2024 LS G3 NRP Q1 Week5

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Lesson Script in English

Quarter 1 Week 5
National Reading Program
Lesson Script in English
Quarter 1: Week 5
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum
content, standards, and lesson competencies.

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Published by the Department of Education

Prepared by:

Maymark I. Jamio
Reviewed by:
Farnaida A. Kawit Agnes S. Morante Mary Ann C. Umadhay Karla Jane P. Cabiling, PhD
Internal Evaluator Internal Evaluator Internal Evaluator External Validator

Approved by:

Shienna Lyn L. Antenor, PhD John Jerson P. Constantino, MAEd Arturo D. Tingson, Jr. Luz Lalli L. Ferrer

Kathrine H. Lotilla Carlito D. Rocafort

OIC-Asst. Regional Director Regional Director

Enhancement Category
Intervention Category Consolidation Category
WEEK 1 (Grade Level Ready
(Emerging and Developing Readers) (Transitioning Readers)


The learners demonstrate expanding vocabulary and understanding of high frequency words and
A. Content content-specific vocabulary; understand and create simple and compound sentences for
Standards comprehending, analyzing, creating, and composing texts about regional themes and content-specific

B. Performa The learners use their expanding vocabulary of high-frequency and content-specific words, and simple
nce and compound sentences to comprehend, create, and compose narrative and informational texts about
Standard regional themes and content-specific topics; and read grade level texts with appropriate speed,
s accuracy, and expression.

C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson,
Objectives will be able to: will be able to: the learners will be able
Day 1 Day 1
Day 1
1. tell whether a pair of given 1. blend specific letters (L and
words rhyme; M) to form syllables and 1. read grade level
2. give the name and sound of words; sentences and
each letter (L and M); 2. orally segment a two-three passages with
3. identify the upper-and-lower syllable words into its appropriate
case of letters (L and M); and syllabic parts; and speed, accuracy,
4. match words with pictures and and expression
3. match words with pictures
objects with letters (L and M). (using the formed
and objects.
Day 2 words composed
Day 2
of target letters);
1. tell whether a pair of given and
1. blend specific letters (F
words rhyme; 2. answer
and D) to form syllables
2. give the name and sound of comprehension
each letter (F and D); and words;
2. Orally segment a two-three questions about
3. identify the upper-and-lower the given text
case of letters (F and D); and syllable words into its

4. match words with pictures and syllabic parts; and and/or passage.
objects with letters (F and D). 3. Match words with
Day 3 Day 2
pictures and object.
1. blend specific letters to form Day 3 1. read grade level
1. read sight words (Grade 1 sentences and
syllables and words (cvc
3 Dolch Sight words); passages with
appropriate speed,
2. isolate the beginning and 2. give meanings of words
ending sounds of given words accuracy, and
through, realia, picture
that start with letters (I and
expression (using
G); and clues, actions, and
3. orally segment the given words the formed words
which start with letters (I and
composed of
Day 4
1. read a large number of target letters);
Day 4 regularly spelled 2. answer
1. add or substitute individual multisyllabic words; and comprehension
2. use vocabulary (formed questions about
sounds in simple words to words) referring to self, the given text
family, friends, animals, and/or passage;
make new words (L, M, F, D, I, objects, musical and
instruments and Day 3
G, and R); and environments in phrases
and sentences. 1. note the following
2. say a new spoken word
when two or more syllables important
are put together; and
3. give meanings of words elements from the
through picture clues. given


a. Setting
b. Character
Day 4
1. note important
events from
the given
c. Events
2. Relate story
events to one’s

II. CONTENT: Letters L, M, F, D, I, G and R


A. Reference 2016 MTB-MLE K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Revised Grade 1 MTB-TG and LM, Matatag Curriculum
s (Reading and Literacy), NRP (CG), Primer -English (Draft)

B. Other Cards with pictures name that begin with letter L, M, F, D, I, G and R
Resources Letter cards (L, M, F, D, I, G and R)


Day 1: Letters L and M

Before/Pre-Lesson Proper


Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to recall the lowercase letters, its sounds and its name.
Afterwards, we will learn the uppercase of these letters. Let us read to you the sentences and you’re
Activating Prior going to identify the words that rhyme.
(Show sentence 1. ‘He bought a ball for Lavol’. Then, ask what words rhyme in the sentence? Repeat the
same for the sentence 2. ‘Dan and Meriam are friends.)
Rhyming words are words that has the same ending sound.
Lesson Today, we will learn the uppercase letter L that sounds /l/ and the uppercase letter M that sounds /m/.
Purpose/Intention Now, let’s try to read and composed words with beginning letter L and M such as Lara and May.

