A Plant's Organ Systems and Their Functions

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Shoot System
Reproductive parts





Vegetative parts



Leaves - A leaf is a flattened, green,

lateral appendage that carries out

the functions of photosynthesis and Stem - It is the organ of the plant that supports

transpiration. It is responsible for the leaves and flowers in the best position. It is

taking in carbon dioxide and the passageway of nutrients from the soil to the

releasing oxygen and water vapor. different parts of the plant.

Root System
Roots - Roots absorb water and minerals and

transport them to stems. They also anchor and

support a plant, and store food.

Rhizomes - Rhizomes are used to store

starches and proteins and enable

plants to perennate underground.

Tubers - Tubers are used as storage organs for

nutrients. They are used for perennation to

provide energy and nutrients for regrowth and

as a means of asexual reproduction.

Types of Root Systems

Monocot Roots - In monocot roots, xylem Dicot roots - Dicot roots have their xylem in

and phloem tissue bundles are arranged in a the center of the root and phloem outside

circular fashion around the central pith, the xylem. The steles of dicot roots contain

which consists of ground tissue. Monocot a layer of meristem cells located between

roots have a larger number of vascular the xylem and phloem. These cells facilitate

structures than dicot roots. secondary growth, dividing to create new

xylem and phloem cells, and thus widening

the girth of the root.

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