Science Final 9 Test Bank Question

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Science 9: Final Exam

Electrical Principles and Technologies

Formulae: V = IR E = Pt P = IV % Efficiency = output E / input E x 100

1. The fluoridation of drinking water debate continues in Canada. In a recent newpaper article, the following
graph and statement appeared.

Fluoride has been added to our drinking water since the early 1980s! Does it really work?

1. This ad was likely placed in the newspaper by

a. Health Canada
b. Stakeholders favoring drinking water fluoridation
c. Stakeholders not favoring drinking water fluoridation
d. The Canadian Dental Association

The time of year when the days are the longest in length is called the

A. ecliptic B. solstice

C. solar cycle D. equinox

2. The geocentric, or Earth-centered, model of our solar system was first proposed by a Greek
philosopher named

A. Euclid B. Aristotle

C. Pythagorus D. Ptolemy
3. The best definition of static electricity from the statements below is

A. the loss of electric charges from an object

B. the sharing of electric charges between objects

C. the transfer of electric charges between objects

D. the build-up of electric charges on an object

4. Charge separation occurs when

A. charged objects are brought near neutral objects

B. neutral objects gain static charges from charged objects

C. objects with like charges are brought close to one another

D. objects with opposite charges are brought close to one another

5. The rate at which charged particles flow is called

A. voltage B. current

C. static D. potential difference

6. The unit used to measure how many electrons pass a point in 1 second in an electrical circuit is

A. watt (W) B. ampere (A)

C. joule (J) D. volt (V)

Use the following information to answer the next 2 questions.

A student’s mother purchases a new variable speed electric mixer for food preparation.
The curious student decides to investigate how the mixer works and dissects the mixer.
Once inside the student sees a ring and brushes. (By the way – Don’t try this at home!)

7. What is the ring structure called?

A. commutator B. wire

C. armature D. magnet
8. What circuit component is likely responsible for the mixer’s ability to turn at different speeds?
A. switch B. cell
C. fuse D. rheostat

9. Flowing water is often used as a model for voltage and current flowing through a wire. Which example
would be used to model a wire with the highest current and voltage? Water flowing through a pipe
A. with a 10-cm opening from a water tower 50 m above ground level

B. with a 10-cm opening from a fountain 1 m above ground level

C. with a 5-cm opening from a water tower 50 m above ground level

D. with a 5-cm opening from a fountain 1 m above ground level

10. The basic components of an electrochemical cell include

A. two electrodes made of different materials, and a solid electrolyte made of a pure substance

B. two electrodes made of the same material, and a solid electrolyte made of a pure substance

C. two electrodes made of different materials, and a liquid or paste electrolyte solution

D. two liquid electrodes separated by a solid electrolyte made of two different metals

11. Luigi Galvani invented a device we now call the galvanometer. It is used to measure

A. resistance B. current

C. voltage D. static charge

12. While watching the news one night, you see a commercial for a new vehicle that will be powered by water.
This will be accomplished by passing electricity through water, producing pure oxygen and pure
hydrogen. These two gases will then be mixed together and ignited. This process of passing electricity
through a substance to separate molecules is called

A. electrochemistry B. electrorefining

C. electroplating D. electrolysis
13. In order to construct a working electric motor, a permanent magnet and an electromagnet must interact.
To keep the motor spinning, the current passing through the electromagnet must change directions after each
half turn. The parts inside an electric motor that allow the current to change direction are the

A. armature and brushes B. commutator and brushes

C. armature and commutator D. electromagnet and permanent magnet

14. Tracy is replacing the light bulb of a lamp in her family room. The power rating marked on the bulb is 60
W. This means that the light bulb uses

A. 60 A/s B. 60 J/s

C. 60 Ω/s D. 60 V/s

15. Hydro-electric plants, coal fired electric plants and wind generated electricity are found in Alberta. Which
of the following do all three power plants have in common?

