YCT Traditional General Knowledge

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Traditional General Knowledge

Ans. (d) : 2021 Maha Khumbha was organized in

1. Art and Culture Haridwar.
(i). Festival Maha Places Rivers
1. The hornbill festival is a famous tribal festival. Prayag Prayagraj (U.P) Confluence of
It is celebrated in which of the following North- Mahakumbh Ganga, Yamuna
Eastern states of India? and Saraswati.
(a) Arunanchal Pradesh (b) Assam
Nasik Nasik Godavari
(c) Nagaland (d) Mizoram
Mahakumbh (Maharastra)
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ujjain Ujjain (Madhya Shipra
RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Mahakumbh Pradesh)
Ans. (c) : Hornbill festival is celebrated every year Haridwar Haridwar Ganga
between December 1 to 10 in Nagaland. This festival Mahakumbh (Uttrakhand)
showcases the rich cultural heritage and tradition of the 6. Kumbh Mela is held in which of these cities of
Nagas on one platform at Naga Heritage Village Madhya Pradesh?
Kisama under Kohima district. All the tribes of (a) Gwalior (b) Bhopal
Nagaland take part in this festival. The festival is named
(c) Ujjain (d) Indore
after Hornbill, the globally respected bird and which is
displayed in folklore in most of the state's tribes. RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
2. Which of these festival is celebrated in the first Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
week of every December? 7. Purna Kumbh Mela is held once in how many
(a) Baneshwar fair years?
(b) Hornbill festival (a) In every 8 years (b) In every 12 year
(c) Bohgiyu Bisu (c) In every 6 years (d) In every 4 year
(d) Bhagoria festival RRB JE - 30/05/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) Kumbh Mela is a major pilgrimage and
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question. festival in Hinduism. It is celebrated in a cycle of
3. In which of the following states is the festival approximately 12 years at four river bank pilgrimage
'Chapchar Kut' celebrated? sites Allahabad (Prayagraj), Haridwar, Nashik and
(a) Meghalaya (b) Sikkim Ujjain.
(c) Assam (d) Mizoram 8. Where is the Red Panda Winter Carnival
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (morning) celebrated?
Ans. (d) : Chapchar Kut is a festival of Mizoram, (a) Rajasthan (b) Tamil Nadu
celebrated after completion of jhum operation. (c) Nagaland (d) Sikkim
4. The next Kumbh mela at Ujjain will be held in RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
which year?
Ans. (d) : Red Panda Winter Carnival is celebrated in
(a) 2028 (b) 2022
Sikkim. Red Panda is only living member of Ailurus
(c) 2030 (d) 2025
Fulgens. IUCN places Red Panda in the category of
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
endangered species. Its main food is bamboo leaves. It
Ans. (a) : Kumbh Mela is a hindu pilgrimage of faith in
is state animal of Sikkim.
which hindus and people from all over the world gather
at a place to bathe in a sacred river. The next Kumbh 9. Jon Beel Mela is the only fair in India where
mela will be held in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh in 2028. barter system is still used. In which state does it
5. Where will the 2021 Maha Kumbha be held? take place?
(a) Prayag (b) Nasik (a) Nagaland (b) Manipur
(c) Ujjain (d) Haridwar (c) Tripura (d) Assam
RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Jonbeel Mela usually takes place a few days Ans. (d) : Pushar Mela is one of the country's largest
after Magh Bihu. It is celebrated at Dayang Belguri in livestock fair and cultural gathering. It is held in
Morigaon district in Assam. A cluster of tribes Pushkar town of Rajasthan.
celebrates this from centuries. It is the only fair in India
14. Pushkar Mela is held in Pushkar. Which
where barter system is still used. Jonbeel Mela is district does it come under?
organized by Tiwa community. (a) Amer (b) Kota
10. Kenduli Fair is celebrated in: (c) Ajmer (d) Bikaner
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) West Bengal (d) Rajasthan Ans. (c) : Pushkar fair is held in Pushkar (Ajmer). The
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist main objective behind it is to attract the cattle
Ans. (c) : Kenduli Mela is one of those traditional merchants and to strengthen their trade. The only
celebration that celebrates the unique musical art of temple of Lord Brahma is located in Pushkar. This fair
Baul Community, a group of mystic minstrels in is one of the World's largest camel, horse and Cattle
Bengal. This fair is organized in Kenduli City of fair.
Birbhum district, the native land of Bauls. The mela 15. The famous trade of camels is part of which
begins with Makar Sankranti on 14 January and ends on annual fair?
16 January. On the last day of Pausha month of Hindu (a) Udaipur fair (b) Thar fair
calendar, large number of pilgrims assemble in Kenduli (c) Kumbh fair (d) Pushkar fair
to have a dip at the Sagar Island beach on the estuary of RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Bhagirathi river. Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
11. Which of the following festivals is associated 16. The world's largest camel fair is held each
with harvest? October at .......... in Rajasthan
(a) Pongal (b) Guru Purnima (a) Gogamedi (b) Pushkar
(c) Easter (d) Eid-Ul-Fitr (c) Bhinmal (d) Ramdevra
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Pongal is a four-day long harvest festival in
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Pongal festival, (Bhogi17. Which of the following union territories
Pongal) starts last day of Margajhi month in Tamil celebrates Tarpa festival?
calendar). On the same day, Coach Pandigi (Bogi (a) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
pandigai) is also observed. Bogi Pandigai is like a
(b) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
harvest festival called Lohri celebrated in the state of
(c) Lakshadweep
Punjab in northern India. The most important one day
pongal that is called Thai Pongal/Sun Pongal (Surya (d) Ladakh
Pongal) and celebrated like Makar Sankranti RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
celebration in northern India. Ans.(a) : Tarpa festival derives its name from the
12. Which of the following tribes celebrates the famous and extremely popular folk dance of Dadra &
Nagar Haveli – the Tarpa Dance. Tarpa dance is
Bhagoria festival?
particularly famous amidst Varli, Kokna and Koli tribes
(a) Baiga (b) Agariya
of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. It is famous for the
(c) Bhil (d) Gond existence of various tribes with different, amazing
RRB NTPC 12.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist culture and traditions.
Ans. (c) : Bhagoria festival is celebrated by Bhils and18. Which of the following is the famous festival
Bhilalas tribe in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is game of Kerala?
celebrated in the month of march before the festival of (a) Jujutsu
Holi. It is also known as the Bhagoria Haat Festival. (b) Weightlifting
Other than this, the main festival of the Baiga tribe is (c) Boat race ]
Karma, the festival of drinking honey. Nagoba Jatara,
(d) Swimming
Madai are the major festival celebrated among the
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : Vallam kali or boat race is a traditional boat
13. In which State of India is the Puskar Mela held race in Kerala, India. It is a form of canoe racing, and
in? uses paddled war canoes. It is mainly conducted during
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra the season of the harvest festival Onam in spring.
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan Vallam kali includes races of many kinds of paddled
RPF Constable 05.02.2019 longboats and 'snake boats'.
19. Which state of India is famous for snake boat Ans. (b) : Nabakalebara festival is celebrated in Odisha.
race? It is associated with the Jagannath temples in Odisha.
(a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra Gajapati Ramachandra Deba is considered as the
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala founder of the Nabakalebara festival.
RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-II) 25. In which state is Mamallapuram Utsav
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. celebrated?
