Class 5

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Golden Jubilee School,Jalna

Annual Plan 2024-25

Class 5
Month Subject Syllabus
English 1)Oliver in the Country
2)It’s Raining in My Bedroom
April Grammar- Kinds of sentences, Interjections.
Hindi ६. लिटल मास्टर का कमाल
१५. क्रांति की मशाल
संज्ञा के भेद, उद्दे श और विधेय, विशेषण
Marathi २. हत्तीची चातर्य
ु (चित्रकथा) ३. खेळूया शब्दांशी ४. ही पिसे कोणाची ?
व्याकरण - शब्द निर्मिती, प्रत्येयकारी शब्द, नाम आणि सर्वनाम
Ch. 7 Geometry
EVS and 1) Plants : Increasing the Numbers (SCI)
Know your Pattern( Line art), Line Art With madubani design
Symphony of colours the peacock elegance
Music Raag Bheemplasi - Aaroha, avroha, pakad and aalap
Raag Bheemplasi - composition
Teentaal - 16 beats (Sining raag and alankars in the same beat)
Roman Numerals song

What is STEM Education?

•What is Robotics?
• What can robots do?
ATL • What can’t robots do?
• How are robots useful?
• How robots are different from machine?
AI and Machine learning: Introduction to AI and Machine Learning.
Animaker application - Designing character and adding motion,
Computer action and text.
Scratch story using extension

English 1)Tenali Meets an Emperor

June 2)The Aunt and Amabel
3)Our Strange Lingo
Grammar- Subject & Predicate
Types of Nouns, Pronouns.
१. कहानीयों की कहानी
१७. तारमंडल की सैर
कहानी लेखन के नियम

Marathi कविता १ - नाच रे मोरा

कविता ५ - डराव डराव
६. ऐकूया. खेळूया.
व्याकरण- यमक, शब्दांची पनु रावत्त
ृ ी करून
निर्माण होणारे शब्द,
एकाच शब्दाचे दोन अर्थ होणारे शब्द,
क्रियापद, विशेषण
सज ृ नात्मक लेखन- कवितेला कथेमध्ये
रुपांतरीत करणे.

Maths Large Numbers

EVS and 2) Food and Health ( SCI)
SST 1) Know your planets (SST) 2) Parallels and Meridians(SST)
Art Silhouette painting and Drawing, Watercolor Painting (Affirmation
1.Alankars 11 and 12
2.playing alankars on instruments
3.revision of raag bheemplasi
4.Hymn - Just like a child and god still loves the world.
Class test
ATL What is IR proximity sensor.
How IR sensor works
Object Detector app
Paper circuit
Certificate Design using Canva.
Introduction to pictobox app(Artificial intelligence and machine
Computer learning based app).
Object detection program: using object detection
English 1)A Little World of Mud
Grammar- Articles.
Hindi २. नन्ही सहे ली
लिंग के भेद, वचन के भेद, संज्ञा के भेद , गिनती ४१ से ७० तक
७. खेळत खेळत वाचयू ा कविता - ८.
Marathi कोणापासनू काय घ्यावे?
वाचन कौशल्य, लेखन कौशल्य, श्रवण
कौशल्य, शब्दार्थ
Maths 2. The Four Fundamental Operations
EVS and
SST 3.Safety and First Aid (SCI) 4) Houses All Around (SCI)
Cloth bag with hand painting. Craft Nameplate making with waste
1. March past band and advanced rhythms on drums.
2. Raag Bhupali on instruments
3. learning songs on instruments

ATL Light with IR Sensor

Logic behind touch sensor
How touch sensor works
Intensity control of LED
Cyber Clubs: Important concepts related to cyber crime, cyber
Computer security.
Boat Game in scratch:Design own backdrop, using
motion,looks,operator, variable blocks.
Google sheet- sharing and locking Google sheet, adding charts, sum
and count formula.
English 1)Nature Is What We see
2)Going to Neverland
3)Jawaharlal Nehru
Grammar- Types of Adjectives, Question tags, Degree of comparison,
August Transitive-Intransitive verbs.
Hindi ५. सपनों का जहाँ
२३. डायनासौर की कहानी
७. पाँच
पर्यायवाची शब्द, कविता लेखन, विशेषण के भेद, श्रति
ु सम भिन्नार्थक शब्द
, गिनती ७१ से १०० तक
९. सिंह आणि बेडूक (चित्रकथा) कविता -१०. बैलपोळा ११. इंधनबचत
Marathi व्याकरण- संदेश लेखन, शब्दनिर्मिती, जोडशब्द, श्रत
ु ीसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द.
सजृ नात्मक लेखन- कथालेखन, कविता लेखन

