The Ciso Report
The Ciso Report
The Ciso Report
In The CISO Report, we share the results of our original research and offer insights on how
leaders can evolve along with the cybersecurity landscape. Here are some of the most
significant takeaways.
language than their board at least one disruptive attack last year. Even more shockingly, 83%
paid attackers in the wake of a ransomware attack — directly, via
While CISOs’ and their board’s priorities are moving closer together, cyber insurance or with a negotiator — with more than half paying
there is still misalignment. Eighty-four percent of CISOs maintain at least $100,000.
that their board or governing body cares more about regulatory
compliance than security best practices. Thirty-one percent say that
projects have been delayed due to lack of funding while 30% say that
the security team was unable to support a business initiative.
Ryan Kovar
Distinguished Security Strategist and leader of SURGe
Ryan is a distinguished security strategist and leader of SURGe, Splunk’s security research arm. With over 20 years of experience
as a security analyst, threat hunter, defender and Unix plumber, Ryan loves traveling the world and researching the biggest
problems for Splunk’s customers. Prior to Splunk, he worked at DARPA, US Navy, the UK Home Office and other organizations as a
security practitioner and leader. Ryan has an MSc in Cyber Security from the University of Westminster.
Kirsty Paine
Field CTO and Strategic Advisor, Technology and Innovation (EMEA)
Kirsty Paine (she/her) is a strategic advisor to Spunk customers. As an experienced technologist, strategist and security
specialist, she thrives on understanding difficult problems and finding creative solutions. Kirsty’s background in cyber security
stems from her mathematical roots, built over years working at the UK National Cyber Security Centre, specializing in security,
privacy and internet technologies.
of change ■
CISOs expand board presence,
own their influence
Driving a culture change
■ CISOs embrace — yet question —
evolving role
The role of today’s Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)
is complex and rapidly changing. Eighty-six percent say that
15 CISOs submit to ransomware
the role has changed so much since they became a CISO that ■ Ransomware: Attackers get a payday
it’s almost a different job. They are emerging as strategists and
leaders who have a louder voice in the boardroom. And a growing 19 Security investment on the rise
number of them — now 47% — report directly to their CEO.
21 Collaboration is key to building resilience
Of course, their most critical priorities still revolve around ■ Collaboration opens doors, breaks down walls
defending the organization against an increasingly complex ■ Building resilience into the future
The CISO story, then, is about the constant struggle they face
enabling the business to go fast while walking a daily tightrope
between oft-competing priorities — the board’s allegiance to
business success metrics and the practical realities of securing
the organization. For many of them, this means constantly
justifying their teams’ value to the C-suite and the board, while
also filling security gaps caused by staffing shortfalls and
finding new ways to mitigate organizational risk. The balancing
act isn’t easy.
Generative AI fills critical “I don’t know that anybody working in the cybersecurity space
has got it easy right now regarding recruiting and retention,” says
Security hygiene and
posture management
analysis and prioritization 26%
Analyzing data sources
Malware analysis
Creating detection
to determine which ones rules
Risk scoring
Policy creation
Incident response and
forensic investigation
How do CISOs know if they’re doing a good job? We asked them This validates another surprising finding: the biggest responsibility
for their success metrics — what they prioritize and what they for 86% of CISOs is to ensure their governing body/board
think their board cares about the most. There is sometimes a sees value in funding security investments. As one CISO in
wide variance in those two answers, resulting in misalignment transportation puts it, “What the board really wants is risk
and frustration when executed in the field. quantification. They want it in dollars and cents.”
“You can buy all the technology in the world, but if the users are Yet only 20% of boards rated “ROI of security investment”
not well trained then things can go bad,” says one technology as a measure of success, possibly because they lack the
CISO in an organization of more than 11,000 employees. understanding around how ROI impacts risk, relying instead on
other metrics indicating security posture improvement.
CISOs also point out more fundamental differences in values and
understanding.“Some of the board understands the importance Requirements for ROI are no doubt tougher. Almost a third (31%)
of security,” adds the CISO of an outsourcing company. “Some of our respondents say that projects have been postponed or
do not.” delayed due to lack of funding, while 30% also say the team was
unable to support a business initiative.
When they speak about quantifying risk, business value and
return on investment, however, CISOs are slowly getting the ear Also, 84% of CISOs say that their governing board/body equates
of the board/C-suite: strong security with regulatory compliance rather than best
practices, which might account for the slight disparity in the
■ 26% say that they share results of security testing,
indicating to boards the best places for intervention importance placed on “status and results from internal and/or
and demonstrating smart, proactive leadership. regulatory compliance audits.” It is not surprising, then, that 90%
of CISOs say their governing body/board cares about different
■ 27% say that they prioritize reporting the ROI of
KPIs and security metrics today than it did two years ago. “My
security investments, indicating where interventions
and money have already helped, and paving a way board loves a number,” says the CISO of a transportation and
to speak directly to the CFO and gain support for logistics company. “But the problem with cyber is that it is super
future investments. hard to come up with one figure that says how good or bad
we are.”
