The Biography of Prophet Mohammed

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The Biography of Prophet Mohammed

The mausoleum of the prophet in Madina

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator 'Muslim Saints & Mystics’
(The Tadhkerat al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)
Email: [email protected]


In this book, a translation of some of the episodes from

the Urdu edition of the book "Muktasar Seerat Nabvi" by
Mohammed Abdul Rahman, who did the translation into
the Urdu edition from Arabic books. This book is well
known and is a famous Urdu book, which has been
translated into the English language for the first time by
me. And I have given its title as “The biography of
Prophet Mohammed’. Only the biographical details
which are found in the Arabic books are included in this
book; otherwise, other details which do not belong in the
prophet’s biography are not included in this book, as this
book has brief details of the biography of the prophet of
the Islamic religion and does not add other details
In the near past, an unfamiliar Urdu poet, Lataf Badayuni,
described the prophet’s charm and fine looks, which are
not found as a topic of praise in Urdu poetry.
The face of the prophet is like a mirror and not one such
There is no other mirror in our minds or in the mirror

But in the Persian language, there was a description of

this topic as follows: Its meaning and interpretation are
written below.
"They searched the whole universe and saw all the
beautiful women in the world, but they did not find the
prophet’s charm and fine looks, which are different."
The writer of biographies and the writer of the Face of the
Prophet, upon mentioning his higher-grade manners and
attributes, used to add the following sentence.
"We did not see such a person of magnificence and
excellence before or after him." (From my new book, a
brief biography of the prophet Mohammed.)
These episodes have been translated by me into the
English language from the above old book in the Urdu
language, in which there are some great achievements, as
well as his biography details and the teachings of the holy
prophet in his life period. He was engaged in teaching the
preaching of Islamic religion and such details, which are
not yet known to the general and special people, are
added in this book and which are available in a very
interesting style. However, such information is found very
rarely, as in this book. The Prophet's biographical details
are added in this book by me. For this reason, the readers
will find this matter of great interest and attention.

Due to the above facts and details, if the readers start

reading the first page of the book and do not stop reading
till they reach the last page, some interesting events as
well as other great details and endeavours of the holy
prophet are added in this book, and this holy prophet
passed away from the world many years ago.
Even though this is a small book, due to its importance, it
is so great due to the coverage of many interesting events
and positive information, so it is like an ocean of
knowledge and information about the prophet who passed
away from the world upon doing his great endeavours and
many hard tasks for the teaching and propagation of the
Islamic religion and the work of Islam, which he did in
the Arabian area. So this book is great and it will present
the ocean of knowledge for the guidance of people
towards the right path of Islam.
Writing about the great holy prophet of Islam in the
Arabian area and his great endeavours is not only
difficult, but a very hard task.
For a long time, the holy prophet was engaged in religious
discourses, sermons, and training of the people, and he
also did many great endeavours for the preaching and
propagation of Islam in the Arabian peninsula and around
the world, and there were no such personalities living
during any time in the Arabian area and in the other parts
of the world.

The personality of the prophet is great and has many

important aspects, and without him, the personality of
Allah is not able to understand and also not able to know
the duties of mankind. The prophet was cleared of the
following things:
Allah's personality, as well as His attributes, powers, and
responsibilities.The prophet was also clarified as the
following. 1. Humanity's status, as well as its duties and
rights.For this reason, the exegesis of the Quran and
knowledge of Fiqa (Arabic:) Without knowledge of the
prophet's Sunnah (practice), Islamic jurisprudence is
incomplete and impossible to comprehend.Apart from the
Sunnah (practice of the prophet), the biography of the
prophet is a must-have and necessary knowledge. Because
the things which are written in the words of the holy
Quran and its practical examples are available in the
biography of the holy prophet of Allah. When Hazrat
Aisha bint Abu Baker was asked about the features of the
holy prophet's biography, she replied, "Did he not study
the holy book of Quran?"And that man replied to her that
yes, he used to read the holy book of Islam. Upon this,
Hazrat Aisha bint Abu Baker replied to him, " Have you
not read the Quran.? "His character is a complete
explanation of the Quran." Fan Khalaq Nabi Allah Kana
Quran (Muslim reference).So to understand the Quranic
words’ practise and exegesis , one must study the
biography of the holy prophet.

There are many books of biographies of the holy

prophet are available in all languages but there is no book
of the biography in the format of the information is not
available in any language. But for the first time, this book
was presented in the Arabic language and its translation
was published in the Urdu language in the year 2004. It is
translated into the English language during the year 2022
by me for the English-knowing people around the world
for easy access to the data and information on the subject.
Not only to the knowledge seekers, but it is a very
important book to the beginners and as well to new
members of the Islamic community for their ready
reference of the biographical information at a glance,
because in the event of the need to check any information
or data, there is no need to check the volumes of many
books of the holy prophet, as in this book there is
coverage of almost all events in the biography of the holy
prophet presented briefly, so it is a very good reference
book for research and reference work for Islamic students
and scholars. In this book, basic knowledge on the subject
is available. In other words, the biography of the prophet
is made easy to read and to know, as well as to remember
the events of his biography for a long period of time.
Even though this is a small book, due to its importance, it
is so great due to the coverage of all events and positive
information in it, so it is like an ocean of knowledge and

information of Allah’s last prophet who passed away from

the world upon doing his great endeavours and many hard
tasks for the preaching and propagation mission of Islam.
So this book is a small one, but it will present the ocean of
knowledge for the guidance of people towards the right
path of Islam. To write about this great and final apostle
of Allah is not only a difficult but also a very hard task as
he did many great endeavours for the preaching and
propagation of Islam in the world and there was no such
personality born before him and also will not be born till
the day of the judgment.
It is difficult to write about this great personality and great
prophet because the prophet was not only a great pious
personality of his time in the world, but he was also a
great prophet of Allah; in short, he was a great mercy to
mankind in the world until the day of judgement because
he brought the Islamic religion to the entire world.
Throughout his life, he was involved in religious
discourses, sermons, and religious training of the people,
and he also made many great efforts for the preaching and
propagation of Islam in the Arabian peninsula and
surrounding regions, as well as in other parts of the world.
During his lifetime, he sent letters to some international
personalities for the propagation of the mission of Islam,
and thus there was no such thing as the prophet Mercy
was not born before him, and thus he is known as the

Mercy of Mankind and the Seal of All Prophets in the

The English translation of the Urdu book, which was
written and published in India many years ago, is added
and the brief biography details of the holy prophet are
included in the format of information in this book. Due to
the information in the questions and answers format, it is
easy to remember the events of Islamic religion in
chronological order for the students of Islamic campus
schools and other scholars who are interested in the data
and information for research purposes. It will also help
the beginners and new community members to know the
biography of the prophet in brief and precisely. The
readers as well as the new members of the Islamic
community will find interest in reading this book due to
the positive information and great details of Allah’s last
prophet, who arrived in the world in the year 751 A.D.
when there was no light of Islamic religion was available
at that time in the world. Please note that all biography
details are available in this book, even though in brief, but
they are available in a very interesting style, so for this
reason, all information can be remembered for a long
period of time.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
‘Muslim saints and Mystics‘ in English version
(Tadhkirtal Auliya by Farid al Din Attar) which is very

famous in the Western world among the English knowing

persons. So, for this reason, there will be some small
differences in it while comparing it with the Urdu books
and its literature. The goal of this book is to present in the
Western world, where there is a high demand for books of
biographies of holy saints, as well as biography details of
the holy prophet who preached and propagated the
religion of Islam, and also the prophet and his followers
who lived and spent their entire lives preaching and
propagating the Islamic religion in all corners of the
world, as per Allah's last prophet's tradition and practice.

I will add this book and this information published by me

on many international websites, and this book will
become popular among its readers due to its importance
for the coverage of the details of events and information
therein briefly and precisely.

What is the superiority of the Allah’s last prophet.?

The “ Noor” (Light) is created.
When Allah intended to create the creatures, He first
created the "Noor " (light ) Mohmmad A-Qastalani
(in Al Mawahibu'l-Ladunniyah, vol. 1, pp. 5, 9, 10)
has quoted the Prophet's traditions o this effect as

transmitted through Jabir ibn 'Abdullah al-Ansari and

Ali (a.s.). The well-known historian al-Mas'udi (in
his Maruju dh-dhahab) quotes a lengthy tradition
from 'Ali (a.s.) to the effect that when Allah created,
first of all, the Light of Muhammad, He aid to it:
"You are My chosen one and the Trustee of My Light
and Gidance. It is because of you that I am going to
create the earth and the skies,lay own reward and
punishment, and bring into beng the Garden and the
Fire." Then the tradition goes on to speak about the
Family of the Prophet, about the creation of the
angels, of the souls of the world, of the covenant
taken from the souls which combined the belief in the
One God with acceptance of Mohamad's

This is why Ibn ’Abbas narrates saying that the

Prophet said: ”1 was prophet when Adam was
betwee soul d body (i.e. when Adam’s ceation was
in its preliminary stages)” (at-Tabarani, Al-Mu’jjam
Kabir; A1 Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.l, p.4).

Muhammad’s Light adorned the ’Arsh (Throne) of

God. When eons later, Adam was created,that Light
was put in his forehead. It continued its journey,
generation after generation, through numerous
prophets and their successors till it came to Prophet
Ibrahim (a.s.). From Ibrahim (a.s.), it came to his
eldest son, Pophet Isma'il (a.s.).

The Noble Prophet (Salla Allahu ta’ala ’alayhi wa

Sallam) s.a.w.w.) said: ’’Verily Allah chose Isma’il
from the progeny of Ibrahim,and chose Banu
Kinanah from the progeny of Isma’il, and chose
Quraish from the Banu Kinnah and chose Banu
Hashim From Quraish, and chose me from Banu
Hashim.” At-Tirmidhi has narrated this tradition from
Wathilah ibn al-Asqa’ and has said that this tradition
is sahih (correct).

Abul-Fida quotes in his Tarikh (History) a tradition

wherein the Prophet (s.a.w.w.says: ’’Gabriel said to
me: ’I looked at the earth from the east to the west,
but I did not find anyone superior to Mohammad, and
I looked at the Earth from the east to the west but did
not find any progeny superior to the progeny of

Published by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez.
First appeared in 1444/2022.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in

a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, without written

permission from the publisher.

i.Preface .......................................,..................................02
2.Genealogical branching of the

3.The respectable parents of the prophet... ……………..

4.The holy birth details of the
5.The of the prophet's holy name…………………

In praise of the noble prophet Mohammed (peace be

upon him)

The mausoleum of the prophet Mohammed in


In praise of the noble prophet Mohammed (peace be

upon him)

In Madina is the prophet's tomb, which is visited by

It is such a tomb that there is excellence in the heavens
and sky.
Is there any connection between the desert and the
The lovely air of Madina is envious of the garden of
If Madina city is safe, then everything is safe.
So Allah keeps it as the cause of the blessing.
Madina is such a garden city, which is the décor of all
The seasons of the gardens of paradise are due to the
If leaving Madina, there is no need to visit the Garden of
Eden .
As it is better than heaven and it is a living paradise on
Not we, but Allah also loves the city of the prophet.
Love of Madina is the love of the prophet and Allah.
This door's beggar is the king of fate and worlds.
The kings are envious of the beggars of this place.

