Hazrat Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil

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Hazrat Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil Delhi

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
E.Books Author

In the praise of Hazrat Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil

Oh Shah of Delhi, you are famous and known in India.

As well as your miracles, are much famous in the world,
He had a likeness to Hazrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya
And he helped him much for the right way of success?
Oh Shah, you are beloved brother was the Baba Shaker.
You worked hard in Delhi and gained much name there.
You are a pious person and famous for the many miracles
As you are famous for visions and statements of wisdoms
The epitome of greatness and humanity, and a holy person
He was the true brother of Khaja Baba Farid Ganj Shaker

By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

E.Books author

Hazrat Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil Delhi

Hazrat Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil was a God fearing

person, he was a person of miracles and revelation, the
certificate of Aulia and the argument of holy persons, the one
among the visions and statements of the great men, the
epitome of greatness and humanity of all the great men of the
time. He was the true brother, disciple and caliph of Hazrat
Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar.

Family background:

He belonged to the family of Farrukh Shah. Farrukh Shah was

the king of Kabul. When the Ghazni dynasty rose, Farrukh Shah
lost his power and Kabul was captured by the Ghazni dynasty.
Even after this revolution, Farrukh Shah did not leave Kabul. His
children also stayed in Kabul. Changez Khan devastated Ghazni.
The elders of Hazrat Najibuddin Mutawakkil were martyred in
the battle of Kabul.

His grandfather Hazrat Qazi Shoaib Farooqi came to Lahore

with thirty sons. From Lahore, he went to Kasur. The Qazi of
Kasur was aware of the greatness and prestige of his family. He
informed the king about his arrival. The king appointed him as

Qazi in Teswal, he started performing his duties from there, it is

also said that his father came to Multan during the time of
Sultan Shihabuddin Ghori, he came to live in the town of
Konthwal from Multan and started performing the duties of the
post of Qazi there, he got married there.

His father's name is Shaikh Jamaluddin Sulaiman, he is from the
progeny of the second caliph of the prophet Mohammed
(peace be upon him) Hazrat Umar Farooq, he had expertise in
knowledge and virtue.

His mother's name is Bibi Qursum Khatoon. She was the
daughter of Maulana Wajihuddin Khujandi. She was a pure,
pious and pure lady. Miracles have been bestowed upon you. It
happened one night when his mother was busy praying. A thief
entered the house. He was so terrified of his mother that he
became blind. The thief was very frightened. He shouted, "I am
a thief and I have come to this house to steal. However, there is
someone here whose fear has blinded me. I promise that if I
regain my sight, I will never steal again." Hearing this, his
mother prayed for the thief. His eyes lit up with her prayers.

He has two more real brothers, his elder brother's name is
Aizzuddin, younger to him is Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood,
the youngest of all was he himself.

His lineage-e-Pidri is as follows:
Shaikh Najibuddin bin Shaikh Jamaluddin Sulaiman Farooqi bin
Shuaib Farooqi bin Shaikh Ahmad bin Shaikh Yusuf Farooqi bin
Shaikh Muhammad Farooqi bin Shaikh Shihabuddin bin Shaikh
Ahmad al-Ma'ruf by Farrukh Shah Kabuli Farooqi bin Shaikh
Nasiruddin Farooqi bin Sultan Mahmud al-Ma'ruf by
Shahanshah Farooqi bin Shaikh Shadman Shah bin Sultan
Mas'ood Shah Farooqi bin Shaikh Abdullah Farooqi bin Shaikh
Va'iz Asghar Farooqi bin Shaikh Abul Fatah Kamik Farooqi bin
Shaikh Ishaq Farooqi bin Hazrat Ibrahim Farooqi bin Nasir
Adalin Farooqi bin Shaikh Abdullah Farooqi bin Hazrat Umar
bin Al-Khattab (the prophet’s second caliph.)

He was born in the town of Konthwal. Famous name: His name
is Najibuddin.

