EZD6 Magick System

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EZD6 Magick

System Hack

This hack to the magic system as written provides a di erent approach to all of the RRs with
some degree of OCD. Inspired by Goodman Games's Dungeon Crawl Classics and Kelsey
Dionne’s ShadowDark.
Learning Magick
The Nature of Magick
Some few have the innate ability to draw magick into themselves, and then manipulate that
power into a manifest of their intentions. Most, however, must learn, steal, discover old
tomes or books of power, and then practice the craft of using magick.

This need for knowledge often presses the conjures, mages, witches, seeers, and wizards
into the darkest places of the world. They seek to nd more and more magickal powers. It is
an addiction that can be hard to contain.

Although most conjurers hoard their knowledge, there are some willing to teach a bit of what
they have learned. This exchange, however, usually comes with a price that must be paid.
Perhaps they will teach Kadrick's Shield, but only after you return with a Magickal Conduit

Gaining mastery of a spell does not mean that you will keep it forever. When casting a spell,
there is always a chance of catastrophic failure.

Casting a Spell
When casting a spell, the conjurer must decide the Power Level (PL=1D6 to 3D6) that will be
used to cast the spell. So a conjurer can decide to roll 1, 2, or 3 die when casting. The
caster must meet or beat the spell’s Casting Level (CL). If the spell does not have a CL
listed, the target of the spell rolls the resistance dice. If there are multiple targets, each rolls
a resistance dice. The caster must meet or beat the highest resistance dice rolled. If the
caster rolls any 1’s, the spell fails and the caster must roll of the Spell Failure table below.

Focusing a Spell
The caster can choose to focus on the next spell. The caster decides how many rounds to
focus (max 2), and the spell will be cast at the end of the focus period and must be cast at a
PL of 2 or greater. After casting, the caster can ignore a 1 rolled for every round focused on
the spell. Example: the CL is 4, so the player chooses to cast the spell on the second power
level with 1 round of focus. So he will cast it in the second round, rolling a 1 and a 5, but he
can ignore the 1, and the spell is successfully cast.

A caster may sacri ce one strike to ignore a 1 rolled when casting.
After noting their connection to the source of magick, most conjurers seek out a master
wizard in order to learn. These masters are elusive and eccentric. They often make
challenging bargains in order to teach the aspiring apprentice. Some of these bargains last a

Choose a master and roll for the spells learned and the bargain required.

Arkrend the Great, Counsellor to Kings

Arkrend will teach 3 spells. Choose from the following:

• Aened’s Blessing
• Blood of Varos
• Braunaulf’s Insight
• Detect Evil by Sandiel
• Doreah’s Cure
• Inronmir’s Curse Lifting
• Leandra’s Warmth
• Shelob’s Web
• Tamiel’s Dreadblade

Nydd the Reviled

Nydd will teach 3 spells. Choose from the following:

• Animation of Edmund
• Blorrman's Elemental Summoning
• Chagrath's Touch
• Gilman's Dominating Thoughts
• Hex of Ruu
• Izahr’s Raise Undead
• Mantle of the Dark Lord
• Morphil's Missile
• Norell's King of the Dead
• Summoning of Ravae
• Words of Famir
• Vizzini’s Command of the Dead

Morvun the Soulweaver

Marvin the Soulweaver will teach 3 spells. Choose from the following:

• Armor of Airik
• Benne’s Yawn
• Candle of Furyck
• Eye of Alin Forde
• Flame of Aazul
• Keyleth's Vines
• Mathesar’s Circle of Movement
• Quinton's Marvelous Antidote
• Scrying of Cassius

Roll 1D6 to determine the bargain the player makes with the master for the knowledge.

