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Little Book of Neter
PO Box 570459, Miami, Fl 33257 Tel. (305) 378-6253

Little Book of Neter by Muata Ashby

ISBN 1-884564-58-5
© 2005 Sema Institute

Sema Institute of Yoga

Sema (?) is an Ancient Egyptian word and symbol meaning union. The Sema
Institute is dedicated to the propagation of the universal teachings of spiritual
evolution which relate to the union of humanity and the union of all things
within the universe. It is an organization that recognizes the unifying principles
in all spiritual and religious systems of evolution throughout the world. Our
primary goals are to provide the wisdom of ancient spiritual teachings from the
Neterian Culture of Ancient Africa in books, courses and other forms of
communication. The Institute is open to all who believe in the principles of
peace, non-violence and spiritual emancipation regardless of sex, race, or creed.
The Sema Institute is recognized by the United States of America Internal
Revenue Service as a Nonprofit Spiritual Organization with 501(C3) status. All
donations to the Sema Institute are tax deductible.


Muata Ashby holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in World Religion and
Myth, focusing on African and Indian Religion, and a Doctor of Divinity Degree
in Holistic Healing. He is also a Pastoral Counselor and Teacher of Yoga
Philosophy and Discipline. Dr. Ashby received his Doctor of Divinity Degree
from and is an adjunct faculty member of the American Institute of Holistic
Theology and the Florida International University. Dr. Ashby is a certification
as a PREP Relationship Counselor. Dr. Ashby has been an independent
researcher and practitioner of Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Yoga and
psychology as well as Christian Mysticism. Dr. Ashby has engaged in Post
Graduate research in Yoga at the Yoga Research Foundation. He has extensively
studied mystical religious traditions from around the world and is an
accomplished lecturer, artist, poet, screenwriter, playwright and author of over
40 books on yoga and spiritual philosophy. He and his partner Seba Dja Ashby
are Ordained Ministers and Spiritual Counselors of Shetaut Neter and also the
founder the Sema Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the
wisdom of Yoga and the Ancient Egyptian mystical traditions.
Dr. Muata Ashby has dedicated his life to educating all those interested in the
mystical teachings of Yoga philosophy from Ancient Egypt. He conducts classes
in Miami Florida on all aspects of Yoga wisdom and lifestyle.

Little Book of Neter

Sema Institute of Yoga..................................................................................... 2
Sema Institute of Yoga..................................................................................... 4
Who is Neter? .................................................................................................. 7
Etymology of the term Shetaut Neter........................................................... 9
The Follower of Neterianism ..................................................................... 11
Where Was Shetaut Neter Practiced in Ancient Times?.................................... 12
Who Was the Founder of Neterianism? ............................................................. 13
What is Sema Tawi........................................................................... 23
WHAT IS SHEDY?....................................................................................... 23
The Neterian Creed: What I Believe ...................................... 25
In order to become a follower of Shetaut Neter an aspirant must become a
member of the Shemsu Congregation of converted devotees of Shetaut Neter. 28
What is the Philosophy of Shems?..................................................................... 28
The Supreme Being is One ........................................................................ 32
The Companies of Gods and Goddesses.................................................... 33
The Anunian Tradition............................................................................... 41
The Theban Tradition ................................................................................ 43
The Goddess Tradition............................................................................... 44
Mehurt (“The Mighty Full One”)The Asarian Tradition ........................... 44
The Asarian Tradition ................................................................................ 45
The Aton Tradition .................................................................................... 46
The Memphite Tradition ............................................................................ 47
The Forces of Entropy in Shetaut Neter Religious Traditions ................... 48
The Great Awakening of Neterian Religion .............................................. 50
SCRIPTURES OF SHETAUT NETER..................................................... 51
GREAT TRUTHS OF SHETAUT NETER............................................... 54
NETERIANISM AND WESTERN RELIGION ............................................... 55
What the Kamitan Mysteries Are Not........................................................ 57
Where to Go From Here?............................................................................... 58

Little Book of Neter

Sema Institute of Yoga


Lets begin here, with “Who are we?” What is the Sema Institute all
about? What is Neterianism? Is it a philosophy, a school, a cult, or a
religious program? What is it?
If you are going to the class to study Neterian philosophy, you go out into
the street and someone asks you, “What are you up to? You go to this place
for a couple of hours. What are you doing over there? Something
mysterious? Something wild? Or something crazy? What is it that you are
doing? What are you going to tell them; I am in a cult? Or I am doing some
secret philosophy.
Neterianism is not a church. Neterianism is not a cult. Neterianism is not
New Age spirituality…trying to put all the spirits together and trying to say
“Oh, we are all one”. New Age spirituality is really a reaction to the
oppression of Orthodox Religion, an attempt to move away from religion all
together. Thus, it is not an authentic spiritual movement, but in a sense, more
like a new form of limited religious practice.
True religion (authentic spiritual movement) is a process that leads you
through three steps: myth, ritual and mysticism. If one’s religion does not
have these three steps, then one is not practicing true religion. If a religion
has a myth and its followers practice ritual(s) relating to that myth, if that is
the extent of the religion, only containing dogmas and stories in which its
followers must have faith, then that religion is not reaching a mystical level
of oneness with all creation. Such a religion stays at the level of ritual, and
leads to conflict with other religions that have different rituals…each
fighting with the other over which is the holiest and or true ritual, and which
is the only true myth. This is a source of strife between religions.
Practicing Neterianism means that one is practicing Kamitan African
Religion. That is how you can define it. There are two branches to our
organization. One is the Sema Institute. Under this branch we have Sema
University, where we now have an Associate Degree program for advanced
education, the bookstore, audio tapes, video tapes…everything that relates to
the academic-educational aspect of the Sema Institute.
Secondly, we have the Temple of Shetaut Neter/ Temple of Aset. This
includes everything related to priesthood, spiritual counseling, initiations,
and spiritual worship programs. I want you to understand it this way, so that
you can realize that the teaching can be approached as a philosophy of life, a
spiritual philosophy or as a religion, a spiritual religious process. So when
Little Book of Neter
someone asks you, what you are practicing, how will you answer? What
would a person practicing Yoruba religion say if asked this question? What
would a person practicing Voodum say if asked this question? They would
respond, “I am practicing African Religion” or “I am practicing Yoruba.”
Thus, if you choose to join the practice, you can say I am practicing
It is very important for you to realize this term “Shetaut Neter” comes
directly from the scriptures of Ancient Africa…from the Medu Neter itself.
It is not a made up term. It is not a fabricated term for modern times. It is the
actual term. In ancient times, Shetaut Neter was practiced in the land that is
currently in modern times called “Egypt,” but the African name is “Kamit.”
However, it must be clearly understood that in Neterian Theology there
are two kinds of Mysteries, the lower and the higher. The lower Mysteries
are worldly, practical branches of learning, the areas that help human beings
to improve their lives and learn about the world around them. The lower
mysteries offer limited insight because they only use physical, empirical
means for the researches. Examples of the lower mysteries include
mechanics, engineering, astronomy, literature, mathematics, physiology, etc.
The higher Mysteries are the disciplines or sciences that promote insight into
the nature of self and the revelation of the Mysteries of life, the Mysteries of
the universe. The higher Mysteries answer questions such as “Who am I?
Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is life? What or who is
God?,” etc. This book does not deal with the lower mysteries. However,
certain knowledge of the lower Mysteries is necessary to pursue the higher
Mysteries. One could not study the Mysteries if one could not understand a
certain level of mathematics, language, etc.; a certain level of maturity,
stability and intellectual capacity are necessary to pursue higher spiritual
attainment, and the lower Mysteries provide that foundation. By being
proficient in one of the lower Mysteries, you can get a reasonably well
paying job, and pay your bills. Then you can also to afford to buy spiritual
books, to read them and then reflect on their meaning. Stability and financial
capacity gained from being proficient in the lower Mysteries allows you to
think without the pressure of financial burdens, purchase the materials
necessary for the practice, visit spiritual centers, confer with spiritual
teachers, etc. So this book is for those who want to know more and be
introduced to the higher Mysteries of life, the mystical, metaphysical
disciplines that lead to attaining transcendental consciousness,
enlightenment, the Great Spiritual Awakening.

Little Book of Neter

Shetaut Neter: The Path of Awakening

Long ago, before any other civilization on earth arose, the Ancient
Kamitian (Egyptian) Sages developed an extensive system of mythology
and psychology as a means to assist human beings to develop to their full
potential. This philosophy was called Smai Taui or Smai Heru Set
(Egyptian Yoga). Who am I and what is this universe? These are
questions which have perplexed humanity since the beginning of
civilization. However, the Sages of ancient Africa were able to discover
the secrets of the universe and of the innermost nature of the human
heart. This discovery allowed them to create a civilization which lasted
for tens of thousands of years and it enabled the creation of the
magnificent monuments (Sphinx, Great Pyramids and Temples, which
stand to this day. Also, Ancient Egyptian religion influenced and
continues to influence the religions of Africa and other world religions of
today such as Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. So what does this mean
for us today? Many people have visited Egypt and have studied the work
of Egyptologists but how many have been transformed into higher
minded, more content, more powerful human beings who can rise to the
challenges of life and aspire to achieve material and spiritual success?
Many people have read about and studied Ancient Egyptian mythology
but how is it possible to gain a deeper understanding of the mystical
principles and how is it possible to integrate them into one’s life so as to
transform oneself into a higher being as the texts describe? How is it
possible to go beyond the limited understanding of religion and the
Little Book of Neter
philosophy of modern culture which have not brought peace and
prosperity to the world? In order to Succeed in Shetaut Neter one must
also practice the Sema Tawi (Yoga) disciplines. When one practices the
disciplines of Sema Tawi in Shetaut Neter this is called Shedy or “Studies
and practices to penetrate the mysteries.”