I have here a model of uppercase and lowercase letter Ll and Mm. Can you sound out these letters for
Learners Possible Response: /l/, /m/.

Lesson Language We will use uppercase letters like L and M for name of a particular person, place, or thing and for the first
Practice letter of the first word in a sentence. In our example, we have words that begin with uppercase, i.e., Lara
and May because the first word refers to a particular name of a female person and the second refers to a
particular month in the calendar.
(If the learner will give word/s that start with target letter, acknowledge it/them and explain why
it/they should start with lowercase and uppercase letter.)

During/Lesson Proper

Intervention Category Consolidation Category Category
(Emerging and Developing Readers) (Transitioning Readers) (Grade Level Ready

Reading the Key Today, we're going to work with the uppercase letters L and M. Let’s see how they work in words and
Idea/Stem practice using them in different ways.

Developing Let's start with the letter L. Here’s a Practice blending the syllables to Read independently a
Understanding of picture of the uppercase and form words for example: short story and look for
the Key lowercase letter Ll. Look at it closely words that start with L
Idea/Stem Li-ta. Say the word.
and touch it. Now, follow me in writing and M. Then, answer
an uppercase /l/ in the air. Now a

lowercase /l/. Very good! Learners’ Possible Response: Lita the questions below.
(Demonstrate writing in the air) Now let's try segmenting longer “Ma’am Lol”
words into syllables: Linida, Lanindo, Ma’am Lol bought a
The letter Ll produces/ l/ sounds. laptop in May. She
Mabuhay and Malaybalay.
Now, follow me. Let’s say /l/. bought it with her
Let’s read phrases using the words little sister Lolly.
Learners’ Possible Response: /l/
above. Ma’am Lol needs to
Very good! buy laptop for school.
1. for Linida and Lanindo
(Do the same process of sounding and
2. went to Barangay Mabuhay
writing uppercase letter M.)
3. away from Malaybalay
Now let's look at some given example
words. Listen carefully as I say the What words in the phrases above
words lap, Lol, ma’am and May begins with L and M. can you read it
for me?
What sound do you hear at the
beginning of the words lap and Lol? Learners’ Possible Response: Yes,
Learners’ Possible Response: /l/,
What sound do you hear at the
beginning of the words ma’am and
Learners’ Possible Response: /m/,

Deepening Can you give me words in your dialect You are going to read the sentences Tell me the three words
Understanding of that start with the letters L and M? and identify the words that start that start with L from
the Key with uppercase letter L and M and the story?
Idea/Stem Learners’ Possible Response: Lunis
sound-out the beginning letter.
(Monday) and Mla agul (July), etc. Learners’ Possible
1. Liza and Mario went to Mindanao. Response: Lol, Lolly
Here are other words that start with
and laptop.
uppercase letter L and M. Let’s 2. Minda visited Leyte on May.
practice reading it orally: Lito, Marcos, Very good! How about a

etc. 3. He went to Laguna with Luz. word that starts with M?

(To deepen understanding, repeat Learners’ Possible
the learning process above. The Response: May and
teacher may provide another words Ma’am.
or worksheets on segmenting words
Very good! What did
that starts with letters L and M used
ma’am Lol and Lolly
in sentences.)
Learners’ Possible
Response: They bought
Very good!
(Do the same process in
asking questions and
receiving answers to the

After/Post-Lesson Proper

(Ask the learners to give the sound of We've worked on blending letters like (Ask them to read the
the target letters, identify what letter L and M to form syllables and words. text independently.
the sound represents, or recognize the What happens when we blend 'L' Provide and identify
Making lowercase or uppercase letters.) and 'A'? Yes, we get the syllable 'la.' words that start with
Generalizations How about 'M' and 'E'? That's right, the letters L and M.
and Abstractions 'me'. Then, write down these
words and share them
(Ask the learners to read, segment
with their group or
words into syllables, or blend
sounds or syllables to form words.)
Evaluating Match the words that begins with Can you break down the word Answer the question
Learning uppercase letters L and M in column A ‘laptop’ into syllables? below:
with the pictures in column B. Read What patterns did you
Learners’ Possible Response: Yes, notice in the words that
the words aloud. Use the words Linda,
teacher. 'lap-top.' start with L and M?
Lol, May, and their pictures.