20. Onam is one of the most important festivals (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
of_______. (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh
(a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Kerala (d) Gujarat Ans. (b) : Mamallapuram Utsav is a dance festival is
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-I) organized during the months of January and February
Ans : (c) Onam is a Hindu festival celebrated in South in the city of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu. It is
Indian state, Kerala. It is a harvest festival celebrated by celebrated in association with Tamil Nadu Tourism
Malayali whose date is based on the Panchangam. Department.
Onam celebration includes Vallam Kali (boat races), 26. Famous ' Sangai Festival' is an annual cultural
tiger dance, flower rangoli, Tug of war etc. festival organized by which state of North-East
21. In which of these cities of India the famous India?
'Elephant Festival' is celebrated every year on (a) Meghalaya (b) Manipur
the day of Holi? (c) Tripura (d) Nagaland
(a) Ajmer (b) Jaisalmer RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Jodhpur (d) Jaipur Ans. (b) : Sangai festival is associated with the north-
RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist eastern state of India, Manipur. This festival is
Ans. (d) : Elephant festival is popularly celebrated celebrated annually from 21 to 30 November and
among large masses in Jaipur city of Rajasthan. Most named after a species of deer, popularly known as
probably, it is celebrated on the day of Holi. World Sangai. Sangai is recognized as the state animal of
Elephant Day was launched in 2012 to bring attention to Manipur. This festival is started in 2010 with the
the urgent plight of Asian and African elephant. purpose to globally popularize Manipur as a tourist
22. The 'Sangai' festival is celebrated in which of spot by Manipur State Tourism Department. It show
the following states of India? cases the state contributions to art and culture,
(a) Manipur (b) Mizoram handlooms, handicrafts, fine arts etc.
(c) Nagaland (d) Tripura 27. Which state of India celebrates 'Sangai festival'
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist in November every year?
Ans. (a) : Sangai festival is an annual calendar mega (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Gujrat
event of the Government of Manipur spearheaded by (c) Assam (d) Manipur
Tourism Department that seeks to showcase and RRB ALP & Tec. (17-08-18 Shift-III)
promote the finest of Manipur's arts and culture, Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
adventure, sports, indigenous cuisines, handloom and
28. 'Ugadi' is a festival celebrated in the Indian
handicrafts, fine arts, various other niche products to a
state of:
regional, national and global audience.
(a) Haryana (b) Assam
23. The 'Me-Dam-Me-Phi' festival is celebrated by (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Goa
which community?
RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Nyishi (b) Kuki
Ans. (c) : 'Ugadi' is a main festival of south India. It is
(c) Angami (d) Tai-Ahom
celebrated as New Year in states like Andhra Pradesh,
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Karnataka, Telangana. At this time, the spring season is
Ans. (d) : Me-Dam-Me-Phi is a state holiday in Assam. at its peak and the happiness of the new crop also
It is observed on 31 January every year. It is a prevails. It is believed that Lord Brahma started the
communal festival for ancestor worship in memory of creation of the universe on this day.
the departed. It is observed by the Ahom, or Tai-Ahom,
ethnic community that is spread across the states of 29. Which state government declared "Pakke Paga
Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Hornbill Festival" as a state festival?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Arunachal Pradesh
24. With which state is Nabakalebara festival
(c) Odisha (d) Meghalaya
(a) Assam (b) Odisha RRB NTPC 08.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) West Bengal (d) Sikkim Ans. (b) : Arunachal Pradesh government has declared
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist ‘Pakke Paga Hornbill Festival’ as state festival.
30. In which part of India is the festival 'Moatsu' Ans : (c) Easter, also called Pascha or resurrection
celebrated? Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the
(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan resurrection of Jesus Christ and the third day after his
(c) Goa (d) Nagaland crucifixion.
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 36. _________is called the festival of light
Ans. (d) : Moatsu is celebrated in the state of Nagaland, (a) Christmas (b) Makar Sankranti
India. Other festivals of Nagaland are Hornbill, (c) Deepawali (d) Gudi Padwa
Sekrenyi, Aoleang, Naknyulem, Mimkut, Tokhu Emong RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-I)
etc. Moatsu is celebrated annually by Ao tribes during Ans : (c) Deepawali is the most important festival
the first week of May. The festival of Moatsu is an celebrated by Hindus. According to mythology, lord
annual festival celebrated after the sowing season. Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years
of exile, in its joy the people of city burnt ghee lamps
31. Kambala festival of Karnataka is essentially
(Diya). It is also known as festival of light.
associated with ................. .
(a) Cock Fighting (b) Buffalo race 37. In which Indian state the social festival
Chhapar Mela is organized?
(c) Tribal dance (d) Bull fighting
(a) Bihar (b) Punjab
RRB ALP & Tec. (20-08-18 Shift-III)
(c) Odisha (d) Gujrat
Ans : (b) General race of Buffalo is known as Kori RRB Group-D 11-10-2018 (Shift-I)
Kambala. Traditionally, it is sponsored by local. Tuluva
Ans : (b) Chhapar Mela is celebrated in Chhapar village
landlords and households celebrated in the coastal in Ludhiana, Punjab in September every year. People
districts. This festival was banned in 2014 by Supreme worship snake embodiment of Gugga in this fair.
Court of India. Kambala was re-legalized in Karnataka in
38. 'Nuakhai' agricultural festival belong to which
state of India?
32. Gangaur is a famous festival of which of the (a) Odisha (b) Tamilnadu
following state of India? (c) Assam (d) Karnataka
(a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat RRB Group-D 04-10-2018 (Shift-I)
(c) Maharashtra (d) Chhattisgarh Ans. (a) Nuakhai is an agricultural festival mainly
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-I) observed by people of west Odisha and south
Ans : (a) Gangaur is a festival celebrated in Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Nuakhai means new food. Nuakhai is
Rajasthan and some parts of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and observed to welcome the new rice of the season. It is
West Bengal. Gangaur festival starts from March to April. observed on panchami tithi of lunar fortnight of
33. Which of these festivals is celebrated with Bhadrapada.
dances like Dandiya and Garba? 39. Which country hosts the world's largest Ice
(a) Shivratri (b) Navratri festival every year?
(c) Bihu (d) Baisakhi (a) China (b) Finland
(c) Russia (d) Switzerland
RRB JE - 29/05/2019 (Shift-II)
RRB Group-D 26-11-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) Navratri in Gujarat means a 9 nights festival
Ans : (a) Herbin International Ice and snow festival is
full of dance, music, and a lot of fun. The dance form
an annual winter festival that take place with a theme in
that is performed during Navratri is ras garba, which is
Herbin Heilongjiang, china and now it is the largest ice
also sometimes followed by Dandiya. and show festival in the world. It was started in 1963.
34. Which festival is celebrated to mark the This festival is celebrated on 5 January and lasts till late
beginning of harvesting season in Assam? February every year.
(a) Tsu Paru (b) Bohag Bihu 40. Durga Pooja is the main festival of _________.
(c) Pongal (d) Makar Sankranti (a) Kerala (b) West Bengal
RRB JE - 02/06/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Rajasthan (d) Kashmir
Ans. (b) Bohag Bihu is famous festival celebrated in RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Assam and North eastern state of India. It is celebrated on Ans. (b) : Durga Pooja also called Durga utsav, is an
13 April on the new year festival of Assam. It is also annual Hindu festival of West Bengal. This festival is
known as Xaat Bihu. celebrated to hindu month of Ashwin, which
35. Easter is celebrated on which of the following corresponds to the months of September -October.
days? 41. 'Rann Fest' is celebrated in____ .
