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1 abandon to give up, discontinue, or desert

2 access the ability to enter, use, or retrieve information

3 accumulate to gather or collect over time
4 acknowledge to recognize or admit the existence or truth of
5 adequate sufficient, satisfactory, or suitable
6 administrate to manage or oversee
7 affect to influence or have an impact on
8 albeit although, even though
9 alternative an option or choice other than the usual one
10 analogy a comparison between two things for clarification
11 anticipate to expect or foresee
12 appreciate to value or recognize the worth of something
13 approximate roughly estimate or be close in value or character
14 abstract not concrete or specific; theoretical or conceptual
15 e to provide space or lodging for
16 accurate precise, correct, or exact
17 acquire to gain or obtain
18 adjacent neighbouring or next to
19 adult a person who is fully grown or mature
20 aggregate to gather or collect into a whole
21 allocate to distribute or assign
22 ambiguous having multiple possible meanings or interpretations
23 analyse to examine or study in detail
24 apparent clearly visible or obvious
25 approach a method or way of doing something
26 arbitrary based on random choice or personal whim
27 academy an educational institution or learned society
28 accompany to go along with or be associated with
29 achieve to successfully accomplish or reach a goal
30 adapt to adjust or modify for a different purpose or use
31 adjust to alter or change for better fit or function
32 advocate to support or argue for
33 aid assistance or help provided
34 alter to change or modify
35 amend to make revisions or corrections
36 annual happening once a year
37 append to add or attach
38 appropriate suitable or fitting
39 area a particular region or space
41 inspect to look or observe