Now, let's try the word 'maybe’. How did identifying

these words help you
Learners’ Possible Response:
understand the text
(The teacher may introduce other
words for segmentation. Ask
learners to name the pictures of
Laptop, Lolly and Ma’am Lol.)

The learners to write these letters on (Ask learners to try writing down (Ask learners to create
the board and labeling objects around different words with letter L and M their own short story
the room that start with these sounds and see if they can blend and using as many words as
Activities for
in English and in their dialect. For segment them. The teacher can also they can that start with
Application or
example, for words that begin with use flashcards with pictures and L and M. They have to
Remediation (if
letter L in English: lap and letters and words to practice blending and share their stories with
in Blaan dialect: lapis (pencil), liblu segmenting.) a partner or with the
(book). class.)



Day 2: Letters F and D

Before/Pre-Lesson Proper

Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to recall the lowercase letters, its sounds and its name.
Afterwards, we will learn the uppercase of these letters. Let us read the sentences and you’re going to
Activating Prior identify the words that rhyme. Please listen carefully.
(Show sentence 1. ‘A giant fuffy leaf falls on the roof of Tif bakeshop.’ Then, ask what words rhyme in
the sentence? Repeat the same for the sentence 2. ‘Mr. Dinand is a mad and sad dad.)
Rhyming words are words that has the same ending sound.
Lesson Today, we will learn the uppercase letter F that sounds /f/ and the uppercase letter D that sounds /d/.
Purpose/Intention Now, let’s try to read words that begin with letter F and D such as Felipe and Dina.

Lesson Language I have here a model of uppercase and lowercase letter Ff and Dd. Can you sound out these letters for me?

Learners’ Possible Response: /f/, /d/.

We will use uppercase letters like F and D for a name of a particular person, place, or thing and for the
first letter of words used as the first word in a sentence. In our example, we have words that begin with
uppercase (Felipe and Dina). The word Felipe start with uppercase letter because it refers to a particular
name of a male person and the word Dina starts with an uppercase letter because they refer to a
particular names of a male and a female person, respectively.

During/Lesson Proper

Reading the Key We're going to work with uppercase letters F and D. We're going to see how they work in words and
Idea/Stem practice using them in different ways.

Developing Let's start with the letter F. Here’s a Let's practice blending the syllables Read the passage
Understanding of picture of the uppercase and lowercase to form words for example: independently and with
the Key letter Ff. Look at it closely and touch it. appropriate speed,
Idea/Stem Now, follow me in writing an uppercase Fer-ry. Say the word.
accuracy and expression.
/f/ in the air. Then, answer the
Now let's try segmenting longer
(Demonstrate writing in the air) questions below.
words into syllables: Fatima,
The letter Ff produces/f/ sounds. Now, Filipino, Dayana and Davawenya.
“Mr. Dinand”
follow me. Let’s say /f/. Mr. Dinand is a
This time, let’s read phrases using
Learners’ Possible Response: /f/ the words above. sad and mad farmer.
The day he started
Very good! beside Fatima demonstrating sadness
and madness was after
(Do the same process of sounding and for Filipino citizens the disaster destroyed
writing uppercase letter D.) his plants. But his
rich Dayana
loving family loves him
Listen carefully as I say the words fan,
a beautiful Davawenya very much, and they
Filipino, den and Dennis. want Mr. Dinand to
What words in the phrases above recover and still have a
What sound do you hear in the
begin with F and D. Can you read grateful attitude.
beginning of the word fan and Filipino?
it for me? Indeed, the love of his
Learners’ Possible Response: /f/, family will help him
fight, move on, and

teacher. accept what happened.

What words did you find
What sound do you hear in the
that start with letters ‘f’
beginning of the word den and Dennis?
and ‘d’? Who is the
Learners’ Possible Response: /d/, farmer in the story? Why
teacher. did Mr. Dinand become
sad and mad? What
happened to Mr.
Dinand’s plants? Who
loves Mr. Dinand?

Can you give me other words in your Read the sentences and identify Let’s answer the
dialect that start with letters F and D? the words that start with questions given. What is
uppercase letter F and D and the tittle of the story?
Here are other words that start with
sound-out the beginning letter.
uppercase letters F and D. Let’s Learners’ Possible
practice reading them orally: Fe, Febie, 1. Fib and Dib sit on the seat. Response: Mr. Dinand
Deepening Ferry, Danlag, Dumaguete and Dolores. and His Family.
2. Felly played with Dennis.
Understanding of
(The teacher will follow
the Key 3. Famy and Dante are friends.
the same process of
(To deepen understanding, repeat asking questions and
the learning process above. The receiving learners’
teacher may provide other words response.)
or worksheets on segmenting
words that start with letters L and
M used in sentences.)