(a) Thursday (b) Friday (a) Gujarat (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Sunday (d) Saturday (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-I) RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) Rann utsav is an awesome festival of Kutch, 48. What is Makar Sankranti?
Gujarat. It is a carnival of music, dance, nature, beauty (a) Lunar eclipse (b) Harvest festival
of white Rann and much more then that when visiting (c) Kite festival (d) Puppet show
under the full moon. RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) Makar Sankranti is festival day in the Hindu
42. Losoong festival popular in:
calendar dedicated to the deity surya. It is observed
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Sikkim each year the day sun enters the Capricorn zodiac which
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Tripura corresponds with of January. Kite flying is the main
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist event of this festival.
Ans : (b) Losoong festival is celebrated on the occasion of 49. The following is a similarity between : Makar
the end of the harvest season and at the end of the tenth Sankranti, Lohri, Pongal, Baisakhi,
month of the Tibetan year in the rural Sikkim. (a) All festival in northern India.
43. In which of these states is the Losoong festival (b) All are the name of harvesting festival.
celebrated every year? (c) The month of January is famous for
(a) Nagaland (b) Uttar Pradesh
(d) None of these
(c) Sikkim (d) Uttrakhand RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III) Ans : (b) Lohri from Punjab, Pongal from Tamil Nadu
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. and Baisakhi from Punjab and Haryana are celebrated
44. What is Jallikattu? for harvest.
(a) A tag game 50. How do Indians celebrate Holi?
(b) A popular sport to control a bull (a) Making fun of each other
(c) A type of sweet (b) By throwing color and water at each others
(c) By lighting the lamp
(d) A type of Jelly
(d) By releasing the pigeons
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Jallikattu is a traditional event of Tamil Nadu, Ans : (b) Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also
in which a bull is released into a crowd of people and known as the "Festival of spring", festival of colours
multiple human participants attempt to grab the large and festival of love. The festival signifies the triumph of
hump on the bull's back with both arms. This festival good over evil.
was banned in 2014 by Supreme Court of India but 51. What is the Shigmo?
Government ordered to lift the ban on Jallikattu in (a) Spring festival of Goa
January, 2017. (b) The highest peak of Nilgiri
45. Jallikattu, a bull - controlling festival is (c) A type of Rangoli
popularly celebrated in which Indian State? (d) of the Name of Lord Shiva
(a) Kerala (b) Punjab RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Madhya Pradesh Ans : (a) Shigmo (Shishirotsave) is a spring festival
RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-III) celebrated in Goa. It is also celebrated by Konkani
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. diaspora and Indian festival of Holi is a part of it.
52. What is ' Jallikattu'?
46. The game Jallikattu is famous in ___ state.
(a) A traditional bull-taming sport popular in
(a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka (b) A popular watersport enjoyed by the Marina
RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist beach, Chennai
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. (c) A bull worship festival at Pashupatinath
47. The celebration all the festivals Ugadi, Bihu, temple, Nepal
Gudi Padwa, Puthandu, Vishnu and Bishawa (d) The traditional name for "People's Leader" in
Sankranti marks which of the following event? Tamil
(a) Lord Ganesh's birth RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Killing Ravana Ans. (a) : Jallikattu, a popular bull taming sport
practiced in Tamil Nadu as a part of Pongal celebrations
(c) Lunar eclipse
on Mattu Pongal day, third day of the four-day Pongal
(d) Starting of New year festival. The term ‘Jallikattu,' comes from Tamil terms
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist ‘Salli Kaasu' which means coins and kattu which means
Ans : (d) All the festivals Ugadi, Bihu, Gudi Padwa, package tied to the horns of bulls as prize money. It is
and Sankranti are celebrated at the beginning of new renowned as an ancient 'sport', believed to have been
year of Indian calendar. practised about 2500 years ago.
(ii) Dance (a) Lezim (b) Gidda
(c) Bagurumba (d) Nati
53. Ghoomar is a traditional as well as enthusiastic ALP Stage -II 23.01.2019 (shift - II)
folk dance of _____? Ans. (d) : Nati is popular folk dance of Himachal
(a) Kerala (b) Gujarat Pradesh. Rest folk dances are belonged to following
(c) Rajasthan (d) Sikkim states:
RRB JE - 28/06/2019 (Shift-III) Lezim → Maharashtra
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Giddha → Punjab
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Bagurumba → Assam
Ans. (c) Ghoomar is a traditional folk dance of 59. Dandiya a traditional folk dance of which
Rajasthan. It was bhil tribe who performed it to work ship
Indian State?
Goddess Saraswati which was later embraced by other
Rajasthani communities. The dance is performed by (a) West Bengal (b) Bihar
veiled women who wear flowing dresses called ghaghara. (c) Gujarat (d) Assam
RPF Constable 05.02.2019
54. Which of the following is a folk dance of
Rajasthan? Ans. (c) : Dandiya Raas is the most popular folk dance
(a) Nati (b) Ghoomar of Gujarat which is performed during Navratri. The
dance is performed in Marwar region of Rajasthan too.
(c) Garba (d) Bhangara
RRB JE - 31/05/2019 (Shift-I) 60. Which of the following is the oldest classical
dance style?
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question. (a) Bardo (b) Bharatnatyam
55. 'Mohiniyattum' dance style is popular in which (c) Ghumura dance (d) Bihu
of the following states? RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III)
(a) Rajasthan (b) Telangana
Ans. (b) : Bharatnatyam, the classical dance from Tamil
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka Nadu is the oldest classical dance style in India.
RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-II)
61. Minati Mishra is associated with-
RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-III) (a) Manipuri
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III) (b) Bharatanatyam
Ans : (c) Mohiniyattam is a classical dance of India (c) Kathakali
that developed and remained popular in Kerala. (d) Odissi
Mohiniyattam gets its name from the word Mohini (a
Ans. (d) : Minati Mishra was an Indian classical dancer
avatar of the God Vishnu). The evidence of
& actress, known for her expertise in the Indian
Mohiniyattam like dance tradition is found in temple
classical dance form of Odissi.
sculpture of Kerala.
62. Thillana is one of the presentation styles of
56. _____ is not a folk dance of India.
which dance form?
(a) Mohiniyattam (b) Lavani
(a) Kathak (b) Odissi
(c) Kalbelia (d) Rauf (c) Bharatanatyam (d) Kuchipudi
RRB JE - 22/05/2019 (Shift-III) RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-I)
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) The last part of Bharatanatyam is called
RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Thillana. A Bharatnatyam performance typically consist
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. of six sections. They are as follows- Alarippu,
57. Which of the following pairs of folk dance Jatisvaram, Sabdam, Varranm, Padam and Thillana.
forms and states is NOT matched correctly? The dance form was prevalent in ancient Tamil Nadu and
(a) Lezim – Maharashtra several books have coded them such as Natyashastra.
(b) Ghoomar – Kerala Bharatanatyam is known for its grace, purity. Lord Shiva is
(c) Maha Rasa – Manipur considered the god of this dance form.
(d) Nati – Himachal Pradesh 63. Name the Indian classical dance from which is
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 30-08-2019 (Shift - III) believed to be revealed by Lord Brahma to
Ans. (b) : Ghoomer is a traditional folk dance of Bharata, a famous sage, who then codified this
Rajasthan, not Kerala. The dance is mainly performed sacred dance in a Sanskrit text called 'Natya
by veiled women who wear flowing dresses called Shastra'.