■ 25% say that the ability to purchase cyber insurance
might be the best way to tell boards how ‘safe’ they For CISOs and board members alike, it’s time to refresh your
are; and/or justify the investment elsewhere, too. approach and ensure you’re still aligned.
“I think the awareness regarding the importance of pentesting
and cybersecurity is higher than it was three years ago due
to recent events in industry,” says a CISO of a healthcare
17% 23% Status and results from internal and/or regulatory compliance audits
20% 18% Percentage of systems consistent with policies for security controls
19% 17% Number of high priority incidents, breaches and other reportable events
* Factors ranked in order of largest to smallest difference The CISO Report | Splunk 13
CISOs and the board get priorities straight
Many boards and CEOs know that the liability landscape has
shifted, but they feel powerless to effectively respond to these
new dynamics. This opens an opportunity for CISOs to educate
their board and ultimately improve the security posture of their
organization. Ultimately, CISOs now have a bigger seat at the
table and a louder voice in the room. The C-suite and the board
are listening. Security leaders can use their growing platform to
create the change they want to see in the industry.
Operational technology service attacks
(OT) and Internet of
Things (IoT)
Ransomware Ransomware
Remediation Payouts
Ransomware: 18% 9%
Attackers get a payday company $1 million or more
The majority of CISOs (69%) maintain that paying a ransom And don’t think boards aren’t watching. Seventy-three percent
makes them vulnerable to legal exposure in the future. Yet even of CISOs say they feel that their governing body/board is overly
after payment, organizations are often unable to fully recover concerned about ransomware and the potential threat it poses
their lost capabilities — there’s no honor among thieves. And to their organization. And the majority say that when they faced
cyber insurance is no silver bullet; it’s often difficult to obtain successful ransomware attacks, the governing body/board
while falling short of full reimbursement. required regular updates as they sought to resolve the issue.
That scrutiny likely won’t go away anytime soon — but it does
The net-net? Make sure you have offline, regularly-tested,
give you even more reasons to run exercises with the board.
segregated back-ups. Designate maintenance responsibility
and conduct regular checks that they’re successfully executed.
Additionally, run a board-level exercise to exert some real-yet-
safe pressure on those systems.
Ninety-three percent of organizations actually expect to cybersecurity budgets. With security budgets expected
increase cybersecurity spending, either significantly or to rise, there’s reason to be optimistic. However, despite
somewhat, over the next year. This is great news for security increased investment, the additional funding is still not Increase significantly
teams, as 85% percent of CISOs say a reduction in spending enough for many CISOs wrangling their technical debt.
would hamper their ability to respond to threats, and 80% say
We saw CISOs are justifying ROI for security
they have noticed that their organization has faced a growing
investments to the board, and some of them have
number of threats coinciding with the declining economy.
a focus on tool sprawl. The vast majority (88%) say
Yet 83% of CISOs see the cuts in other parts of their they see a need to rein in security analytics and
organization, and 85% say that they’re worried about the operations tools with solutions like SOAR, SIEM and
macroeconomic uncertainty and its potential impact on threat intelligence, to address issues of tool sprawl and
their team. complexity, with only 2% disagreeing that they need to
consolidate their tools. This is a message that always
Almost a third (31%) say that projects have been delayed or
eliminated due to a lack of funding. While 87% say they’ve
lands well with a CFO — and helps to justify ROI. 59%
Increase somewhat
demonstrated a business case for increased budget year-
over-year, only 35% say that their boards allocate adequate
Benefits of Collaboration
Greater integration
Faster time to
Greater knowledge
Greater collaboration
between security and understand, quantify transfer between on procurement
IT operations tools and prioritize the risk groups deployment and
and processes associated with new operations of security
business initiatives technologies
Greater visibility
Faster time for risk
More career
Less inter-team conflict/
across the attack mitigation opportunities for finger pointing
surface individuals to move to
and from the security
44% 38%
organization responds to degradation of critical applications
(44%) — reinforcing the need for integrated security and
observability functions. Observability, and how Crisis management
the organization responds process and protocols
to degradation of critical
applications or services
Regional highlights
By region, we divided our respondents into the following categories: North America (41%),
Asia-Pacific/Japan 30% and Western Europe (29%). Their responses to the various topics
are as follows:
Digital resilience and 17% of Western Europe. That said, all regions express
that generative AI would give cybercriminals a slight or
■ North American respondents placed a higher priority on significant advantage.
cybersecurity education in their digital resilience strategy
■ It stands to reason then, that respondents from APAC (23%)
than regional counterparts: 30% of North American
are most likely to be using generative AI for cybersecurity
respondents said educating cybersecurity staff on best
today, compared to only 11% in North America or
practices and ongoing training is most important to ensure
Western Europe.
digital resilience, compared to 19% respectively in both APAC
and Western Europe. ■ Respondents in Western Europe express the most interest in
using generative AI for cybersecurity over the next 12 months
(57%) compared to 39% of North American respondents and
The rise of generative AI 35% of respondents from APAC.