(Ask the learners to give the sound of We've worked on blending letters F (The teacher will give a
the target letters, provide the and D to form syllables and words. task for learners to work
corresponding letter for the sound, or What happens when we blend 'F' independently on a
identify lowercase or uppercase and 'A'? Yes, we get the syllable reading comprehension
and Abstractions
letters.) 'la.' How about 'D' and 'E'? That's activity. Ask them to
right, 'de.' read the text provided.)


(Ask the learners to match the words (Ask the learners to syllabicate the (The teacher will provide
‘fan’, ‘dam’ and ‘Dinand’ to their words family, direction and comprehension
Evaluating pictures.) deliver.) questions from the text
Learning for them to answer

The learners will write the target letters Ask learners to try writing down Ask learners to create
on the board and label objects whose different words and see if they can their own short story
Additional names in English or in the learners’ blend and segment them. The using as many words as
Activities for dialect start with the target letter teacher can also use flashcards you can that start, ends
Application or sound. For example, fan for a word with pictures and words to and contain letters I, G
Remediation (if that begins with letter f in English and practice blending and segmenting.) and R. They have to
fligo (plate) for a word that begins with
applicable) share their stories with a
the same letter in Blaan.
partner or with the



Day 3:
Letters I, G
and R
Lesson Proper

Activating Prior Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to recall the lowercase letters, its sounds and its name.
Knowledge Afterwards, we will learn the uppercase of these letters. Then, Let’s read the sentences and rhyming
words. (Show sentence number 1 ‘Mrs. Immi begs to Jeg to dig. Then, ask what words rhyme in the
sentence. Repeat the same for the next sentence ‘Gamir and Ramir love to play ball.’
Learners’ Possible Response: Yes, teacher.
Very good! In the words ‘Immi, Gamir and Ramir what did you observe in the beginning of the word? Is
the beginning letter starts with a lowercase or an uppercase?

Learners’ Possible Response: Yes, teacher.

Very good! What did you observe at the beginning of the words Immi, Gamir and Ramir? Do their
beginning letters start with a lowercase or an uppercase?
Learners’ Possible Response: Uppercase, teacher.

We will learn the uppercase letter I that sounds /i/, uppercase letter G that sounds /g/ and upper case R
that sounds /r/. Now, let’s try to read words composed with beginning letter I, G and R: Ilo-Ilo, Gensan
and Romblon.

I have here a model of uppercase and lowercase letters Ii, Gg and Rr. (Ask the learners to give the
sound.) We will use uppercase letters like Ii, Gg and Rr for a name of a particular person, place, or thing
Lesson Language
and for the beginning letters of words being used as first words in sentences. In our example, we have
words that begin with uppercase (Iloilo, Gensan and Romblon). The words Iloilo, Gensan and Romblon
refer to the places in the Philippines.

During/Lesson Proper

Reading the Key We're going to work with the uppercase letters I, G and R. Let’s see how they work in words and practice
Idea/Stem using them in different ways.

Developing Let's start with blending letters Practice reading sight words with Read passage
Understanding of using letter I, G, R and some letters letter and letter sounds I, G and R. independently. Identify the
the Key we learned from our previous cause and effect of events to
Idea/Stem lesson. Example words in cvc the passage.
pattern: ‘rib, rid and big. I read We read You read
grit grit grit
Now, let’s try to blend the sound
grill grill grill
from the word ‘rib’. /r/, /i/ and
grower grower grower
/b/. What word is formed?
bigger bigger bigger Tokay Mal Elementary
Learners Response: rib, teacher. Rubi Rubi Rubi School is considered as a
(The teacher will explain the green public school of
(The teacher will do the same meaning of the word through Tampakan. It received the
process with the words ‘rid’ and pictures or by using it in the award as the cleanest and
‘big’.) sentence.) greenest school in the
previous years. School


heads, teachers, and

stakeholders are united to
help maintain the school’s
clean and green programs.
Programs like proper
waste segregations and
tree planting activities are
appreciated by the visitors
and evaluators. Teacher
Rubi who passionately led
some of these programs
was awarded as the Best
ESWM Teacher
Here are the questions: Why
is Tokay Mal Elementary
School considered as a green
school? What happens when
all are united? How did
teacher Rubi become a
recipient of the Best ESWM
Implementer award?
(Let learners work
independently on reading
and comprehension activity.)
Now let’s answer a cause
and effect question about the
passage we have read: Why
was Tokal Mal Elementary
School considered a green
school? Before we can
answer this we have to
understand what Cause
and Effect mean.