Ghaghara. (a) Kathakali (b) Kathak
58. Which of the following is a folk dance of (c) Odissi (d) Bharatanatyam
Himachal Pradesh? RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Bharatanatyam is Indian classical dance Ans : (d) Bhangra is a type of traditional dance form,
believed to be revealed by Lord Brahma to Bharata, a originated in Sialkot in the Majha area of Punjab. The
famous sage, who then codified this sacred dance in a dance was associated primarily with the spring harvest
Sanskrit text called 'Natya Shastra'. festival Baisakhi.
64. Which of the following is a traditional cultural 70. Which of the following is essentially a solo
heritage of Jharkhand? dance?
(a) Rouf (b) Rupa (a) Manipuri (b) Kathak
(c) Chhau (d) Cheraw (c) Mohiniyattam (d) Kuchpudi
RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-I) RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) Chhau is a famous folk dance of Jharkhand. It is a Ans : (c) Mohiniyattam is traditionally a solo dance
semi classical dance with origins in the eastern Indian mainly performed by a female dancer. Mohiniyattam is
states of Jharkhand, West Bengal and Odisha. It is found in a classical dance of India that developed and remained
three styles named after the location where they are popular in Kerala. Mohiniyattam gets its name from the
performed, i.e. the Purulia Chhau of Bengal, the Seraikella word Mohini (a incarnation of the God Vishnu). The
Chau of Jharkhand, and the Mayurbhanj Chau of Odisha. evidence of Mohiniyattam like dance tradition is found
Rouf is a folk dance which originated in the Muslim in temple sculpture of Kerala.
community of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Cheraw dance is a traditional cultural dance performed 71. Which of the following is a popular folk dance
in Mizoram. of Maharashtra?
(a) Garba (b) Tamasha
65. In which state did Bharatanatyam originated?
(c) Dandiya (d) Bhangra
(a) Kerala (b) Gujarat
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Odisha RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-II)
RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) Tamasha is a traditional form of marathi
theatre often with singing and dancing by local or
Ans : (c) Bharat natyam is the oldest dance tradition in
travelling theatre groups with in Maharashtra. Tamasha
India and it was originated in Tamil region, as it has its
is influenced by many Indian art forms and draws from
earliest traces in Tamil epic shilappadikaram by Iwango
Aadiyal. The dance form has been recognized by Sangeet such diverse traditions as Qawwali, Ghazals, Kathak,
Natak Academy. Its previous name was Sadhir Attam. Dashavatara lalit and Kirtan. Kolhati groups are
traditionally associated with Tamasha.
66. Which of the following is a dance drama?
(a) Kathak (b) Manipuri 72. Identify the name of the traditional folk theatre
form of Maharashtra.
(c) Odissi (d) Kathakali
(a) Nautanki (b) Swang
RRB JE - 28/05/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Tamasha (d) Rasleela
RRB Group-D 23-10-2018 (Shift-I)
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) Kathakali is a major form of classical Indian
dance. It is a "story play" genre of art, but one Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
distinguished by elaborately colorful make-up, costumes 73. In which dance do the performers wear a
and face masks that the male actor-dancers wear. cylindrical skirt named Potloi?
67. Kathakali is a form of Indian dance that (a) Kathak (b) Bharatanatyam
originated in the Indian state of ___. (c) Kuchipudi (d) Manipuri
(a) Bihar (b) Odisha RRB JE - 31/05/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka Ans. (d) Manipuri dance is also known as Jagoi. It is
RRB Group-D 15-11-2018 (Shift-I) one of the major Indian classical dance form, named
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. after the region of its origin Manipur. It is particularly
68. Kathak (a style of ancient classical dance form known for its Hindu vaishnavism themes and love
of India) originated in –––––––––. inspired dance drama of Radha - Krishna called
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Chhattisgarh 'Raasleela'.
(c) Kerala (d) Madhya Pradesh 74. Manipuri classical dance form often depicts
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist scenes from the life of God_______.
Ans. (a) : Kathak (a style of ancient classical dance (a) Shiva (b) Krishna
form of India) originated in Uttar Pradesh. (c) Vishnu (d) Ram
69. Which of the following is a folk dance popular RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
during the crop cutting season in Punjab? Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Odissi (b) Garba 75. With which dance form is the noted dancer
(c) Kathak (d) Bhangra Guru Rajkumar Singhajit Singh associated?
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Odissi (b) Kathakali
(c) Kathak (d) Manipuri 80. The dance form 'Chharhi' has originated from
RRB NTPC 12.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist the state of :
Ans. (d) : Rajkumar Singhajit Singh is a doyen of (a) Mizoram (b) Bihar
Manipuri dance who is also a teacher, performer and (c) Himchal Pradesh (d) West Bengal
choreographer. His choreography has been enriched by RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
elements incorporated for various forms of performing Ans. (c) : The dance form ‘Chharhi’ was originated
arts of Manipur such as thang-ta, Nata-Sankirtana, Lai- from Himachal Pradesh.
haraoba and Raasleela. He was awarded the Sangeet 81. Dhalo is a popular religious folk dance of ____.
Natak Akademi Award in 1984 and Padma Shri in 1986 (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Goa
for his contribution to the Manipur dance. (c) Manipur (d) Chhattisgarh
RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
76. Which of the following states is related to the
classical dance form Odissi? Ans. (b) : Dhalo is a popular religious folk dance of
Goa. Rest folk dances are belonged to following states:
(a) Kerala (b) Madhya Pradesh
State – Dance
(c) Odisha (d) Bihar Arunachal Pradesh – Chalo
RRB JE - 22/05/2019 (Shift-I) Manipur – Nupa Dance
Ans : (c) Odissi is a major ancient Indian classical Chhattisgarh – Gaur Maria
dance that originated in the Hindu temple of Odisha. 82. Which of the following dance forms is correctly
Odissi was performed predominantly by women and matched with the state to which it is
express religious stories and ideas of vaishnavism. associated?
(Vishnu as Jagannath) Odissi artists are kelucharan (a) Lavani- Kerala
Mohapatra, Ratikant Mohapatra, Sujata Mohapatra. (b) Dandiya– Uttar Pradesh
77. Match a column A (type of dance) and column (c) Gaur– Chhattisgarh
B. (States). (d) Ghoomar– Gujarat
Column A Column B RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
P. Bihu 1. Gujarat Ans. (c) : Famous Dances and their concerned states are
Q. Garba 2. Uttar Pradesh as follow:
R. Tamasha 3. Assam State Dances
Kerala Kathakali, Mohiniattam
S. Nautanki 4. Maharashtra
Uttar Pradesh Charkula, Kathak, Nautanki
(a) P–4, Q–1, R–2, S–3
Chhattisgarh Gaur Maria, Danda
(b) P–3, Q–1, R–4, S–2 Gujarat Garba, Dandiya Ras, Tippani
(c) P–3, Q–1, R–2, S–4 Rajasthan Ghoomar, Kalbelia, Chari
(d) P–1, Q–4, R–2, S–3 Maharashtra Lavani
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper) 83. Nautanki is a folk dance of which state?
Ans : (b) The correct match is as follows: (a) Haryana (b) Kerala
Column A Column B (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
(Type of dance) (States) RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Bihu - Assam Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
Garba - Gujarat 84. In which of the following states is the
Gambhira- a popular dance, performed using
Tamasha - Maharashtra various wooden masks?
