Soal Bahasa Inggris Pas Genap Kelas Xi 2023-2024

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T.P 2023 - 2024

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4
Dear Fina,

Hi there. How are things with you? It's good to know that you are doing fine in business. Have
you received my postcard? I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my
wonderful holiday. I think this is the most wonderful holiday that I ever had. The people are
friendly. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful local arts and crafts,
tasty traditional food, and much more. It's Thursday today. I can't believe this is my last day. I
wish I could spend more time here. I am certain I will stay longer on my next visit. I'll be home at
about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work, I can't
wait to show my video to my class. Okay, that's all for now. Send my love to your children. Bye.

Best wishes from,


1. The letter tells us about …

A. Fina’s letter
B. Fina’s plan to Bali
C. Fico’s experience ✓
D. Fico’s holiday in Bali
E. Fico’s favorite places

2. Which statements are TRUE based on the letter above?

A. Fico is a student
B. Fina is Fico’s sister
C. Fico is doing a business
D. Fina has not got married
E. Fico’s holiday was exciting ✓

3. What day is Fico going to arrive home?

A. Friday ✓
B. Sunday
C. Thursday
D. Monday
E. Saturday
4. The letter shows that Fico …
A. had a bad holiday
B. has tried the traditional food ✓
C. has not eaten the day before
D. bought all the beautiful local arts
E. has shown his holiday video to his class

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 6

Jl. Jambu 129 Bima

January 30th, 2017

Dear Frodi,
It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was
ill, for your brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem
to think the illness was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a
shock. You have my sincere sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel
it deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it
also as a personal loss to myself, for your mother was always very kind to me. Her death
must be a terrible grief to your father, too. Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.
Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its sorrow”, and in such sorrows,
we are always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your

Your sincere friend,


5. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
A. Siblings
B. Friends ✓
C. Relatives
D. Employers
E. Employees

6. From the letter we know that ….

A. Jean was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
B. Jean sent a letter to Frodi several weeks ago
C. Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death
D. Jean had known Frodis’ mother before ✓
E. Frodi is the only child in his family
7. What is the main purpose of a personal letter?
A. To express personal thoughts, feelings, or experiences. ✓
B. To inform or update the recipient about a specific topic.
C. To persuade the recipient to take a specific action.
D. To request information or assistance.
E. To describe some event to a friend

8. Which of the following is an appropriate greeting for a personal letter to a close

A. To Whom It May Concern,
B. Dear Hiring Manager,
C. Dear Sir/Madam,
D. Dear My Teacher
E. Dear John Doe, ✓

9. Which of the following is an example of a formal tone in a personal letter?

A. "I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits." ✓
B. "Hey, what's up? I wanted to tell you about my recent trip."
C. "Listen, I need your help with something important."
D. "Thanks a lot for your help! You're the best!"
E. “Hey bro. I hope you are in a good mood”

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 11

Dear Mr. Budi Santoso

Sales Manager
Sindang Maju Ltd.

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the position of sales executive.

My last day of work will be March 10, 2013. I have signed an employment contract with
another company. I would like to express my appreciation for your excellent leadership in
the company. I have learned a lot about direct selling. These skills will be valuable in my
future career. I have been fortunate to be employed by Sindang Maju. I have learned that
putting the customer first is important in today’s competitive environment. I will do my
best to finish my project before I leave

Nadia Utami
Sales Executive
10. Nadia will quit working at Sindang Maju because she…
A. Has been offered a position in another company
B. Has signed a contract with another company ✓
C. Is disappointed with Sindang Maju
D. Want to have a better career
E. Wants a better payment

11. From Nadia’s letter, we know that she…

A. Promises to finish her project before leaving Sindang Maju ✓
B. Is fired from her current position and seeks another job
C. Quits the job at Sindang Maju to pursue a higher salary
D. Is promoted to another position in the same company
E. Continues working at Sindang Maju as an assistant

Read the following text to answer questions number 12 to 13

Dear Juliana
How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here. We are going to have
the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I
just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science. There are extra
lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still
confused about solving mathematical problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national
examination. Do you have any suggestions for me? I appreciate your help. Please reply
Your friend,
12. What does the letter tell us about?
A. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem ✓
B. Asking for a friend to teach mathematic
C. Preparing for the national examination
D. Having extra lessons at school
E. Giving a solution to a friend

13. Why is Wulandari worried that she may fail the national examination?
A. She is confused about solving the mathematical problem ✓
B. She will have the national examination soon
C. There are extra lessons at Juliana’s school
D. Her friends are all well-prepared
E. She appreciated Juliana’s help

