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Mr Maher Ashraf 01156250478

‫ضمائر الفاعل‬ ‫ضمائر المفعول‬ ‫صفات الملكيه‬ ‫ضمائر الملكيه‬ Present simple ‫المضارع البسيط‬
Subjects pronouns objects pronouns Possessive-adj possessive pronouns
‫احداث متكرره او جدول مواعيد‬، ‫ روتين‬، ‫عادة‬ ‫االستخدام‬
I Me My Mine
he\ she \ it ‫والمفرد‬ ( S )
He Him His His ‫التكوين‬
I \ we \ they \ you ‫والجمع‬ ‫المصدر‬
She Her Her Hers He watches movies. We watch movies.
It It Its - Do I \ we \ they\ you
+ inf ? ‫السؤال‬
We Us Our Ours Does he \ she it
Does he watch movies?
They Them Their Theirs always - often- usually- sometimes -never –
‫الكلمات الداله‬
You You Your Yours ever– every(day- month)
v. to be ‫ظروف التكرار تأتي قبل الفعل األساسي وبعد‬
This book is mine. This is my book
He doesn’t eat pizza = he never eats pizza
present simple ‫المضارع المستمر‬
POSSESSIVE (’s) ‫الملكيه‬
‫يعبر عن شئ يحدث األن او ترتبيات مستقبليه‬ ‫االستخدام‬
‫'( مملوك‬s) ‫ في المفرد نستخدم مالك‬.1 I am
Maher’s pen. Ahmed’s car. He \ she \ it is + ing
We \ they \ you are
‫ في الجمع يوجد نوعين منتظم وغير منتظم‬.2
teachers’ room. (’) ‫الجمع المنتظم نضع‬ Am I
Is He \ she \ it + ing ? ‫السؤال‬
children’ s bag. (’ s ) ‫الجمع الغير منتظم نضع‬
Are We \ they \ you
‫ ’( مع اسماء الوظائف لتشير الي مكان الوظيفه‬s ) ‫ نستخدم‬.3 Now – look – listen- at the moment ‫الكلمات الداله‬
The chemist’s the baker’s Watch out – be careful – it’s arranged
‫‘ الخر شخص‬s ‫ اذا كان المالك اكثر من شخص نضيف‬.4
Past simple ‫الماضي البسيط‬
This is Sama and Yara’s book.
‫يعبر عن احداث بدأت وانتهت في الماضي‬ ‫االستخدام‬
‫ ’( مع الجماد‬s ) ‫ ال نستخدم‬.5
Computer screen chair leg (d, ed , ied) ‫افعال منتظمه‬ ‫التكوين‬
(go – went) ‫افعال غير منتظمه‬
(’s ) ‫ بدال من‬belong to ‫ يمكن استخدام‬.6
Did + inf ? ‫السؤال‬
This laptop belongs to Shahd. = Shahd’s laptop
Yesterday – in the past – last (month -week) - ago ‫الكلمات الداله‬
whose ‫ عند السؤال عن الملكيه نستخدم‬.7
Whose bag is it? It is Nour ‘s bag. . Countable and uncountable