Nautanki - Uttar Pradesh (a) Rajasthan (b) Telangana
78. Tamasha dance is famous in which of the (c) West Bengal (d) Gujarat
following state? RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra Ans. (c) : Famous folk dances and their concerned
(c) Rajasthan (d) Assam states are as follow:
State Folk Dances
RRB Group-D 01-12-2018 (Shift-II)
Rajasthan – Ghumar, Chakri, Ganagor, Jhulan,
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question. Leela, Jhuma, Suisini, Ghapal
79. Bihu dance is the folk dance of which of the Telangana – Perani Thandvam or Perani Shivtan
following Indian state? Davam
(a) Assam (b) Arunachal Pradesh West Bengal – Kathi, Gambhira, Dhali, Jatra, Baul,
(c) Odisha (d) Haryana Marasia, Mahal, Keertam
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III) Gujarat – Garba, Dandiya Ras, Tippani Jurium,
Ans : (a) Bihu dance is the folk dance of Assam. Bhavai
85. Which of the following is a folk dance of Ans. (d) : Famous folk dances and their concerned
Maharashtra? states are as follow:
(a) Bihu Name of States Folk Dances
(b) Baul Assam Bihu, Bichhua, Natpuja, Maharas,
(c) Mando Kaligopal, Bagurumba, Naga
(d) Lavani dance, Khel Gopal, Tabal Chongli,
RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Canoe, Jhumura Hobjanai
Chhattisgarh Tapali, Goudi, Karma, Jhumar,
Ans. (d) : Famous folk dances and their concerned
Dagla, Pali, Navrani, Diwari,
states are as follow:
Odisha – Savari, Ghumara, Painka, Munari
Gujarat Garba, Dandiya Ras, Tippani
Punjab – Bhangra, Giddha, Daff, Dhaman, Juriun, Bhavai.
Bhand Uttarakhand Garhwali, Kumayuni, Kajari,
Maharastra – Lavani, Nakata, Koli, Lezim, Gafa, Jhora, Raslila, Chappeli.
Dahikala. 90. Kalbelia folk songs and dances belong to which
86. Which of the following dance forms does NOT Indian state?
belong to Rajasthan? (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
(a) Gangaur (b) Lavani (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Ghoomar (d) Kalbelia RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : Famous folk dances Kalbelia , Ghumar,
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. Panihari are belonged to Rajasthan.
87. Dumhal dance form belongs to which Indian 91. Garba dance is related to which of the
state/union territory ? following states?
(a) Chandigarh (a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
(b) Jammu & Kashmir (c) Kashmir (d) Gujarat
(c) Punjab RRB J.E. -2014
(d) Haryana Ans. (d) Garba is a form of dance which originates
from Gujarat. The name is derived from the Sanskrit
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
term ‘Garbha’ which means ‘deep’. Many traditional
Ans. (b) : Dumhal folk dance is mainly associated with garbas are preformed around centrally lit-lamp or statue
the state of Jammu and Kashmir. of Goddess Shakti traditionally. It is performed during
88. Parichakali is a popular folk dance of _______ Navaratri festival. Dandiya Raas is also heavily
(a) Lakshadweep (b) Tamil Nadu influenced by Garba.
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka 92. Giddha is a folk dance of which state?
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Punjab (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Assam (d) Maharashtra
Ans. (a): Famous folk dances and their concerned states
RRB J.E. -2014
are as follow:
Ans. (a) Giddha is a popular folk dance of women in
Place Folk dance
Punjab region of India and Pakistan. The dance is often
(1) Lakshadweep → Parichakali. etc. considered derived from the ancient dance known as the
(2) Tamil Nadu → Kuravanji, Karagattam Koothu, ring dance and it just as energetic as bhangra. Its musical
instrument is dholak and costume is dupatta, shalwaar
Puliyattam (Tiger dance) etc.
kameez. The dance is followed by rhythmic clapping and
(3) Andhra Pradesh → Burrakatha, Vilasini Natyam, a typical traditional folk song is sung by the aged ladies
Butta bommalu etc. in background.
(4) Karnataka → Yakshagaan, Dollu Kunitha, 93. Kuchipudi is the classical dance form of the
Komb aat etc. south-east Indian state ___.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
89. Below are fours pairs, each representing a state (c) Karnataka (d) Tamilnadu
and a folk dance. Which pairing of state and RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-III)
folk dance in incorrect?
Ans. (a) : Kuchipudi is the classical dance of the south-
(a) Assam– Bihu east Indian state Andhra Pradesh. Kuchipudi is one of
(b) Chhatisgarh – Dagla eight major classical dance of India. It is a dance-drama
(c) Gujarat– Garba performance with its roots in the ancient Hindu Sanskrit
(d) Uttarakhand–Tapali text of Natya Shastra. It is named after Kuchipudi
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist village in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh.
94. In which part of India did Kuchipudi dance Ans. (c) : Shobhana Narayan is a recognized kathak
form originated? dancer of India.
(a) Tamilnadu (b) Maharashtra 1. Bharat Natyam - Yamini Krishna Murti, Sonal
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Odisha Mansingh, S.K. Saroj
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 2. Kathak - Birju Maharaj, Lacchu Maharaj,
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. Shobhana Narayan
3. Kuchipudi - Yamini Krishna Murti, Laxmi Narayan
95. Indian classical dance form Kuchipudi
Sastri, Radha Reddy.
developed in the state of –––––––.
100. _______ is a famous Kathak dancer.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
(a) Geeta Chandran
(c) Odisha (d) Karnataka
(b) Padma Subrahmanyam
RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Josyula Seetharamaiah
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (d) Birju Maharaj
96. 'Pulikkali' which was celebrated in 2017, is a RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
folk dance form of which state of India? Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) West Bengal
101. Sangeet Natak Akademi, the national academy
(c) Kerala (d) Odisha for music, dance and drama, was the first
RRB Group-D 12-10-2018 (Shift-II) national academy of the arts set up by the
Ans. (c) 'Pulikkali is a recreational folk art form the Republic of India. This academy is located in:
state of Kerala. It is performed by trained artists to (a) Mumbai (b) Bhopal
entertain people on the occasion of Onam, an annual (c) New Delhi (d) Bengaluru
harvest festival, celebrated in Kerala. Its costume is RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
tiger painted dress and musical instrument is Udukku. Ans. (c) : Sangeet Natak Academy – India’s national
Pulikkali was founded in 1886. academy of music, dance and drama is located in New
97. To which season, the Kajri folk dance Delhi . It is the first national academy of the performing
associated? arts set up by the Republic of India. It was created by a
(a) Spring (b) Autumn resolution of the Ministry of Education, Government of
(c) Winter (d) Monsoon India dated 31 May, 1952 which was notified in the
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Gazette of India on June, 1952. The first President of
India, Dr Rajendra Prasad, inaugurated it on 28 January
Ans. (d) : Kajri folk dance is related to India's largest 1953 at a special function held in the Parliament House.
state Uttar Pradesh as well as Bihar. Kajri folk dance is
102. India's first national academy for music, dance
traditionally performed in the villages and towns of
and drama was :
Uttar Pradesh around Banaras, Mirzapur, Mathura,
(a) Sangeet Natak Akademi
Allahabad, and Bhojpur regions of Bihar. Kajri folk
song is often used to describe the longing of a maiden (b) Bharat Kala Kendra
for her lover as the black monsoon cloud arrives in the (c) Sangeet Kala Manch
summer sky, and the style is notably sung during the (d) The Academy for Arts and Dance
rainy season. RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
98. Who among the following artists is NOT a Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
painter? 103. Chholiya dance form is associated with ______
(a) Jamini Roy (b) Rukmini Devi state.