Cause refers to the reason

for the action and explains
why a particular situation
happened. Meanwhile, the
effect is the result. To easily
identify the cause and the
effect, it is wise to use a
graphic organizer. The
graphic organizer will help
you organize your ideas
about the reasons for the
action. Let’s study the
graphic organizer below.

Let's see what you have learned in (The teacher may deepen learners’ Fill-in the empty graphic
our lesson by an activity. You’re understanding by repeating the graphic organizer of the
going to provide the missing letter of learning process above. The needed details in the story.
the word using letter i. After filling, teacher may provide other words or
read the formed word aloud. worksheets on reading sight words
using realia, picture clues, actions, Tokay Mal Elementary
r __ b
and gestures that starts with School in Tampakan
Deepening (The teacher will do the same letters I, G, and R.) receives an award as the
Understanding of process with the words ‘rid’ and cleanest and greenest
the Key ‘big’.) school in the previous
Idea/Stem years




Programs like proper

waste segregation, tree
planting activities and the
like were appreciated by

Teachers like teacher Rubi

passionately lead some of
these programs.

After/Post-Lesson Proper

(Show the Letter Card and do the Tell me which of these pictures (The teacher will give a task
same process for letter G and R.) refers to the words posted on the on reading comprehension
Making board. to learners. After reading,
Generalizations the learners will identify and
(The teacher will do the same
and Abstractions write with their group or
process for the words grill, grower,
partner the events related to
bigger and Rubi.)
cause and effect.)

(Supply the missing letter of the Read the following words aloud. (Ask the learners to create a
words with I, G and R. Read it simple short story and
Evaluating aloud.) f__n, __ap, ru__. identify the cause and
Learning effect.)
(The teacher will assist the learners rider runner greener
in blending and reading the word.)

Additional (The teacher will ask learners to (The teacher will ask learners to try (Ask learners to create their
Activities for write the target letters on the board writing down different words that own short story using as
Application or and label objects whose names in contains letter I, G, R and see if many words as you can that
Remediation (if English or in the learners’ dialect they can read them. The teacher start, ends and contain
applicable) start with the target letter sound.) can also use flashcards with letters I, G and R. Let them
pictures and words to practice identify the cause and effect
reading sight words.) of events in the story. They


have to share their stories

with a partner.)



Day 4 Letters L, M, F, D, I,G and R

Before/Pre-Lesson Proper

Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to recall the lowercase letters, its sounds and its name.
Afterwards, we will learn the uppercase of these letters. Let’s read the sentences and tell me the words
that begin with lower and uppercase letters. Please listen carefully.
1. Lito and Marimar found and rescued a cute little dog in the box at the ground.
2. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao are far from the rest of other countries in Asia yet it is an amazing and
Activating Prior group of island destination in the Philippines.
In sentence number 1 and 2, what are the words that begins with letters L, M, F, D, I, G and R?
Learners’ Possible Response: L (Lito and Luzon), M (Marimar and Mindanao), F (found, far, from), D
(dog and destination), I (in, it, is and island), G (ground and group) and R (rescue and rest).
Very good! You got all the words in the sentences that contain a beginning lowercase and uppercase

We will review the lowercase letters, its uppercase and their sound.
Lesson Ll /l/ Mm /m/ Ff /f/ Dd /d/ Ii /i/ Gg /g/ Rr /r/
Purpose/Intention Let’s try to read words composed with beginning letter L, M, F, D, I, G and R. Lipa, Marawi, Feliza,
Diosdado, Iza, Gilbert and Rico.

Lesson Language I have here a model of uppercase and lowercase letter L, M, F, D, I, G and R. Can you sound out these
Practice letters for me?
Learners’ Possible Response: /l/, /m/, /f/, /d/, /i/, /g/ and /r/
We will use uppercase letters like L, M, F, D, I, G and R in referring to a name of a particular person,


place, or thing and if the word is being used as the first word in a sentence. In our example, all words
begin with uppercase because those are proper nouns. Proper noun refers to the particular name of a
person, place or thing.

