Cairn Warden Screen

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Marketplace Procedures

Procedures Rules Summary Procedures NPC Tables

Gear gp Armor gp Scars

If damage to a PC would reduce their HP to exactly 0, look up the result on the table below based on the d20 Name d20 Name d20 Name d20 Quirk
Air Bladder 5 Shield (+1 Armor) 10
amount of HP lost in the attack. For example, if a PC went from 3 HP to 0 HP, they would look at entry Attributes Armor d6 Dungeon Events
1 Luna 1 Crow 1 Mariner 1 Gaunt
Antitoxin 20 Helmet (+1 Armor) 10 #3 (Walloped). • STR: Physical power, lifting gates, bending • Value is subtracted from damage result
Bandages (3 uses) 30 bars, resisting poison, etc. before being applied to HP. 1 Encounter Roll on an encounter table. Possibly hostile (see Reactions (pg. 64)). 2 Glyph 2 Lisbeth 2 Rolan 2 Harsh Voice
Gambeson (+1 Armor) 15
Bathing Goods (Soap, Perfume, etc.) 5 HP • DEX: Poise, speed, reflexes, dodging, • Shields and similar armor provide a bonus 3 Pan 3 Lira 3 Hildred 3 Young
Scars A clue, “spoor,” track, abandoned lair, scent, victim, droppings, etc is
Brigandine (1 Armor, bulky) 20 Lost climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc. defense (e.g. +1 Armor), but only while the 2 Sign
Book 50 discovered. 4 Quill 4 Ainsley 4 Storm 4 Squints
Caltrops 10 Chainmail (2 Armor, bulky) 40 Lasting Scar: Roll 1d6. 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3: Eye, 4: Chest, 5: Legs, 6: Ear. Roll 1d6. If the total is • WIL: Persuade, deceive, interrogate, item is held or worn. Nothing can have more
1 than 3 Armor. Surroundings shift or escalate. Water rises, ceilings collapse, a ritual nears 5 Darnel 5 Azura 5 Alistair 5 Strong
Plate (3 Armor, bulky) 60 higher than your max HP, take the new result. intimidate, charm, provoke, manipulate 3 Environment
Card Deck 5 completion, etc. 6 Lysander 6 Callan 6 Alder 6 Alert
spells, etc.
Chain (10ft) 10 Rattling Blow: You’re disoriented and shaken. Describe how you refocus. Roll 1d6. If the total is Reactions
2 Torches are blown out, an ongoing spell fizzles, etc. The party must resolve the 7 Seraphine 7 Spike 7 Sky 7 Bright Eyes
Chalk (petty) 1 Weapons gp higher than your max HP, take the new result. Saves Roll 2d6 When the PCs encounter an NPC whose 4 Loss
effects before moving on.
• Roll a d20 and compare the results to the reaction to the party is not obvious. 8 Hemlock 8 Gunnar 8 Onyx 8 Bald
Chest 25 Dagger, Cudgel, Sickle, Staff, etc. Walloped: You’re sent flying and land flat on your face, winded. You are deprived until you rest
5 3 appropriate attribute. If equal to or under 2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12 The party must take a brief rest (roll on this table again), add a Fatigue, or 9 Herald 9 Spade 9 Kael 9 Notable Hair
Chisel 5 (d6 damage) for a few hours. Then, roll 1d6. Add that amount to your max HP. 5 Exhaustion
that attribute, success. Otherwise, failure. Hostile Wary Curious Kind Helpful consume a ration.
Common Agents (Glue, Grease, etc.) 10 10 Alaric 10 Finch 10 Caius 10 Missing Ear
Spear, Sword, Mace, Axe, Flail, etc. Broken Limb: Roll 1d6. 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Rib, 6: Skull. Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is 1 is always a success and a 20 is always a
10 4 6 Quiet The party is left alone (and safe) for the time being. 11 Marius 11 Cedric 11 Nazira 11 Good Posture
Common Tools (Hammer, Shovel, etc.) 10 (d8 damage) higher than your max HP, take the new result. failure.
Compass 75 • If two opponents are each trying to 12 Mend 12 Brave 12 Rush 12 Limps
Diseased: You’re afflicted with a gross, uncomfortable infection. When you get over it, roll 2d6. If • NPCs save WIL to avoid fleeing when they
Halberd, War Hammer, Long 5 overcome the other, whoever is most at risk Wilderness Events
Complex Instruments (Bagpipes, Fiddle, etc.) 50 20 the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result. take their first casualty and again when they d6 13 Eoin 13 Thyme 13 Godric 13 Grimy
Sword, etc. (d10 damage, bulky) should save.