Who is Neter?

Who is Ntr?

The symbol of Neter was described by an Ancient Kamitan sage as:

“That which is placed in the coffin”

The term Ntr , or Ntjr , come from the Ancient

Egyptian hieroglyphic language which did not record its vowels.
However, the term survives in the Coptic language as “Nutar.” The
same Coptic meaning (divine force or sustaining power) applies in the
present as it did in ancient times, It is a symbol composed of a wooden
staff that was wrapped with strips of fabric, like a mummy. The strips
alternate in color with yellow, green and blue. The mummy in Kamitan

Little Book of Neter
spirituality is understood to be the dead but resurrected Divinity. So the
Nutar is actually every human being who does not really die, but goes to
live on in a different form. Further, the resurrected spirit of every human
being is that same Divinity. Phonetically, the term Nutar is related to
other terms having the same meaning, the latin “Natura,” Spanish
Naturalesa, English “Nature” and “Nutriment”, etc. In a real sense, as we
will see, Natur means power manifesting as Neteru and the Neteru are
the objects of creation, i.e. “nature.”

What is Shetaut Neter? The Ancient Egyptians were African peoples

who lived in the north-eastern quadrant of the continent of Africa. They
were descendants of the Nubians, who had themselves originated from
farther south into the heart of Africa at the great lakes region, the sources
of the Nile River. They created a vast civilization and culture earlier than
any other society in known history and organized a nation which was
based on the concepts of balance and order as well as spiritual
enlightenment. These ancient African people called their land Kamit and
soon after developing a well ordered society they began to realize that
the world is full of wonders but life is fleeting and that there must be
something more to human existence. They developed spiritual systems
that were designed to allow human beings to understand the nature of
this secret being who is the essence of all Creation. They called this
spiritual system “Shtaut Ntr.”

The term “Neterianism”

is derived from the name “Shetaut Neter.” What is
Neterianism? The term “Neterianism” is derived from the
term Shetaut Neter. Those who follow the spiritual path of
Shetaut Neter are referred to as “Neterians.” When
referring to the religion of ancient Egypt, itself, the term
Neterianism will be used. This term will be substituted for
or will be used interchangeably with the term Ancient
Egyptian Religion or Kamitan Religion or spirituality. All
these are referring to the same thing: Neterianism, Shetaut
Neter, Ancient Egyptian Religion, or Kamitan Religion.

Those who follow the spiritual path of Shetaut Neter are therefore
referred to as “Neterians.”

Little Book of Neter
Neterianism is the science of Neter, that is, the study of the secret or
mystery of Neter, the enigma of that which transcends ordinary
consciousness but from which all creation arises. The world did not come
from nothing, nor is it sustained by nothing. Rather it is a manifestation
of that which is beyond time and space but which at the same time
permeates and maintains the fundamental elements. In other words, it is
the substratum of Creation and the essential nature of all that exists.

Etymology of the term Shetaut Neter

Here we have the term Shetaut or Sheta meaning

“hidden, difficult to understand, hard to get through, a
mystery.” The term Shetaut Kepheru, means hidden,
creator of forms; Shetitu means: “writings related to the
hidden teachings”; Shet-Ta means “the land covered by
the Nile.” When the Nile water is overflowing, the land
is covered, so it means covered, or shrouded.
Sheta means “the secret hidden Divinity.” Shetaut Aset
means “the Divinity in the hidden abode or throne;”
(Aset means abode or throne). Shetai means “hidden
secret Being, The Divine essential nature.” This is the
etymology of the term Shetaut in Shetaut Neter.

The Goal of Shetaut Neter:

The Great Awakening

What is the purpose of Neterianism? What is the purpose of all

the disciplines of Neterian spirituality?
The end of all the Neterian disciplines is to discover the
meaning of “Who am I," to unravel the mysteries of life and to
fathom the depths of eternity and infinity. This is the task of all
human beings and it is to be accomplished in this very lifetime.
This can be done by learning the ways of the Neteru, emulating
them and finally becoming like them, Akhus, (enlightened beings),
walking the earth as giants and accomplishing great deeds such as
the creation of the universe!
The Kemetic word “Nehast” means attaining that sublime and highest
goal of life which is Spiritual Enlightenment, to experience the state of

Little Book of Neter
conscious awareness of oneness with the Divine and all Creation which
transcends individuality born of ego consciousness…like the river
uniting with the ocean, discovering the greater essential nature of Self…
that state which bestows abiding blessedness, peace, bliss, contentment,
fulfillment, freedom from all limitation and supreme empowerment.

The ultimate goal of life is Nehast. Nehast means “Spiritual Awakening.”

It is the spiritual awakening that leads one to discover the glory of life
beyond death, discovering immortality, eternity and supreme peace. This is
the coveted goal of all spiritual aspirants in all religions of the world, past or
present. This is the goal that is to be striven for in life. It is the most worthy
goal because all else will fade away one day. All else is perishable, fleeting
and illusory. And this is what is called the Great Awakening, Nehast, the
Awakening to spiritual consciousness. In the upper left hand corner of the
slide you can see Asar Awakening from the tomb being assisted by the four
sons of Heru. These four sons are also the first Shemsu, the Shemsu Heru.
They are the ones who follow Asar, and they help to resurrect him. Nehast
means to wake-up, to awaken to the higher existence.
The question is how to attain that lofty goal (Nehast). Just because all
religions are striving for that does not mean they are engaging the correct
methods to achieve that goal. They may have the dogma, the idea, but that
does not mean that they have the how. One cannot attain resurrection, the
spiritual awakening, just by faith. Faith must be followed by action, living in
accordance with the teachings. That leads to growing understanding of and
finally experience of the Divine. The end of all of the Neterian disciplines is
to discover the meaning of “Who am I?,” to unravel the mysteries of life,
and to fathom the depths of eternity and infinity. This is the task of all
human beings, and it is to be accomplished in this very lifetime. This can be
done by learning the ways of the Neteru and emulating them, and finally
becoming like them, Akhus walking the earth as giants and accomplishing
great deeds.
Little Book of Neter
Akhu is a term that we use in Neterian Theology that means “enlightened
beings.” Akhu is a person who has achieved Nehast, who has achieved
awakening…the great Enlightenment.

The Follower of Neterianism

“Shemsu Neter”

“Follower (of) Neter”

The term “Neterianism” is derived from the name “Shetaut Neter.”

Those who follow the spiritual path of Shetaut Neter are therefore
referred to as “Neterians.”

Neterianism is the science of Neter, that is, the study of the secret or
mystery of Neter, the enigma of that which transcends ordinary
consciousness but from which all creation arises. The world did not come
from nothing, nor is it sustained by nothing. Rather it is a manifestation
of that which is beyond time and space but which at the same time
permeates and maintains the fundamental elements. In other words, it is
the substratum of Creation and the essential nature of all that exists.

So those who follow the Neter may be referred to as Neterians.

Little Book of Neter
Where Was Shetaut Neter Practiced in Ancient Times?

In ancient times Neterianism, was practice in the land of Kamit and the land
of Kush. Kamit is located in the Northeastern corner of Africa. A civilization
began to appear along the Nile River more than 12,000 years ago; this
civilization became the Kamitan society. The Kamitans themselves say that
they came from the south, from the land of Kush, originally as colonists.

Qamit - Ancient Egypt

Qamit - blackness – black

Qamit - literature of Ancient Egypt – scriptures

Qamiu or variant Q M Tuv-

Ancient Egyptians-people of the black land.

Little Book of Neter
Who Was the Founder of Neterianism?

One of the most important questions in life for followers of any religion is
who started it? In order to understand who founded Neterianism, the
teaching of Shetaut Neter, we must also understand the origins of creation.
In the sacred scriptures of Shetaut Neter we are told that Creation is a cycle.
That is, that Creation occurs cyclically. God brings creation into existence
and then dissolves it again.

The current cycle of Creation began around the year 36,000 B.C.E. In the
beginning there was nothing more than a watery mass, a primeval ocean,
called Nun. Nun is the body of Khepri. Prior to the creation, Khepri
remained in a recumbent posture. He rested on the back of the great serpent
Asha-hrau (“many faces”).

In the form of Ra Khepri arose from the primeval ocean (Nun) with his
boat, accompanied by his company of Gods and Goddesses. Nun lifted the
boat from the depths of the ocean so it could engender Creation and sail for
millions of years..

Little Book of Neter

From that Nun the Divine Spirit arose by stimulating Asha-hrau to move and
churn the ocean. Then he named himself Khepri, Creator. Khepri called out

his own name and dchn –vibrations were infused in the ocean
and waves vere formed. Just as there are many waves in the ocean with
many shapes and sizes, the objects of the world came into being in the form
of elements, Ra (fire), Shu (air-space), Tefnut (water), Geb (earth), Nut
(ether). Everything in creation emanates from the Nun or primordial ocean,
and expresses in the form of elements in succeeding levels of denseness.
These elements also manifest in the form of the opposites of Creation (man-
woman, up-down, white-black) which appear to be exclusive and separate
from each other, but which are in reality complements to each other.

Khepri and the Creation Myth

Khepri congealed the Nun, his own body, into all the forms of Creation. The

first spot that was congealed from the Nun is called Benben,
the first place, the Ben-Ben dot, •, of Creation. That dot is the center point in
the symbol of Khepr-Ra $. That dot is the very point at the top of the

Pyramid mr- Obelisk, tekhnu. The pyramid-

obelisk symbolizes the mound that formed from that initial spot. Khepri sat
atop the hill of Creation and all solid ground took form underneath him.