42 assign to allocate or designate

43 assure to guarantee or provide confidence

44 attitude a person’s outlook or perspective

45 authority power or control over others

46 aware conscious or cognizant of something

47 bias a tendency or inclination towards a particular viewpoint

48 bulk the majority or main portion

49 category a classification or grouping

50 channel a medium or pathway for communication or distribution

51 chemical relating to substances and their properties

52 civil related to citizens or civil matters

53 clause a distinct provision or section in a legal document

54 coincide to happen at the same time or occupy the same position

55 commence to begin or start

56 commit to pledge or dedicate oneself to something

57 community a group of people with common interests or characteristics

58 compile to gather or collect information or data

59 component a part or element that makes up a whole

60 comprise to consist of or include

61 concentrate to focus or direct one’s attention

62 concurrent happening or existing at the same time

63 confine to limit or restrict within boundaries

64 conform to comply with or adhere to

65 considerable significant or noteworthy

66 constitute to form or make up

67 consult to seek advice or guidance

68 contemporary modern or current

70 contradict to express the opposite or deny the truth of

71 contribute to give or provide something as a part of a whole

72 assemble to gather or fit together

73 assist to help or support

74 attach to connect or fasten

75 attribute to ascribe or assign a characteristic or quality to

76 automate to make a process or task automatic

77 behalf representing or acting in the interest of

78 bond a connection or link

79 capable having the ability or skill to do something

80 cease to stop or come to an end

81 chapter a section or division of a larger work

82 circumstance a condition or fact that affects a situation

83 clarify to make clear or understandable

84 code a system of rules or principles

85 collapse to fall down or fail

86 comment an expression of opinion or remark

87 commodity a product or item that is bought or sold

88 compatible able to exist or work together harmoniously

89 complement something that completes or enhances

90 compound a mixture or combination of elements

91 compute to calculate or determine

92 concept an abstract idea or general notion

93 conduct to carry out or perform

94 confirm to verify or establish the truth of

95 consent permission or agreement

96 consist to be composed or made up of

97 constrain to restrict or limit

98 consume to use up or devour

99 context the circumstances or setting surrounding something

100 constrain to limit or restrict

101 consume to use up or devour

102 context the circumstances or setting in which something exists or occurs

103 contrary opposite or contradictory

104 controversy a heated argument or disagreement

105 assess to evaluate or examine

106 assume to suppose or take on

107 attain to achieve or reach

108 author a writer or creator of a work

109 available accessible or obtainable

110 benefit an advantage or positive outcome

111 brief concise or short in duration

112 capacity the ability to hold or contain

113 challenge a difficult task or problem

114 chart a visual representation of data or information

115 cite to quote or reference

116 classic traditional or exemplary

117 coherent logically connected or consistent

118 colleague a coworker or associate

119 commission a formal request or assignment

120 communicate to convey or exchange information

121 compensate to make up for or offset

122 complex intricate or complicated

123 complete or inclusive

124 conceive to imagine or form a concept

125 conclude to reach a decision or inference

126 confer to consult or discuss

127 conflict a disagreement or clash

128 consequent resulting or following as a consequence

129 constant unchanging or consistent

130 construct to build or create

131 contact to get in touch with or communicate with

132 contract a formal agreement or legal document

133 contrast a difference or distinction

134 convene to assemble or gather

135 assess Evaluate or appraise something systematically

136 assume Take on a belief or supposition without evidence

137 attain Achieve or reach a goal or objective

138 author The writer or creator of a literary work or document

139 available Accessible or obtainable; able to be used or obtained

140 benefit An advantage or positive outcome

141 brief Concise or short in duration; give instructions or information

142 capacity The maximum amount that something can hold or produce

143 challenge A difficult task or problem that requires effort to overcome

144 chart A visual representation of data or information

145 cite Quote or refer to a source of information or evidence

146 classic Something that is considered of enduring significance

147 coherent Clear and logical in expression or organization

148 colleague A person with whom one works, typically in a professional setting

149 commission A group of people appointed to perform a specific task

150 communicate Share or exchange information or ideas

151 compensate Make up for a loss or offset a disadvantage

152 complex Consisting of many interconnected parts; intricate

153 Thorough and complete; covering all aspects

154 conceive Formulate or develop an idea or concept

155 conclude Arrive at a judgement or decision based on evidence or reasoning

156 confer Grant or bestow something, often as an honor or privilege

157 conflict A disagreement or clash between opposing forces or ideas

158 consequent Following as a result or outcome of something

159 constant Unchanging or remaining the same over time

160 construct Build or create something systematically or with care

161 contact Get in touch or communicate with someone

162 contract A legally binding agreement between parties

163 contrast Highlight the differences between two or more things

Bring people or things together for a meeting or assembly

164 convene

165 converse To engage in conversation or discussion

166 cooperate To work together or collaborate

167 corporate Relating to a corporation or business entity

168 create To bring into existence or make

169 crucial Extremely important or essential

170 cycle A series of events or actions that repeat

171 decade A period of ten years

172 define To explain the meaning of something

173 denote To indicate or be a sign of

174 derive To obtain or receive from a source

175 detect To discover or identify

176 devote To dedicate or commit to a purpose

177 diminish To decrease or make smaller

178 displace To take the place of or replace

179 distinct Clearly different or separate

180 diverse Varied or showing a range of differences

181 domestic Relating to the home or one’s own country

182 drama A genre of literature or performance

183 economy The system or management of resources

184 eliminate To remove or get rid of

185 empirical Based on observation or experience

186 energy The capacity for doing work or producing heat

187 enormous Very large or huge

188 environment The surroundings or conditions

189 equivalent Equal or having the same value

190 establish To set up or create

191 ethic Moral principles or values

192 eventual Ultimately or happening at a later time

193 exceed To go beyond or surpass

194 expand To increase in size or scope

195 coordinate to organise or arrange in a harmonious way

196 correspond to be in agreement or match

197 credit recognition or acknowledgement of something

198 culture the customs, beliefs, and practices of a group or society

199 data facts, statistics, or information

200 decline to decrease or diminish in quantity or quality

201 definite clear, certain, or unambiguous

202 deny to declare something to be untrue or false

203 design to plan or create with a specific purpose

204 deviate to depart from a set course or standard

205 differentiate to distinguish or recognize differences

206 discrete individually separate or distinct

207 display to show or exhibit

208 distort to alter or misrepresent

209 document to record or provide written evidence

210 dominate to have control or influence over

211 duration the length or period of time something lasts

212 edit to make changes or corrections to

213 emerge to come forth or become visible

214 enable to make possible or facilitate

215 enforce to compel or ensure compliance

216 ensure to make certain or guarantee

217 equate to consider as equal or equivalent

218 erode to gradually wear away or deteriorate

219 estate a large area of land or property

220 ethnic relating to a particular cultural group or nationality

221 evident clear or obvious

222 exclude to keep out or not include

223 expert a person with extensive knowledge or skill

224 couple a pair or two items that are similar or related

225 criteria standards or principles used to evaluate or make judgments

226 currency the money used in a particular country or region

227 debate a discussion or argument on a particular topic

228 deduce to reach a conclusion through logical reasoning

229 demonstrate to show or prove something with evidence or examples

230 depress to make someone feel sad or down

231 despite in spite of; without being affected by

232 device a tool or instrument used for a specific purpose

233 dimension a particular aspect or element of something

234 discriminate to make distinctions or treat people unfairly based on biases

235 dispose to get rid of or throw away something

236 distribute to give out or spread something among different people or places

237 domain an area of knowledge, activity, or control

238 draft a preliminary version or plan of something

239 dynamic characterised by constant change, activity, or progress

240 element a component or part of a larger whole

241 emphasis special importance or significance placed on something

242 encounter to come across or experience something unexpectedly

243 enhance to improve or increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of something

