Module 1 - Research Properties and Its Types

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Its Types
(Covered MCA 22 VTU Scheme)
Asst. Prof.- Sumit Singha Chowdhury

Department of MCA
Acharya Institute of Technology
Research Methodology Basics

[1] Research methodology is a term that basically means the science of how research is
done scientifically. It is a way to systematically and logically solve a problem, help us understand
the process not just the product of research, and analyse methods in addition to the information
obtained by them.

[2] Objectives of Research

The main goal of research is to improve the quality and level of living in the society. The purpose
of a research study is to find out the hidden facts about a business phenomenon.
The objectives of a research study are listed below:

1. Understanding a business problem: The first and foremost objective of any study is to
understand, analyze and explore a business problem. Once complete familiarity with the
phenomenon is achieved, it is easier to decompose the complex problem into smaller once.

2. Identifying the cause and effect relationship: Individuals form groups, and groups
form organizations. They are interdependent. It is very important for a researcher to
identify the functional relationships among various components of an organization. A
scientific investigation is necessary in studying the cause-and-effect relationship of
variables involved in a business phenomenon.

3. To innovate new ideas: One of the objectives of a researcher is to bring constant

improvement in the techniques of his trade. Apart from verifying and testifying the existing
assumptions, one of the functions of a research is to add new knowledge to the state of
the art. Research invokes the innovation of new concepts, theories and idea in a business
study. Apart from this, research also removes and discards worthless theories that are
prevalent in the society.

4. To improve the quality: The whole exercise of any activity is done for the improvement
of quality of a product, machinery, or life of human beings. For a business organization it
is atmost important to improve the quality of its products. This can be achieved by a
systematic and critical investigation i.e. research.
[3] Types of Research

Research is a multidimensional activity. It comes in various forms and is used in all social,
behavioral, educational, economical and management sciences. According to the approach and
method involved in a research, one can classify the following types of research.

1. Descriptive v/s Analytical research

Descriptive research basically describes what is. It mainly involves collection, recording,
describing and analyzing the facts related to the study. It tries to find the existing status, trend
and state of affairs in a phenomenon. Descriptive research involves surveys, but they are not
merely data collection as they also involve measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and
In this type of research the variable under study are uncontrollable. One can only observe
and report what is happening in a situation.

Analytical research, on the other hand deals with what will be. In this type of research, the
variables involved are carefully and scientifically controlled and manipulated. Analytical research
is also known as experimental research and is a very sophisticated technique. This kind of research
is based on four important characteristics namely; control, manipulation, observation and

2. Applied v/s Fundamental research

Applied research is action oriented or solution oriented. The main goal of an applied
research is to obtain an immediate, specific and practical solution of a problem that a business
organization is facing right now. It gives here and now solutions in actual problem situations. It
involves scientific investigations but the methods are not so rigorous as in fundamental research.
It finds solutions to be applied in local environment and they may not be universally acceptable.
Applied research does not promise to add new knowledge to the discipline.

Fundamental research is carried out to scientifically enhance the organized body of

knowledge of a discipline. Also know as basic research, it is concerned with formulation of theory
and generalizations of principles. To evaluate and expand a formulated theory it may use empirical
data. Basic research involves systematic, highly sophisticated scientific techniques. Fundamental
research may not suggest the solutions of immediate problems, it rather draws long term

3. Quantitative v/s Qualitative research

Quantitative research is based on quantitative variables, which can be measured in

appropriate units. These involve objects and individuals that vary in size, quantity, amount, scale
or degree. For example, prices of commodity can be measured in rupees, weight of a product is
measured in kilograms and the mileage of vehicle is measured in kilometers per liter.
Qualitative research, on the other hand, is based on qualitative variables, which vary in
quality of type. These variables cannot be measured on a scale or in any units. Social scientists
use qualitative research for studying human behaviour. In market research surveys qualitative
research is carried out to investigate the likes and dislikes of customers. It helps in understanding
the current pattern of demand of a company’s products.

4. Conceptual v/s Empirical research

Conceptual research involves the development of new theories, abstract ideas, and
generalized principles. Philosophers, intellectuals and thinkers carry out this kind of research. On
the basis of their conceptual knowledge they build theoretical models. Conceptual research is an
intellectual process to develop and verify knowledge.