One who has become rich there and whose fate is

On the day of the resurrection, Prophet Ibrahim will find
Oh, Allah helps us to reach Madina city to see what it is
Where are mercy and an available blessing everywhere?
If one leaves Madina, then he will not find the resort of
If there is love for Madina, then heaven must be
On the earth, he is called Mohammed, and Ahmed in the
His praise is in the world; also, his praise is found in the
There is his great rule in Madina. Also, he is a ruler of the
Madina is the capital, and he is the great ruler of the two
What mistake did you make, Hafeez, in the leaving of
It's heaven on Earth, and to be adored by the angels of
Why do visitors go to heaven by leaving the city of
Madina ?
What is heaven as it is gracefully for the sake of Madina

All religions of the world have only advised of the plan
for the welfare and prosperity of human beings that the
followers should adopt the religious leader’s and guides’
But among the sky religions, the religion of Islam is as
such international religion that it is considered the
religion's preacher and prophet’s entire life as a role
model to its followers. And in which lies the welfare and
prosperity of mankind in this world, as well as the welfare
and prosperity of mankind in the other world, and is given
importance and is dependent on its following and
The holy Quran says in verse 21 as follows:

"In the messenger of Allah, there is indeed a good

example for you to follow." ( Sura Ahzab 21 verse)
In the pure personality of the prophet, there are two
complete models of pure face and pure biography.
The biography writers of Islam have written big volumes
of the biography of the prophet in this matter. However,
only the leader of the Mudiths (Muhaddith: scholar of
hadith), The term muaddith (plural muaddithn, often
translated as "traditionist") refers to a specialist who
profoundly knows and narrates hadith, the chains of their
narration isnad, and the original and famous narrators.
For this topic, Imam Tarmazi, a large and comprehensive
volume in the Arabic language, has written a biography as
well as details of the prophet's pure personality record. Its
title is given by him as "Al-Shimail Tarmazi" and it was
compiled by him. This book, among hadith books, has
great value as it is considered an authentic book.
Our teacher, Shaikh of the Hadiths, Moulana Zikeria, has
translated and compiled the Arabic book in the Urdu
language for the first time with necessary explanation and
given its title as "Khisal Nabvi Sharah Shamail Tarmazi."
This book of Shakh al-Hadith, known as' Khasil al Nabvi
', and the 2nd well known book of Hakim al-Ummat
Moulana Mohammed Asharaf Ali’s famous book ‘Bashati
Zevar’ vol 8, and the third book of the old author of

biography books of the prophet, Muhadit Imam Abdul

Aziz bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim bin Jama Almaruf Ibn
Jama died in the year 767. Hijri’s authentic and brief
biography book "Al-Muktasar Al-Nadi Fe Saratnabi" was
compiled and written with references from the above 3
books. And in this brief booklet, there are found
biographical details as well as pure personal matters and
an explanation of the name of the prophet. And also his
higher grade geneological record details; details of his
parents; breastfeeding and guardianship matters;
childhood period; holy wives, holy daughters, Kaniz
(slave girls) and holy children; maids and servants.
Preachers and ambassadors, Azan callers, guards, sandals
and dress, holy things, weapons of war and attack,
convenience details of riding animals, and information
about the prophet's death were among the Wahi
writers.All the above information was taken from the
above 3 books as mentioned above.
So in this brief book of the prophet's biography, you will
find details of his personal, private, and household
biographical authentic bulk record of the information,
which cannot be found in the large volume of books of
the prophet's biography of the Islamic religion.
2. The holy prophet's genealogical branching

The ancient learned people of history have written that the

holy genealogical branching of the prophet Mohammed
from the prophet Adam is connected in three parts.
There is no difference in the first genealogical branching
record. There is no difference in the names in it.Which is
connected with the father of the prophet, Hazrat Abdulla,
and his ancestor Adnan. And it is found in such condition
that it has been copied.
The second genealogical part from Adan to the prophet
Ibrahim is complete, but there is a difference in the names
somewhere in this part.
In the third genealogical part, from prophet Ibrahim to
prophet Adam, there are some differences in the names on
the extraordinary level. This difference in names is due to
the fact that they are a natural or basic part of some
reasons in this matter and because of the details of the
names that belong to the pre-history period. As a matter
of the knowledge of history, which will commence from
the time of the birth or death of the prophet Eisa, the
event of the taking over of Jesus Christ by the sky
occurred approximately 500 years after the birth of the
prophet. This is why there is an increase and a decrease in
the names of genealogical branching. But no one objects
to the Hazrat Prophet Mohammed being a descendant of
the prophet Ismail, who was the elder son of the prophet

The genealogical branching of the prophet in which there

is no difference in the names.
"Mohammed bin Abdulla bin Abdul Mutallib bin Hashim
bin Abd Munaf bin Qasa bin Kalab bin Mara bin Kab bin
Loui bin Ghaleb bin Fahar bin Malik bin Nasar bin Kanan
bin Huzama bin Madraka bin Ilyas bin Muzar bin Nazar
bin Maad bin Adnan."
The Holy Quran describes his family as respectable in
Chapter Tawba Verse Number 128.
"There has come to you a messenger from among
yourselves." Your distress is grievous to him. He is
excessively desirous of your good and full of pity and
merciful to the believers. "
Imam Zahri and Hazrat ibn Abbas read Infaskum's fa
word with vowel point Zaber's, and the meaning of
Infaskum is good and excellence, and its meaning is that
the prophet belongs to the family of respect and dignity.
(From Bukhari, Bab Mabas al-Nabi).

3.The honourable parents

His mother’s name was Syeda Amana. And her
genealogical branching is as follows.
"Syeda Amana bint Wahab bin Abdu Manaf bin Zahra bin
His mother died when Hazrat Mohammed was six years
old. Hazrat Abdullah, who was the elder son of Hazrat
Abdul Mutallab, died when Hazrat Mohammed was six
years old in the womb of his mother.
Hazrat Abdul Mutallab died when Hazrat Mohammed
was eight years old.

4.The holy birth of the prophet

The prophet was born in his city, Makkah, in the year

(The m al-fl (Arabic: Year of the Elephant) is the name in
Islamic history for the year approximately equating
to 570–571 CE. According to Islamic resources, it was on
the Monday in the month of Rabbil Awwal in the early
morning in the house of Syed Abu Taleb, and this house
is well known and famous as Moulid Rasool, which is
located on the left side of the Marwa mountain in Makkah
at the side of the road. Nowadays, it means in the year

1418, Hijiri built a small building for a library at this

place. Regrading the date of the birth of the prophet, the
following four well-known and famous sayings are as
1,8,9,12 Rabbil Awwal in the year Feel (elephant)
But the research dates as follows.
Rabbil Awwal 1, 8 or 9 And as per record, the date of
birth of the prophet is as follows: as per the calendar year
of the prophet Eisa, on April 20th, 521 A.D. (Seerat Nabi
volume one, page 172)
As per the saying of the mother of Usman bin Aas, Syeda
Fatima bint Abdallah, "At the time of birth she was in the
room of Syeda Amana and at that time there was full light
in the room and the sky stars were bent down on the
house of the prophet." (Fatah Bari, volume 6, page 426)

Syeda Fatima, who herself said that "When he was born,

at that time, he was very clean and pure." And no filth
was discovered on his body. And as per historic tradition,
he was born circumcised. (Tabqat Ibn Saad vol. 1, page
64; Zarqani vol. 1, page 124.)
Some historians have written that his grandfather, Abdul
Mutallab, circumcised him on the seventh day, had

arranged a feast for the family members, and had given

him the name Mohammed.
Some other historians have written that his circumcision
was done by the angel Gabriel and that in his childhood
his chest was cut when Mohammed was with Syeda
Halima at her house in the village.

5.The details of the prophet's holy name

It is confirmed by historical evidence that there was no
practice of keeping the name Mohammed in the Arab
nation prior to the birth of the prophet. There was, as
found, very little use of the name (1). His grandfather,
Abdul Mutallab, was given the name Mohammed, which
is found in the sky books.(Saf Ayat 6 verse). And his
second name was Ahmed, which is found in old sky
This is the name of the prophet, which is well known and
famous among his companions. The court poet of the
prophet Hasan bin Thabit's penned the following couplet,
which is found in the books of Hadith and mentioned its
translation and interpretation as follows.

"The carrier of the angels of the sky and all pure

personalities who used to send their blessings on the
dedicated personality of Ahmed."
In his book "Kitab Saqir", Imam Bukhari has written one
tradition which is said by Hazrat Ali bin Zaid, who said
that "the Prophet’s uncle, Hazrat Abu Taleb, used to recite
the following couplet in his free time." And its translation
and interpretation are mentioned as follows.
"Allah has made his name from his pure name, so that his
dignity will be known." So the sky master is Mahmood
and he is Mohammed. " (Fatah Bari, volume 6, page 404).
Hazrat Abdulla bin Umar said that the prophet’s uncle,
Hazrat Abu Taleb, used to recite the following couplet in
his praise. And its translation and interpretation are
mentioned as follows.
"He has a clean and tidy personality . For the sake of the
holy face of the prophet, there will be a request for the
rain to fall. He was the sponsor of the orphan children and
the supporter of the widows. " (Bukhari)
1) Before the birth of the prophet, there was less practice
of keeping the name of Mohammed. Abu Jafer
Mohammed bin Habeeb Baghdadi (who died in the year
245 Hijiri) and who added seven people named

Mohammed. Among them, one name is Mohammed bin

Safian bin Mujasha. He has written to his father, who has
heard from Syrain Monk, that the name of the next
prophet will be Mohammed. And so he named his son,
who was born to him at that time, Mohammed, so that
there would be blessings for him for the sake of the
Upon the death of the prophet, whenever Hazrat Aisha
Siddiqua R.A. used to hear about the fine looks and
magnificence of the prophet Yousuf, she would suddenly
recite her couplet. The meaning and interpretation are
mentioned as follows.
" The women who are taunting Zulakha, if they had seen
the pure forehead of the prophet, then they would have
cut their hearts instead of their hands."
As the name of the prophet is like a miracle, so in the
same way, his forehead is also a miracle type. Thousands
of people have accepted Islam after seeing his forehead,
and they have seen that such a holy and pure face cannot
be false.
Hazrat Abdallah bin Salama, who was a great learned
person as well as the leader of the Jewish community in
Madina, And when he has seen the forehead and after
seeing his forehead, he declares that such a holy and pure
face cannot be false. He later became a Muslim.

The simple meaning of the pure name of Mohammed is

"Such a personality which was praised." As per the
famous Arabic dictionary Qamos, And in it, its meaning
is added as "such a personality for whom the praise did
not finish." Also, the author of Qamos mentioned that the
word Mohammed is a derivative from the word praise and
in its meaning are found the attributes of overstatement
and brabble. It entails carrying out any task in such a way
that no part can be overlooked. For example, it is said as
It was cut into pieces so that no part of the thing
A thing was distributed in such a way that no part of the
thing remained.
In the same way, there is a translation of the word
Mohammed: " His personality is such that all parts are
eligible for praise and no part remains without praise."
In the above dictionary, it is also written that the meaning
of word Mohammed is to fulfil the rights. And from this,
it is known that from the word Mohammed, its meaning is
that he is such a personality for whom his rights have
been fulfilled.
In short, there will be knowledge of the prophecy or
miracles of the prophethood, as well as the name of the
prophet, which is also a miracle. And this living miracle is

still maintaining its meaning. and it will keep its meaning

till the day of the judgment. In the world, there is a
remembrance of good things. Among them also is the
remembrance of the Prophet of Allah, and his praise is
above all such remembrances. The poet of the court of the
prophet Hasan Bin Thabit explains its meaning and
interpretation as follows.
"By my eyes, I did not meet such a lovely person at any
place. Until now, no woman has given birth to such a
personality. He was born without any defects. It is as if he
was born as per his wish and willingness. "
In the near past, an unfamiliar Urdu poet, Lataf Badayuni,
described the prophet’s charm and fine looks, which are
not found as a topic of praise in Urdu poetry.