244 entity a distinct or independent being, organisation, or concept

245 equip to provide with necessary resources or skills

246 error a mistake or incorrectness

247 estimate an approximate calculation or judgment

248 evaluate to assess or judge the value, quality, or significance of something

249 evolve to develop or change gradually over time

250 exhibit to display or show something publicly

251 explicit clear, specific, and leaving no room for doubt or confusion

252 External Relating to or coming from outside

253 Factor A contributing element or cause


254 Fee A payment for services or membership

255 Finance The management of money and investments

256 Fluctuate To change or vary irregularly

257 Formula A set of mathematical or scientific rules

258 Found To establish or create

259 Fund Money set aside for a specific purpose

260 Gender The classification of being male or female

261 Globe The Earth or a spherical object

262 Grant A sum of money given for a specific purpose

263 Hence Therefore or as a result

264 Hypothesis An assumption or theory to be tested

265 Ideology A system of beliefs or ideas

266 Image A visual representation or perception

267 Implement To put into effect or action

268 Imply To suggest or indicate indirectly

269 Incidence The frequency or occurrence of something

270 Incorporate To include or combine as part of a whole

271 Individual Relating to a single person or thing

272 Infer To deduce or conclude from evidence

273 Inhibit To hinder or restrain

274 Injure To cause harm or injury

275 Insert To put or place something inside

276 Instance An occurrence or example

277 Integral Essential or necessary for completeness

278 Intelligence The ability to learn and understand

279 Intermediate In between or in the middle

280 Interval A period of time or space between events

281 export To send goods or services to another country

282 extract To remove or obtain from a source

283 feature A characteristic or prominent aspect

284 file A collection of documents or data

285 finite Having limits or bounds

286 focus To concentrate or direct attention

287 forthcoming Upcoming or about to happen

288 framework A structure or basic concept

289 fundamental Essential or central

290 generate To produce or create

291 goal An aim or objective

292 guarantee To assure or promise

293 hierarchy A system of ranking or organising

294 identical Exactly the same or indistinguishable

295 ignorance Lack of knowledge or awareness

296 immigrate To move to a new country for residence

297 implicate To show involvement or connection

298 impose To establish or enforce

299 incline To have a tendency or preference

300 index A list or guide for reference

301 induce To bring about or cause

302 infrastructure Basic physical or organizational structures

303 initial First or beginning

304 innovate To introduce new ideas or methods

305 insight A deep understanding or realization

306 institute An organisation or establishment

307 integrate To combine or merge

308 intense Extremely strong or focused

309 internal Located within or relating to the inside

310 intervene To come between or interfere

311 expose To make something visible or known

312 facilitate To make an action or process easier or smoother

313 federal Relating to a central government or national authority

314 final Last or ultimate

315 flexible Able to change or adapt easily

316 format The arrangement or structure of something

317 foundation The basis or underlying principle

318 function Purpose or role

319 furthermore In addition; moreover

320 generation A group of individuals born and living around the same time

321 grade A level of quality or proficiency

322 guideline An instruction or principle that serves as a recommendation

323 highlight To emphasise or draw attention to

324 identify To recognize or establish the identity of something

325 illustrate To clarify or exemplify with examples

326 impact Influence or effect

327 implicit Implied or understood without being directly stated

328 incentive A motivating factor or reward

329 income Money earned or received from various sources

330 indicate To point out or suggest

331 inevitable Certain to happen; unavoidable

332 inherent Existing as a natural or essential quality

333 initiate To begin or introduce something

334 input Information or resources provided

335 inspect To examine closely or critically

336 instruct To give directions or commands

337 integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

338 interact To communicate or engage with others

339 interpret To explain or understand the meaning of

340 intrinsic Belonging naturally; essential or inherent

341 invest to put money, time, or resources into something

342 involve to include or engage someone or something in an activity

343 item an individual thing or component within a larger group

344 justify to provide a valid reason or explanation for something

345 layer a single thickness or level of something

346 legislate to make or enact laws

347 licence an official permission or authorization to do something

348 locate to find or discover the position or place of something

349 major significant or important in size, extent, or influence

350 margin the outer edge or boundary of something

351 mechanism a system or process designed to achieve a particular result

352 medical related to the field of medicine

353 method a systematic approach or procedure for doing something

354 minimal of the least possible amount, degree, or extent

355 ministry a department or organisation responsible for a specific area

356 modify to make changes or alterations to something

357 mutual shared or experienced by two or more parties

358 neutral not favouring any side or position

359 norm a standard or typical pattern of behaviour or outcome

360 despite or in spite of something

361 occur to happen or take place

362 obtain to acquire or get possession of something

363 ongoing continuing or in progress

364 outcome the result or consequence of an action or event

365 overlap to extend over or cover part of something

366 paradigm a typical example or model of something

367 parameter a factor or variable that determines the characteristics

368 passive not actively participating or taking action

369 period a length or duration of time

370 phase a distinct stage or step in a process

371 investigate To carry out a systematic examination or study

372 isolate To separate or set apart from others

373 job A piece of work or task

374 label A descriptive word or phrase used to identify something

375 lecture A formal talk or presentation on a specific topic

376 levy To impose or collect a tax or fee

377 likewise In the same way or manner

378 logic Reasoning or sound judgement based on principles

379 manipulate To handle or control in a skillful manner

380 mature Fully developed or grown-up

381 media Means of mass communication, such as newspapers or TV

382 medium A means or channel of communication

383 migrate To move from one place to another

384 minimise To reduce or make as small as possible

385 minor Lesser in importance, size, or degree

386 monitor To observe, check, or keep track of something

387 negate To deny or nullify the effect of something

388 nevertheless In spite of that; however

389 normal Conforming to the usual or typical pattern

390 nuclear Relating to or involving atomic energy or weapons

391 obvious Easily seen, recognized, or understood

392 odd Unusual or strange

393 option A choice or alternative

394 output The amount or quantity produced or provided

395 overseas In or to a foreign country or place

396 paragraph A distinct section of a piece of writing

397 participate To take part in or be involved in something

398 perceive To become aware of or understand something

399 persist To continue firmly or obstinately in an action or belief

400 phenomenon A remarkable or significant occurrence or fact

401 invoke To cite or refer to as an authority or justification

402 issue A topic or problem under discussion or debate

403 journal A periodical publication containing research articles

404 labour Work, especially physical work done for wages

405 legal Relating to the law or governed by law

406 liberal Open to new behaviour or opinions and willing to discard traditional values