A. turbine B. combustion chamber

C. penstock D. high-pressure steam

16. When you turn on the fluorescent light in the laundry room, you notice one of the tubes is flickering and
you decide to replace it. You look in the storage room and find a new fluorescent tube. When you
unwrap the new fluorescent tube, you notice the following information on the packaging slip:
 power consumption - 34 W
 energy input - 12.5 kJ
 energy output - 2.75 kJ
The efficiency of the fluorescent tube is

A. 0.22 % B. 22%

C. 2.2 % D. 4.5%

Numerical Response

2. Carl Linnaeus developed a naming system used in the biological study called taxonomy. Place the
corresponding number of the following classifications in order from the broadest to the narrowest

(ie. most general to most specific).

1. Kingdom 2. Family 3. Phylum 4. Class
17. DNA is comprised of these four basic chemicals

A. thymine, adenine, guanine, cytosine B. adenine, chromosome, guanine, cytosine

C. guanine, cytosine, allele, thymine D. cytosine, gene, adenine, thymine

18. Two or more elements chemically combined in definite proportions best describes

A. a solution B. an atom

C. a mechanical mixture D. a compound

19. The 'amu' is the basis of the element classification system. The symbol 'amu' stands for

A. atomic mass unit B. atomic measurement unit

C. astronomical measurement unit D. astronomical mass unit

20. This chart appeared in a chemistry textbook.

Element Symbol Atomic Number Mass Number

--- --- 5 11

The element represented is

A. sodium B. sulfur

C. carbon D. boron

21. An aqueous copper (I) sulfate solution is made by mixing copper (I) sulfate crystals with water. The
resulting solution would be represented by the formula

A. CuSO4 (l) B. Cu2SO4 (l)

C. CuSO4 (aq) D. Cu2SO4 (aq)

22. From a student's list of chemical compounds, three are correctly written and one is not.

Compound Formula

W Li2S

X AlN3

Y Ca3P2


Which compound formula is incorrectly written?

A. W B. X

C. Y D. Z

23. Amylase is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. Amylase is

A. an organ B. an enzyme

C. a toxin D. a vitamin

24. A more concentrated reactant means a faster reaction rate because the atoms are

A. moving faster B. increasing in size

C. more plentiful D. exposed to less surface area

25. Which family of elements is the most unstable and reactive?

A. 1 B. 2

C. 12 D. 18

26. The frame symbol in HHPS meaning ‘warning’ is

A. diamond B. octagon

C. triangle D. square
Numerical Response

3. A methane gas reaction can be illustrated using the chemical equation.

CH4 + 2 O2 -> 2 H2O + CO2 + heat energy

Several statements about this reaction are listed below.

1. has two reactants 5. has energy as a reactant

2. is exothermic 6. is endothermic

3. produces oxygen 7. consumes methane

4. is an example of combustion 8. Is a neutralization reaction

Pick the true statements and list them on the response sheet in ascending order (lowest to highest).

27. Certain bacteria have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2 (g)) into nitrates. The term associated
with this process is

A. refixation B. denitrification

C. nitrogen fixation D. decomposition

28. Your next-door neighbour added a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to make a healthy weed-free lawn. Which bag of
fertilizer did your neighbour use?

A. 11-55-10 B. 10-52-12

C. 34-10-10 D. 10-10-60

29. Calculate the concentration of a solution in ppm when 0.000 06 ml of solute is present in 100 ml of

A. 0.06 ppm B. 0.6 ppm

C. 6.0 ppm D. 60 ppm

30. A gas that is helpful when it is located high up in Earth's atmosphere, but acts as a harmful pollutant at
ground level is

A. CO2 B. O2

C. O3 D. H2O
31. The city of Calgary encourages planting of trees by residents with the goal of having two trees for every
person who lives in the city. What is the purpose of planting more trees in Calgary?

A. to provide more shade thus reducing the average summer temperature of the downtown core

B. to reduce the amount of moisture in the air thus reducing the number of rainy days

C. to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

D. to increase the amount of water available for residents to use on ornamental lawns

32. While fertilizing your lawn in the spring, you accidentally spill too much fertilizer in one spot. If you leave all
the fertilizer where it has spilled, the grass will die. You decide to pick up what you can, and spread it
out over the rest of the lawn. This process of scattering the fertilizer over a larger area of the lawn is
known as

A. dilution B. dispersion

C. reduction D. removal

33. Sarin, a toxic nerve gas, kills one-half of lab animals exposed to a dose of 24 mg/kg. VX gas, another
toxic nerve gas has an LD50 of 10 mg/kg. Which gas has the potential to be the most dangerous?