1 A magic item must be found and returned to the mage.

2 One of the mage’s enemies/competitors must be eliminated.
3 Steal an item from a well-guarded location.
4 Return with some basilisk glands.
5 Find and return with a rare book.
6 Perform a rare and dangerous ritual for the mage. This requires nding items and
locating a speci c place at which to perform the ritual.
Spell Failure
Rolling a 1
When a 1 is rolled while attempting to cast a spell, a spell failure result roll must be made.
There are 3 di erent tables for the failure result based on the number of 1's rolled. At a
power level of 1, there can only be a single 1 rolled. At a power level of 3, however, the
player has the chance of rolling three 1's. Roll 1D6 on the appropriate table below.

Spell Failure Table 1: Single 1 Rolled

1 The spell failed to manifest.

2 The spell failed to manifest.
3 The spell failed to manifest.
4 The caster looses the ability to cast this spell until a long rest is completed.
5 The caster looses the ability to cast this spell until a long rest is completed.
6 The caster looses the ability to cast this spell until a long rest is completed.

Spell Failure Table 2: Double 1's Rolled

1 The magickal energy explodes causing the caster to take 1 strike.

2 The caster is blinded for 1D6 scenes.
3 The spell's e ect becomes inverted (healing becomes harm, attacks return on the
caster, etc).
4 The caster looses the ability to cast this spell until a long rest is completed.
5 The caster must make all rolls with a bane for next 10 rounds
6 The magickal energy explodes causing 1 strike of damage to the nearest creature.
Spell Failure Table 3: Triple 1's Rolled

1 Roll twice on Spell Failure Table 2.

2 The memory of the spell is lost forever. The spell cannot be used until the caster nds
a way to relearn it.
3 An elemental is summoned and will attack all creatures. Roll 1D6 for type: 1: re, 2:
earth, 3: water, 4: air, 5-6: re-roll.
4 A blast of necromantic energy enters nearest corpse animating it as a zombie. If no
corpse, the caster takes 1 strike. If the caster dies due to the spell, the caster rises as
a zombie.
5 For 1D6 rounds, all creatures/players in near range must make all rolls with a Bane.
6 Roll twice on Spell Failure Table 3.

Spell List
Intrinsic Magick (CL 2)
• Certain magickal abilities do not require study and simply can be performed based on the
caster’s connection with a source of magick
• Examples of such things include Basic Mending, Minor Illusions, Simple Telekinesis,
Disguise Self or Others


Aened's Blessing (CL 3)

• One target the caster touches (including himself) makes all miraculous saves at rolls of 3+
for a scene

Animation of Edmund (CL 3)

• A nearby corpse becomes animated and under the caster's control
• Roll 1D6 for type: 1-4 = skeleton, 5-6 = zombie

Antimagick of Nightstrider (CR 3)

• The caster creates a eld of anti-magick around a player within close range
• The target gains +1D6 on magickal resistance until a failed resistance roll by the target
ends the e ect

Armor of Airik (CL 2)

• Caster must lay hands on target
• Target add +1 on all armor saves for a scene

Beacon of Zopha (CL 2)

• Detect all nearby traps

Benne’s Yawn
• Up to 6 targets fall asleep
• Any attack against, attempt to waken, or a loud noise will end the sleep
Blood of Varos (CL 3)
• The caster or someone he touches becomes immune to poison for a scene

Blorrman's Elemental Summoning (CL 3)

• The caster summons an elemental under his control
• Roll 1D4 for type: 1 = air, 2 = re, 3 = water, 4 = earth
• Elemental will dispel after the scene

Braunaulf's Insight (CL 2)

• This allows the caster to detect magical forces and items within 120 feet (4x near

Candle of Furyck (CL 2)

• The caster can create light on a point (e.g. sta , hand) that lasts 1 scene unless dismissed
by the caster; the brightness depends on the spell power level
• PL = 1: candle light (dim)
• PL = 2: torch light
• PL = 3: sunlight (bright)

Chagrath's Touch
• Touch a target to cause 1 strike of damage and heal caster 1 strike
• On a failed casting, the caster takes 1 strike

Crystal of Understanding (CL 2)

• Allows caster to understand any language for 1 turn

Daegon's Wheel of Fate (CL 3)

