Quantitative Aptitude

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6 Averages, Allegations or Mixtures
8 LCM and HCF



1. A set of equations like ax + by = c, dx + ey = f is called a system of simultaneous equations in

two variables x , y.
2. If the number of equations is less than the number of variables, then we say the variables are
indeterminate. Sometimes in case of indeterminate equations, say, of three variables, it is
possible that the values of one of the variables may be determined. This depends up on the
given set of equations.


1.A class starts at 10 a.m. and lasts till 1.27 p.m. Four periods are held during this interval . After
every period, 5min are given free to the students. The exact duration of each period is :
a.42min b. 48 min c.51min d.53min
2.A light was seen at intervals of 13 sec. It was seen for the time at 1 hr 54min 5osecs a.m. and the
last time at 3hrs 17min 49secs. a.m. How many times was the light seen?
a. 360 b.375 c.378 d.384
3.A man earns Rs.20 on the first day and spends Rs.15 on the next day. He again earns Rs.20 on the
third and spends Rs.15 on the fourth day. If he continous to save like this , how soon will he have Rs.
60 in hand?
a. On 17th day b. On 27th day c. On 30th day d. On 40th day
4.A boy was asked to multiply a number by 25. He instead multiplied the number by 52 and got the
answer 324 more than the correct answer. The number to be multiplied was :
a.12 b.15 c.25 d.32
5.A apple costs Rs.7 each. A melon costs Rs.5 each. X spends Rs.36 on these fruits. The number of
apples purchased is :
a.2 b.3 c.4 d. data insufficient
6.The number of girls in a class is 5 times the number of boys. Which of the following cannot be the
total of children in the class?
a.24 b.30 c.35 d.42
7.The total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book having 366 pages is:
a.732 b.990 c.1098 d.1305
8.A printer numbers the pages of a book starting with 1 and uses 3189 digits in all. How many pages
does the book have?
a.1000 b.1074 c.1075 d.1080
9.In a garden there10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. The distance between the two trees is 2m
and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden. The length of the
garden is:
a.20m b.22m c.24m d.26m
10.A waiter’s salary consists of his salary and tips. During one week his tips were 5/4 0f his salary.
What fraction of his income came from tips?
a.4/9 b.5/4 c.5/8 d.5/9
11.To fill a tank, 25 buckets of water is required. How many buckets of water will be required to fill
the same tank if the capacity of the bucket is reduced to two-fifth of its present?
a.10 b.35 c.62 ½ d. none of these
12.A boy read 3/8th of a book on one day and 4/5th of the remainder on another day. If there were 30
pages unread, How many pages did the book contain?

a.240 b.300 c.600 d.250
13.An institute organized a fest and 1/5th of girls and 1/8th of the boys participated in the same. What
fraction of the total number of students took part in the fest?
a.2/13 b.13/40 c. none of these d. data inadequate
14.From a number of apples, a man sells half the number of existing apples plus 1 to the first
customer, sells 1/3rd of the remaining apples plus 1 to the second customer and 1/5th of the remaining
apples plus 1 to the third customer .He then finds that he has 3 apples left. How many apples did he
have originally?
a.15 b.18 c.20 c.25
15.David gets on the elevator at the 11 floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per
min. At the same time, Albert, gets on the elevator at the 51th floor of the same building and rides
down at the rate of 63 floors per min. If they continue travelling at these rates, then at which floor will
their paths cross?
a.19 b.28 c.30 d.37
16.In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets
Rs.2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs.3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns Rs.432 in 4 weeks,
then how many hours does he work for?
a.160 b.175 c.180 d.195
17.In an examination, a student scores 4 marks for every correct answer and loses 1 mark for every
wrong answer. If he attempts in all 60 questions and secures 130 marks, the number of questions he
attempts correctly, is :
a.35 b.38 c.30 d.40
18. Eight persons are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car. If one person withdraws from
the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car, then the share of the remaining
persons increased by:
a.1/7 b.1/8 c.1/9 d.7/8
1 9.On children’s day, sweets were to be equally distributed among 175 children in a school. Actually
on the children’s day, 35 children were absent and therefore each child got 4 sweets extra. Total how
many sweets were available for distribution?
a.2400 b.2480 c.2680 d.2750
20 A piece of cloth costs Rs.35. If the length of the piece would have been 4m longer and each meter
costs re.1 less, the cost would have remained unchanged. How long is the piece?
a.9m b.10m c.12m d.14m
21. The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of 4 tables. The price of 15 chairs and 2 tables together is
Rs.4000. The total price of 12chairs and 3 tables is:
a. Rs . 3000 b. Rs . 3750 c. Rs . 3840 d. Rs . 3900
22.In a certain shop, 9oranges cost as much as 5 apples, 5 apples cost as much as 3 mangoes and 4
mangoes cost as much as 9 lemons. If 3 lemons cost Rs.4.80, the price of an orange is :
a. Rs.1.20 b. Rs.1.30 c. Rs.1.40 d. Rs.1.50
23.The taxi charges in a city comprise of a fixed charge, together with the charge of the distance
charged. For a journey of 16km, the charges paid are Rs.156 and for a journey of 24km, the charges
paid are Rs.204.What will a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 30km?
a.Rs.236 b .Rs.240 c.Rs.248 d. Rs.252
24. Ina groups of cows and ducks, the number of legs are 24 more than twice the number of heads.
What is the number of cows in the group?
a.6 b.8 c.10 d.12
25.A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140,
then the number of hens will be:
a.22 b.23 c.24 d.26

1. a 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. d
11. c 12. a 13. a 14. c 15. c 16. b 17. b 18. a 19. 20. b
21. d 22. a 23. b 24. d 25. d


RATIO: The term ratio is a comparison of two quantities by division. It is a relation that one quantity
bears to another with respect to magnitude. In other words, ratio means what part one quantity is of
another. The quantities may be of same kind or different kinds. For example, when we consider the
ratio of the weight 50 kg of a bag of rice to the weight 100 kg of a bag of sugar we are considering the
quantities of same kind but when we talk of allotting 4 cricket bats to 5 sportsmen, we are considering
quantities of different kinds. Normally, we consider the ratio between quantities of the same kind.
The equality of two ratios is called proportion.
If a and b are two numbers, the ratio of a to b is or a ÷ b and is denoted by a : b. The two quantities
that are being compared are called terms. The first term is called antecedent and the second term is
called consequent.
For example, the ratio 3 : 5 represents with antecedent 3 and consequent 5.
 A ratio is a number, so to find the ratio of two quantities, they must be expressed in the
same units.

 A ratio does not change if both of its terms are multiplied or divided by the same number.
2 4 6
Thus, = = etc.
3 6 9


1. Duplicate Ratio: The ratio of the squares of two numbers is called the duplicate ratio of
the two numbers.
3 9 3
For example, 2 ∨ is called the duplicate ratio of .
4 16 4

2. Triplicate Ratio: The ratio of the cubes of two numbers is called the triplicate ratio of the
two numbers.
3 27 3
For example, 3 ∨ is called the triplicate ratio of .
4 64 4

3. Sub-duplicate Ratio: The ratio of the square roots of two numbers is called the Sub-
duplicate ratio of the two numbers.
3 9
For example, is called the sub-duplicate ratio of .
4 16

4. Sub-triplicate Ratio: The ratio of the cube roots of two numbers is called the triplicate
ratio of the two numbers.
3 27
For example, is called the sub-triplicate ratio of .
4 64

5. Inverse Ratio or Reciprocal Ratio: If the antecedent and consequent of a ratio

interchange their places, the new ratio is called the inverse ratio of the first. Thus,
1 1
if a : b be the given ratio, then : or b : a is its inverse ratio.
a b
3 4
For example, is the inverse ratio of .
4 3

6. Compound Ratio: The ratio of the product of the antecedents to that of the consequents
of two or more given ratios is called the compound ratio. Thus, if a : b and c : d are
two given ratios, then ac : bd is the compound ratio of the given ratios.

Ex: If A : B = 3 : 4, B : C = 2 : 3 and C : D = 5 : 7, then find A : B : C : D.

General method of solving this question is very lengthy. We can calculate it easily.

PROPORTION: The equality of two ratios is called proportion.

 If a : b = c : d, then a, b, c and d are said to be in proportion and we write a : b :: c : d. This is

read as “a is to b as c is to d”.

For example, since 3/4 = 6/8, we write 3 : 4 :: 6 : 8 and we say that 3, 4, 6 and 8 are in

 Each term of the ratio a/b and c/d is called a proportional.

 a, b, c and d are respectively the first, second, third and fourth proportional.
Here a, d are known as extremes and b, c are known as means.
 If four quantities are in proportional, then Product of Means = Product of Extremes

For example, in the proportion a : b :: c : d, we have bc = ad. From this relation, we see that if
any three of the four quantities are given, the fourth can be determined.


1. Fourth proportional: If a : b :: c : x, x is called the fourth proportional of a, b and c.

we have, a / b = c / x or x = b.c/a i.e. fourth proportional of a, b and c is b.c/a.

2. Third proportional: If a : b :: b : x, x is called the third proportional of a and b.

we have, a / b = b / x or x = b2/a i.e. third proportional of a andb is b2/a.

3. Mean proportional: If a : x :: x : b, x is called the mean or second proportional of a and b.

we have, a / x = x / b or x2 = a.b or x = √ a . b i.e. Mean proportional of a and b is √ a . b.

we also say that a, x, b are in continued proportion.

a c a+b c +d
4. If = , then (a) = (Componendo)
b d b d

a−b c−d
(b) = (Dividendo)
b d

a+b c +d
(c) = (Componendo∧Dividendo)
a−b c−d

a a+c a−c
(d) = = .
b b+d b−d

5.We say that x is directly proportional to y, if x = k.y for some constant k.

5. We say that x is inversely proportional to y, if x.y = k for some co nstant k.


In partnership, two or more persons carry on a business and share the profits of the business at an
agreed proportion. Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are individually called
partners and collectively called a firm and the name under which their business is carried on is called
the firm name. The partnership may be simple or compound.

Simple Partnership is one in which the capital of each partner is in the business for same time.

Compound Partnership is one in which the capitals of partners are invested for different periods.
Again partner can be working partner or sleeping partner.

Sleeping Partneris one who invests the capital in the business but does not actively participate in the
conduct of business.

Working Partner besides investing capital, takes part in running the business. For his work, he is
either paid some salary or given a certain percent of profit, in addition.


 If the capitals of two partners be Rs.C1 and Rs.C2 for the same period and the total profit be

Rs.P, then shares of the partners in the profits are Rs .(C 1× P

C 1+C 2 )
and Rs . (
C 2× P
C 1+C 2 )
 If the capitals of three partners be Rs. C1, Rs.C2 and Rs.C3 for the same period and the total
profit be Rs.P, then shares of the partners in the profits are
Rs . ( C 1× P
C 1+C 2+C 3 ) (
Rs .
C 1+C 2+C 3 )
and Rs . ( C 3×P
C 1+C 2+C 3 )
 If the capitals of two partners be Rs. C1and Rs.C2 for the periods T1 and T2, respectively and
the total profit be Rs.P, then shares of the partners in the profits are
Rs . (C 1 ×T 1× P
C 1 T 1+C 2 T 2 )
andRs . ( C 2× T 2 × P
C 1 T 1+C 2 T 2 ).

 If the capitals of three partners be Rs. C1, Rs.C2 and Rs.C3 for the periods T1, T2 and T3,
respectively and the total profit be Rs.P, then shares of the partners in the profits are
Rs . ( C 1× T 1× P
C 1 T 1+C 2 T 2+C 3 T 3 ) (
, Rs .
C 2× T 2× P
C 1 T 1+C 2 T 2+C 3 T 3 )and

Rs . (
C 1 T 1+C 2 T 2+C 3 T 3 )
C3×T 3×P

 If the capitals of two partners be Rs C1and Rs.C2 for the periods T1 and T2, respectively, then
= .

 If the capitals of three partners be Rs. C1, Rs.C2 and Rs.C3 for the periods T1, T2 and T3,

PROFIT OF A : PROFIT OF B : PROFIT OF C=C 1 ×T 1 :C 2 ×T 2:C 3 × T 3.

NOTE: If there is a loss in the business, then

LOSS OF A : LOSS OF B : LOSS OF C=C 1 ×T 1 :C 2 ×T 2 :C 3 ×T 3

 Three partners invested their capitals in a business. If the timings of their investments is in the
ratio T1 : T2 : T3 and their profits are in the ratio P1 : P2 : P3, then the ratio of their capitals
P1 P2 P3
invested is = = .
T1 T2 T 3


1. If a : b = 3 : 7, what is the value of 4a +5b / 2a +2b?

a. 47/20 b. 3/2 c. 7/4 d. 5/2
2. If a : b = 2 : 3, b : c = 4 : 3 and c : d = 2 : 3 then find a : b : c : d.
a. 8 : 12 : 9 : 27 b. 16 : 24 : 18 : 27 c. 18 : 27 : 36 : 8 d. 12 : 18 : 15 : 20
3. The weights of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3 and weights B and C are in the ratio 4 : 3.
What is B’s weight if the sum of the weights of A, B and C is 203 kg?
a. 84 b.76 c. 49 d.65
4. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a school is 7 : 3. If an additional
15 girls were to join the class, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls would
become 2 : 3. What is the initial number of girls in the class?
a. 4 b. 10 c. 12 d. 6
5. If 3x – 4y + 2z = 0 and 4x – 2y – z = 0. find x : y : z.
a. 8 : 10 : 11 b. 8 : 11 : 40 c. 11 : 40 : 8 d. 8 : 40 : 11

6. What must be subtracted from p & added to q so that the ratio of the resultant becomes 1 : 3?
a. (p + q) /3 b. (3p – q) /4 c. (p – q) / (p + q) d. (q – 3p) /4
7. A certain number is added to each of a pair of numbers which are in the ratio 4 : 7. The
sum of the resulting numbers is 75 and their ratio (taken in the same order as mentioned
above) is 8 : 17. What is the number added?
a. - 12 b. 9 c. - 13 d. 8
8. In a chase in the time, a hare takes five leaps a jackal takes four leaps. If the distance
covered in four leaps of the hare is equal to that covered in five leaps of the jackal, find the
ratio of their speeds.
a. 4 : 5 b. 16 : 25 c. 25 : 16 d. 1 : 1
9. Out of 120 applications for the post, 70 are male and 80 have a driver’s licence. What is
the ratio between the minimum to maximum number of males having driver’s licence?
a. 1 to 2 b. 2 to 3 c. 3 to 7 d. 5 to 7
10. The total annual income of A, B and C is Rs.1596000. A saves 20% of his income, while
B and C saves 12.5% and 10% of their incomes respectively. If their annual savings are in
the ratio 16 : 17 : 12, then the annual savings, in Rupees, of B exceeds that of C by
a. 19000 b. 23750 c. 7600 d. 4750
11. Last year, the incomes of A, B and C were in the ratio of 4 : 3 : 5. The ratio of A’s income
of last year to that of this year is 2 : 3. The corresponding ratio for B and C are 3 : 4 and
4 : 5 respectively. If the sum of their incomes this year is Rs.819000, then the income, in
rupees, of C this year exceeds that of A by
a. 12600 b. 14200 c. 10800 d. 15340
12. Costs of two watches were in the ratio of 16 : 23. The cost of first watch increases by
10% and that of second by Rs.477. Now the costs of two watches are in a ratio of 11 : 20.
The price of the second watch (in Rupees) in the beginning was
a. 935 b. 1219 c. 1696 d. 848
13. A bag contains rupee, fifty paise and twenty-five paise coins whose values are in the
ratio of 4 : 5 : 6. If the total number of coins are 760, find the number of 50 paise coins.

a. 80 b. 200 c. 480 d. 280
14. If two numbers are in the ratio 6 : 13 and their least common multiple is 312, then the
larger number is
a. 12 b. 26 c. 24 d. 52
15. A certain amount of money is divided among x, y and z. If x receives 25% more than y
and y receives 25% less than z, then x : y : z is equal to
a. 14 : 12 : 13 b. 15 : 12 : 16 c. 10 : 9 : 12 d. 12 : 10 : 11
16. Salary of A varies directly with the number of working days in the month. A gets a salary
of Rs.10,400, if the number of working days in the month is 26. What salary will he get
when the number of working days in the month is 25 (in Rupees)?
a. 10,000 b. 10,200 c. 10,300 d. 10,100
17. What is the ratio whose terms differ by 40 and measure of which is 2/7?
a. 16 : 56 b. 14 : 56 c. 15 : 56 d. 16 : 72
18. In a business, A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2 : 1, whereas the ratio between
amounts invested by A and B was 3 : 2. If Rs.1,57,300 was their profit, how much did B
a. Rs.24,000 b. Rs.36,300 c. Rs.48,400 d. 72,600
19. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for
14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
a. 5 : 7 : 8 b. 28 : 49 : 64 c. 38 : 28 : 21 d. 5 : 4 : 4

20. The ratio of present ages of two brothers is 1 : 2 and 5 years back, the ratio was of their
ages was 1 : 3.What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 years?
a. 1 : 4 b. 2 : 3 c. 3 : 5 d. 5 : 6

21. P, Q and R are three quantities, P varies directly with the sum of Q and R. If both Q and R
decrease by q, find the change in P
a. No change b. A decrease of 2 c. A increase of 2 d. cannot say

22. A, B and C are three quantities. A varies directly with B when C is constant. A varies
directly with C when B is Constant. A = 6000 if B = 20 and C = 30. Find A, if B = 40
and C = 60.
a. 18000 b. 21000 c. 27000 d. 24000

23. A varies directly with B when C is constant and inversely with C when B is constant. When
A = 26, B = 65 and C = 30. Find A when B = 84 and C = 42.
a. 24 b. 36 c. 14 d. 32

24. X, Y, Z are three quantities. X varies inversely with Y when Z is constant. Y varies
inversely with Z when X is constant. When Y = 8 and Z = 7, X = 30. Find X, if Y = 16 and
Z = 21.
a. 5 b. 8 c. 10 d. 15
25. A, B and C enter into a partnership. If A contributes Rs.320 for 4 months, B contributes
Rs.510 for 3 months, and C contributes Rs.270 for 5 months. If the total profit is Rs.208,
find the profit share of the partner B.
a. Rs.67.50 b. Rs.76.50 c. Rs.64 d. Rs.153

26. A, B and C enter into partnership with a total of Rs.8200. A’s capital is Rs.1,000 more
than B’s and Rs.2000 less than C’s. What is B’s share of the year’s profit of Rs.2460?

a. Rs.1680 b. Rs.2040 c. Rs.420 d. Rs.1260
27. Three hikers A, b and C start on a trip with Rs.50 each and agree to share the expenses
equally. If at the end of the trip, A has Rs.20 left with him, B has Rs.30 and C has Rs.40,
how much C must pay to A?
a. Rs.30 b. Rs.20 c. Rs.10 d. Rs.90
28. Rs.1290 is divided among A, B and C so that A’s share is 1.5 times B’s and B’s share is
7/4 times C. What is C’s share?
a. Rs.630 b. Rs.420 c. Rs.240 d. None of these
29. A and B invest Rs.3000 and Rs.4000 in a business. A receives Rs.10 per month out of the
profit as a remuneration for running the business and the rest of profit is divided in
proportion to the investments. If in a year A totally receives Rs.390, what does B receive?
a. Rs.270 b. Rs.360 c. Rs.450 d. None of these
30. A and B entered into partnership with capitals in the ratio of 4 : 5. After 3 months, A
withdrew 1/4 of his capital and B withdrew 1/5 of his capital. The gain at the end of 10
months was Rs.760. Find the share of B.
a. Rs.330 b. Rs.430 c. Rs.780 d. Rs.500

01. a 02. b 03. a 04. d 05. a 06. b 07. a 08. c 09. c 10. b
11. a 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. b 16. a 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. c
21. d 22. d 23. a 24. a 25. b 26. c 27. c 28. c 29. b 30. b


Important Results:

 Concept of Percentage: By a certain percent, we mean that , many hundredths. Thus , x

percent means x hundredths, written as x%
 To express x% as a fraction: we have, x% =

20 1 40 12
Thus, 20% = = ; 48% = = , etc.
100 5 100 25

a a a
 To express as a percent : We have , = ( X 100 )%
b b b

1 1 6 3 3
Thus, = ( X 100)% = 25%; 0.6 = = = ( X 100)% = 60%
4 4 10 5 5

 If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the reduction in

consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is X 100%
(100+ R)
 If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the reduction in
consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is

X 100 %

 Results on Population: Let the population of a town be P now and

suppose it increases at the rate of R% per annum, then:
 Population after n years = P (1+ )ⁿ
 Population n years ago = R
(1+ )ⁿ

 Results on Depreciation : Let the present value of a machine be P.

