Action Words: Lesson

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Grade Level GRADE TWO Quarter/ 2ND Quarter/Week 7


Learning Area ENGLISH 2 Division SOUTH COTABATO

November 17, 2021


Action Words

A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to one-two paragraphs; use
appropriate expressions in varied situations; reads texts for
pleasure and information critically in meaningful thought units;
responds properly to environmental prints like signs, posters,
commands and requests; and writes legibly simple sentences and
messages in cursive form.
B. Performance Standards 1. Identify action words in sentences.
2. Use the correct verbs in sentences.
3. Use the verbs to show present action.
4. Follow simple subject-verb agreement.

C. Most Essential Learning Use common action words in retelling, conversations, etc.
Write the LC code for EN1G-IIa-e3.4
II. CONTENT Action Words
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 1-11
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, video clips, activity sheets
C. Process Skills Identifying, Communicating
D. Values Integration Cleanliness
ACTIIVITIES Tell the name of the picture in each number.

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson Underline the correct action word for each sentence.
1. The farmers (plant, planting, plants) vegetables.
2. My sister (watered, waters, watering) the plants.
3. Nena (wash, washes, washed) her dress.
4. The boys (play, plays, playing) their kites in the park.
5. Ramon (scrubs, scrub, scrubbed) the floor every afternoon.

C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson Read the dialogue. A group of children talk about their favorite
person in their family and what they do on weekends.

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 1 Discussion:

What are the underlined words? What do you call them? They
are called action words or verbs. A verb is a word that tells an
action. It tells what someone or something does.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 2 How many persons are doing the action in each sentence? What
letter do we add to the word prepare, wash, bring? We add the
letter –s or –es to the verb when there is only one person do the

Example: bakes, waters, writes, watches, brushes, fixes, goes

How many persons are doing the action? We do not add –s or –

es to the action word if there are two or more person do the
action. The verb or action word in a sentence should always
agree with the subject.

F. Developing mastery (leads to

Formative Assessment Complete each sentence by adding the correct form of the verb in
(dance) 1. Sarah gracefully.
(write) 2. Bob and Lea a letter.
(teach) 3.The teacher the pupils.
(read) 4. Daniel the book.
(play) 5. Roy and Ramon ball.

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living. What are the activities of your family during weekends? Using a
verb write a sentence.

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson A verb is a word that tells an action. It tells what someone or
something does. Verbs with –s and –es are used for one person,
animal or thing. Verbs without –s are used for more than one
person, animal or thing.

I. Evaluating learning
Encircle the correct verb that will make the sentence correct.
1. The nurse (take, takes) care of the patient.
2. Vic and Nita (go, goes) to school early.
3. Malou and Dan (wash, washes) their hands before eating.
4. The baker (bake, bakes) bread every day.
5. My father (work, works) in the office.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation Underline the correct action word.
1. Sally (drinks, eats) milk every morning.
2. Plants (need, grow) water and sunshine.
3. Mrs. Tan (goes, went) to the market every day.
4. The children (play, read) in the park.
5. Grandfather (watches, hears) television every evening.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Process Observer:


Master Teacher I Assistant School Principal

SABINA Q. TERENCIO ______________________

School Principal II Observer

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