A. Sarin is more toxic than VX, thus is more dangerous

B. VX is more toxic than Sarin, thus is more dangerous

C. LD50 is more toxic than the VX or Sarin

D. Sarin, VX and LD50 are all equally toxic/dangerous to humans

34. A few weeks after a farmer spreads fertilizer on his fields, he notices that the algae in his pond are
growing out of control. When he talks to an agriculturist, he learns that the most likely reason for this
algal bloom is that the fertilizer he put on his fields has been dissolved by water that has passed
through the soil and drained into the pond. As a result, the algae have benefited from this fertilizer.
What is the term used for the liquid that has passed through the soil, dissolved the fertilizer, and
carried it to the pond?

A. groundwater B. leachate

C. residue D. filtrate
35. Many communities get their drinking water supplies from rivers, lakes, or artificial lakes called reservoirs.
After passing through the a water treatment plant this water would be called

A. consumable water B. blackwater

C. potable water D. grey water

36. A field is sprayed with herbicide to kill weeds. Mice living in the field eat the sprayed plants and, as a
result, have the herbicide present in their bodies as a pollutant. An owl feeds on ten of the mice living
in the field and therefore ingests the pollutants present in all ten mice resulting in an increase in the
pollutant's concentration. This is an example of

A. biomagnification B. biodestruction

C. biodegradation D. biohazard

37. The city of Lethbridge, Alberta is planning to use a chemical insecticide to control mosquitoes in the
spring. Which of the following would be an ecological argument against the use of chemical

A. Chemical insecticides are an expensive method of controlling mosquitoes.

B. Chemical insecticides can cause respiratory problems for humans.

C. Chemical insecticides are ineffective in controlling mosquitoes.

D. Chemical insecticides can also harm other helpful insects.

Numerical Response 4

Dioxins and furans are toxic substances produced by the burning of organic materials and from waste water
discharged from industrial sites. When these pollutants enter a body of water, they are deposited in
soil sediments. Listed on the answer sheet are four organisms that can absorb these pollutants
through a food chain. Assuming the food chain looks like this:

insects -> minnows -> salmon -> bears

Organize the four organisms in order from lowest concentration to highest concentration of
pollutants using the numbers 1 through 4.

Insects Minnows Salmon Bear

38. Use the following description of a chemical reaction to answer the next questions.

A solid piece of sodium metal is placed in water and it reacts explosively to form a solution of sodium
hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

a. List the reactants of this reaction.

b. Would this reaction be endothermic or exothermic? (circle one)

c. Convert the information into a word equation.

d. Convert the information into a chemical equation.

39. Which of the following astronauts was the first Canadian in space?
A. Chris Hadfield B. Marc Garneau
C. Roberta Bondar D. Robert Thirsk
40. Matter composed of only one atom is referred to as

a. A solution
b. A colloid
c. A compound
d. An element

41. Some physical properties are quantative and other are qualiataive. Which of the following
peoplerties does not fit into this grouping of quantativie properties?

a. Density
b. Ductility
c. Boiling point
d. Solubility

42. When a student mentions the “ability to be shaped” as a physical property, the student is
referring to a

a. Viscosity
b. Change in state
c. Malleability
d. Conductivity

43. All elements placed in the same family in the periodic table have

a. Similar chemical properties

b. Eight electrons in the last ring
c. Similar number of orbital rings
d. No neutrons

44. A list of compound formulas appear in a science magazine article

a. H2
b. NaCl
c. SO2
d. NaHCO3
e. LiF

The formulas representing ionic compounds are

a. A,B and C
b. B,C and E
c. B,D and E
d. A, C and E
45. In order to become a positive ion, the potassium atom must

a. gain an electron from another atom’s outer energy shell

b. gain a proton from another atom
c. lose a proton from its nucleus
d. lose an electron from its outer energy shell

46. Which of the following chemical formulas is incorrectly written?

a. NaCl
b. LiO2
c. BaCl2
d. AlN

47. The numbers 2 and 3 in the chemical formula for aluminium sulfide (Al2S3) are given a
special name. They are called

a. coefficients
b. integers
c. equations
d. subscripts

48. Photsysnethesis occurs in plants and respiration occurs in animals. The chemical equations
for the reactions are as follows.