(c) Amrita Shergil (d) Nandalal Bose (a) Haryana (b) Uttarakhand
RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Bihar (d) Rajasthan
Ans. (b) : Chholiya is a dance form practiced in the
Ans. (b) : Rukmini Devi Arundale (1904-1986) is the
Kumaun region of Uttrakhand. It is basically a sword
renowned Bharatnatyam dancer whereas Nandalal Bose,
dance accompanying a marriage procession. This form
Amrita Shergil and Jamini Roy are renowned painters
of dance is very famous in the region Bageshwar,
of India. Kumaon, Pithoragarh, Almora and Champawat.
99. Famous classical dancer Shobhana Narayan is 104. With which dance form is the noted dancer
related to which dance form? Pratibha Prahlad associated?
(a) Bharatanatyam (b) Kuchipudi (a) Bharata Natyam (b) Kathakali
(c) Kathak (d) Khatakali (c) Kathak (d) Odissi
RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Pratibha Prahlad is a bharatanatyam dancer, 110. Hurkiya Baul is a folk dance form associated
educator, choreographer, art administrator, and author. with which Indian state?
105. Yakshagana is a folk performance of which (a) Uttrakhand (b) Maharashtra
Indian state? (c) Haryana (d) Goa
(a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Assam (d) Gujarat Ans. (a) : Hurkiya Baul is folk dance form associated
with Uttrakhand. This dance form gets its name from
RRB NTPC 20.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
the ‘Hurka’ or the drum used as accompaniment to the
Ans. (a) : Yakshagana is a dance-drama of south indian ‘Baul’ or song. It is performed during the cultivation of
associated most strongly with the state of Karnataka. paddy and maize in the Kumaon region.
Elaborate and colourful costumes, make-up and masks Chaufla: It is a spinning dance performed at nights by
constitute some of the most-striking features of this art groups of men and women in the Garhwal region.
form. Jhumeila: It is generally performed by women but
106. Which of the following best describes the dance sometimes both by men and women in Uttrakhand.
form ' Gotipua'? 111. Which of the following is the classical dance
(a) Girls dancing Bharatnatyam in a temple form of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh?
(b) Dance by young boys in Odisha (a) Kuchipudi (b) Kathak
(c) Story of Krishna told in Pat-Chitras (c) Bharatnatyam (d) Kathakali
(d) Masked dance of Chhattisgarh RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : Kuchipudi is the classical dance form of
Ans. (b) : Gotipua- It is a folk dance of Odisha. It is Andhra Pradesh. Eight classical dance forms of India
dance by young lads (boys) of Odisha in praise of are-
Jagannath and Krishna. The boys get dressed- up like Classical Dance - States
female and perform the dance. 1. Bharatanatyam - Tamil Nadu
2. Kathak - Northern India(UP)
107. Raut Nacha is a famous tribal dance of which
3. Kathakali - Kerala
state ?
4. Kuchipudi - Andhra Pradesh
(a) Jharkhand (b) Chhattisgarh
5. Manipuri - Manipur
(c) Odisha (d) Madhaya Pradesh
6. Mohiniyattam - Kerala
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 7. Odissi - Odisha
Ans. (b) : Raut Nacha is a ceremonial dance performed 8. Sattriya - Assam
mainly by the tribal community of Chhattisgarh. It is
112. The classical dance Kathakali is related to
performed during the “dev udhni ekadashi”, after the which Indian state?
Diwali festival. (a) Odisha (b) Kerala
Famous folk dance of Chhattisgarh are Saila, Sua (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Assam
Nacha, Karma, Panthi, Gendi etc. RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II)
108. Paika Dance belongs from the Indian State of - Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
(a) Odisha (b) Jharkhand
113. ___ is not a folk dance art of India.
(c) West Bengal (d) Bihar (a) Raut Nacha (b) Chhau
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Kuchipudi (d) Kalbelia
Ans. (b) : Munda tribe of Mayurbhanj area in RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Jharkhand is famous for Paika dance. It is a unique folk Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
dance form that is a representation of the martial arts.
114. What is the traditional classical dance of
There are various folk dances in the state of Jharkhand
which are performed during the harvest season, festivals
(a) Kathak (b) Chhau
and social gatherings.
(c) Sattriya Nritya (d) Bihu
109. Which of the following is the traditional theatre RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
of Kerala where eight plays are performed in
Ans. (c) : Sattriya dance is the classical dance form of
eight days? Assam which represents the Sattriya culture, the basis
(a) Yakshagana (b) Krishnanattam of the religious and cultural fabric of Assam.
(c) Maach (d) Therukoothu 115. Maruni dance is associated with which state of
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist India.
Ans. (b) : Krishnanattam is a temple art in Kerala. It is (a) Sikkim (b) Uttrakhand
a dance drama and presents the story of Krishna in a (c) Tripura (d) Arunachal Pradesh
series of eight days. RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Maruni dance form is associated with (c) Bharatanatyam (d) Odissi
Sikkim. It is also performed in Nepal and Darjeeling, RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
India. This dance is related to the festival of Tihar, Ans. (d) : Odissi was the only Indian dance form
which is the same as Diwali in north India. Maruni is present in Michael Jackson's 1991 music video for the
performed by both men and women. Maruni dance is hit single 'Black or White'. The song was one of
performed accompanied by the nine instrument Jackson's most controversial songs against racism.
orchestra called "Naumati Baja".
120. 'Natyashastra' the famous treatise on dramatic
116. In which of the following states is the Mathuri
art was written by ________
folk dance practiced?
(a) Harsha Vardhan (b) Bharat Muni
(a) Mizoram (b) Telangana
(c) Kalidasa (d) Vishnu Sharma
(c) Goa (d) Jharkhand
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Mathuri is a famous tribal dance which has Ans. (b) : Natyashastra is the earliest literature on music
its roots in Mathura and is performed by the tribes and drama. It was written somewhere around 500 BC by
named Mathuris found in the Adilabad district of the Bharata Muni. Harshvardhana wrote Ratnavali,
Telangana. This particular tribal dance is somewhat Nagananda and Priyadarshika. 'Panchatantra' was
similar to the Rasleela dance of Uttar Pradesh. The written by Vishnu Sharma. Kalidasa had wrote
Mathuri tribe seem to have migrated from Mathura in Meghadoota, Kumarasambhava and Raghuvansham.
Uttar Pradesh and the dance is mainly performed by 121. 'Dollu Kunitha' is a form of folk dance from
male and female members on Sri Krishna Jayanti day in the state of:
the hindu month of Sravan. (a) Assam (b) West Bengal
117. Name the first Indian female Bharatanatyam (c) Chhattisgarh (d) Karnataka
dancer to be awarded with the Padma RRB NTPC 26.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Dollu Kunitha is a folk dance of Karnataka. It
(a) Hema Malini
is performed by Kuruba tribes with drum. They make a
(b) Yamini Krishnamurthy
group of 12-14 people and performed this. Some other
(c) Vyjanthimala folk dances of Karnataka are Yakshagana, Karga
(d) Sonal Mansingh kunitha, Lambi etc.
RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
122. 'Dumhal' is a dance form practiced in the
Ans. (d) : Sonal Mansingh, is dancer of Odissi dance. ............. region.
She has been also associated with Bharatanatyam,
(a) Kashmir (b) Saurashtra
Kuchipudi and Chau dance. She got many awards.
(c) Mewat (d) Mewar
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award – 1987
Padma Bhushan Award – 1993 RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Padma Vibhushan Award – 2003 Ans. (a) : Dumhal is a dance form practiced in the
She was also the first Bharatanatyam dancer to hold Jammu-Kashmir region.
