Capstone Project Prep

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Capstone project -1

Decoding the project Idea and putting them in phases

1.Project Idea: - Solving crucial problems faced by the farmers, In procuring
fertilizers and Pesticides
2.Current Needs: - Current needs is to develop a online agricultural product store
platform to serve the needs of the farmers living in remote regions who do not have
access to their farming needs
3.Overview of the Project: - Mr Henry a wealthy Businessman, wants to help all the
farers throughout the world, through a medium by launching an online mobile/web
application. Which sells (Fertilizers, Seeds, Pesticides) and delivering it to their
4. Current problems: - Current problems faced are faced by farmers: -
o Facing difficulties in procuring Fertilizers
o Facing difficulties procuring pesticides
o Which are destroying the fields with pests
o Remote locate has little or no access to the raw materials
o No communication between famers and manufacturers

5. Solution: - By the help of the web/mobile application of online agricultural product

store, It can help farmers anywhere in the world to have access to the raw materials
and products. New upcoming farmers too will have faith in farming.

6. Team Members: -
o Mr Henry, Pandu, Dooku are Committee Heads
o Peter, Kevin and Ben are Stake Holders
o Mr Karthik is the delivery Head
o Mr. Vandanam is a Project Manager
o Ms Juhi is a senior Java developer
o Mr Teyson, Tucker, Bravo are Java developers
o Mr Mike is a network admin
o Mr John is a database admin
o Mr Jason and Ms Alekya are the testers
o Mr. Akshay Raj is a Business Analyst

Total number of resources- 14, Stake holders -3 Committee Heads- 3

Total Budget and time line: - Budget of the Project is 2croresINR and the duration
of 18 months
Q1. Identify Business Process Model for Online Agriculture Store – (Goal,
Inputs, Resources, Outputs, Activities, Value created to the end Customer)?
Goals: To fulfil the requirements of raw materials to the farmers throughout and
helping Them to succeed.
Inputs: - Need of the customers, procure data to fulfil, Marketing (Word of mouth,
social media, banners etc) Allocation of employees.
Resources: - Software, Team office, Warehouse to store the raw materials, Quality
checks, Delivery team, Packaging etc.
Outputs: - Revenue generating, helping customers, Reaching out to customers as
much as possible
Activities: -
o Application should be user friendly as the main goal is to provide
communication between Farmers and Companies.
o Easy navigation of app for the farmer to select their products (Considering
farmers of majority face difficulties using applications)
o Outstanding Customer service to the customers when needed
o Access to the farmers (customers) in all the locations including remote

Value: -
o Providing excellent services
o Helping the customers (Farmers) in their day-to-day activities
o Easy access to products for all farming needs no matter of the location
o Generate revenue
o Adding and expanding more products in the application
o Delivering the products effortlessly to the customer with safe packaging.

Q2. Mr Karthik is doing SWOT analysis before he accepts this project. What
Aspects he Should consider as Strengths, as Weaknesses, as Opportunity and
as Threats.\
Swot: - Strengths, weakness, opportunity, threats.
As Karthik is considering SWOT before he accepts the project that determines
before meeting Mr. Henry through his connects.
Strengths Weakness
Good clarity on what needs to be
Fulfilled Supply chain managing disruptions

Mr Henry Committee head has a No storage for warehouse

good reputation managing Soony
and making it successful. This indicated Fertilizers, seeds and Pesticides passing expiry
a good Leadership.
Minimum support from locals in the villages
Core goal is to help others fulling
Their day – day activities Locating the address without proper mapping

Good funds back up

Has an elaborated team for the

Opportunities Threats

Great revenue sourcing Can add new As we deliver to the remote areas there always
products to the application line up threat of intruders
Delivering to remote areas can be of
good exposure No service network in emergencies

New opportunities emerge when exploring Often strikes and new members not being
the unexplored remote villages allowed in remote villages

Can add new products to the application line No facilities to store the package if not
up delivered
Local bodies refusing to accept the new
venture of deliveries and asking to handover
the delivery to the confirmed village

Q3. Mr Karthik is trying to do feasibility study on doing this project in

Technology (Java), Please help him with points (HW SW Trained Resources
Budget Time frame) to consider in feasibility Study.

Ans. Feasibility study helps the user to analyse if the project can achieve the
following goals, Are the resources enough to handle the project, and getting a
futuristic idea about the output.