Water + carbon dioxide + sunlight  glucose sugar + oxygen gas


Glucose sugar + oxygen gas  water + carbon dioxide + energy

Which of the following statements best describes photosynthesis and respiration?

a. photosynthesis and respiration are exothermic reactions

b. Photosynthesis is an exothermic reaction and respiration in an endothermic reaction
c. Photosynthesis and respiration are endothermic reactions
d. Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction and respiration is an exothermic reaction
49. A group of elements exhibits these characteristic properties:

 Are gases at room temperature

 Very stable and do not react with other substances

This group of elements can be found in a certain section of the periodic table


What area of the Periodic Table above would the group of elements with the above properties
most likely be found in?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

50. Water decomposes into two products. This reaction is illustrated by the following chemical

2H2O  2H2 + O2

The best evidence of a chemical change in this reaction is

a. a color change
b. the formation of a gas
c. the formation of a soild
d. the realease of heat energy

Numerical Response 5

A student made a list of substances used in a science experiment

For each of the substances below, write 1 in the space if the substance used is an elemnt and 2
if the substance is a compound

Water Cu AgNO3 Sulfur

Numerical Response 6:

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is used as an ingredient in baking. Its chemical formula is

Write the number that corresponds to the characteristic mentioned below about baking soda.

# of elements # of oxygen atoms #of sodium atoms total # of atoms

51. What two elements do all organic compound have in common?

a. Carbon and oxygen

b. Carbon and hydrogen
c. Carbon and nitrogen
d. Carbon and sulfur

52. Which of the following elements are both classified as micronutrients?

a. Calcium and selenium

b. Oxygen and iodine
c. Iodine and selenium
d. Calcium and oxygen

53. The four organic compounds are

a. carbohydrates, lipids, DNA, protein

b. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
c. nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, hydrogen bonds
d. lipids, proteins, carbon, selenium

54. Diffusion and Osmosis are example of…

a. active transport
b. passive transport
c. require oxygen
d. something only found in plants
55. Plant roots obtain phosphorous and potassium nutrients from the soil. This movement of
nutrient particles from the soil into the root is movement from a solution of

a. low concentration to one of high concentration, and requires energy

b. low concentration to one of high concentration , and releases energy
c. high concentration to one of low concentration and requires energy
d. high concentration to one of low concentration and it releases energy

56. Lemon juice has a pH of 2. Tomato juice has a pH of 4. How many times more acidic is
lemon juice than tomato juice?

a. 2
b. 10
c. 20
d. 100

57. A sample of water is tested with pH paper and shows a pH reading of 6. What happens
when the same sample is tested with red litmus paper?

a. red litmus remains red

b. red litmus turns blue
c. red litmus turns green
d. red litmus turns yellow

58. In a neutralization reaction your two reactants are an acid and a base. What are your two

a. a base and acid

b. a salt and acid
c. a salt and water
d. there is not enough information to determine what the products will be

59. A salt solution is made by adding 5 parts salt to 995 parts water. The concentration of this
solution is

a. 5 ppm
b. 50 ppm
c. 500 ppm
d. 5,000 ppm

60. Aerobic bacteria cause the decay of matter in the presence of

a. Oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Hydrogen
d. Nitrogen
61. After the Chernobyl accident sunflowers were planted. This is an example of

a. photolysis
b. hydrolysis
c. phytoremediation
d. biomagnifcation

62. To dilute a chemical that has seeped into the ground it can be mixed with large quantiites

a. water
b. air
c. salt
d. acid

63. Transpiration refers to the process by which green plants

a. manufacture food
b. lose water
c. release energy
d. move towards sunlight

Jason recorded the pH of 7 substances tested in a science experiment in the following chart

Substance tested pH reading

T 2
U 9
V 4
W 8
X 7
Y 2
Z 12

According to the data collected, Jason concluded that

a. 4 substances are acidic, 1 is neutral, and 2 are basic

b. 3 substances are acidic, 2 are neutral and 2 are basic
c. 3 substances are acidic, 1 is neutral and 3 are basic
d. 4 substances are acidic, 2 are neutral and 1 is basic