Little Book of Neter

Khepri then bought forth Creation by emerging in a boat. The Nun waters
lifted him and his boat up with his great arms. He brought nine divinities
with him in that boat, lesser gods and goddesses, to help him sustain the
Creation and lead human beings on the righteous path to life and spiritual

Having created Creation, Khepri now

sails the ocean, which has now become
Creation itself, with his divinities, on the
divine boat. Khepri-Ra and the pauti,
Company of gods and goddesses, travels
in the Boat of Millions of Years, which
traverses the heavens, and thereby
sustains creation through the wake of the
boat that sends ripples (vibrations)
throughout Creation. The act of
“Sailing” signifies the motion in
creation. Motion implies that events
occur in the realm of time and space
relative to each other, thus, the
phenomenal universe comes into
existence as a mass of moving essence
we call the elements. Prior to this
motion, there was the primeval state of
being without any form and without
existence in time or space. The gods and
goddesses of the boat form the court of
Little Book of Neter
Kheper-Ra. As Ra, the Supreme Being governed the earth for many
thousands of years. He created the world, the planets, the stars and the
galaxies; he also created animals, as well as men and women. In the
beginning, men and women revered the Divine, but after living for a very
long time, they began to take Ra for granted. They became arrogant and
vain. Ra sent his daughter, Hetheru, to punish them, but she forgot her way
and became lost in the world. Then He left for his abode in heaven and gave
the earthly throne to his son Shu, and daughter, Tefnut. After a long period
of time, they turned over the throne to their children, Geb and Nut. After
some time again, Geb and Nut gave the throne to their children, Asar and
Aset, and so on in a line of succession throughout history, down to the
Pharaohs of Kamit.
Lord Khepri manifests as Neberdjer, “All-encompassing Divinity.”
Aspirants are to say:

tu-a m shems n Neberdjer

“I am a follower of Neberdjer

er sesh n Kheperu
in accordance with the writings of Lord Kheperu”
So, the Shetaut Neter “Mystery teachings” were originally given by the
Creator, Khepri. In this capacity he is known as

Shetaut Kheperu, “hidden Creator of forms.” Lord

Djehuti codified these Mystery teachings into the hieroglyphic texts, and
these teachings were passed down to succeeding generations of divinities,
sages and priests and priestesses throughout history.

So Lord Khepri imparted his knowledge to the divinities, and especially to

his son Djehuti . Thus, Lord Khepri, the Self Created Divinity, is the
founder of Shetaut Neter. The codifier was his first main disciple, Djehuti.
Little Book of Neter
Djehuti has the body of a man and the head of an Ibis bird. He also has
another form as a baboon. The teaching that Lord Khepri gave to Djehuti
became known as Shetitu and it was conveyed through the Medtu
Neteru (hieroglyphic texts).

Medtu Neteru
“ ”
The teachings of the Neterian Traditions are conveyed in the scriptures of
the Neterian Traditions. The Medu Neter was used through all periods by
priests and priestesses – mostly in monumental inscriptions such as the
Pyramid texts, Obelisks, temple inscriptions, etc. – since Pre-Dynastic
times. It is the earliest form of writing in known history. Thus, these Shetaut
(mysteries- rituals, wisdom, philosophy) about the Neter (Supreme Being)
are related in the writings of the hidden teaching. And those writings are
referred to as Medu Neter or “Divine Speech,” the writings of
the god Djehuti (Ancient Egyptian god of the divine word). Medu Neter also
generally refers to any Kamitan hieroglyphic texts or inscriptions. The term

Medu Neter makes use of a special hieroglyph, , which means “medu” or

“staff - walking stick-speech.” This means that speech is the support for the
Divine, . Thus, just as the staff supports an elderly person, the
hieroglyphic writing (the word) is a prop or support (staff) which sustains
the Divine in the realm of time and space. That is, these Divine writings
(Medu Neter) contain the wisdom which enlightens us about the Divine,

Shetaut Neter. If Shetitu is mastered through the

study of the Medu Neter then the spiritual aspirant becomes

Maakheru or true of thought, word and deed,

that is, purified in body, mind and soul. The symbol medu is static while the
symbol of Kheru is dynamic.

The term Maakheru uses the glyph kheru, which is a rudder – oar
(rowing), and a symbol of voice, meaning that purification occurs through
the righteous movement of the word, when it is used (rowing-movement) to
promote Maat (virtue, order, peace, harmony and truth). So Medu Neter is
the potential word and Maa kheru is the perfected word.

Little Book of Neter
The hieroglyphic texts (Medu Neter) become useful (Maakheru) in the

process of religion when they are used as hekau - the

Ancient Egyptian “Words of Power.” They are to be Hesi,

chanted and Shmai- sung, and thereby one performs

Dua or adoration of the Divine. The divine word

allows the speaker to control the gods and goddesses, who actually are the
cosmic forces in Creation. Human beings are a higher order beings, and they
can attain this higher state of consciousness if they learn about the nature of
the universe and elevate themselves through virtue and wisdom.

Above: Lord Djehuti imparted the teaching he learned from Khepri to

goddess Hetheru (here in the form of a cow goddess). She became lost in the
world and forgot her true identity. He showed her how to discover her true
Self, how to know herself and how to find her way back to heaven, to her
father Ra. Here Djehuti is shown presenting to Hetheru, the healed right eye
of Ra, her true essence.

Above: Goddess Hetheru as Queen

Lord Khep-Ra knew that human beings needed guidance, so he sent his great
grandchildren, Asar and Aset, to be teachers and role models for human
beings on earth. Lord Djehuti also imparted the hidden knowledge of life to
Aset and Asar, so that they would lead people on earth in a righteous
manner, showing them the path of peace, prosperity and spiritual
enlightenment. Asar and Aset established the Shetaut Neter, “Divine
Little Book of Neter
Mysteries,” ritual worship and Ancient Egyptian religion. When human
beings become too involved in the world they forget their true nature, and so

the Temple, Het Neter {House of the Divinity {God(dess)}-

Temple},was created, where the pressure of the world can be relieved, and
an association with something other than the worldly perspective (i.e., with
Divinity) can occur.

Such a place and its teaching are needed so that the mind can become aware

of higher possibilities and turn away from umt-ab- “mental

dullness” due to Khemn, “ignorance,” and be led to

Nehast –“Resurrection, spiritual awakening,”

Akhu, “enlightenment” and so that human beings may become

Sheps- “nobility, honor, venerable-ness, honored ancestors.”

Above: Aset nurses baby Heru

So, Aset learned the Mystery teachings from Lord Djehuti. Aset is the
ancient African prototype of the mother and child which is popular all over
Africa, and also in Christian and Indian iconography with the birth of Jesus
and Krishna, respectively. The mother is the first teacher. Aset not only

Little Book of Neter

raised Heru, but also initiated him into the mysteries of

life and creation, with the teaching she learned from Djehuti and Khepri, in
order to enlighten him and make him strong for the battle of life.

Heru is the redeemer, the

challenger, the one who stands up for
his father, Asar, and liberates him from
the imprisonment of death. Heru
represents spiritual aspiration and
success in the spiritual path. Heru
reestablishes order after defeating the
evil Set, and takes the throne of Kamit.
In his form as Heru Behdet, Heru is a
warrior. He fights for truth, justice and
freedom for all. Heru, the redeemer, the
warrior, the greatest advocate of Asar
(the soul) and triumphant aspirant is the
one who leads the aspirant to the
initiation hall. As seen above, Heru is
often the one shown leading the
aspirant by the hand, into the inner shrine. In rituals, the priest wears a Heru
mask in the context of a ritual theatrical ceremony of the temple that is
meant to awaken the glory of the Neterian teaching in the heart of the

What is the purpose of life? In order to tread a true and beneficial path in
life it is necessary to understand what is good in life and is worth pursuing,
as opposed to what is not true or worth pursuing. The philosophy provides
insight. The wisdom teachings related to this important issue need to be
carefully studied and diligently reflected upon until the message is
understood clearly by your mind.

Little Book of Neter
Kamitan Proverbs:

“The purpose of human life is to achieve a state of consciousness

apart from bodily concerns”

“Men and women are to become godlike through a life of virtue

and cultivation of the spirit through scientific knowledge, practice,
and bodily discipline.”
“Salvation is freeing of the soul from the bodily fetters. Becoming a
god through knowledge and wisdom, controlling the forces of the
cosmos instead of being a slave to them. Subduing the lower nature
and through awakening the higher Self, ending the cycle of rebirth
and dwelling with the neters who direct and control the great plan.”

What should be the purpose of life? Should the purpose of life be to get
rich, to have lots of fame, or a big family? No, the purpose is to become
God-like, and further, to become one with God!

Now, if you decide to adopt Shetaut Neter, and you meet, say, a Christian
person on the road, how will you respond to them? Perhaps you have
friends in your family who are Christians, Muslims, etc., and they may ask
you what are you doing? You may answer: “I am practicing African
Religion.” “I am practicing Neterianism.” Suppose they now ask you,
“What is your goal in Neterianism?” Do not tell them you are trying to
become a god or a goddess. Don’t waste you time getting into that kind of
conflict, because in their view only Jesus can do that. But in African
Religion… everybody can do that, and not in some future time, but right
now…in your lifetime.

In ancient times, there was a certain genre of literature called “The Harper’s
Songs.” This is a special genre of ancient Egyptian literature that deals with
the understanding of the meaning and purpose of life. Through the following
Harper’s Song, the purpose of life becomes clear. The song goes:

“I have heard these songs, which are in the ancient tombs

Which tell of the virtues of life on earth, and make little of life in the
Neterkert (cemetery).
Why then do likewise to eternity?
It is a place of justice, without fear,
where an uproar is forbidden,
where no one attacks his fellow.
This place has no enemies;

Little Book of Neter
All our relatives have lived in it from time immemorial.
and with millions more to come.
I joined in?
It is not possible to linger in Egypt
No one can escape from going west (note: west is the land to death, the
land of the afterlife, the Netherworld)
One’s acts on earth are like a dream
Welcome safe and sound,
to whoever arises in the West”

The Harper is telling us we cannot linger on earth. We must plan for our
departure, and that our acts on earth here are like a dream. If you
consider what the Harper’s Song is saying, it is like when you have
a dream when you are asleep. Your dream appears to be very real,
but when you wake up from it in the morning, then you realize that
it is not real. What happens when you go to sleep? When you go to
sleep you believe that dream world is real, and this waking world is
unreal. Which is the reality then? Do you see the high philosophy
that is going on here? It means that there is something within you
that is beyond the changing realms of consciousness… the waking
and the dream state.