Empirical research is based on observation and experimentation. The information

collected in the form of facts develops the conclusions and theories about a phenomenon. The
models, so developed, can again be verified by a replication of data collection. To test a given
hypothesis empirical research is most popular and powerful tool in the modern world.

5. Other types of research:

Any research study is derivation of one or the other of above four types of research. One
can further classify a research on the basis of its purpose, time taken and the discipline of
knowledge it relates to.

For example, Historical research is the study of past events, historical documents, remains
and relics. Clinical research is employed to study the effects of a new drug. Market research is
performed to forecast the potential demand of a product. One- time research is carried out on a
small scale in short period with a specific purpose. Educational research is directed towards the
study and development of educational system. Social research is concerned with the social
problems of the society. Field research is done by going out in the field or market, where as
Laboratory research is carried out with in four walls of a laboratory.
[4] Research Process Steps

The research process consists of a series of systematic procedures that a researcher must go
through in order to generate knowledge that will be considered valuable by the project and
focus on the relevant topic.

Step 1: Identify the Problem

Finding an issue or formulating a

research question is the first step. A
well-defined research problem will
guide the researcher through all stages
of the research process, from setting
objectives to choosing a technique.
There are a number of approaches to
get insight into a topic and gain a
better understanding of it.

Such as:

•A preliminary survey
• Case studies
• Interviews with a small group of people
• Observational survey

Step 2: Evaluate the Literature

A thorough examination of the relevant studies is essential to the research process. It enables the
researcher to identify the precise aspects of the problem. Once a problem has been found, the
investigator or researcher needs to find out more about it.

The researcher can build consistency between his work and others through a literature review.
Such a review exposes the researcher to a more significant body of knowledge and helps him
follow the research process efficiently.

Step 3: Create Hypotheses

Formulating an original hypothesis is the next logical step after narrowing down the research
topic and defining it. A belief solves logical relationships between variables. In order to establish
a hypothesis, a researcher must have a certain amount of expertise in the field.

Step 4: The Research Design

Research design is the plan for achieving objectives and answering research questions. It outlines
how to get the relevant information. Its goal is to design research to test hypotheses, address the
research questions, and provide decision-making insights.
The research design aims to minimize the time, money, and effort required to acquire
meaningful evidence. This plan fits into four categories:

• Exploration and Surveys

• Experiment
• DataAnalysis
• Observation

Step 5: Describe Population

Research projects usually look at a specific group of people, facilities, or how technology is used
in the business. In research, the term population refers to this study group. The research topic and
purpose help determine the study group.

Step 6: Data Collection

Data collection is important in obtaining the knowledge or information required to answer the
research issue. Every research collected data, either from the literature or the people being
studied. Data must be collected from the two categories of researchers. These sources may
provide primary data.

Step 7: Data Analysis

During research design, the researcher plans data analysis. After collecting data, the researcher
analyzes it. The data is examined based on the approach in this step. The research findings are
reviewed and reported.

Step 8: The Report-writing

After completing these steps, the researcher must prepare a report detailing his findings. The
report must be carefully composed with the following in mind:
[5] Difference Between Research Method vs Research Methodology

Research Method Research Methodology

The research method seeks to answer: The research methodology seeks to answer;
What did the researcher use to complete his How did the researcher complete his study?

Research methods are the techniques and Research methodology explains and justifies
tools by which you research a subject or a the techniques and tools by which you may
topic. proceed with your research.

Research methods involve conducting Research methodology involves learning

experiments, tests, surveys, and the like various techniques to conduct research and
utilizing the knowledge and skills learned acquiring knowledge to perform tests,
through research methodology. experiments, surveys, and critical analyses.

The research method aims at finding Research methodology ensures the

solutions to research problems. employment of the correct procedures to
solve the problems.

Research methods are the end of any Research methodology paves the way to
scientific or non-scientific research. choosing appropriate research methods and
thus is the beginning of any research.

[6] Criteria of Good Research

When conducting research, it is essential to ensure that the research is of good quality and is
reliable. In this article, we will discuss the criteria of good research that researchers should strive
to meet to ensure the validity and accuracy of their research.