Hardware: - Security and API, Data base servers to handle data, Payment
gateways for effortless transactions
o Web Server used: - Node.js or Apache tom cat
o Data base server: - Mysql
o Programming: - Ruby, Python, JAVA
o Storage devices:- RAM, ROM, Hard disks, SSD, Pendrives etc
o Load balances:- Either hardware or software type load balances are important
to channelize the traffic of incoming data to the right servers ex:- Https, TCP

Software :-
o Content management (CMS): - Open source (Magneto, Drupal, Joomla) if
going commercial ( Microsoft SharePoint, Kentico, Shopify)
o E-Commerce platform:- Shopify, Amazon, Flipkart etc
o Payment Gateway:- Gpay, Phone pay, pazapp
o Security Application:- Helps to protect the application from Breaches, Code
Tampering or any Malicious attacks etc For JAVA Synopsis Coverity is used
to detect quality and security issues.
Resources: -
There are 4 Java developers :-
o Ms Juhi is a senior Java developer
o Mr Teyson, Tucker, Bravo are Java developers
o Apart from Java developers there are a total of 17 resources including
Committee heads and Stake holders.

Budget: - Budget allocated to the project from SOONY to APT IT SOLUTIONS

company is 2 Crores INR.
o Usually for a Java application most of the budget allocation as discussed
earlier goes on its Hard ware and Software cost
o Including its security applications

Time frame: - Time allocated to complete the project is 18 months. Through which
the company should compete the task and handover the project.
o Time frame for Java technology depends on developers and testers
o Data admin and network admin also play a crucial role
o I consider it to be a team work to for the project to be handles in a effortless
time frame.

Q4. Mr Karthik must submit Gap Analysis to Mr Henry to convince to initiate

this project. What points (compare AS-IS existing process with TO-BE future
Process) to showcase in the GAP Analysis?
Ans. Mr. Karthik is appointed as a delivery head but to grab that position he
connected with Mr. Henry through his connections.
To grab this position being Mr. Karthik I would have followed an extensive Gap
Analysis to initiate the project and convince Mr Henry I would have done the

Gap analysis is followed on 2 main paths

o Current state (AS IS)
o Future state (TO BE)

Being to grab a position in the firm I would have a Gap analysis in most of the
related departments having multiple Gaps: -
o System related
o Process related
o Resources
o Desired outcome vs Current outcome etc
Current state (AS IS):-
o Idea to help the farmers by creating an online platform
o Taking the help of Vendors if needed
o Have a team of Operational Head but need a team to get the output wanted
o Do not know about the requirement flow of the customers and no information
about the locations
o Higher data would be needed for marketing and promotions
o Mr Henry already have an established brand which helps us to understand the
business phenomena
o Being an online agriculture store needs to have data and information about
the needs and lack of Raw materials needed for the farmers (Customers)
o Should create a User-friendly application
o Where the application accepts the product’s details and able to display to the
o Having a well experienced and a great leader who is already successful will
make the process much easier to work on
These are the few current states of the project
Future state (TO BE):-
o Helping the farmers in the day – to day activities
o Solving a crucial problem of the farmers by opening an online platform
o Launching a successful online/Web application for navigating through the
platform for day-day needs
o Having a warehouse to store all the raw materials for not being out of stock
o Launching a user-friendly application with major languages for everyone to
understand and be ease in ordering
o Having regular quality checks for the inventory
o Having a strong data management system to handle request efficiently
o By creating a sense of transparency and a clear vision of helping people by
having a fair price range. And also helping generate revenue
o To have multiple products range in the future like

i) Ploughing machine
ii) Enhancing soil quality fertilizers
iii) New technologies introducing
iv) Education
v) Climatic disasters prevention etc
These are the AS IS and TO BE to be showcase in Gap analysis.

Q5. List down different risk factors that may be involved (BA Risks And
process/Project Risks)
Ans: - Risk analysis plays a crucial part in the business progress, Risk analysis can
be done anytime of the project which helps to be on track and measure the progress,
while anticipating and being ready for unseen risks before it occurs.
There are different risk factors involved: -
o Process risk
Internal risk
External risk
o Business analyst risk
o Project based risk
Risk analysis can always be helpful if a tool of 5W1H is used
5W- Why, What, Where, Who, When
1H- How

Process risk: - Process risks are those risk which are related to the process of the
project happening. Process risk falls under organizational risk as it is explained
about the organizational structure of the risk. If process risk is attended and
addressed on time effectively and efficiently then there are high chances it can affect
the Financial, Volume of customers and can even cause a reputation loss in the
market place.
Process risks and divided into two types of risks: -
Internal and External risks
Internal risks: - Internal risks as it suggests is related to the internal factors and
departments of the organization. Internal risks addressed and acted on time will help
in timely avoiding of any discrepancies coming to happening
Few of the internal risks to be considered according to the following case study are: -
I. Supply chain Management risk: - This risk plays an imp role as the imp
criteria in this project would be on the product deliveries/Order fulfilments,
Mistakes in inventory management, Expired products etc
II. Human Risk error: - As the project it is more inclined to a human service-
oriented customer service where the focus is all about, provided excellent
customer service human error is a common risk happening which can
evaluated and avoided.
III. System Downtime: - As the project is oriented towards online Agricultural
platform, Customers would order products online hence a system downtime or
a software downtime would impact the sales
IV. Technical Issues: - Technical issues where login access has problem to the
website or the check out will also impact the sales and the customer service
External Risks: - External risks are directly related to as name suggest to external
threats which affect the business for example: -
I. Climatic conditions which affect the deliveries
II. Govt regulations
III. Covid outbreak
IV. Competition
These factors are involved in a external risks which can be avoided by a
planned risk mitigation process.