How are you to discover that state that is beyond illusion? How are you to
elevate yourself to transcend this mortal finite existence?
Accomplishing this is what is referred to as becoming gods and
goddesses. The question then becomes how is this to be achieved?
It is wonderful for me to tell you what Shetaut Neter is all about.
But it is also important that you know how this is achieved. I am
sure that you have heard of that saying “many are called and few are

Those of you who are studying this now, as opposed to the millions of
people who are out there in the world – you are reading this because
you are ready to pursue some new path to life. You are ready to
discover some insight that leads you to the answers to your
questions, and most likely, as to the true purpose in life and the
source of pain in life. I am mainly just confirming what you already
know anyway, because you have the wisdom inside you, but you
have to know how to tap into it.

Little Book of Neter

What is Sema Tawi

“Sema Tawi or Smai Taui)”
(From Chapter 4 of the Prt m Hru)

In Chapter 4 and Chapter 17 of the Prt m Hru, a term “Sma (Sema or

Smai) Tawi” is used. It means “Union of the two lands of Egypt,” ergo
“Egyptian Yoga.” The two lands refer to the two main districts of the
country (North and South). In ancient times, Egypt was divided into two
sections or land areas. These were known as Lower and Upper Egypt. In
Ancient Egyptian mystical philosophy, the land of Upper Egypt relates to
the divinity Heru (Horus), who represents the Higher Self, and the land of
Lower Egypt relates to Set, the divinity of the lower self. So Sema (Smai)
Tawi means “the union of the two lands” or the “Union of the lower self
with the Higher Self. The lower self relates to that which is negative and
uncontrolled in the human mind including worldliness, egoism, ignorance,
etc. (Set), while the Higher Self relates to that which is above temptations
and is good in the human heart as well as in touch with Transcendental
consciousness (Heru). Thus, we also have the Ancient Egyptian term Sema
(Smai) Heru-Set, or the union of Heru and Set. So Sema (Smai) Tawi or
Sema (Smai) Heru-Set are the Ancient Egyptian words which are to be
translated as “Egyptian Yoga.”


Shedy means: "to penetrate the mysteries", "to study the teachings deeply
and gain insight into their meaning." What Are The Disciplines of

There were 4 aspects of Shedy (Spiritual Practice):

Sedjm -“Listening"
Maat -"Right Actions"
Little Book of Neter
Uash - "Devotion to God"
Uaa -"Meditation”

For those who have chosen Shetaut Neter as their path, it is necessary to enter
into a process called Shedy. Shedy means. Each discipline of Shedy is
designed to inform, purify, elevate and establish the Shemsu on the path to
awakening. These are the steps to the effective practice of religion that will
lead a human being to maturity and spiritual realization. In order to be
effective the disciplines must be listened to, acted upon and meditated upon
under the correct guidance.

1-Listen to the teaching: “Mestchert” “Listening, to fill the ears,

listen attentively”

2- Study, reflection on the teaching: MAUIbPÆËËC·Á “to think, to

ponder, to fix attention, concentration” and right actions based on the

teachings: Learn the path of Virtue, that is Maat . Even in

your present circumstance learn to develop divine values, be righteous, treat
others righteously and fairly, uphold truth and justice for all. This will purify
you and will allow you to experience the benefits of steps 1-3 above. This is
your duty. Uphold your responsibilities. Be a virtuous and you will discover
inner peace and higher consciousness and you will also affect those around
you. So it is very important to practice the teachings to the highest possible
degree. Acquire the books that relate the teaching. If possible get audio
taped lectures from qualified preceptors, that explain the teaching. Then
your efforts will be most effective in transforming your life and discovering
true redemption and divine glory.

3-Then Meditate upon the teaching: uaa nPP" “Meditation”

Little Book of Neter
The Neterian Creed: What I Believe
(based on the Scriptures and Traditions of Shetaut Neter)
Sebai Maa and Seba Dja Ashby

As a Neterian, I follow the Ancient African-Kamitan religious path of

Shetaut Neter, which teaches about the mysteries of the Supreme Being,
Neberdjer, the All Encompassing Divinity. I believe that from Neberdjer
proceed all the Neteru (gods and goddesses), and all the worlds, and the
entire universe. Since Neberdjer manifests as the Neteru, Neberdjer can be
worshipped as a god or a goddess. I believe that there is only one Supreme
Being, Neberdjer, and that the gods and goddesses are expressions of the
One Supreme Being, Neberdjer. As a Neterian, I strive to come into
harmony with the gods and goddesses, the Neteru, by developing within my
personality the different virtuous and divine qualities they symbolize; this
will lead me closer to Neberdjer. As a Neterian, I also believe that Supreme
Being I call Neberdjer is the same Supreme Being that is worshiped by other
religions under different names.

I believe that Neberdjer established all creation on Maat, righteousness,

truth, and order, and that my actions, termed Ari, determine the quality of
life I lead and experience. If I act with Maat (positive Ari) my path will be
free of suffering and pain. When I forget Maat and act in an unrighteous
manner (negative Ari), I invite suffering and pain into my life.
As a Neterian I believe when my body dies, my heart’s actions will be
examined against Maat. If it is found that I upheld Maat during my lifetime,
I will have positive Ari, and my Akhu (spirit) will become one with
Neberdjer for all eternity. This is called Nehast, the Spiritual Awakening-
Enlightenment. If it is found that I acted with selfishness and greed, I will
have negative Ari, and my Ba (soul) will suffer after death and then be
reincarnated again to live in the world of time and space again. This is called
Uhemankh (reincarnation).

As a Neterian I believe in the teaching of Shemsu, following the path of

Shetaut Neter, by practicing the disciplines of Shedy, which include: Study
of Wisdom teachings (Rech-Ab), Devotion to God (Uashu), Acting with
Righteousness (Maat) and Meditation (Uaa). Neberdjer provided the
Shetitu, the spiritual teaching that was written in Medu Neter (hieroglyphic
scripture) so that the Shemsu (followers) might study the wisdom teaching
of Shetaut Neter. Two most important Neterian scriptures are the Pert M
Hru and the Hessu Amun, and the most important Neterian myth is the
Asarian Resurrection.

By the practice of the disciplines of Shedy, I will discover the Shetaut

(Mysteries) of life and become Maakheru, Pure of Heart. I will become one
with God even before death, and I will discover supreme peace, abiding
Little Book of Neter
happiness and fulfillment of my life‘s purpose, and promote peace and
harmony for the world.

The Sema Institute and Temple of Shetaut Neter is dedicated to

The dissemination of Neterian Wisdom (Sema and Shetaut Neter) in
Neterianism is the modern day reference to Shetaut Neter (Ancient
Egyptian Religion),
Promoting the practice of Shetaut Neter Religion
Training Neterian Aspirants,
Promoting World Peace, human dignity and equality between
cultures, genders and the care of the environment.


(Teachings Presented in the Kamitan scriptures)
What We Uphold

1. The Purpose of Life is to Attain the Great Awakening-

Enlightenment-Know thyself.
2. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the Shedy (spiritual investigation) as the
highest endeavor of life.
3. SHETAUT NETER enjoins that it is the responsibility of every
human being to promote order and truth.
4. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the performance of Selfless Service to
family, community and humanity.
5. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the Protection of nature.
6. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the Protection of the weak and
7. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the Caring for hungry.
8. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the Caring for the homeless.
9. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the equality for all people.
10. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the equality between men and women.
11. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the justice for all.
12. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the sharing of resources.
13. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the protection and proper raising of
14. SHETAUT NETER enjoins the movement towards balance and

Little Book of Neter
Universality of Shetaut Neter
Shetaut Neter is the name or ancient African term that most likely you
have heard translated as the “Egyptian Mysteries.” You probably know that
the Egyptian Mysteries is something that was practiced an Kamit (ancient
Egypt). In general (orthodox) western culture, it is often related as
something mysterious, something occult, something shrouded in history, in
darkness. People are oftentimes told that they should shy away from it or
that they should fear it. This is one of the great hoaxes that have been
perpetrated on ancient Egyptian spirituality and African Culture. The
importance of African philosophy is not only for African culture in Africa,
but African Culture outside of Africa, the latter relating to all humanity in
the larger sense. Most people in the world are following spiritual traditions
and philosophies in ways that are leading them into ignorance, darkness,
stress and strife. Those are not humanistic traditions, traditions that are
based on truth and universal spirituality. We need to rectify this. Firstly, this
philosophy is for all people. Our own Kamitan scriptures state this point.
Shetaut Neter (The Egyptian Mysteries) is a universal teaching to improve
life, and promote peace and prosperity for all. All people are part of the
human family, spiritually and physically. Genetics has shown that all human
beings, regardless of if one’s ancestry is from Africa, Asia, Europe or the
Americas in more recent times, all originated from Africa. Therefore, all
human beings are Africans, sharing in the legacy and heritage of Africa.
This fact was well recognized in ancient times. Therefore, Neterianism does
not support any form of racism, sexism or notion of superiority of any
individual, gender or group of humans being over another.

Little Book of Neter
Being a Follower of
Shetaut Neter
In order to become a follower of Shetaut Neter an aspirant must
become a member of the Shemsu Congregation of converted
devotees of Shetaut Neter.

