Y10 May 2021 GL Prep

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This graph shows changes

in the populations of lynx

and snowshoe hares.

•Which statement best describes what

the graph shows about the populations
of lynx and snowshoe hares?
A. Both populations vary randomly
and independently of one another.
B. Both populations increase and
decrease at the same time
C. The average lynx population is
greater than the average hare
population over time
D. A change in the hare populations
happens before a similar change in
the lynx population
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A. A radioactive isotope has a stable
nucleus containing extra protons
Which statement
B. A radioactive isotope has a stable
describes how a nucleus that absorbs smaller
radioactive isotope
is different from a C. A radioactive isotope has an
unstable nucleus that emits smaller
stable isotope of particles

that element? D. A radioactive isotope has an

unstable nucleus that becomes
larger over time
Caroline conducted an investigation to test the
absorbance of water by kitchen towels. She
poured water on three different brands of kitchen
towels. She wanted to see which kitchen towel
was able to absorb the most water.

Which would be her control in the

A. the type water
B. The three towels
C. The amount of water
D. Colour of towels
Haadi wants to investigate the
absorption of heat by four
different types of material.
The set-up for the
investigation is shown below.

What would be the

independent variable in his

A. The temperature of the

B. The length of time for
which the heating resistor
was used
C. The type of heating
D. The type of material This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Haadi wants to investigate the
absorption of heat by four
different types of material.
The set-up for the
investigation is shown below.

What would be the dependent

variable in his investigation?

A. The temperature of the

B. The length of time for
which the heating resistor
was used
C. The type of heating
D. The type of material
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Haadi wants to investigate the
absorption of heat by four
different types of material.
The set-up for the
investigation is shown below.

What would be the control

variable in his investigation?

A. The temperature of the

B. The length of time for
which the heating resistor
was used
C. The type of heating
D. The type of material
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Haadi measures the temperature of
4 different beakers covered in
different materials after 60 seconds.
The materials Haadi uses are
described in the table below.

Which material will experience

the greatest temperature
A. Material 1
B. Material 2
C. Material 3
D. Material 4
Jack investigates the refraction
of light as it passes from one
substance to another. The
results are shown below.

Use the results to predict When light passes from

what will happen when light acrylic to water, the angle of
passes from acrylic to water. refraction will be
• A. 37.0ᵒ
• B. 45.0ᵒ
This is an example of a redox reaction.
Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu
In this reaction what is oxidised?




Use the information in the
table to work out the relative Element Relative atomic
molecular mass, Mr of mass
ammonium chloride, NH4Cl Hydrogen 1
Nitrogen 14
A. 29 Chlorine 35
B. 50
C. 53
D. 20
In 1909, scientists fired the nuclei of helium
atoms at a sheet of gold foil only a few atoms
thick. To their surprise, some particles bounced
back from the foil instead of passing through
Rutherford said, “most of the atom is empty
space with a small dense nucleus”.
This statement is best described as …

A. A hypothesis
B. A conclusion
C. An observation
D. A theory
Scientists identify a
new species of Which statement best describes the role of
the organism in its environment?

fungus. The A. It removes energy through oxidation

B. It replicates itself by injecting a host cell

organism is C. It breaks organic matter into its


classified as a D. It produces carbohydrates in the

presence of sunlight

Form a theory
A student has
extensive research Draw a conclusion
into his scientific
question and sets
out his hypothesis. Perform controlled experiment
What would be
the next step?
Update the hypothesis
Ali investigates the
reactivity of metals zinc, copper, magnesium, tin
by observing their
reactions with water Copper, tin, zinc, magnesium
and dilute
hydrochloric acid.
What is the order of Magnesium, tin, zinc, copper
reactivity of these
metals from the most Magnesium, zinc, tin, copper
reactive to the least?
The half-life of a radioactive
isotope is the time required for one-
half of the initial mass to decay into
a different element. The radioactive
decay of carbon is shown in the

What is the half-life of radioactive carbon?

A. 25000 years
B. 6000 years
C. 5000 years
D. 12500 years
Patel builds an animal cell by
arranging different foods in a
bowl. In this cell model, what
do the different pieces of food

A. The breakup of parts during cell division

B. Structures that perform different cell activities
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

C. Substances that the cell consumes

D. Tissues that are formed by different cells
Safwan investigates how the
temperature of a substance changes
with time. The following sentence
is taken from her write up. From
what part of the write up was this
sentence most likely taken?

“the table of results shows a positive correlation between

temperature and time”
A. Conclusion
B. Procedure
C. Analysis
D. Hypothesis
Safwan heats a beaker
of unknown substance
and measures how the
temperature changes
with time. Label the
Safwan compares
his results with his
hypothesis. Which
of these sentences
is true?
“I predict that the temperature of the substance will stay the
same when the substance is changing state.”