Suppose it depreciates at the rate of R% per annum. Then:
 Value of the machine after n years = P (1− 100 ) ⁿ
 Value of the machine r n years ago = (1− R )ⁿ

 If A is R% more than B, then B is less than A by (100+ R) X 100 %
R 11
 If A is R% Less than B, then B is more than A by X 100 %

1.In a certain school, 20% of the students are below 8 years of age. The number of students above 8
years of age is 2/3 of the number of students of 8 years age which is 48. What is the total number of
students in the school?

a.72 b.80 c.120 d. None of these

2. The price of a car is Rs.3,25,000. It was insured to 85% of its price. The car was damaged
completely in an accident and the insurance company paid 90% of the insurance. What was the
difference between the price of the car and the amount received?

a.Rs.32,500 b.Rs.48,750 c.Rs.76,375 d.81,250

3. 8% of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 21 years of age. In an election, 85% of those
eligible to vote, who were between 18 and 21 actually voted. In that election, the number of persons
between 18 and 21 actually voted, what percent of those eligible to vote ?

a.4.2 b.6.4 c.6.8 d.8

4. In an examination, A Scored 25% less than B. By what percent did B score more than A?
a. 25% b. 20% c. 33 1/3% d. 36 2/3%
5. In an examination, A Scored 60% of the minimum marks and passed by 36 marks and B scored
30% of the minimum marks and failed by 18 marks Find the pass mark
a. 54 b. 36 c. 72 d. 84
6. A’s weight is 10% less than that of B and C’s weight is 10% more than that of B. By what percent
is A’s Weight less than that of C?
a. 20% b. 18 2/11% c. 1 9/11% d. 16 2/3%
7. In an office, 30% of the employees are men and the remaining are women. 60% of the men are
married and 66% of the employees are married. What percentage of women are not married
a. 17 1/7% b. 30% c. 31 3/7% d.20%
8. The price of an item went up by 25% and a family decided to reduce its consumption so that the
total expenditure would increase by only 8% as compared to the previous expenditure. If 25kg of the
item was consumed previously, then how many kg’s of the item should be consumed new.
a.25 kg b.20 kg c. 22.4 kg d. 21.6 kg
9.From the salary of an officer, 10% is deducted as house rent, 20% of the rest he spends on
conveyance, 20%of the rest he pays as income tax and 10% of the balance, he spends cloths. Then, he
is left with Rs.15,552. Find his total salary.
a.Rs.25,000 b.Rs.30,000 c.Rs.35,000 d.Rs.40,000
10. 405 sweets were distributed equally among children in such away that the number of sweets
received by each child is 20% of the total number of children. How many sweets did each child
receive ?
a.9 b.15 c.18 d.45
11. Find the single discount equivalent to a series discount of 20 %, 10 % & 5 %
a. 31.6 % b. 68.4 % c. 42.8 % d. 56.4 %
12. After getting two successive discounts a shirt with a list price of Rs. 150 is available at Rs.
105. If the second discount is 12.5 %, find the first discount?
a. 20 % b. 80 % c. 40 % d. 60 %
13. At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 33 % after
allowing a customer a discount of 5 %?
a. 40 % b. 140 % c. 60 % d. 80 %
14. The population of a town was 1,60,000 three years ago. If it is increased by 3%, 2.5% and 5%
respectively in the last three year, then the present population is
a.1,77,000 b.1,77,366 c.1,77,461 d.1,77,596
15.The population of a town increases by 5% annually. If its population in 2001 was 1,38,915, what it
was in 1998 ?
a.1,00,000 b.1,08,000 c.1,10,000 d.1,20,000
16.Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit can be
obtained from 100kg of fresh fruits?
a.32kg b.40kg c.52kg d.80kg
17. A building worth Rs.1,33,100 is constructed on land worth Rs.72,900. After how many years will
the value of both be the same if land appreciates at 10%p.a. and building depreciates at 10% p.a ?
a.3/2 b.2 c.5/2 d.3
18. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and females increases by 10% and
15% respectively and consequently the population of the village becomes 5600.What was the number
of males in the village ?
a.2000 b.2500 c.3000 d.4000
19. Amit’s monthly income is 30% more than that of Raunaq. Raunaq’s monthly income is 20% less
than that of Deepak. If the difference between the monthly incomes of Amit and Deepak is Rs. 800.
What is the monthly income of Raunaq?
a.Rs.12,000 b.Rs.16,000 c.Rs.20,000 d.Data Inadequate
20.In an examination, 35% candidates failed in one subject and 42% failed in another subject while
15% failed in both the subjects. If 2500 candidates appeared at the examination, how many passed in
either subject but not in both ?
a.325 b.1175 c.2125 d. None of these
21.A bag contains 600 coins of 25paise denomination and 1200 coins of 50p denominations. If 12%
of 25p coins and 24% of 50p coins are removed, the percentage of money removed from the bag is
a.15.6% b.17.8% c.21.6% d.30%
22.They are 600 boys in a hostel. Each plays either hockey or football or both. If 75% play hockey
and 45% play football, how many play both?
a.48 b.60 c.80 d.120
23. In a fraction, If numerator is increased by 40% and denominator is increased by 80% then what
fraction of the original is the new fraction?
a. ½ b.7/9 c.7/18 d. data inadequate
24.The number which exceeds 16% of it by 42 is
a.50 b.52 c.58 d.60
25. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have squares that end in the digit is 1 ?
a.1 b.14 c.20 d.21

1. a 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. d
11. c 12. d 13. b 14. c 15. c 16. d 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. b
21. b 22. d 23. a 24. b 25. c


Profit and loss problems involves various terms like cost price, selling price, marked price etc.
Basically, it is a difference between selling price and cost price. Cost price is the price paid to
purchase an article or a product or we can say it is a cost incurred in manufacturing an article. Selling
price is the price at which a product is sold.

Business transactions have now – a – days become common feature of life. When a person
deals in the purchase and sale of any item, he either gains or loses some amount generally. The aim of
any business is to earn profit. The commonly used terms in dealing with questions involving sale and
purchase are:
Cost Price: The price at which an article is purchased, is called its Cost Price.

Selling Price: The price at which an article is sold, is called its Selling Price.

Profit or Gain: If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a Profit or Gain.

Loss: If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss.

 Gain = (S.P.) – (C.P.)

 Loss = (C.P.) – (S.P.)
 Loss or gain is always reckoned on C.P.
Gainx 100
 Gain % = ( )
C .P.
Lossx 100
 Loss % = ( )
100+Gain %
 S.P. = ( ) x C.P.
100−Loss %
 S.P. = ( ) x C.P.
 C.P. = ( ) x S.P.
100+Gain %
 C.P. = ( ) x S.P.
100−Loss %
 If an article is sold at a gain of says, 35 %, then S.P. = 135% of C.P.
 If an article is sold at a loss of says, 35 %, then S.P. = 65% of C.P.
 When a person sells two similar items, one at a gain of says , x% , and the other at a loss of x
% , then the seller always incurs a los given by:

CommomLossandGain% X
Loss % = ( )² = ( )²
10 10

 If a trader professes to sell his goods at cost price, but uses false weights, then

Error %
Gain % = ( x 100)%
( TrueValue )−(Error)


1. There would be 10% loss if a toy is sold at Rs.15.30 per piece. At what price should it
be sold to earn a profit of 20%?

a. Rs.12 b. Rs.12.96 c. Rs.20.40 d. Rs.12.40

2. Ravi sells an article at a gain of 6.25%. If he had sold it at Rs.150 more, he had have

gained 12.5%. The C.P of the article is

a. Rs.1600 b. Rs.1240 c. Rs.1560 d. Rs.2400

3. If S. P is doubled then profit triples. Find the profit percent.

a. 66 2/3 b. 100 c. 105 1/3 d. 120

4.If a person makes a profit of 10% on 1/5th of the quantity and a loss of 20% on the
rest. What is his average percent profit or loss?
a. 14% profit b. 14% loss c. 17% loss d. 17% profit

5. What is the percentage profit made by selling an at a certain price, if by selling at

2/3rd of the price, there would be a loss of 10%?
a. 30% b. 35% c. 25% d. 40%
6. Profit after selling an article for Rs.1325 is same as the loss after selling it for Rs.555. The
C. P is
a. Rs.385 b. Rs.940 c. Rs.395 d. Rs.400

7. 20% loss on S. P is what percent loss on C. P?

a.25% b. 16 1/3 % c. 15% d.16 2/3%

8. A man sells two articles for Rs.5000 each neither losing nor loss in the deal. If he sold
one of the article at a gain of 25%, the other article is sold at a loss of
a.15 2/3% b. 17 1/3 % c. 18 1/3% d.16 2/3%

9. A shopkeeper labelled the price of his articles so as to earn a profit of 30% on the
cost price. He then sold the articles by offering a discount of 10% on the labelled
price. What is the actual percent profit earned in the deal?
a. 18% b.15% c. 20% d. None of these

10. An article was sold for Rs.5220 at a loss of 42% of the cost price. What will be the
selling price of the article for a profit of 42%?
a. Rs.12580 b. Rs.17280 c. Rs.12780 d. Rs.15280

11. A shopkeeper sells two watches for Rs.308 each. On one he gets 12% profit and on

the other 12% loss. His profit or loss in the entire transaction was?
a. 111/25% loss b. 111/25 % gain c. 32/25 % loss d. 32/25% gain

12. A man sells calculator at the rate of Rs.250 each which includes a profit of 14%. What
amount of profit will he earn in 19 days if he sells seven calculators per day?
a. Rs.4665 b. Rs.4083 c. Rs.4545 d. Rs.4655

13. An article was purchased for Rs.78,350. Its price was marked up by 30%. It was sold
at a discount of 20% on the marked-up price. What was the profit percent on the cost
a. 4% b. 7% c. 5% d. 3%

14. What profit/loss percent did Ravi earn if he purchased an item of Rs.5600 and sold it
at three-fourth of its cost price?
a. 20% loss b. 25% gain c. No gain no loss d. 25% loss

15. By selling 80 ball pens for Rs.140 a retailer loses 30%. How many ball-pens should
he sell it for Rs.104 so as to make a profit of 30%?
a. 32 b. 52 c. 48 d. 42

16. A shopkeeper purchased a TV for Rs.2000 and a radio for Rs.750. He sells the TV at a
profit of 20% and the radio at a loss of 5%. The total loss or gain is
a. Rs.352.50 gain b. Rs.362.50 gain c. Rs.332 loss d. Rs.300 loss

17. A shop keeper bought 30 kg. of wheat at the rate of Rs.45 per kg. He sold 40% of the
total quantity at the rate of Rs.50 per kg. Approximately, at what price per kg should he
sell the remaining quantity to make 25% overall profit?
a. Rs.60 b. Rs.54 c. Rs.50 d. Rs.56

18. Vinod makes a profit of Rs.110 if he sells a certain number of pencils he has at the
price of Rs.2.5 per pencil and incurs a loss of Rs.55 if he sells the same number of
pencils for Rs.1.75 per pencil. How many pencils does Vinod have?
a. 240 b. 200 c. 220 d. Cannot say

19. Giridhar purchased 100 sarees at the rate of Rs.450 per piece. While selling he offered
10% discount on the labelled price and earned a profit of 20%. What was the labelled
price of each saree?
a. Rs.540 b. Rs.650 c. Rs.590 d. Rs.600

20. A reduction of 10% in the price of commodity enables a person to buy 25 kg more for
Rs.225. The original price of the commodity per kg was
a. Re.1 b. Rs.1.50 c. Rs.2.50 d. Rs.2

21. A shop offers 10% discount on every purchase of an article. It also offers an additional
discount of 12%, if the payment is made in cash. If the original price of an item is
Rs.250, how much a customer will pay, if he wants to pay the price in cash?
a. Rs.180 b. Rs.192 c. Rs.198 d. Rs.195

22. A toy train is marked at Rs.400 and sold at a discount of 8% during Ganesh Puja. A

shop keeper announces a discount of 8%. The amount he will loose if he announces a
single discount of 16% is
a. Rs.2.56 b. Rs.3.84 c. Rs.4.16 d. Rs.5.78

23. A person bought 20 litres of milk at the rate of Rs.8 per litre. He got it churned after
spending Rs.10 and 5 kg of cream and 20 litres of toned milk were obtained. If he sold the
cream at Rs.30 per kg and toned milk at Rs.4 per litre, his profit in the transaction is.
a. 25% b.35.3% c. 37/5% d. 42.5%

24. A merchant purchases a wrist watch for Rs.450 and fixes its list price in such a way that
after allowing a discount of 10%, he earns a profit of 20%. Find the list price of the
a. Rs.480 b. Rs.450 c. Rs.600 d. Rs.540

25. How much percent above the cost price should a shop keeper mark his goods so as to
earn a profit of 32% after allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price?
a. 50% b. 40% c. 60% d. 45%

01. c 02. d 03. b 04. b 05. b 06. b 07. d 08. d 09. d 10. c
11. a 12. b 13. a 14. d 15. a 16. d 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. a
21. c 22. a 23. b 24. c 25. a

Averages, Allegations or Mixtures

Average is a very simple topic and just involves simple mathematical calculations. Average concept
has various applications. We will discuss its applications in next session. Firstly we will try to make
you understand the basics of this topic.

Average is just a mean value of all the given observations or we can say it is an arithmetic mean of

Average = Sum of all observations / Number of observations

When ever we are asked the marks scored by us in any examinations, we usually tell the marks
in percentage, taking the percentage of total marks of all subjects. This percentage is called average
percentage. Also, in a class, if there are 100 students, instead of knowing the age of individual
student, we usually talk about average age.

Properties of Average

 Average lies between maximum and minimum observation.

 When the same value ‘ a’ is added to each data or observation then

New average = original average + a. 18
 When the same value ‘ a’ is subtracted from each data or
observation then
 If ‘ x’ & ‘ y’ are the average of group ‘ a’ & group ‘ b’ resp. Then the combined average of
ax +by
two groups is given by .

