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NGÀY 20/11/2020


Phrasal verbs Meaning Example

1. take off - to leave the ground and begin to fly They've already taken off, so it's too
(bird, airplane): cất cánh, bay lên late to say goodbye.

- to become successful or popular very The new café took off in its first week
quickly (product): trở nên nổi tiếng of business.
rộng rãi; nổi lên như cồn

- to leave a place in a hurry: rời khỏi After the accident, the car took off
đâu một cách vội vã, bỏ trốn before I could get its license plate

- to remove clothing from body: cởi Take off your coat and relax.
(quần áo)

- to stop studying or working for a James was so tired of working for long
period of time: nghỉ ngơi một thời gian hours that he has finally taken off for a

- to imitate sb’s voice: nhại ai He used to take off his teacher to

make his friends laugh
2. pass out - to distribute: phân phát The teacher passed out the test to the
- to faint or lose consciousness: ngất, lả It was so hot in the classroom that I
đi felt like I was going to pass out.

3. bring up bring up sb = bring sb up: to raise, care Sarah lost her parents when she was a
for, educate a child: nuôi dưỡng, giáo child. Her maternal aunt brought her
dục up.
bring up sth = bring sth up: to Mike told his team, “Don’t forget to
introduce a topic into conversation or bring up the new business proposal at
discussion: nêu (vấn đề, chủ đề) the meeting tomorrow.”
4. take out - take sth out = to remove something I took the new mobile phone out of
from inside a place: lấy cái gì ra ngoài the box.
- take sb out = to bring someone Mike is taking his girlfriend out on a
somewhere as a date: đưa ai ra ngoài date tonight.
(thường là hẹn hò hoặc ăn tối)
- to borrow: mượn (sách của thư viện) I took out ten library books.
- take out some money = take some How much money should I take out
money out: rút tiền for our trip?
5. give away - to give something to someone for If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing
free: tặng, cho, biếu in more than a year, you should give it
- to reveal a secret: tiết lộ I don’t want to give away the end of
the movie; you’ll have to see it for
6. break up - to break into pieces: vỡ vụn, tan tành It seems that the plane broke up in the
- to put an end to sth: kết thúc cái gì When the teacher saw the two boys
shove each other, she came running
over to break it up.
- to end a relationship: chia tay, giải tán I was so sad to hear that Mara and
(nhóm nhạc) John have broken
up—I thought those two would be
together forever.
7. pick up - to take something with your hand: I picked up the toys that my kids left
nhặt lên all over the floor.
- to buy (food, household items): mua I’ll be back in an hour. I need to pick
(đồ ăn, vật dụng gia đình) up a few things at the store.
- pick sb up = get someone in your car, Sure, I can give you a ride. The concert
in order to take them to a place: đón ai starts at 8, so I’ll pick you up around
- to learn something by watching or When we moved to Spain, my kids
listening to other people: bắt chước, picked up Spanish within 3 months.
học lỏm
- to improve or increase: cải thiện, tăng Sales are slow over the summer, but
they usually pick up around
8. put on - to wear clothes: mặc quần áo Hurry up! Put your coat on!
- to apply sth to your face: bôi cái gì She's just putting on her make-up.
lên mặt
- to become heavier: tăng cân She looks like she's put on weight.
- to perform a play or a show: trình The children put on a puppet show.
9. catch on - to understand sth, to get the point: Thanks for explaining that concept to
hiểu ra me—I think I'm catching on now.
- to become popular or widespread: Judging by my students, that
phổ biến obnoxious song is really starting to
catch on.
10. turn out - to turn off: tắt đèn Time to turn out the lights and go to
- to manufacture or produce: sản xuất, We turn out nearly 4 million books
làm ra every year.
- to make sb leave a place: đuổi ai đi It broke my heart to turn the family
out, but they hadn't paid rent in three
turn out to be/that = to end up: hóa ra He turned out to be a liar when all was
là, cuối cùng thì said and done.
11. take up - to use or occupy (space, time …): I like the way the desk looks, but it
chiến chỗ, thời gian takes up too much space in my office.
- to begin doing sth: bắt đầu làm gì My husband has taken up gardening
now that he's retired.
- to pick up: nhặt lên He took up the book
- to continue something that She took up the story where Tim had
somebody else has not finished: tiếp left off.
tục việc người khác chưa hoàn thành
12. take on - to undertake sth: đảm nhận, gánh vác After her husband's death, she had to
take on extra responsibilities.
- to hire or employ sb: tuyển, thuê The farms take on more workers
nhân sự during the harvest.
13. stand for - to be an abbreviation for: là viết tắt HQ stands for Headquarters.
- to signify something: biểu thị, minh In a traffic signal, the red light stands
họa, có ý nghĩa biểu thị cho for "stop”
- to support, advacate, or endorse sth: Our chief stands for justice for all
bảo về, đứng về phía, ủng hộ cái gì citizens, and I have no doubt that he'll
be cleared of these charges.
- to tolerate or endure sth: dung thứ, You've been insulting me all evening
chịu đựng cái gì long and I will not stand for it any
14. run down - stop working (clock): chết (đồng hồ) My watch has run down. It needs
- to collide with and knock down He ran down a pedestrian
someone or something: đụng xe, va
chạm vào
- to speak badly of sb, to disparage sb: He is always running me down.
gièm pha, coi rẻ, chê bai
15. put up - to build, erect sth: dựng lên They put up three new houses on our
- nominate sb: chỉ định, bổ nhiệm ai The committee put up three new
candidates for mayor.
- put sb up = let sb stay at your home: We can put you up for the night.
cho ai ngủ lại nhà
- to suggest an idea: gợi ý, đề xuất It was Clare who first put up the idea
of a concert to raise money for the
- fix sth in the wall: cố định lên tường, The superintendent put up a notice on
dán the door advising residents to
conserve water.
16. put out - to make something stop burning: dập It took firefighters three hours to put
tắt (cháy) the blaze out.
- put sb out: to upset, irritate or We don't want to put anybody out,
inconvenience someone: làm ai buồn but it's necessary for us to evolve our
bực, bực mình, khó chịu, làm ai bất service as we go along.
- to emit sth: thải ra The factory put a lot of fumes out. It
put out nasty fumes.
- to publish sth: xuất bản, phát hành We put out both books last year.
- to manufacture, produce sth: sản xuất That factory puts electrical supplies
17. make up - to invent a story: bịa chuyện He made up the whole story. It’s all
- to apply makeup to sb: trang điểm We'll need 10 minutes to make her up
before she's ready to go on air.
- to combine together to form This book is made up of twelve
something larger: cấu thành separate short stories.
- make up with sb = become friendly He still hasn’t made up with his wife.
with sb again: làm hòa
- to work at different times from usual Sorry I’m late; I’ll make up the time this
because you have not worked enough evening.
at the normal times: làm bù
18. call on - to visit sb for a short time: ghé thăm We could call on my parents if we
ai (ngắn) have time.
- to officially ask a person or They’re calling all men and boys over
organization to do sth: yêu cầu, kêu gọi the age of 14 to join the army
1 người/1 tổ chức làm gì
- to request, appeal for sth: thỉnh cầu, We may need to call on professional
yêu cầu, nhờ đến cái gì help.
- to summon a particular quality in She called on all her reserves of
yourself: tập trung một phẩm chất nào courage to face the ordeal ahead of
đó her.
19. fill in - to complete a form or other official Please fill in your name and address in
document: điền vào đơn the space provided.
- fill sb in = to give all the necessary Did Sam fill you in about the new
information to sb: cung cấp/báo cho ai project?
thông tin cần thiết
- to do someone’s job for them while I’m filling in for the receptionist at the
they are away: làm thay cho ai khi họ moment.
vắng mặt
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the