407 link To connect or bring together

408 maintain To keep in an existing state or condition

409 manual A book of instructions or guidelines

410 maximise To make as large or great as possible

411 mediate To intervene in a dispute to bring about a resolution

412 mental Relating to the mind or intellect

413 military Relating to the armed forces or warfare

414 minimum The least or smallest amount or quantity

415 mode A way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced

416 motive A reason or intention for doing something

417 network An interconnected system or group of people or organisations

418 nonetheless However, nevertheless

419 notion A conception or belief about something

420 objective A goal or aim

421 occupy To take control or possession of

422 offset To counterbalance or compensate for

423 orient To align or position towards a particular direction

424 overall Considering or including everything

425 panel A group of people gathered for a specific purpose

426 parallel Occurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way

427 partner A person or organisation that shares or is associated with another

428 percent A proportion or part per hundred

429 perspective A particular way of viewing things or a mental outlook

The study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values,

430 philosophy
reason, etc.
431 physical relating to the body or material things
432 portion a part or share of something
433 potential having the capacity to develop or become something
434 precise exact, accurate, or clearly defined
435 preliminary introductory or preparatory
436 primary main, most important, or principal
437 principle a fundamental truth or law
438 proceed to continue or carry on with an action or process
439 prohibit to forbid or prevent something
440 proportion a comparative relationship between parts or quantities
441 psychology the study of the mind and behavior
442 purchase to buy or acquire something
443 quote to repeat or cite someone's words or a price estimation
444 range a variety or extent of something
445 react to respond or behave in a particular way
446 regime a system of government or rule
447 regulate to control or direct by a set of rules or principles
448 relax to become less tense or anxious
449 reluctance unwillingness or hesitation to do something
450 require to need or demand something
451 resolve to find a solution or make a firm decision
452 restore to bring back to a previous condition or state
453 retain to keep or hold onto something
454 reverse to change to the opposite or contrary direction
455 rigid stiff, inflexible, or strict
456 scenario a possible sequence or course of events
457 scope the extent or range of something
458 secure safe, protected, or free from danger or risk
459 sequence a particular order in which related events, facts, or objects occur
460 shift a change in position or direction
461 practitioner a person engaged in a specific profession
462 predict to toretell or estimate future events
463 presume to assume or suppose
464 prime main, principal, or of the highest importance
465 prior existing or occurring betore something else
466 process a series of actions or steps
467 project a planned undertaking or task
468 prospect the possibility or likelihood of future success
469 publication the act of making information publicly available
470 pursue to actively follow or seek
471 radical extreme or drastic
472 ratio the quantitative relationship between two numbers or amounts
473 recover to regain or get back
474 region a particular area or part of a country
475 reinforce to strengthen or make more effective
476 release to set free or make available
477 rely to depend on or trust in
478 research systematic investigation to discover new knowledge or information
479 resource a source or supply that can be used to achieve a purpose
480 restrain to hold back or keep under control
481 reveal to make known or disclose
482 revise to review and make changes or improvements
483 role a part or function played by someone or something
484 schedule a plan or timetable
485 section a distinct part or division of something
486 seek to search tor or try to obtain
487 series a number of things that are similar or related and come one after another
488 significant important or meaningful
489 pose to present or create
490 plus in addition to
491 positive having a favourable or constructive attitude or outlook
492 policy a course of action adopted or pursued by an organisation or government
493 precede to come before something in time, order, or position
494 predominant having greater strength, influence, or importance
495 previous existing or occurring before in time or order
496 principal most important or influential
497 priority a thing that is regarded as more important than others
498 professional relating to a particular profession or occupation
499 promote to further the progress or development of something
500 protocol a set of rules or guidelines for correct conduct or behaviour
501 publish to make information available to the public
502 qualitative relating to the characteristics or qualities of something
503 random happening or chosen without any specific pattern or method
504 rational based on or in accordance with reason or logic
505 refine to improve or enhance by making small changes
506 register to officially record or enrol
507 reject to refuse to accept, believe, or consider
508 relevant closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
509 remove to take away or eliminate
510 reside to have one's permanent home or place of abode
511 respond to react or answer in response to something
512 restrict to limit or control the actions or movement of something
513 revenue income, especially when of a company or organisation
514 revolution a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions or structure
515 route a way or course taken in getting from one place to another
516 scheme a plan or program of action
517 sector a specific area or division within a larger system
518 select to carefully choose or pick out
519 sex the biological characteristics that distinguish male and female
520 similar having a resemblance in appearance or nature
521 simulate to imitate or reproduce

522 sole only or single

523 specific precise or particular

524 stable steady or unchanging

525 clear or direct

526 structure organization or arrangement

527 subordinate lower in rank or importance

528 substitute replacement or alternative

529 sum total or amount

530 survey study or examination

531 sustain maintain or support

532 target goal or objective

533 technical relating to a specific field or subject

534 temporary not permanent or lasting

535 text written or printed material

536 thereby as a result or by that means

537 trace mark or evidence of something

538 transform change or convert

539 transport move or carry

540 ultimate final or eventual

541 undertake take on or assume

542 unique one of a kind or distinct

543 vary change or differ

544 via by way of or through

545 visible able to be seen or noticed

546 volume quantity or amount

in contrast to or while
547 whereas

548 somewhat to some degree or extent

549 specify to clearly indicate or define

550 statistic numerical data or information

551 strategy a plan or approach to achieve a goal

552 style a particular manner or way of doing something

553 subsequent happening or coming after something else

554 successor a person or thing that follows or replaces another

555 summary a brief statement or overview

556 survive to continue to exist or live despite challenges or difficulties

557 symbol a visual representation or sign

558 task a piece of work or job to be done

559 technique a method or approach to accomplish something

560 tense a grammatical category indicating time

561 theme a central idea or subject

562 thesis a statement or theory put forward as a premise to be proved or maintained