Business Analyst Risk: - Business analyst plays a key role in procuring information
from the stake holders or clients and analysing them documenting and explaining the
requirements to the development team. So, gathering requirements about the project
plays a key role in the process. There can always be risk for incomplete requirement
to be considered
Similar way change of a domain also plays a vital role where a BA
Taken the responsibility of a certain domain and handed over multiple domains or a
change of domain which might lead to incomplete or confusion which leads to
unsatisfactory results.
Change requests by the client is also BA risk as for a change request being a BA
we should again Document the change request in (CRL Change Request Log) while
a CCB (Change control board) will be appointed then a BA will go through a
feasibility study, Effort estimation, Impact analyses ( cost and timeframe effected)
then the BA will send the request to CCB team to approve or decline the change
request. This also can be a huge BA risk.
Project Based Risk: - Project based risk it is important to identify the potential risks
Which can directly impact the project success, so it is important to identify and
mitigate these risks. Effective risk management involves assessing and addressing
the below discussed factors for
a successful business project.
Scope creep: - Scope creep happens when a change request is requested in a
initial objective of the project is not discussed and understood properly which leads
to project risk
Scope creep is divided into 2 scopes :-
o In scope
o Out of scope
These are related to the budgets whether the change fits in the budget or
exceeds the budget
Stake holder risk: - At this point it is important to handle the stakeholders and their
needs by constantly communicating and using the elicitation techniques and
providing transparency.
By identifying important stakeholders and providing them timely information.

Low Performance: - Low performance is said to be when the project is not reached
where you have estimated or intended it to be, Well there can be multiple factors
which affect the low performance but identifying them and mitigating helps in the
project growth.

These are the risk factors that might be involved during a project.

Q6. Perform stakeholder analysis (RACI Matrix) to find out the key stakeholders who
can take Decisions and Who are the influencers
Ans. Stake holder matrix helps in identifying the key stake holders who are responsible for
the project outcome, identifying them is the key task and categorising them in RACI matrix
plays an important role, Project manager usually does a RACI matrix in a real time project
RACI matrix: -
R- Responsible- Responsible to create the document
A- Accountable- Accountable for the delivery of the project
C- Consulted- Providing inputs
I-Informed- Must be informed for any deviation and update of the project
Raci matric plays an important role in identifying and in easy terms called as sorting
out the stake holder in RACI way.
It is very effective and been proven to showcase good results in the projects with a
great successful outcome
Responsible Mr. Vandanam Project

MS. Juhi Senior Jawa Contacted and

developer facilitated through
email, phone

Mr John Data base

Accountable Mr. Vandanam Project
Contacted and
Mr Karthik Delivery head facilitated through
email, phone
Mr. Akshay Raj Business
Consulted Mr. Karthik Delivery head

Mr Peter, Kevin and Stake -holders

Ben (Requirement Contacted and
sharing) facilitated through
email, phone
Mr Mike Network Admin

Mr XYZ Hr Head
Informed Mr Henry Committee
Mr Pandu head
Mr. Dooku Contacted and
facilitated through
Mr xyz Client BA email, phone
R/A/C/I Name of the resource Designation Details

Fig- 1.1

The above RACI matrix chart defined the roles and responsibilities and to be precise
segregating the details of the stakeholders.

Q7. Help Mr Karthik to prepare a business case document

Ans. A business case document is mapped before the project is commenced it
explains how the benefits of the project overweigh any obstacles and why the project
should be executed. It gives a detailed and precise information of the project.
Business case document is prepared at the initial phase of the project which helps in
analysing projects objectives
o Cost to be incurred
o Benefits prevailed
o Reputation these will help convincing stake holders of the
projects value.

Mr Karthik being delivery head in the project he would considering the following to
execute a business case document: -

Why is the project initiated?

What are the current problems/issues?
With commencing this project how many issues would be solved?
What are the resources required for a successful project?
How much change is required in the organization to adopt the technology?
What is the timeframe to recover the ROI (Return on Investment) ?
How are stakeholders Identified?

Why is the project initiated?

Mr Karthik should analyse the details behind why the project is actually being
initiated the reason and need behind the initiation in this case the project (Online
Agriculture Store) is being planned and initiated because Mr Henry found the Gap in
the system where the farmers are facing problems sourcing the Raw materials like
(Seeds, Pesticide’s, Fertilizers). On successfully completion of the project there will
be a huge help to the farmers in their day – day activities and can cultivate there
farms without the dear of raw materials.
Mr Karthik can follow a SWOT analysis before initiation of the project so that the
stakeholders will have a better understanding on the project

What are the current problems/issues?