His title is Mutawakkil, the reason for his being called
Mutawakkil is that despite the people known by him and
knowledge, he was engaged in trust, he lived in poverty and
poverty, outwardly he did not pay attention to the things, his
trust was exemplary.

Arrival in Delhi:
He came to Delhi along with Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood
Ganj Shakar, Hazrat Baba Sahib went to Ajodhan from Delhi but
he started living in Delhi as per the order of Hazrat Baba Sahib.

Pledge and caliphate:

He took pledge at the hands of his elder brother Hazrat Baba
Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar and he wore the robe of
caliphate from Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar.

Imamat (For Sunni Islam, the word is commonly used to mean a

person who leads the course of prayer in the mosque.) in the
A person named Aitam lived in Delhi. He built a mosque and
entrusted the leader of that mosque to Hazrat Shaikh

Najibuddin Mutawakkil. That person got his daughter married

with great respect and spent a lot of money. He said to that
person that “If he had spent half of the amount that person had
spent in the way of Allah, then God knows what would have
happened.” That person did not like this and he removed you
from the Imamat.

Informing Hazrat Baba Sahib: He went to Ajodhan and informed

his elder brother Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar
about this incident. On hearing this, Hazrat Baba Farid said:

I have become an angel and have become a saint. I have

become an angel and have become a saint.

After that he said, “If you go to Tamri, then there Ektari will be
born.” At that time, a man named Etkari came there and he
served this family a lot.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya's devotion towards him:

When Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya came to Delhi, he settled in
his neighbourhood. He had a lot of devotion towards him. After
the demise of his mother, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya used to
spend most of his time in his company. Once he wanted to pray

for him to become a Qazi, but he did not pray and said that you
will not become a Qazi but will become something else.

Once Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya wanted to become his disciple,

he refused to make his disciple and said that “If one wants to
become a disciple, then he should become a disciple of either
Hazrat Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria Multani or Hazrat Fariduddin
Masood Ganj Shakar.”

Service of Bibi Fatima Sam:

She was a noble and elderly lady, she had immense love and
devotion for him and he too considered her as your sister and
was extremely compassionate about her condition, when there
was famine at his place, the next morning she would cook rotis
(breads) of a seer or half a seer and send it through someone,
once she sent just one roti, he said in gratitude that “O God!
The way you have made this woman aware of our condition,
you should have made the king of the city aware too so that he
could send some blessing.” Then he smiled and said that “Kings
are not blessed with that clarity to be aware.”

Incident of a journey: After settling down in Ajodhan, Hazrat

Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar sent him to bring his
mother. He went. On the way, you sat under the shade of trees
and rested. She needed water. When he returned with water,

he did not find his mother at that place. he was very surprised
and troubled. he searched for his mother everywhere but could
not find her. Finally, losing hope, he left from there and after
reaching Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar, he narrated the
whole story. On hearing this, he asked them to cook food and
give charity.

After a while, when he was passing through the same jungle

again, he thought of going around the village and lying under
the same tree, perhaps he would be able to find out about his
mother. He did the same. He found a few human bones.
Thinking that these bones might be those of his mother and it is
possible that she might have been killed by a lion or some other
animal, he collected the bones and kept them in a bag. Taking
that bag, he presented himself before Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj
Shakar and narrated the entire incident. On hearing this, Hazrat
Baba Farid Ganj Shakar asked him to show him the bag and he
swept it, but not even a single bone was found.

Meeting with Hazrat Khawaja Khizr:

One day on the occasion of Eid, he was returning home from

Eidgah. People surrounded him and were kissing his hands and
feet. Some dervishes who had not seen him before, asked who
this old man was. When they came to know his name, those

dervishes decided among themselves that they should go to his

place and have food. Those dervishes came to him and said that
please arrange food for all of them. He greeted them and made
them sit. That day there was famine in his house. He told his
wife to cook something if there was anything. When you came
to know that there was nothing in the house, he told his wife to
remove the sheet from your head so that you can buy roti and
soup from the market. She saw the sheet and there were some
patterns on it. Who would buy this? Then he thought that his
prayer mat should be kept in the house. Sell it, I saw that there
were many ties on the table, you did the same out of
compulsion, as it is the habit of a beggar that if the Darvesh
Sahib of house ownar does not have anything, he should stand
in front of the gathering with a water pot in his hand. Those
Darvesh drank some water and took leave from him. After the
departure of those Darvesh, hewent to your room, he said in
your heart that
“May this Eid day pass in such a way that my children do not
get any happiness and travelers come and go back

He was lost in these thoughts when a person appeared reciting

this verse.