Allegation literally means ‘ linking’. It is a rule to find:

 The ratio in which two or more ingredients at their respective prices should be mixed to give a
mixture at a given price.
 The mean or average price of a mixture when the prices of two or more ingrediants which
may be mixed together and the proportion in which they are mixed are given.
 Quantity of Cheaper = C.P of Superior – Mean Price
Quantity of Superior Mean Price – C.P. of Cheaper

1. 1.Find the Average of 4,10,16, 22,28
a.10 b.22 c.16 d.28

2. Find the Average of 4,10,16,22,28,34,40,46

a.25 b.23 c.29 d.28

3. Find the Average of 142,147,153,165,157

a.156 b.152.8 c.158 d.147

4. Find the Average of first 50 natural numbers is

a.21.5 b.25.5 c.29.5 d.29

5. The average age of two persons is 32 years. One is elder by the other by 16 years. The ages of the
two persons are
a. 34, 50 b. 20, 36 c. 24, 40 d. 32, 32

6. The average age of a class of 50 boys is 12.9 years. It is raised to 13 years by coming of a new boy.
The age of new boy is
a. 13 b. 15 c. 17 d. 18

7. The average of ten numbers is 7. If each number is multiplied by 12, then the average of new set of
number is
a. 7 b. 19 c. 82 d. 84

8. The average age of the students of a class is 15. Five students of average age 12 joined the class
and the average age of the whole class is reduced to 14. The original strength of the class was
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 35

9. The average monthly salary of 10 workers of a company is Rs. 1445. One more number whose
monthly salary is Rs. 1500 has joined the group. The average monthly salary of 11 workers is
a. 1500 b. 1450 c. 1475 d. 1400

10. The average age of group of persons going for picnic is 16 years. Twenty new persons with an
average age of 15 years join the group, due to which their average becomes 15.5 years. Find the
number of persons initially going for picnic.
a. 5 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30

11. The average of 16 observations is 35. If 10 is added to each observation, new average will be:
a. 38 b. 30 c. 40 d. 45

12.The average weight of 9 mangoes increases by 20 grams. If one of them weighing 120 grams is
replaced by another. The weight of the new mango in gm is:
a. 180 b. 200 c. 260 d. 300
13. Five years ago, the average age of A, B, C and D was 45 years. With E joining them, now the
average of all the five is 49 years. How old is E?
a.25 b. 40 c. 45 d.64
14. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7
technicians is Rs. 12,000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6,000. The total number of workers
in the workshop :
a. 20 b. 21 c. 22 d. 23

15. 3 years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been born,
the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is:
a. 1 b.1 yr 6 months c. 2 d. 3

16. The average weight of 25 students in a class was 52 kg. If 5 students left and 10 new students,
whose average weight was 49 kg, joined, what was the average weight of the new group of students
in kg is?
a. cannot be determined b. 50.5 c. 50 d. 51.25

17. The average of 4 positive integers is 72.5. The highest integer is 117 and the lowest integer is 15.
The difference between the remaining two integer is 12. Which is higher of these remaining two
a. 73 b. 84 c. 70 d. 85

18. The average monthly expenditure of a family was Rs. 2200 during the first 3 months, Rs. 2250
during the next 4 months and Rs. 3120 during the last 5 months of a year. If the total savings during
the year were Rs.1260, then the average monthly income was:

a. 2665/- b. 2805/- c. 2705/- d. 2905/-

19. The average age of husband, wife and their child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife and
the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the husband is
a. 35 years b. 40 years c.50years d. None of these

20. A family consists of two grandparents, two parents and three grandchildren. The average age of
the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years.
What is the average age of the family?
a.28 4/7 yrs b.31 5/7 yrs c.32 1/7 yrs d.None of these

21. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Rs. 15 and Rs. 20 per kg
respectively so as to get a mixture worth Rs. 16.50 kg?
a. 3 : 7 b. 5 : 7 c. 7 : 3 d. 7 : 5

22. One quality of wheat at Rs.9.30 per Kg be mixed with another quality at a certain rate in the ratio
8:7. If the mixture so formed be worth Rs.10 per Kg, what is the rate for the second quality of wheat?
a.Rs.10.30 b. Rs.10.60 c. Rs.10.80 d. Rs.11

23. In what ratio water must be mixed with milk costing Rs. 12 per litre to obtain a mixture worth of
Rs. 8 per litre?
a. 1 :2 b. 2 : 1 c. 2 : 3 d. 3 :2
24. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 16 2/3 % on selling the mixture at cost price?
a. 1 : 6 b. 6 : 1 c. 2 : 3 d. 4 : 3

25.A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water thereby he
gains 25 %. The percentage of water in the mixture is:
a. 4 b. 25 / 4 c. 20 d. 25

26. Two vessels A & B contain spirit & water mixed in the ratio 5 :2 and 7 : 6 resp. Find the ratio in
which these mixture be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing spirit and water in the
ratio 8 :
a. 4 :3 b. 3 :4 c. 5 :6 d. 7 : 9

27. A jar full of whisky contains 40 % alcohol. A part of this whisky is replaced by another
containing 19 % alcohol and now the percentage of alcohol was found to be 26 %. The quantity of
whisky replaced is :
a. 1 / 3 b. 2 /3 c. 2 / 5 d. 3 / 5

28. Ten years ago, the average age of a family of 4 members was 24 years. Two children having been
born, the average age of the family is the same today. What are the present ages of the children,
assuming that the difference of their ages is 2 years?
a. 5,3 b. 4,2 c.7,5 d.6,4
29. Five years ago, the average age of A, B, C and D was 45 years. With E joining them, now the
average of all the five is 49 years. How old is E?
a.25 b. 40 c. 45 d.64

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.d 8.a 9.b 10.d

11.d 12.b 13.c 14.b 15.c 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.b 20.b
21.c 22.c 23.a 24.a 25.c 26.d 27.b 28.a 29.c

 Natural numbers:
Counting numbers are called natural numbers
Thus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …… are called natural numbers
 Whole numbers:
All counting numbers and 0 form the set of whole numbers
Thus 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ….. are called whole numbers
 Integers:
All counting numbers, Zero and Negatives of counting numbers form the set of integers
Thus, ….., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,…. Are all integers.

 Prime Numbers

Number s which have only two factors namely 1 and the number itself are called prime

For example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 37 etc are prime numbers.

 Composite Numbers

Numbers having more than two factors are called as composite numbers.

For example: 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are composite numbers.

(a) 1 is neither prime nor composite.

(b) 2 is the lowest and the only even prime number.

(c) 9 is the lowest odd composite number.

 Co-prime Numbers

Two numbers are said to be co-prime if they do not have a common factor other than 1 or two
numbers whose HCF is 1 called co-prime numbers.

Co-prime numbers need not be prime numbers.

For example: (i) 7 and 10 are co-prime. (ii) 15 and 17 are co-prime.

 Twin Prime Numbers

Twin prime numbers are the two prime numbers whose difference is 2.

For ex: (i) 3 and 5 (ii) 17 and 19 (iii) 41 and 43 (iv) 29 and 31 (v) 71 and 73
 Rules for Divisibility

In a number of situations, we will need to find the factors of a given number. Some of the
factors of a given number can, in a number of situations, be found very easily either by
observation or by applying simple rules. We will look at some rules for divisibility of

 Divisibility by 2
First, take any number (for this example it will be 376) and note the last digit in the number,
discarding the other digits. Then take that digit (6) while ignoring the rest of the number and
determine if it is divisible by 2. If it is divisible by 2, then the original number is divisible by 2.
 Divisibility by 3 or 9
First, take any number (for this example it will be 492) and add together each digit in the number (4 +
9 + 2 = 15). Then take that sum (15) and determine if it is divisible by 3. The original number is
divisible by 3 (or 9) if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 (or 9).
If a number is a multiplication of 3 consecutive numbers then that number is always divisible by 3.
This is useful for when the number takes the form of (n × (n − 1) × (n + 1))
 Divisibility by 4
The basic rule for divisibility by 4 is that if the number formed by the last two digits in a number is
divisible by 4, the original number is divisible by 4; this is because 100 is divisible by 4 and so
adding hundreds, thousands, etc. is simply adding another number that is divisible by 4. If any
number ends in a two digit number that you know is divisible by 4 (e.g. 24, 04, 08, etc.), then the
whole number will be divisible by 4 regardless of what is before the last two digits.
 Divisibility by 5
Divisibility by 5 is easily determined by checking the last digit in the number (475), and seeing if it is
either 0 or 5. If the last number is either 0 or 5, the entire number is divisible by 5.
 Divisibility by 6
Divisibility by 6 is determined by checking the original number to see if it is both an even number
divisible by 2 and divisible by 3.
 Divisibility by 7
Divisibility by 7 can be tested by subtracting twice the last digit from the number formed by the
remaining digits. Continue to do this until a number known to be divisible by 7 is obtained. The
original number is divisible by 7 if and only if the number obtained using this procedure is divisible
by 7. For example, the number 371: 37 − (2×1) = 37 − 2 = 35; 3 − (2 × 5) = 3 − 10 = −7; thus, since
−7 is divisible by 7, 371 is divisible by 7.
 Divisibility by 8
A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits of the given number is divisible by 8.
Example: In the number 16789352, the number formed by last 3 digits, namely 352 is
divisible by 8.
 Divisibility by 10
A number is divisible by 10 only when its unit digit is 0.
 Divisibility by 11

A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of its digits at odd places and
the sum of its digits at even places is either 0 or a number divisible by 11.
Example: consider the number 29435417
(sum of its digits at odd places) – (sum of its digits at even places)
= (7 + 4 + 3 +9) – (1 + 5 + 4 + 2) = 11, which is divisible by 11.
Therefore 29435417 is divisible by 11.
 Divisibility by 13
Remainder Test 13 (1, −3, −4, −1, 3, 4, cycle goes on.) If you are not comfortable with negative
numbers, then use this sequence. (1, 10, 9, 12, 3, 4)
Multiply the right most digit of the number with the left most number in the sequence shown above
and the second right most digit to the second left most digit of the number in the sequence. The cycle
goes on.
Example: What is the remainder when 321 is divided by 13?
Using the first sequence,
Ans: 1 × 1 + 2 × −3 + 3 × −4 = −17
Remainder = −17 mod 13 = 9
 Divisibility by 19

If the sum of the number of tens in the number and twice the units digit is divisible by 19, then the
given number is divisible by 19. Otherwise it is not.

For example, let us take the number 665. The units digit is 5 and when it is doubled, we get 10. The
remaining part of the number is 66. If 10 is added to 66 we get 76. Since this result 76 is divisible by
19, the original number 665 is also divisible by 19.

 Number of ways of expressing a given number as a product of two factors:

The given number N (which can be written as equal to ap, bq, cr, ….. where a, b, c are prime factors of
N and p, q, r, …. are positive integers) can be expressed as the product of two factors in different

No. of ways of expressing a number as product of two factors in different ways

= ½ [(p+1)(q+1)(r+1)…..]

If p, q, r, etc. are all even, then the product (p+1)(q+1)(r+1)… becomes odd and the above rule will
not be valid since we cannot take 1/2 of an odd number to get the number of ways.

If p, q, r,… are all even, it means that the number N is a perfect square. This solution arises in the
specific cases of perfect squares because a perfect square can also be written as
{square root × square root }. So, two different cases arise in case of perfect squares depending on
whether we would like to consider the writing the number as {square root × square root } also as one
The number of ways in which a perfect square can be expressed as a product of 2
factors, we have the following 2 rules.

1. As a product of two different factors in

½ [(p+1)(q+1)(r+1)…. – 1] ways (excluding √ N × √ N ).
2. As a product of two factors (including√ N × √ N ) in
½[(p+1)(q+1)(r+1)…. + 1] ways.

 Sum of all the factors of a number:

If a number N=a p . bq . c r … . where a, b, c,…. are prime numbers and p, q, r…. are positive integers,
then the sum of all the factors of N (including 1 and the number itself) is:
Sum of all the factors of a number =

( )( )( )
p +1 q+1 r +1
a −1 b −1 c −1
= a−1

 Number of ways of writing a number as product of two co primes:

If a number N=a p . bq . c r … . where a, b, c,…. are prime numbers, then the number of ways of writing
or as a product of 2 co-primes is 2n−1 , where n is the number of different prime factors of the given
number N.

 Number of co-primes to N, that are less than N:

If a number N=a p . bq . c r … , then the number of co-primes of N, which are less than N, represented
by ∅ (N ) is,

Number of co-primes to N, that are less than N

( 1a )(1− 1b )(1− 1c ) … . .
¿ N 1−

 Sum of co-primes to n that are less than:

The sum of the co-primes of N, that are less than N is

sum of the co-primes of N, that are less than N = N/2.∅ (N ).


LCM ( least common multiple) is a number which is multiple of two or more than two numbers.

 For example: The common multiples of 3 and 4 are 12, 24 and so on. Therefore, l.c.m.is
smallest positive number that is multiple of both. Here, LCM is 12.

HCF ( highest common factor) are those integral values of number that can divide that number.

Some important LCM and HCF tricks:

 Product of two numbers = HCF × LCM
 HCF of given numbers always divides their LCM
 HCF of given fractions = HCF of numerator / LCM of denominator
 LCM of given fractions = LCM of numerator / HCF of denominator
 If p is prime and a, b are any integer then P / ab , This implies P / a or P / b .

1) If the number 42573* is exactly divisible by 72, then the minimum value of * is
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
2) If x and y are the two digits of the number 653xy such that this number is divisible by 80,
then x+y =
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
3) If the product 4864 × 9P2 is divisible by 12, the value of P is
a. 2 b. 5 c. 6 d. none of these
4) If the number 517*324 is completely divisible by 3, then the smallest whole number in place
of * will be
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. none of these
5) Which of the following numbers is divisible by 24?
a. 35718 b. 63810 c. 537804 d. 3125736
6) If the number 5*2 is divisible by 6 , then * = ?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 7
7) If the number 481*673 is completely divisible by 9, then the smallest whole number in place
of * will be
a. 2 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
8) Which of the following is a prime number?
a. 33 b. 81 c. 93 d. 97
9) How many 3 digit numbers are divisible by 6 in all?
a. 149 b. 150 c. 151 d. 166
10) If a and b are odd numbers, then which of the following is even?

a. a+b b. a+b+1 c. ab d. ab+2
11) what smallest number should be added to 4456 so that the sum is completely divisible by 6?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
12) If the number 97215*6 is completely divisible by 11, then the smallest whole number in place
of * will be?
a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. 5
13) What least number must be subtracted from 13601, so that the remainder is divisible by 87?
a. 23 b. 31 c. 29 d. 37
14) Which natural number is nearest to 9217, which is completely divisible by 88?
a. 9152 b. 9240 c. 9064 d. 9184
15) If the number 91876*2 is completely divisible by 8, then the smallest whole number in place
of * will be?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
16) 476**0 is divisible by both 3 and 11. The non-zero digits in the hundred’s and ten’s places are
a. 7 and 4 b. 7 and 5 c. 8 and 5 d. none of these
17) What least number must be added to 1056, so that the sum is completely divisible by 23?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 18 d. 21
18) In a division sum, the divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the
remainder is 46, what is the dividend?
a. 4236 b. 4306 c. 4336 d. 5336
19) The sum of two numbers is 12 and their product is 35. What is the sum of the reciprocals of
these numbers?
a. 12/35 b. 1/35 c. 35/8 d. 7/32
20) The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller, we get
6 as quotient and 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number?
a. 240 b. 270 c. 295 d. 360
21) On dividing a number by 68, we get 269 as dividend and 0 as remainder. On dividing the
same number by 67, what will be the reaminder?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
22) If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11 , then which of the
following will be divisible by 11?
a. 4x + 6y b. x + y + 4 c. 9x + 4y d. 4x – 9y
23) If the number 653xy is divisible by 90 , then (x + y) = ?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
24) On dividing a number by 5, we get 3 as reamainder. What will be the remainder when the
square of this number is divided by 5 ?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4
25) A number when divided by 296 leaves 75 as remainder. When the same number is divided by
37, the remainder will be
a. 1 b. 2 c. 8 d. 11
26) On multiplying a number by 7, the product is a number each of whose digits is 3. The smallest
such number is
a. 47619 b. 47719 c. 48619 d. 47649
27) The difference between a positive proper fraction and its reciprocal is 9/20. The fraction is
a. 3/5 b. 3/10 c. 4/5 d. 5/4
28) In a division sum, the remainder is 0. A student mistook the divisor by 12 instead of 21 and
obtained 35 as quotient. What is the correct quotient?
a. 0 b. 12 c. 13 d. 20
29) A number when divided by 6 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the number is divided
by 6, the remainder is
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
30) A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6 .the remainders were respectively 2,
3 and 4. The number is
a. 214 b. 476 c. 954 d. 1908
31) Find the remainder when 3 is divided by 10?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 5 d. 3
32) Find the remainder when 1421 × 1423 × 1425 is divided by 12?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 8
95 58
33) What is the unit digit in 7 – 3 ?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
34) What is the unit digit in the product (3) × (6) × (7)71 ?
65 59

a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 6
35) What is the unit digit in the product (6374) × (341)84 × (625)72 ?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
36) Which one of the following number is completely divisible by 99?
a. 3572404 b. 135792 c. 913464 d. 114345

37) Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3 and their HCF is 12. The numbers are
a. 4, 8, 12 b. 5, 10, 15 c. 10, 20, 30 d. 12, 24, 36
38) The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their HCF is 4. Their LCM is
a. 12 b. 16 c. 24 d. 48
39) The sum of two numbers is 216 and their HCF is 27. The numbers are
a. 27, 189 b. 81, 189 c. 108, 108 d. 154, 162
40) The HCF of two numbers is 11 and their LCM is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the
other is
a. 279 b. 283 c. 308 d. 318
41) The LCM of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ratio 2:3. The sum of the numbers is
a. 28 b. 32 c. 40 d. 64
42) The HCF of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their LCM are 13 and 14. The
larger of the two numbers is
a. 276 b. 299 c. 322 d. 345
43) Product of two co- prime numbers is 117. Their LCM should be
a. 1 b. 117 c. equal to their HCF d. cannot be calculated
44) The greatest number that exactly divides 105, 1001 and 2436 is
a. 3 b. 7 c. 11 d. 21
45) The smallest fraction, which each of 6/7, 5/14, 10/21 will divide exactly, is
a. 30/7 b. 30/98 c. 60/147 d. 50/294
46) The greatest number which on dividing 1657 and 2037 leaves remainders 6 and 5
respectively, is
a. 123 b. 127 c. 235 d. 305
47) Which one of the following numbers will completely divide (461 + 462 + 463 + 464) ?
a. 3 b. 10 c. 11 d. 13
48) Which of the following numbers will completely divide (49 – 1)?
a. 8 b. 14 c. 48 d. 50
49) n is a whole number which when divided by 4 gives 3 as remainder. What will be the
remainder when 2n is divided by 4?
a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. 0
50) Which of the following numbers is divisible by each one of 3, 7, 9 and 11?
a. 639 b. 2079 c. 3791 d. 37911

1.c 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.a
11.c 12.a 13.c 14.b 15.c 16.c 17.a 18.d 19.a 20.b
21.b 22.d 23.c 24.d 25.a 26.a 27.c 28.d 29.d 30.a
31.d 32.b 33.b 34.a 35.a 36.d 37.d 38.d 39.a 40.c
41.c 42.c 43.b 44.b 45.a 46.b 47.b 48.a 49.b 50.b


 Speed = Distance/Time
 Distance = Speed × Time
 Time = Distance/Speed
 When we have to change km/hr to m/sec multiply by 5/18
o For example x km/hr = ( ) m/sec
 When it is required to change m/sec to km/hr multiply by 18/5
o For example y m/sec = ( ) km/hr
 If the ratio of time taken to cover a distance is a:b then the ratio of speed will be b:a
 If a body covers a certain distance at x km/hr and it covers the same distance again at y km/hr
2 xy
then its average speed = ( ) km/hr
x+ y
 There exists a inverse relation between speed and time
o For example
V1T1 = V2T2 =V3T3 …. And so on.
Where V1, V2,V3 are speeds and T1, T2, T3 are the time taken to cover the same

 If the ratio of the speeds of A & B is a : b, then the ratio of the times taken by them to cover
1 1
the distance is :
a b
Total distance
 Average speed of a body travelling at different speeds =
Total time taken


 Time taken by a train of length l meters to pass or a standing man is equal to the time taken by a train
to cover l meters.