Current issues and problems are stated as there is lack of supply of raw materials
which states as the basic needs for farming, Farmers have stated the bare minimum
needs of pesticides, seeds, Fertilizers being not available for day-to-day needs.
Apart from that the major issue is of the remote locations. Country side it would be
easy for procuring raw materials as an offline store availability. But the major
challenge and issue lies in remote areas of the village.
As a delivery head the major issues would fall in: -
Supply chain management
Inventory support
Logistic support etc
As the delivery of the items placed by the promised delivery time creates a huge
positive impact. Hence creating alternatives and being ready for the change is
optimum. Here Mr Karthik can perform a GAP analysis where he would know about
the Current state of the project and issues prevailing and the future state where the
project is heading and needs to go

With commencing this project how many issues would be solved?

Ans. With commencing this project as spoken earlier we would fill the gap of
availability of resources for a day-to-day life. The main problem here as stated by Mr
Henry after interacting with his dear friends Ben, Peter and Kevin. Mr henry
understood that there is a huge gap that needs to be filled
As Mr Henry has already established his company named SOONY successfully and
being the wealthiest businessman, which creates a great impact in the society which
leads a great flow in the number of sales due to Immense reputation.

o Farmers will have access to online portal to shop

o New Job opportunities for the project
o Easier to build the business as the head Mr Henry is the head of the project
and would have constant support and advice
o Generating revenue
o Unique selling point (USP)
o Can add new products going forward and an be the first initiation in the
In this stage also GAP analysis plays a crucial role where you can analyse the
current state and the future stare of the project, which provides a clear visualization.

What are the resources required for a successful project?

Ans. Resources play an important and vital role for a successful project to complete
and directly impacts the timeline of the project. There are multiple resources
necessary for each and every task.
Resources available for Online Agriculture Application
Total number of resources- 14, Stake holders -3 Committee Heads- 3
. Team Members: -
o Mr Henry, Pandu, Dooku are Committee Heads
o Peter, Kevin and Ben are Stake Holders
o Mr Karthik is the delivery Head
o Mr. Vandanam is a Project Manager
o Ms Juhi is a senior Java developer
o Mr Teyson, Tucker, Bravo are Java developers
o Mr Mike is a network admin
o Mr John is a database admin
o Mr Jason and Ms Alekya are the testers
o Mr. Akshay Raj is a Business Analyst

Total budget invested is 2 crores INR with a time frame of 18 months.

Each employee will work for 40hrs per week if we exclude Committee heads, we
have a total of 11 Resources 11x40= 440hrs per week.
18months is the timeframe of the project 18 has 78weeks= 3120 hrs of working is
required by the resources

How much change is required in the organization to adopt the

Ans. Change required in the organization depends on the percentage of change
Technology depends on the application the project is focused upon. A well-defined
communication plan is essential which defined everyone in the organization follows
the plan and there is no scope for deviation. Change management plays a crucial
role in successful adoption of technology within the organization it is usually termed
as internal change.
There are few points to be considered during a change: -
o Minimizing resistance: - Usually companies follow a certain pattern where
employees are used to it and would be comfortable working on the software
for example when there is a change there might be a identifying potential
need and new employs can help to address them to embrace the new

o Ensuring User adoption: - A successful technology development is not solely

delivering the technology and running it but ensuring the users adopt to it and
use it. By providing constant training for a smooth transition

o Maximising ROI: - Organizations invest significant resources in acquiring and

implementing new technologies. To realize a good ROI its crucial that the
technology is not deployed but is used effectively and efficiently

The above points are example for a adoption of technology change

What is the timeframe to recover the ROI (Return on Investment)?

Timeframe for the ROI depends majorly on the overall time given to a project to
complete the over all time given in this project is 18 months with a budget of 2 cores
ROI is calculated by: - RETURNS AFTER COST
For example if we have 30 lakhs post investment the ROI is: - 30lakhs = 6.67
2 crores
Timeframe to recover the ROI is 6 months.
How are stakeholders Identified?
Ans. Stakeholders are identified using RACI matrix which derives Responsibility,
Accountability, Consulted and Identified using this technique a clear understanding of
the stakeholder analysis can be done. Stakeholder analysis is done every time it is
needed. Stakeholders’ analysis for the current project is: -

Q8.The Committee of Mr. Henry, Mr Pandu, and Mr Dooku and Mr Karthik are having a
discussion on Project Development Approach.