563 tradition a long-established custom or belief

564 transit the act or process of moving from one place to another

565 trend a general direction or pattern of change

566 undergo to experience or go through

567 uniform consistent in form, manner, or quality

568 utilise to make practical or effective use of

569 vehicle a means of conveying or transporting

570 violate to break or fail to comply with

571 vision the ability to see or imagine

572 voluntary done, given, or acting of one’s own free will

573 whereby by which; through which

574 so-called commonly referred to as
575 source origin or point of origin

576 sphere a particular field or area

577 status position or condition

578 stress pressure or strain

579 submit present or hand in

580 subsidy financial aid or support

581 sufficient enough or satisfactory

582 supplement addition or extra

583 suspend temporarily stop or delay

584 tape adhesive strip or ribbon

585 team group working together

586 technology scientific knowledge or tools

587 terminate bring to an end

588 theory explanation or principle

589 topic subject or theme

590 transfer move or convey

591 transmit send or communicate

592 trigger cause or initiate

593 underlie form the basis of

594 unify bring together or integrate

595 valid acceptable or legitimate

596 version edition or variation

597 virtual simulated or online

598 visual relating to sight or vision

599 welfare well-being or social support

widely distributed or common

600 widespread

not concrete or
abstra theoretical or
ct conceptual
an educational
acade institution or
my learned society
to provide
accom space or
modate lodging for
to go along
accom with or be
pany associated with
accura precise,
te correct, or exact
achiev to successfully
e accomplish or
reach a goal
acquir to gain or
e obtain
to adjust or
modify for a
adapt purpose or use
adequ satisfactory, or
ate suitable
adjace neighbouring
nt or next to
to alter or
change for
better fit or
adjust function
admin to manage or
istrate oversee
a person who
is fully grown
adult or mature
advoc to support or
ate argue for
to influence or
have an impact
affect on
to gather or
aggre collect into a
gate whole
assistance or
aid help provided
although, even
albeit though
allocat to distribute or
e assign
to change or
alter modify
an option or
choice other
altern than the usual
ative one
ambig having
uous multiple
meanings or
to make
revisions or
amend corrections
a comparison
between two
analog things for
y clarification
analys to examine or
e study in detail
annual once a year
antici to expect or
pate foresee
appare clearly visible
nt or obvious
appen to add or
d attach
to value or
recognize the
apprec worth of
iate something
a method or
appro way of doing
ach something
appro suitable or
priate fitting
estimate or be
appro close in value
ximate or character
based on
random choice
arbitra or personal
ry whim
a particular
area region or space
assem to gather or fit
ble together
to evaluate or
assess examine
assess Evaluate or
to allocate or
assign designate
to help or
assist support
assum to suppose or
e take on
Take on a
belief or
assum without
e evidence
to guarantee or
assure confidence
to connect or
attach fasten
to achieve or
attain reach
Achieve or
reach a goal or
attain objective
a person’s
attitud outlook or
e perspective
to ascribe or
assign a
attribu characteristic or
te quality to
a writer or
creator of a
author work
The writer or
creator of a
literary work or
author document
power or
author control over
ity others
to make a
autom process or task
ate automatic
availa Accessible or
obtainable; able
to be used or
ble obtained
conscious or
cognizant of
aware something
or acting in the
behalf interest of
an advantage
benefi or positive
t outcome
An advantage
benefi or positive
t outcome
a tendency or
towards a
bias viewpoint
a connection
bond or link
concise or
short in
brief duration
Concise or
short in
duration; give
instructions or
brief information
the majority or
bulk main portion
having the
capabl ability or skill
e to do something
capaci the ability to
ty hold or contain
The maximum
amount that
capaci something can
ty hold or produce
catego a classification
ry or grouping
to stop or
cease come to an end
challe a difficult task
nge or problem
A difficult
task or problem
that requires
challe effort to
nge overcome
a medium or
pathway for
chann communication
el or distribution
a section or
chapte division of a
r larger work
a visual
of data or
chart information
A visual
of data or
chart information
relating to
chemi substances and
cal their properties
circu a condition or
mstanc fact that affects
e a situation
to quote or
cite reference
Quote or refer
to a source of
information or
cite evidence
related to
citizens or civil
civil matters
to make clear
clarify understandable
traditional or
classic exemplary
classic Something
that is
considered of
a distinct
provision or
section in a
clause legal document
a system of
rules or
code principles
cohere connected or
nt consistent
Clear and
logical in
cohere expression or
nt organization
to happen at
the same time
coinci or occupy the
de same position
collap to fall down or
se fail
collea a coworker or
gue associate
A person with
whom one
works, typically
in a
collea professional
gue setting
comm to begin or
ence start
an expression
comm of opinion or
ent remark
a formal
comm request or
ission assignment
A group of
appointed to
comm perform a
ission specific task
comm to pledge or
it dedicate oneself
to something
a product or
comm item that is
odity bought or sold
to convey or
comm exchange
unicate information
Share or
comm information or
unicate ideas
a group of
people with
comm interests or
unity characteristics
able to exist or
compa work together
tible harmoniously
compe to make up for
nsate or offset
Make up for a
compe loss or offset a
nsate disadvantage
to gather or
compi information or
le data
something that
compl completes or
ement enhances
compl intricate or
ex complicated
Consisting of
compl interconnected
ex parts; intricate
a part or
element that
comp makes up a
onent whole
a mixture or
comp combination of
ound elements
compr complete or
e inclusive
Thorough and
compr complete;
ehensiv covering all
e aspects
compr to consist of or
ise include
comp to calculate or
ute determine
concei to imagine or
ve form a concept
Formulate or
concei develop an idea
ve or concept
to focus or
conce direct one’s
ntrate attention
an abstract
conce idea or general
pt notion
to reach a
conclu decision or
de inference
Arrive at a
judgement or
decision based
conclu on evidence or
de reasoning
happening or
concu existing at the
rrent same time
condu to carry out or
ct perform
to consult or
confer discuss
Grant or
often as an
honor or
confer privilege
to limit or
confin restrict within
e boundaries
to verify or
confir establish the
m truth of
confli disagreement or
ct clash