Industry highlights
Respondents by Industry
The role of the CISO 2. Almost half of CISOs in the retail sector (48%) cite the
number of high priority incidents as the metric most
CISOs across numerous industries now report directly to the indicative of success. A significant percentage of CISOs
CEO, including: in communications and media (34%) cite progress in
the security maturity model as the most important
■ 84% in healthcare
success metric. For CISOs in technology (39%),
■ 63% of communications and media success was associated with the ability to purchase
■ 44% of manufacturing cybersecurity insurance.
■ 34% of financial services 3. Across industries CISOs feel like their role has changed so
much it was almost like a different job. The CISOs in industries
1. Regulatory compliance is the most important priority to that are the most affected include:
CISOs in the retail sector (56%) followed by technology
(29%). Data privacy represents the biggest priority for ■ Communications and media: 93%
CISOs in communication and media (59%), followed by ■ Financial services: 92%
technology (50%). ■ Technology: 89%
■ Retail/Wholesale: 85%
■ Healthcare: 84%
4. CISO are most concerned about their personal cybersecurity 2. The retail/wholesale sector is also most likely to have a board
liability in the following industries: that provides adequate budgets to ensure cybersecurity
measures are in place (59%), likely attributed to PCI and other
■ Financial services: 94%
customer data privacy regulations. Business services (62%)
■ Technology: 93%
and financial services (51%) are most likely to have a board
■ Business services: 86% that has established governance requirements to ensure
■ Healthcare: 84% cybersecurity incidents are reported. 100% of government
5. In almost all industries, CISOs say that (they agree or strongly CISOs say that their biggest responsibility is to ensure their
agree) their role had transitioned from one of implementation board sees value in their security investments.
and controls to security strategist: 3. Numerous CISOs across many industries regularly participate
■ Government: 100% in board meetings, including:
■ Retail/wholesale: 97% ■ Technology: 100%
■ Financial services: 95% ■ Government: 100%
■ Business services: 91% ■ Communications and media: 94%
■ Manufacturing: 89% ■ Healthcare: 88%
■ Communications and media: 87% ■ Manufacturing: 86%
■ Healthcare: 84% 4. CISOs in numerous sectors say their boards equate security
6. When weighing in on most in-demand skills, CISOs in with regulatory compliance — representing a source of
communications and media point at cloud security the most frustration for CISOs.
(47%). CISOs in retail express that they need more senior-level ■ Financial services: 89%
cybersecurity positions (41%).
■ Communication and media: 87%
■ Manufacturing: 87%
The board of directors ■ Healthcare: 84%
■ Business services 81%
1. Financial services (92%) and healthcare (92%) are the most
likely industries to have a dedicated board-level cybersecurity 5. To reinforce value to their boards, the majority of CISOs in
committee, followed by retail/wholesale (85%) and retail/wholesale (59%) say that they provide their governing
manufacturing (84%). body with cyber risk metrics and ask them to make risk-based
decisions. The majority of CISOs in business services (52%)
say that they position security as a business enabler.
CISOs in industries that express the most fear that generative Numerous industries experienced ransomware attacks that
AI would give either a strong or slight advantage to cyber significantly impacted their systems and business operations,
adversaries included healthcare (88%), manufacturing (76%) including financial services (59%), retail (59%) and healthcare (52%).
and financial services (72%). Fifty-one percent of CISOs in Perhaps contrary to popular belief, the industry most likely to
financial services say that they planned to implement specific pay the ransom is retail, with 95% of those reporting that they
cybersecurity controls to mitigate AI security risks. either paid directly, through cyber insurance or a third party.
Industries that have the biggest interest in adopting Retail was most likely to pay a ransom between $25,000
generative AI over the next 12 months include retail and $99,999. The majority of communications and media
(59%), healthcare (56%) and manufacturing (51%). organizations attacked by ransomware (56%) paid between
$100,000 and $249,999.
The majority of CISOs in most industries say that AI will take
jobs that currently belong to cybersecurity professionals. But
CISOs in manufacturing (80%), financial services (91%) and
business services (85%) strongly express that it will alleviate the
cybersecurity skills shortage.
Geographic Regions
The quantitative survey was distributed between North America,
(United States, Canada) EMEA (UK, Germany, France) APAC
(Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, India). Qualitative
surveys were conducted in the United States, Canada and
the UK.
Respondents in both qualitative and quantitative surveys
represented 17 industries, including financial services
(banking, securities, insurance), manufacturing, media and
communications, technology, healthcare, retail/wholesale,
business services, government/public sector, education
(K-12, secondary, college/university), agriculture/forestry,
construction/engineering, consumer packaged goods, life
sciences, mining/oil/gas, telecom, transportation, utilities.
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