 Time taken by a train of length l meters to pass a stationary object of length b meters equal to the
time taken by a train to cover( l + b) meters.

 Suppose two trains or two bodies are moving in the same direction at u m\s and v m\s, where u > v,
then their relative speed = (u-v) m/s.

 Suppose two trains or two bodies are moving in the opposite direction at u m/s and v m/s, then their
relative speed = (u+ v) m/s.

 If two trains of length a metres and b metres are moving in opposite directions at u m/s and v m/s ,
(a +b)
then time taken by the trains to cross each other = sec.
(u+ v )
 If two trains of length a metres and b metres are moving in same directions at u m/s and v m/s , then
(a+ b)
time taken by the trains to cross each other = sec.
(u−v )
 If twotrains start at the same time from points A & B towards each other and after crossing they take
a and b sec in reaching B & A respectively, then A’s speed : B’s speed = √ b : √ a


 In water, the direction along the stream is called downstream. And, the direction against the
stream is called upstream.

 If the speed of a boat in still water is u kmph and the speed of the stream is v kmph, then:
Speed downstream = (u + v)
Speed of upstream = (u - v )

 If the speed of down stream is a kmph and upstream is b kmph, then:

Speed in still water = ( a + b )
Rate of stream = ( a - b )


 Let the two persons A & B with respective speeds of a and be running around a circular track
of length L standing at the same point at the same time then:
 Time taken to meet for the first time ever when the two persons are running in same direction
is .
 Time taken to meet for the first time ever when the two persons are running in opposite
direction is .
 Time taken to meet for the first time at the starting point when the two persons are running in
same direction is LCM of { , }
a a
 suppose A & B are two contestants in a race. If before the start of the race, A is at the starting
point and B is ahead of A by x metres, then we say that “A gives B, a start of x metres”.

1. A train is travelling at the rate of 45 km/hr. How many seconds it will take to cover a
distance of 4/5km?
a. 36 sec b. 64 sec c. 90 sec d. 120 sec
2. A man walking at the Rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 minutes. The length of the bridge
(in meters) is
a. 600 b. 750 c. 1000 d. 1250
3. A car travelling at a speed of 40 km/hr can complete a journey in 9 hours. How long will it
take to travel the same distance at 60 km/hr?
a. 6 hours b. 3 hours c. 4 hours d. 4 ½ hours
4. A boy runs 20 km in 2.5 hours. How long will he take to run 32 km at double the previous
a. 2 hrs b. 2 ½ hrs c. 4 ½ hrs d. 5 hrs
5. A and B travel the same distance at speed of 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If A takes 36
minutes more than B, the distance travelled by each is
a. 48 km b. 54 km c. 60 km d. 66 km
6. Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/hr and another at 3 km/hr. the
former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance?
a. 8 km b. 7 km c. 6 km d. 9 km
7. A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr, the time
taken by it to cover the same distance will be
a. 10 min b. 13 min 20 sec c. 13 min d. 11 min 20 sec
8. A man walks ‘a’kms in ‘b’ hours. The time taken to walk 200 metres is
a. 200b/ahrs b. b/5a hrs c. b/a hrs d. ab/200 hrs
9. A train covers a certain distance in 210 minutes at a speed of 60 km/hr. the time taken by the
train, to cover the same distance at a speed of 80 km/hr is
a. 3 5/8 hrs b. 2 5/8 hrs c. 4 5/8 hrs d. 3 hrs
10. A man covers 2/15 of the total journey by train, 9/20 by bus and the remaining 10 km on foot.
His total journey(in km)
a. 15.6 b. 24 c. 16.4 d. 12.8
11. A man travelled a distance of 80 kms in7 hrs partly on foot at the rate of 8 km/hr and partly on
bicycle at 16 km/hr. the distance travelled on the foot is
a. 32 km b. 48 km c. 36 km d. 44 km
12. A man walks a certain distance and rides back in 4 hours 30 minutes. He could ride both ways
in 3 hours. The time required by the man to walk both ways is
a. 4 hrs 30 min b. 4 hrs 45 min c. 5 hrs d. 6 hrs
13. A is twice as fast as B and B is thrice as fast as C is. The journey covered by C in 1 ½ hours
will be covered by A in
a. 15 min b. 20 min c. 30 min d. 1 hr
14. A man is walking at a speed of 10 km/hr. after every km, he takes a rest for 5 minutes. How
much time will he take to cover a distance of 5 km
a. 60 min b. 50 min c. 40 min d. 70 min
15. Saritha and Julie start Walking from the same place in the opposite directions. If Julie walks at
a speed of 2 ½ km/hr and saritha at a speed of 2 km/hr, in how much time will they be 18 km
a. 4.0 hrs b. 4.5 hrs c. 5.0 hrs d. 4.8 hrs
16. A man rows a boat 18 kilometres in 4 hours downstream and returns upstream in 12 hours.
The speed of the stream (in km per hour) is
a. 1 b. 1.5c. 2 d. 1.75
17. If a boat goes 100 km downstream in 10 hours and 75 km upstream in 15 hours, then the
speed of the stream is
a. 2 km/hr b. 2.5 km/hr c. 3 km/hr d. 3.5 km/hr
18. A train passes two bridges of lengths 500m and 250m in 100 seconds and 60 seconds
respectively. The length of the train is
a. 152m b. 125m c. 250m d. 120m
19. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 20 km in 2 hrs while it covers the same
distance upstream in 5 hours. Then speed of the boat in still water is
a. 7 km/hr b. 8 km/hr c. 9 km/hr d. 10 km/hr
20. A boatman rows 1 km in 5 minutes, along the stream and 6 km in 1 hour against the stream.
The speed of the stream is
a. 3 km/hr b. 6 km/hr c. 10 km/hr d. 12 km/hr
21. A train 150 metre long, takes 30 seconds to cross a bridge 500m long. How much time will
the train take to cross a platform 370m long?
a. 36 sec b. 30 sec c. 24 sec d. 18 sec
22. A train is moving at a speed of 132 km/hr. if the length of the train is 110 metres, how long
will it take to cross a railway platform 165 metres long?
a. 5sec b. 7.5 sec c. 10 sec d. 15 sec
23. The length of the train and that of a platform are equal. If with a speed of 90 km/hr the train
crosses the platform in one minute, then the length of the train(in metres) is
a. 500 b. 600 c. 750 d. 900
24. A man rows 40 km upstream in 8 hours and a distance of 36 km downstream in 6 hours. Then
speed of the stream is
a. 0.5 km/hr b. 1.5 km/hr c. 1 km/hr d. 3 km/hr
25. A train 100 metres long meets a man going in opposite direction at 5km/hr and passes him in
7 1/5 seconds. what is the speed of the train (in km/hr)
a. 45 km/hr b. 60 km/hr c. 55 km/hr d. 50 km/hr
26. A train 240 m long crosses a man walking along the line in opposite direction at the rate of 3
km/hr in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is
a. 63 km/hr b. 75 km/hr c. 83.4 km/hr d. 86.4 km/hr
27. A train, 300m long, passed a man, walking along the line in the same direction at the rate of 3
km/hr in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is
a. 30 km/hr b. 32 km/hr c. 32 8/11 km/hr d. 35 8/11 km/hr
28. A passenger train 150m long is travelling with a speed of 36 km/hr. if a man is cycling in the
direction of train at 9 km/hr. the time taken bby the train to pass the man is
a. 10 sec b. 15 sec c. 18 sec d. 20 sec
29. Sriya with her family travelled from bolpur to suri by car at a speed of 40 km/hr and returned
to bolpur at a speed of 50km/hr. the average speed for the whole journey is
a. 44 km/hr b. 45 km/hr c. 45 ½ km/hr d. 44.78 km/hr
30. A bus moving at 40 km/hr covers a distance in 6 hours 15 minutes. If it travels the same
distance at 50 km per hour. How long will it take to cover the distance?
a. 2 hrs b. 6 hrs c. 4 hrs d. 5 hrs
31. A train 150 m long passes a km stone in 30 seconds and another train of the same length
travelling in opposite direction in 10 seconds. The speed of the second train is
a. 90 km/hr b. 125 km/hr c. 25 km/hr d. 75 km/hr
32. Two trains are running in opposite direction with the same speed. If the length of each train is
120 metres and they cross each other in 12 seconds, the speed of each train(in km/hr) is
a. 72 b. 10 c. 36 d. 18
33. Two trains of equal length, running in opposite directions, pass a pole in 18 and 12 seconds.
The trains will cross each other in
a. 14.4 sec b. 15.5 sec c. 18.8 sec d. 20.2 sec
34. A car travelling with 5/7 of its usual speed covers 42 km in 1 hour 40 min 48 sec. what is the
usual speed of the car?
a. 17 km/hr b. 35 km/hr c. 25 km/hr d. 30 km/hr
35. Walking 6/7 th of his usual speed, a man is 12 minutes late. The usual time taken by him to
cover that distance is
a. 1 hr b. 1 hr 12 min c. 1 hr 15 min d. 1 hr 20 min
36. A car covers four successive 7 km distances at speeds of 10 km/hr, 20 km/hr, 30 km/hr and 60
km/hr respectively. Its average speed over this distance is
a. 30 km/hr b. 20 km/hr c. 60 km/hr d. 40 km/hr
37. A man covers half of his journey at 6 km/hr and the remaining half at 3 km/hr. his average
speed is
a. 9 km/hr b. 4.5 km/hr c. 4 km/hr d. 3 km/hr
38. If a distance of 50m is covered in 1 minute, that 90m in 2 minutes and 130 m in 3 minutes.
Find the distance covered in 15 minutes
a. 610m b. 750m c. 1000m d. 650m
39. A man completes 30 kms of a journey at the speed of 6 km/hr and the remaining 40 km of the
journey in 5 hours. His average speed for the whole journey is

a. 7 km/hr b. 6 km/hr c. 8 km/hr d. 7.5 km/hr
40. A and B are 20 km apart. A can walk at an average speed of 4 km/hr and B at 6 km/hr. if they
start walking towards each other at 7 a.m., when they will meet?
a. 8 a.m b. 8.30 a.m c. 9 a.m d. 10 a.m
41. In covering a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3:4. A takes 30
minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the destination is
a. 1 hr b. 1 ½ hrs c. 2 hrs d. 2 ½ hrs
42. The ratio of lengths of two trains is 5:3 and the ratio of their speed is 6:5. The ratio of time
taken by them to cross a pole is
a. 5:6 b. 11:8 c. 25:18 d. 27:16
43. Three cars travelled distance in the ratio 1:2:3. If the ratio of the time of travel is 3:2:1. Then
the ratio of their speed is
a. 3:9:1 b. 1:3:9 c. 1:2:4 d. 4:3:2
44. A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the distance
in double the time, the ratio of the speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist is
a. 1:4 b. 4:1 c. 1:2 d. 2:1
45. If a man walks 20 km at 5 km/hr, he will be late by 40 minutes. If he walks at 8 km/hr, how
early from the fixed time will he reach?
a. 15 min b. 25 min c. 50 min d. 1 ½ hrs
46. A boy is late by 9 minutes if he walks to school at a speed of 4 km/hr. if he walks at the rate of
5 km/hr, he arrives 9 minutes early. The distance to his school is
a. 9 km b. 5 km c. 4 km d. 6km
47. A train travelling at a speed of 55km/hr travels from place X to place Y in 4 hours. If its speed
is increased by 5 km/hr, then the time of journey is reduced by
a. 25 min b. 35 min c. 20 min d. 30 min
48. In a one- kilometre race A, B and C are three participants. A can give B a start of 50 m. and C
a start of 69m. The start, which B can allow C is
a. 17m b. 20m c. 19m d. 18m
49. A train moving at a rate of 36 km/hr, crosses a standing man in 10 seconds. It will cross a
platform 55 metres long, in
a. 6 sec b. 7 sec c. 15 ½ sec d. 5 ½ sec
50. A is twice as fast runner as B, and B is thrice as fast runner as C. if C travelled a distance in 1
hour 54 minutes, the time taken by B to cover the same distance is
a. 19 min b. 38 min c. 51 min d. 57 min

1. b 2.d 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.b 9.b 10.b

11.a 12.d 13.a 14.b 15.a 16.b 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.a
21.c 22.b 23.c 24.a 25.a 26. c 27.d 28.d 29.a 30.d
31.a 32.c 33.a 34.b 35.a 36.b 37.c 38.a 39.a 40.c
41.c 42.c 43.b 44.a 45.c 46.d 47.c 48.b 49.c 50.b



 If A & B can do a pieceof work in ‘ a’ days and ‘ b’ days resp., then working together
they will take ab / a + b days to finish the work and they will finish
a +b / ab th part of the work in one day.
 If more persons are employed, less days are required to complete a given job.
 If we want to complete a job in lesser number of days we will have to employ more
persons. (Assuming the same capability of a person and same number of hours of work
each days).
 If more days are given to a group of persons, they will perform more amount of work.
 If a ipe fills a tank in ‘x’ hors and another pipe can empty it in ‘ y’ hours then the net
part of the tank filled in 1 hour = y –x / xy ( when both start working together) and the
time required to fill the tank completely = xy / y - x hours.
 A pipe can fill a tank in ‘x’ hours. But due to a leak at the bottom since the beginning
it takes ‘y’ hours. Then time taken by the leak to completely empty a filled tank of the
same size is xy / y – x hours.


1. A can do a work in 10 days and B in 15 days. In how many days they together will do the same
a.5 b.6 c.8 d.9
2. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A and C together
can do it in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it?
a.8hours b.10hours c.12hours d.24hours
3. A can do a certain work in the same time in which B and C together can do it. If A and B together
could do it in 10 days and C alone in 50 days, then B alone could do it in:
a.15days b.20days c.25days d.30days
4. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 6, 8 and 12 days respectively. B and C together work for 2
days, then A takes C’s place. How long will it take to finish the work?
a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days d. 5 days
5. A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B.
Working together, they can do it in:
a.20days b.45/2days c.25days d.30days
6. A does 80% of a work in 20 days. He then calls in B and they together finish the remaining work in
3 days. How long B alone would take to do the whole work?
a. 23days b.37days c.75/2days d.40days
7. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 15 days. B worked for 10 days and
left the job. In how many days, A alone can finish the remaining work?
a.5 b.11/2 c.6 d.8
8. A group of soldier can completely destroy an enemy bunker in 7 days. However 12 soldiers fell ill.
The remaining now can do the job in 10 days. Find the original strength.
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50

9. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 14, 28 and 42 days respectively. They all start doing the work
together. A continues to do the work until it is completed, C left 2 days before the work was
completed, and B left 1 day before the work was completed. In how many days the work was

a. 91 / 11 days b. 89 / 11 days c. 93 / 11 days d. 95 / 11days

10. Three workers can do a job in 12 days. Two of them work twice as fast as the third. How long
would it take for one of the faster workers to do the job himself?
a. 34 days b. 30 days c. 25 days d. 20 days
11. A stenographer has been asked to fill 500 forms. She fills 25 forms by the end of half-an-hour,
when she is joined by another steno who fills forms at rate of 45 an hour. The entire assignment will
be carried out in how many hours?
1 1 1 1
a. 6 hours b. 7 hours c. 8 hours d. 9 hours
2 2 2 2
12. A working along takes 4 days more than A and B working together, B working alone takes 9 days
more than A and B together. How many days did A and B together require to finish the work?
a.9 days b. 6 days c. 7 days d. 10 days
13. A and B can together finish a work 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left.
After another 20 days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days A alone can finish the
a.40 b..50 c.54 d.60
14. A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a
job which A alone could have done in 23 days?
a.11days b.13days c.343/17 d. none of these
15. A and B are working on an assignment. A takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while B
takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different
computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?
a.7hrs30min b.8hrs C.8hrs15min D.8hrs25min
16. A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work. Working
together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in:
a.4days b.6days c.8days d.12days
17. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in
10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?
a.35 b.40 c.45 d.50
18. 10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to complete the work.
How many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?
a.3 b.5 c.7 d.cannot be determined
19. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all
the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
a.30/17hrs b.30/11hrs c.60/17hrs d.9/2hrs
20. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of la leak, it took 2 hours to fill the tank.
The leak can drain all the water of the tank in:
a.13/3hrs b.7hrs c.8hrs d.14hrs

21. A tank is filled in 5 hours by three pipes A, B and C. The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is
twice as fast as A. How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
a.20hrs b.25hrs c.35hrs d.cannot be determined
22. Two pipes A and B together can fill a cistern in 4 hours. Had they been opened separately, then B
would have taken 6 hours more than A to fill the cistern. How much time will be taken by A to fill the
cistern separately?
a.1hr b.2hrs c.6hrs d.8hrs
23. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are
opened together but after 4 minutes, pipe A is turned off. What is the total time required to fill the
a. 10min 20sec b.11min 45sec c.12min30sec d.14min 40sec
24. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened.
What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
a.3hrs 15 min b.3hrs 45 min c.4hrs d.4hrs 15 min
25. A cistern has two taps which fill it in 15 minutes and 18 minutes respectively. There is also a
waste pipe in the cistern. When all the pipes are opened, the empty cistern gets filled in 20 minutes.
How long it will take the waste pipe to empty the completely filled cistern?
a. 540 / 39 min b. 530 / 39 min c. 520 / 39 min d. 500 / 39 min
26.A tank is three-fourth full. Pipe A can fill the tank in 12 minutes. Pipe B can empty it in 8 minute.
If both pipes are open, how long will it take to empty the tank?
a.17 minutes b. 18 minutes c. 20 minutes d. 22 minutes
27.A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty the full tank in 4 hours. An inlet pipe fills water at the
rate of 2 liters per minute. When the tank is full, inlet is opened and due to the leak, the tank gets
emptied in 6 hours. Find the capacity of the tank?
a. 1440 litres b. 1540 litres c. 1740 litres d 1640 litres
28. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 hours respectively. If A is open all the
time and B and C are open for one hour each alternatively, the tank will be full in:
2 1
a. 6 hrs b.6 hrs c. 5 d. 7 hrs
3 2

29.A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty the full tank in 8 hours .An inlet pipe is fills water at the
rate of 6 liters a minute. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and due to the leak, the tank is
empty in 12 hours. How many liters does the cistern hold?
a. 7580 b. 7960 c. 8290 d. 8640
30.Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons
per minute .All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of tank
a. 60 gallons b. 100 gallons c. 120 gallons d. 180 gallons

1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. b
11. d 12. b 13. d 14. b 15. c 16. b 17. b 18. c 19. c 20. d
21. c 22. c 23. d 24. b 25. a 26.b 27.a 28.c 29.d 30.c



Permutation implies arrangement where order of things is important. It includes

various patterns like word formation, number formation, circular permutation etc.
Combination means selection where order is not important. It involves selection of
team, forming geometrical figures, distribution of things etc.