Padma Vibhushan Awards. 123. What is the folk dance of Puducherry?
118. The Sikkimese are known for their amazing (a) Kapalik (b) Sattariya
mask dance. What is this dance form called in (c) Garadi (d) Karga
Sikkim? RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Purulia Chhau (b) Mukha Bhaona Ans. (c) : Garadi is a popular form of folk dance of
(c) Cham (d) Padayani Puducherry.
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
124. The Indian dance form 'Manipuri' mostly
Ans. (c) : The Sikkimese are known for their amazing portrays themes based on:
mask dance called Cham or Lama dances. It is the most (a) Lord Vishnu (b) Lord Shiva
famous dance of Sikkim and performed by Buddhist
(c) Lord Brahma (d) Krishna-Gopis
lamas (monks) during special occasions like the Pang
Lhabsol festival. During Pang Lhabsol festival, the RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Sikkimese remind mount Khangchendzonga of the Ans.(d): Manipuri dance is an ancient dance of
promise made to the 8th century Saint Guru Manipur. It is mainly based on Hindu vaishnava themes
Padmasambhava to protect Sikkim forever. in which Radha and Krishna love is prominent. 64 types
119. ______ was the only Indian dance form present of Raas are performed in this dance form. Each raas
in Michael Jackson's 1991 music video for the takes one day in which the dancers take the form of
hit single 'Black or White'. Radha, Krishna and Gopi's and perform leela on the
(a) Kathakali (b) Kathak stage.
125. Which one of the following classical dances in Ans : (a) Famous dances and their concerned states are
its present form is influenced by Mughal as follow:
tradition? Dance State/Region
(a) Bharatnatyam (b) Mohiniyattam Kuchipudi Andhra Pradesh
(c) Kathak (d) Kathakali Bihu Assam
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Bhangra Punjab
Ans. (c) : Kathak is a classical dance form of northern Garba Gujarat
India. This dance form was originated by priests who Kathak Uttar Pradesh
were called 'Kathikas'. This dance was originated and Tarangmel Goa
developed during the Mughal era. Kathakali Kerala
126. Kalbelia folk songs and dances belong to which Odissi Odisha
Indian state? Bharatnattayam Tamilnadu
(a) Madhya Pradesh 130. Thirayattam is a ritual dance performed
(b) Rajasthan originally in which of the following state of
(c) Maharashtra
(a) Kerala (b) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Tamilnadu (d) Karnataka
RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Kalbelia folk dance and song belong to the Ans : (a) Thirayattam is a ritual performing ethnic art
state of Rajasthan.The costume of Kalbelia dance is form of the south Malabar region in Kerala. It blends
Lehenga, Odhani, or Angarkha. This dance is performed dance, theatre, music, satire, facial and body painting,
by both men and women. Kalbelia folk songs and dances masking, martial art and ritualistic function.
of Rajasthan are in the ‘Representative List of the 131. Folk dance style 'Yakshagana' is associated
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’. Kalbelia folk with which Indian state?
songs and dances of Rajasthan” were recognized by (a) Telangana (b) Odisha
UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
127. The popular sword dance in the Kumaun RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-II)
region of Uttrakhand is called ............ . Ans : (c) Famous folk dances and their concerned states
(a) Chholiya (b) Lavani are as follow:
(c) Ghoomar (d) Kathak State Folk dance
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Karnataka - Yakshagana, Dollu Kunitha etc.
Ans. (a) : The popular sword dance in the Kumaun Telangana - Gusadi dance, lambadi dance, Perini
region of Uttarakhand is known as Chholiya. It is Sivathandavam
basically a sword dance accompanying a marriage Odisha - Dalkhai
procession but now it is performed on many auspicious Tamilnadu - Mayil Attam
occasions. This dance is practised in the region of 132. Which of the following is the popular dance
Kumaon, Pithoragarh, Almora and Champawat. form of Telangana?
128. Spao Dance belongs from the .............. region of (a) Mohiniyattam (b) Perini thandavam
India. (c) Sattriya (d) Bharatanatyam
(a) Kutch (b) Ladakh RRB Group-D 20-09-2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Saurashtra (d) Bundelkhand Ans : (b) Perini thandavam is an ancient dance form of
RRB NTPC 08.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Telangana, which has been revived in recent times. It
originated and prospered in Telangana, during the
Ans. (b): Spao means 'warrior' in Ladakhi language.
Kakatiya dynasty. Perini is performed in honour of lord
Spao dance is prevalent in Ladakh, associated with Shiva. It is believed that this dance form was performed
legendary king Gyalam Kesar. before the soldiers set to war in ancient times.
129. Four places have been given below of which 133. Mallika Sarabhai is associated with–
three are same in some way and one is different (a) Cricket (b) Classical dance
choose the odd one out. (c) Tanpura (d) Chemistry
(a) Kathak - North India RRB Group-D 26-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(b) Garba - Gujarat Ans : (b) Mallika Sarabhai is an activist and Indian
(c) Bhangra - Punjab classical dancer and actress from Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
(d) Bihu - Assam She was awarded by Padma Bhushan. She is daughter
RRB Group-D 25-10-2018 (Shift-II) of famous space scientist Vikram Sarabhai.
134. Which of the following is romantic dance of hill of Ans : (c) Mrinalini Sarabhai was an Indian classical
Kumaon which is performed often in winter and dancer, choreographer and instructor. She was the
spring season? founder of the Padma Bhushan. She was an Indian
(a) Karan (b) Jhora classical bharatnattyam and kathkali dance.
(c) Raaslila (d) Chhapeli 141. Mrinalini Sarabhai was associated with which
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) of the following art?
Ans. (d) : Chhapeli is romantic dance of Kumaon hills (a) Pattachitra (b) Thanjavur painting
which is performed at the time of winter and spring. It is (c) Bhartanatyam (d) Madhubani art
belonged to Uttrakhand. RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
135. Krishna Nattayam is a famous dance of which Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
of the following states?
142. Maanch is a folk dance of which state?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka
(a) Haryana (b) Kerala
(c) Kerala (d) Tumil Nadu
(c) Assam (d) Madhya Pradesh
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) Krishna Nattayam is a temple art in Kerala. It
Ans : (d) Maanch is a form of folk theatre from the
is a dance drama and presents the story of Krishna in
malwa region of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
series of eight plays and was created by Manaveda.
The background of the play is set by curtains and the
136. Pandit Birju Maharaj has choreographed dancers usually double up as singers.
actress Deepika Padukone's in her film Bajirao
143. What do you know about Rukmini Devi
Mastani. He is famous for which form Indian
dance style?
(a) She was an Indian brahmin scholar, dancer
(a) Kathak (b) Odissi
and choreographer of Bharatnatyam.
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Kathakali
(b) She was a famous writer after independence.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(c) She was the award winning film producer.
Ans : (a) Pandit Birju Maharaj , also known as Brijmohan
(d) She was belong to the theatre.
Mishra, is an exponent of Kalka Bindadin Gharana of
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Kathak dance in India. He was awarded by Padma
Vibhushan. Ans : (a) Rukmni Devi Arundale was Bharatanatyam
dancer of India. She was the first woman in Indian
137. 'Kud dance' is a famous dance style which is
history to be nominated a member of the Rajya Sabha.
related to:-
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Jammu-Kashmir 144. Ramkheliya is a folk dance of which state?