64. Salt has an LD50 of 3,000mg/kg. A sample of 442 rats were given 3000 mg/kg of salt in their
daily diet. At the end of the experiment, how many rats would be expected NOT to survive?

a. 52
b. 221
c. 346
d. 442
65. Which of the following word equations illustrates a neutralization reaction?

a. hydrogen gas + oxygen gas  water

b. Hydrochloric acid + iron  iron chloride + hydrogen gas

c. Sulfuric acid + sodium hydroxide  sodium sulfate + water
d. Calcium sulfate + barium hydroxide  barium sulfate + calcium hydroxide

66. Scientific studies have shown that the mercury content in the northern pike is extremely high
in certain Alberta Lakes. The pike is usually the last link in a ntural food chain. Based on the
information given, the scientific study most likely had to do with

a. biomagnification
b. phytoremediation
c. biodegradation
d. dispersion

Numerical Response 7:

As part of a research project, Jan had to determine if the following statements about ozones
made by Jan’s lab partner are correct

A. ozone has the chemical formula O4

B. Ground level ozone can cause respiratory problems
C. The ozone layer above Antartica has a hole in it
D. Ozone depletion is caused by an excess of CO2

Place a number 1 if the statement is correct and the number 2 if the statement is false.


67. Which of the following energy sources describes the burning of garbage?

a. Nuclear
b. Biomass
c. Solar
d. Wind

68. Which of the following factors is different when comparing coal, water and wind electricity
generating technologies?

a. method of turning the generator

b. method of producing an electrical charge
c. energy source
d. type of transmission
69. Which of the following statements about electrical charges is incorrect?

a. Positive charges attract negative charges

b. Negative charges attract neutral objects
c. Positive charges attract neutral objects
d. Negative charges attract negative charges

70. The negative metal conductor inside a cell is referred to as an

a. electron
b. cathode
c. anode
d. electrolyte

71. A battery is a device that converts

a. electrical energy to chemical energy

b. chemical energy to heat energy
c. electrical energy to heat energy
d. chemical energy to electrical energy

72. A student attempted to make a simple cell from these materials

1. Combination carbon, copper, distilled water

2. Combination zinc, copper, salt water
3. Combination zinc, zinc, salt water
4. Combination copper, plastic, distilled water

Which combination would produce a working cell with the higest voltage?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

73. The “potential drop” of a current in a circuit is measured in

a. amperes
b. volts
c. watts
d. ohms
74. How does an increase in temperature affect the amount of resistance produced? The

a. increases
b. decreases
c. increases, then decreases
d. remains unchanged

75. Consider these facts about electric motors

1. change mechanical energy into electrical energy

2. can be AC or DC
3. have a spinning armature
4. can step up or step down voltage

Which of the above facts are true?

a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4

76. What is the power wattage of an appliance that uses 10.6 A of current when plugged into a
110 V electrical outlet?

a. 10 W
b. 256 W
c. 845 W
d. 1 166 W

77. What is the efficiency of a gasoline-electric hybrid car that has an energy output of 184 kJ
and a useful energy input of 540 kJ?

a. 16%
b. 34%
c. 42%
d. 51%
78. Consider the following statements a student made about cells

1. Cells have two electrolytes and one electrode

2. Cells convert electrical energy into chemical energy
3. Cells connected together make a battery
4. Cells that cannot be recharged are primary cells

Which pair of statements above best describes cells?

a. 3 and 4
b. 2 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 1 and 2

Numerical Response 8:

Consider the following sources of energy used in the production of electricity.