14. What would be a possible EFFECT of “a student not studying for a test”?
A. The student doing very badly on the test ✓
B. The student doesn't have to take the test
C. The student doing very well on the test
D. The students will be sleepy
E. The teacher smiles

15. If the battery is missing, the bulb is broken, and the switch is off, what is the EFFECT on
your flashlight?
A. It is black
B. It is normal
C. It doesn't work ✓
D. There is no effect
E. It works just like normal

16. Suri and Dawson are rock climbing. Suri decides to attempt a new skill she has learned.
At first, she is successful, but then she loses her grip and falls. Suddenly, the safety ropes
catch her, but she smashes her hand on the rock.

What is the effect of Suri’s fall?

A. Suri decides to try a new skill.
B. At first, she is successful.
C. Suri smashes her hand. ✓
D. Suri is rock climbing.
E. Suri keeps silent

17. Frank Jones loves going fishing. One Saturday afternoon, he went fishing and caught a
humongous fish. However, the fish got away because Frank hadn't tied the string tight
enough and it broke.

What was the cause of the fish getting away?

A. The hook broke.
B. The fish got away.
C. Frank was very happy
D. Frank had the worst day of his life.
E. The string wasn't tight enough and it broke ✓

18. What would be the most likely CAUSE of someone laughing?

A. notice cat
B. watching Television
C. sorting laundry
D. someone telling a joke ✓
E. someone telling the news

19. Please read the following dialogue carefully!

Ana : You look unhappy today. May I know why?
Dodi : My examination scores are not satisfying.
Ana : You should study more, Dodi.
Dodi : Thank you for your suggestion. I have tried my best but my health
condition was not good.
From the dialogue, which one states cause and effect in the correct sentence?
A. Dodi’s scores are not good because Ana
B. Dodi’s scores are not good since her health condition
C. Dodi’s scores are not good due to his health condition ✓
D. Dodi’s scores are not good because the health condition
E. Dodi’s scores are not good because of he is in the good condition

20. Cause: Anton’s laziness

Effect: Anton gets bad examination scores

Please choose the correct sentence as follows……

A. Due to his laziness, Anton gets bad examination scores ✓
B. Because of Anton is lazy, he gets bad examination scores
C. Because his laziness, Anton gets bad examination scores
D. Anton is lazy because he gets bad examination scores
E. Due to Anton’s Lazy, he gets bad examination scores

21. Cause : She stayed up past midnight

Effect : My sister was very sleepy
Please choose the correct sentence as follows……
A. My sister was very sleepy so she stayed up past midnight
B. She stayed up past midnight so my sister was very sleepy
C. My sister was very sleepy then she stayed up past midnight
D. She stayed up past midnight because my sister was very sleepy
E. Because of she stayed up past midnight, my sister was very sleepy ✓

22. The students were late …….. the traffic jam

A. as
B. for
C. since
D. because
E. because of ✓
23. She didn’t love cats …………. she wasn’t happy when her husband brought two kittens
A. so ✓
B. since
C. due to
D. because
E. because of

24. What is the important rule in Passive voice?

A. V1
B. V2
C. V3 ✓
D. V-ing
E. V-s/es

25. Active : My father always washes the red car on Sunday.

Passive : ……………………………

A. The red car is washing by my father on Sunday.

B. The red car always washed by my father on Sunday.
C. The red car has been washed by my father on Sunday.
D. The red car was always washed by my father on Sunday ✓
E. The red car is always washed by my father on Sunday.

26. Active : Andi took many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week.
Passive : ……………………………………………….

A. Many pictures of nice places were taken by Andi during his holiday last week. ✓
B. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week are taken by Andi.
C. Many pictures of nice places have taken by Andi during his holiday last week.
D. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week were taking by Andi.
E. Many pictures of nice places during his holiday last week was taken by Andi.

27. Active : Someone knocked the door of her house yesterday.

Passive : ………………………………………………..