What is the Philosophy of Shems?

“Shems” {to follow }

The term “Neterian” means a person who follows Shetaut Neter,
and the specific term for that person who is a “follower” is Shems.
Shemsu are persons (plural) who follow Shetaut Neter. They are
disciples or followers. This next slide shows the specific Medu
Neter scripture that gives us this wisdom of the terms:

Shems means “follow.” Shemsu Shetaut Neter are the followers of the
Neterian Path. What does it mean to follow something? Why should
some things be followed and others not? What should be followed in life
and why? These are certainly some of the most important questions in
life because if serious thought is put to them, they involve the crucial
questions of life, who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?
Which are or should be the most important concerns in life? This
teaching of Shems offers some answers.

tu-a m shems n Neberdjer

Little Book of Neter
“I am a follower of Neberdjer

er sesh n Kheperu
in accordance with the writings of Lord Kheperu”
In ancient times, Lord Khepri gave the spiritual teaching and then
Lord Djehuti created Medu Neter (hieroglyphs) to write it down. Then
Lord Asar created Shetaut Neter, the organized way to practice the
teachings of the mysteries. And Heru, the son of Lord Asar became the
supreme upholder of the teaching and all who follow Heru are on the
glorious road that will lead them to discover the mysteries of life and the
splendor of eternity. The answer to the important questions of life was
given by the sages of ancient times as following the spiritual path. In
ancient times that path was known as Shetaut Neter. These teachings
were passed on through history to succeeding generations of sages,
priestess and priestesses of Neterian Religion. So, why is it important for
you to become a member of the Shetaut Neter tradition and what does it
mean to be a follower of the Shetaut Neter spiritual teaching? If you are
reading this it is because at one time or another you have come to the
recognition of the important work being conducted by those who
currently are following Shetaut Neter for the betterment of humanity but

also to promote your own Nehast {spiritual

awakening and emancipation, resurrection}. In order to reach the state of
consciousness known as Nehast there must first be

Nehas {wakefulness, being awake}. Being awake

implies wakefulness towards the teaching, that is, attentiveness, spending
time, desire, etc. for spiritual pursuits. This means being mature enough
to have grown beyond childish pursuits and interests, the worldly ideals
of life. Needing to have a job to support oneself and one’s family should
not be an impediment to intensive practice. However, it will become an
obstacle if that job or career is the main objective in life. The teaching
should be the main objective and the job should be a means to finance
the intensification of the practice of the teachings. Those who want to
discover the true meaning of life should follow the teaching with practice
that includes devotional practices, rituals, and the study of Maat
teachings to develop purity or heart until a higher level of

Little Book of Neter

aspiration develops. The focus here is to develop arit maat

{“offering righteous actions, living life righteously”}.

The opposite of nehas is Nem {“sleep, slumber,

slothfulness, immaturity”}. A person who is immature cannot adopt the
teaching properly and will thus not be able to follow it rightly. What is
needed is wakefulness towards higher perspectives in life and
slothfulness towards what is degraded. This means an aspirant should
learn to be awake as opposed to ordinary worldly people who are asleep
towards the higher perspective and wakeful towards what is base,
degraded and illusory in life. Once there is wakefulness, spiritual
sensitivity, spiritual aspiration, respect for the sages and reverence
towards the spiritual teaching and the Divine there should be

Snehas {“Wakefulness, watchfulness, alertness,

vigilance”}. There are many who follow spiritual teachings of all
traditions who at times appear to have grown and at others seem to have
fallen back to their old habits and degraded passions and desires aba
. In order to truly follow an ideal one must be steady on the path
and watchful so that negative behaviors and patterns do not draw one
back into earlier, lower states of consciousness.
The work of following a spiritual teaching requires the follower’s
financial support but also their psychic support as well as their physical
support. When a person becomes a member they are taking an important

step in sustaining the dissemination of the shetit, “teachings” of

Shetaut Neter- “Ancient Egyptian Religion” for

themselves and for the world. As the membership grows and the pooling
of resources increases, it will be possible to affect more lives and create
more powerful programs to better facilitate the practice of the teachings.
It is important to take the step of membership because this shows to
oneself, the world and to others of like mind that there are others who
believe, feel and aspire as they do and this develops udja
spiritual strength and in a mysterious way allows every individual
member to have a subtle means of support that urges them on to success
on the spiritual path wherever they may be. So shems is the means to

Little Book of Neter

have knumt-nefer –“good association, divine association,

joining others, together.” This is a special association, unlike the worldly
kinds of groups that have worldly goals and objective or religious goals
and objectives. Shems is the coming together of followers of the Divine
for the purpose of promoting righteousness and order in society and also
spiritual awakening and enlightenment for those who are ready to tread
the path to rech-m-ab –“self-knowledge, higher

consciousness” and an-menit –“immortality.”

Anyone can join the Shemsu if they sincerely desire to follow this path.
Joining is an act of faith and it is done by expressing your desire to
become a Neterian Follower. Those who formally join are called
Neterians because they follow Shetaut Neter (Neterianism). Becoming
part of the Shemsu means you will gain support from others who are
trying to overcome immaturity but you also must put forth effort to act,
think and speak with maturity and integrity. So those who want to put
forth effort towards self-improvement and worthiness to progress in the
teachings, should take the oath of Shetaut Neter. The oath is a pledge to
apply yourself to the teaching of Shetaut Neter to your best capacity in
order for its teaching to be revealed. Those who take the oath are
considered as official followers of the Shetaut Neter Religion so it is a
rite of conversion to Shetaut Neter. Becoming a follower is the first
serious step on the path. The next is initiation. In order to take the oath it
must be performed in the presence of a qualified priest or priestess of
Shetaut Neter.
Also Shems means following or directing the attention and obeying the
leader and the teachings of the tradition that is being followed. The

following term means Shemsu Heru - Followers of

Heru. This is the highest kind of title a Neterian aspirant can be given. Such
a person is a true follower of the teaching, a true follower of God. Heru
means “that which is most high.”

Little Book of Neter

The Supreme Being is One

“God is the father of beings. God is the eternal One...

and infinite and endures forever. God is hidden and no
man knows God’s form. No man has been able to seek
out God’s likeness. God is hidden to Gods and men...
God’s name remains hidden... It is a mystery to his
children, men, women and Gods. God’s names are
innumerable, manifold and no one knows their number...
though God can be seen in form and observation of God
can be made at God’s appearance, God cannot be
understood... God cannot be seen with mortal eyes...
God is invisible and inscrutable to Gods as well as men.”
-Portions from the Egyptian Book of Coming forth by
Day and
the papyrus of Nesi-Khensu

The statements above give the understanding that God is the

unfathomable mystery behind all phenomena, which cannot be discerned
“even by the gods.” However, God is the unfathomable mystery as well
as the innermost essence of his children. This means that God is
transcendental, the unmanifest, but also what is manifest as well. In order
to perceive this reality it is necessary to transcend ordinary human vision.
When this transcendental Self is spoken about through different names
and metaphors, the idea often emerges that there are many faces to the
ultimate deity or Supreme Being. Nevertheless, as has been previously
discussed, it must be clear that all the Neterian spiritual traditions are in
reality referring to the same Supreme Being, the transcendental reality.

UA 2¡K or “One,”
UA NETER 2¡K¢Kor “One God,”
“Only One” 2¡K2Æ¡v,
“Only One Without a second”
“One One” 2¡2¡ÆÃK

The following passages come from the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth
By Day (Chapter. clxxiii):

“I praise thee, Lord of the Gods, God One, living in


Little Book of Neter
The following passage is taken from a hymn where princess Nesi-
Khensu glorifies Amen-Ra:

“August Soul which came into being in primeval time,

the great god living in truth, the first Nine Gods who
gave birth to the other two Nine Gods,1 the being in
whom every God existeth One One, the creator
of the kings who appeared when the earth took form in
the beginning, whose birth is hidden, whose forms are
manifold, whose germination cannot be known.”

The Companies of Gods and Goddesses

Before going on it is important to understand the Neterian concept of

Pauti. Pauti means Company of Gods and Goddesses.

Study of the term “Pa”

By studying the phonetic and pictorial (Kamitan language is not only

phonetic, but also illustrative) etymology (the origin and development of
a linguistic form) and etiology (the study of causes or origins) of names
and applying the initiatic science, it is possible to decipher the mysteries
of Creation by discovering the teachings embedded in the language by
the Sages of Ancient Egypt.

For example, the Kamitan word “Pa” is central to understanding the

deeper essence of nature, divinity and the gods and goddesses of the Prt
m Hru. In the study of the word “Pa,” philosophy as well as pictorial and
phonetic associations must be considered. Along with this, the variations
in spellings act to expand the possible associations and thereby also the
appropriate meaning in the given usage. Sometimes the very same words
may be used, but its usage in different texts denotes a slight difference in
the nuance of the meaning in accordance with the usage. This aspect of
assigning the proper meaning of a word which is used even with the
same spelling but in different contexts in different or even the same

Ancient Egyptian mythology conceives of creation as an expression of God in which
there are nine primordial cosmic principles or forces in the universe. These first nine may
be seen as the cause from which all other qualities of nature (the other two Nine Gods) or
creative forces in nature arise.
Little Book of Neter
Kamitan scriptures, is an artistic development which comes to a
translator with time. Thus, there is no right or wrong interpretation, but
there is greater and greater approximation to the higher intended truth
behind the teaching as research moves forward. Also, it should be
remembered that research here implies not only studying books, but also
meditation and introspection, as well as living in accordance with the

The Ancient Egyptian words and symbols related to the Company of

Gods and Goddesses (Pauti) indicate several important mystical
teachings. The root of the Ancient Egyptian word Pauti is Pa (Figure A-
Above). Pa means “to exist.” Thus, Creation is endowed with the quality
of existence as opposed to non-existence. Pau (Figure B) is the next
progression in the word. It means the Primeval Divinity, the source of
Creation. Paut (Figure C and D) is the next evolution of the word, Pau,
meaning primeval time and the very substance out of which everything is
created is the one and the same. Pauti is the next expression of Pa and it
has two major meanings. It refers to the Primeval Divinity or Divine Self
(God) (Figure E). Pautiu refers to Pauti but in plural, as well as being a
gender specific term implying, the Divinity as the source of the
multiplicity in creation. In the Ancient Egyptian language, like Spanish
for example, all objects are assigned gender. Also, Pauti refers to the
deities who comprise the Company of Gods and Goddesses (Figure G
and H). Paut (men) or Pautet (women) also refers to living beings,
especially human beings (Figure I).