1. Coal generated
2. Nuclear generatred
3. Water generated
4. Wind generated

Destroys large areas of land and alters aquatic ecosystems

Requires large tarcts of land for production

Produces wastes that can remain harmful for cnetruies

Releases harmful chemical pollutants into the atmosphere

79. Altitude is used as part of the measurement when determining the position of a distant star.
The altitude measurement, in degrees, can never be greater than

a. 45°
b. 90°
c. 180°
d. 270°

80. Which of the following terms does not describe a stage in the life cycle of a star?

a. Prostar
b. Nebula
c. Red Giant
d. Constellation
81. The asteroid belt is located between the planets

a. Venus and Earth

b. Mercury and Venus
c. Mars and Jupiter
d. Saturn and Neptune

82. The name given to a natural or artificial object that orbits another planet is

a. satellite
b. probe
c. shuttle
d. robot

83. A star is born. That same star eventually dies. Which order describes the stages of a star
from the time of its formation to the time of its disappearance?

a. nebula-prostar-neutron star- red giant

b. prostar –nebula- red giant- neutron star
c. nebula – red giant- neutron star- prostar
d. nebula- prostar- red giant- neutron star

84. Several telescopes are aligned to work together to produce a clearer image. The technique
used is called

a. spectroscopy
b. microscopy
c. interferometry
d. parallax

85.Our sun is a glowing hot ball of gas that gives off light and heat. What is the most common
element making up this ball of gas?

A. hydrogen B. oxygen

C. xenon D. nitrogen

86. One of the measurements used to locate objects in the sky is compass direction. The
compass direction measured clockwise from north is called
A. equinox B. horizon
C. azimuth D. altitude

87. A small rock that travels through space and hits our planet's surface is referred to as a
A. meteorite B. comet
C. meteoroid D. meteor
88. When an object in the sky has reached its highest point overhead, we say it has reached its
A. altitude B. pinnacle
C. maximum D. zenith

Numerical Response 9

The history of space exploration contains many instances of disasters, or near disasters. The
list below shows some examples of accidents and near accidents that have occurred in the last
four decades of space travel. Record the events in the order in which they occurred.

1. The three-member crew of Apollo 1 died during a fire on the launch pad

2. The space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after takeoff.

3. The space shuttle Columbia burns up on re-entry.

4. Laika the “space dog” perishes on a Soviet mission.


Atomic Atomic Number of Number of

Number Mass Protons Neutrons
Gold 79 197 79
Aluminum 13 27 14
Oxygen 8 16 8
Sodium 11 23 11

How many neutrons does gold have?




90. The periods of the periodic table are arranged from:

b. Left to right and are represented by columns

c. Contain all metals
d. Top to bottom and are represented by rows
e. Contain all gases


In July of each year, provincial environmentalists sample the biological indicators along
our rivers and streams to determine water quality and change over time. A number of
spots are regularly sampled so that changes can be monitored from year to year.

Number of Freshwater Invertebrates

Invertebrat A B C D E F
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
12 30 20 35 25 5 30 13 33 18 10 23
Caddis fly
18 42 35 47 38 4 43 13 48 24 2 30
102 231 162 264 184 11 201 30 237 126 15 204
54 13 36 12 19 158 15 118 16 65 196 32
Leeches 42 17 24 12 17 77 64 56 17 35 103 19

In 2001, the water contained the most oxygen at location

a. B
b. D
c. E
d. F

A hydroponics system grows plants without soil. Pots are filled with sterile growth
mediums such as vermiculite, perlite and zeolite. To provide nutrients for growth, a
water-based fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is applied through
the bottom of the pots.

This single hydroponics unit uses 3 different types of fluorescent lamps to provide the
blue, yellow, and red coloured light necessary to stimulate plant growth. Their wattage
is listed below:

Watts of energy
Lamp Colour Wattage
converted to light
Yellow 34 9
Red 40 4
Blue 40 6

During the afternoon, only the blue and red lamps are used, to simulate daytime light conditions.
If the blue and red lamps are used for 1 hour, how many joules of energy are needed?

a. 28.8 J
b. 28,800 J
c. 288,000 J
d. 2,880,000 J

93. Sulfur Dioxide emissions from industrial factories can be reduced by

a. Scrubbing exhaust gases with calcium carbonate

b. Collecting the gases in high pressure storage cannisters
c. Cooling the gas before it is released
d. Superheating the gases

A students finds the following substances stored in bottles:

o Salt
o Iron
o Water
o Baking Soda
o Silver
o Vinegar
o Oxygen
o Carbon

Which of these substances are compounds?

a. Water, vinegar and oxygen

b. Iron, silver, salt and carbon
c. Iron, silver, oxygen and carbon
d. Salt, water, baking soda and vinegar


Which of the following is not a part of the female section of a flower?

a. Style
b. Ovary
c. Stigma
d. Stamen

Briana has been experimenting with electric circuits.