Order of things is important Order of things is NOT important

Permutation of three things a, b and c Combination of three things a, b and

taking two at a time are ab, ba, ac, c taking two at a time are ab, ca and
ca,bc and cb (Order is important). cb (Order is not important).

Important Results:

 The number of permutations of ‘n’ different things taken ‘r’ at a time is n P r.

 The number of permutations of ‘n’ different things taken all at a time is n!.
 The number of permutations of ‘n’ things taken all at a time, ‘p’ things are alike of
one kind, ‘q’ are alike of second kind and ‘r’ are alike of third kind then
p! q!r!

 The number of circular permutations of ‘n’ different things taken all at a

time is (n-1)!
. The number of circular permutations of ‘n’ different things taken all at a
time , when there is no difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise
direction is 1 /2 ( n - 1)!

 The number of combinations of ‘n’ different things taken ‘r’ at a time is denoted by
nc .

 The number of rectangles of any size in a square of n x n dimension is

n+1 c ×n+1 c
2 2

 The number of squares of any size in a square of n x n dimension =


∑ r 2.

 The number of triangles which can be formed by joining the angular points
of a polygon of ‘ m’ sides as vertices are mc .

 There are ‘ n’ points in a plane of which ‘ m’points are collinear. The number
of triangles formed by the points as vertices are given by n c −mc . 3 3

 The number of ways of distributing ‘ n’ identical things among ‘r’ ersons when any
person may get any number of things are given by n+ r−1c . r−1

 The number of combinations of ‘n’ different things taken ‘r’ at a time

o When ‘ k’ particular things always occur is n−k c . r −k

o When ‘k ‘ particular things never occur is n−k c . r


1. A person has 4 shirts, 5 trousers and 3 neckties in his wardrobe. In how many ways he can
dress himself for the party he has to attend today?
a. 72 b. 60 c. 4! 5! 3! d. 20! 3!
2. During ICC Championship Trophy a total number of 36 matches were played. Each
participating team had to play one match each with every other participating team. How many
teams did take part in ICC Championship Trophy?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 9
3. In how many different ways can the letters of the word “ DISTANCE” can be arranged so that
all the vowels come together?
a. 720 b. 4320 c. 4200 d. 3400
4. There are 4 letters and 4 addressed envelopes. In how many ways all the letters could be
mismatched by the person?
a. 255 b. 44 c. 16 d. 34
5. At a party each person shake hands with each and every other person present in the party
once. If there were a total of 190 shakehands, how many persons were present in the party?
a. 50 b. 30 c. 20 d. 40
6. From a class consisting of 15 students, 5 are to be chosen for an excursion party. There are 3
students who decide that either of them will join the trip or none of them will join. What are
the total possible ways of choosing the group for the excursion?
a.858 b.852 c.845 d.840
7. In how many ways is it possible to choose a white square and a black square on a chess board
so that squares must not lie in the same row or column?
a.764 b.742 c. 768 d. 744
8. If 7 parallel lines are intersected by another set of 7 parallel lines, the number of
parallelograms formed is equal to
a.441 b.400 c. 49 d. 98
9. There are 5 prizes and 8 students. In how many ways the prizes could be distributed among 8
students if each student can get any number of prizes?
a.40 b.58 c.85 d. None of these
10. A person had a number of shirt pieces to cut from a roll . He cut each roll of equal length into
16 pieces. He cut at the rate of 45 cuts a minute. How many rolls would be cut in 24 minutes?
a.32 b.54 c. 108 d. 72
11. A dictionary is being made of the total number of words formed from the letters of the word “
MOTHER”, at what position of the word “MOTHER” will come in that?
a.240 b. 250 c.309 d.400
12. All the letters of the word ‘INDIA’ are permuted in all possible ways and the words so formed
are written as in dictionary then the 58th word in the list is
13. An eight digit number divisible by 9 is to be formed by using 8 digits out of the digits
0, 1, 2,…..9 without replacement. The number of ways in which this can be done is
a. 9! b. 2(7!) c. 4(7!) d. 36(7!)
14. Twenty apples are to be given among three boys so that each gets atl east 4 apples. How many
ways they can be distributed?
a. 22C 20 b. 90 c. 10C 8 d. None of these

15. The number of times the digit 3 will be written when listing the integers from 1 to 1000
a. 269 b. 300 c. 271 d. 302
16. Three boys and 3 girls are to be seated around a circular table. Among them, the boy ‘X’
doesn’t want any girl neighbor and the girl ‘Y’ doesn’t want any boy neighbor. How many
ways are there to make the sating arrangement?
a. 8 b. 12 c. 4 d. 16
17. Three married couples are to be seated in a row having 6 seats in a cinema hall . If spouses
are to be seated next to each other, how many total possible ways are there?
a. 144 b.48 c. 162 d. 24
18. The number of different 7 digit numbers that can be written using only the 3 digits 1, 2, and
3 with the condition that the digit 2 occurs twice in each number is
a. 7P 2 25 b. 7C 2 25 c. 7C 2 52 d. None of these
19. Five balls of different colours are to be placed in 3 boxes of different sizes. Each box can hold
all 5 balls. In how many ways we can place the balls so that no box remains empty?
a. 160 b. 150 c. 140 d. 190
20. 25 points, no three are collinear in a given plane. How many triangles do they determine?
a. 2300 b. 75 c. 1975 d. 242
21. How many numbers b/w 400 & 1000 can be formed with the digits 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
a. 60 b. 40 c. 50 d. 30
22. In how many ways 20 identical sweets be divided among 5 boys
(i) If any boy can get any number of sweets
(ii) If every boy get at least one sweet
a. 10600, 3800 b. 10626, 3876 c. 10400, 3700 d. None of these
23. How many 5 digit numbers can be formed with the help of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in both the
a. 310, 3220 b. 300, 3210 c. 312, 3240 d. None of these

24. What is the sum of all 5 digit numbers that can be formed with the help of digits
1, 2, 3, 4, 5?
a. 3999950 b. 3999940 c. 3999970 d. 3999960
25. What is the sum of all 5 digit numbers that can be formed with the help of digits
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ?
a. 2599980 b. 2599970 c.2599960 d. 2599950
26. If the letters of the word ‘BANANA’ are used to form different words, then if those words are
arranged in dictionary, then what will be the position of the word ‘BANANA’?
a. 32 b. 35 c. 34 d. 33
27. In how many ways a person give answer to multiple choice questions with one or more correct
answers from available number of 4 answers?
a. 14 b. 13 c. 15 d. 16
28. If all the 3 digit numbers are written by a person. Then how many times he will use the digit 3.
a. 250 b. 260 c. 270 d. 280
29. In a chess board there are 9 vertical columns an 9 horizontal lines. Find the number of
rectangles formed in the chess board?
a. 1296 b. 1294 c. 1290 d. None of these
30. How many different garlands that can be prepared with the help of 6 flowers when two
particular flowers are always adjacent?
a. 20 b. 24 c. 28 d. 32
31. From ten persons waiting in a queue, in how many ways can a selection be made so that
(i) A specified person is always included
(ii) A specified person is always excluded
a. 126, 84 b. 124, 84 c. 120, 84 d. None of these
32. Out of 6 consonants and 3 vowels, how many words can be formed so that each word
contains two consonants and 3 vowels?
a. 1200 b. 1400 c.1600 d. 1800
33. A person has 6 friends. In how many ways can he invite one or more friends for dinner?
a. 63 b. 64 c. 7 d. None of these
34. The letters of the word “RANDOM” are arranged in all possible ways. The number of
arrangements in which there are 2 letters between R and D is

a. 36 b.48 c. 144 d. 72

35. The letters of the word “ARTICLE” are taken four at a time and arranged in all possible ways.
The number of arrangements containing ‘A’ is

a.60 b.120 c.240 d.480

36. A fruit basket contains 4 oranges,5 aples and 6 mangoes.The number of ways of selecting one
or more fruits from among the fruits in the basket is

a.210 b.209 c.36 d.18

37. The number of lines that can be formed from 12 points in a plane of which 6 points lie on a
line i

a.2 b.52 c.50 d.46

38. The number of triangles that can be formed from 10 points in a plane of which 4 points are

a.120 b.20 c.116 d.119

39. A cricket team of 11 is to be formed from 16 players of whom 7 are bowlers,4 can keep the
wicket. Number of ways this can be done to contain exactly 5 bowlers,2 wicket keepers is

a.945 b.885 c.630 d.715

40. 12 persons are seated at a round table. Number of ways of selecting 2 persons not adjacent to
each other is:
a.10 b.11 c.54 d.48
41. If a polygon of n sides has 275 diagonals, then n is equal to:
a.25 b.35 c.20 d.15
42. If a set A have 12 elements, then the number of subsets of A having at least 3 elements is:
a.4017 b.4027 c.4067 d.4087
43. How many 4 digit numbers, that are divisible by 4 can be formed, using the digits 0 to 7 if no
digit is to occur more than once in each number?
a.520 b. 370 c. 345 d. 260
44. In how many ways 8 letters can be posted in 5 letter boxes?
a.8P 5 b.58 c. 85 d.8C5
45. How many numbers b/w 60,000 & 80,000 can be formed using the digits 3 to 7, when any
digit can be used any number of times?
a.250 b. 625 c.1250 d.725
46. On a new year day every student of a class sends a card to every other student. The postman
delivers 600 cards. How many students are there in the class?
a.25 b. 30 c. 35 d. 40
47. How many different signals can be transmitted by arranging 3 red lights, 2 yellow lights, and
2 green lights?
a.210 b.300 c.60 d.24
48. In a party, 5 boys and 5 girls are to be seated around a round table. In how many ways
arrangement can be made if the boys and girls sit alternate?
a.2 x 5! X 4! b. 2 x 5! X 5! c. 5! X 5! d.None of these

49. There are 3 different rings to be worn in four fingers with at most one in each finger. In how
many ways this can be done
a.36 b.28 c.24 d.32
50. How many numbers greater than a million can be formed with the digits 2, 3,0,3,4,2,3
a.360 b.240 c.480 d. none of these

1.a 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.c 6. a 7. c 8.a 9.c 10.d

11. C 12.c 13.d 14.c 15.b 16.c 17.b 18.b 19.b 20.a
21.a 22.b 23.c 24.d 25.a 26.b 27.c 28.d 29.a 30.b
31. A 32.d 33.a 34.c 35.b 36.b 37.c 38.c 39.c 40.c
41.a 42.a 43.b 44.b 45.c 46.a 47.a 48.a 49.c 50.a


Important Results:

Probability of an event A is given by P(A) = ; ‘ m’ is the number of
outcomes favorable to ‘ A’, ‘ n’ is the total number of outcomes.

 If A and B are any two events in a sample space then

P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) + P ( B ) −P ( A ∩ B ) .

 If A1 , A2 ,………An are ‘n’ mutually exclusive and exhaustive events then

P ( A 1 ) + P ( A2 ) +… .. P ( A n ) =1.

 If A and B are two events then probability of the event B on the condition that A has occurred
is denoted by P( B/ A) and is equal to P
=( )
P( A ∩ B)
P( A)

Two events are said to be independent if

P ( A ∩B )=P ( A ) × P ( B ) .

 Let odds in favor of occurrence of an event’ A’ is a : b, then

 Probability of occurrence of A is a / a +b.
 Probability of non-occurrence of A is b / a +b.
 Let odds against the occurrence of an event’ A’ is a : b, then
 Probability of occurrence of A is b / a +b.
 Probability of non-occurrence of A is a / a +b.


1. The probability that a leap year will have 53 Sundays is

a.1/7 b.2/7 c.5/7 d.6/7
2. The probability that a leap year contains 53mondays & 53 Tuesdays is
a.1/7 b.2/7 c.3/7 d.5/7
3.The probability that a leap year contains 53 Sundays or 53 Mondays is
a.4/7 b.1/7 c.3/7 d.2/7
4.Two coins are tossed. What is the probability of a maximum of two heads?
a. 1 b. ¾ c. ½ d. 0

5. A can finish a work in 6 days whereas B can finish a work in 9 days. If both of them work together
what is the probability that the work will be finished on 3rd day?
a. ½ b. 1/6 c. 1 d. 0
6. If 3 coins are tossed, what is the probability of at least one head?
a. 1/8 b. 7/8 c. 3/ 4 d. 1
7. In a box carrying 5 dozen oranges, one – third have become spoiled, what is the probability that it
is a
good one?
a.1 / 2 b. 2 / 3 c. 1 / 3 d. 3 / 5
8. The probability of getting a totalof 10 in a single throw of two dice is
a.1/9 b.1/12 c.1/6 d.5/36
9.Two dice are rolled simultaneously. The probability that the numbers on them are different is
a.5/6 b.1/4 c.1/2 d.9/13
10.If two dice are rolled then the probability of getting a prime score is
a.5/12 b.5/6 c.5/36 d.2/5
11. A fair coin is tossed a number of times. If head appears on all the 4 tosses, what is the probability
that a tail appears on the 5th toss?
a. 1 / 32 b. 1 / 2 c. 2 / 5 d. 1 / 4
12. The total number of tickets sold for a lottery is 1000 and there are 5 prizes on it. A person
purchased one ticket of the lottery, the chances of his winning the lottery is:
a. 1 / 5 b. 1 / 200 c. 1 / 100 d. 1 / 20
13. The probability that A hitting the target is 2 / 3 and the probability of B hitting the target is 1 / 3.
The probability that both hit the target is:
a. 2 / 9 b. 1 / 9 c. 1 / 3 d. 2 /3
14. A committee of 5 students is to be chosen from 6 boys & 4 girls. Find the probability that the
committee contains exactly 2 girls?
a. 11 /21 b. 10 / 21 c. 4/7 d. 3/ 7
15.One card is drawn from a pack of cards. Find the probability of getting a king of red?
a. 1 / 4 b. 2 / 9 c. 2 / 13 d. 1 / 26
16. Six books consisting of 2 each of engineering, mathematics and physics are arranged at random
on a book-shelf. What is the probability of book that the same types are always together?
a. 1 / 15 b. 2 / 15 c. 1/ 5 d. 5 / 19
17. A man forgot the last 3 digits of a 8-digit telephone number. If he randomly dials 3 lastdigits after
dialing correctly the first five, then what is the probability of dialing the correct number?
a. 1 / 100 b. 999 / 1000 c. 1/ 1000 d. 3 / 8
18.Three identical dice are rolled. What is the probability that identical numbers will come on each
of the dice?
a. 1 /6 b. 1 / 8 c. 1 / 36 d. 3 / 28
19. Two participants A & B in a shooting competition can hit a target 3 times in 6 shots and 2 times
in 6 shots respectively. When both A & B aim the targets what is the probability that both of them hit
their targets?
a. 1 / 3 b. 5 / 6 c. 1 / 6 d. 3 / 4
20. Two persons A & B appeared for a certain test. The probability that A selected is 1 / 5 and B
selected is 1 /7. What is the probability that at least one of them is selected?
a. 12 / 35 b. 1 / 5 c. 11 / 35 d. 16 / 35
21. A student appeared for an examination which has 4 subjects. The odds in favour of his passing in
any subject is 2 : 3. What is the probability that he passes in all the 4 subjects?
a. 8 / 125 b. 109 / 625 c. 16 / 625 d. None of these