During/Lesson Proper

Reading the Key We're going to work with the uppercase letters L, M, F, D, I, G and R. Let’s see how they work in words
Idea/Stem and practice using them in different ways.

Developing Let's start with the letter L, M, F. Let's practice blending the Read a short story and relate
Understanding of I’ll put on your table the model of syllables to form words for the events to one’s experience
the Key the uppercase and lowercase example: by sharing to the class your
Idea/Stem letter Ll, Mm and Ff. Look at it dream and what you would do
Literally. Say the word.
closely and touch it. Follow me in to achieved it.
writing an uppercase /l/, /m/ (Repeat the process with the
and /f/ in the air. Now a “Depends on You”
words liberated, generally and Our future success
lowercase /l/, /m/ and /f/. Very fantastically. solely depends on the way
This time, let’s read the phrases we think and the
(Demonstrate writing in the air) dedication we have’.
There is a young man
The letter Ll produces/ l/ sounds, liberally motivated family from a meager family
Mm /m/ and Ff /f/. Now, follow whose dream is to become
me. Let’s say /l/, /m/ and /f/.) generally loved by parents a teacher. When he was in
elementary, he studied
Learners’ Possible Response: sang fantastically
very hard. He walks miles
/l/, teacher. Read the sentences below: to reach his school and
attended classes
(Do the same process of sounding 1. I live in a liberally motivated fantastically without
and writing uppercase letter D, I, family. absence. Though, he
G and R.) received no honor, but he
2. We are generally loved by our pursued his studies. Now,
Let’s read it together. parents. his dream came true.
give -r giver (Ask learners to work
3. The musician fantastically
man -ner manner independently on reading and
played the flute dedicated to
fad -e fade comprehension activity.)
people, culture and environment.
What did you observed when the


word ‘give’ added a suffix ‘-r’? What did you observed when the
word ‘liberal’ added a suffix ‘-ly?
Learners’ Possible Response: It
has multiple letter sounds as it Learners’ Possible Response: It
becomes longer and the meaning has multiple letter sounds as it
of the word changes. becomes longer and the meaning
of the word changes.
Very good.
Very good.
(Do the same process in
introducing new words using (Do the same process in words
letter M, F, D, I, G and R.) used in the sentences above.)
Suffix is a letter or a word added Suffix is a letter or a word added
to the main word to form another to the main word to form another
word. Example: -s in leads word. Example: -ly in the word

Deepening Can someone give me other word Read sentences composed of Read the multisyllabic words
Understanding of that starts with letter L, M, F, D, I, multisyllabic words with letters L, found in the passages. Then,
the Key G and R aside from the example M, F, D, I, G and R. Let’s read it syllabicate.
Idea/Stem words given above that when aloud.
added new individual sounds 1. A good leader is a good
makes new words. follower.

Learners’ Possible Response: 2. She is gorgeous and has a good

lip -s lips
mat -ter matter 3. Flute is his favorite musical
full -er fuller instrument.
do -ne done (To deepen understanding, repeat
it -s its the learning process above. The
go -es goes
teacher may provide another
reap -s reaps
words or worksheets on
segmenting words in sentences
that starts with letters L, M, F, D,

I, G and R.)

After/Post-Lesson Proper

Tell me which of these letters What happens when we (The teacher will give a task for
makes the '/l/' sound? (show the syllabicate the words formerly. learners to work independently
Letter Card) That's right, it's letter on a reading comprehension
Making Learners’ Possible Response:
'L.' How about the '/m/' sound? activity. Ask them to read the
Generalizations for-mer-ly
Yes, that's letter 'M.' and so on. text provided.)
and Abstractions (Do the same process of giving
example words that begins
with letters L, M, F, D, I, G and R)

Choose from the suffixes (-s and - Choose from the suffixes -s and ly (Discuss the questions to the
ed that fits with the main words that fits with the main words learners.)
‘read’, ‘get’ and ‘lip’. ‘industrious, deliver and
Did you read relate the story
Evaluating events to your own experience?
Learning How did these help you
understand the text better?
(The teacher will provide
comprehension questions from
the text for them to answer

Let’s identify the root word and Read the following multisyllabic (For an extra challenge, ask
the suffixes added in the following words and read it aloud. learners to create their own
words. short story using as many
Activities for marvelous
words as you can that start,
Application or marks
disasters ends and contain letters L, M,
Remediation (if
landed F, D, I, G and R. They have to
applicable) internally share their stories with a
falls partner or with the class.)





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