Chemistry I Properties of Matter Chase Chastain

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Properties of Matter (Lesson 1)

There are 3 major properties of matter and one less commonly talking about one, the 3 major
properties are solid, liquid, and gas. The other state of matter that isn’t talked about too much is
plasma which is one state above gas. All things are made up of matter, whether it’s a solid,
liquid, gas or plasma, and all matter is described by mass. All matter also has a volume, and
depending on what form of matter it is will change the amount of space it takes up (Volume). All
mass is also made up of atoms, which will bond to other atoms and molecules to create these
different substances resulting in the wide differentiation in forms of matter. We describe matter
by its properties, and these properties are given based on a substances chemical makeup. Some
of these properties are flammability, luster, conductivity, reactivity, and hardness, and all of
these vary for every element and compound. Every substance also has physical and chemical
properties, physical properties help describe the characteristics of its matter without altering its
chemical makeup. Chemical properties also help describe characteristics of matter through
chemical reactions, and do alter the chemical makeup of a substance. Examples of both would
be something like it texture and color for a physical property, and its flammability and reactivity
would be chemical properties.

Properties of Matter (Lesson 2)

There are both chemical and physical changes in matter, which are based off the properties of a
substance. These physical and chemical changes are closely related to a substances physical and
chemical properties, which involves observing without change and changing its identity to test
its properties. Chemical changes are the ones that involve creating one or two more substances
from a chemical reaction. While chemical changes can be hard to notice, there is a few ways
that you can identify them, chemical changes can be from a slight color change or to the
creation of a whole different molecule. A physical change is something that changes the
substance, but it is still part of the original substance. It could be something like ripping a sheet
of paper or the melting of an ice cube, where the original substance is still there but in another
state of matter or shape. And there are some scenarios where both are present, and in that
case, you could see them exhibiting a chemical and physical change. For example, with lighting a
candle the burning of the wick is a chemical change as it is altering the substance and creating a
different one through a reaction. But the wax is just getting heated up by the open flame and is
turning to liquid which is a physical change as it is a change in state of matter. In total, there are
2 different changes in matter that are shown in chemical and physical reactions, however it is
important to note that not all physical and chemical changes are a reaction but rather an
observation of what has changed.

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