An Independently Regulated Multiple Output Forward Converter Topology

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ISSN: 2348 - 2117

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR)

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Volume …. Issue … Page No. 01-02



Shivendra Kumar Tikde1, Second Author2, Third author3
Electrical & Electronics Department,
Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
[email protected]

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University,
221, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-756, Korea
[email protected]

Monash University, Department of Management,
McMahons Road, Frankston 3199, Austria
[email protected]

An Independently Regulated forward converter topology with precisely regulated multiple outputs is presented in
this paper. In this topology, each output regulated with its own feedback control circuit that controls the
appropriate synchronous rectifiers in the pertinent output stage. All output circuits are voltage-decoupled from
each other, and the cross-regulation between the outputs is eliminated. Steady state analysis as well as small signal
modeling is performed to understand the topology and to provide design guidance. A prototype circuit with three
outputs is built, and experimental results are presented for proof-of-concept.
Key Words: Multiple Outputs, Synchronous rectifier, Cross-regulation.


First Author Name, IJETCR Volume…. Issue… Page No.01-02

First Author Name, et al. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR)

Sensor networks refers to a heterogeneous system consisting of multiple detection stations called sensor nodes with a
The multiple output dc-dc converters are widely used in electronic equipments such as PC appliance, industrial and
military applications because of its simple circuitry, low output voltage ripple and high output current capability. In
multiple output dc-dc converters, the main challenge is to precisely control the auxiliary outputs. A conventional solution
to obtain multiple output regulation in forward topology is to employ a magnetic amplifier (magamp) in each auxiliary
output. It is cost effective when the output voltage is above 5V, unfortunately it is not efficient for very low (e.g. 2V and
lower) application, because the magamp cannot be used along with synchronous rectifier.

In recent years, some precisely regulated multiple-output forward-type topologies using the pre-regulator-post regulator
approach have emerged. The post-regulator can be a linear regulator, a buck converter, or a synchronous switch post
The Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol and analyzed the protocol based on network lifetime,
stability period and the network throughput. We have put light on the comparison of LEAH protocol with the effect of
heterogeneity and selective forwarding attack. This method can make the nodes with more energy and more chance to
become the cluster head in the current round. In LEACH, the nodes in the deployed area are organized into local clusters
and the communication process is divided into rounds with each round including set-up and steady-state phases.
regulator (SSPR). The buck converter post regulator is more efficient than the linear one. However, it involves an
additional stage of power conversion, which sacrifices the overall efficiency and increased cost. This paper presents an
improved multiple-output forward converter topology that can overcome the aforementioned drawbacks. It replaces the
freewheeling diode of each auxiliary circuit with a switch, which is controlled by auxiliary feedback control circuit. The
main features of the proposed topology include:

(1) precise regulation of each output voltage by an Independent feedback control circuit for each output;

(2) Single stage conversion to maintain the simplicity of forward topology;

(3) Elimination of cross regulation by voltage decoupling between the outputs, and inherent immunity to short circuit
conditions; Steady state and small signal analysis are carried out to understand the topology and its performance. Based
on the analysis, a design procedure of the power circuit is evolved to implementation of the feedback control circuit. A
MATLAB simulation of a three outputs (S.OV/l OA, 12.0VI 2A, - 2V/2A).operating under the input voltage 220V dc is

A. Circuit Configuration

Figure 1 shows proposed improved multiple-output forward converter topology. It consist of a multi winding high
frequency transformer with two primary winding Nm and Nr, main and reset winding respectively and Kth secondary
winding correspond to Kth output, where (K=I,2,3,4 . . . . . . .) , and K=I correspond to main output, and K=2,3,4 . . . . .
correspond to auxiliary winding. Page11

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Figure I Proposed Improved Multiple Output Converter Topology.

B. Circuit Configuration

Figure 2 shows the waveform of proposed converter topology. For the steady state analysis the following assumption are

i) The input voltage Vin and output voltage V ok are constant.

ii) The loads current 10k are ripple free.

iii) Lk, Lk+1 and Ck, Ck+1 are ideal.

The working of the proposed topology is explained with the following modes.

MODE 1. Main switch SWm ON and Auxiliary switch OFF {O<t< (D-dk) T};

At the beginning of this mode as SWm is turned ON, series connected secondary side diodes are comes into forward
biased, due to transformer polarity. Secondary current starts flowing through L k, Lk+1 and CkCk+1.

Figure 3(a) shows the active current path of this mode and the converter equations for this mode are given below:

VLK = , and VL (K+1) = ……..( 1 )


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Figure 2 Steady State Waveform Of Proposed Converter.

ILK = , and IL (K+1) = , ……..( 2 )

MODE2. Main switch SWm ON and Auxiliary switch SWk ON together {(D-d)T<t<DT}: For the main output operation of
this mode is same as in previous mode. But for the auxiliaryoutput as the auxiliary switch SWk turned ON, the voltage
across auxiliary switches becomes zero, and transformer secondary current starts flowing through transformer leakage
impedances and shorted path of auxiliary switch, and inductor current continue current through auxiliary switch and

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Figure 3(a) Equivalent circuit of converter for mode-l operation.