A. The door of her house was knocked by someone yesterday. ✓

B. The door has knocked of her house by someone yesterday.
C. The door was knocked of her house by someone yesterday.
D. The door of her house is knocked by someone yesterday.
E. The door of her house is knocked by someone yesterday

28. The video …….. on Youtube by Fatih two days ago.

A. posted
B. is posted
C. was posting
D. was posted ✓
E. were posted

Read the following text to answer questions number 29 to 32

Tsunami occurs when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The
displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves
at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake
source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height
increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the earth's crust that slopes, or
rises, from the ocean floor up to the land.
A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss
of lives due to drowning, and property damage.
A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the
ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A
tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast-
traveling wave grows very large.
29. What is the social function of the text above?
A. To describe tsunami
B. To entertain the reader
C. To retell about tsunami to the reader
D. To explain how and why tsunamis happen
E. To provide information about the danger of a tsunami

30. Tsunami happens because ...

A. The displaced rock pushes water above it
B. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean
C. A major fault under the ocean floor slips suddenly ✓
D. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the source
E. The waves move across the ocean until they reach the beach

31. What are the impacts of tsunamis?

A. A tsunami is detectable far out in the ocean
B. Once tsunami reaches shallow water, the wave never grows very large
C. The part of the Earth’s crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor down to the
D. A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as flooding and loss of
lives ✓
E. A tsunami is a very large sea wave which is not generated by a disturbance a long
the ocean floor

32. We understand from the text that tsunami ....

A. Causes the movement of earth
B. Forms a new shape of coastline
C. Makes unfortunate event ✓
D. Rises a new coastal land
E. Displaces rocks to land
33. Explanation text is written in ….
A. Present tense ✓
B. Perfect tense
C. Future tense
D. Continuous
E. Past tense

34. Which one is NOT the title of the explanation text..

A. Water cycle
B. How to make a pie?
C. How does rain happen?
D. How does covid-19 appear?
E. How does a tsunami happen?
Read the following text to answer questions number 35 to 38
[Verse 1]
You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see
The person lookin' back at you is not who you want to be
You see a failure, a screw-up someone who doesn't deserve love
You started to give up on yourself
You think there's nothin' left

But I see your flaws
I see your pain
And I see past all of it
I see your strength hidden within
Know you can rise out of this
You can do everything they said you couldn't do
Don't give up on yourself

I believe in you
I believe in you

[Verse 2]
You stand in front of me and I know just what I see
A one-of-a-kind work of art, You're a masterpiece
I see a survivor, a fighter, you're so worthy of love (More than enough)
You've got too much to give
Please don't give up on yourself

Back to [Chorus]

I believe in you (Believe in you)
I believe in you (Believe in you)

(I believe)
You will move mountains, you'll keep your faith
(I believe)
The waves might hit you, but you will not break
(I believe)
You have so much inside
No one can take your light
(Even when darkness comes you will win the fight)
(You will win the fight, will win the, you will win the fight, will win the)

Back to [Chorus]

I see your flaws

I see your pain
And I see past all of it
I see your strength hidden within
You can rise out of this
You can do everything they said you couldn't do
Don't give up on yourself

I believe in you (Believe in you)
I believe in you (Believe in you)
I believe in you (Believe in you)
I believe in you (Believe in you)

35. The song "Believe in You" is about?

A. Love and romantic relationships
B. Strength and confidence
C. Failure and suffering
D. Diversity and unity
E. Self-confidence ✓

36. What is the main message conveyed in the song "Believe in You"?
A. Overcoming darkness and winning the fight
B. Believing in oneself and not giving up
C. Give up if there is no appreciation
D. Seeking validation from others
E. Embracing one's flaws and pain

37. What is the significance of the repeated line "I believe in you" in the song?
A. Describes the singer's support for the writer
B. It shows the listener's dependence on the singer.
C. It shows the listener's doubt and lack of confidence.
D. Symbolizes the singer's own struggle with his confidence
E. Emphasizes the singer's support and confidence to the listener.
38. According to the lyrics, what does the person looking in the mirror feel about
A. They see support from the other
B. They believe in their strength and capabilities.
C. They have accepted their flaws and moved on.
D. They see a unique work of art and a masterpiece.
E. They see a failure and someone undeserving of love.

Read the following text to answer questions number 39 to 40

You are My Sunshine

(Johnny Cash)
[Verse 1]
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

[Verse 2]
I've always loved you and made you happy
And nothing else could come between
But now you've left me to love another
You have shattered all of my dreams

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

39. The song above is about …

A. Someone who dislikes others
B. Someone who loves his/her child
C. Someone who misses his/her lover\ ✓
D. Someone who annoys his/her friends
E. Someone who falls in love with a man

40. What happened to the person the singer was referring to?
A. He/she has come
B. He/she has arrived
C. He/she has awaken
D. He/she has left away ✓
E. He/she has dreamed


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