• If the caster has a hero die, it can be given to any other player
• This can be cast at any time (even if not the caster’s turn)

Daghr's Resolve (CL 2-6)

• Dispels magic (resistance dice depends on strength of target magick as judged by the

Detect Evil by Sandiel (CL 3)

• Detect evidence of evil deeds or active malevolence within double far distance
Doreah's Cure (CL 3)
• Cures disease

Emhyr’s Exercise (CL 3)

• Up to 20 by 20 feet of dirt, sand, or clay can be reshaped

Eye of Alin Forde (CL 2)

• An ethereal oating eye appears and can move double far distance and can pass through
openings as small as 1 inch
• Whatever the eye sees is instantly known by the caster
• The eye lasts for 1 scene or until dismissed by the caster

Flame of Aazul (CL 3)

• Touch an ally and if the ally scores a hit with the next attack, he does 2 strikes of damage

Flight of Cinweiu (CL 4)

• Caster can cast on himself on an ally within near range
• Allows target the ability to y (movement is double near distance) for a scene

Friar Ulthrid's Holy Light

• Up to 6 undead within near range of the caster must ee for 1D6 rounds
• Any undead that rolls a 1 on their resistance dice is destroyed and turns to dust

Gilman's Dominating Thoughts

• Caster convinces thinking target that he is an ally and can make the target act, within
reason, to the bene t of the caster

Giph's Glyph (CL 3)

• Casting this spell inscribes a near-invisible glyph on a surface or in an object that can be
closed (e.g. chest, book)
• Touching or manipulating the glyph triggers the e ect — the e ect can be an explosion
that causes 1 strike of damage, or it can be a spell known to the caster

Hex of Ruu
• The target becomes hexed and all rolls must be done with a Bane
• At the end of the target's turn, the target rolls 1D6; on a 5+, the hex is removed
• Requires anchoring
Icham Burne's Oil (CL 3)
• Cast on an ally to double movement speed and attacks for the next turn
Illyria’s Final Breath (CL 3)
• This can be cast whenever a player is facing a miraculous save attempt (even when it is
not the caster’s turn)
• The player making a miraculous save automatically saves, but the caster takes a strike
and looses all stored karma

Inronmir's Curse Lifting (CL 3)

• Removes a curse

Invisibility of Tormold (CL 4)

• The caster, or someone he touches, becomes invisible for a scene
• The invisible person can remain invisible as long as they take no action other than moving
• The invisible person can perform an action (becoming visible) and become invisible again
as long as they only move next round

Iron Mind of Moromir (CL 3)

• The caster can provide a mental shield to the caster or an ally within near range
• Any creature attempting a mental attack or scrying must do so with a Bane
• E ect lasts for 1 scene

Izahr’s Raise Undead (CL 1 + 1 per corpse [max 6])

• The caster reanimates corpses under his control
• Requires anchoring; if anchoring is lost, the undead will attack all available targets
• For each corpse, roll 1D6: 1-4 the corpse rises as a skeleton, 5+ the corpse rises as a

Kadrick's Shield (CL 3)

• Using anchoring, the caster can provide a shield to up to 6 allies within near range
• Any creature attacking a shielded ally must do so with a Bane

Keyleth's Vines
• Up to 6 targets become entangled in thorny vines and each takes 1 strike of damage
• Targets must roll 3+ to escape (can roll each round)
Leandra's Warmth (CL 3)
• The caster or someone he touches becomes immune to cold for a scene

Luck of Halmar (CL 4)

• The caster causes the target within close range to gain 2 karma

Marget's Formula of Restoration (CL 2)

• Touch and ally and restore 2 strikes, but the caster takes 1 strike

Mantle of the Dark Lord (CL 5)

• Caster must spend 1 karma point for each round to maintain the spell
• All allies within far range make all rolls with a boon
• All enemies within far range make all rolls with a bane
• For each round the spell is in e ect, have the caster roll 1D6; on a roll of 1, a end is
summoned and will attack all creatures nearby