Figure 3(b) shows the active current path of this mode, the converter equations are given below:

VLK = , and VL (K+1) = ……..( 3 )

ILK = , and IL (K+1) = , ……..( 4 )

MODE3. Main Switch OFF {(DT < t < T)}: As main switch SW m is turned OFF by the main feedback control signal the
voltage polarity of each secondary windings of the power transformer reverse. Thus the diodes D k1 gets reversed biased.
Inductor current starts freewheeling through D k2 and SWk+1. Figure 3(c) shows the active current path of this mode, the
converter equations are given below:

VLK = ,and VL (K+1) = ……..( 5 )


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Figure 3(c) Equivalent circuit of converter for mode-3 operation.

ILK = , and I L (K+1) = , ……..( 6 )


A. Main and Auxiliary Switch Dut Duty -Ratio

Main switch duty-ratio determines the magnetization of power transformer. To complete reset of core in every cycle,
main and reset winding should have equal number of turns; the max value of D should be 0.5. On

the other hand D should not be small; otherwise larger output filter will be required to meet the output voltage ripple
specification. It is good to set D is about 0.4 to 0.45. Auxiliary switch duty-ratio (D-dk) determines the regulation of
auxiliary outputs. Value of dk according to regulation required.

B. Transformer Ratio

The selection of a proper turn ratio shall let the secondary winding produce enough voltage. Turn ratio should satisfy the
following conditions:

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C. Output Filter

Design of the output filter can follow the conventional design procedure.

Output inductor

Output Capacitor

Where dio1 and diok are the twice minimum output current, and Vo r1 and Vork are the output voltage ripple.

For simulation of three output (5v/10A, 12v/2A, - 12v/2A) forward converter the above values are

1. Transformer Ratio and . 2. Output Filter inductor and 3. output filter capacitor.


Feedback control circuits for main and auxiliary switches are shown in Figure 4(a) and 4(b); respectively. A voltage sensor
sensed converter output voltage feed it to inverter terminal of error amplifier (EA). The sensed output voltage is
compared with reference voltage at non-inverting input of EA, this will cause small change in DC output of EA. The PWM
compares the DC output voltage of EA with saw tooth waveform and gives PWM output which fixes the turn on time of
switch such that in a closed loop the VOk is restored to desired value. Form

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Figure 4(a) Main feedback control circuit.

Figure 4(b) Auxiliary feedback control circuit

main sub circuit PWM output is used for control the main switch, for auxiliary sub circuit, OR of inverted main and
auxiliary PWM output signal is used for control the auxiliary switches.


Figure 5 Block diagram of closed loop control of converter

Figure 6 Type-III Error Amplifier circuit.

With the help of converter transfer function given in Appendix- I, equation (13) and closed loop block diagram

Shown in Figure 5, compensation for stabilization of each output of power circuit has been design.

For the 5v, 10A output circuit of the prototype converter V 01=5v, Ro1=0.50, LO1=50µH, Co1=2600µH,

NS1/Nm = 5/100 and for 12v or - I2v, 2A output V02= V03=12V , Ro2 = Ro3 =0.50, LO2= LO3 = 50µH, Co2= Co3 =1300µH,

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NS2/Nm = NS3/Nm = 12/100 . It is found from power circuit transfer function Appendix- I, both output circuit have double
poles. The double poles of the 5v output are located at 2.773 kHz and for 12v or - I2v are at 1. 1322. Figure 7(a) shows
the Bode plot of the 5v output circuit, and Figure 7(b) shows for the 12v output circuit.

Setting the cross over frequency fc at the one fifth of the switching frequency namely 6Khz. Figure 6 shows the Type-iii
error amplifier. For the 5v output circuit selecting R 1= 1kΩ , R2=9.2kΩ , R3=40Ω , C1= 14.42nF, C2=576.94pF, C3= 132.774
nF, this will have a phase margin of 45 degree and 28 dB slop which compensate the -27.2 dB slop of open loop power
circuit at crossover frequency fc .

For the 12v output circuit selecting R 1= 1kΩ , R2=17.84kΩ , R3=40Ω , C1= 6.63nF, C2=265.39pF, C3= 132.77 nF, this will
have a phase margin of 48 degree and 24.5 dB slop which compensate the -25.2 dB slop of open loop power circuit at
crossover frequency fc.

Figure 7 Bode plot of error amplifier, power circuit with & without compensation; (a) 5V output system; (b) 12V &
-12V output system.


To verify the proposed topology a three output (5V/10A, 12V/2A, -I2V/2A) forward converter is simulated using MATLAB
Simulink block; the result of simulation are shown below:


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Figure 8(a) Main and auxiliary output voltage under main output load change with main output control.

It is seen from Figure 8(a); that due to the main output load step change from lOA to 6.66A auxiliary output gets
affected, but the main output voltage reaches to its steady value after some disturbances due to the main output
control. From above result we observed that only for the main output control cross regulation between the outputs
becomes poor. To improve this cross regulation independently regulated multiple output forward converter has been
design and simulated using PSIM Simulink model.

With the advancement in electronics and computer application requirement of multiple output converter is going to be
increases. A improved multiple output forward converter has been introduced in this paper; it has feed-back control
circuit to control the pertinent output stage. It is observed from above result that all the outputs are unaffected by
change in any other output circuit; this shows that all the output voltage regulates independently; means cross
regulation between the output is eliminated.


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