1. Validity

Validity refers to the accuracy and correctness of the research findings. A research study should
be valid in the sense that it measures what it intends to measure. To ensure validity, researchers
must use appropriate research instruments, collect reliable data, and analyze the data using sound
statistical techniques.
2. Reliability

Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the research findings. A research study should
be reliable in the sense that it yields consistent results when repeated under similar conditions.
To ensure reliability, researchers must use standardized research instruments, collect data in a
consistent manner, and analyze the data using sound statistical techniques.

3. Objectivity

Objectivity refers to the absence of bias in the research study. A research study should be objective
in the sense that it is free from personal, political, or ideological biases. To ensure objectivity,
researchers must use objective research instruments, collect data in a neutral and unbiased
manner, and analyze the data using sound statistical techniques.

4. Generalizability

Generalizability refers to the ability of the research findings to be applicable to a larger population
beyond the sample studied. A research study should be generalizable in the sense that the
findings can be applied to other settings and populations. To ensure generalizability, researchers
must use appropriate sampling techniques, collect data from diverse populations, and analyze
the data using sound statistical techniques.

5. Ethical Considerations

Research should be conducted in an ethical manner that protects the rights and well-being of the
participants. Researchers should obtain informed consent from the participants, ensure
confidentiality and privacy, and use ethical research procedures. Additionally, researchers should
follow institutional and national guidelines and regulations.
[7] Problems Encountered By Researchers in India

In developing nations, research is in its incessant stage. Researchers face challenges in choosing
a research topic, statement etc. In addition, researchers are faced with challenges associated with
growth, infrastructural deficiencies, financial crunches, etc. Here’s a list of top 10 challenges that
we found intimidating for budding researchers:

1. Lack of Scientific Training: The research methodology is not systematic. Many researchers
undertake research work without having actual knowledge of the research methods. Even the
guides do not have a thorough knowledge of the various methodologies. Before undertaking
research projects, researchers should be well equipped with all the methodological aspects.

2. Lack of communication with the supervisor: A university professor is a busy person. It is

important to have guidance on a research project. Poor communication gets on the way of the
progress of the research. It is important to communicate with the supervisor to clarify the doubts
regarding the research topic, to know what the supervisor expects from you and to learn more
about your research topic.

3. Time management: Spending ample time in learning the skills and practical implementation
consumes a lot of time. In such a scenario, taking out time for intense research and to draft a top-
notch research paper becomes impossible.

4. Not having a definite deadline: Deadlines are stressful. But not having a deadline can be
troublesome during the Ph.D. journey. Deadlines help you get closer to your goals. Many times,
Universities fail to implement a due date to submit the research paper, leading to confusion and
improper time management among the scholars.

5. A quantity of literature: It can be difficult to deal with the quantity of literature that one
might have accessed. The literature review is iterative. This involves managing the literature,
accessing data that supports the framework of the research, identifying keywords and alternative
keywords, as well as constantly looking for new sources.

6. Implementing quality of writing within the literature review: A literature review has to go
beyond being a series of references and citations. You need to interpret the literature and be able
to position it within the context of your study. This requires careful and measured interpretation
and writing in which you synthesize and bring together the materials that you have read.

7. Insufficient data: Insufficiency of data is a potential problem. Most of the business

establishments are of the opinion that researchers may misuse the data provided by them. This
affects the purpose of research studies for which that particular data may be of utmost

8. Lack of confidence: Lack of confidence is one of the most common problems among
researchers. Researchers with low self-esteem feel less motivated thereby affecting the quality of
the work.
9. Concern that your focus is either still too broad or too narrow: This concern is inevitable.
Be prepared to adapt your research as you look through the literature. This might require you to
either increase its focus or narrow down so that the research is manageable. A broad focus for
research might be narrowed down by adding an appropriate context or by looking for another
variable within the research question or by focusing upon a theoretical viewpoint.

10. Library management: Library management and functioning is not satisfactory in many
Universities; A lot of time and energy is spent on tracing appropriate books, journals, reports etc.
Also, many of the libraries are not able to get copies of new reports and other publications on


Type of Research Methodology in Details :


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