The face of the prophet is like a mirror and not one such
There is no other mirror in our minds or in the mirror

But in the Persian language, there was a description of

this topic as follows: Its meaning and interpretation are
written below.

"They searched the whole universe and saw all the

beautiful women in the world, but they did not find the
prophet’s charm and fine looks, which are different."
The writer of biographies and the writer of the Face of the
Prophet, upon mentioning his higher-grade manners and
attributes, used to add the following sentence.
" We did not see such a person of magnificence and
excellence before or after him."

Living Miracle: The living witness of the

meaningfulness of the pure name of the prophet which is
found and his remembrance of his goodness which is
found on the following occasions on the tongues of the
many lakhs of people who have seen and heard.
In the Islamic creed, in prayer calls, in the prayers, in the
supplications, in the arches, in the pulpits. In the sermons,
in the schools, in the shrines, in the mosques, in the
meetings, in the gravel, in the grounds, in the seas, in the
space, in the journeys, sojourn (as opposed to
travel),sitting and standing, waking and sleeping, walking,
the remembrance of the holy name of the prophet
‘Mohammed Rasul Allah's unending connection of the
continuation in the day and night, in the earth and sky, in
the empyrean and on earth, in the jins, on the tongues of

the angels, and even Allah is sending on every minute his

special mercy upon the prophet.
Verily, Allah and His angels send blessing on the Prophet;
you who believe send blessing on him and salute him with
a salutation (verse Ahzab:33).

6.The holy visage (face)

There is an important position for Hazrat Hind Bin Hala

among the people who praise the attributes and manners
of the prophet and who belong to the family members of
the first husband of Syeda Khadija al-Kubra. In the books
of hadith, he is mentioned with a title as' Wasaf Rasul’
(the describer of the attributes of the prophet).
Hazrat Hasan bin Ali, who was seven years old and
Hazrat Hussain bin Ali was younger than him at the time
of the death of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon
him), stated that " He was heard by his uncle Hind bin
Hala, and who asked him about his grandfather's physical

The uncle told me that "in his personality and attributes,

he has special dignity." In the eyes of others, he has a
regal position. His face was lit up like Bader Kamil (the
full moon of the 14th night). And his height was a bit more
than the average height of a person. However, there was a
person of average height present. And his head was bigger
than it had been in sobriety, and his hair was auburn. And
it was thick. A line of scalp was seen in the hairs;
otherwise, he did not arrange for the line of scalp in the
hairs. And when his hair is lengthy, then it will exceed the
earlobes of the ear. The color of the complexion was very
clear and vibrant. And with the red color, auburn. And the
forehead was wide. And his eye brows were arched
eyebrows as well as thin and thick. Both of the eye brows
were separate and were not attached to each other. And
there was a vein in between both of his eye brows, which
would expand in the case of an angry condition. And from
this condition, the companions of the prophet were able to
know the condition of the anger. And his nose was big,
and there used to be shine and light on it. The looker at
the nose of the prophet at first glance will feel it is large
in size, but upon looking a second time, he will be able to
see it is not large in size but it is looking so due to
prettiness and shining. And his beard was full and thick.
And the pupils of the eyes were very black and shining,
and the cheeks were in level condition and were light in
weight. And the mouth was wide in sobriety, which
means it was not tight. The teeth were shining and thin,

and there was a little space between them. And when the
prophet speaks, then there will be a light among them.
And from chest to navel, there was a thin line of hair. And
the neck was beautiful and like a type of surahi (a kind of
wide-mouthed pitcher or jug). And it was like a piquant
neck. In the complexion, there was a clean and clear color
like silver. His body parts were made of a moderate
structure and full of flesh, and the body was muggy, and
his chest and stomach were in a level shape. But the chest
was large and wide, and in between both shoulders, there
was, to some extent, distance. And joint bones were
strong and big, which were a sign of power and strength.
And it was seen with light and shine in the condition of
the leaving dress of his body. And there were no stray
hairs on his stomach. But in between his chest and navel,
there was a line of thin hairs. And on the two hands and
shoulders, and on the upper side of the chest, they were
found to have hair. And his wrist was big. The palms and
feet were gentle and full of flesh. The fingers of the hands
and feet were discovered in a prominent manner. And toes
were deep to some extent, and feet were leveled, and for
this reason, there will be no stopping water on them, and
soon it will fall from them. And when he walks, he takes a
step with force, bends himself, and proceeds ahead. He
will put his feet on the earth slowly while walking. He
will give the step more length and will not give his step a
small length. And he will walk. It will be seen that he is
stepping down from height to depth. He will pay attention

to any side and then pay attention to his full body. He will
keep his sight when he walks, and his gaze will be more
on the earth than the sky. And there, his gentle habit was
that he would not stare at anyone.
When he and his companions walk together, he will ask
their permission to walk before him. He has the gentle
habit of walking with other people, and when he meets
any person, he will say salam first to that person at that
Hazrat Jabar bin Samra reported seeing the prophet in the
moonlight one night.At that time, the prophet was found
in a red dress, and he was watching the moon sometimes
when he saw the face of the light of the prophet for some
time. And at last, he has decided that the prophet is
prettier and more attractive than the moon.
Hazrat Abu Ishaq has said that one person asked Bra bin
Azab, "Whether the face of the prophet was transparent
like the sword?" And then he replied to him that "No, but
it was shining like the moon on the 14th night in the sky."
Shaikh Saadi praised the prophet as follows.
Oh, the owner of beauty, the master of human beings
The moon has been illuminated by your enlightening face.
It cannot be praised as it was right.

After all, you are great. A Short Story

7.The holy names

It is stated that the grandfather of the prophet, Hazrat

Abdul Mutalib, gave the name Mohammed to the prophet.
Apart from that, the prophet has revealed some of his
names to the prophethood, which are as follows:
Abdulla (Bukhari volume two page 235), Nabi Rahma
(merciful prophet), Nabi Al-Mulhima (respectable), Al-
Fatah (the conqueror).

The prophet has said that "From the sons of Hazrat Ismail,
Allah has selected clan Kanana, and then from tribe
Kanana, he has selected the tribe of Quresh, and then
from tribe Quresh, he has selected Banu Hashim, and then
from Banu Hashim, Allah has selected me."

8.The names of the "milk-feeding women" of the

For some days after the birth of the prophet, Hazrat Syeda
Amana fed milk to him. After that, Syeda Thobia, a freed
slave girl of Abu Lahab, the prophet's uncle, fed him milk
for a few days. Then, after some days, a gentle woman
from the tribe of Banu Saad, Syeda Halima Sadia, brought
him to the tribe of Banu Saad as per the system of that
time to bring up the boys for the permanent system.
According to historical tradition, angels used to swing
their cradles in the village there.
Syeda Halima came to visit Madina after the declaration
of the prophethood of Hazrat Mohammed there, and the
prophet paid much respect and attention to her. And he
has spread his coverlet for her welcome and treated her
with great respect and honor. Syeda Halima accepted
Islam, and then she came back to her tribe.

9. Child rearing and guardianship

Upon returning back from the Banu Saad tribe from the
house of Syeda Halima in Makkah, the prophet, then at
that time, the prophet’s grandfather, took him under his
guardianship. And when he was eight years old, his
grandfather, Syed Abdul Mutablib, left this mortal world.

Then, after that, the prophet’s uncle, Syed Abu Talib,

took him under his guardianship, which continued up to
the time of the prophethood. When the prophet’s age was
25 years old, he married Makkah’s widow woman, Syeda
Khadija, who was 40 years old at that time.
10.The prophetic and messenger functions

When the prophet’s age became 40 years old, it was the

month of Rabbil Awwal, and the day was Monday. At
Makkah’s cave, which was famous and well known as
Cave Hira, which was at the eastern side of the Kaaba at a
distance of approximately 5 kilometres, in which the
prophet used to engage in the worship of Allah, and at
that place he was assumed prophet-hood work by Allah.
And the angel Gabriel recited to him five beginning
verses from chapter al-Alaq of the holy Quran. And after
this, even the prophet used to engage in the work of
prophethood in a hidden way. Then after that, in the 4 th
year of the prophet-hood, the prophet began his work of
prophet-hood in the public in Makkah.
When the prophet’s age became 48 or 49 years old, at that
time his uncle, Syed Abu Talib, left this mortal world, and
after 3 or 5 days of this event, Syeda Khadija also left this
mortal world.

In the history of Islam, this year is well known as a year

of sorrow.

11.The miracles of the prophet

Allah has awarded uncountable miracles to the prophet.

On this, learned people have written many permanent
books. The following three books are famous and well
known as follows.
1.Dalil Nabvi Lil-Bayaqhi,
2.Khasis of Kubra al-Suwativi
3.Kitab Abu-Naim .
The total number of the prophet's miracles was
written as 1000 by Imam Al-Bayaqhi and Imam Navi,
written as 1200, and by other Muhadiths (interpreters of
Hadith), written as more than 3000 (from Fatah Bari,
volume 6, page 425).
The holy Quran and its examples or like, which could not
be presented by the universe and so all are in a helpless
and powerless condition, are among the great miracles.
The great examples of the prophet’s miracles are written
as follows.

1. The moon's split.

2. The coming of the water from the hand's fingers
3. A small amount of food to feed a large number of
4. Reciting God's glorification by the small pieces of the
stones (gravels).
5. The weeping of the trunk of the date tree instantly.
6. Saying of the Salam by the stone.
7. The prostration of the camel to the prophet and
making a complaint about his owner.
8. The wolf gives the witness,
9. In relation to witnessing the poisoned flesh
10.In the battle of Ohud in Madina, coming back safely
and securely from the ousted eyeball of Qatada Bin al-
Noman in the eye.
(For more details, refer to the book Hidayat Ke Chiragh
Volume 2.)
Uncles and aunts of the prophet
There were a total of 13 paternal uncles and 6 paternal
aunts of the prophet.
The Prophet's uncles were Hamza, Abbas, al-Haris, Abu
Talib bin Abd Manaf, Abu Lahab, Abdul Azza, al-Zubair,

Abdul Kaba, Zarar, Gusam, al-Maqum, and al-Qira, and

his title was known as Hajal.
The Prophet's aunts were Safia, Aitika, Bara, Arwa,
Umama, and Umal Hakim al-Baiza.
They are all the progeny of Syed Abdul Mutalib. And
among all of them, Syed al-Haris was the eldest son, and
the younger son was Syed Abbas. And among them are
Syed Hamza, Syed Abbas, Syeda Safia, Syeda Atika, and
Syeda Arwah, who have accepted the religion of Islam.
12.The prophet's holy wives
The total number of holy wives of the prophet was 12,
and the number of slave girls was 4. When the age of the
prophet was 25 years old, he was married to Makkah’s
honourable richest woman of the Qureshi tribe, and her
name was Syeda Khadija Kubra, who was a widow at that
time, and she was 40 years old. And the dowry was fixed
at 20 camels.
The 12 names of the holy wives of the prophet are as
1.Umul Hind Syeda Khadija bint Khulid 2.Syeda Sauda
bint Zama 3.Syeda Ayesha Siddiqua bint Syed Abu
Baker. 4.Syeda Hafsa bint Syed Umar bin Qattab. Zenab
bint Huzama, Syeda6.Syeda um Salma bint Umiya. Syeda
Zenab bint Hajash is number seven.8.Syed Juweria bint

Haris. Syeda Rahana bint Yazid, 9th.(Some of the

historians have entered her name among slave girls. 10.
Syeda Um Habeeba Ramla bint Abi Safian. 11.Syeda
Safia bint Haiyu bin Aqtab. 12.Syeda Mamona bint Haris
bin Hazan.
1.Khadija Syeda Kubra
She was the first wife of the prophet of Allah, and 15
years before the assumption of the prophet-hood, when
the age of the prophet was 25 years old and Syeda
Khadija’s age was 40 years old, the marriage of the
prophet with her took place in Makkah.
From the body of Syeda, four daughters were born to her,
and their names were as follows:
Zenab 2, Um-Kulsum 2. Ruqya 4.Fatima and two
boys were also born; their names were Qasim and
Abdulla. And all these children, except Fatima, died
one after another during her life period. Some died in
childhood and some died in the period of
Syeda Khadija Kubra died in Makkah 3 years before the
migration year to Madina from Makkah in the 10th year
of the Hijiri. She was buried in the grave personally by
the prophet. And she left after her 4 sons and 2 daughters.
She lived in the Nikah (marriage) of the prophet for a
period of 25 years, and she was 65 years old when he left

the mortal world. The prophet did not marry any other
woman during the life period of Syeda Khadija Kubra.
Upon her death, the prophet was married to Syeda Sauda
bint Zama. Syeda Khadija Kubra was buried in Hajjun in
Janat al-Moulla in Makkah.