After talking to his heart, he got a glimpse of Khizr


If the conversation in his heart is not visible, he will be seen

He understood that this is Hazrat Khawaja Khizr, he stood up to

pay his respects, Hazrat Khizr asked him what he was
complaining about, he said that the fight in his heart was about
there being nothing in the house, Hazrat Khizr again asked him
to bring some food, he presented an excuse, Hazrat Khizr said
that bring whatever is in the house, he went inside the house
and saw that a plate full of food was kept, on asking his wife he
came to know that a person had kept this plate and gone, he
brought some food from it, when he came upstairs there was
no one there.

He said in his heart that this “happiness which I have received”

is due to the blessings of innocence and lack of things.

His progeny: He had three sons, one boy's name is Shaikh

Ismail, the second boy's name is Shaikh Ahmad and the third
boy's name is Shaikh Muhammad.

He appeared in the service of Hazrat Fariduddin Ganj Shakar
nineteen times, every time while leaving he used to ask Hazrat
Baba Farid Ganj Shakar to pray for him that you may appear in

his service again in future, the last time when he requested for
his prayer, Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar became silent.
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya says that when Hazrat Baba
Fariduddin Ganj Shakar gave him caliphate , he instructed him
to show the caliphate papers to Hazrat Maulana Jamaluddin in
Hansi and Qazi Muntakhab in Delhi, he was very surprised that
Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakar did not take his name, i.e. Hazrat
Shaikh Najibuddin Mutawakkil's name, he thought there would
be some benefit in this, when he came to Delhi, he came to
know that he passed away on the 7th of Ramzan, his tomb is
famous in Delhi by the name of 'Shaikh Najibuddin Sher-Sawar',
his tomb is in Delhi near the tomb of Bibi Zulekha.

He was a tall and strong Darvesh, he presented a great example
of trust, such was the state of his trust that Hazrat Nizamuddin
Auliya says that I have not seen a person like him in this city, he
did not know which day it was or which month it was, or at
what price the grain was sold or at what price the meat was
sold, in short he was not aware of anything, he was only busy in
remembering Allah.

"You are also one of the Abdal"

Likeness of the fondness of the knowledge

He wanted many times to write 'Jaami'ul-Hikayat', finally a

person named Hamid started writing it, that book was soon
finished, a true Momin is that person who gives preference to
friendship of truth over friendship of children.

When the world slips out of your hands, do not worry, it is not
going to remain.

Wird-o-Wazifa: You used to recite ‘Asb-Zail Dua’.

Aimanu fi Ibadillahi Rahimakumullahu

He had a brother in Badaun, He used to visit him in Badayun
every year. Once both the brothers went to meet Shaikh Ali
who belonged to a rich family. Out of respect, they took off
their shoes a few steps before reaching the floor. So they first
placed their feet on the floor and then on the prayer mat on
the floor. Shaikh Ali was annoyed by this and said that this is a
sack of prayer mat on which both the brothers sat. A book was
kept in front of Shaikh Ali. He asked which book was this.

Shaikh Ali did not give any answer without any animosity. He
then said, “If you permit me, I will see the book.” Taking
permission, he opened that book. When he opened the book,
he saw that it was written in it that “In the end times, there will
be such Mashaikh (holy person) who will commit sins in
solitude and if someone’s foot falls on their floor in the
gathering, they will bring about doomsday.” He opened that
book. He gave it to Shaikh Ali, Shaikh Ali was remorseful after
seeing that writing and he sought forgiveness from him.

The End.

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