Have \ has got ‫يمتلك \ عنده‬ ‫األسماء التي تعد‬ ‫األسماء التي ال تعد‬
‫مفرد وجمع‬ ‫مفرد‬
A pen - pens Water
I \ we\ they\ you have got (‘ve got)
He \ she\ it has got (‘s got) some any
)‫بعض ( مثبته‬ )‫اي ( سؤال ونفي‬
Have \ has ‫ فاعل‬got ? ‫السؤال‬ They have some fish They don’t have
Has he got a dark hair ? YES he has. ‫عرض وطلب‬ any fish
Can I have some juice?
Can \ can’t ‫يستطيع \ ال يستطيع‬ A lot of enough too many too much
I can climb a tree. He can’t ride a bike. )‫ كاف – الكثير من( يعد وال يعد‬- )‫الكثير من (اليعد) – الكثير من( يعد‬
Mr Maher Ashraf 01156250478
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 4 Unit 5
Adventures ‫ مغامرات‬Bell ‫جرس‬ Mobile phone Jungle ‫ادغال‬
Airport ‫مطار‬ Library ‫مكتبة‬ Mouse ‫فاره‬ Cave ‫كهف‬
Alone ‫بمفرده‬ Break ‫استراحة‬ MP3 player ‫مشغل اغاني‬ Lake ‫بحيرة‬
Charger ‫شاحن‬ Desert ‫صحراء‬
Athletics ‫ العاب قوي‬Life ‫حياة‬
Printer ‫طابعه‬ Dessert ‫حَ لوَ ى‬
Attic ‫سندره‬ Busy ‫مشغول‬
Tablet ‫تابلت‬ Mountain ‫جبل‬
Balance ‫توازن‬ Playground ‫ملعب‬
Icon ‫ايقونه‬ Forest ‫غابة‬
Band ‫ فرقه موسيقية‬Canoe ‫قارب‬ Website ‫موقع علي االنترنت‬ Waterfall ‫شالل‬
Both ‫كالهما‬ Project ‫مشروع‬ Text message ‫رساله نصيه‬ Sandcastle ‫قلعة الرمل‬
Busy ‫مشغول‬ Cheap ‫رخيص‬ Selfie ‫صورة شخصية‬ Tent ‫خيمة‬
Called ‫يدعي‬ Quite ‫الي حد ما‬ Eagle ‫نسر‬ Camp ‫معسكر‬
Chess ‫شطرنج‬ Religion ‫ِدين‬ Video call ‫مكالمة فيديو‬ Tower ‫برج‬
Drums ‫طبلة‬ Uniform ‫زي موحد‬ Technology ‫تكنولوجيا‬ Souvenir ‫تذكار‬
Male ‫ذكر‬ Remember ‫يتذكر‬ Online ‫متصل باالنترنت‬ Hotel ‫فندق‬
Female ‫انثي‬ Separate ‫يفصل‬ Blog ‫مدونة‬ Course ‫دورة‬
Goats ‫اغنام‬ Snowmobile ‫دراجه جليديه‬ Click ‫ينقر ماوس‬ Emotion ‫المشاعر‬
Tap ‫ينقر هاتف‬ View ‫منظر‬
sheep ‫خروف‬ Culture ‫ثقافه‬
Look for ‫يبحث‬ Queen ‫ملكة‬
Gymnast ‫العب جمباز‬ Social Studies ‫دراسات‬
Pieces ‫اجزاء‬ Advertise ‫يعلن‬
Gymnastics ‫ رياضه الجمباز‬Cycle ‫يركب دراجه‬
Scary ‫مخيف‬ Advertisement ‫إعالن‬
Hobbies ‫ هوايات‬Subject ‫ماده‬
Friendly ‫ودود‬ Climb ‫تسلق‬
Interview ‫ مقابله شخصيه‬Far away ‫بعيد‬ Password ‫كلمة المرور‬ Trip ‫رحلة قصيره‬
Famous ‫ مشهور‬People ‫الناس‬ Personal ‫شخصي‬ Journey ‫رحلة طويلة‬
Members ‫اعضاء‬ Take ‫يستغرق‬ Clever ‫ماهر‬ Voyage ‫رحلة بالسفينه‬
Mountains ‫ جبال‬Favorite ‫مفضل‬ Secret ‫سر‬ Flight ‫رحلة بالطائرة‬
Museum ‫ متحف‬Timetable ‫جدول مواعيد‬ Make friend ‫يكون صداقة‬ Traditional ‫تقليدي‬
Orphan ‫ يتيم‬Forget ‫ينسي‬ Study ‫يذاكر‬ Remember ‫يتذكر‬
Parents ‫ األباء‬Transport ‫النقل‬ Carry ‫يحمل‬ Wonderful ‫رائع‬
Relatives ‫ اقارب‬Hall ‫قاعه‬ Pupils ‫التالميذ‬ Expensive ‫غالي‬
Forget ‫ينسى‬ Cheap ‫رخيص‬
The best ‫ االفضل‬Typical ‫مثالي‬
Smile ‫يبتسم‬ Quick ‫سريع‬
The same ‫ نفس الشيء‬Healthy ‫صحي‬
Kind ‫عطوف‬ Weak ‫ضعيف‬
Twins ‫توأمان‬ University ‫جامعه‬
Strong ‫قوي‬ Poor ‫فقير‬
Voluntary ‫ تطوعي‬flag ‫علم‬
Unit 6
Unit 3 Add ‫يضيف‬ Crisps ‫مقرمشات‬
Beard ‫لحيه‬ Wheel chair ‫كرسي متحرك‬ Advice ‫نصيحة‬ Hummus ‫طحينه الحمص‬
Moustache ‫شارب‬ Fans ‫مشجعين‬ Advise ‫ينصح‬ Waiter ‫جرسون‬
Curly hair ‫شعر مجعد‬ Sports star ‫نجم رياضي‬
Assistant ‫مساعد‬ Customer ‫زبون‬
Straight hair ‫شعر غير مجعد‬ Boring ‫ممل‬
Character ‫شخصيه‬ Brave ‫شجاع‬ Olives ‫زيتون‬ Pepper ‫فلفل‬
Feature ‫سمه‬ Sensible ‫حكيم‬ Meat ‫لحمة‬ Pound ‫جنيه‬
Blog post ‫منشور مدونه‬ Score ‫يسجل‬ Nuts ‫المكسرات‬ Menu ‫قائمه الطعام‬
Strange ‫غريب‬ Information ‫معلومات‬ Fridge ‫ثالجة‬ Delicious ‫لذيذ‬
Dark hair ‫شعر اسود‬ Walk ‫يمشي‬ Snack ‫وجبة خفيفة‬ Stir ‫يقلب‬
Blond hair ‫شعر اشقر‬ Talk ‫يتكلم‬ Ingredients ‫مكونات‬ Spices ‫بهارات‬