following questions.

Question 1: As soon as my exams are finished, I’m ____________ to the seaside to have a holiday.
A. taking on B. taking away C. taking off D. taking over

Question 2: He _________ some excuse about the dog eating his homework.
A. made up B. put on C. put up D. made off

Question 3: According to one witness, a worker who was standing next to her, the driver deliberately

A. ran Clark down B. ran Clark into

C. collided into Clark D. came into Clark

Question 4: A special show is being ________to raise money for famine victims in Africa.
A. put off B. put through C. put on D. put up
Question 5: Repairing this damage, and returning to the centre ground, seem like an almost
impossible, and thankless task, for whoever ________________.

A. does it up B. takes it on C. puts it out D. makes it off

Question 6: Tim had a severe, chronic problem with alcoholism which eventually ____________.
A. broke the couple up B. ended the couple up

C. integrated the couple D. reconciled the couple

Question 7: “Let me check the directions,” he said, reaching in his pocket to ________ a little booklet.

A. pick up B. get over C. take out D. do away with

Question 8: This ________ to be a hard job, as the island seems to be inhabited only by shepherds and

A. drops out B. comes out C. turns out D. ends up

Question 9: After a continuous seven-year period, John took a year off and he returned in 2003 with
renewed enthusiasm. (Closest meaning)

A. stopped working for a year B. retired for a year

C. did nothing for a year D. spent a year with his parents

Question 10: He will be able to ___________ the multinational forces, if he deems it necessary to have
them deal with a problem.

A. sack B. turn out C. call on D. take over

Question 11: A: "Do you want to stay at our place while you're in town?"
B: "That would be great! So long as it doesn't __________."

A. put out up B. put you out C. hurt D. let you down

Question 12: America’s political climate is changing; among other things, the 2016 presidential

election __________ the issue of wealth inequality in this country and made people consider more
closely the structural forces that define class here.

A. brought up B. developed C. bring about D. bring around

Question 13: He's exceptionally smart; he catches on very quickly, and is already learning how to
read. (Closest meaning)

A. starts to walk B. is able to talk C. gets the point D. becomes popular

Question 14: The company’s new product was a success, and it really started to take off (Closest

A. become popular B. go bankrupt

C. sell like hot cakes D. come in for a lot of criticism

Question 15: Can you ________ for me on the conference call? I have to leave early today for a doctor's

A. drop off B. fill in C. pick up D. call on

Question 16: Ms. Hai is ________ an information sheet about the art show.
A. passing out B. getting around C. going along with D. doing up

Question 17: When there is too little space, a tent is __________ in front of people's homes for the

A. put through B. put down C. put on D. put up

Question 18: Most of the afternoon was ____________ in Oxford, where I had a hair appointment.
A. taken on B. taken up C. depended D. used up

Question 19: In some cases, companies give _______ goods or refund purchases in return for glowing

A. off B. away C. in D. up

Question 20: The members of the Green Party will say that they stand for green principles. (Closest

A. support B. oppose C. tolerate D. follow


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