22. A bag contains two coins. One coin has head on both the sides. The other coin has a head on one
side and a tail on the other side. One coin is drawn from the bag and its face is observed. If the face is
head, what is the probability that the other face is also head?
a. 1 / 3 b. 1 / 2 c. 1 / 4 d. 2 /3
23. If two cards are drawn from a well shuffled pack, the probability that at least one of the two is
a.4/13 b.11/13 c.55/221 d.15/34
24. If a card is drawn from a packet of 100 cards numbered 1 to 100,the probability of drawing a
number on the card that is a cube is
a.3/100 b.1/25 c.9/100 d.1/10
25.A bag contains 4 red,3 black & 2 white balls.If 3 balls are selected at random,the probability of
selecting atleast one white ball is
a.7/12 b.5/12 c.1/3 d.1/4
26. A bag contains 6 white & 4 black balls.Two balls are drawn at random.The probability that are of
the same colour is
a.1/15 b.2/5 c.4/15 d.7/15
27.In a bag there are 5 half rupee coins,4 twenty paise coins & 4ten paise coins.If two coins are drawn
from the bag at random then the probability that the amount drawn to be minimum is
a.9/13 b.4/13 c.2/13 d.1/13
28.The letters of the word “EAMCET” are arranged in all possible ways.The probability that no two
vowels come together in that word is
a.1/5 b.2/5 c.3/4 d.1/4
29.The letters of the word “MISSISSIPI” are arranged in a row at random.Then the probability that
all S’s come together is
a.4/35 b.5/28 c.1/7 d.1/30
30. Five digited numbers are formed using 0,2,4,5,7without repetition. One number is selected at
random. The probability that it is divisible by 5 is
a.3/16 b.5/16 c.7/16 d.9/16
31. A box contains 50 bolts and 150 nuts . half of the bolts and half of the nuts are rusted. If one of
them is chosen at random, the probability that it is a bolt or it is rusted is:
a. 1 / 2 b. 5 / 8 c. 3 / 4 d. None of these
32. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the
probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?
a.1/2 b.2/5 c.8/15 d.9/20
33. Two dice are thrown . What is the probability of getting two numbers whose product is even?
a.1/2 b.3/4 c.3/8 d.5/16
34. In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. A lottery is drawn at random. What is the
probability of getting a prize?
a.1/10 b.2/5 c.2/7 d.5/7
(Q.Nos.35-37) An urn contains 25 balls numbered 1 to 25.Suppose an odd number is considered a
‘success’. Two balls are drawn from the urn with replacement.
35.Find the probability of getting exactly one success.
a.169/625 b.312/625 c.481/625 d.144/625
36.Find the probability of atleast one success
a.169/625 b.312/625 c.481/625 d.144/625
37.Find the probability of getting no success
a.169/625 b.312/625 c.481/625 d.144/625
38. A man has 6 hundred rupee notes and 5 five hundred rupee notes in his pocket . If 3 notes are
taken at random. What are the odds against these being all five hundred rupees notes?

a. 31:2 b. 2:31 c.2:33 d. 31:33
39. There are two bags. One containing 3 one rupee coins, 6 five rupee coins and the other containing
2 one rupee coins, 7 five rupee coins. One bag is chosen at random and from that one coin is drawn at
random. What is the probability that it is a 5 rupee coin?
a. 17/18 b. 13/18 c.13/9 d.17/9
40. A bag contains 7 red, 5 blue, 4 white & 4 black balls. Find the probability that a ball drawn at
random is red or white.
a. 1 / 2 b. 11 / 20 c. 3 / 5 d. 2 /5
41. From a pack of cards a card is drawn at random. What is the probability that the card drawn is a
ten or a spade?
a. 4 / 13 b. 1 / 4 c. 1 /13 d. 1/26
42. Two cards are drawn from a pack of cards. The probability that either both are red or both are
a. 7 / 13 b. 3 / 26 c. 63 /221 d. 55 / 221
43. A box contains 5 green, 4 yellow and 3 white marbles. Three marbles are drawn at random. What
is the probability that they are not of same colour?
a. 3 / 44 b. 3 / 55 c. 52 / 55 d. 41 / 44
44. Four persons are chosen at random from a group of 3 men, 2 women & 4 children. The
probability that exactly 2 of them are children, is:
a. 1 / 9 b. 1 / 5 c. 1 / 12 d. 10 / 21
45. A box contains 20 electric bulbs, out of which 4 are defective. Two bulbs are chosen at random
from the box, the probability that at least one of these is defective?
a. 4 / 19 b. 7 / 19 c. 12 / 19 d. 21 / 95
46. In a class, 30 % of the students offered English, 20 % offered Hindi and 10 % offered both. If a
student is selected at random, what is the probability that he has offered English or Hindi?
a. 2 /5 b. 3/ 4 c. 3 / 5 d. 3 / 10
47. A speaks truth in 75 % cases and B in 80% cases. In what % of cases are they likely to each other,
narrating the same incident?
a. 5 b. 15 c. 35 d.45
48. Two persons A & B appear in an interview for two vacancies in the same post. The probability of
A’s selection is 1 / 7 and that of B ‘s selection is 1 / 5. What is the probability that only one of them
is selected?
a. 4 / 5 b. 2 / 7 c. 8 /15 d. 4 /7
49. When 3 dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability that the first dice shows up a
prime number, second dice shows up an odd number and third dice shows up an odd prime number?
a.1/10 b. 1/12 c.1/14 d.1/15
50. If 4 dice are thrown simultaneously,what is the probability that the sum of the numbers is exactly
a. 30 / 1296 b. 35 / 1296 c. 40 /1296 d. 45 / 1296

1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.d 6. b 7. b 8.b 9.a 10.a

11. b 12.b 13.a 14.b 15.d 16.a 17.b 18.c 19.c 20.c
21.c 22.a 23.d 24.d 25.a 26.d 27.d 28.a 29.d 30.c
31. b 32.d 33.b 34.c 35.b 36.c 37.d 38.a 39.b 40.b
41.a 42.d 43.d 44.d 45.b 46.a 47.c 48.b 49.b 50.b



This topic includes dealing with plane figures of various shapes and solids, finding sides,
perimeters and areas for plane figures and surface areas, total surface areas and volumes for solids.

The area of any plane figure is the amount of surface enclosed its bounding lines. Area is always
expressed in square units. The peremeter of geometrical figure is the total length of the sides
enclosing the figure.

Solid is a figure bounded by one or more surfaces. It has three dimensions namely length, breath
or width and thickness or height.

The area of the plane surfaces that bind the solid is called its surface area. The volume is the
amount of space enclosed within its bounding faces. Volume is measured in cubic units.

 Area of triangle = × base × height sq. units.
 Area of triangle = √ s (s−a)(s−b)(s−c ) sq. units, where a, b, c are the sides
of the trangle and s = ( a+ b + c).
 Area of an equilateral triangle =
√3 ( side)2 sq. units.
 Radius of incircle of an equilateral triangle of a side a = .
2 √3
 Radius of circumcircle of an equilateral triangle of a side a = .
 Perimeter of triangle = a + b + c, where a, b, c are the sides of the

 Area of parallelogram = base × height sq. units.
 Area of rhombus = × product of diagnoals sq. units.
 Area of trepezim = × sum of parallel sides × diatance between them sq. units.
 Area of rectangle = length × breadth sq. units.
 Area of square = (side)2 sq. units.

 Polygons: For a regular Polygon having n sides:

(a) Sum of exterior angles = 2 π .

(b) Sum of interior angles = (n- 2) π .
(c) Number of diagonals in a polygon = .
(d) Each interior angle = ((n-2) π )/ 2.
(e) Each exterior angle = (2 π ¿/ n.

 Cuboid:

(a) Volume of the cuboid = lbh cu. Units, where ‘l’ is the length,‘ b’ is the breadth and ‘ h’is
the height .
(b) Total surface area of a cuboid = 2( lb + bh + lh) sq. units.
 Cube:

(a) Volume of the cube is a3 cu. Units, where ‘ a ‘ is the edge of the cube.
(b) Total surface area of the cube is 6a2 sq. units.

 Cylinder:
(a) Curved surface area of a right cylinder = 2πrh sq.units, where ‘ r ‘ is the radius of the
base and ‘ h’ is the height of the cylinder.
(b) Total surface area of a right cylinder = (2πrh + 2πr) sq. units.
(c) Volume of a right circular cylinder = πr2h cu. units.

 Cone:
(a) Curved surface area of a cone = πrl sq. units; where ‘ l ‘is the slant height.
(b) Total surface area of a cone = πrl + πr2 sq.units.
(c) Volume of a cone = 1 / 3 πr2h cu. units.

 Sphere:
(a) Surface area of the sphere = 4πr2 sq.units.
(b) Volume of the sphere = 4 / 3 πr3 cu.units, where ‘r ‘ is the radius of the sphere.

 Hemisphere
(a) Curved surface area of the hemisphere = 2πr2 sq. units.
(b) Total surface area of the hemisphere= 3πr2 sq.units.
(c) Volume of a hemisphere = 2/3 πr3 cu. Units.

 Circle:
(a) Area = πr2 sq.units, ‘r’ is the radius.
(b) Circumference = 2πr units.

 Sector of a circle:
It is a part of the area of the circle between two radii.

θ 2
(a) Area of sector = π r sq. units, where ' θ ' is the angle between two radii.
(b) Length of Arc (minor) = 2 πr units.


(a) Curved surface area of the Prism = perimeter of base × height sq. units.
(b) Total surface area of the Prism = 2 × base area + lateral surface area sq.units.
(c) Volume of a Prism = area of base × height cu. units.

The questions that are frequently asked can be classified into three categories:
1. Calculate the areas, perimeters and volumes by using formulae.
2. Application oriented problems based on areas and perimeters.
3. Application oriented problems based on surface areas and volumes.

In order to calculate the sides, diagonals, areas, perimeters and volumes by using formulae:


1. One side of a rectangular field is 15 cm and one of its diagonal is 17 cm. Find the area of
the Field.
a.120 sq. m b. 255 sq. m c. 130 sq. m d. 225 sq. m

2. If the base of an isosceles triangle is 10 cm and the length of equal sides is 13 cm. Find its
a. 60 sq.cm b. 65 sq.cm c.130 sq.cm d. 70 sq.cm

3. Find the area of parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are 140 m and 130 m and one of
the diagonal is 150 m long.
a. 16000 sq. m b. 16800 sq. m c. 8400 sq. m d. 4200 sq. m

4. Find the area of a square with perimeter 192 cm.

a. 1204 sq.cm b. 3400 sq.cm c. 2304 sq.cm d. 1440 sq.cm

5. One side of a rhombus is 13 cm and one of its diagonal is 24 cm. Find the area of the
a. 60 sq.cm b. 80 sq.cm c. 130 sq.cm d. 120 sq.cm

6. Find the side of a regular hexagon whose area is 216√ 3 sq.cm.

a. 11 cm b. 12 cm c. 13 cm d. 9 cm

7. If the area of a square is 33 sq. m. Find the area of the circle formed by the same
a.32 sq. cm b. 65 sq. cm c. 42 sq. cm d. 50 sq. cm

8. Find the side of the square inscribed in a circle whose circumference is 308 cm.
a. 49 cm b. 49√ 2 cm c. 42 cm d. 48√ 2 cm

9. A rectangular has an area of 60 sq. m. Its diagonal and longer side together equal 5 times
the shorter side. The length of the rectangular is:
a. 5 m b. 12 m c. 13 m d. 14.5 m

10. A circular park has sum of its area and perimeter equal to 8 π m. The diagonal of the park
a. 4 m b. 8 m c. 2 m d. π m

11. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio of 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4. If the perimeter is 52 cm, then the
length of the smallest side is:
a. 9 cm b. 10 cm c. 11 cm d. 12 cm

12. The height of a wall is 6 times its width and the length of the wall is 7 times its height. If
volume of the wall be 16128cu.m, its width is:
a. 4 m b. 4.5 m c. 5 m d. 6 m

13. Find the length of the longest rod that can be kept in a room 16 m x 12 m x 32/3 m?
a. 67/3 m b. 68/3 m c. 23 m d. 68 m

14. Find the smallest side of a prism of volume 3600 units if its edges are in the ratio 5 : 12 :
13 : 15.
a. 10 b. 24 c. 7.5 d. None of these
15. A sphere and a cube have the same surface area. The ratio of the volume of the sphere to
that of the cube:
a. 1 : 2 b. √ 6 : √ π c. 6 : π d. 3 : 1
16. The edges of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 and its surface is 88 sq.cm. The longer side
of the cuboid is:
a. 4 cm b. 8 cm c. 12 cm d. None of these

17. A circular well with a diameter of 2 m, is dug to a depth of 14 m. Wat is the volume of
the earth dug out?
a. 32 cu. m b. 36 cu. m c. 40 cu. m d. 44 cu. M

18. What is the total surface area of a right circular cone of height 8 cm and base radius
6 cm?
a. 86 π sq. cm b. 62 π sq. cm c. 96 π sq. cm d. None of these

19. If a right circular cone of height 24 cm has a volume of 1232 cu. cm, then the area of its
curved surface is:
a. 154 sq. cm b. 550 sq. cm c. 704 sq. cm d. 1254 sq. cm

20. A cylinder with base radius of 8 cm and height 2 cm is melted to form a cone of height
6 cm the radius of the cone will be:
a. 4 cm b. 5 cm c. 6 cm d. 8 cm

21. The sides of rectangular field are in the ratio 3 : 4 with its area as 7500 sq. m. The cost of

fencing the field at 25 paise per meter is:
a. Rs.87.50 b. Rs.86.50 c. Rs.67.50 d. Rs.55.50

22. What will be the cost of gardening 1m broad boundary around a rectangular flat having
perimeter of 340 m at the rate of Rs.10 per square metre?
a. Rs.3440 b. Rs.3400 c. Rs.1700 d. none of these

23. Find the length of the rope by which a cow must be tethered in order that it may be able to
graze an area of 9856 sq. m.
a. 46 m b. 44 m c. 56 m d. 38 m

24. What is the least number of square tiles required to pave the floor of a room 15 m 17 cm
long and 9 m 2 cm broad?
a. 814 b. 820 c. 840 d. 844

25. A playground measures 27 m x 13 m. From the centre of each side, a path 2 m wide goes
across to the centre of the opposite side. Find the amount to construct the path if the cost of
constructing is Rs.4 per sq. m?
a. Rs.304 b. Rs.340 c. Rs.430 d. Rs.224

26. The circumference of a ground is 88 m. A strip of land 3 m wide, inside and along
circumference of the ground is to be levelling. What is the budgeted expenditure if the
levelling costs Rs.7 per sq. m?
a. Rs.1050 b. Rs.1125 c. Rs.1325 d. Rs.1650

27. The diameter of a wheel is 2 cm. If it rolls forward covering 10 revolutions, then find the
distance travelled by it?
a. 62.8 cm b. 64 cm c. 72.6 cm d. 58 cm

28. A room is 15 feet long and 12 feet broad. A mat has to be placed on the floor of this room
leaving 3/2 feet space from walls. What will be the cost of the mat at the rate of Rs.3.50
per sq. foot?
a. Rs.378 b. Rs.472.50 c. Rs.496 d. Rs.639

29. The length and breadth of the floor of the room of 20 feet and 10 feet respectively. Square
tiles of 2 feet length of different colours are to be laid on the floor. Black tiles are laid on
the first row of all sides. If white tiles are laid in the 1/3 of the remaining and blue tiles in
the rest. How many blue tiles will be there?
a. 16 b. 24 c. 32 d. 48

30. How many metres of a carpet 12 cm wide will be required to cover the floor of a room
which is 600 cm long and 420 cm broad? Also find the amount required in carpeting the
floor if the cost of carpet is Rs.15 per meter?
a. 210m, Rs.3150 b. 220m, Rs.3350 c. 110m, Rs.2230 d.156m, Rs.2800

31. A tank 6 m long and 4 m wide contains water up to a depth to 1 m. The total area of the
wet surface is:
a. 44 sq. m b. 50 sq. m c. 53.5 sq. m d. 55 sq. m

32. A boat having a length 3 m and breadth 2 m is floating on a lake. The boat sinks by 1 cm
when a man gets on it. The mass of the man is:
a. 66 kg b. 60 kg c. 72 kg d. 96 kg

33. A tank is 25 m long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom
at 75 paise per sq. m is:
a. Rs.456 b. Rs.458 c. Rs.558 d. Rs.568

34. How many litres of water flows out of the pipe of cross section 5 sq. cm in 1 minute. If
the speed of water in the pipe is 20 cm/s?
a. 2 litres b. 5 litres c. 6 litres d. 9 litres

35. Half cubic metre of gold sheet is extended by hammering so as to cover an area of 1
hectare. The thickness of the sheet is
a. 0.0005 cm b. 0.005 cm c. 0.05 cm d. 0.5 cm

36. The volume of a rectangular stone is 10368 cu. m. Its dimensions are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1.
If its entire surface is polished at 2 paise per sq. m, then cost will be:
a. Rs.31.50 b. Rs.31.68 c. Rs.63 d. Rs.63.36

37.The length of canvas 1.1 m wide required to build a conical tent of height 14mts and floor
area 346.5sqm is:
a.490m b.525m c.665m d.860m

38. 66 cubic cm of silver is drawn into a wire 1 mm in diameter. The length of the wire in
meters will be:
a. 84 b. 90 c. 168 d. 336

39. Find the number of lead balls, each 1 cm in diameter that can be made from a sphere of
diameter 12 cm.
a. 1600 b. 1728 c. 1700 d. 1628

40. The diameter of a roller is 7 cm and its length is 40 cm. The area covered in one
revolution is:
a. 880 sq.cm b. 1540 sq.cm c. 957 sq.cm d. None of these

1. a 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.a

11.d 12.a 13.b 14.a 15.b 16.d 17.d 18.c 19.b 20.d
21.a 22.a 23.c 24.a 25.a 26. d 27.a 28.a 29.a 30.a
31.b 32.b 33.c 34.c 35.b 36.d 37.b 38.a 39.b 40.a


When a person A borrows some money from another person B, then A has to pay certain amount to B
for the use of this money. This amount paid by A is called Interest. The total amount of money
borrowed by A from B is called the Principal. The money paid back to B, which comprises of the
principal and the interest is called the Amount.
Interest can be of two types
1. Simple Interest 2.Compound interest
 When the interest is payable on the principal only, it is called Simple interest
 Where as in Compound interest the interest for each period is added to the principal before
interest is calculated for the next period

Principal: principal amount or sum is the money borrowed or lent out for a certain period.

Interest: Interest is the extra amount paid on principal amount with a year marked percent.

Simple interest: If the interest is calculated uniformly on original principal amount through out the
loan period, then it is called simple interest.
1. Let principal = P Rate = R% per annum Time = T years.

Then, S.I. = and Total amount A = P (1+ )
100 100
2. If a certain sum of money becomes n times itself in T years at S.I, then the Rate of interest per
annum is
R= %
3. If certain sum of money becomes n times itself at R% p.a S.I in T years then
( n−1 )∗100
T= years
4. If a certain sum of money becomes n times itself in T years at S.I, then the T in which it will
become m times itself is given by
T1= ∗T years

Compound interest: Sometimes that the borrower and the lender agree to fix up a certain unit of
time to settle the previous amount. In such cases , the amount after first unit of time becomes the
principal for the second unit, the amount after second unit of time becomes the principal for the third
unit and so on.