Responsible Mr. Vandanam Project


MS. Juhi Senior Jawa Contacted and

developer facilitated through
email, phone

Mr John Data base

Accountable Mr. Vandanam Project
Contacted and
Mr Karthik Delivery head facilitated through
email, phone
Mr. Akshay Raj Business
Consulted Mr. Karthik Delivery head

Mr Peter, Kevin and Stake -holders

Ben (Requirement Contacted and
sharing) facilitated through
email, phone
Mr Mike Network
Hr Head
Informed Mr Henry Committee
Mr Pandu head
Mr. Dooku Contacted and
facilitated through
Mr xyz Client BA email, phone
Mr Karthik explained to Mr. Henry about SDLC. And four methodologies like
Sequential Iterative Evolutionary and Agile. Please share your thoughts and clarity on
Ans. As a project leads in to an initial phase adopting a methodology which suits best to the
project is very crucial. In this project an online agricultural application is being developed.
Methodology and Models follow guidelines
A project development approach or SDLC system development lifecycle are divided into 5
o Waterfall
o V model
o Spiral
o Scrum

1. Waterfall approach/Methodology (Sequential): - It is said to be a traditional approach

where the flow is linear. It is most commonly used. In waterfall model each phase must be
completed entirely before the next phase can begin. At the very end of each phase a review
takes place to check if the project is on a right path
Stages of waterfall model: -
o Requirement Gathering
o Requirement Analysis
o Design
o Develop
o Test
o Deploy

Each step should be completed before starting the first step and should be reviewed a the
end of every phase.
2. V model: - V model is also called as verification and validation model in a sequential
model in a V shape. It is based on the association of Testing phase on each development
phase. In V model in each development phase is directly associated to testing phase.
Can be used in detecting any defects in earlier staged of the project
Advantages of V Model: -
o Simple to use
o Each phase has review and is a rigid model hence it is easy to use
o Phrases are completed one at a time
o Works in project where the requirements are well understood and are small

Disadvantages of a V model: -
o Cannot adjust the scope during the cycle as the model is rigid
o High amounts of risk and uncertainty
o Poor for long and lengthy projects

3. RUP model (Rational Unified Process)—(Iterative): -

RUP is an iterative software development process which involves a lot of budget
requirement. It was acquired by IBM in 2003. RUP depends and follows building or elements
describing what is to be produced, Necessary skills required and the step-step procedure
describing how specific development goals are to be achieved.
Follows on WHO, WHAT AND HOW
Who- Who is responsible (Roles)
What- Tasks produced while working through a product (Work products)
How- Unit of work assigned to a role
RUP has 6 Engineering Principles: -
o Business modelling Requirement Gathering
o Requirement Analysis and design
o Implementation
o Development
o Test
o Deploy

RUP is made such a successful mode for its 4 Project Life cyclcles
o Inception- Agreement among team members on what to be built
o Elaboration-Agreement with team as the architect and design needs to be delivered
o Construction-Implementation of a fully functional system
o Transition- Delivery, defect correction

4. Spiral: - Evolutionary -Spiral model focus mostly on Risk analysis. Spiral model has
4 phases
o Planning
o Risk analysis
o Engineering
o Evaluation

Used in defence and research projects, Scientist are worked and follow spiral model.
Planning: -
When developing a software in constantly passes through these phases in an iteration
(Called as spirals). Starts from the planning phase each spiral builds on the baseline spiral.
Risk analysis: -
Requirements are gathered during the planning phase and in risk analysis phase a process
is undertaken to identify the risk and assessed alternate solutions at the end of risk analysis
Engineering: -
Software is developed in Engineering phase along with testing at each of every phase
Evaluation: -
In the evaluation phase it helps the customer to evaluate the output of the project to date
before the project continues to the next spiral.

Advantages: -
o High amount of risk analysis
o Good for large and mission critical projects
o Software is produced in early stages

Disadvantages: -
o Expensive model to be used
o Hi expertise needed to use risk analysis
o Projects success depends on risk analysis
o Doesn’t work for small projects

5. Agile scrum (Constant deliverables): -

Agile scrum is the happening among of all models and is a huge success. As it can be
implemented where faster delivery is required, As they have no documentation, Code itself
forms a documentation, SDLC is cut down
Clients can directly interact with the Developers
Four main values of Agile Scrum is: -
o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
o Working software over comprehensive documentation
o Customer collaboration over contact negotiation
o Responding to change over following a plan

Scrum has 12 principles which focusses on satisfying customers over processes.

Scrum team are team which comprises of BA’s, Developers, Testers, each team size will on
average of 7-8 members
Product Owner- Will decide the project on what needs to be in the product as wil be
responsible on how the product has to be
Scrum Master: - He will monitor the performance of the team within the sprint. If any issues
team will raise the concerns to scrum master and look forward for solutions. This role can be
played by any person normally BA plays the role of a scrum master
Sprint- Time decided by the team to deliver the project. Usually, a Sprint is for 2 weeks
extending up to 4 weeks
Burn down chart- It shows work was left to do at the beginning of the sprint
Burn up chart- It shows how much work has been completed in the sprint.
Agile scrum can be cost effective and allows changes and is very flexible.
Q9. They discussed models in SDLC like waterfall RUP Spiral and Scrum. You put
forth you’re understanding on these models
When the APT IT SOLUTIONS company got the project to make this online agriculture
product store, there is a difference of opinion between a couple of SMEs and the
project team regarding which methodology would be more suitable for this project.
SMEs are stressing on using the V model and the project team is leaning more onto
the side of waterfall model. As a business analyst, which methodology do you think
would be better for this project?

