview picture on how to use the main functions in the system. The main expectation of this
document is to guide the user in the general use of Asset Management System without the need
to emphasize on extensive training program.


Authorized users can access the system by providing a valid username and a password via the
login page shown in Figure C.1. Once the credentials entered by the user is authenticated and
found to be valid, the user will be redirected to the dashboard as shown in Figure C.2 which
comprises of links to all the system modules.

Figure C.1 Login Page

P a g e | 67
Figure C.2 Dashboard Page

• Modules can be accessed by clicking the relevant menu on left-side corner.

• The users can logout from the system by clicking on the user name on the top right-side
corner of the window and click logout button given. The username and logout button is
displayed in every page of the system.
• The profile image of the logged in user is displayed for further confirmation of the
• The profile of the logged in user can be viewed by clicking on the name or the profile
image and then clicking the profile button. Once the profile information page is
displayed, the user can change the password by clicking the change password link given
under the profile image.


Once a relevant module is selected from the dashboard that is illustrated in Figure C.2, the user
will be redirected to the module homepage which consists of the various functions that can be
performed under the relevant module. The following Figure C.3 depicts a module homepage.

P a g e | 68
Figure C.3 Module Functional Page

• Profile Area – It identifies and displays the name of the logged in user and provide
logout button to logout from the system.

• Menu – Hold each of a module. Once click each module, the system direct user to
several functions depending on the module function.

• Content – The forms, results and other information is loaded into this area.


• Mandatory fields are marked as required with a red asterix mark.

Figure C.4 Required Fields

P a g e | 69
Figure C.5 Common Guidelines

• Text boxes and text areas allows to enter text and/or numeric data.
• Drop-down lists and radio buttons allows to choose just one option of a series of choices
whereas checkboxes are used to select more options of several choices.
• Various buttons allow to instruct the system to carry out specific tasks.
• Clicking the edit button with pen icon displayed at the end of the record set, lets to edit
a record by redirecting to the update form filled with the values stored in the database
with an update button.
• Clicking the view button with file icon at the end of the record set lets to view a record.

Please refer the CD-ROM for the complete set of this documentation since only a limited
version is given here due to space constraints.

P a g e | 70
Management reports are essential for any system as it helps to take vital decisions in managing
all aspects of an organization. Managers gain insight on specific areas and able to evaluate the
performance. IT Asset Management System includes various kinds of reports that aids in the
decision-making process. Moreover, charts are used in appropriate places to provide rich
interactivity and better understanding.


Asset Meter
The following figure D.1 illustrates overall asset allocation status. The percentage of utilized
assets vs remaining. This graph gives insight on asset reorder level to prevent inadequate assets.

Figure D.1 Asset Meter

P a g e | 71
Top 10 fast moving Assets
The following figure D.2 illustrates the breakdown of top 10 fast moving assets within the
period of last 30 days. This graph depicts insight to increase the reorder level of a specific asset

Figure D.2 Top 10 Fast moving asset for last 30 days.

The following figure D.3 illustrates the asset request trend throughout the year.

Figure D.3 Asset Request throughout the year.

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The following figure D.4 illustrates top 10 multiple desktop and laptop owners.

Figure D.4 Top 10 Top 10 Multiple Asset Owners

P a g e | 73

The following figure D.5 illustrates an instance of a detailed report which provides
comprehensive information that shows asset request for a given period.

Figure D.5 Detailed Report for Asset requests for given period

The following figure D.6 illustrates an instance of a detailed report which provides
comprehensive information that shows asset allocation for a given period.

Figure D.6 Detailed Report for Asset Allocation for given period

The following figure D.7 illustrates an instance of a detailed report which provides
comprehensive information that shows asset maintenance for a given period.

P a g e | 74
Figure D.7 Detailed Report for Asset Maintenance Report for given period

The following figure D.8 illustrates an instance of a detailed report which provides
comprehensive information that shows asset clearance for a given period.

Figure D.8 Detailed Report for Asset Clearance Report for given period

P a g e | 75
Based on the test plan given in Chapter 5 – Evaluation, test results were derived by the
application of test cases. The following test cases and the resulting screenshots are given below
to give an overview understanding of how the testing process was carried out in IT Asset
Management System.

Deployment Management Module

ID Actual Output Status

The user should able to select employee ID or type part of the employee
ID. List of employees corresponding to employee ID should display

A list of allocated assets to a selected employee should display.

Confirmation message should pop up and the asset should be set as either
continued or discontinued depending on the current status, once click

P a g e | 76
Table E.1 Test Results for Deployment Management Module

Maintenance Management Module

ID Actual Output Status

3 Display appropriate error messages and asset maintenance details not
added to the system.

Table E.2 Test Results for Maintenance Management Module

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Procurement Management Module

ID Actual Output Status

4 Assets should add to the same purchase order ID

The manager is only able to approve the request. For any other users
9 approve button must not visible

Table E.3 Test Results for Procurement Management Module

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Common Functions
ID Actual Output Status

An error message must be displayed indicating the error.

An error message is displayed indicating the fields are required.

4 User logged out and redirecting to the login page.

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Table E.4 Test Results for Common Functions

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This section consists of an overview of the codes used in the development of this system. Due
to space constraints, only the important code snippets are represented here apart from those
mentioned in Chapter 4 - Implementation.

Please refer the CD-ROM for the complete system source code.


The following code segment shows the AJAX code for checking whether the email enter while
adding a new user is already an invalid, existing one or not.

Below is the function used by above AJAX function.

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The following code fragment depicts the graphical representation of availability of email

The following code segment shows the AJAX code used to get category details using category

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Following code segment shows how PO number generates, by incrementing last PO number.

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The following code segment shows the how data fed into charts, using JavaScript.

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The following code segment shows how documents are being upload to the system.

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