A. Safwan’s statement is not supported by the results

B. Safwan’s statement is supported by the results
C. Safwan’s statement is partly supported by the results
D. It is not possible to tell whether Safwan’s statement is
supported by the results
Two parent parrots
with normal wings
have offspring with
altered wing shapes.
What is the most likely
cause of this change?
A. Cell division
B. An adaptation
C. A pathogen
D. A genetic mutation
Complete the
sentence about the
image formed by
the lens in this
The image formed by the lens is
A. Upright diminished real
B. Inverted diminished real
C. Inverted magnified real
D. Inverted magnified virtual
In living things, larger
substances are made my
linking smaller substances.
Which statement correctly
describes a larger
substance made by linking
smaller substances?
A. Nucleotides are linked to make up DNA
B. Amino acids are linked to make up DNA
C. Proteins are linked to make up
D. Nucleic acids are linked to make up
Ahmed charges a Protons move from the cloth to the
plastic rod by plastic rod.
rubbing it with a
cloth. The plastic Electrons move from the cloth to
the plastic rod.
rod becomes
positively Protons move from the plastic rod
charged. How to the cloth
does the rod
become positively Electrons move from the plastic
charged? rod to the cloth.
Ahmed charges
a second plastic
Both rods lose their charge
rod, identical to
the first rod. The rods repel each other
What happens
when the The rods attract each other
charged rods are There is no force between the
brought near
each other?
Scaldweed is a parasitic plant
that grows on the branches and
trunk of trees. The Scaldweed
gets it’s nutrients directly from
the tree.

What impact is this most likely to have

on the tree?

A. The tree produces more sap.

B. The growth of the tree is reduced.
C. Chemical reactions inside the tree
speed up.
D. The roots of the trees will grow

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What is the
resultant force on 10N
the box?
A. 0N
B. 3N
D. 9N
7N 2N

The top row of the Periodic
Table has only two elements.
Which of the following
statements best explains why
this row contains fewer
elements than the other rows?

A. Only gases are on the

top row
B. The top row contains
the two lightest
C. Electrons in shells tend
to be together in pairs
D. The innermost electron
shell holds only 2
Sam measures the mass
and volume of the piece
of rock.

Mass (g) = 472.6 Volume (cm3) = 423

What is the density of the rock?
A. 1.117 g/cm3
B. 0.895 g/cm3
C. 1.999 g/cm3
D. 1.000 g/cm3
Sam wants to determine the density of
several rocks. He fills a displacement can
with water and puts a rock in the
displacement can.
Which one of these statements is true?

A. The mass of water displaced by the

rock is equal to the mass of the rock.
B. The number of particles the water
displaced by the rock is equal to the
number of particles in the rock.
C. The density of the water displaced by
the rock is equal to the density of the
D. The volume of the water displaced by
the rock is equal to the volume of the
Sara determines the density of different types of rocks. The results are shown

Water has a density of 1 g/m3.

Which rock(s) will float in
A. Soil only
B. Gravel only
C. None
D. Soil, gravel, alluvium, chalk, sand and sandstone
Which type of
Jason pulled a
muscle while lifting
energy causes the
a box. He used a pack to the produce
self-heating pack to
treat the injury. The
instructions on the • A. Chemical
box said to twist the • B. Thermal
pack until the liquids
• C. Kinetic
• D. Electrostatic
Fossils of archaeopteryx were recently
discovered. The ancient archaeopteryx has a
snout and teeth, modern chickens have large
brains and eye cavities in the skull.
The diagram shows the skull of a modern
chicken and the skull of the archaeopteryx.

Use this information to decide which

statement is most likely to be correct.
A. The two animals had different
feeding styles.
B. The two animals had adapted
to similar climates.
C. The modern chicken has better
night vision than the
D. The modern chicken has more
advanced social groups than
the archaeopteryx.
Rocks and soils were hard so
From ancient times, too must atoms be.
there are documents
indicating that scholars
knew atoms were solid
Most liquids would freeze to
and incompressible. solids so all things start off as
Which of these solid.
observations would a
scholar in ancient times
most likely have used
to support this idea? They believed all matter would
come from the same place.
Rida conducted an investigation to measure how corn
seeds are affected by temperature. Rida split 500 corn
seeds into two equal groups: group 1 and group 2. He
placed each group into a beaker containing 200 millilitres
of water. He boiled the group 1 seeds for 30 seconds. She
left the group 2 seeds at room temperature. Rida then
tested the viability of the seeds. A viable seed is healthy
viable (%)
enough to grow. His results are shown below.

Which statement about Rida’s

results is correct?
A. 86% of the seeds in group 2 Group 14
became too hot to grow. 1
B. 75% of the seeds in group 1
are healthy enough to grow.
C. If corn seeds are boiled their
viability is reduced.
Group 75
D. Corn seeds become
completely unviable if they
are boiled.
Visible corn seeds release hydrogen ions. Rida
used tetrazolium to check the viability of the corn
seeds in his investigation. Tetrazolium is a
chemical that turns red in the presence of hydrogen

What results should Rida expect when she

uses tetrazolium?