2.Syeda Sauda bint Zama

Three years ago, the Prophet married Syeda Sauda bint
Zama in Makkah before a migration to Madina from
Makkah. Syeda’s height was higher and she was heavier
in weight. In her temperament, elegance and pleasantries
were found. Sometimes she used to make the Prophet of
Allah laugh. One night she was sharing tahajjud (prayer
said after mid-night) prayer in the night with the prophet,
and she said, after completion of the prayer, "Oh prophet
of Allah, you have done such a lengthy prostaration that
there was blood discharge in her nose." Upon hearing this,
the prophet began laughing artlessly. She left this mortal
world in the month of Zil Hajj in the year 23 Hijira,
during the reign of Syed Umar bin Qattab, and she is
buried in Madina's Jannat al-Baqi cemetery.
3. Ayesha bint Abu Baker Syeda
In the tenth year of the prophecy, after marrying Syeda
Sauda, the prophet married Syeda Ayesha Sidiqu bint

Abu Baker in the month of Shawal.At that time, she was 6

years old and called Ruksati (Rukhsati).
Rukhsati-"sending off" (sometimes called
Doli-"palanquin") takes place when the groom and bride
leave the shaadi venue together with the elders of the
family. (Before this point, the bride and groom will have
already been married in the eyes of God by the imam in
the nikkah.) This was done after 8 months after Syeda, at
the age of 9 years old, migrated to Madina in year 01
Hijiri. Among all the wives of the prophet Syeda, Ayesha
Sidiqua was the only woman who was unmarried and a
virgin, and all the other wives of the prophet were widows
or divorced women.
There is one tradition which is copied herewith that there
was a pregnancy which was held to her by the prophet
and which was saqit of hamal of the pregnancy (the
correct meaning of Saqt Hamal in English is abortifacient,
and in Urdu we write it. The other meanings are Saqt
Hamal by form (the word abortifacient). But the Muhadit
(narrator) The term Muaddith refers to a specialist who
profoundly knows and narrates hadith, the original and
famous narrators) who have rejected this tradition and
topic as it is not true in this matter. (Ibn Sunni)
Syeda lived in the marriage of the prophet for a period of
9 years, and her age was 18 when the prophet of Allah left
this mortal world. And Syeda left this mortal world in the

year 57 Hijiri at the age of 66 years. Her funeral prayer

was performed by Syed Abu Hurara and she was buried in
the cemetery of Janatal Baqi in Madina.

4.Hafsa bint Umar Bin Qattab

In the year 03, Hijiri Syeda Hafsa bint Umar was married
to the prophet, and when her husband died, the angel
Gabriel appeared to the prophet and conveyed Allah's
message to take back the divorced to Syeda Hafsa bint
Umar because she was a woman of the attributes of
swama and qawama) who kept fasting and worshipping in
the night time very much, and also this woman who will
become wife in paradise. The prophet has taken back his
divorcée and given her to her. ( Ibn Saad Tabqat Kubra,
volume 8, page al-Tabrani).
Syeda left this mortal world in the year 45 Hijiri. During
the rule period of Syed Amir Mavia and Marvan bin
Hukam, they prayed the funeral prayer of Syeda in
Madina, and at that time, her age was 60 years old when
she left this mortal world, and she was buried in the
cemetery of Janat al Baqi in Madina.
5.Syeda Zenab bint Huzama

She was a woman of generosity and munificence, and in

the olden times of ignorance, her title was Um-Masakin,
and she used to engage much in charity and alms. Upon
the death of her first husband, Abdulla bin Hajash, Syeda
was married to the Prophet in the year 03 Hijiri and her
Maher (Maher) (alternately transliterated as mahr, mahar,
mehr, or mehrieh) is a contract some Muslims enter into
upon marriage. In Islamic law, it is a gift or contribution
made by the husband-to-be to his wife-to-be for her
exclusive property, as a mark of respect for the bride, and
as recognition of her independence. Then she left this
mortal world after two or three months of her marriage
with the prophet, and the funeral prayer was performed by
the prophet of Allah, and she was buried in the cemetery
of Jannat al-Baqi in Madina. Syeda was 30 years old at
the time of her death.
6.Um Syeda Salma bint Ummiya
Syeda married Prophet in the year 04 Hijiri after her
husband Abu Salma died within three or four months of
their marriage.Syeda Um Salma died in the year 58 Hijiri
when she was 84 years old, and her funeral prayers were
performed by Syed Abu Hurara. And among the wives of
the prophet, she was the last wife who died. And among
the wives of the prophet, she was counted among the
beautiful and lovely women.

Syeda Um Salama has reported that her former husband

told her that "Oh Um Salma I have heard one hadith from
the prophet, which is good for me from the world and all
that is in it. " One who will face any clamour and
affliction should say "Enna Alaihi Rajiun" and recite
"Allahuma Endaka Ahtasab Mustabati Hazihi Allahuma
Akhlafni Feha Bakhair Minaha," the prophet said. Then
Allah will give him a better reward in this matter which
was taken from him. (Muslim, Tarmazi, and Abu
Syeda Um Salama has said that she remembered this
saying upon the death of Abu Salma and there came a
thought for her to recite this supplication. There came a
thought in my mind that who will be better than Abu
Salama? Anyhow, I have recited this supplication. And
after the passing of the days of Iddat (For a woman whose
husband has died, the 'iddah is four lunar months and ten
days (i.e., about 128 days) after the death of her husband,
whether or not the marriage was consummated). (If a
woman is pregnant when she is widowed or divorced, the
'iddah lasts until she gives birth.) The prophet himself has
sent his message to marry me, and in the whole universe,
there is no other person who is better than the prophet of
7. Syeda Zenab bint Hajesh

This woman, who was the daughter of the paternal aunt,

Umaima bint Abdul Mutalaib, and the prophet, was
married to her in the year 04 Hijiri. And her family name
was Bara, and the prophet changed her name to Zenab
during marriage time. And this is the kind of woman
whose wedding took place in the sky (chapter al-Ahzab,
verse 37).
For more information, see page 669 of our book "Hidayat
Ke Chiragh."
Syeda Zenab was 35 years old at the time of her
marriage.She died in the year 20. She is buried in
Madina's Janatal al-Baqhi cemetery.
8.Syeda Jawaria bin Haris
The prophet married in the year 05 Hijiri, when she was
20 years old.She was famous and well known for her
beauty and loveliness.
In the month of Rabbil Awwal in the year 50 Hijiri, at the
age of 65 years old, she left this mortal world during the
rule period of Syed Marwan bin Hukam in Madina. She
was buried in the cemetery of Janatal al-Baqhi Madina.

9.Syeda Rayhana bint Zayd


Among the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), two were

of Jewish background—one of which was Rayhana bint
Zayd (RA). Through her marriage to the Prophet (PBUH),
she too was blessed with the title of "Ummul
Mo'mineen"—mother of the believers.
She originally belonged to the Jewish tribe of Banu
Nadir, and she was previously married to Al-Hakim, who
belonged to the tribe of Banu Qurayza. In 627, the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) defeated the army of Banu Qurayza after
a siege that lasted for twenty-five days. All the men
belonging to the Banu Qurayza tribe were executed on the
charge of treason, and the women and children were
enslaved by the Muslims.
Rayhana bint Zayd (RA) was amongst the enslaved and
had become a widow at the time. According to Islamic
sources, she was a beautiful young woman. She accepted
Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took her into
custody and offered her the opportunity to do
so.Moreover, he also told her if she was to accept Islam,
he would marry her. According to some sources, initially,
she is known to have refused the offer out of love for her
deceased husband and her faith. However, eventually, she
changed her mind and converted to Islam. Upon hearing
this news, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) freed her and
married her.

She was given a dowry by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

upon their marriage, like the rest of his wives had gotten.
She also attained the honour of becoming the wife of the
Messenger of Allah (SWT).
The details of her life are unclear and fairly scarce. The
year of her death is also quite uncertain—some scholars
believe that she passed away when the Prophet (PBUH)
returned from his farewell pilgrimage. Others believe that
she lived on after the death of the Prophet (PBUH) and
died 10 years later.
However, a unanimous report does suggest that she was
buried at Jannat al Baqi, the cemetery in Medina, where
several of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) wives were also

10.Um Habiba bint Abi Safian

Syeda's formal name is Um Habiba bint Abi Safian and

Syeda’s marriage was held in the country of Habesha
(Ethiopia was also historically called Abyssinia, derived
from the Arabic form of the Ethiosemitic name "BT,"
modern Habesha). King Najashi recited the sermon on
Nikkah (marriage) and he gave costly Maher (Maher)
(alternately transliterated as mahr, mahar, mehr, or

mehrieh) is a contract some Muslims enter into upon

marriage. In Islamic law, it is a gift or contribution made
by the husband-to-be to his wife-to-be for her exclusive
property, as a mark of respect for the bride, and as
recognition of her independence. He paid Mahar 400
dinars from his own pocket.Syed’s age at that time was 37
years old.
Syeda left this mortal world in the year 44 Hijiri at the age
of 74 years in Madina. And Syeda is resting in the
cemetery of Jannat al-Baqhi in Madina.

11.Syeda Safia Bint Hai.