Mathesar’s Circle of Movement (CL 5)

• The caster and up to 5 near allies can be teleported to any location known to the caster
• This can only be done once per day

Meregrin and Her Formulae for Location (CL 4)

• Concentrating on a known object or person, the caster is able to visualize the location of
the target
• The caster must have seen the target or have some memento of the target (e.g. a lock of

Misty's Step (CL 2)

• Caster disappears and then reappears at a near location

Morphil's Missile
• A magickal blast of energy streaks from the ngers of the caster to hit up to 6 targets

Norell's King of the Dead (CL 4)

• A wraith is summoned under the caster's control

Novek’s Hatred (CL 4)

• The target of this spell takes 1 strike of damage per karma spent in casting
• The caster takes 1 strikes of damage just to cast this spell

Porkin's Control Fire

• Create re attacking up to 6 targets (targets roll resistance dice)
• Create re on speci c object (1RD)

Power of the Ice Maiden

• Shards of ice pierce up to 6 targets

Quinton's Marvelous Antidote (CL 3)

• A poison is removed from a creature (including the caster)

Revivify - unnamed (CL 6)

• This spell is a true test of magickal skill
• Requires 3 karma
• If used on a person who has recently died, this can return them to life with 1 strike
• If the spell fails, there is a 50% chance that the target is raised as a zombie
• Can only be cast once per day

Rune of Rarder (CL 2-4)

• Marks a location (e.g. ground, door, object, etc.) with an exploding rune
• Causes 1-3 strikes based on spell power level

Scotty's Mayhem of Fire (CL 4)

• When the caster points his nger and speaks the magic words, an explosion of re erupts
at the designated point
• All creatures nearby to the impact point range take 1 strike per PL

Scrying of Cassius
• For 10 minutes, the caster can see and hear a creature on the same plane as the caster
• The caster must have some knowledge of the target (likeness or picture, possession or
garment, lock of hair)
• If the spell fails, the target becomes aware that the caster was trying to scry and the spell
cannot be used against the target again for 1 day

Shelob's Web
• The caster can entangle up to 6 targets with a sticky web entangling them and preventing
any movement
• Targets must roll a 6 to escape (can roll each round)

Skin of Thraxal (CL 3)

• The caster or someone he touches becomes immune to re for a scene

Steps of Hilde
• Up to 6 targets move silently and blend into the background and shadows
• Boon on any stealth checks or tasks requiring silence or sneaking

Summoning of Ravae (CL 4)

• The caster summons a wight under his control
• Requires 1 karma per round to maintain; once spell ends, the wight disappears

Tamiel’s Dreadblade (CL 4)

• The caster uses his blood to coat a bladed weapon turning the blade black
• For the encounter, that weapon deals 2 strikes of damage per hit

Toll the Dead

• A bell rings and up to 6 targets take 1 strike of damage, and any near undead heal 1 strike

Truesight of Bazyn the Terrible (CL 3)

• The caster or someone the caster touches gains the ability to see in total darkness and
can always detect sneaking or invisible creatures for a scene

Ward of Eril (CL 3)

• A rune appears on the ground, any enemy that comes within near range takes 1 strike per
round while close to the rune
• Requires anchoring

Whisper of Tholan (CL 2)

• The caster can send a message to a known person or creature anywhere in the world

Words of Famir (CL 3)

• The caster can brie y speak with a corpse and the corpse will provide curt answers to
questions posed
• The corpse cannot be an animated undead and must have a mouth

Valrick’s Chain of Lightning (CL 4)

• The caster creates a bolt of lightning that strikes the closest enemy dealing 1 strike of
damage, but casting costs 3 karma
• The caster continues to roll against the spell CL, and for each success the bolt of
lightning travels to the next closest enemy
• The chain continues (even if an enemy has already been hit) until a failed roll

Vizzini’s Command of the Dead (CL 4)

• Spirits of the dead swirl around the caster providing protection
• Caster rolls armor saves at 3+ for a scene

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