Mr Maher Ashraf 01156250478
My favorite hobby/ sport ‫هوايتي المفضله‬ The best person in your family ‫افضل شخص يف عائلتك‬
I love all my family, but my father is the
My favorite hobby is playing football.
Best person I like. He is a teacher. He works
I play football on Fridays. I play with ‫ مع‬my
hard. He buys new clothes ‫مالبس‬for me every year.
friends. I can score ‫ اسجل‬a lot of goals. I can run
He gives me money every day to buy what I need,
fast. Football is a famous sport.‫رياضة مشهوره‬
‫إنه يعطيني المال كل يوم ألشتري ما أحتاجه‬
My favourite footballer is Mohamed Salah. He
His life is busy but he spends much time studying
plays for Liverpool. Mohamed Salah is very
new lessons.
famous. I train hard ‫ اتدرب بجد‬to be a good
‫حياته مزدحمة لكنه يقضي الكثير من الوقت في دراسة دروس جديدة‬
footballer. I want to be famous like Mo Salah.
I love him very much. My father is very kind.
We also play football in the PE class.‫حصه األلعاب‬
He helps all people. He gets up early to go to
My team always wins the matches. I like football
school. ‫يستيقظ مبكرا للذهاب إلى المدرسة‬
very much.
All the students like him. I admire my father very
My family ‫عائلتي‬
much. My father is sensible so we all like him.

My name is ……… I am 12 years old. I live in A sportsman you like ‫رياضي تحبه‬
Cairo. I am a student at prep school. I like Mohamed Salah is my favorite footballer.
English and football. My father is a teacher. He ‫محمد صالح العب كره القدم المفضل لدي‬
works in a school. My mother is a nurse. ‫ممرضه‬ He is an Egyptian player. He plays for Liverpool.
she works in a hospital. I have one brother and He is strong with curly black hair.
two sisters. My sisters are both 5. They are twins Mohamed Salah is very famous.
‫ تؤام‬my brother is 9. I love my family. I also ‫أيضا‬ He is not very tall. Mo Salah is very fast.
love my school and my teachers. I play football He donates a lot ‫ يتبرع بالكثير‬of money to help the poor.
with my brother in the club. All people like him because he is kind and friendly.
We are a happy family. I train hard to be a good footballer.
I want to be famous like Mo Salah.
A visit to the zoo ‫زياره إلي حديقة الحيوان‬
Your last holiday/ your favorite place
Last weekend,‫ العطله الماضيه‬I went to the zoo. Last holiday I visited Alexandria. I went with my
I went with my family. We went by car. We family. We went there by car. We did a lot of
arrived early in the morning. ‫وصلنا مبكرا صباحا‬ things. We swam in the sea. I played volleyball
We had breakfast there. ‫ تناولنا الفطار‬We saw a lot on the beach. My sister built a sandcastle.
of animals. I saw the monkey. It eats bananas. We visited interesting places
My brother liked the elephant. It is very big. We We had lunch in a fantastic restaurant.
took many photos. ‫ ألتقطنا الكثير من الصور‬I took a We had sea food. The food was delicious.
photo with the lion. We were happy. We enjoyed We stayed in a hotel. I took a lot of photos there.
a lot. ‫ أستمتعنا كثير‬We returned ‫ عدنا‬home at night. I had a great time. I was very happy.
It was a nice visit. It was a good holiday.

Online safety ‫األمان علي اإلنترنت‬

Your daily routine ‫روتينك اليومي‬
You should stay safe when you use technology. You
I have a daily routine. I wake up at 6 am. I have need to follow some rules ‫ قواعد‬to stay safe. Keep
breakfast with my family. I go to school by bus. your password secret. ‫ سر‬Don't make friends with
We have six lessons ‫ حصص‬a day. We have one people you don’t know online. Don't tell people your
break. I usually play football at break. I go home personal information. ‫معلومات شخصيه‬
at 2 pm. we have lunch at 3 pm. After that, ‫بعد ذلك‬ Don't Send photos to people you don’t know. Ask for
I do my homework. I watch TV with my family. help from a parent or teacher. Don't answer a phone
I sometimes meet ‫أحيانا اقابل‬my friends. I go to bed call or video call from someone you don’t know. Tell
at 10 pm. I think it is a nice daily routine. a parent or teacher if you are worried about

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