disagreement or
clash between
confli opposing forces
ct or ideas
to comply
confor with or adhere
m to
conse permission or
nt agreement
resulting or
conse following as a
quent consequence
Following as a
result or
conse outcome of
quent something
consid significant or
erable noteworthy
to be
consis composed or
t made up of
consta unchanging or
nt consistent
Unchanging or
consta remaining the
nt same over time
constit to form or
ute make up
constr to restrict or
ain limit
constr to limit or
ain restrict
constr to build or
uct create
constr Build or create
uct something
or with care
consul to seek advice
t or guidance
consu to use up or
me devour
consu to use up or
me devour
to get in touch
with or
contac communicate
t with
Get in touch
contac or communicate
t with someone
mporar modern or
y current
or setting
contex surrounding
t something
or setting in
contex something
t exists or occurs
a formal
contra agreement or
ct legal document
A legally
contra agreement
ct between parties
to express the
opposite or
contra deny the truth
dict of
contra opposite or
ry contradictory
contra a difference or
st distinction
contra Highlight the
st differences
between two or
more things
to give or
contri something as a
bute part of a whole
a heated
contro argument or
versy disagreement
conve to assemble or
ne gather
Bring people
or things
together for a
conve meeting or
ne assembly
To engage in
conve conversation or
rse discussion
To work
coope together or
rate collaborate
to organise or
arrange in a
coordi harmonious
nate way
Relating to a
corpor corporation or
ate business entity
to be in
corres agreement or
pond match
a pair or two
items that are
similar or
couple related
To bring into
existence or
create make
recognition or
credit nt of something
criteri standards or
a principles used
to evaluate or
crucia important or
l essential
the customs,
beliefs, and
cultur practices of a
e group or society
the money
used in a
curren country or
cy region
A series of
events or
actions that
cycle repeat
statistics, or
data information
a discussion or
argument on a
debate particular topic
decad A period of
e ten years
to decrease or
diminish in
declin quantity or
e quality
to reach a
deduc through logical
e reasoning
To explain the
meaning of
define something
definit clear, certain,
e or unambiguous
to show or
something with
demo evidence or
nstrate examples
denote To indicate or
be a sign of
to declare
something to be
deny untrue or false
to make
depres someone feel
s sad or down
To obtain or
receive from a
derive source
to plan or
create with a
design specific purpose
in spite of;
despit without being
e affected by
To discover or
detect identify
to depart from
deviat a set course or
e standard
a tool or
instrument used
for a specific
device purpose
To dedicate or
commit to a
devote purpose
to distinguish
differe or recognize
ntiate differences
a particular
aspect or
dimen element of
sion something
dimini To decrease or
sh make smaller
discret separate or
e distinct
to make
distinctions or
treat people
discri unfairly based
minate on biases
To take the
displa place of or
ce replace
displa to show or
y exhibit
to get rid of or
dispos throw away
e something
distinc different or
t separate
to alter or
distort misrepresent
to give out or
distrib among different
ute people or places
Varied or
showing a
divers range of
e differences
to record or
docu provide written
ment evidence
an area of
domai activity, or
n control
Relating to the
domes home or one’s
tic own country
to have control
domin or influence
ate over
a preliminary
version or plan
draft of something
A genre of
literature or
drama performance
the length or
durati period of time
on something lasts
dyna characterised
by constant
activity, or
mic progress
The system or
econo management of
my resources
to make
changes or
edit corrections to
a component
eleme or part of a
nt larger whole
elimin To remove or
ate get rid of
to come forth
emerg or become
e visible
importance or
empha placed on
sis something
Based on
empiri observation or
cal experience
to make
possible or
enable facilitate
to come across
or experience
encou something
nter unexpectedly
The capacity
for doing work
energ or producing
y heat
to compel or
enforc ensure
e compliance
to improve or
increase the
quality, value,
enhan or effectiveness
ce of something
enorm Very large or
ous huge
to make
certain or
ensure guarantee
a distinct or
organisation, or
entity concept
enviro surroundings or
nment conditions
to consider as
equal or
equate equivalent
to provide
with necessary
resources or
equip skills
Equal or
equiva having the same
lent value
to gradually
wear away or
erode deteriorate
a mistake or
error incorrectness
establi To set up or
sh create
a large area of
estate land or property
estima calculation or
te judgment
principles or
ethic values
relating to a
cultural group
ethnic or nationality
evalua to assess or
te judge the value,
quality, or
significance of
Ultimately or
eventu happening at a
al later time
eviden clear or
t obvious
to develop or
gradually over
evolve time
excee To go beyond
d or surpass
exclud to keep out or
e not include
to display or
exhibi show something
t publicly
expan To increase in
d size or scope
a person with
knowledge or
expert skill
clear, specific,
and leaving no
explic room for doubt
it or confusion
To send goods
or services to
export another country
To make
expos visible or
e known
Relating to or
Extern coming from
al outside
To remove or
extrac obtain from a
t source
facilit To make an
ate action or
process easier
or smoother
A contributing
element or
Factor cause
characteristic or
featur prominent
e aspect
Relating to a
government or
federa national
l authority
A payment for
services or
Fee membership
A collection of
documents or
file data
Last or
final ultimate
management of
Finan money and
ce investments
Having limits
finite or bounds
Able to
flexibl change or adapt
e easily
Fluctu To change or
ate vary irregularly
To concentrate
or direct
focus attention
arrangement or
structure of
format something
A set of
Formu mathematical or
la scientific rules
forthc Upcoming or
oming about to happen
To establish or
Found create
The basis or
found underlying
ation principle
frame A structure or
work basic concept
functi Purpose or
on role
Money set
aside for a
Fund specific purpose
funda Essential or
mental central
furthe In addition;
rmore moreover
classification of
Gende being male or
r female
genera To produce or
te create
A group of
individuals born
and living
genera around the
tion same time
The Earth or a
Globe spherical object
An aim or
goal objective
A level of
quality or
grade proficiency
A sum of
money given
for a specific
Grant purpose
guara To assure or
ntee promise
guidel An instruction
ine or principle that
serves as a
Therefore or
Hence as a result
A system of
hierar ranking or
chy organising
To emphasise
highli or draw
ght attention to