3. Factors and Multiples
EVS and
SST 10 ) Environmental Pollution (SST) 11) E for Environment (SST) 15.
Changes in our environment.(SCI)
6) Soil Erosion and Conservation (SCI)
Still Life Drawing - with real fruit
Different drawing with Buddha with doodle art
1. Patriotic songs
2. playing instruments
Principle and Working of NOT Gate
Principle and Working of AND Gate
Principle and Working of OR Gate
Introduction to HTML: What is tag,Use of HTML language
Computer <HTML>,<Body>,<title>,<P> <B> tag
Run First Program of HTML
English 1)God Save the Beetle
Grammar- Subject -verb agreement.
Hindi १२. हवा रानी को चाहिए बदलाव
१६. सरिता
September प्रदष
ु ण के दष्ु परिणाम, पेडों का महत्व, निबंध लेखन
१२. बोलावे कसे?
Marathi १३. अनभव -१

व्याकरण- नाम, सर्वनाम, क्रियापद, विशेषण.
निबंध लेखन- इंधन बचतीचे महत्त्व , चांगले बोलण्याचे फायदे .
Maths Fractions
EVS and
SST 7) Rocks and Minerals (SCI) 5) Solids , Liquids and Gases (SCI)
Glass painting on small square glass , Glass
Different memory drawing topics.
Music Raag Bhairav - Aaroha, avroha, pakad and aalap
Raag Bhairav composition
Raag Bhairav alankars on instruments
Class test
ATL 3D design using tinkercad
Making Monuments(mirror tool,
grouping,ungrouping,locking,shapes, hiding design)
Basics of Arduino

Apple and basket game in scratch : Touching mouse pointer,go to x

Computer and y, change y ,change x,forever,repeat,if then,X position ,Y position
,operators instructions.
Internet concept: URL, WWW, browser, hub, router.
English 1)The Secret
October 2)Vocation
Grammar- Tenses,
Hindi ४. कागज के लिफाफे
११. अमीर खस ु रो की पहे लियाँ
१४. चित्रसंदेश कविता- १५. नदीचे गाणे १६. मी नदी बोलते.. १७. आमची
Marathi सहल
सजृ नात्मक लेखन- सच
ु ना लेखन, सव
ु चने लेखन, कविता लेखन, आत्मकथा
5. Decimals & 6. Percentage
EVS and 13) Our Earths Natural Satellite (SCI) 3) Movements of Earth (SST) 11)
SST Animals Everywhere(SCI)
Art Wall hanging and Quilling art
Flower art with different flowers with pencil shading
Music Raag Bheemplasi and Raag bhairav revision
Alankars 1-12 revision
Advanced drum rhythms and march past band practice

AI image generator app
Connecting LED and breadboard with arduino
Animated background video making using
Computer Animated video: use of Template, Media, Video, Images, Audio,
Effect, Tools.
English 1)The Rescue
November 2)Spring
Grammar- Active and Passive voice.

Hindi २०. बिजली चोर

२१. रहीम के दोहे
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
१८. पैशांचे व्यवहार १९. अनभ ु व -२ २०. गमतीदार पत्र
Marathi व्याकरण- विरुद्धार्थी शब्द, एकाच शब्दापासन ू अनेक शब्द निर्माण करणे,
विरामचिन्हे (पर्ण
ू विराम, स्वल्पविराम, प्रश्नचिन्ह)
8. Perimeter, Area and Volume
EVS and
SST 9) Our Skeletal System (SCI) 10) Our Nervous System (SCI)
One Point perspective With Shape, Cloth painting activity activity
with Dupatta, Tshirt
1. Learning alankars from different scales - C# and D#
2. Learning songs from D# scale
3. Raag yaman on instruments.
ATL Learning to use soldering gun
Intensity control of LED ,Buzzer with switch
HTML form: Label, Texbox, Radio button, submit button, checkbox,
Computer dropdown list, textarea.
Shooting Game in scratch:

