BUSN10073 - Exploring Management and Leadership - Muhammad Fahad (1) Cited
BUSN10073 - Exploring Management and Leadership - Muhammad Fahad (1) Cited
BUSN10073 - Exploring Management and Leadership - Muhammad Fahad (1) Cited
Comparative Analysis..................................................................................................................3
Comparative Analysis
Commonalities- Both articles stress the significance of division of work and unity of command,
emphasizing the need for specialization and clear lines of authority. Fayol's principles resonate in
the practical implementation at Wipro, showcasing the enduring relevance of his ideas in
contemporary management practices.
Divergences- While both articles underscore the importance of discipline and equity, Article 1
places more emphasis on organizational rules and structures, whereas Article 2 incorporates
employee suggestions through the kaizen system. This discrepancy highlights the flexibility of
Fayol's principles in adapting to diverse organizational contexts.
Insights and Reflections on Management- Reflecting on these articles provides insights into the
dynamic nature of management. Fayol's principles, as seen in both sources, serve as foundational
guidelines adaptable to different organizational challenges. The Wipro case study illustrates the
evolution of management practices, showcasing the relevance of continuous improvement and
employee involvement.
In conclusion, the comparative analysis of Fayol's principles in both articles reaffirms their
timeless relevance. The integration of these principles in diverse organizational contexts, as seen
in the Wipro case, highlights their adaptability and enduring impact on the evolving landscape of
In this revised curriculum, there should be a heightened emphasis on fostering a holistic view of
business that transcends mere financial gains. Students should be exposed to alternative
economic models, such as cooperative and collaborative structures, to encourage critical thinking
and a more comprehensive understanding of diverse business paradigms. Moreover, the
curriculum should incorporate lessons on corporate social responsibility, emphasizing the
importance of businesses contributing positively to the communities in which they operate and
addressing environmental concerns.
Furthermore, business schools should prioritize teaching skills that go beyond profit
maximization, including effective communication, cultural competency, and emotional
intelligence. These skills are crucial for navigating the complexities of modern business
environments and fostering inclusive leadership. Integrating real-world case studies that
showcase successful businesses with a strong social and environmental impact would also
provide valuable insights for future business leaders.
In summary, a reimagined curriculum for business schools should transcend the traditional
capitalist framework, embracing a more inclusive and socially responsible approach. By
incorporating diverse economic models, ethical considerations, and a focus on holistic business
practices, the education provided can better prepare students to navigate the challenges of a
rapidly evolving global business landscape.
Dr. Cook's leadership during the annual archeological dig is exemplary of transformational
leadership. He demonstrates idealized influence by acting as a role model, showcasing passion
for the work, and consistently engaging in early morning activities. His ability to inspire
motivation is evident in his communication of a common vision, sharing responsibility with
followers, and encouraging their input in the decision-making process (Andersen, 2015). Dr.
Cook also exhibits individualized consideration by allowing creativity and autonomy in task
design and execution, all while challenging and stimulating students intellectually.
According to the Full Range of Leadership model, Dr. Cook operates at the Transformational
Leadership level, embodying the four I's ie individualized consideration, inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, and idealized influence (Andersen, 2015). His strengths lie
in creating a supportive climate, delegating tasks for student growth, and fostering creativity,
particularly excelling in intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration.
Common criticisms include a potential overemphasis on charisma and vision at the expense of
practical execution or the assumption that transformational leadership is universally applicable
across diverse contexts (Itzkovich, Heilbrunn & Aleksic, 2020).
Considering the critiques and applying them to Prof Cook's case, we can argue that
transformational leadership may fall short in fully assessing effective leadership. The nature of
an archeological dig requires a blend of hands-on, practical skills and strategic planning, which
may not be adequately addressed by transformational theories alone. The emphasis on vision and
inspiration might overlook the importance of task-oriented skills and the need for adaptability in
challenging environments.
By scrutinizing the application of transformational leadership theories to the case of Prof Cook
and incorporating critiques from relevant sources, we gain a nuanced understanding of the
inadequacies in fully assessing effective leadership in this specific context. This analysis
contributes to a broader discourse on the contextual limitations of leadership theories and the
need for a more comprehensive evaluation framework.
An Introduction to the Principles of Management. (n.d.). Education.stateuniversity.com.
Retrieved December 9, 2023, from
Andersen, J. A. (2015). Barking up the wrong tree. On the fallacies of the transformational
leadership theory. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(6), 765–777.
Gitman, L. J., McDaniel, C., Shah, A., & Reece, M. (2018). Managing the transition to a new
"Wipro way." In Introduction to Business. Rice University.
Itzkovich, Y., Heilbrunn, S., & Aleksic, A. (2020). Full range indeed? The forgotten dark side of
leadership. Journal of Management Development, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).