Containers (Sack, Waterskin, etc.) 10 lose half their number. 14 Lucian 14 Luna 14 Kavi 14 Muscular
Reorienting Head Wound: Roll 1d6. 1-2: STR, 3-4: DEX, 5-6: WIL. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher • If two more characters would need to take Roll on an encounter table for that terrain type or location. Don’t forget to roll
Cooking Gear (Pots, Utensils, etc.) 10 Sling (d6 damage) 5 6 • Some groups may use their leader’s WIL 1 Encounter
than your current attribute, take the new result. an action together, whoever is most at risk for NPC reactions if applicable. 15 Evander 15 Tanner 15 Taros 15 Thick Eyebrows
in place of their own. Lone foes must save
Costume Gear (Face Paint, Disguise) 15 Bow (d6 damage, bulky) 20 should save (typically the character with the
Hamstrung: You can barely move until you get serious help and rest. After recovery, roll 3d6. If when they’re reduced to 0 HP. 16 Cleaver 16 Shade 16 Dax 16 Crooked Teeth
Dowsing Rod 15 7 lowest Attribute). The party discovers a clue, spoor, or indication of a nearby encounter, locality,
the total is higher than your max DEX, take the new result. 2 Sign
Crossbow (d8 damage, bulky) 30 • Morale does not affect PCs. hidden feature, or information about a nearby area. 17 Milo 17 Shroud 17 Harkin 17 Heavy Brow
Expeditionary Gear (Climbing Spikes, Pulley), etc. 10 Healing & Recovery
Deafened: You cannot hear anything until you find extraordinary aid. Regardless, make a WIL Hirelings 3 Environment A shift in weather or terrain. 18 Lisbeth 18 Marcellus 18 Thaddeus 18 Pleasant Voice
Fire Oil 10 8 • Resting a few moments plus a drink of water
save. If you pass, increase your max WIL by 1d4.
Fishing Rod 10 Upkeep & Recovery gp restores lost HP but leaves party exposed. • Adventuring parties can recruit hirelings, 19 Carver 19 Liora 19 Dain 19 Broad Face
The party is faced with a choice that costs them a resource (rations, tools, etc),
Re-brained: Some hidden part of your psyche is knocked loose. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher Bandages can stabilize a character after relying on their unique skills, knowledge, and 4 Loss 20 Neria 20 Harper 20 Dorian 20 Tired
Games (Cards, Dice, etc.) 10 Room & board (per night) 10 9 time, or effort.
than your max WIL, take the new result. critical damage. training to aid in expeditions.
Gloves (petty) 20 Private Room & Board (fits 4) 35 The party encounters a barrier, forcing effort, care or delays. This might mean
Sundered: An appendage is torn off, crippled or useless. The Warden will tell you which. Then, • Attribute loss is usually restored with a • To create a hireling, choose an appropriate d20 Background d20 Goal d20 Virtue d20 Vice
Grappling Hook 25 10 week’s rest, facilitated by healer or other 5 Exhaustion spending extra time (and an additional Wilderness Action) or adding Fatigue to
Stable & Feed (per night) 5 make a WIL save. If you pass, increase your max WIL by 1d6. role from the Hirelings table in the
Lantern 10 appropriate means. the PC’s inventory to represent their difficulties. 1 Academic 1 Ascension 1 Cautious 1 Aloof
Marketplace. Roll 3d6 for each attribute,
Medical Healing 50
Mirror 5 Mortal Wound: You are deprived and out of action. You die in one hour unless healed. Upon and 1d6 for their HP. Give them equipment The party finds food, treasure, or other useful resources. The Warden can 2 Assassin 2 Cleansing 2 Compassionate 2 Corrupt
11 Deprivation & Fatigue 6 Discovery
Rations (3 uses) 10 recovery, roll 2d6. Take the new result as your max HP. appropriate to their station, then roll on the instead choose to reveal the primary feature of the area.
Net 10 3 Blacksmith 3 Conservation 3 Connected 3 Craven
• A PC that lacks a crucial need (such as Character Traits tables to further flesh them
Oil can (6 uses) 10 Animal Feed (3 uses, bulky) 5 Doomed: Death seemed ever so close, but somehow you survived. If your next save against food or rest) is Deprived. Anyone Deprived out. 4 Farmer 4 Defense 4 Courageous 4 Cruel