Pa Pau Paut Pauti Pautiu Paut and Pautet

Therefore, the most important teaching relating to the nature of

Creation is being given here. The gods and goddesses of the creation are
not separate principles or entities. They are in reality one and the same as
the Primeval Divinity. They are expressions of that Divine Self.
However, they are not transformations of or evolutions from the Divine
Self, but the very same Divine Self expressing as Creation. So even
though God is referred to as a primordial deity who did something a long
time ago or set into motion various things, in reality God and Creation
are one and the same. Ra is the “God of the primeval time” as well as the
gods and goddesses of Creation which sustain it all the time. With this
understanding, it is clear to see that God is not distant and aloof,
observing Creation from afar. The Divine Self is the very basis of
Creation and is in every part of it at all times. This is why the terms Pa-
Neter and Neteru are also used to describe the Divine. Pa-Neter means
“The Supreme Being” and Neteru means “the gods and goddesses.”
Little Book of Neter
Also, the word “Neteru” refers to creation itself. So Neter-u emanates
from Neter. Creation is nothing but God who has assumed various forms
or Neteru: trees, cake, bread, human beings, metal, air, fire, water,
animals, planets, space, electricity, etc. This is a profound teaching
which should be reflected upon constantly so that the mind may become
enlightened to its deeper meaning and thereby discover the Divinity in
The Divine Self is not only in Creation but is the very essence of
every human being as well. Therefore, the substratum of every human
being is in reality God as well. The task of spiritual practice and Yoga is
to discover this essential nature within your own heart. This can occur if
one reflects upon this teaching and realizes its meaning by discovering
its reality in the deepest recesses of one’s own experience. When this
occurs, the person who has attained this level of self-discovery is referred
to as having become enlightened. They have discovered their true, divine
nature. They have discovered their oneness with the Divine Self.

The ultimate truth is that when we speak of objects, we are in reality

speaking about principles, deeper basis of which is the Divine Self.
When words are spoken, they immediately take on the first level of
reality as they engender an image in the mind of the listener. When a
listener acts upon what has been heard, the speech takes on a reality in
the physical plane. Therefore, the speech is a reflection of an idea, a
concept, and the physical reality is a reflection of speech. The cause
underlying the concept is the real name of a thing, its higher reality, and
this essence has no name or form in its potentiality, but only in its
relative manifestation. This relative manifestation is the world of time
and space and all living and non-living objects in it. Therefore, we have
three levels of reality, the thought, the word and the actual object existing
in the physical world. However, these are only relative realities since
they are all ephemeral in nature and not abiding. The creative essence
(God-transcendental consciousness) which gave power to the thought,
the concept, is the source and substratum which lends temporary reality
to the projection (thought, the word and the actual object).

Little Book of Neter

Neter and the Neteru

The concept of Neter and Neteru binds and ties all of the varied forms of
Kamitan spirituality into one vision of the gods and goddesses all
emerging from the same Supreme Being. Therefore, ultimately. Kamitan
spirituality is not polytheistic, nor is it monotheistic, for it holds that the
Supreme Being is more than a God but an all-encompassing Absolute

“ Neteru”
The term “Neteru” means “gods and goddesses.” This means that
from the ultimate and transcendental Supreme Being, “Neter,” come the
Neteru. There are countless Neteru. So from the one come the many.
These Neteru are cosmic forces that pervade the universe. They are the

Little Book of Neter
means by which Neter sustains Creation and manifests through it. So
Neterianism is a monotheistic polytheism. The one Supreme Being
expresses as many gods and goddesses and at the end of time, after their
work of sustaining Creation is finished, these gods and goddesses are
again absorbed back into the Supreme Being.

All of the spiritual systems of Ancient Egypt (Kamit) have one

essential aspect that is common to all; They all hold that there is a
Supreme Being (Neter) who manifests in a multiplicity of ways through
nature, the Neteru.

Like sunrays, the Neteru emanate from the Divine and they are its
manifestations. So by studying the Neteru we learn about and are led to
discover their source, the Neter. And with this discovery we are

The Neteru may be depicted anthropomorphically or zoomorphically

in accordance with the teaching about Neter that is being conveyed
through them

Little Book of Neter
Six Main Traditions of Shetaut Neter

Little Book of Neter

There are six main traditions of Shetaut Neter. Shetaut Neter is the all-
encompassing national name to refer to the religious program of life of
Ancient Kamit. It is a general term. Within that general reference meaning
“Ancient Egyptian Religion” there are six main traditions of spirituality.
They are all related. So there is no conflict between them. In fact all of them
emerge from a single one, which is Anunian Theology, Shetaut Anu.

All the other ones emanate from this one. You should not think of them as
sects in the context of Christian sects, like Presbyterians versus Pentecostals,
or the Pentecostals versus the Catholics or something like that. This would
be more like branches within one spiritual tradition.

These traditions relate to different forms of spiritual practice; that is why

they were devised. Some are more psychologically oriented, some more
Little Book of Neter
ritualistic, and some deal more with the wisdom aspect, and so on and so
forth, to accommodate the different inclinations of different personality
types. And they were spread out throughout the different main cities of
Ancient Kamit, to serve the need of the different parts of the population.

Within those six traditions there are three main theologies. These are based
on the Great Trinity of Amun, Ra, and Ptah, which is also the basis of the
chant that we use: Om, Amun-Ra-Ptah.

The branches of Neterian theologies:

In the center of the slide (above) you can see the Ra tradition, the Anunian
Theology or tradition (a). The Ptah Theology or tradition is identified by (b),
and the Amun Theology or tradition by (c). This slide illustrates that the
Anunian Theology gave rise to the Divinities in both of the branches
(Wasetian {Theban} and Menefer {Memphite}). Thus, the Divinities from
the Ptah Theology arise from the Anunian Theology and the Divinities from
the Amun Theology also emerge from the Anunian Theology. The Asarian
Tradition is another branch which also emerges from Anunian Theology.
The Asarian Tradition is based on the divinities Asar, Aset, and Heru,
(Osiris, Isis, and Horus). It is from this tradition that the Christian myth
develops. This slide illustrates that though there are many gods and
goddesses in the Neterian Theology, called Neteru, they all emanate from
the single Supreme Being. The group of gods and goddesses are called Paut
(group of gods and goddesses) or Pautti (groups of gods and goddesses). All
the gods and goddesses emanate from the single One.

Little Book of Neter
The Anunian Tradition

Shetaut Anu

The Mystery Teachings of the Anunian Tradition are related to the

Divinity Ra and his company of Gods and Goddesses.2 This Temple and
its related Temples espouse the teachings of Creation, human origins and
the path to spiritual enlightenment by means of the Supreme Being in the
form of the god Ra. It tells of how Ra emerged from a primeval ocean
and how human beings were created from his tears. The gods and
goddesses, who are his children, go to form the elements of nature and
the cosmic forces that maintain nature.

Top: Ra. From top and left to right, The Gods and Goddesses of Anunian
Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Aset, Asar, Set, Nebthet and Heru-Ur

See the Book Anunian Theology by Muata Ashby
Little Book of Neter

Little Book of Neter

The Theban Tradition

Shetaut Amun

The Mystery Teachings of the Wasetian Tradition are related to the

Neterus known as Amun, Mut Khonsu. This temple and its related
temples espoused the teachings of Creation, human origins and the path
to spiritual enlightenment by means of the Supreme Being in the form of
the god Amun or Amun-Ra. It tells of how Amun and his family, the
Trinity of Amun, Mut and Khonsu, manage the Universe along with his
Company of Gods and Goddesses. This Temple became very important
in the early part of the New Kingdom Era.

Below: The Trinity of Amun and the Company of Gods and Goddesses of

See the Book Egyptian Yoga Vol. 2 for more on Amun, Mut and Khonsu by
Muata Ashby
Little Book of Neter
The Goddess Tradition

Shetaut Netrit

The hieroglyphic sign Arat means “Goddess.” General,

throughout ancient Kamit, the Mystery Teachings of the
Goddess Tradition are related to the Divinity in the form
“Arat” of the Goddess. The Goddess was an integral part of all the
Neterian traditions but special temples also developed
around the worship of certain particular Goddesses who were also
regarded as Supreme Beings in their own right. Thus as in other African
religions, the goddess as well as the female gender were respected and
elevated as the male divinities. The Goddess was also the author of
Creation, giving birth to it as a great Cow. The following are the most
important forms of the goddess.3

Aset, Net, Sekhmit, Mut, Hetheru

Mehurt (“The Mighty Full One”)

See the Books, The Goddess Path, Mysteries of Aset, Glorious Light Meditation, Memphite
Theology and Resurrecting Asar by Muata Ashby
Little Book of Neter
The Asarian Tradition

Shetaut Asar

This temple and its related temples espoused the teachings of

Creation, human origins and the path to spiritual enlightenment by means
of the Supreme Being in the form of the god Asar. It tells of how Asar
and his family, the Trinity of Asar, Aset and Heru, manage the Universe
and lead human beings to spiritual enlightenment and the resurrection of
the soul. This Temple and its teaching were very important from the Pre-
Dynastic era down to the Christian period. The Mystery Teachings of the
Asarian Tradition are related to the Neterus known as: Asar, Aset, Heru
(Asar, Aset and Heru)

The tradition of Asar, Aset and Heru was practiced generally

throughout the land of ancient Kamit. The centers of this tradition were
the city of Abdu containing the Great Temple of Asar, the city of Pilak
containing the Great Temple of Aset4 and Edfu containing the Ggreat
Temple of Heru.