English 1)The Treasure Hunt

December Grammar- Direct Indirect speech.
Hindi ३. चंद ू चाचा ने तस्वीर टाँगी
काल के भेद
कविता- २१. छोटे से बहिणभाऊ २२. वाचय ू ा. लिहूया.
Marathi सजनात्मक लेखन- कवितेचा भावार्थ लेखन, माहिती लेखन

Maths Measurements
EVS and 14) Natural Disasters (SCI +SST) 12) Our Life Supports (SCI) 5)
SST Weather and Climate (SST)
White Canvas shoes Painting - Acrylic painting
Music Revision and class tests

ATL Light with IR Sensor & Laser on pressing Button.

Paper circuit of birthday candle
Introduction of Python .
Computer Installation of Python software. Variable Declaration.
First Program in Python .
1)A Fishy Story
2)Summer Sun
January Grammar- Adverbs, Prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Hindi १८. शभु ा मद
ु गल से बातचीत
९. धप ू
१०. झाडू लगाता राजा १९. सतरं ज में मात
विलोम शब्द, मह ु ावरे का अर्थ, चित्र वर्णन, निबंध लेखन

२३. प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला २४. ऐका. पहा. करा. २५. मालतीची चतरु ाई
Marathi व्याकरण- वाक्प्रचार, लिंग, क्रियापद, समानार्थी, विरुद्धार्थी, जोडशब्द
कृतियक् ु त उपक्रम- मखु वटा तयार करणे.
Maths 10. Time & 11. Money
EVS and
SST 11) Force and Energy (SCI) 4) Major Landforms (SST) 6) Land of
Dense Forest (SST)
Art exhibition
Music Patriotic songs
God still loves the world, The rain
ATL 3D printing making STL file of 3D design
Glowing of LED with LDR
Arduino coding
Video cropping, editing, merging.
Computer New year animated video making.
Greeting Card making(
February English 1)Folk Dances of India
Grammar- Conjunctions.
Hindi १३. प्रजापालक नवाब
२४. शिल्प संग्रहालय की सैर
८. ओणम की रं ग
विरामचिन्ह, अनेकार्थी शब्द, अनौपचारिक पत्र
कविता- २६. पतंग २७. महर्षी विठ्ठल रामजी शिद ं े २८. फुलपाखरू आणि
Marathi मधमाशी
व्याकरण- प्रत्ययकारी शब्द, यमक, वाक्यनिर्मिती
उपक्रम- थोर व्यक्तींची माहिती मिळवन
ू लिहिणे
अनौपचारिक पत्र लेखन
Maths 12. Symmetry and Patterns &13. Data Handling
EVS and
SST 7) Land of Snow (SST) 8) Land of Sand (SST) 9) Land of treeless
grasslands (SST)
Art Art exhibition
Music New composition in new raag to be practiced for the music exhibition
with improvisations and a high speed jhala ending with a tihai

Designing 3D design using tinkercad
Gaming android app
Computer Google Docs: Home,Insert,Pagelayout,Design,Layout Tab.
Scratch Extension: Music, Pen, Text to speech, Translate using these
extension story making in scratch.
English Revision

Hindi १४. मक्ति

ु धन
२२. वह अमर रहे गा l
सराव- लेखन कौशल्य, वाचन कौशल्य, श्रवण कौशल्य
March Marathi व्याकरण- समानार्थी शब्द, विरुद्धार्थी शब्द, लिंग, वचन, वाक्प्रचार, शब्दार्थ,
नाम, सर्वनाम, क्रियापद, विशेषण, पत्रलेखन, निबंध लेखन, कविता तयार
करणे, कथालेखन
Maths Revision
EVS and
SST Revision
Warli Painting with circular design, Memory Drawing
Favourite festival
1. All raags revision
2. Shloks
3. Playing Instruments
4. Class test


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