12 critical damage is a fail, you die horribly. If you pass, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max for more than a day adds Fatigue to their
Outdoor Comfort (Blanket, Hammock, etc.) 10 5 General 5 Domination 5 Disciplined 5 Cynical
Hirelings (daily rate in gp) HP, take the new result. inventory, one for each day. A Deprived PC • Alternatively, choose an appropriate
Parchment (3 uses) 10 background and name from the Character
Combat Order
cannot recover HP, Attributes, or remove 6 Gravedigger 6 Enrichment 6 Discreet 6 Deceptive
Pole (10ft) 5 Alchemist 30 Navigator 10 Fatigue. Creation guide. Roll (or choose from) the Round 1
tables for that background. Then, roll for 7 Guard 7 Expansion 7 Honest 7 Greedy
Repellent (Wolfsbane, Mugwort, etc.) 10 Animal Handler 5 Sailor 5 • All players that pass a DEX save are able
Spellbooks Casting Spells • A PC also adds Fatigue after casting spells or
Rations, Gold Pieces, Attributes, HP, and age. 8 Healer 8 Freedom 8 Intelligent 8 Impulsive
Rope (25ft) 5 due to events occurring in the fiction. Each to act.
Blacksmith 15 Scholar 20 • Spellbooks contain a single spell and • Anyone can cast a spell by holding a • All player actions are declared first, then
Sedative 30 Fatigue occupies one slot and lasts until the Die of Fate 9 Jailer 9 Healing 9 Judicious 9 Incompetent
take up one slot. They cannot be easily Spellbook in both hands and reading its resolved simultaneously.
Bodyguard 10 Tracker 5 PC is able to obtain a night’s rest.
Sewing Kit 20 transcribed or created; instead they contents aloud. They must then add a • Optionally, roll 1d6 whenever the outcome • All opponents act. 10 Laborer 10 Integration 10 Loyal 10 Inflexible
Local Guide 5 Trapper 5 are recovered from places like tombs, Fatigue to inventory. • If a PC has more Fatigue than free slots, they of an event is uncertain or to simulate an
Simple Instruments (Pipes, Lute, etc.) 10 • Opponent actions are declared first, 11 Lord 11 Justice 11 Methodical 11 Manipulative
dungeons, and manors. • Given time and safety, PCs can enhance must drop an item from their inventory. element of randomness and chance.
Lockpick 10 Bodyguard 20 then resolved simultaneously.
Smoking pipe (petty) 15 12 Merchant 12 Peace 12 Meticulous 12 Mercurial
• Spellbooks sometimes display unusual a spell’s impact (e.g., affecting multiple • A roll of 4 or more generally favors the PCs,
Specialized Tools (Ink, etc.) 20 Rounds 2+ 13 Monk 13 Power 13 Polite 13 Naive
properties or limitations, such as targets, increasing its power, etc.) without while a roll of 3 or under usually means bad
Transport gp • All players act.
Spiked Boots 15 producing a foul or unearthly smell when any additional cost. luck for the PCs. 14 Mystic 14 Preservation 14 Popular 14 Pedantic
• All player actions are declared first, then
Spyglass 40 Cart (+4 slots, bulky) 30 opened, possessing an innate intelligence, • If the PC is deprived or in danger (such resolved simultaneously. 15 Outlander 15 Purification 15 Pragmatic 15 Ruthless
or being legible only when held in as during combat), the Warden may
Tent (fits 2, bulky) 20 Wagon (+8 slots, slow) 200 • All opponents act.
moonlight. require a PC to make a WIL save to avoid 16 Peddler 16 Redemption 16 Resourceful 16 Sarcastic
Thieving Tools (Lockpick, Metal File, etc.) 25 • Opponent actions are declared first,
Horse (+4 slots) 75 • Spellbooks will attract the attention of any ill-effects from casting the spell. then resolved simultaneously. 17 Politician 17 Revenge 17 Suave 17 Selfish
Torch (3 uses) 5 those who seek the arcane power within, Consequences of failure are on par with
Mule (+6 slots, slow) 30 and it is considered dangerous to display the intended effect, and may result in 18 Spy 18 Survival 18 Shrewd 18 Stubborn
Trap (d6 STR damage) 35
Carriage Seat 5 them openly. added Fatigue, the destruction of the 19 Thief 19 Unity 19 Tenacious 19 Vain
Whistle (petty) 15
Spellbook, injury, and even death.
Wilderness Clothes (petty) (Poncho, Cloak, etc.) 15 Ship’s Passage 10 20 Thug 20 Wealth 20 Witty 20 Xenophobic

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