Syeda was the daughter of the chief of the tribe Banu
Nasir, and her genealogical link was with the prophet
Harun. In the Gazwa (war against infidels in which the
holy prophet himself participated) of Khaibar in the year
06, Hijiri and she became prisoners and were brought to
Madina, where the prophet freed her and married Syeda.
One time, a prophet saw her weeping and asked the
reason for it. Then Syeda told Syeda Aisha and Syeda
Hafsa, who used to tease her, that you came to Madina by
becoming a prisoner, and the prophet favoured you and
freed you. If you belong to a Jewish family member, then
how can you become equal to us? The prophet told her
that " Oh Safia, why do you not reply that" how you are

better than her as your father is prophet Harun and your

uncle is prophet Musa and your husband is prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him). " In any case, he
persuaded her, and she was pleased as a result.
During the illness of the prophet, all the prophet’s wives
gathered there. Upon seeing the suffering and uneasiness
of the prophet, Syed Safia said, "Oh prophet of Allah, it is
my desire that you should give all your suffering to me."
And you will feel at ease. " Upon this, the other wives of
the prophet began giving signs to each other in this
matter. The prophet has seen a scene and he tells us that
"by God, she is true." Syeda left this mortal world in the
year 50 Hijiri. And she is laid to rest in the Jannat Al-Baqi

12th. Maimuna Bint Haris

In the month of Ziqad, the prophet Mohammed was
married to Syeda Maimuna bint Haris at the time of
Gazwa (the war against infiedels in which the holy
prophet himself participated). Hudaiba, the prophet, was
on his way to Makkah, and the Nikah (marriage)
ceremony was held at Saraf.The wedding ceremony was
held at Saraf upon their return from Hudibia.She died at
this place on the 51st of Hijiri when she was returning

from a journey and died at Saraf. She was buried at this

place. Saraf is a village which is found near Makkah.
The historian Ibn Saad has written that this was the last
wife of the prophet, and after this marriage with her, he
did not perform another marriage with any woman. Her
original name was Bara, but after the marriage, the
prophet changed her name to Maimuna.
Except for Syeda Khadija Khubra, who was buried in
Hajjun in Jannat Maulla in Makkah, and Syeda Maimuna,
who was buried in Saraf village near Makkah, all other
holy wives of the prophet are buried in the Jannat Baqhi
cemetery in Madina.
Historians have stated that some other chaste women (1)
(1). Some historians have collected and added their
names, which are as follows: 1. Khula bint Hakam has
collected and added their names, which are as follows:
1.Khula bint Hakam, 2.Sharik, 3.Um Maimuna, and Laila
bint Hakeem are number four. And other historians have
written that there were no such women with the prophet.
Even though the prophet has the option of marriage, he
did not use this option with him in this matter.

According to the advice of the Quran in chapter Azab,

verse 50, they presented themselves without the Mahar
amount, so there were established relations with those
women, but no occasion for marriage came with them.
The number of such women was estimated to be 30, but
God knows in this matter.
The above-mentioned writing arrangement of the details
of the prophet's holy wives was as per the book ‘Qaol
Mashur’ and was written by Abu Mohammed Abdul
Azeem al-Manzari and his pupil, Allama Ashraf
Aldiyami, as confirmed by other learned people. (al-
Muktasra Nadi Fe Seerat Nabi Imam Ibn Jama)

13.The Slave females

The slave women are defined in this book as those women
who will become prisoners due to any event, accident, or
war. Then they will be distributed like goods of the war
booti in war, and people will become owners of the slave
girls. Prior to Islam, all religions practised the selling and
purchasing of slave girls; however, the Islamic religion
does not encourage this system, and gradually Islam
abolished istula, or a tract of diseased of the slavery
system.At the present time, in the jihad (a struggle or fight
against the enemies of Islam) of Islam, there are non-
Muslim men and women who will become prisoners, and

for them there is a practise of encouragement of good

treatment and independence in the teaching of Islam. And
they were forced in many ways so that they might become
In the book ‘Zad al-Meyad', Abu Ubaida writes that the
prophet has four slave girls as follows.
1.Syeda Maria bint Shamoon Qibtia and her son Ibrahim
were born. This holy woman was given in the presence of
the prophet along with some presents by the king of
Egypt, Miqauqis, and his name was Jarin bin Mina.
2.Syeda Rehana and some of the historians have written
about her as a purgatory wife.
One young woman who came along with the prisoners
4.One young woman who came along with prisoners and
to whom Syeda Zenab bint Hajesh was given to the
(From the book ‘Zad al-Meyad', page 114)
14.The holy sons of the prophet
The prophet has three sons and four daughters.
Syedna Qasim, who died in her childhood period. Syedna
Abdalla, whose two titles are well known and famous, are

Tayeb and Taher, died in Makkah during his milk-feeding

period. Syedna Ibrahim, who died in the 8th Hijri in
Madina, and his age was mentioned as 2 or one and a half
Among the daughters, Syeda Zenab, Syeda Ruqaya,
Syeda Um-kulsom and Syeda Fatima, and these four
daughters and two sons, Syedna Qasim and Syedna
Abdalla, were born by the body of Syedna Khadjia Kubra,
and Syed Ibrahim was born by the body of Syeda Maria
Qibtiya, who was a slave girl. And all these children,
except Fatima, died one after another during her life
period. Some died in childhood and some died in the
period of adolescence. Syeda Fatima died six months after
the death of the prophet.
The Prophet during the period of illness told his daughter
Syeda Fatima in her ear that he was going to leave this
world during this illness period. And upon this, Syeda
Fatima wept. Then, at another moment, the prophet gave
her the glad tiding that "You will be the first woman who
will die after me and meet with me there." Upon this,
Syeda Fatima smiled in this matter.
15.The names of the slaves and servants
Among the servants of the prophet, Syed Anas is at the
top of the list among them, and Abdulla bin Masood, and
their titles were well known and famous as Sahab Sawak

and Nalain. (caretaker of abulution and cleanliness. As

well as caretaker of footwear) and Syed Bilal bin Rabah,
who was the shouter of the prayer call of (Azzan) in the
Prophet’s grand mosque in Madina and caretaker of the
home necessities of the holy wives of the prophet.
Syed Aqba bin Amer Al-Jehni, who was the pilot of the
conveyance of the travel and tour, Syed Aslah bin Sharik,
who was also arranged for the conveyance of the prophet,
Syed Saad
Moula Abu Bake Siddique, Syed Abu Zar Gaffari. Syed
Aymen bin Obeid and his mother, Syeda Um Aymen, and
these blessed women who used to work on water supply
and cleaning in the rooms of the prophet’s house.
The prophet has said about Syeda Um Aymen, who was a
woman, that she took care of the prophet in his childhood,
and the prophet has said about her that "Those who want
to marry a woman of paradise, then they should marry
Syeda Um Aymen."
In exchange for his service, Syeda Khadji gave one of her
special slaves to the prophet by the name of Syed Zaid bin
Harissa bin Sharjil. The prophet set him free and married
him to his slave girl, Syeda Um Aymen, from whom Syed
Usma was born. And who became famous as "Mahboob

al-Nabi," and the second is Syed Abu Rafa, the third is

Syed Suban, the fourth is Abu Kabsha Salim, the fifth is
Shaqran, whose name was Salah, and the sixth is Rabah
Nobi, who was killed by Urnain group people, according
to hadith books.The 8th is Midam, and the 9th is Karkara
Nobi,who used to carry the baggage of the prophet during
the period of travel and stay and who held the conveyance
of the prophet in the battle of Khaibar in the 06 Hijiri.
And on page 375 of the Sahih Bukhari, there is a mention
Syed Zaid bin Harissa, the prophet's adopted son, married
him with his slave girl Syeda Um Aymen, and from her
body was born Syed Usama bin Zaid, who became well-
known as' Mahboob AL-Nabi.' And about this Syeda Um
Aymen, Syed Ibn Hajar Esqlani wrote: " She used to keep
fasting very much and one time she could not find water
at the time of the fast breaking and so she was facing a
very uneasy condition in this matter." And suddenly, at
that time, there came one bucket full of water from the
sky. Um Ayemen broke her fast with the sky water from
the bucket . She used to say that after drinking that sky
water again, she did not feel thrist in her whole life. (al-
Asaba 416)

This is a woman who used to weep mostly at the death of

the prophet. Syed Abu Baker and Syed Umar Farooq once
asked her why she cried so much after the prophet
died.Syeda said that "She knew well that one day the
prophet would have to leave this world, but I will weep
that upon the death of the prophet there was a stop to the
continuation of Wahi (revelation) from the sky." Upon
hearing this, both of them began weeping.
*This person stole something ordinary in the booty of the
battle of Khaibar, and then at that time the prophet
warned him of the danger. And some excegis scholars
have mentioned Midam, who did this deflation, and in
short, these two slaves were killed in the battle of
Anjasha Hadi 11.Safina and his name was Mahram bin
Farooq. 12 Insa Abu Masrah. 13.Aflah 14.Obied
15.Tuhman 16.Husnain 17.Sandar 18.Fazala Yamani
19.Mabur Hazi 20.Waqad 21.Abu Waqad 22.Qasam
23.Abu Aib 24.Abu Mohib

16.The service women's names


Salama Um Rafa. Muhammad bint Saad3. Kazara 4.

Razina 5. Radwa 6.Um Zamira Maimon bint 'Aiab'
78. Maria 9. Rahana These are the women who used
to be engaged in the service of the holy prophet.
17.The revelations' authors
The great companions of the prophet were among the
writers of the revelations (holy Quran). And this category
of people has great rank in the Islamic world. When an
angel brings Quranic verses into the presence of the
prophet, then he will call the writers of the Quran and ask
them to write the portion of the Quran sent by Allah
through the angel Gabriel.
In this list at the top, there is the name of Syed Abu Baker
2.Umar Faruq Usman Ghani is third. Ali Murtaza Zubair
bin al-Awam, number four. Amer bin Fahira is number
six. Ubi bin Kaab is number seven. Umar bin al-Assaf
Abdalla bin Arqam, 9th. 10.Thabit bin Qais bin Shamas.
Mughira bin Shaba, Hantala bin al-Rabiah 13, Khalid bin
Rawaha 14,Khalid bin Walid 15, and Khalid bin Saeed
bin al-Ass.
Some historians have written that this is the first writer of
the revelation of Allah. About Mavia bin Abi Safian and
Zaid bin Thabit, it is said that these were people who used

to be ready and had special status in the writing of the

Quran in the court of the prophet.

18.The Prophet's Ambassadors

After returning from the Hadabia Treaty, the prophet
wrote letters to the kings and monarchs of the Aajm
region (Persian Gulf).And in which there was given to
them an invitation to the Islamic religion, and when he
was able to know that these rulers did not accept letters
without a stamp, he prepared one silver ring on which was
written in 3 lines: Allah, Rasul, and Mohammed. Upon
writing letters, the prophet used to put his ring stamp on
the letters to the kings.
In the year 07, Hijira the Prophet sent letters to six rulers
through his ambassadors.
The first ambassador was Syed Umaro bin Ummiya al-
Zamri. And who was sent to King Ashama bin Abjar of
Ethopia and who has given respect to the message of the
prophet and has accepted the religion of Islam? Syed
Ashama, who was a scholar of the holy book Bible, and in
this book there were written signs of the last prophet of

Allah, and upon his research, the king of Ethopia accepted

the religion of Islam. On the day King Ashama died,
Allah sent a revelation to the prophet, and the prophet
performed his funeral prayer in Madina. The prophet's
companions claimed that when there was funeral praying,
as was felt for them, the dead body of King Ashama was
kept before them.
The second amabassador was Syed Wahia bin Khalifa
Kalabi, who was given a letter to the king of Rome, and
his name was Harqul. Upon reading the letter, King
Qaiser decided to accept the religion of Islam, but due to
the revolt of the nation, he kept his silence and stillness on
this matter. But some historians have done research that
shows they have accepted the religion of Islam.
The third ambassador was Syed Abdulla bin Huzafa al-
Sahmi, who was sent to the king of Iran, Kasra, and his
name was Abervaze bin Hurmaz bin Anusherwan. This
wicked and unfortunate person who has torn off the letter
of the prophet and has disrespected the ambassador of the
prophet And when this news reached the prophet, he said,
"May Allah rip his kingdom."
The fourth ambassador, Syed Hatib bin Abi Bilta, was
sent in the presence of the king of Egypt, Maqvis. And his
name was Jarib bin Mina. And this pious king had given
respect to the ambassador of the prophet, but he did not
accept Islam's religion. At the time of the return of the

ambassador, he had given some presents to the

ambassador with instruction to be given presents to the
prophet. And among those present, Syeda Mariya Qabtiya
was there. And from her body, the prophet’s son Syedna
Ibrahim was born, and her two sisters, Syeda Sirin and
Syeda Qasra, and one young slave girl, and gold of 1000
Misqal (a former unit of weight, the name of a gold coin
that was popular in Arabia) (4 Sairs and 55 Tolas = 5
kilogrammes and 641 grammes) and 20 Egyptian
coverlets; a costly mule, which was well known and
famous as Ezir; one Arbian horse; one costly glass cup;
and original honey. The prophet liked these presents and
prayed for their blessing. And he has said, " The wicked
has thought of his kingdom, but his kingdom will not
The fifth ambassador was Syed Shuja bin Wahab al-
Assadi, who was sent in the presence of the chief of the
city, Balaqa, Haris bin Abi Shamar al-Qasnai, and who
was given his invitation to the Islamic religion.
The sixth ambassador was Syed Salip bin Umro, who sent
Houza bin Ali, or Houra bin Ali, and Shama bin Asal al-
Hanfi, who were chief of the tribes. Hauza bin Ali
respected the ambassor, but he did not accept the Islamic
religion. But Shama bin Asal, who became Muslim at a
later time,