Ans. As a BA my understanding towards SDLC models for the project Online

Agriculture store, Considering the project and its size I would give my inputs in the

As per my understanding on the SDLC models:

o Waterfall

As the project team is leaning towards the waterfall mode which we are going
to discuss I would lean towards Waterfall model

Waterfall: - Water fall is a linear and pretty straight forward approach and would be best
suited for small and medium projects. Being it a new project and with a USP waterfalls every
phase completion before the next phase would help in maximizing the positive outflow with
minimizing the errors.
In waterfall model the approach would be very organized and planned way. I agree to a point
it does not accommodate too many change requests. However, reviewing each phase plays
a huge impact on the project process, Reviews take place to determine if the project is on
right path. We should be very careful when adjusting a scope as it can kill the project. Being
it a linear process

I would lean towards a waterfall model because unlike another model Waterfall model each
phase linearly flows one after one unlike the iterative model which overlap

Being said in this project Mr. Henry is clear with his vision and has no competitor considering
filling the Gap in the market a waterfall model would be the right choice for the project
progress as there would be less room for error.

RUP model: - Rational Unified Process RUP is an iterative software development

process which involves a lot of budget requirement. It was acquired by IBM in 2003.
RUP depends and follows building or elements describing what is to be produced,
Necessary skills required and the step-step procedure describing how specific
development goals are to be achieved.
RUP model is divided into 4 phases
o Inception- Agreement among team members on what to be built
o Elaboration-Agreement with team as the architect and design needs to be delivered
o Construction-Implementation of a fully functional system
o Transition- Delivery, defect correction

Through these phases the project will be developed iteratively, with risk as the primary
iteration driver. Managing requirements would be efficient by continuously verifying quality
and can control changes

Spiral: - Evolutionary -Spiral model focus mostly on Risk analysis. Spiral model has 4
o Planning
o Risk analysis
o Engineering
o Evaluation

In spiral mode risk analysation is at a key level and each spiral builds on baseline spiral.
IF one spiral is missed project has a risk of failure.
A prototype is produced at the end of risk analysis phase. In spiral angular component
represents progress, and the radius represents costs.

Spiral model is mostly undertaken by defence projects, and electively are managed by

Agile Scrum (Deliveries frequent):- Scrum is a model which produces fast results and
is very easy to use with bare minimum documentations
Agile scrum is the happening among of all models and is a huge success. As it can be
implemented where faster delivery is required, As they have no documentation, Code itself
forms a documentation, SDLC is cut down
Four main values of Agile Scrum are: -
o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
o Working software over comprehensive documentation
o Customer collaboration over contact negotiation
o Responding to change over following a plan

There are 12 principles in Scrum which needs to be actioned on will help great results
12 principles are: -
1) Satisfy the customer through early and continuous deliveries of valuable software
2) Welcome changing requirements, even at the late in development. Agile process
harnesses change for the customer’s competitive advantage
3) Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to a shorter timescale.
4) Business people and developers can work together daily throughout the project
5) Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and the
support they need and trust them to get the job done
6) The most effective and efficient method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face to face conversation
7) Working software is the primary measure of progress
8) Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers,
and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely
9) Continuous attention to technical excellence and goo design enhances agility
10) Simplicity the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential
11) The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organized
12) At regular intervals the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.

As the discussion earlier SMEs are inclined towards the V MODEL lets discuss about
the V model and its advantages and disadvantages: -
V model: - V model is also called as verification and validation model in a sequential model
in a V shape. It is based on the association of Testing phase on each development phase. In
V model in each development phase is directly associated to testing phase.
Can be used in detecting any defects in earlier staged of the project
Advantages of V Model: -
o Simple to use
o Each phase has review and is a rigid model hence it is easy to use
o Phrases are completed one at a time
o Works in project where the requirements are well understood and are small

Disadvantages of a V model: -
o Cannot adjust the scope during the cycle as the model is rigid
o High amounts of risk and uncertainty
o Poor for long and lengthy projects

Hence as a conclusion as BA I would choose or be inclined towards waterfall model as it is

more linear, cost affective and is very simple to understand. There might be many reasons
behind it but considering the working behaviour and the need of the project my take and bet
would be on waterfall project for a better output of the project.
Q10.20Write down the differences between waterfall model and V model.
Ans. In any project initiation the team decides and decodes on which model to be
followed in SDLC. Here we are discussing about two distinguished models which are
different from each other and have their own pros and con’s, it plays an important
role to understand each model and know which one would suit for the project
successful outcome
Let us discuss on the differences between waterfall and V model