A. The viable corn seeds should turn

B. All of the corn seeds should turn red.
C. The unviable corn seeds should turn
D. None of the corn seeds should turn
Rida’s results are shown
He used 250 seeds in each
group. How many red seeds
are there in each group?
Group Percent viable
A. 50 in group 1 and 225 in
group 2
B. 35 in group 1 and 200 in
group 2
Group 1 14
C. 200 in group 1 and 35 in
group 2
D. 215 in group 1 and 50 in Group 2 75
group 2
Ayesha sets up the equipment for the
electrolysis of molten lead bromide.
Label the diagram of the equipment used.

Different hydrocarbons in petroleum
Petroleum is a have different masses.
mixture of
hydrocarbons. It is Different hydrocarbons in petroleum
separated into useful have different chemical reactions.
fractions by
fractional distillation.
Which property does Different hydrocarbons in petroleum
fractional distillation contain different elements.
rely on to separate
petroleum? Different hydrocarbons in petroleum
have different boiling points.
A electric
heater is used
to heat the air CONDUCTION AND
in a small
What types of
heat transfer
are involved?
A neutral 14
Nitrogen (N) atom
contains 7 protons
and 7 neutrons.
How many
electrons are there 9
in a Nitrogen (N)
ion (N2-)?

A student uses a table

tennis ball to model Basketball
the mass of a proton.
Using the same scale,
the student could
most accurately Sand grain
model the mass of an
electron by using a…

Glass marble
A species of cockroach shows
colour changes between
individuals. Some are light brown,
others are dark brown, and some
are shades in between. Salma
carries out an investigation with a A.
group of cockroaches. She records
the colour of each incest in the
group and finds that there is an B.
equal number of each colour.
Salma then introduces the
population to an environment with C.
light soil. After 2 years, she
records the colour of each
cockroach in the group again.
Which diagram is most likely to
show the colour variation in the
beetle group at the end of the
Salma’s investigation?
There are two identical Ball 1 will accelerate over a shorter
balls. Richard drops ball period of time than ball 2.
1 from a height of 1.5
metres. At the same The force acting on ball 2 is greater
time, Sultan drops ball 2 than the force acting on ball 1.
from 3 metres.
Sultan and Richard
hypothesise that ball 1 Ball 2 is further to the ground so the
will hit the ground with resistance to its fall will be lower.
lower speed than ball 2.
Which statement in There is no resultant force acting on
correct? ball 1.
Kassim draws a diagram to represent a
Chlorine (Cl) ion. What is the
electrical charge of this ion?

A. -2
B. -1
C. 0
D. +1
This energy pyramid models the
flow of energy between organisms
in an Antarctic ecosystem.
Which statement describes how
energy flows in the pyramid?

A. Energy is consumed only at Level 1

B. Equal amounts of energy is transferred between
C. The most energy available is at level 3
D. Energy is lost between each level
This diagram shows
some organisms in an
Antarctic food chain.
Which option best
describes the role of the
krill in this food chain?

A. Producer
B. Decomposer
C. Primary consumer
D. Secondary consumer
A fishing technology company invents a new
kind of net that significantly increases the
number of krill caught.
Based on this food chain, which is the most
likely effect this new net will have on ocean

A. An increase in the
population of krill
B. An increase in the number
of seals
C. A decrease in the
population of
D. An increase in the amount
of phytoplankton
A tyre gauge is used to
measure the pressure of the air
inside a car tyre. The pressure
is found to be high. Which
explanation is correct?

A. Few collisions are occurring

between the gas molecules and
the inner tyre surface.
B. Collisions between the gas
molecules and the inner
surface of the tyre are
C. The molecules of the gas are
moving more randomly than
when at a higher pressure.
D. The motion of the molecules is
in the process of changing and
is therefore unstable.
Two isotopes symbol
mass and
number of
of the same number of
element must
have the Chemical
same… and and
number of number of
protons protons
purification Mixture Desired Purification
technique product technique
would be best Water and sand Water
to obtain a pure Water and sodium Water
sample of the chloride

desired product Water and sodium Sodium

chloride chloride
from each of
these mixtures?
Based on this data, which
conclusion would the scientists
most likely reach through the

A. As cholesterol levels increase,

women have a greater risk of
heart disease compared to
B. Individuals with cholesterol
levels of less than 200 mg/dL
have no risk of heart disease.
C. Low cholesterol levels reduce
the risk of heart disease in
both women and men.
D. The likelihood of developing
heart disease is related to
family history.
The team’s
investigation was
A team of scientists investigating biased. What was the
heart disease want to understand the bias in the
effect of stress on heart disease in
humans. investigation?
Women of different ages were • A. The investigation only
divided into 3 groups based on lasted 6 months
whether they described their work as
not stressful, moderately stressful or • B. The age of the members
not stressful. During the 6 month was different
investigation the team monitored the • C. The investigation only
heart health of each man. tested women
• D. They only studied the heart

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