Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter (Zeta Converter) : Vipul Pandey, Mohammad Abuzar, Devang Kubitkar, Viren Chawda

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20 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
Vol. 8, No. 6, 2023, PP. 84 -87

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science,

Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter

(Zeta Converter)
Vipul Pandey1, Mohammad Abuzar2, Devang Kubitkar3, Viren Chawda4, Praful Nandankar5

Final year Student,5Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
Government College of Engineering, Nagpur, India, 441108

[email protected]

Received on: 09 April, 2023 Revised on: 03 May, 2023 Published on: 05 May, 2023

Abstract –A power electronic circuit known as a just a few of the many applications of power electronic
bidirectional DC-DC converter enables the bidirectional converters. The advancement of semiconductor
transmission of energy between two DC voltage sources technology which resulted in the creation of high-power,
with various voltage levels. Depending on the flow of
high-voltage devices capable of switching at high
power, the converter can function in either a buck mode
or a boost mode. It is often used in renewable energy frequencies, has been the driving force behind the
systems, energy storage systems, and electric cars in development of power electronic converters. In power
order to provide efficient energy transfer between electronic converters, these components, such as
sources and loads. In this study, a bidirectional DC-DC MOSFETs, IGBTs, and thyristors serve as switching
converter with minimal harmonic distortion and low elements. Every topology has its own distinct traits and
switching losses is proposed. Other benefits of the benefits, and There are numerous topologies available
proposed Zeta converter include reduced conduction
for power electronic converters, including DC-DC, AC-
losses, less voltage stress on the switches, and reduced
electromagnetic interference. In a simulation DC, DC-AC, and AC-AC converters .Overall, power
environment, the proposed converter's validity has been electronic converters are crucial parts of contemporary
examined. power systems because they offer reliable and efficient
power conversion and control for a variety of
Keywords-Power electronic converter, dc-dc converter, applications. A power electronic circuit known as a
bidirectional, zeta converter.
bidirectional DC-DC converter enables the bidirectional
INTRODUCTION transmission of energy between two DC voltage sources
with various voltage levels. It is utilized in many
Electrical power can be converted from one form to different applications, such as energy storage systems,
electric vehicles, and renewable energy sources. The
another using power electronic converters, which are
converter can transmit power in either direction because
electronic devices. They are essential components of
it can operate in both buck and boost modes.
contemporary power systems because they manage
voltage and current levels, govern electrical energy flow, The rapid adoption of renewable energy sources like
and convert power between various voltage and solar and wind has considerably increased the demand
frequency levels. Electric vehicles, industrial drives, for bidirectional DC-DC converters in recent years.
consumer electronics, and renewable energy systems are These energy sources produce DC power, which needs
84 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
Vol. 8, No. 6, 2023, PP. 84 -87

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science,

to be changed into AC power before it can be connected

to the grid. In this conversion process, the bidirectional
DC-DC converter is essential because it enables efficient
and dependable energy transfer between the sources and
the grid. To manage the output voltage and current of the
converter, the control circuit modifies the duty cycle of
the power switches. The bidirectional DC-DC
converter's main job is to transfer energy in both
directions, but it also offers other advantages including
power conditioning, voltage management, and fault Fig. 1- Schematic diagram of bidirectional Zeta
protection. Using the Zeta architecture, a bidirectional converter
DC-DC Zeta converter is a kind of power electronic
circuit that enables bidirectional energy transfer between Two bidirectional switches (such as MOSFETs) that
two DC voltage sources with various voltage levels. To may be turned on and off in Fig. 1, S1 and S2, allow
achieve voltage gain and voltage reduction with a single power to flow in both directions between the converter's
inductor, the Zeta topology combines the Buck and input and output. L1 and L2 are inductors and CC is a
Boost topologies. capacitor between the source side and load side. With
this type of arrangement, a buck-boost converter known
In applications like electric vehicles, renewable energy as a Zeta converter is created, which can provide voltage
systems, and energy storage systems where energy needs step-up and step-down functionality in both directions.
to be efficiently transmitted between sources and loads,
the bidirectional DC-DC Zeta converter is frequently During Operating Mode 1:
used. Power can be transferred in either direction
because the converter can function in both buck and
boost modes. Usually, two power switches, a Zeta
inductor, and a control circuit make up the bidirectional
DC-DC Zeta converter. Power electronics have
transformed many facets of contemporary power
systems and have taken the place of traditional systems
in a number of applications.
Fig. 2- Zeta converter schematic during mode-1
Different shortcomings of isolated DC-DC converters
are eliminated by bidirectional DC-DC Zeta converters.
excessive duty ratio operation is not recommended for Inductor L1 stores energy from the source voltage, and
DC-DC converters since doing so causes excessive inductor L2 stores energy from the source voltage and
voltage and current stress across the switch. The current capacitor (CC), when S1 is ON and S2 is OFF. The
DC-DC converters are not able to achieve the high voltage across L2 is VS due to the linear growth in the
voltage gain. With buck-boost converters, the power inductor currents (IL1 and IL2), capacitor (CC) charging to
flow can be reversed, but the control circuit is quite Vbatt, and CC being connected in series with L2. The
complicated. This work proposes a bidirectional DC-DC operational modes of the Zeta converter are shown in
zeta converter that overcomes a number of Figs. 2 and 3.Using KVL, the voltage across L1 and L2 in
shortcomings, including lower voltage gain, lower duty the circuit shown in Fig. 4 is stated as follows:
ratio, higher voltage and current stress, etc.


The schematic diagram of bidirectional DC-DC Zeta During Operating Mode 2:

converter is shown in Fig.1.

85 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
Vol. 8, No. 6, 2023, PP. 84 -87

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science,

Fig. 3- Zeta converter schematic during mode-2


During turning ON of switch S2and turning OFF of

switch S1, inductors L1 and L2 discharge through switch
S2. Inductor L2 is linked in parallel to the battery as a
capacitor (CC) charge to voltage Vbatt. The following
gives a description of the voltage between L1 and L2.



Average output voltage k to peak.

(5) Fig. 4- Switching pulses to S1, voltage across L1 and L2,

current through L1 and L2 during forward operation
(charging method)
where D represents duty period of S1


Using the design equations (1) to (5), a model of

bidirectional DC-DC Zeta converter is created in a
simulation environment to test the charging method of
the Zeta converter.Fig. 4displays the simulation results
of the charging method. Zeta DC-DC converter switches
S1& S2 duty cycles. The inductorvoltage and inductor
current characteristics are also shown in Fig. 4. In this
experimental investigation, S1's switching frequency is
set to 2500 Hz.A minimum value of input capacitor
(Cin) (i.e., 100F) is chosen to carry the input ripple
content to the battery charging current, and 3mH
inductors are also utilised to maintain continuous
conduction. It is clear from Fig. 4's simulation result of
the characteristic that thecharge current fluctuates by 1A
from pea

Fig. 5- Switching pulses to S1, voltage across L1 and L2,

current through L1 and L2 during reverse operation
(discharging method)
86 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
Vol. 8, No. 6, 2023, PP. 84 -87

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science,

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