After a specified period, the difference between the amount and the money borrowed is called
the compound interest for the period.

R n
1.When interest is compound annually, then the amount = P (1+¿¿
(R /2) 2 n
2.When interest is compound Half – yearly, then the amount = P (1+ ¿¿
(R /4) 4 n
3. When interest is compound Quarterly, then the amount = P (1+ ¿¿
4.When interest is compound annually but time is in fraction, say n complete years and f fraction of
R n fR
years, the amount = P (1+ ¿ ¿ (1+ )
100 100

5.When rates are different for different years, say R1%, R2%, R3% for 1st, 2nd, 3rd years respectively,
then the amount = P(1+ 1 ) (1+ 2 ) (1+ 3 )
100 100 100
6. Present worth of Rs. X due n years hence is given by: present worth = R
(1+ )
7. Difference between C.I. and S.I. for 2 years = P( )
8. If the sum P borrowed, is repaid in n equal installments compound interest being calculated at R%
per period of installment. If each installment be Rs. x, then
x x x PR
+ +… … … …
+ (1+ R ) (1+ R )
n n
and x=
100 100 100 100−R

1. Ram gets Rs. 4500 for Rs. 3000 in 10 years at some rate of simple interest. Had he invested in
other places where rate of simple interest is 3% more than current rate, how much would have Ram
got in same time?

a. Rs.4000 b. Rs.5400 c. Rs.6300 d. Rs.7500

2. Find the simple interest on Rs. 6000 at 7 % per annum for the period from 15th Feb to 29th April,

a. Rs.75 b. Rs.54 c. Rs. 60 d. Rs.84

3. Rama borrows Rs. 10,000 for 2 years at 4 % p.a. simple interest. He lends it to Lakshman at 6 %
p.a. for 2 years. Find his gain in this transaction per year.

a. Rs.150 b. Rs.200 c. Rs. 400 d. Rs.450

4. Anil borrowed some money at the rate of interest 6% p.a. for first 3 years, 9 % p.a .for

Next 6 years and 12 % p.a. for a period beyond 9 years. If he pays total interest of Rs.10800 at the
end of 12 years then find the money Anil borrowed.
a. Rs.40000 b. Rs.35000 c. Rs.25000 d. Rs.10000

5. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 2 %
higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 400 more. Find the sum.
a. Rs.8000 b. Rs.9000 c. Rs.10000 d. Rs.12000

6. Find the annual installment that will discharge a debt of Rs.12900 due in 4 Years at 5% p.a S.I.
a. Rs.3200 b. Rs.3000 c. Rs. 3500 d. Rs.3800

7. If the S.I on Rs.1400 be more than the interest on Rs.1000 by Rs.60 in 5 years, find the rate % p.a?
a.6% b. 5% c. 4% d. 3%

8. If the S.I on certain sum at 4% p.a for 4 yrs is Rs.80 more than the interest on the same sum for 3
years at 5% p.a finds the sum?
a. Rs.7400 b. Rs. 7800 c. Rs. 8000 d. Rs.8800
9. Mohan deposits Rs.5000 in NSC at 2% p.a and Rs.2000 in mutual funds at 4% p.a find the rate of
interest for whole sum?
15 16 18 19
a. % b. % c. % d. %
7 7 7 7
1 rd
10. Out of certain sum,( ¿ is invested at 3%, ¿)th is invested at 6% and the rest at 8% . If the annual
income is Rs.300 then the original sum is?
a. Rs.7000 b. Rs. 7800 c. Rs. 8000 d. Rs.5000

11. A dealer offers a refrigerator for Rs.25000 cash or for Rs.5200 cash down followed by 6 equal
monthly instalments. If the rate of interest charged is 20% p.a S.I, then calculate the monthly
a. Rs.3484.8 b. Rs.2435.6 c. Rs.5320.1 d. Data inadequate
12. A man invests Rs.3000at rate of 5%p.a.How much more should he invests at the rate
of 8% C.I ,so that he can earn a total of 6%p.a?
a. Rs.1200 b. Rs.1300 c. Rs.1500 d. Rs.2000
13. The C.I on Rs.800 in 2 years at 5% is?
a.Rs.105.05 b. Rs.104.05 c.Rs.106.05 d.None of these
14. The C.I on a sum of money for 3 years at 5% is Rs.1324.05. what is the simple interest?
a.Rs.1460 b. Rs.1365 c.Rs.1260 d.1565
15. The S.I on a certain sum at 4% p.a for a period of 2 years is Rs.80. The C.I on the same sum for
the same period is
a.Rs.91.60 b. Rs.81.60 c.Rs.71.60 d.Rs.61.60
16. If the C.I on a certain sum for 2 yrs is Rs.60.60 and the S.I is Rs.60, then the rate of interest p.a is

a. 5% b. 4% c.3% d.2%
17. The difference between S.I and C.I on Rs.1250 for 2 years at 4% p.a is
a.Rs.3 b. Rs.4 c.Rs.2 d.Rs.1
18. At what % C.I Does a sum of money becomes 16 times in 4 yrs?
a.25% b. 50% c.75% d.100%
19. The difference between the S.I on a certain sum of money at the rate of 10% p.a. For 2 years and
compound interest which is compounded every 6 months is Rs.124.05. what is the principal?
a.Rs.10000 b. Rs.6000 c.Rs.1200 d.Rs. 8000
20. An amount of money doubles itself in 3 years at a certain rate of C.I in how many years will it
become 32 times at the same rate of compound interest?
a.10yrs b.15yrs c.20yrs d.16yrs
21. In how many years, Rs. 150 will produce the same interest@8% as Rs.800 produce in 3 years at
the rate of 4 1/2% ?
a.6 b. 8 c. 9 d. 12
22. A borrowed Rs.800 at the rate of 6% and B borrowed Rs.600 at the rate of 10% after how much
time will they both have equal debts?
1 2 1 1
a.15 yrs b.16 yrs c.18 yrs d.17 yrs
3 3 3 3
23. The C.I on a sum for 2 years at 4% p.a is Rs.102. The S.I on the same sum for the same period at
the same rate will be?
a.Rs.99 b.Rs.101 c.Rs.100 d.Rs.93

24. If the difference between C.I and S.I on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 5% p.a is Rs.122,
what will be the principal?
a.Rs.16000 b.Rs.18000 c.Rs.20000 d.Rs.14886
25. Bharath borrowed Rs.20000 partly from a friend at 12% S.I and remaining from a bank at 15%
SI. At the end of 2 years, he paid back an amount of Rs.25,700.what is the amount borrowed from
a.Rs.15000 b.Rs.10000 c.Rs.8000 d.Rs.5000

1. b 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.c 10.d

11.a 12.c 13.b 14.c 15.b 16.d 17.c 18.d 19.d 20.b
21.c 22.b 23.c 24.a 25.a



In this chapter, we will be concerned with the study of sequences, i.e special types of
functions whose domain is the set N of natural numbers. We will study particular types of sequences
is called arithmetic sequence, geometric sequences and harmonic sequences and also their
corresponding series.

Premiums on life insurance, fixed deposits in a bank, loan installments, payments,

disintegration or decay of radioactive materials and the like are some of examples where the concept
of sequence and series is used.

 Arithmetic Progression:

Consider the series: 3, 5, 7, 9…….. in the given series, we find that each successive term
increases by 2. Any series in the above form, i.e., a , (a+d), (a+2d), (a+3d).. …… is called an
arithmetic progression (abbreviated as A.P.). Here ‘a’ is called the first term and ‘d’ is called the
common difference.

The first term ‘a’ as well as the common difference ‘d’ can be either positive or negative. Value
of d is the result of subtraction of a term from its following term.

Tn or tn is used to denote the nth the term. Sn or sn is used to denote the sum to n terms (i.e., the
sum of the first n terms)

 Tn = a+(n-1)d
 Sn = n/2[2a+(n-1)d] = n/2 (a+L)

Where L is the last term, and L= Tn = a+(n-1)d

 Tn = Sn - Sn-1

The above relations are usefil in solving problems based on A.P

Note: If Sn = Sn-1, then Tn = 0

 Arithmetic Mean (A.M)

(i) The average of the values of the terms of an A.P. is called its arithmetic mean (A.M)

So, in an A.P., a, a+d, a+2d, ….

n 1
A.M. = ¿ = (a+L)
2 2

Where L is the last term.

(ii) The average of any two terms equidistant from both ends of the series will be the A.M. of an A.P.
i.e., average of kth term from beginning and kth term from end is equal to the A.M.

(iii) The middle term of an A.P. with odd number of terms equals the A.M.

( first term +last term)

Sum of first n terms of an A.P. = n x

(a +b)
(iv) The A.M. of two quantities a and b is

 Inserting A.Ms

Between two terms a and b, any desired number of A.Ms can be inserted.

If a1, a2,a3,……an are n A.Ms inserted between a and b, the by definition, a, a1,a2,a3,……an, b form
and A.p.

If the values of a,b and n are known , the value of d can be determined and from these values the
values of a1, a2,a3,……an can e determined.

While solving problems dealing with 3,4,5 or 6 numbers in A.P., the terms of the series could
conveniently be written as follows.

 3 numbers in A.P: (a-d),a,(a+d)

 5 numbers in A.P: (a-2d),(a-d),a,(a+d),(a+2d)
 4 numbers in A.P: (a-3d),(a-d),(a+d),(a+3d) (Here, 2d is the common difference)
 6 numbers in A.P: (a-5d),(a-3d),(a-d),(a+3d) and (a+5d) (Here also, 2d is the common
 Natural Numbers – Some Results:

1. Sum of the first n natural numbers: ∑n =

n ( n+1 ) (2 n+1)
2. Sum of squares of the first n natural numbers: ∑n2 =

n ² ( n+1 ) ²
3. Sum of cube of the first n natural numbers: ∑n3 = = (∑n2) = (∑n2)

 Geometric Progression

Consider the series : 3,6,12,24,… here, each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term
by a fixed quantity 2. This is called the common ratio. Any series in the above form i.e., a ,ar,ar2,ar3,
…….is called a geometric progression (abbreviated as G.P.). Here a is called the first term and r is
called the common ratio. tn is used to denote the nth term of the series and Sn or sn is used to denote
the sum to n terms of the series.

Note: 1. When r = 1, all terms are equal to a.

2. When r is negative alternative terms are of the same sign.

(a) nth term of G.P. = tn = a. rn-1

(b) sum to n terms (or sum of first ‘n’ terms)

a(r ⁿ−1) r . ( last term )−(first term)

Sn = =
r −1 r−1

(c) Tn = Sn – 1

 Geometric Mean:

i. The G.M. of two numbers a and b is, G.M. = √ab

ii. The G.M. of n terms of a G.P. = ⁿ √ a1,a2,a3…..an

Where a1,a2,a3…..an are the terms of the G.P.

 Inserting G.M.s

Between two numbers a and b, any desired number of G.M.d can be inserted. If g1,g2,g3, ……
gn are n G.M.s inserted between a and b , then by definition, a, g1,g2,g3, ….. gn, b form a G.P.

If the values of a,b and n are known, the values of r can be determined, and from these values
the values g1,g2,g3, …… Gn can be determined.

While solving problems consisting of 3,4, or 5 numbers in G.P., the terms of the series could
conveniently be written as follows.

 3 numbers in G.P: a/r, a, ar

 5 numbers in G.P: a/r2,a/r, a, ar, ar2
 4 numbers in G.P: The pattern is a/r3,a/r, ar, ar3 ( Here the common ratio is r2)
 Infinite Geometric Progression

When the common ratio r of a G.P. lies between -1 and +1, i.e., when -1<r<1, a G.P. can be
summed up to infinite terms. In that case, the sum converges to a certain value and that value is
called the sum to infinite terms of the progression. Such a G.P. is called an infinite geometric

If S∞ is used to denote sum to infinite terms, then

S∞ =

Note: The condition, -1<r<1 can also be written as |r| <1. If each term of an infinite G.P. is eual to m
times the sum of all the terms that follow, then r =

 Harmonic Progression
Harmonic Progression is defined in terms of an arithmetic progression. The reciprocals of the
terms of the terms of an A.P form a H.P (i.e.,) for example consider an A.P., 5,7,9,11,------. Hence ,
1 1 1
, , , ------------ is a harmonic progression. All problem in Harmonic Progression are solved by
7 9 11
considering the A.P. formed by the reciprocals of the Harmonic Progression.

 Harmonic Mean

The Harmonic mean between two numbers a and b is 2ab/(a+b) i.e., a, 2ab/(a+b), b are in
Harmonic Progression.

 Relationships between A.M., G.M. and H.M.

For any two unequal positive quantities a and b:

1. A.M.>G.M.>H.M.

i.e., (a+b)/2> √ab>2ab/(a+b)

2. A.M.,G.M.,H.M. form a G.P., i.e.,

(G.M)2=(A.M) (H.M), when a and b are equal, A.M = G.M = H.M =a= b

 Point to Remember:
 Arithmetic Progression

1. Tn = a+(n-1)d

( first term +last term)

2. Sn= xn

3.Tn = Sn – Sn-1

(a +b)
4. A.M. of a and b =

5. Sn = A.M. x n

 Geometric Progression

1. Tn = arn-1

( first term +last term)

2. Sn = xn

3.(i) Sum of the terms of an infinite G.P. =


(ii) Sum of the squres of the terms which are in infinite G.P. is =
1−r ²

(iii) Sum of the cubes of the terms which are in infinite G.P. is =
1−r ³

4. Tn = Sn – Sn-1

5. G.M. of a and b = √ab

6. Product of all the n terms of a G.P. = (G.M)n

 Harmonic Progression

1. Tn =
a+ ( n−1 ) d

2. H.M. of a and b =

3. A.M.>G.M.>H.M.

4. (G.M)2=(A.M) (H.M)

1.The three numbers in A.P such that their sum is 27 and the sum of their squares is 341 are
a.3,9,15 b.5,9,13 c.2,9,16 d. none

2.If the numbers 2k+3,3k+1 and 5k+3 are in A.P then the value of k is
a.4 b.14 c.-4 d.12

3.Sum of 24 Arithmetic Means between 12 and 18 is

a.360 b.372 c.480 d.386

4.The sum of 4 integers in A.P is 24 their product 495 then C.D. is

a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4

5.In an A.P the first term is 5 and the last term is 45 and the sum is 400 then the number of terms and
C.D. is
a.16,5 b.16,8/3 c.20,8/3 d. none

6.If there are 20 A.M’s between 4 and 67 then 19th A.M. is

a.61 b.64 c.60 d.none

7.If the ratio of the sums of ‘n’ terms of two A.P’s be 2n:n+1 then the ratio of their nth term is
a. n:n+1 b.2n-1:n c.n:n+2 d.1:4

8.If each term in A.P. is doubled, then the common difference is

a. halved b. trebled c. four times d.doubled

9.If the sum of three numbers in G.P is 21 and their product is 216, then the numbers are
a.1,3,9 b.4,8,16 c.3,6,12 d.5,15/2,25

10.If A.M and G.M between two numbers are 17 and 8 then the numbers are
a.30,4 b.32,2 c.16,16 d.none

11. What is the 4th term of G.P in which the second term is 4 and the sixth term is 64?
a.8 b.32 c.64 d.16

12. What is the sum to 4 terms of a G.P whose first term is 6 and the common ratio is 3 ?
a.300 b.360 c.270 d.240

13. What is the sum of the infinite geometric series 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 ………….?
a.511/256 b.2 c.3 d.4

14. What is the sum of the cubes of first 9 natural numbers ?

a.45 b.2025 c.91125 d. cannot be determined

15. Two series, S1 and S2, each having 280 terms, are 1,8, 15,22,…. And 20,23,26,…… respectively.
How many terms of S1 and S2 are identical ?
a.38 b.39 c.40 d.41

16. The ratio of the sum of first 20 terms of an arithmetic progression and the sum of its first 30 terms
is 10:31. If the common difference of the arithmetic progression is 2, find the first term.
a.- 51/8 b.-79/8 c.-67/8 d.-77/8
17. The A.M of two exceeds their G.M by 15 and H.M by 27 then the numbers are
a.30,120 b.35,125 c.120,40 d.None

18.If a,b,c are in A.P then b+c, c+a, a+b are in

a.A.P b.G.P c.H.P d.None

19.If bc, ca, ab are A.P then a, b, c are in

a.H.P b.G.P c.A.P d.None

20.If sum of the first 51 terms of an arithmetic progression is zero, then which of the following terms
is zero ?
a. 13th b.26th c.17th d.cannot be determine

21. If 5x+y, 3x+2y and 3x+y are in A.P and 5x+1, 3x+3and 3x are in G.P fin (x,y)
a.(4,3) b.(5,2) c.(3/2,3/2) d.(3,3)

22. Write the 20th term of the series 1, -1, 1, -1, -----------------
a.1 b.-1 c.2 d.None

23.Sum of the series 51+50+49+……..+21

a.1111 b.2222 c.1116 d.5555

24.Find the 1st hundred even natural numbers divisible by 5
a.50500 b.50550 c.05050 d.55550

25.Find the sum of all integers between 50 and 500 which are divisible by 7
a.16696 b.11696 c.66666 d.17696

26. The 3rd term of a G.P is the square of the 1st term. If the 2nd term is 8, then 6th terms is
a.125 b.222 c.128 d.None

27. The product of (32)(32)1/6 (32)1/36…………α

a.55 b.67 c.64 d.86

28.[ 142 + 152 +……….+302 ] = ?

a.8636 b.8696 c.9999 d.3686

29. Which term of the series 72 + 63 + 54 + …….. is zero ?

a.8 b.10 c.6 d.9

30. If the roots of (b-c)x2 + (c-a)x +(a-b) = 0 are equal then a,b,c are in
a.A.P b.G.P c.H.P d.None

31. What is the sum of the cubes of the first 9 natural numbers
a.45 b.2025 c.91125 d. cannot be determine
32. The maximum, value of the sum of the series 50,46,42,……is
a.356 b.492 c.338 d.368
33. The number of terms of the series 40,37,34,……for which the sum is 282-------
a.13 b.11 c.16 d.12
34. The 63rd and 6th terms of an A.P. are -77 & 37. Find the 17th term?
a.15 b. 14 c. 13 d.12
35. The sum of all the perfect squares from 50 to 2500 is
a.39825 b.40975 c.41895 d.42785
36. The 63rd and 6th terms of an A.P. are -77 and 37. Find the 17th term?
a. 12 b. 13 c. 14 d. 15

1.c 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.c 10.b
11.d 12.b 13.b 14.b 15.c 16.d 17.a 18.a 19.c 20.d
21.d 22.b 23.c 24.a 25.d 26.c 27.c 28.a 29.d 30.a
31.a 32.c 33.d 34.a 35.d 36.a



 An equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ≠ 0, b, c are complex is called a quadratic

equation in x and a, b, c are called coefficients.
 The quadratic equation whose roots are α, β is x2 – ( α + β)x + αβ = 0.
 If α, β are the roots of ax2 + bx + a =0, then the roots are reciprocals to each other.
 If f( x) = 0 is a quadratic equation, then the equation whose roots are
(i) Reciprocal of the roots of f (x )= 0 is f( 1 /x) = 0.
(ii) Increased by k than that of f(x) = 0 is f( x-k) = 0.
(iii) Decreased by k than that of f(x) = 0 is f( x+k) = 0.
(iv) Negatives of the roots of f(x)=0 is f(-x) = 0.
(v) K times the roots of f(x) = 0 is f (x / k) = 0.
(vi) Squares of the roots of f( x) = 0 is f (√x) =0.
 If a > 0, then the minimum value of ax2 + bx + c occurs at x = -b / 2a and it is
( 4ac- b2) / 4a.
 If a < 0, then the maximum value of ax2 + bx + c occurs at x = -b / 2a and it is
( 4ac- b2) / 4a.