Except for the above six and the eight ambassadors, the
prophet sent Umar Bin Ass as the eighth ambassador in
the month of Zeqad in the year 8 Hijira toward the sons of
Amir al-Jalandi, who were Jaifer and Abed, and both of
the sons have certified and accepted Islam as their
The eighth ambassador, Syed Ala bin al-Hazrami, was
sent to Bahrain's ruler, Manzir bin Sawa, and converted to
The ninety-first ambassador was Syed al-Mahjir bin Abi
Ummia al-Maqzumi. He was sent to the ruler of Yemen,
King al-Haris bin Abed Kulal al-Humari, and this king,
upon reading the letter, promised to think about it.
The tenth and eighth ambassadors were Syed Abu Musa
al-Ashiri and Syed Maz bin Jabl, who were sent to Yemen
upon the return of Gazwa (the war in the time of Prophet
Muhammad in which he himself participated) of Tabuk in
the 09 Hijiri, and the majority of Yemenis accepted
Islamic religion as a result of their invitation and
On the 12th, the eighth ambassador was Syed Jarir
Abdalla al-Jabli, who was sent to Du-Alkala and Zumro,
and both of them have accepted the Islamic religion. And
in those days when Jarir bin Abdalla was in these tribes,
at that time the prophet left this mortal world in Madina.

On the 13th, the eighth ambassador was Syed Umro bin

Ummiya al-Zamri. To whom the prophet was given his
special letter to Musilma (al-Kazab) and another letter
was sent by Saib bin Awwam, but Msulima did not accept
the Islamic faith. And this wicked person who proclaimed
his prophet during the period of Syed Abu Baker Siddiq
was killed.
The 14th ambassador was Syed al-Saib bin Zubair. He
was sent to Farwa bin Umro al-Juzami and sent him an
invitation towards Islamic religion. And Farwa bin Umro,
who was governor of the king of Rome. He has accepted
the Islamic religion and he has given information on this
matter to the prophet. And he sent presents by Mauz bin
Saad: one mule, who was called Shahbaz and which was
known as Fizza; one horse, which was called al-Zaraf.
One donkey is called Yafur. Masood bin Saad presented
the prophet with 12.5 ounces of gold after he accepted all
of the gifts.
The 15th ambassador was Syed Ayyash bin Abi Rabia al-
Maqzumi, sent to chief people of different tribes like al-
Haris, Masruh, Naim, and Bani Abd Kalal in the city of
Hamir. And to all of them was given an invitation to his
prophethood and Islamic religion. Most of them are rich
people and kings who have accepted Islam as their
religion. For this reason, their nation also entered into the

fold of the Islamic religion. And Islam reached faraway

places during the period of the prophet-hood.

19.Adhan callers (muezzins)

During the period of the prophet, there were appointed
four adhan (muezzin, Arabic muaddin, in Islam, the
official who proclaims the call to prayer (adhan) on
Friday for public worship and the call to the daily prayer
(alt) five times a day, at dawn, noon, midafternoon,
sunset, and nightfall.) callers in the great mosques in
Makkah and Madina.
1.Syed Bilal bin Rabbah, who was a slave of Syed Abu
Baker, was the first adhan caller of the Islamic religion
and who, upon instruction of the prophet, called adhan
call in the prophet's great mosque in Madina.
2.Syed Umar bin Abi Maksum al-Qurshi al-Amari, who
was a blind companion of the prophet,
3.Syed Abu Mazzura bin Mair al-Hajmi, who died in the
year 59 Hijiri in Makkah.
4. Syed Saad al-Qurat bin Ayed, who was a slave of Syed
Ammar bin Yaser and who was a prayer caller in the
mosque of Quba in Madina.

20.Amir (Amir is the title given to some Muslim

rulers.) and governors
The prophet has appointed Bazan bin Saman bin Bilas al-
Farsi as governor of Yemen upon the death of the king of
Iran, Kasra. In the country of Yemen, he is the first Amir
(ruler) of Islamic rule there. He is the first king among
Persian kings who accepted Islam for the first time. And
upon his death, the prophet appointed his son Shahar bin
Bazan as ruler of Sana in Yemen. And when he died in an
accident, the prophet appointed Khaled bin Sayeed as
Amir, and except for him, Mahajir bin Abi Ummia al-
Maqzumi was appointed Amir of Kinda and Sadaf in
Yemen, but before his departure he died.
After the leaving of the prophet from this mortal world,
there started a problem of defection among the people, so
then Syed Abu Baker sent him to finish this problem.
Also, the Prophet has appointed Syed Ziyad bin Umiya al-
Ansari as ruler of Hazra Mauth city in Yemen. and Syed
Abu Musa al-Ashari as ruler in the cities of Zubaid,
Awan, Zama, and al-Sahel.Syed Maz bin Jabal was the
ruler of al-Jund in Yemen. And Syed Abu Sufian Saqar
bin Harb was appointed as ruler of Najran. Abu Sufian’s
elder son, Yazid bin Abi Sufian, was appointed as ruler of
Tima. Syed Atab bin Asid was the ruler of Makkah, and
at that time, Atab was 20 years old.

Syed Ali ibn Taleb was appointed as judge of al-Aqmas in

Yemen. And Syed Umar bin Al-as, the ruler of Amman.
In the year 09, Hijira Syed Abu Baker was appointed as
Amir al-Hajj and he was sent to Makkah with a large
number of people to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. And
during this period, the prophet sent Syed Ali ibn Abi
Taleb to Makkah to recite chapter Barat of the Quran in
the public announcement, as in this chapter there were
some proclamations to the infidels, for which there was a
treaty in this matter. And also, many companions were
appointed as in-charge of the collection of Zakat tax
(payment made annually under Islamic law on certain
kinds of property and used for charitable and religious
purposes, one of the Five Pillars of Islam) and charity and
were sent to the tribes.

21.The prophet's bodyguards

Before prophethood, among the friends of the prophet
Umar bin Ataba Salmi, who used to reside with the
At the Gazwa (battle ) of the Bader in the 02 Hijira, when
the prophet was taking a nap in the tent, at that time, Syed
Bin Maz, who was performing his duty as the security
guard at the tent,

In the Gazwa Ahud in the year 03, Hira, Syed Mohammed

Bin Muslima, who was on the duty of guarding the
In the Gazwa Khandaq in Shawwal in the year 05
Hijira ,Syed Zubair bin Awwam, who was on the duty of
guarding the prophet.
Syed Qais bin Saad bin Abada al-Ansari acted as Amir
Shurta (police officer) for the prophet.
On the day of the Hudibia treaty, Syed Mughira bin Shaba
stood with his naked sword at his head.
Syed Bilal Hasbhis, who was the adhan caller of the
prophet, and he was also in-charge of the necessities of
the prophet’s households. And he used to take care of the
food and drink for the wives of the prophet as well as the
arrangement of the invitation to the guests.
Syed Maqib in Abi Fatima al-Wasi, who was the
caretaker of the ring of the prophet.
In this way, Syed Musa Ashari, Syed Rabbah al-Aswad,
and Syed Anas were allotted to the duty of the security
guarding of the prophet. In addition to the above, Syed
Abbad bin Basher was also among the security guards of
the prophet.

When there was sent down the following verse, 67

Mai’dah from the Holy Quran, then there was stopped
security and guarding work for the prophet.
"O Messenger! Deliver everything the Lord has revealed
to you. If you do not, then you have not delivered his
message. Allah will certainly protect you from the people.
Indeed, Allah does not guide the people who disbelieve. "
Syedna Ali and Syedna Zubair bin al-Awwam, Syedna
Miqdad bin Umro, Syedna Mohammed bin Musalma,
Syedna Asim bin Thabit bin Abi al-Aalaj, and Syedna
Zuhak bin Sufian al-Kalabi, who were entrusted with the
duty of being the executor of the culprit’s head from their
22.The prophets' poets
There are three people there who were among the Islamic
poets of the prophet during his period.
Syed Wahab bin Malik al-Sulmi, Syed Abdallah bin
Rawaha, Syed Hasan bin Thabit
These poets were fighters for linguist jihad . These are the
Islamic poets who used to reply to the infidle poets'
insults and abuse of Islam and the prophet. Sometimes the
prophet used to give instructions to reply to them on this
matter. And for them he has also prayed.

23.The Prophet's Pulpitarians (khateeb)

During the period of the prophet, generally, Thabit bin

Qais bin Shimas was called the pulpitarian (khateeb) of
the prophet.

24.The Prophet's Horseman

Syed Abu Qatada al-Ansari, who was the horseman of the

prophet, said that for any important work he would be
sent and then he would be used to perform the duty in the
most efficient way.
25.The prophet's weapons of war
The total number of the prophet's swords is nine, and their
names are as follows:
Mesur. This sword is the first sword that the prophet
found from the inheritance of his father, Syed Abdullah

bin Mutalab. Al-Ghazab 3.Zulfaqhar and this sword,

which will be used to be kept by the prophet with him
always. And this sword was with him during the conquest
of Makkah, and its handle, sector, and hilt were all made
of silver. 4.Al-Qalai 5. Al-Bitar. 6.Al-Hataf. 7.Al-Rasud.
8.Al-Naqzam 9.Al-Qazeeb ( from Nihayia Ibn Kathir).
In the same way, the prophet has seven waru, which
means war dresses, with him, and details of the names are
as follows.
For a year during his last days, the prophet kept this battle
dress mortgaged with Abu Shahma, a Jew, for the needs
of his family members.
2.Zatal Risha 3.Zatal Al-Hawashi 4.Al-Sadia and this war
dress are well-known because prophet Dawood wore it in
the battle of Jihad, where he was killed by the cruel king
Jalut.And for more information, see our book "Hidayat
Ke Chiragh", volume one, page 610. 5.Fizza 6.Al-Bitra
7.Al-Qarniq. All these seven war dresses were used by the
prophet during the battles of the Jihad.
Similarly, the prophet carries seven bows, the Arabic
names of which are as follows:
1.Al-Zura 2. Al-Ruha 3.Al-Safra 4.Al-Baiza 5.Al-Sidad
6.Al-Makthum (this bow was broken in the Gazwa
(battle) of Uhud and which was collected by Qatada bin