assumption or
Hypot theory to be
hesis tested
Exactly the
same or
identi indistinguishabl
cal e
To recognize
or establish the
identif identity of
y something
Ideolo A system of
gy beliefs or ideas
Lack of
ignora knowledge or
nce awareness
To clarify or
illustr exemplify with
ate examples
A visual
Image or perception
To move to a
immig new country for
rate residence
impac Influence or
t effect
Imple To put into
ment effect or action
To show
implic involvement or
ate connection
implic Implied or
it understood
without being
directly stated
To suggest or
Imply indirectly
impos To establish or
e enforce
incent A motivating
ive factor or reward
The frequency
Incide or occurrence
nce of something
To have a
inclin tendency or
e preference
Money earned
or received
incom from various
e sources
To include or
Incorp combine as part
orate of a whole
A list or guide
index for reference
indica To point out
te or suggest
Relating to a
Indivi single person or
dual thing
To bring about
induce or cause
Certain to
inevit happen;
able unavoidable
To deduce or
conclude from
Infer evidence
Basic physical
infrast organizational
ructure structures
Existing as a
inhere natural or
nt essential quality
To hinder or
Inhibit restrain
First or
initial beginning
To begin or
initiat introduce
e something
To cause harm
Injure or injury
To introduce
innov new ideas or
ate methods
Information or
input provided
To put or
place something
Insert inside
A deep
insigh understanding
t or realization
inspec to look or
t observe
To examine
inspec closely or
t critically
Instan An occurrence
ce or example
institu organisation or
te establishment
To give
instru directions or
ct commands
Essential or
Integr necessary for
al completeness
integr To combine or
ate merge
The quality of
being honest
and having
integri strong moral
ty principles
The ability to
Intelli learn and
gence understand
intens strong or
e focused
communicate or
intera engage with
ct others
Interm In between or
ediate in the middle
within or
intern relating to the
al inside
To explain or
interpr understand the
et meaning of
A period of
Interv time or space
al between events
To come
interv between or
ene interfere
intrins essential or
ic inherent
to put money,
time, or
resources into
invest something
To carry out a
investi examination or
gate study
To cite or
refer to as an
invok authority or
e justification
involv to include or
e engage
someone or
something in an
To separate or
set apart from
isolate others
A topic or
problem under
discussion or
issue debate
an individual
thing or
within a larger
item group
A piece of
job work or task
A periodical
journa containing
l research articles
to provide a
valid reason or
explanation for
justify something
A descriptive
word or phrase
used to identify
label something
physical work
labour done for wages
a single
thickness or
level of
layer something
A formal talk
or presentation
lectur on a specific
e topic
Relating to the
law or governed
legal by law
legisla to make or
te enact laws
levy To impose or
collect a tax or
Open to new
behaviour or
opinions and
willing to
liberal values
an official
permission or
licenc authorization to
e do something
likewi In the same
se way or manner
To connect or
link bring together
to find or
discover the
position or
place of
locate something
Reasoning or
based on
logic principles
To keep in an
maint existing state or
ain condition
significant or
important in
size, extent, or
major influence
To handle or
manip control in a
ulate skillful manner
A book of
manua instructions or
l guidelines
the outer edge
margi or boundary of
n something
matur Fully
e developed or
To make as
maxi large or great as
mise possible
a system or
designed to
mecha achieve a
nism particular result
Means of mass
such as
newspapers or
media TV
To intervene
in a dispute to
media bring about a
te resolution
related to the
medic field of
al medicine
A means or
mediu channel of
m communication
Relating to the
menta mind or
l intellect
a systematic
approach or
procedure for
metho doing
d something
To move from
migrat one place to
e another
Relating to the
militar armed forces or
y warfare
of the least
minim amount, degree,
al or extent
To reduce or
minim make as small
ise as possible
The least or
minim smallest amount
um or quantity
a department
or organisation
minist responsible for
ry a specific area
Lesser in
minor size, or degree
A way or
manner in
occurs or is
mode experienced
to make
changes or
modif alterations to
y something
To observe,
check, or keep
monit track of
or something
A reason or
intention for
motiv doing
e something
shared or
experienced by
mutua two or more
l parties
To deny or
nullify the
effect of
negate something
system or group
netwo of people or
rk organisations
not favouring
neutra any side or
l position
nevert In spite of
heless that; however
nonet However,
heless nevertheless
a standard or
typical pattern
of behaviour or
norm outcome
Conforming to
norma the usual or
l typical pattern
A conception
or belief about
notion something
notwit despite or in
hstandi spite of
ng something
Relating to or
nuclea atomic energy
r or weapons
ive A goal or aim
to acquire or
get possession
obtain of something
Easily seen,
obvio recognized, or
us understood
To take
occup control or
y possession of
to happen or
occur take place
Unusual or
odd strange
or compensate
offset for
ongoi continuing or
ng in progress
A choice or
option alternative
orient To align or
towards a
the result or
consequence of
outco an action or
me event
The amount or
produced or
output provided
Considering or
overal including
l everything
to extend over
overla or cover part of
p something
In or to a
overse foreign country
as or place
A group of
people gathered
for a specific
panel purpose
a typical
example or
paradi model of
gm something
A distinct
paragr section of a
aph piece of writing
Occurring or
existing at the
parall same time or in
el a similar way
a factor or
variable that
param determines the
eter characteristics
To take part in
partici or be involved
pate in something
partne A person or
r organisation
that shares or is
associated with
not actively
passiv participating or
e taking action
To become
aware of or
percei understand
ve something
A proportion
percen or part per
t hundred
a length or
period duration of time
To continue
firmly or
obstinately in
an action or
persist belief
A particular
way of viewing
perspe things or a
ctive mental outlook
a distinct stage
or step in a
phase process
A remarkable
or significant
pheno occurrence or
menon fact
The study of
questions about
philos values, reason,
ophy etc.
relating to the
physic body or
al material things
plus in addition to
policy a course of
action adopted
or pursued by
an organisation
or government
portio a part or share
n of something
to present or
pose create
having a
favourable or
positi attitude or
ve outlook
having the
capacity to
develop or
potent become