See the Book Resurrecting Asar by Muata Ashby
Little Book of Neter
The Aton Tradition

Shetaut Aton

This temple and its related temples espoused the teachings of Creation,
human origins and the path to spiritual enlightenment by means of the
Supreme Being in the form of the god Aton. It tells of how Aton with its
dynamic life force created and sustains Creation. By recognizing Aton as the
very substratum of all existence, human beings engage in devotional
exercises and rituals and the study of the Hymns containing the wisdom
teachings of Aton explaining that Aton manages the Universe and leads
human beings to spiritual enlightenment and eternal life for the soul. This
Temple and its teaching were very important in the middle New Kingdom
Period. The Mystery Teachings of the Aton Tradition are related to the Neter
Aton and its main exponent was the Sage King Akhnaton, who is depicted
below with his family adoring the sundisk, symbol of the Aton.

Akhnaton, Nefertiti and Daughters

For more on Atonism and the Aton Theology see the Essence of
Atonism Lecture Series by Sebai Muata Ashby ©2001

Little Book of Neter
The Memphite Tradition


The Mystery Teachings of the Menefer (Memphite) Tradition are related to

the Neterus known as Ptah, Sekhmit, Nefertem. The myths and philosophy
of these divinities constitutes Memphite Theology.5 This temple and its
related temples espoused the teachings of Creation, human origins and the
path to spiritual enlightenment by means of the Supreme Being in the form
of the god Ptah and his family, who compose the Memphite Trinity. It tells
of how Ptah emerged from a primeval ocean and how he created the
universe by his will and the power of thought (mind). The gods and
goddesses who are his thoughts, go to form the elements of nature and the
cosmic forces that maintain nature. His spouse, Sekhmit has a powerful
temple system of her own that is related to the Memphite teaching. The same
is true for his son Nefertem.

Ptah, Sekhmit and Nefertem

See the Book Memphite Theology by Muata Ashby
Little Book of Neter
The Forces of Entropy in Shetaut Neter Religious

In Neterian religion, there is no concept of “evil” as is conceptualized in

Western Culture. Rather, it is understood that the forces of entropy are
constantly working in nature to bring that which has been constructed by
human hands to their original natural state. The serpent Apep (Apophis),
who daily tries to stop Ra’s boat of creation, is the symbol of entropy. This
concept of entropy has been referred to as “chaos” by Western


Above: Set protecting the boat of Ra from the forces of entropy

(symbolized by the serpent Apep).
As expressed previously, in Neterian religion there is also no concept of a
“devil” or “demon” as is conceived in the Judeo-Christian or Islamic
traditions. Rather, it is understood that manifestations of detrimental
situations and adversities arise as a result of unrighteous actions. These
unrighteous actions are due to the “Setian” qualities in a human being. Set is
the Neteru of egoism and the negative qualities which arise from egoism.
Egoism is the idea of individuality based on identification with the body and
mind only as being who one is. One has no deeper awareness of their deeper
spiritual essence, and thus no understanding of their connectedness to all
other objects (includes persons) in creation and the Divine Self. When the
ego is under the control of the higher nature, it fights the forces of entropy
(as above). However, when beset with ignorance, it leads to the degraded
states of human existence. The vices (egoism, selfishness, extraverted ness,
wonton sexuality (lust), jealousy, envy, greed, gluttony) are a result.

Little Book of Neter

Set and the Set animal

Little Book of Neter
The Great Awakening of Neterian Religion

“Nehast ”

Nehast means to “wake up,” to Awaken to the higher existence. In

the Prt m Hru Text it is said:

Nuk pa Neter aah Neter Uah

asha ren6
“I am that same God, the Supreme One, who has myriad of mysterious

The goal of all the Neterian disciplines is to discover the meaning of

“Who am I?,” to unravel the mysteries of life and to fathom the depths
of eternity and infinity. This is the task of all human beings and it is to
be accomplished in this very lifetime.

This can be done by learning the ways of the Neteru, emulating them
and finally becoming like them, Akhus, (enlightened beings), walking
the earth as giants and accomplishing great deeds such as the creation
of the universe!

The Eye of Heru is a quintessential symbol of awakening to
Divine Consciousness, representing the concept of Nehast.
(Prt M Hru 9:4)
Little Book of Neter


There are three kinds of scriptures in Kamitan culture. We have Mythic

scriptures, Mystical scriptures, and Wisdom Text scriptures. In addition to
these, there is also the genre of the Harper’s songs. Though belonging in the
category of music, they are also to be considered as part of the wisdom
literature. The main mythic texts of Shetaut Neter are the PertmHeru
(Egyptian Book of Enlightenment), Hessu Amun (Hymns of Amun), Sebait
menefer (Memphite Theology). All the books that I have written are based on
these scriptures. Some of you have been amazed by the extensive writings
that I have brought forth in reference to the Neterian teachings. Well, I have
not invented them; they are not fabricated. The teachings are based on our
own scriptures, our own traditions, and our own ancestry. So I believe we do
not have to look beyond the original scriptures for records of the teachings.
We don’t have to invent them, and we don’t have to speculate about them.
We can confirm this because you can see the tradition being practiced by
other African cultures. What I mean is that they are practicing the rituals and
customs, but not necessarily understanding the meaning. If they were to
study the true depth of the Neterian Spirituality, they would realize the
deeper meaning of the rituals and traditions they have kept for so long. You
see parts of Neterianism being practiced in the Western religions, and also in
Asia, in Hinduism and Buddhism, which have their origins in Neterian
theology. For more on this see the book African Origins.

Little Book of Neter

Neterian Initiations
There are three major forms of Neterian Initiation.

Initiation is the ancient tradition of ritual and process of initiating

your steps on the chosen spiritual path. It is a personal choice to enter
into a spiritual tradition and relationship with a specific teaching and
preceptor who will lead you to discover the nature of Self. It is a means
to facilitate your ability to assimilate the teaching and it is a more
powerful way to practice spirituality as opposed to studying on your
own. Initiation strengthens your bonds to the teaching and the teacher
and psycho-mythologically redirects your personality to become a proper
vessel for the teaching.

Level 1- The first is the Shemsu Initiation is open to anyone who wants
to adopt Neterianism. This is the neophyte level. Shemsu means
follower, one who has adopted the path of Shetaut Neter and their
religion, their personal spiritual path. There are varied levels of initiation
into the temple. Birth is an initiation into life, which is presided over by
parents. They provide a person their cultural name and general
conditions for life. What a human being does with those conditions is up
to them, through their actions. This is what makes human beings have the
capacity to stand above nature. One of the ways of affirming your
decision to move towards your chosen path is changing your cultural or
ethnic name. At this level many neophytes choose a cultural name that
reflects their Kamitan aspirations. Neophytes must learn the Great Truths
of Shetaut Neter and the Neterian Creed.

Little Book of Neter
The Oath of the Shemsu of Shetaut Neter?

In order to become a follower, an aspirant of Shetaut Neter a person


Resolve to have faith in the Neterian path as laid out by Lord Heru.
Resolve to listen to the teaching of Shemsu and study it’s meaning.
Resolve to practice the threefold worship daily.
Resolve to practice the teachings of Maat in your day-to-day life to your best

Take the oath of Shems- pledge your faith to the Neterian Path and the
teachings of Lord Heru.
After making the offering of incense, water libation, food, over an image or
icon of Lord Heru, repeat the oath 7 times (From the PertmHeru text,
Chap 1 verse 7).

nua amtu – k Heru

I am one of those who support and believe in Heru. (Repeat Seven

Level 2-The second is the Temple Initiation– The Temple Initiation or
Asar Initiation is for those who want to be temple level practitioners of
the path of Shetaut Neter, engaging in intensive Shedy studies of the
mysteries. At this level the aspirant formally receives the Temple Initiate

Level 3-The Hemu Initiation or priesthood initiation is the level for those
who want to seriously dedicate their lives to the path of Shetaut Neter as
priests and priestesses and to teach it to others. The first level of
priesthood is UNUT and is open to mature men and women.

Little Book of Neter


An aspirant should begin to gain an understanding of the integral aspects

of Shetaut Neter religion even as the myths and disciplines are studied and as
the teachings are practiced. In this manner, the serious aspirant may begin to
absorb the wisdom of the teachings by receiving varied elements in small
doses so as to comprehend them well as develop a keen intellect and a puri-
fied personality. Some of the most important and essential teachings of
Shetaut Neter are contained in the Four Great Truth statements. Read these
over and over again and as you read the books the teaching of the Four Truths
will become clearer. For a more detailed explanation of the 4 Great Truths of
Shetaut Neter see the book Egyptian Mysteries Vol. 1.

“The Neter, the Supreme Being, is One and alone and as Neberdjer,
manifesting everywhere and in all things in the form of Gods and


“Lack of righteousness brings fetters to the personality and these

fetters cause ignorance of the Divine.”


“Devotion to the Divine leads to freedom from the fetters of Set.”