 Waterfall model is a linear  V model is known as verification

approach and is simple to and validation model and is
understand more inclined towards testing

 Waterfall model is cost effective  V model is expensive and uses

and do not need lots of resources lots of skilled resources as it
depends on testing

 Waterfall model has less  In V model customer involvement

customer involvement (Customer in the project is much higher as
is not involved until the last the customer does the testing

 Waterfall model follows a much  V model is the extension of the

straight forward approach and it waterfall model follows a similar
is rigid and there is no way to sequential approach but
return to earlier phase once emphasis verification and
completed validation throughout the process

 Waterfall model is good for small  V model is also good for small
and medium projects as it and medium but poor for long
requires less resources and ongoing projects

 Testing starts from the first stage

 At the end of each phase review simultaneously with other phases
takes place if the project is on the
right path

 Waterfall model follows a very  V model is not a planned

organized and planned approach approach focuses more on defect
where the requirements are identification at the early stage
understood well makes it more skilled resources
needed for the project completion

Q11. As a BA, state your reason for choosing one model for this project
Ans. As a BA keeping in mind the project is related to online portal of Agriculture store,
which requires great planning for the execution I would lean and prefer Waterfall model
To justify my choice of waterfall model I would go on choosing it by a step-by-step
methodology: -
 First, I would Gather the requirements from the stakeholders using expectation
elicitation techniques
 After gathering the Requirements I will analyse the gathered requirements keenly
documenting the needs of the client
 Using techniques of 5W1H I will know the need behind initiating the project
 Being a BA I would choose few techniques to get the most details of the project they
are: -
o Gap Analysis
o Feasibility study
o Risk analysis
o Requirements analysis – (Stakeholder requirement, business
requirements, Functional requirements)
o After the requirements are clear I will document the data
o Using UML being a BA I will draw the diagrams (use case,
sequence diagram) and explain the development team on the
requirement in their understood language of diagrams
o Then would keep an eye on the project proceedings and see that the
project has no defects
These are few techniques after verifying as BA I would choose waterfall model: -
o easy to understand
o linear project
o less number of skilled resources required
o Has a clear flow of objectives
o Cost effective
o Good for small and medium projects etc.

Q12.The Committee of Mr. Henry, Mr Pandu, and Mr Dooku discussed with Mr

Karthik and finalised on the V Model approach (RG, RA, Design, D1, T1, D2, T2,
D3, T3, D4, T4 and UAT)
Mr Vandanam is mapped as a PM to this project. He studies this Project and
Prepares a Gantt chart with V Model (RG, RA, Design, D1, T1, D2, T2, D3, T3,
D4, T4 and UAT) as development process and the Resources are PM, BA, Java
Developers, testers, DB Admin, NW Admin
Ans. Gantt chart are prepared by project managers in a project, It act like a progress
report also called as WBS: - Work Breakdown Structure. It helps understanding the
project in a much better are effective way. Allocation of resources is much better
understood in Gantt chart.

There are 2 types of Gant chart

o Progress of the teams/departments throughout the project cycle
o Project of the resources throughout the project cycle
Week Week1 Week2 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week7
1 0 0 9 8 6 5 5 3 8







Project manager
(Mr. Vanadam) 1

Business analyst
(Akshay Raj) 2

Java Developer
(Ms.Juhi) 3

Data base admin

(Mr John) 4

Testers 5

Network admin 6
(Mr Mike)

Q13.Explain the difference between Fixed Bid and Billing projects

Ans. In projects bill are of two types
o Fixed bid
o Billing projects

Fixed bid: - As the name suggest fixed bid is said to be an amount for a project
allocated is fixed using a flat amount, regardless of the number of hours worked.
This flat amount can be applied to the project as a package annually or each week or
month of the project.
o Predictable Budget
o Strict deadlines due to fixed budget
o Little management very few to supervise
Disadvantages: -
o Rigid terms: - Adjustment’s or change management is challenging after

o Miscommunications: - Might lead to product not aligned to client’s


o Long Planning: - Takes longer time in planning and executing as there are no
room for errors.

Billing Projects: - Billing Projects is based on the number of hours worked billed at
the hourly, daily or the monthly rates. Billing occurs based on the actual working
hours. Time sheets play an important role

Advantages: -
o Flexibility
o Adaptability
o Incremental billing
Disadvantages: -
o Cost Uncertainty: - As cost depends on the number of hours work cost
variable stands on uncertainty.

o Less predictable: - Deadlines may be defined less

o Requires Active management: - Regular monitoring and communicating on a

timely basis is required.

