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Honey Mishra International Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 5, Issue 11 (Series -5) Nov. 2015, pp 162-166


Partial Replacement of Sand with Marble Dust in Concrete

Honey Mishra1, Priyadarshinee Behera2
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Gandhi Institute For Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Gandhi Engineering College, Bhubaneswar

Concrete is a widely used material in the world. Based on global usage it is placed at second position after
water. Common river sand is expensive due to excessive cost of transportation from natural sources. River sand
is most commonly used fine aggregate in the production of concrete poses the problem of acute shortage in
many areas and continuous usage has started posing serious problems with respect to its availability, cost and
environmental impact. So Engineers began to search for alternative for fine aggregate. The basic objective of
this study was to identify alternative source of good quality aggregates. The present investigation has been
undertaken to study the effect of Marble dust on the mechanical properties of concrete, when marble dust is
replaced with fine aggregate in different percentages The main parameter investigate were cube compressive
strength. In this work, M25 grade concrete mix was developed using IS method of mix design. Specimens of
dimension of 150 x 150 x 150mm cubes were cast for compressive strength of concrete specimens. The test
results indicate that with the use of replacing Marble dust by fine aggregates in different percentages i.e. 0%,
5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 30% and 40%. For evaluation of strength parameters each grade of concrete
for each proportion in the form of cubes casted for testing at 3 days, 7days and 28 days periods. The
compressive strength increases with the increase in percentage of Marble dust up to 30%. Marble dust can be
replaced without affecting the target strength.

I. INTRODUCTION the aggregates both fine and coarse are bonded

Rapid urbanization in developing together by the cement when mixed with water.
countries such as India is creating a shortage of The concrete has become so popular and
adequate housing in cities. Using artificial indispensable because of its inherent in concrete
aggregates for quality concrete is a natural step to brought a revolution in applications of concrete.
mitigating this problem. The worldwide Concrete has unlimited opportunities for innovative
consumption of fine aggregate in concrete applications, design and construction techniques.
production is very high, and several developing Its great versatility and relative economy in filling
countries have been countered difficulties in wide range of needs has made it is very competitive
meeting the supply of natural fine aggregate in building material. Concrete solidifies and hardens
order to satisfy the increasing needs of after mixing with water and placement due to a
infrastructural development in recent years. To chemical process known as hydration. The water
overcome the stress and demand for river fine reacts with the cement, which bonds the other
aggregate, research sand practitioners in the components together, eventually creating a stone-
construction industries have identified some like material. Concrete is used to make pavements,
alternative materials such as flyash, slag, limestone architectural structures, foundations, and
powder and siliceous stone powder. In India motorways/roads, bridges/overpasses, parking
attempts have been made to replace river sand with structures, brick/block walls and footings for gates,
Marble dust. The successful utilization of Marble fences and poles, reservoirs, pools. Famous
dust as fine aggregate would turn this waste concrete structures include the BurjKhalifa (world's
materials that causes disposal problem into a tallest building), Hoover Dam, the Canal and the
valuable resource. The utilization will also reduce Roman Pantheon There are many types of concrete
the strain on supply of natural fine aggregate, available, created by varying the proportions of the
which will also reduce the cost of concrete. The main ingredients. By adding or by substitution for
main objective of the present investigation is to the cementations and aggregate phases, the finished
evaluate the possibilities of using Marble dust as a product can be tailored to its application with
replacement to fine aggregate. Present investigation varying strength, density, or chemical and thermal
aimed at to study, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, resistance properties. Water is then mixed with this
35% and 40% of traditional fine aggregate was dry composite, which produces a semi-liquid that
replaced with Marble dust. Compressive strengths workers can shape (typically by pouring it into a
were found after 3 days7 days and 28 days of form). The concrete solidifies and hardens to rock-
curing. Concrete is an artificial material in which hard strength through a chemical process called 162 | P a g e
Honey Mishra International Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 5, Issue 11 (Series -5) Nov. 2015, pp 162-166

hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which of Marble dust on fresh concrete properties, and
bonds the other components together, creating a effect of Marble dust on hardened concrete
robust stone-like material. "Chemical admixtures" properties.
are added to achieve varied properties. These 1. Experimental Study on Use of Waste Marble
ingredients may speed or slow down the rate at Dust in Concrete Aalok D, Sakalkale, G. D.
which the concrete hardens, and impart many other Dhawale
useful properties. "Reinforcements" are often added 2.Experimental Study on Concrete Using Waste
to concrete. Concrete can be formulated with high Marble Powder and Quarry Dust as Partial
compressive strength, but always has lower tensile Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregate
strength. For this reason it is usually reinforced Dr.Suji D, Krishna Kumar S, Perarasan M,
with materials that are strong in tension (often Niranjani E Department of Civil Engineering,
steel). Concrete can be damaged by many Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-641
processes, such as the freezing of trapped water. 107, India Experimental Procedure
"Mineral admixtures" are becoming more popular
in recent decades. The use of recycled materials as TESTS ON CEMENT
concrete ingredients has been gaining popularity Specific Gravity Test:
because of increasingly strict environmental According to IS 2720 – part – 3 Specific
legislation, and the discovery that such materials gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance
often have complimentary and valuable properties. compared to the density (mass of the same unit
The most important of these are fly ash, a by- volume) of a reference substance. Apparent
product of coal-fired power plants, and silica fume, specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a
a by-product of industrial electric arc furnaces, volume of the substance to the weight of an equal
Metakaolin, from steel industry. The use of these volume of the reference substance. The reference
materials in concrete reduces the amount of substance is nearly always water for liquids or air
resources required as the ash and fume acts as a for gases. Fineness Test: According to IS 4031-
cement replacement. This displaces some cement 1968 Fineness is defined as the surface area of
production, an energetically expensive and cement particles per unit weight, means a greater
environmentally problematic process, while number of particles per unit weight. If the
reducing the amount of industrial waste that must percentage of fineness is more than 90 % the
be disposed in landfills. Concrete is the world’s cement is supposed to be fresh, if it is less than 90
most consumed man-made material. With the % than that Cement should be avoided to use.
advancement of technology and increased field of
applications of concrete and mortars, the strength, Standard consistency Test:
workability, durability and other physical and According to IS 4031 (Part 4) 1988 The
chemical properties of the ordinary concrete need standard consistency of a cement paste is defined as
modifications to make it more suitable by that consistency which will permit the vicat plunger
situations. There is a necessity to control the to penetrate to a depth of 5 to 7mm from the
increasing cost and scarcity of cement. Under these bottom of the vicat mould.
circumstances the use of admixtures is found to be
an important alternative solution. The use of Initial Setting and Final Testing Time Test:
pozzolanic materials in cement concrete paved a According to IS 4031 (Part 5) 1988 The
solution for modifying the properties of the time period elapsed between the time of adding
concrete, controlling the concrete production cost, water to the cement to the time when the needle
to overcome the scarcity of cement, the economic fails to pierce the mould for 5 + 0.5mm. The time
advantages disposal of industrial wastes etc. The period elapsed between the times of adding water
use of pozzolanic materials in concrete paved a to the cement to the time when the annular ring
solution for fails to make the impression on the mould is called
• Modifying the properties of the concrete the final setting time. Compressive Strength of
• Controlling the concrete production cost Cement: According to IS 8112-1989 Compressive
• To overcome the scarcity of cement strength of cement is determined from mortar cubes
of size 7.07 X 7.07 X 7.07c.m and cement to sand
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ratio 1:3. The strength is obtained for 3,7,28 days.
A literature review of the characteristics The strength obtained on 28th day is called
and effects of Marble dust on concrete properties is compressive strength of cement.
presented in this chapter. Many studies have
recently been conducted on Marble dust in cement
concrete. The topics of their research included
basic characteristics (physical and chemical), effect 163 | P a g e
Honey Mishra International Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 5, Issue 11 (Series -5) Nov. 2015, pp 162-166

TESTS ON COARSE AGGREGATE aggregate gradation. It is an empirical number

Water Absorption of coarse aggregate (IS: relating to the fineness of the aggregate. The higher
2386-PART-3).Water absorption gives an idea of the FM is, the coarser the aggregate.
strength of aggregate. Aggregates having more
water absorption are more porous in nature and are Cube compressive strength test
generally considered unsuitable unless they are According to IS 516-1959 After 28 days
found to be acceptable based on strength, impact of curing, the cubes were taken out from curing
and hardness tests. tank, dried and tested using a compression testing
Specific Gravity (IS: 2386- PART- 3) machine. These cubes were loaded on their sides
The specific gravity of an aggregate is during compression testing such that the load was
considered to be a measure of strength or quality of exerted perpendicularly to the direction of casting.
the material. The specific gravity test helps in the The cubes were placed in the compression testing
identification of stone. machine and the loads are applied gradually at a
rate of 5KN/cm2/sec. The average value of the
Sieve Analysis (IS: 383- 1970) compression strength of three cubes was taken as
A sieve analysis (or gradation test) is a the compression strength. The compressive strength
practice or procedure used (commonly used in civil of conventional concrete was found to be
engineering) to assess the particle size distribution 32.81N/mm2.
(also called gradation) of a granular material. The
size distribution is often of critical importance to CASTING
the way the material performs in use. A sieve According to IS 516-1959 The cubes were
analysis can be performed on any type of casted in steel moulds of having dimensions 150 x
nonorganic or organic granular materials including 150 x 150mm For all test specimens, moulds were
sands, marble dust, clays, granite, feldspars, coal, kept on table vibrator for compaction. Concrete
and soil, a wide range of manufactured powders, was poured in three layers into the mould and they
grain and seeds, down to a minimum size are kept on vibrator for 2-3 minutes after they are
depending on the exact method. Being such a removed and left aside. After 24 hours they are
simple technique of particle sizing, it is probably demoulded and specimens are kept for curing for a
the most common method. period of 3,7,28 days

