50 Linking Words To Use in Academic Writing: Describing Similarities

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50 linking words to use in academic

Describing similarities
 Likewise
 Correspondingly
 Equally
 Not only… but also
 In the same way
 Similarly
Showing cause and effect
 Consequently
 As a result
 Thus
 Hence (never ‘hence why’)
 Since (try to avoid ‘as’ when showing cause and effect)
 Because
 Therefore
 Accordingly
 This suggests that
 It follows that
 For this reason
Comparing and contrasting
 Alternatively
 However
 Conversely
 On the other hand
 Instead
 Yet
 On the contrary
Showing limitation or contradiction
 Despite/in spite of
 While (not whilst!)
 Even so
 On the contrary
 Nevertheless
 Nonetheless
 Although
 Admittedly
Emphasis, addition or examples
 To illustrate
 To clarify
 Further (not ‘furthermore’)
 First, second and third (not firstly, secondly and thirdly)
 For instance
 Moreover
 Typically
 Especially
 In fact
 Namely
 In addition
 To summaries
 It can be concluded that
 As can be seen
 Ultimately
 Given the above
 As described
 Finally
The Top 60 Most Common Academic

1. analysis
abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts

2. approach
move towards

3. area
the extent of a two-dimensional surface within a boundary

4. assessment
the act of judging a person or situation or event

5. assume
take to be the case or to be true

6. authority
the power or right to give orders or make decisions

7. available
obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service

8. benefit
something that aids or promotes well-being

9. concept
an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances

10. consistent
the same throughout in structure or composition

11. constitutional
existing as an essential characteristic

12. context
the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation

13. contract
a binding agreement that is enforceable by law

14. create
bring into existence

15. data
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn

16. definition
a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase

17. derived
formed or developed from something else; not original

18. distribution
the act of spreading or apportioning

19. economic
of or relating to production and management of wealth

20. environment
the totality of surrounding conditions

21. established
brought about or set up or accepted

22. estimate
judge tentatively

23. evidence
knowledge on which to base belief

24. export
sell or transfer abroad

25. factor
anything that contributes causally to a result

26. financial
involving fiscal matters

27. formula
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement

28. function
what something is used for

29. identified
having the identity known or established

30. income
the financial gain accruing over a given period of time

31. indicate
designate a place, direction, person, or thing

32. individual
being or characteristic of a single thing or person

33. interpretation
the act of expressing something in an artistic performance

34. involved
connected by participation or association or use

35. issue
some situation or event that is thought about

36. labour
productive work (especially physical work done for wages)

37. legal
established by or founded upon law or official rules

38. legislation
the act of making or enacting laws

39. major
greater in scope or effect

40. method
a way of doing something, especially a systematic way

41. occur
come to pass

42. percent
a proportion in relation to a whole

43. period
an amount of time

44. policy
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

45. principle
a basic generalization that is accepted as true

46. procedure
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result

47. process
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result

48. required
necessary by rule

49. research
a seeking for knowledge

50. response
the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange

51. role
the actions and activities assigned to a person or group

52. section
one of several parts or pieces that fit with others

53. sector
a particular aspect of life or activity

54. significant
rich in implication

55. similar
having the same or nearly the same characteristics

56. source
the place where something begins

57. specific
stated explicitly or in detail

58. structure
a complex entity made of many parts

59. theory
a belief that can guide behavior

60. variable
something that is likely to change

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