Q14 – Preparer Timesheets of a BA in various stages of SDLC - 20 marks

➢ Design Timesheet of a BA

➢ Development Timesheet of a BA

➢ Testing Timesheet of a BA

➢ UAT Timesheet of a BA
➢ Deployment an Implementation Timesheet of a BA

Ans. Time sheets is meant to be a break down of a daily work. Below are the
timesheets in detailed diagram in various stages of SDLC.

➢ Design Timesheet of a BA

Day Time Sheet

Employee Name: - Akshay Raj Date- 05-06-24.
Email: - [email protected]
Phone no: - 9999999999
Design Phase
Sno Task Activity Start time End time Duration
1 Talking to Understanding 10:00am 11:00am 1 Hour
Stakeholders the
2 Requirements Documenting 11:00am 12:00pm 1Hour
sorting the BRD doc
3 Client Zoom call with 12:00pm 02:00pm 2hours
interaction the client on
4 Finetuning the SME call in - 02:30pm 03:30pm 1 hour
inputs for the person call
BRD doc
5 On a call with Informing the 03:30pm 04:30pm 1 hour
the development
development team and
team updating about
the design
6 Team meeting Discuss on the 05:00pm 06:30pm 1.5 hours
day inputs
7.5 hours
Day Time Sheet

Employee Name: - Akshay Raj Date- 05-06-24.

Email: - [email protected]

Phone no: - 9999999999

Development Phase

Sno Task Activity Start time End time Duration

1 Call with the Discussion on 10:00am 11:30am 1.5hour
development Use case
team (Zoom diagram
2 Finetuning the Working on the 11:30am 12:30pm 1 hour
Use case use case
diagram after diagram
taking inputs
3 Client call Interaction with 12:30pm 02:00pm 1.5 hour
interaction the client 1-1
phone call for
4 Zoom call with Taking updates 02:30pm 03:30pm 1 hour
the testers on the
5 Design Sorting the 03:30pm 04:30pm 1 hour
documents design
verification documents for
any defects
6 Team meeting Daily updates 05:00pm 06:30pm 1.5 hours
on the project
7.5 hours

➢ Development Timesheet of a BA
➢ Testing Timesheet of a BA
Day Time Sheet

Employee Name: - Akshay Raj Date- 05-06-24.

Email: - [email protected]

Phone no: - 9999999999

Testing Phase

Sno Task Activity Start time End time Duration

1 Project assignment Cross verifying the 10:00am 11:00am 1 hour
activity diagram by the
development team
2 Face to face Development is handed 11:00am 12:30pm 1.5hour
interaction with the over to testers to test
testing team for defects
3 Stakeholders Communicating to the 12:30pm 02:00pm 1.5hour
interaction stakeholders over a
zoom call about the
4 Interaction with the Communicating with the 02:30pm 03:30pm 1 hour
project manager PM and discussing
about the project
5 Overall check Checking the testing 03:30pm 04:30pm 1 hour
phase for defects
6 Team call Zoom call to the team 04:30 05:30pm 1.5hour
for enquiring about any
defects and issues
7.5 hours
➢ UAT Timesheet of a BA

Day Time Sheet

Employee Name: - Akshay Raj Date- 05-06-24.
Email: - [email protected]
Phone no: - 9999999999
User Acceptance Testing Phase
Sno Task Activity Start time End time Duration
1 Client Zoom call with 10:00am 11:30am 1.5 hour
interaction the client over
UAT testing
2 Meeting with Meet and 11:30am 12:30pm 1 hour
the testers discussion with
Over system the testers for
test planning a overall check
before UAT
3 UAT begins Providing 12:30pm 02:00pm 1.5 hour
when required
to the testers
4 Reviewing Reviewing and 02:30pm 03:30 pm 1 hour
Test case and documenting
product the test case
5 Client feed On a call with 03:30PM 04:30PM 1 hour
back client for taking
about the UAT
6 Team review Discussion 05:00pm 06:30pm 1.5 hour
about the UAT
7.5 hour
➢ Deployment and Implementation Timesheet of a BA

Day Time Sheet

Employee Name: - Akshay Raj Date- 05-06-24.

Email: - [email protected]

Phone no: - 9999999999

Deployment and Implementation Phase

Sno Task Activity Start time End time Duration

1 Team Meeting Answering team 10:00am 11:30am 1.5 hour
through project
delivery and
2 Documenting Documenting 11:30am 12:30pm 1 hour
before and rectifying the
deployment defects raised by
the team
3 Interacting with Zoom call with 12:30pm 01:30pm 1 hour
stakeholders the stake holders
and updating
about the project
4 Interacting with Interacting with 02:00pm 03:00pm 1 hour
testers testing team
regarding any
final tuning to the
5 Performance Review regards 03:00PM 04:00PM 1 hour
review meeting to the
performance of
the product
6 Team meeting Face to face 04:00pm 06:00pm 2 hour
interaction with
team on the
project chart and
discussion with
the MOM
7.5 hours

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