ial something
a person
engaged in a
practit specific
ioner profession
to come before
something in
preced time, order, or
e position
precis accurate, or
e clearly defined
to toretell or
predic estimate future
t events
having greater
predo influence, or
minant importance
prelim introductory
inary or preparatory
presu to assume or
me suppose
existing or
previo before in time
us or order
main, most
primar important, or
y principal
prime main,
principal, or of
the highest
princi important or
pal influential
princi a fundamental
ple truth or law
existing or
prior something else
a thing that is
regarded as
priorit more important
y than others
to continue or
carry on with an
procee action or
d process
proces a series of
s actions or steps
relating to a
profes profession or
sional occupation
to forbid or
prohib prevent
it something
a planned
projec undertaking or
t task
to further the
progress or
promo development of
te something
a comparative
propor between parts
tion or quantities
the possibility
prospe or likelihood of
ct future success
protoc a set of rules
ol or guidelines
for correct
conduct or
the study of
psych the mind and
ology behavior
the act of
public publicly
ation available
to make
publis available to the
h public
to buy or
purch acquire
ase something
to actively
pursue follow or seek
relating to the
qualit or qualities of
ative something
to repeat or
cite someone's
words or a price
quote estimation
radica extreme or
l drastic
happening or
chosen without
any specific
rando pattern or
m method
a variety or
extent of
range something
between two
numbers or
ratio amounts
ration based on or in
accordance with
al reason or logic
to respond or
behave in a
react particular way
recove to regain or
r get back
to improve or
enhance by
making small
refine changes
a system of
regim government or
e rule
a particular
area or part of a
region country
registe to officially
r record or enrol
to control or
direct by a set
regula of rules or
te principles
to strengthen
reinfo or make more
rce effective
to refuse to
accept, believe,
reject or consider
to become less
relax tense or anxious
releas to set free or
e make available
connected or
appropriate to
releva the matter at
nt hand
reluct or hesitation to
ance do something
to depend on
rely or trust in
remov to take away
e or eliminate
to need or
requir demand
e something
investigation to
discover new
resear knowledge or
ch information
to have one's
home or place
reside of abode
to find a
solution or
resolv make a firm
e decision
a source or
supply that can
be used to
resour achieve a
ce purpose
to react or
answer in
respon response to
d something
to bring back
to a previous
restor condition or
e state
to hold back
restrai or keep under
n control
to limit or
control the
actions or
restric movement of
t something
to keep or
hold onto
retain something
to make
known or
reveal disclose
reven income,
especially when
of a company or
ue organisation
to change to
the opposite or
revers contrary
e direction
to review and
make changes
revise improvements
a dramatic and
change in
revolu conditions or
tion structure
inflexible, or
rigid strict
a part or
function played
by someone or
role something
a way or
course taken in
getting from
one place to
route another
a possible
scenar sequence or
io course of events
sched a plan or
ule timetable
a plan or
schem program of
e action
the extent or
range of
scope something
a distinct part
sectio or division of
n something
sector a specific area
or division
within a larger
protected, or
free from
secure danger or risk
to search tor
seek or try to obtain
to carefully
choose or pick
select out
a particular
order in which
related events,
seque facts, or objects
nce occur
a number of
things that are
similar or
related and
come one after
series another
the biological
that distinguish
male and
sex female
a change in
position or
shift direction
signifi important or
cant meaningful
having a
resemblance in
simila appearance or
r nature
simula to imitate or
te reproduce
so- commonly
called referred to as
sole only or single
some to some
what degree or extent
origin or point
source of origin
specifi precise or
c particular
to clearly
specif indicate or
y define
a particular
sphere field or area
steady or
stable unchanging
statisti numerical data
c or information
position or
status condition
rd clear or direct
a plan or
strateg approach to
y achieve a goal
pressure or
stress strain
struct organization
ure or arrangement
a particular
manner or way
of doing
style something
submi present or
t hand in
subor lower in rank
dinate or importance
happening or
subse coming after
quent something else
subsid financial aid
y or support
substit replacement or
ute alternative
a person or
thing that
succes follows or
sor replaces another
suffici enough or
ent satisfactory
total or
sum amount
a brief
summ statement or
ary overview
supple addition or
ment extra
study or
survey examination
to continue to
exist or live
surviv challenges or
e difficulties
suspe temporarily
nd stop or delay
sustai maintain or
n support
a visual
symbo representation
l or sign
adhesive strip
tape or ribbon
goal or
target objective
a piece of
work or job to
task be done
group working
team together
relating to a
techni specific field or
cal subject
a method or
approach to
techni accomplish
que something
techno knowledge or
logy tools
tempo not permanent
rary or lasting
a grammatical
tense indicating time
termin bring to an
ate end
written or
text printed material
a central idea
theme or subject
explanation or
theory principle
thereb as a result or
y by that means
a statement or
theory put
forward as a
premise to be
proved or
thesis maintained
subject or
topic theme
mark or
evidence of
trace something
a long-
traditi established
on custom or belief
transf move or
er convey
transf change or
orm convert
the act or
process of
moving from
one place to
transit another
trans send or
mit communicate
ort move or carry
a general
direction or
pattern of
trend change
cause or
trigger initiate
ultima final or
te eventual
under to experience
go or go through
underl form the basis
ie of
undert take on or
ake assume
consistent in
unifor form, manner,
m or quality
bring together
unify or integrate
uniqu one of a kind
e or distinct
to make
practical or
utilise effective use of
acceptable or
valid legitimate
change or
vary differ
a means of
vehicl conveying or
e transporting
versio edition or
n variation
by way of or
via through
violat to break or fail
e to comply with
simulated or
virtual online
able to be seen
visible or noticed
the ability to
vision see or imagine
relating to
visual sight or vision
volum quantity or
e amount
done, given, or
volunt acting of one’s
ary own free will
welfar well-being or
e social support
where in contrast to
as or while
where by which;
by through which
wides distributed or
pread common

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