Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal verbs Meaning Example

- to leave the ground and begin to fly They've already taken off, so it's too late

(bird, airplane): cất cánh, bay lên to say goodbye.

- to become successful or popular very

The new café took off in its first week of
quickly (product): trở nên nổi tiếng rộng
rãi; nổi lên như cồn

- to leave a place in a hurry: rời khỏi đâu After the accident, the car took off before I
1. take off
một cách vội vã, bỏ trốn could get its license plate number.

- to remove clothing from body: cởi

Take off your coat and relax.
(quần áo)

James was so tired of working for long

- to stop studying or working for a
hours that he has finally taken off for a
period of time: nghỉ ngơi một thời gian
He used to take off his teacher to make his
- to imitate sb’s voice: nhại ai
friends laugh

The teacher passed out the test to the

- to distribute: phân phát=hand out

2. pass out

- to faint or lose consciousness: ngất, lả It was so hot in the classroom that I felt

đi like I was going to pass out.

bring up sb = bring sb up: to raise, care

Sarah lost her parents when she was a
for, educate a child: nuôi dưỡng, giáo
child. Her maternal aunt brought her up.

3. bring up

bring up sth = bring sth up: to introduce Mike told his team, “Don’t forget to bring

a topic into conversation or discussion: up the new business proposal at the

nêu (vấn đề, chủ đề) meeting tomorrow.”

- take sth out = to remove something I took the new mobile phone out of the

from inside a place: lấy cái gì ra ngoài box.

- take sb out = to bring someone

4. take out Mike is taking his girlfriend out on a date
somewhere as a date: đưa ai ra ngoài
(thường là hẹn hò hoặc ăn tối)

- to borrow: mượn (sách của thư viện) I took out ten library books.
- take out some money = take some How much money should I take out for

money out: rút tiền our trip?

- to give something to someone for free: If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in

tặng, cho, biếu more than a year, you should give it away.

5. give away

I don’t want to give away the end of the

- to reveal a secret: tiết lộ
movie; you’ll have to see it for yourself.

- to break into pieces: vỡ vụn, tan tành It seems that the plane broke up in the air.

When the teacher saw the two boys shove

- to put an end to sth: kết thúc cái gì each other, she came running over to

6. break up break it up.

I was so sad to hear that Mara and John

- to end a relationship: chia tay, giải tán
have broken up - I thought those two
(nhóm nhạc)
would be together forever.

- to take something with your hand: nhặt I picked up the toys that my kids left all

lên over the floor.

- to buy (food, household items): mua I’ll be back in an hour. I need to pick up a
7. pick up
(đồ ăn, vật dụng gia đình) few things at the store.

- pick sb up = get someone in your car, Sure, I can give you a ride. The concert

in order to take them to a place: đón ai starts at 8, so I’ll pick you up around 7:15.
- to learn something by watching or
When we moved to Spain, my kids picked
listening to other people: bắt chước, học
up Spanish within 3 months.

Sales are slow over the summer, but they

- to improve or increase: cải thiện, tăng
usually pick up around September.

- to wear clothes: mặc quần áo Hurry up! Put your coat on!

- to apply sth to your face: bôi cái gì lên

She's just putting on her make-up.
8. put on

- to become heavier: tăng cân She looks like she's put on weight.

- to perform a play or a show: trình diễn The children put on a puppet show.

- to understand sth, to get the point: hiểu Thanks for explaining that concept to me

ra – I think I'm catching on now.

9. catch on

- to become popular or widespread: phổ Judging by my students, that obnoxious

biến song is really starting to catch on.

- to turn off: tắt đèn Time to turn out the lights and go to bed.

10. turn out

- to manufacture or produce: sản xuất, We turn out nearly 4 million books every

làm ra year.
It broke my heart to turn the family out,
- to make sb leave a place: đuổi ai đi
but they hadn't paid rent in three months.

turn out to be/that = to end up: hóa ra là, He turned out to be a liar when all was

cuối cùng thì said and done.

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