“The practice of the Shedy disciplines leads to knowing oneself and

the Divine. This is called being True of Speech”

Little Book of Neter
If anyone refers to Ancient Egyptian or African Religion as polytheistic,
that is an incorrect assessment. Such persons did not study ancient African
Religion; it may be that they are ignorant or did not care to study, or to
understand. If they understood this, then they would have to give Ancient
Egyptian (African) Religion its due respect. With respect to those in other
religions who propagate this erroneous idea (of polytheism), their
acknowledgement of this truth would require that they admit that they are
not the only ones with a so called elevated notions or advanced conception
of religion. It would mean that someone else is as civilized as they are, and
maybe even more advanced. This realization is hard for degraded, egoistic
personalities to accept. So their reaction is often to denigrate, disparage,
marginalize and ridicule anything contrary to their own beliefs, ideas and
concepts, so that they may continue to feel good about themselves. They
need that form of egoistic notion of superiority in order to compensate for
the low self-esteem and low culture of human development that is based on
material accomplishments. So it is fitting that western religions should be so
based in the historicity of the myths of the western religions. That is a
reflection of the materialistic nature of those societies. In other words, those
types of religions are materialistic and consequently idolatrous. Yes,
contrary to their own beliefs, western religions practice idolatry because they
tend to concretize the Divine into one image, one proprietary culture, one
sacred scripture, etc. This act of confining God into a materialistic concept is
indeed idolatry. Further, these religions/cultures support the worship of
objects not as expressions of the Divine as in African and Eastern religions,
but as worthy objects that can bring happiness, even to the point of killing to
preserve or acquire them. They are not viewed as The God, but rather, as a
lesser manifestation that can be used to gain entry into the transcendental
plane of consciousness. In materialistic type of societies, money, power,
image, etc. become the gods and goddesses that people worship, and
therefore, they are leading themselves down the road of pain and frustration.
Those objects can never bring abiding happiness as they are evanescent,
limited objects. Worshipping such objects is actually a very degraded form
of human culture. The Neterian-African notion of religion is actually
superior because it actually divinizes the entire creation. All of these gods
and goddesses of Anunian Theology represent the elements of Creation.
Earth is Geb. The sky, the heavens is Nut. Water is Tefnut, and air and space
is Shu. With this kind of a notion, you cannot take a step outside of
creation, outside of the Divinity. I am walking on Geb, I am breathing in
Shu, I look up at the sky I see Nut. Where is Divinity not present? The
entire Creation is the Temple then.
Little Book of Neter

What is not readily visible is the Shetaut, “The hidden Divine Self.” What
we see here is called Bes. Bes means “outer image.” We cannot see the
hidden, because the hidden Divinity is transcendental, and we cannot see
that with mortal eyes. Yet it sustains that which is visible in this time and
space reality.

In western culture you do not have lesser beings or gods and goddesses
per se. You are supposed to revere God or Jesus directly. But you cannot be
as good as Jesus; there is really no one who can be as perfect as Christians
would like. Consequently, everything is a guilt trip. As a Christian,
seemingly everything you do is wrong, everything you do is upsetting…
everything you do is a problem from the beginning – thus the concept of
being born in sin. So consequently, Christians have to be seeking
forgiveness all the time. In this way one cannot have a full communion with
the Divine and discover true purity of heart that brings virtue. There is
always that separation, that beholding nature, that inferiority complex that
never seems to go away. But western religions do have intermediaries,
saints and angels, which are essentially the same as gods and goddesses,
even though they are not referred to in the same way or treated the same
way. It is therefore hypocritical for proponents of western religions to look
down on non-western religions when they doing the same thing.

So in the Kamitan system everything is divine. You understand

everything as spiritual energy, a spiritual cosmic force that you are living in
and working through, and trying to master. In mastering these forces, then
you transcend their influences. Therefore you are not innately controlled by
nature; you are potentially a master of nature. The Neterian systems of
divinities give us easier entry into spirituality, because we could start with a
turtle god of the river or Hapi, the Nile, and then that leads us to his
relatives, and ultimately to the Supreme Being, Her/Himself. Furthermore,
the divinities represent principles in nature and in our personalities that we
need to control. Their propitiation removes egoism and ignorance, making it
easier for the aspirant to grasp, and therefore understand and control the
personality, so as to purify and realize the higher essence within. So the
worship and study of those divinities is actually a study of our own
constitution, our own psychological makeup (psyche) and our own spiritual
architecture and the architecture of the universe. And this is why Neterian
religion has many gods and goddesses. It is a scientific approach to allow a
person to propitiate the Divine, leading them in an elevating process, to
discover the Supreme Being. So this is not degraded religion at all; actually
it is advanced religion.

Little Book of Neter

What the Kamitan Mysteries Are Not

It is important to understand that the Egyptian Mysteries are not

teachings originated by or controlled by organizations which in modern
times refer to themselves as fraternal orders, lodges, masons, freemasons,
illuminati, Odd Fellows, Shriners, new world orders, Satanists, occultists,
or psychics.

Aspirants should be careful when

examining the use of Kamitan symbols by
modern organizations. For example, the use
of the pyramid on the reverse of the seal of
the United States would seem to mean that
the founding fathers had the idea of
invoking the principles of the Kamitan
tradition in the founding of the new country.
It was explained by the occultist and
reputed expert in Masonic lore, Manly Hall, that many of the U.S.
founding fathers were masons and that they received assistance from
masons in Europe to establish the United States for “a peculiar and
particular purpose known only to the initiated few.” Hall said that the
seal was the signature of the masons and that the unfinished pyramid
symbolizes the task that the government has to accomplish. The eagle is
a representation of the phoenix, which is the ancient Greek
reinterpretation of the Kamitan Benu bird. Another Kamitan symbol used
to represent the United States is the Washington Monument, which is a
copy of the Ancient Egyptian Obelisk. The Lincoln memorial and Mount
Rushmore, two of the most important icons of the United States were
admittedly inspired by the Temple of Rameses II at Abu Simbel.

So the question may be asked, if they intended to use Kamitan

representation which essentially means that they are wishing to adopt
their meaning and symbolism, why then did the “founding fathers” of the
government of the United States of America allow a government to be
set up that is in almost complete contradiction with Kamitan principles?

Little Book of Neter

Where to Go From Here?

Now you have been introduced to the spiritual path of Shetaut Neter.
What is your next step? If you want to continue on this journey get the
following books and read them in the following order.

Egyptian Mysteries: VOL. 1, Shetaut Neter ISBN: 1-884564-41-0 $19.99

Inmate Price $14.00
What are the Mysteries? For thousands of years the spiritual tradition of
Ancient Egypt, Shetaut Neter, “The Egyptian Mysteries,” “The Secret
Teachings,” have fascinated, tantalized and amazed the world. At one time
exalted and recognized as the highest culture of the world, by Africans,
Europeans, Asiatics, Hindus, Buddhists and other cultures of the ancient world,
in time it was shunned by the emerging orthodox world religions. Its temples
desecrated, its philosophy maligned, its tradition spurned, its philosophy
dormant in the mystical Medu Neter, the mysterious hieroglyphic texts which
hold the secret symbolic meaning that has scarcely been discerned up to now.
What are the secrets of Nehast {spiritual awakening and emancipation,
resurrection}. More than just a literal translation, this volume is for awakening
to the secret code Shetitu of the teaching which was not deciphered by
Egyptologists, nor could be understood by ordinary spiritualists. This book is a
reinstatement of the original science made available for our times, to the
reincarnated followers of Ancient Egyptian culture and the prospect of spiritual
freedom to break the bonds of Khemn, “ignorance,” and slavery to evil forces:
Såaa .


The Secrets of Sheti
New Expanded Edition with Study Group Guide
Sheti: Spiritual discipline or program, to go deeply into the mysteries, to study
the mystery teachings and literature profoundly, to penetrate the mysteries.
GYou will learn about the mysteries of initiation into the teachings and practice
of Yoga and how to become an Initiate of the mystical sciences. This insightful
manual is the first in a series which introduces you to the goals of daily spiritual
and yoga practices: Meditation, Diet, Words of Power and the ancient wisdom
ISBN 1-884564-04-6 $24.95


Food for the Body, Mind and Soul Size: 8 1/2" X 11"
$28.95 U.S. Inmate Price $20.00
ISBN: 1-884564-49-6
Little Book of Neter
Now available – Kemetic Diet Counseling – call for details or see web site
Health issues have always been important to human beings since the beginning
of time. The earliest records of history show that knowledge of proper diet,
preventative health practices, and the art of healing were held in high esteem
since the time of Ancient Egypt (5,000 B.C.E. or before). Natural health
concepts and healing techniques which were practiced in Ancient Egypt are now
referred to as “alternative medicine" disciplines. They include those healing
modalities which do not adhere to the philosophy of allopathic medicine, with
its emphasis on masking the symptoms of disease with drugs rather than
eliminating the root cause of disease. Allopathic treatment methods have shown
their limitations over the years because they do not heal the entire person. This
new volume presents the concepts and teachings based on the Kemetic (Ancient
Egyptian) philosophy of total health of the entire person, that is, health not just
of the body, but also health of the mind and soul as well, which gets to the root
cause of the dis-ease and eradicates it. For this kind of health one must have a
keen understanding of the body-mind-soul connection and, what it means to be
truly healthy. Health is a lifestyle, not a medicine. It is a spiritual lifestyle that
leads to health of body, mind and soul and ultimately to discovery of the Higher


ISBN: 1-884564-50-X
8½" X 11" Over 683 Pages $45.00 Inmate Price $36.00

Where did Egyptian Yoga come from and who are its practitioners?
When did it develop and what is its lineage?
What is the Tradition of Egyptian Yoga?
Over the past several years I have been asked to put together in one volume the
most important evidences showing the correlations and common teachings
between Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) culture and religion and that of India. The
questions of the history of Ancient Egypt, and the latest archeological evidences
showing civilization and culture in Ancient Egypt and its spread to other
countries, has intrigued many scholars as well as mystics over the years.


Little Book of Neter

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