Noman Al-Tuqhri). And there was one jaba (arrow),

which used to be called Al-Kafur.
In the same way, he had one leather waist belt in which
there were three loops made of silver. The number of his
war shields was stated as three, and the first’s name was
al-Zaluq; the second’s name was al-Fataq; and the third
shield, which was given to him as a gift, had a small
statue of a falcon on it. And when he put his hand on it, it
vanished away from the shield.
He has with him five spears, and among them, the name
of one spear was al-Masvi, and the second spear’s name
was al-Masna.
He had one harba (small sword), which was called al-
Naba. And there was a big harba which was called al-
Baiza. And there was a small harba that was bent, and it
was called al-Anza. And for some time, the prophet took
in his hand and walked, and this haraba was used to be
kept with him on the occasions of the Eid festivals. And it
was kept as a jacket before him in the prayer, and he had
one more anza (a short, slender spear) with him.
The prophet had one war cap made of iron, and it was
called al-Mosha. There was another war cap with him,
and it was called al-Matbuq or Zu-Al-Sabuq.
He has three jubbahs (a long loose outer garment with
wide sleeves, worn by Muslim men and women,

especially in India) with him, which he used to wear

during the time of war. And one jubbah was made of silk
in a green colour.
There was a black flag, which was called al-Uqab. There
were other flags of the white color, and there were also
yellow flags found.
There was a flag of dusty colour and on it was written ‘La
Ilha Illa Mohammed Rasool Allah', and there was his tent,
which was called al-Kin. There was one small wooden
bent stick and it was the length of one hand or more and it
was used by the prophet at the time of walking or
boarding in the conveyance and which was found in his
There was one wooden stick to support the waist, and it
was called al-Urjun. And there was the stick Qazib, which
was called al-Mamshuq. And Qazi Ayaz has written that
this is the name of the sword or stick of the prophet. Then
after, this stick or sword, which was kept, remained in the
inheritance of the caliphs of Islam.
There was one of the wooden handles mentioned in al-
Kausar's hadith, and the prophet with this sword or stick
kept away or will push away the people of innovation and
those who will come there to drink water at Kausar's

There was one cup with him, and it was called Riyan. The
third was Mugnia, and the fourth was a cup on which
were found three strings of silver, and there was a loop in
which they were used to keep the cup.
There was one cup of glass. And there was one cup of
wood, which was kept under his throne. And during the
night, it was used for Istinja, which is the Islamic term
for the action of using water to clean oneself after
urinating and/or defecating at the time of need.
There was one pot of stone, and it was called al-Maqzab,
and it was used by the prophet for ablution. And there was
one more pot that kept henna in it.
There was one small leather bag for carrying water, which
was called al-Sadira, and a small cup, which was called
Qab and called al-Sa. There was one brass water pot,
which was used for taking baths, and there was one oil
There was one set of pomanders (a ball or perforated
container of aromatic substances, placed in a cupboard or
room to perfume the air) from Alexandaria, which was
sent as a gift by King Muqvis along with Syeda Maria.
And there was a costly mirror there, and the prophet used
to see his reflection in it from time to time.
And there was a comb made of elephant teeth and one
small vial or box for keeping antimony, and from it the

prophet used to put three times the antimony of Asmad

stone, and there is one tradition that he used to put three
times the antimony in the right eye and two times in the
left eye side.
There was a druggist kit with the prophet in which he
used to keep scissors and miswak (tooth brush ).
There was a big cup with him, which was called al-Gra.
And in which there were four handles, and with these
handles, four people used to carry it.
There was a measure with him and with this prophet used
to measure the quantity of grains of charity of the Fitrah
(in Islam, Fitrah is the name given to the charity that is
distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadan). There were
two other measures with him at Eid al-Fitar, known as
Mod and Qatifa.
There was one bed set in which its four feet were made of
the teeth of the elephant and which was given as a gift by
the chief of a tribe; his name was Syed Asaed bin Zara.
There was one leather bed set in which the bark of the
date tree was discovered.
Syed Ayesha has said upon being asked a question about
the details of the bed, she said that "It was a thick coverlet
of the hairs of the animals and which was used to be

folded as double size on which the prophet used to take

26.The Prophet's Clothes
There was one turban, which was called al-Sahab. And
under it, he used to wear a cap. And which is stuck in the
The prophet has the gentle habit of wearing only a turban
without a cap on his head. And in the same way, he used
to wear only a cap without the turband, and he wore a
white cap.
When the prophet wears a turban, then he will hang some
portion of it in between his shoulders and use it to wear
on the head. And on the back side, he used to fix its last
end. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, at that time,
the prophet was wearing a black turaban on his head, and
in this condition he gave a sermon.
The historian Waqdi has copied that there was one
coverlet of Yemeni and its length was six hands and its
width was three hands and one span.
There was one tahbund with him from Amman, and its
length was four hands and one span, and its width was
two hands and two spans. He used to wear this dress on
his body on Fridays and on the occasion of festivals.
Upon its use, he used to keep it folded.

Syed Jabber bin Abdullah has said that "He used to wear a
red lined coverlet on his body on Fridays and on the
occasion of festivals."
He has two coverlets of green and one coverlet of black
colour.There was one red-coloured thick lining coverlet
and one of the animals' hairs.
He had one shirt of cotton which was less in length and its
sleeves were short in length up to the wrist.
In the dress, he used to wear one shirt and a red light-
lined coverlet. He used to prefer white dresses for his
dresses. He used to wear tight-sleeved jubba from Syria
and Qaba Zaib on his body, and he used to do down his
tahbund and raise it from the back.
According to the hadith, "Syeda Ayesha had shown one
patched coverlet and a soft cloth tahbund to the prophet's
companions, and she was told that "the prophet was
wearing these clothes at the time of leaving this world."
(Bukhari, Muslim, andTtarmazi, Babe Libas)
Iban Faras has said that it was generally known that the
prophet had left the following dresses upon his death.
1.Two coverlets 2. Ammini tahbund 3.Two light red
lining clothes. Four Suhali shirts 5.One Suhari shirt ( and
these are two cities in Yemen). Sixth, Yemani
Jubba7.One shirt is short in length. 8th. a white

coverlet9.3 or 4 small head caps. 10.One Tahbund and its

length was 5 spans. 6.One pillow cover in yellow.
27.The finger ring of the prophet
The prophet made a finger ring of the gold, then he was
taken out of the finger. And he prohibited the companions
from using golden rings. And when he was able to know
that the rulers did not accept letters without a stamp, he
prepared one silver finger ring on which was written in
three lines, "Mohammad Rasul Allahulers did not accept
letters without a stamp, he prepared one silver finger ring
on which was written in three lines, "Mohammad Rasul
Allah." And this finger ring was used by Syedna Abu
Baker, Syedna Umar Farooq, and Syedna Usman Ghani.
The finger ring was then lost in the Arbas well near the
mosque of Quba in Madina during the reign of Syedna
Usman Ghani, and despite extensive searching and
hunting, it could not be found. (Bukhari, Muslim)
By Hazrat Maqeeb, who was caretaker of the ring and by
whose hand this ring fell into the well. There was one iron
ring bent on its gem-stone on which was written
"Mohammed Rasul Allahe well. There was one iron ring
bent on its gem-stone on which was written "Mohammed
Rasul Allah." Some Muhaddis (Muhaddis' meaning is:
MUADDIS). The narrator of an advertisement or
Muammad's actions and words.) It says that this finger

ring was made of silver and its gem stone was made in
Ethopia and was sent to the prophet from Yemen by Maaz
bin Jabal. and which he used to wear on the right hand's
small finger and sometimes on the left hand's small finger.
The finger ring’s gem stone will be at the side of the
palm. (Muslim, Tirmazi), and when he went to the latrine,
he removed the ring from his finger. (Nesai, Abu
Dawood, Tirmazi, Shamil)
The Prophet has prohibited Syedna Ali from wearing a
ring on the middle finger.
One person came into the presence of the prophet, who
was wearing an iron ring on his finger. He told him that
"he was seeing the jewellery of hell on your finger."
When that person next came into the presence of the
prophet, then he was wearing a ring of brass. He warned
him that the odour of idols was on its way to him. Then
that person came a third time in the presence of the
prophet. Then he wore a golden ring on his finger. He told
him that this was heaven's jewelry, so take it off his
That person told him then from which metal he could
make his finger ring. He told him to make a silver finger
ring, which should not have more than one mithqal. One
mithqal (mithql (Arabic) is a unit of mass equal to 4.25
grammes (0.137 ozt), which is mostly used for measuring

precious metals, such as gold, and other commodities, like

saffron.) (Masand Ahmed)
28.Prophet Muhammad's Shoes
The king of Ethiopia, Asmaha Najashi, has sent two pairs
of black leather shoes with which there is no need to wash
feet during bath and ablution and only one pair is
required.Masah (Arabic: ) refers to the act of ritually
cleaning the head or feet with a small amount of water
and running the wet hands over the head or feet before
salat (Islamic prayer). In the presence of the prophet, as a
gift from his side. The prophet wore those shoes, and at
the time of ablution he used to do Masah on them.
Except for the shoes mentioned above, he obtained them
during the battle of Khaibar, and one of them was a
leather shoe with no hairs and a double lace.(Tirmazi,

29.The prophet's mode of transportation

There was one horse, whose name was al-Shakab and
which was called al-Zaras, and the Prophet had purchased
this from one village person for ten ounces of silver,
which was equal to the amount of 400 dirhams, and this
was the first conveyance for which he had become owner.
In addition,

------*Imam Tabrani has reported one tradition that once a
prophet wore one shoe in the jungle area and he was
going to wear another shoe. Then at that time, one crow
came and took another shoe from there and threw it in the
air, in which one small snake was hidden, and upon
falling down from the shoe, the snake came out of the
shoe. And for which the prophet thanked Allah and he
explained at that time one general rule: "Every Muslim at
that time of wearing shoes should be done brooming."
(Khasil Nabvi, Sharah Shamil Nabvi)
Such shoes were discovered in Arab countries in the past,
but they are no longer available. There was flattened
leather on which were found two laces, and in each of
those laces were found two laces more. In Moulana
Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s book "Zad al-Saeed", in which he
added a picture of the shoe of the prophet, in the Urdu
version of this book, and in this English book, a link to
the Urdu version has been added by me.
He also has six horses, whose Arabic names are as
1.Al-Murtajar and who was a powerful and fast-running

2.Al-Khaif 3.Al-Zaz 4.Al-Zarab 5.Al-Sabha 6. Al-Warad

7. And some historians have written that in addition to the
above, the prophet has more than 15 horses.
On both sides of the saddle of a horse, in which was
found the bark of the date tree, and there were mules for
conveyance in the house of the prophet. There was one
mule, and his name was Duldul. This mule was presented
as a gift by the king of Egypt, Maqvis, to the prophet, and
was a very powerful and strong female mule.
The second mule was presented by Al-Jazami, who was
the chief of the tribe, in the presence of the prophet.
The third mule was presented by the chief of Dumatal
Jindal in the presence of the prophet.
It is reported that the king of Ethopia, Najashi, has
presented one mule in the presence of the prophet. The
Prophet mostly used this mule in his conveyance.
There were found some donkeys, and among them one
named Afir, who was a powerful animal, and this was
presented by the king of Egypt, Maqvis in the presence of
the prophet.
There was one more donkey there for conveyance, and his
name was Yafur. This mule was presented by one of the
chiefs of the tribe, Faratal Jazami. In the olden days,

donkeys were among the most important sources of

transportation for goods.
There is a tradition that says in the battle of Khaibar, a
famous and well-known fort of Jews was conquered. At
that time, in the war booty, the prophet had got one black
donkey, and the prophet used this donkey for his
conveyance. The prophet was injured once when he fell
from this animal.
Saad bin Abada presented one mule in the presence of the
prophet, which was used by the prophet for his
Among his camels are found three names as follows.
On this camel, the prophet travelled from Makkah to
Madina during the journey of his migration.
2.Al-Ezba 3.Al-Jada. And Al-Ezaba was such a she-camel
that she was a very fast runner and she used to come first
in the running of all the camels. The companions were
proud of her fast running among the camels. However,
she was once left behind with one younger camel, and the
companions were shocked when the Prophet's camel was
left behind. And when the prophet heard this, he said that
this is the rule of Allah. One who will raise his head, then
he will be put down. (al-Bukhari)