1. The value of √ 6+√ 6+ √6+.....∞

a) -2 b) 3 c) 2 d) -3
2. The sum of all the roots of the real roots of the equation |x−2| +|x−2|−2=0 is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) None
2 x2 −7 x+5
3. The number of real values of x satisfying the equation 2 =1
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) More than 4
4. Solve 9+x-4 = 10x-2 find x
1 1
a) √3 b) ±√ 3,±1 c) + √ 3 , -1 d) none of these
5. If 8, 2 are the roots of x2+ax+ β =0; and 3, 3 are the roots of x2+α x+b=0 then the roots of
a) -1, -9 b) -1, 9 c) 1, -9 d) 1, 9
6. A quadratic function f(x) attains a maximum of 3 at x = 1. The value of the function at x = 0 is
1. What is the value of f(x) at x = 10?
a) -110 b) -180 c) -105 d) -159
7. The number of solutions of x -7|x|+12=0
a) 4 roots b) 3 roots c) 2 roots d) roots not exist
8. Which of the following expressions cannot be equal to zero, when x 2 −2 x=3 ?
a) x 2 −7 x+6 b) x 2 −9 c) x 2 −4 x +3 2
d) x −6 x+9
9. If α , β are roots of the equation 9x2+6x+1=0 the equation whose roots are reciprocal to the

given roots is
a) x 2 −6 x−9=0 b) x 2 +6 x−9=0 c) x 2 +6 x +9=0 d) None

4 2
10. If x 2 −3 x +2=0 is a factor of x − px +q=0 then (p, q)
a) (-5, -6) b) (5, -6) c) (5, 4) d) (-5, 6)
11. If one roots of the equation x2 + px+12=0 is 4 which the equation x + px +q=0 has equal
roots then q =?
a) 49/4 b) -49/4 c) 49/-4 d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
12. If ‘a’ is an integer, then for how many integer values of ‘n’ can the quadratic equation
x 2 −(2 a+3 )x +4n =0 have real and equal roots for x?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
13. Find maximum (or) minimum value for the expression 5+4 x−4 x
a) 5 b) 8 c) 6 d) none of these

14. For what value of x the expression 5+4x-4x2 has maximum (or) minimum value
a) ½ b) -1/2 c) +1/√ 2 d) -1/√ 2
15. Find the minimum value of 5+4x+4x
a) 5 b) 8 c) 4 d) 6
16.If the ratio of the roots of x2+bx+c=0; x2+qx+r=0 are the same them
a) r2c=qb2 b) r2b=qc2 c) rb2=cq2 d) rc2=bq2
17. The inequality can be satisfied if p +5<5 p+14 can be satisfied, if
a). p ≤ 6, p = -1 b). p =6, p = -2 c) p ≤ 6, p ≤ 1, d) p ≥ 6, p = 1

18. Construct a quadratic equation whose roots are 4 more than the roots of x2 +7x+16=0.
a) 7x2 +5x+3= 0 b) 5x2 +7x+3=0 c) 5x2 +3x+7=0 d) 7x2 +3x+5=0
19. If x -px+12p=0 has two distinct roots and one of the roots is thrice the other, then the value
of p is:
a) 64 b) 48 c) 192 d)80
20. Solve for x if x -7x +12 > 0
a) x > 4 or x < 3 b) x < 3 c) x > 4 d) x < 4 or x > 3
21. Solve for x: | 2x +5x +8 | < -5.
a) Ф b) R c)( -∞, ∞) d)Z
22. Solve the inequality |x+8| >-4
a) Ф b) R c)( -∞, ∞) d)Z
23. Solve for x: |x+5|> 15
a) x > 10 or x < -20 b) x >10 c) x < -20 d) none
24. Find the maximum value of f(x)= 13- |7+x| ; x is real
a) 13 b) 6 c) 15 d) 0
25. Solve the inequalities 3x + 19 < 25 & 7x +8 < 29
a) (-∞, 2) b) ( -∞, 2] c) (2, 3) d)none
26. Solve the inequalities 13x + 4 < 5x + 20 & 12x + 5 > 9x + 14
a) Ф b) R c) ( -∞, ∞) d)Z
27. If the numerically smaller root of x2 + mx =2 is 3 more than the other one, then
find the value of m.
a) -1,1 b) 1, 2 c) -2,1 d)1, 4
28. If the roots of x2 + bx + 54 = 0 are two successive multiples of 3, then the value of b is:
a) ± 21 b) ± 15 c) ± 18 d) none
29. If the roots of 3x2 + (2k + 4)x = -12 are equal, then the value of k is:
a) ± 5 b) -8 or 4 c) ± 8 d) ± 4
30. For what value of x does the expression 6 + |3 – 2x| have its minimum value?
a)3/2 b) 5/2 c) 7/2 d)9/2
31. How many solutions are possible for the inequality, |x - 3| + |x - 4| < 1?
a)3 b) 4 c) 0 d) 6
32. One of the roots of the equation x 2 −x+3 m=0 is double of one of the roots of the equation
x 2 −x+ m=0 . If m ≠ 0, then find its value.
a) 1 b)-1 c)2 d)-2
33. The coefficient of x in the equation x + px +p=0 was wrongly written as 17 in place of 13 and
the roots thus found were -2 and -15. The roots of the correct equation would be:
a) -4, -9 b) -3, -10 c) -3, -9 d) -4, -10

1.c 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.d 6. 7.a 8a 9.c 10.c

11.a 12. 13.c 14.a. 15.c 16.c 17.c 18.a 19.a 20.a
21.a 22.c 23.a 24.a 25.a 26.a 27.c 28.b 29.b 30.a
31.c 32.c 33.b



This section comprises of questions in which certain data regarding common disciplines as
production over a period of a few years: imports, exports, incomes of employees in a factory, students
applying for and qualifying a certain field of study etc. are given in the form of a table. The candidate
is required to understand the given information and there after answers the given questions on the
basis of comparative analysis of the data.

Thus, here the data collected by the investigator are arranged in a systematic form in a table called the
tabular form. In order to avoid some heads again and again, tables are made consisting of horizontal
lines called rows and vertical lines are called columns with distinctive heads , known as captions.
Units of measurements are given the captions.

Tables :

The following table shows the number of new employees added to different categories of
employees in a company and also the no of employees from these categories who left the company ever
since the foundation of the company in 1995.

1. During the period of 1995 and 2000, the total no of operators who left the company is what percent of

the total number of Operators who joined the company?

a. 19% b. 21% c. 27 d. 29% e. 32%

2. For which of the following categories the percentage increase in the number of employees working in the
company from 1996 to 2000 was maximum?

a. Managers b. Technicians c.Operators d. Accountants e. Peons.

3.What is the difference between total number of Technicians added to the company and total number of
Accountants added to the company during the year 1996 to 2000 at the maximum?
a. 128 b. 112 c. 96 d. 88 e. 72

4.What was the total no. of peons working in the company in the year 1999?
a. 1312 b. 1192 c.1088 d.968 e.908

5. What is the pooled average of all employees in the year 1997?

a. 1325 b. 1285 c. 1265 d. 1235 e. 1195

1.d 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.e

Line Graphs :

This section comprises of questions in which the data collected in a particular discipline are
represented by specific points joined together by straight lines. The points are plotted on a two-
dimensional plane taking one parameter on the horizontal axis and the other on the vertical axis. The
candidate is required to analyse the given information and thereafter answer the given questions on
the basis of the analysis of data.

Study the following line graph and answer the questions based on it.
Number of Vehicles Manufactured by Two companies over the Years (Number in Thousands)

1.What is the difference between the number of vehicles manufactured by Company Y in 2000 and 2001

a.50000 b.42000 c.33000 d.21000

2. What is the difference between the total productions of the two Companies in the given years ?
a.19000 b.22000 c.26000 d.28000

3. What is the average numbers of vehicles manufactured by Company X over the given period ? (rounded
off to nearest integer)

a. 119333 b. 113666 c. 112778 d. 111223

4.In which of the following years, the difference between the productions of Companies X and Y was the
maximum among the given years ?

a. 1997 b. 1998 c. 1999 d. 2000

5. The production of Company Y in 2000 was approximately what percent of the production of Company X
in the same year ?

a. 173 b. 164 c. 132 d. 97

1.a 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b

Bar Graphs :

It questions in which the data collected in a particular discipline are represented in the form
of vertical or horizontal bars drawn by selecting a particular scale. One of the parameters is plotted on
the horizontal axis and the other on the vertical axis. The candidate is required to understand the
given information and thereafter answer the given questions on the basis of the data analysis.

In a UN summit, one representative from each of the 15 countries are participating. The
representatives at the summit speak seven different languages namely Hindi, English, Spanish,
Portuguese, German, French and Arabic. Three representatives speak two languages each; two
representatives speak three languages each; five representatives speak five languages each; one
representative speaks one language and four representatives speak four languages each. The
following bar graph provides information about the number of representatives that speak a particular
language. The graph provides information about only three languages but does not specify them.

1.If at least 5 representatives speak each language, then at most how many representatives speak a
particular language?

a.15 b.11 c.14 d.12 e.13

2. If minimum possible number of representatives that speak a particular language is 7, then what is
the number of languages that are spoken by 7 representatives each ?

a.4 b.3 c.5 d.1 e.2

3. Which of the following cannot be TRUE ?

a. German, French, Spanish and English are spoken by 9 representatives each

b. English and Arabic are spoken by 15 and 11 representatives respectively

c. One representative is speaks Portuguese

d. Hindi, English and Portuguese are spoken by 8 representatives each and 5 representatives speak

e. None of the above

4. For at most how many languages, the number of representatives who speak it is greater than the
number of representatives who speak Language 1?

a.3 b.4 c.2. d.1 e.5

1.e 2.c 3.d 4.a

Pie – Charts :

The Pie - Chart is a method of representing a given numerical data in the form of sectors of a circle.
The sectors of the circle are constructed in such a way that the area of each sector is proportional to
the corresponding value of the component of data.

From geometry, we know that the area of the sector of a circle is proportional to the central angle. So,
the central angle of each sector must be proportional to the corresponding value of the component.
Since the sum of all the central angle is 3600

Total Global Exports = $72,000 billion

1. By how much does the value of the exports of USA exceed that of Germany?

a. $2300 billion b. $2520 billion c. $3516 billion d. $3516 billion

2. The difference in the value of the exports of Japan and France is how many times that of UK and

a.2times b.3times c.5times d.12times

3. The value of the exports of the OPEC countries is how much more than the value of the exports of
India and Australia put together; given that OPEC has a 20% share in the value of the exports of

a. $1296 billion b. $1298 billion c. $1305billion d. $1386 billion

4. Considering others’ as a single country, what is the number of countries, whose exports are more
than the average exports per country?

a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6

5. If exports of developing countries accounted for 36% of the total worldwide exports, then what is
the value of the exports of Japan as a percentage of the exports of the developing countries ?

a.25.01% b.26.23% c.27.77% d.29.87%

1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.c


In this topic, we merly have to test whether the data given in the queation is sufficient to find
the soloution. If yes, what part of the data is just enough to answer the question. There may be cases
where all the data given problem together are not sufficient to arrive at the correct answer and require
some additional information for finiding the solution. It is not required to find the complete solution
of the given question.


Directions(1-10): Each of the question below consists of a statement or a question and two statements
numbered I & II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are
sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and
Give answer (a) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in
the statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question;
Give answer (b) if the data in statement I I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data
in the statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question;
Give answer (c) if the data in either statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
Give answer (d) if the data in neither statement I nor in statement II are not sufficient to answer the
question; and
Give answer (e) if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the

1.What is the value of (y - x)?

I. y – x = x – y
II. ( y - x) = ( y2 – x2)

2. What will be total weight of 10 poles, each of the same weight?

I. ¼ th of the weight of the each pole is 5 kg.
II. The total weight of three poles is 20 kg more than the total weight of two poles.

3. What Reena’s rank in the class?

I. There are 26 students in the class.
II. There are 9 students who have scored less than Reena.

4. What is the monthly salary of Ramu?

I. Ramu gets 15% more than Sumit While Sumit gets 10% less than Lokesh.
II. Lokesh’s monthly salary is Rs.2500 .

5. What is the length of the diagonal of the rectangle?

I. The perimeter of the rectangle is 28 m.
II. Its area is 48 sq. m.

6. The average age of P, Q, R and S is 30 years. How old is R?

I. The sum of ages of P and R is 60 years.
II. S is 10 years younger than R.
7. What is the ratio between the two numbetrs?
I. The sum of two numbers is twicw their differences.

II. The smaller number is 6.
8. What is the percent profit earned by selling the product?
I. The profit earned was Rs.50.
II. Had it been sold for Rs.310, the profit would have been Rs.70.
9. By selling a product for Rs.100/- , how much profit was earned?
I. 20% profit would have been earned if it were sold for Rs.90.
II. The profit was 1/3 rd of the purchase price.
10. A and B are in a partnership business of one year. At the end of the year, a profit of Rs.
20000 was earned. What is A’s share?
I. A inveated 50000/-.
II. B with draws his capital after 8 months.


Directions (1 - 10): Each of the questions beliw consists of a question and three statements numbered
I, II and III given below it. You have to study the questions and decide the data in which of the
statements are sufficients to answer the questions.

1. What is the capacity of the cylindrical tank?

I. The are of the base is 61,600 sq.cm.
II. The height of the tank is 1.5 times the radius
III. The circumference of the base is 880 cm.
a. Only I and II b. Only II and III
c. Only I and III d. Any two of the three
e.Only II and either I or III

2.What Is the area of the given rectangle ?

I. Perimeter of the rectangle is 60 cm.
II. Breadth of the rectangle is 12cm.
III. Sum of two adjacent sides is 30cm.
a. I only b. II only
c. III only d. I and II only
e. I or III only.
3. What is the speed of stream ?
I. The boat covers 24 km in 6 hours moving upstream.
II. The boat covers 24 km in 3 hours moving downstream.
III. The ratio between the speed of boat and stream is 3:1 respectively.
a. Any two of three b.I and II only
c. II and III only d.I and III only
e. All I,II,III.
4. What is the speed of the train ?
I. The train crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds.
II. The train crosses a platform of equal length in 36 seconds.
III. Length of the train is 330 meters.
a. I and II only b. II and III only
c. I and III only. d. III and any of I and II
e. Any Two
5. 8 men and 14 women are working together in a field. After working for 3 days, 5men and
8 women leave the work. How many more days will be required to complete the work ?

I. 19 men and 12 women together can complete the work in 18days.
II. 16 men can complete two-third of the work in 16days.
III. In a day, the work done by three men is equal to the work done by four women.
a.I only b. II only
c..III only d.I or II or III
e. II or III only.
6. What is the speed of the train A?
I. Train A crosses 200m long train B running in opposite direction in 20sec.
II. Speed of the train B is 60kmph.
III. Length of a train A is twice that of train B.
a.I and II only b. II and III only
c. I and III only d. I , II and III
e. Question cannot be answered even within formation in all three statements.
7. Who earns most among M, N, P, Q and R?
I. M earns less than P but not less than R.
II. Q earns more than P but not equal to.
III. N earns more than M and R.
a. Question cannot be answered even within formation in all three statements.
b. I and II only c. Only I and II or only I and III
d. I and III only e. All there statements I , II and III
8. What is the price of one dozen oranges?
I. Price of 2 dozen oranges and 1 dozen bananas is 110/-.
II. Price of 3 dozen apples and 1 dozen bananas is 170/-.
III. Price of 1 dozen oranges and 1 dozen apples is 95/-.
a.Only I and II or only I and III b. Only II and III or only I and III
c. Only I and II or only II and III d. Only II and III
e. All there statements I , II and III
9. What is Sudha’s present salary?
I. The salary increases every year by 15%.
II. Her salary at the time of joining was 10000/-.
III. She had joined exactly 5 years ago.
a. Only II and III b. Only I and II
c. All I , II and III d. Only I and III
e. none of these
10. What was the amount of profit earned?
I. 10% diacount was offered on the labelled price.
II. Had there been not discount, profit would have been 30%.
III. Selling price was more than the cost price by 20%.
a. I and either II or III b. Any two of these three
c. All I , II and III d. Either I or II and III
e. Question cannot be answered even within formation in all three statements.

1.a 2.c 3.e 4.e 5.e 6.e 7.e 8.b 9.c 10.a
1.c 2.e 3.a 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.a 8.e 9.c 10.e


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