Crushing Value (IS: 2386 -PART- 4) III. RESULTS AND DISUSSION

The aggregate crushing value provides a The results of the present investigation are
relative measure of resistance to crushing under a present both in tabular and graphical forms the
gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a interpretation of the results is based on the current
high quality of concrete, aggregate possessing low knowledge available in the literature as well as on
aggregate crushing value should be preferred. the nature o results obtained the significance of the
result is assessed with reference to the standards
Fineness modulus specified by the relevant IS Codes
Fineness Modulus (FM) is used in PHYSIAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT
determining the degree of uniformity of the

Table- Normal Consistency For Cement

Weight of % of water Amount of water added Consistency
cement (mm)
400 24 96 40
400 26 104 37
400 28 112 31
400 30 120 23
400 32 128 7
Normal Consistency of cement = 32% 164 | P a g e
Honey Mishra International Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 5, Issue 11 (Series -5) Nov. 2015, pp 162-166

Table-Physical Properties of Cement (OPC 53 GRADE) (IS 8112-1989)

S No. Property Value
1 Specific Gravity 3.05
2 Fineness of cement by sieving 5.5%
3 Setting Time
Initial Setting time 145 min
Final Setting time 400 min

4 Compressive Strength
3 days 28.35Mpa
7 days 29.35Mpa
28 days 54.95Mpa

The Physical properties of cement are within the limits as per within the codal provisions


Table- Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate
Total weight of sample taken = 10Kgs.
S No. IS Sieve Weight Cumulative % Weight % Weight
Retained(Kg) Weight Retained Retained
1 50 mm 0 0 0 0
2 40 mm 0 0 0 0
3 16 mm 4550 4550 45.50 45.50
4 12.5 mm 2250 6800 68.00 113.5
5 10 mm 1750 8500 85.00 198.5
6 3 mm 650 9200 92.00 295.5
7 4.75 mm 625 9825 98.25 388.75
8 2 mm 100 9925 99.25 488
9 1 mm 75 10000 100 588
Fineness Modulus =5.88 Total =588

With replacement of fine aggregate with • The maximum compressive strength occurred at
marble dust 3 days compressive strength increases 30% replacement of fine aggregate and it was
with increase in percentage it is observed that at observed as 35.41MPa.
20% and 25% there is small amount of increase in • Based up on the experimental investigations
strength Marble dust available at Rajasthan region can be
The maximum percentage of increase of replaced as fine aggregate upto 40% without
strength at 30 % is (15.98-14.84/14.84)*100 = affecting the target strength.
7.68% With replacement of fine aggregate with • Based on this experimental investigation, it is
marble dust 7 days compressive strength found that Marble dust can be used as an
increaseswith increase in percentage it is observed alternative material to the natural river sand in
that at 20% and 25% there is nearly equal amount future.
of increase in strength
The maximum percentage of increase of REFERENCES
strength at 30 % is (23.36-21.84/21.84)*100 = [1]. IS 383:1970 Indian standard institution,
6.96% Specifications of coarse and fine aggregates
With replacement of fine aggregate with marble from natural sources of concrete, New Delhi.
dust 28 days compressive strength increases with [2]. IS 456:2007 Plain and Reinforced Concrete
increase in percentage it is observed that at 20% Code of Practice, Bureau of Indian
and 25% there is continuous increase in strength Standards, New Delhi.
[3]. IS 516:1959, Method of tests for strength of
IV. CONCLUSIONS concrete, Indian standard institution, New
• The physical properties of Marble dust are Delhi.
satisfying the requirements of fine aggregate. The [4]. IS: 1199-1959. Indian Standard Methods of
cost of concrete made with marble dust is less than Sampling and analysis of concrete. Bureau
conventional concrete because the availability of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Marble dust at less cost. 165 | P a g e
Honey Mishra International Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 5, Issue 11 (Series -5) Nov. 2015, pp 162-166

[5]. IS: 2386-1963 Part 1 to VIII. Indian

Standard Methods of Test for Aggregate for
concrete. Bureau of Indian Standards, New
[6]. IS: 10262-2009 and SP 23:1982.
Recommended Guidelines for concrete Mix.
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[7]. Shetty, M. S., “Concrete technology,” Chand
S. and Co. Ltd, India (2009).
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd., New
[9]. Experimental Study on Use of Waste Marble
Dust in Concrete G. D. Dhawale D.
Sakalkale, R. S. Kedar Department of civil
BDCE Wardha
[10]. Experimental Study on ConcreteUsing
Waste Marble Powder and Quarry Dust as
Partial Replacement of Cement and Fine
Aggregate Dr.Suji D , Krishna Kumar S ,
Perarasan M , Niranjani E Department of
Civil Engineering, Adithya Institute of
Technology , Coimbatore-641 107.

Honey Mishra, “ Partial Replacement of Sand with Marble Dust in Concrete” International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol.5(11), 2015, pp 162-166. 166 | P a g e

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