There was one camel with the prophet, and his name was
Shalab, which was slaughtered by infidels at the time of
the treaty of Hadibia. And there were 45 camels with the
prophet who used to give milk. There was also a super
race camel, and her name was Maher Garya, and she ran
very fast in the race in the horses.Sayed Saad bin Abada
was selected among the animals of the Banu Aquil tribe
and was presented in the presence of the prophet.
Among his animals, there were 100 goats with him, and
he did not want to keep more than this quantity of
animals. When he added one more, he slaughtered one
goat at a time, so that there would be an equal number of
the 100 goats. The name of one of the goats was Gousa or
Gisa, and the name of another goat was Qamra.
Among the animals, there was one white cock with horns
on his head, and there were seven milk-feeding goats with
him. One of them was named Ayemen. Um Ahmen, who
used to take care of all the animals, This Ethiopian slave
girl who was the prophet's nurse during his childhood*
In the olden days, these animals were used in conveyance.
And some of these animals will be super graded as per
race. These animals were considered an important asset in

life. In the olden days, the Quran mentioned these animals

as having special favours bestowed upon them.
*He has got an inheritance from his father, Syef Abdalla,
to his portion. Then, afterward, he married her adopted
son, Syed Zaid. And from that body, Syed Usama was
born, who is well known and famous as Mahboob Nabi.
This woman lived till the time of the death of the prophet.
The prophet used to call her his mother. And whenever he
saw her then, he used to say that this was only left as a
memory of my family. (Muslim) (Tabqat Ibn Saad,
volume one, page 495; Tariq Tibri, volume three, page
Syed Shibli Nomani commented on household items and
animal details of the prophet in his famous biographical
book ‘Seerat al-Nabi’ on volume one page 175 as follows.
"The historians who have written about the prophet's
household items and animal details will create doubt in
the empty mind of a person that the prophet's private life,
who was like a ruler or chief of a tribe, But the fact is
different in this matter, and he has added that " The
historian Tabri, who has written about the names of
household items and names of the animals, as well as the
conditions in detail." But if they will be investigated, and
it will be revealed that all of the traditions he recorded
were unapproved, according to the qualification of a
statement taken from historian Waqdi. And if it is true,

then it will be interesting in this matter. However, the link

between all of these traditions will be maintained, as
evidenced by the historian Waqdi's certificate. Its
meaning is that the position of Waqdi with learned people
is not more than that of a student of history. So these
details are not trusted. But the author of the Urdu thinks in
this matter that the thinking of Moulana Shbili’s
comments is not more than his doubt of mental and
thinking. However, a number of events related to poverty,
hunger, and lack of goods and things were discovered in
the prophet's biography. Also, there were many events of
wealth and servants and attendants. There can be studied
the surprising details of the Gazwa of Hunain or Khaibar,
or the war booty in the books of Hadith. And it is also true
that the prophet left nothing behind when he died.
According to Syeda Ayesha Siddiqua and other holy
wives of the prophet who have spoken on the subject,
"The Messenger of God did not leave a dinar, a dirham, a
camel, or a sheep."
Whether historian Waqdi or historian Tabri or Tabqat Ibn
Saad, nobody mentioned the above goods which were
stocked by the prophet. And which is not the décor and
style of the house of the prophet? But he has opted these
household goods as needs and requirement and but
afterward he began distribution these house items till as
such was become condition that which was mentioned

details by Syeda Ayesha siddiqua and Syeda Juwaria that

"Prophet has left his house empty at the time of his
30.The Sacred Death
The prophet was there at the residence of Syeda
Maimuna, and he felt a headache. This event belongs
to the last ten days of the month of Safar in the year
11th Hijra. And then this same ache was felt in the
room of Syeda Zanab bint Habsh. At last, the
headache remained with him continuously and began
increasing more and more, and approximately five
days passed in such a condition. Then he requested his
wife to allow him to stay in the room of Syeda Ayesha
because her room was adjacent to the prophet’s great
mosque in Madina. And all the holy wives liked his
wish with merry-heartedness, and then the prophet
began living permanently in the room of Syeda
Ayesha. And there was up and down in the illness. He
stayed for eight days in the room of Syeda Ayesha.
And in this way, the duration of the illness was over
for a period of 13 days, and due to the headache, there
was increased weakness, and for this reason, there was
no possibility for him to walk. As such, he has no
energy to go to the mosque to lead the congregation's
prayers. And the last prayer that he led in the
prophet’s great mosque was Maghrib, in which he

recited verse Mursilat from the 29th part of the holy

Quran. When it came time for the prayer of Eisha, the
prophet asked whether prayer was performed. And
the companion has told all that they are waiting for his
presence. He was asked to put water in a basin and,
then, he took a bath. Then he wanted to stand, but
there he came upon him fainting. When there was
some relief, he asked whether the prayer was finished.
And the companion told him the same answer. Then
he took a bath and wanted to stand, but there came
fainting upon him again, and this happened three
times. When there was some relief last time, he asked
Abu Baker to lead the prayer. And this continuation
happened there for three days, from the Eisha prayer
on Friday till the day of the death of Monday’s Fajar
prayer. A total of 17 prayers were performed by Syed
Abu Baker. (Bukhari, Muslim Kitab Salat).
Five days before his death, the prophet gave one
sermon on Thursday after Zuhar prayer, which was
the last sermon of the prophet’s life.
After praising Allah, "Allah has given the man the
option of accepting the graces of the world or opting
for whatever is there in the other world with Allah,"
he said. But that slave has only opted for another
world. "

Upon hearing this, Abu Baker suddenly began

weeping, and the companions looked towards him in
surprise and told him that the prophet was saying an
event about a person, and what is there in this matter?
And later, companions were able to know that the
person was the prophet himself.
In this sermon, the prophet said, "Nations before you
have made graves of messengers and holy people as a
place of prostration." Be warned that you do not
follow it. I will prohibit you and leave you." (Bukhari
and Muslims).
In this condition of anxiety and uneasiness, he was
able to remember that there were some gold coins
which he had kept with her. He asked, "Ayesha, where
are those gold coins?" Mohammed did not want to
meet Allah with distrust. Go and give in charity to
Allah. So it was done in that manner.(Masnad Ahmed,
volume six, page 49)
There were ups and downs in the illness, but there was
peace and comfort in the temperament on the day of
death Monday, so as such, some of the companions felt
that there was recovery condition from the illness of
the prophet.
On that day, at the Fajr prayer, he saw the
companions who were praying by removing the

curtain of the room, and due to their happiness, they

had become out of control, and there was a possibility
of disturbance in the prayer. This is the last look of the
holy prophet of Allah, which was seen by his lucky
As the day grew longer, the prophet began to faint;
and there was much fainting upon the prophet, and in
such a state on his tongue, the following phrases
With those whom God has blessed
Oh God, the ultimate companion
It was near the time of his death and he asked for a
miswak (toothpick) and used it like a healthy person. In
Ibn Ishaque's biography, it is mentioned that there was a
sudden murmur in the chest and shaking of the lips and
the following phrasing were heard:
"Prayer and what you possess." (Take care of prayers and
There was the basin of the water near him, in which he
put his hand many times, rubbing his hand on his face.
And by this time, lifting his hand was given a sign by a
finger and he repeated the following phrase three times.

But the supreme companion, "but the supreme

companion," and "but the supreme companion."
There was a repetition of these phrases on his holy
tongue, and then his hand fell and pure eyes were opened
and began looking at the roof. A pure soul then reached
the holy world, and at that time, his holy age was 63 years
The day was Monday, in the month of Rabbil Awwal, the
year 11 Hegira, corresponding to the month of May in the
year 632 A.D. Regarding the date, there are traditions
from the first Rabbil Awwal to the 12th Rabbil Awwal.
But the saying of the first Rabbil Awwal was regarded as
historical as well as traditional, and from every angle it
was called very important. However, it is widely accepted
that the traditional date is the 12th of Rabbil Awwal. (Al-
Ravaz Anaf, Imam Suhali, Historian Imam Musa Bin
Aqba, Mohadit Imam Lais Masri, and Mohadith Abu
In this way, in brief, the prophet left this mortal world
on the 11th of Rabbil Awwal in the year 11th Hijra,
corresponding to the month of May in the year 632
Iban Ishaq wrote in "Seerat" that death occurred in the
afternoon, but there is tradition from Syed Anas Bin
Malik to Imam Bukhari, a Muslim, that it occurred in the

evening. And in both of the afternoon and evening

traditions, Hafiz ibn Hajr was given a match that after
noon time was over and time of evening was started
(Seerat Nabi volume 2 page 169).
He was given a funeral bath in the dress which he was
wearing. Syedna Ali was given a funeral bath, and he was
wearing cloth gloves on his hands. Syedna Abbas and his
two sons, Fazal bin Abbas and Qasam bin Abbas, were
turned sideways in the body. Syed Usama and Syed
Shaqran (special servants), who were pouring water, and
Syed Awas bin Khauli Ansari, who was supervising the
Upon finishing the funeral bath, he was given a shroud in
three cotton white cloths in which there was no cloth like
a turban or shirt. (Bukhari and Muslims).
As per the tradition of Madina, Abu Talha Ansai prepared
a bagli grave (a type of grave in which a place of burial is
made on one side of the grave). There was humidity on
the earth in the grave, so there was a spread on the bed in
the grave on which the prophet died.
The dead body was kept at the side of the grave. Then
there began to come one from each group to recite
blessings, prayers, and repetitions of the word takbir
(praise of God) and leave from there, and in the funeral

prayer there was no leader at all. And everybody will

offer their prayers in a single way.
First of all, Syed Abbas performed his funeral prayer,
then family members of Banu Hashim, and upon this,
Mahajir (The Muhajirun were the first converts to Islam
and the Islamic prophet Muhammad's advisors) and then
Ansar (The early Muslims from Medina are called
the Ansar ("helpers"). In this way, the companions and
general Muslim people prayed the funeral prayer, and, in
this manner, the continuation was there up to late at night.
During his illness, the prophet told his family members
that when the funeral rites are completed, all people will
leave the room for a short time, and the angel Gabriel,
Mikael, and, after Israfil, the angel of death, Izrael, will
perform prayer. And after this, among all your group,
enter into the room one by one and recite blessings of
God be upon him and his progeny and grant him peace.
(Masan Bazar, Masdark Hakim).
The dead body was put down in the grave by Syedna Ali,
Abbas, Fazal Bin Abbas, Qasam Bin Abbas, and
Ashaqran (special servant), and the grave was closed by
nine bricks. Then the grave was filled with soil and the
holy grave was given a shape like a kohan (hump (of a
camel or bullock, etc.) and on the upper side of the grave
there was a water spray.

According to one tradition, more than 30,000 companions

by weeping and tearing left their houses after the end of
the funeral rites and burial.
He is the one who buried my heart in a crisis.
So be blessed by his goodness, the ground and the honor.
My soul is redemption for the grave you are in.
In it is conduct, and in it is generosity, and generosity is

The End.

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