She brought her circuit to school to demonstrate to her
class the different scenarios that can occur.

When Briana moves her switch from contact C to contact B

a. Bulb #1 brigthness will appear unchanged

b. Bulb #1 brightness will appear dimmer
c. Bulb #2 will appear brighter
d. Bulb #2 brigthness will appear dimmer

Refer to the information in question 95

96. When Briana closes the switch to contact A, she creates a

a.Series circuit

b. Parallel circuit

c. Short circuit

d. fuse
Use the following information to answer question 96

The scientific name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid and its chemical formula is:

97. How many molecules of water does aspirin contain?

a. Four
b. Zero
c. Nine
d. It depend on how many molecules of acetylsalicylic acid there are

98. Many cold packs used for treating sprains consist of a bag of water, inside of which is
contained a smaller bag of ammonium nitrate. When the pack is squeezed, the inner bag
breaks and the ammonium nitrate mixes with water, in the process making the mixture
colder. This is an example of what kind of reaction?
a. Combustion
b. Catalyst
c. Exothermic
d. Enodothermic

99. Steel is formed by mixing iron and carbon together. However, iron can easily combine
with oxygen in the air to form rust - this process is called "oxidation" and can be
represented by the following equation:

4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) 2Fe2O3(s)

Since steel contains iron, it is prone to oxidation as well. However, if chromium is also
added to the mixture, the resistance to corrosion is greatly increased. For it to do this, the
chromium must act as

a. An inhibitor
b. A catalyst
c. An endothermic chemical
d. An exothermic chemical

100. A baker adds 0.02 mL of food colouring into 2000 mL of flour. Approximately
how many parts per million (ppm) of food colouring is in this mixture?
a. 1 ppm
b. 10 ppm
c. 100 ppm
d. 0.1 ppm


Fe2O3 Cu2O KO BaO NiO P2O3 H2O

Which of the formulas of oxides shown above is/are not correct?

a.BaO, P2O3, Cu2O

b.Cu2O, KO
c. KO
d. Cu2O, NiO

102. The formula Cu2SO4 represents the compound:

a. Cupric sulfate
b. Copper (11) sulfate
c. Copper (1) sulfate
d. Copper (1) persulfate

103.Blue light has a higher frequency than red light. A Blue shift represents a celestial light
source that is _____ Earth.

a. Moving away from Earth

b. Moving beside
c. Rotating around
d. Moving towards

Ms. Godley was out one evening studying the stars. He made a chart and recorded the
time, altitude and azimuth for each star.

The altitude of star C is best estimated to be

a. 30°
b. 70°
c. 85°
d. 110°

105. A student dissolves an unknown substance in distilled water and finds that the resulting
solution is electrically conductive. From this observation, the student can conclude that the
unknown substance

a. Is a molecular compound
b. Is an ionic compound
c. Cannot be classified; further experiments are required
d. Is a metal

The Edmonton Waste Management Centre is a world leader in effective waste

management. The centre is especially famous for the Composting Facility, the destination
of Edmonton's residential waste and one of the largest composting facilities in the world.
A second important feature is the Materials Recovery Facility, where recyclables from the
Blue Bag and Blue Bin programs are sorted for market. Waste that cannot be recycled or
composted is directed to a sanitary landfill.

The city of Edmonton has chosen not to use incineration as a garbage disposal method, probably
for environmental reasons. What is the main reason why incineration is unfavourable to the

a. Water pollution
b. Air pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Costs more than a landfill


You used wood treated with a special chemical that prevents rotting, to build a fence
around your garden. The chemical has been known to cause cancer. You are concerned
that the vegetables grown in your garden are not safe to eat.

The process by which the chemical gets from the wood fence to the soil in the garden is known

a. Erosion
b. Corrosion
c. Osmosis
d. Leaching

108. A pH of 5 is ___ more acidic than a pH of 7.

a. 5 times
b. 10 times
c. 30 times
d. 100 times

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