(c) Odisha (d) Rajasthan (a) Haryana (b) Kerala
(c) Bihar (d) Madhya Pradesh
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II)
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Kud dance form is simple as it as performed by
Ans : (c) Ramkheliya is a folk dance of Bihar.
the village farmers of the Jammu middle mountain range
of Himalayas. 145. Find the odd one out
(a) Odissi (b) Kathakali
138. 'Lila Rakhal' is a folk dance of which state? (c) Hip-hop (d) Bharatanatyam
(a) Haryana (b) Kerala RRB Group-D 04-12-2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Assam (d) Madhya Pradesh RRB Group-D 20-09-2018 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist Ans : (c) Hip-hop music also known as rap music, is a
Ans : (c) Lila Rakhal is the folk dance of Assam, other genre of popular music developed in US by inner city
dances are Bihu, Bichhua, Naga dance. African-Americans and Latin American in New York city
139. Which is the most popular folk dance of in 1970s. And Odissi, Kathakli and Bharatanatyam is a
Tamilnadu? Indian classical dance.
(a) Kargam (b) Koodiyattam
(c) Yakshagana (d) Kathakali (iii) Music
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 146. Pandit Jasraj is an Indian classical vocalist,
Ans : (a) Kargam is a traditional folk dance of Tamil belonging to the _________ gharana (Schools)
Nadu which is performed by male dancers. of Hindustani classical music.
140. Mrinalini Sarabhai died recently, who was (a) Kirana (b) Mewati
she? (c) Patiala (d) Agra
(a) Film Actress (b) Scientist R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 01-09-2019 (Shift - III)
(c) Classical dancer (d) Play back singer Ans. (b) : The great Indian vocalist Pt. Jasraj belonged
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist to Mewati Gharana of Hindustani classical music.
147. Which of these musical instruments has a Ans : (d) Shitala Pandey better known as Sameer
keyboard? Anjaan is an Indian lyricist, writing predominantly
(a) Ghatam (b) Santoor Hindi songs. He is a Guinness world Record holder for
(c) Harmonium (d) Shehnai writing the most songs.
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (morning) 153. Who among the following is one of the member
Ans.(c): Among the following harmonium is a musical of carnatic music trinity?
instrument which has a keyboard. (a) Mirabai (b) Annamayya
(c) Tyagaraj (d) Kalidas
148. Which of the following is a raga of carnatic
music? RRB Group-D 09-10-2018 (Shift-I)
(a) Thumri (b) Sindhu Bhairavi Ans. (c) Tyagaraja also known as kakarla
Tyagabrahmam was renowned composer of carnatic
(c) Khyal (d) Tappa
music, a form of Indian classical music. Tyagaraj,
RRB Group-D 09-10-2018 (Shift-II) Muthu Swami and Shayama Shastri are known as trinity
Ans. (b) : Sindhu Bhairavi is raga in hindustani and of carnatic music.
carnatic classical music belonging to the Asavari thaat. 154. Who was considered as the queen of Thumri, a
In carnatic music, it is a Janya raga of the 8th melakartha common form of semi-classical Indian music?
raga Hanumatodi while Thumri, Khyal and Tappa are (a) Anushka Shankar
Hindustani classical music. (b) M.S. Subbulakshmi
149. Pandit Narayanrao Bodas was related to which (c) Kesarbai Kerkar
gharana of Hindustani classical music? (d) Girija Devi
(a) Kirana Gharana (b) Banaras Gharana RRB Group-D 29-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(c) Rampur Gharana (d) Gwalior Gharana Ans : (d) Girija Devi was an Indian classical singer of
RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-I) the seniya and Banaras gharanas. She performed classical
Ans.(d): Pandit Narayanrao Bodas was eminent and light classical music and thumari. She was awarded
exponent of the Gwalior Gharana of Hindustani with padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Sangeet
classical music. Gwalior Gharana (Gwalior school of Akademi Award for Hindustani music - Vocal.
classical music) is the oldest Khyal Gharana in Indian 155. ____ is reformed to a Shatha Tantri Veena in
classical music. The rise of the Gwalior gharana started Sanskrit texts of has 72 strings.
with the reign of mughal emperor Akbar (1542-1605). (a) Khanjuri (b) Sarod
The famous singer of the patron of the arts, such as (c) Santoor (d) Sitar
Miyan Tansen, came from the town of Gwalior. RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-II)
150. Who is the author of the song 'Amar Sonar Ans : (c) The Indian santoor instrument is a trapezoid-
Bangla'? shaped hammered dulcimer and a variation of the
(a) Rabindra Nath Tagore Iranian santur. Santoor is reformed to a shatha Tontri
(b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee Veena in sanskrit texts and has 72 strings. It is a
(c) Chittarranjan Das traditional instrument in Jammu and Kashmir. Ulhas
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal Bapat. Rahul Sharma and Varsha Agrawal are the artist
of Santoor instrument.
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
156. Shubha Mudgal is associated with ____.
Ans : (a) Amaar Sonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal) is
(a) Classical Dance
the national anthem of Bangladesh. The lyrics were
written by Bengali poet Rabindra Nath Tagore in 1905. (b) Mural painting
(c) Sport
151. Pandit Jasraj is a famous_____.
(d) Hindustani classical music
(a) Classical dancer (b) Sitar Player
RRB JE - 28/05/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Classical singer (d) Tabla artist
Ans : (d) Shubha Mudgal is an Indian singer of
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Hindustani classical music. Her repertoire includes the
Ans : (c) Pandit Jasraj was Indian classical vocalist, genres of Khyal, Thumri, dadra and Indian pop. She has
belonging to the Mewati Gharana. He was born in 1930. received Padma Shri award in 2000. She was born in
152. Name the Bollywood lyricist who set a 1959 (Prayagraj).
Guinness world record for composing 157. The song of lament 'the life has gone out of the
maximum number of songs? body' is associated with Nawab _____ of the
(a) Anand Bakshi (b) Gulzar State of Awadh.
(c) Sahir Ludhianvi (d) Sameer Anjaan (a) Wazir Ali Khan
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (b) Wajid Ali Shah
(c) Saadat Ali Khan Ans. (a) : Pandavani is a folk singing style that involves
(d) Muhammad Ali Shah the narration of tales from the ancient Indian epic
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Mahabharata. This form of folk theatre is popular in the
Ans. (b) : The song of lament 'The life has gone out of central Indian state of Chhattisgarh. Pandavani (literally
the body' is associated with Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of meaning 'songs of the Pandavas'), is a lyrical folk ballad
the state of Awadh. Wajid Ali Shah (1822-1887) was form that narrates the story of the Pandavas. Pandavani
the eleventh and last king of Awadh. theatre usually has a lead artist and some supporting
singers and musicians. There are two styles of narration
158. The song Ekla Chalo Re (Walk alone) was
in Pandavani - Vedamati and Kapalik. In the Vedamati
written by:
style, the lead artist narrates the story in a simple
(a) Rabindra Nath Tagore manner, sitting on the floor throughout the performance.
(b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar The Kapalik style is livelier, with the narrator enacting
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh the incidents and characters. Teejan Bai and Ritu Verma
(d) BC Chatterjee are renowned singers of Pandavani.
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 162. World-famous Chhattisgarhi folk singer
Ans. (a) : Ekla Cholo Re, is a Bengali patriotic song Teejan Bai is an exponent of what type of folk
written by Rabindranath Tagore in 1905. Originally music?
titled as "Eka", the song was first published in the (a) Pandavani (b) Lavani
September 1905 issue of Bhandar magazine. (c) Bharud (d) Gondhal
Rabindranath Tagore (Gurudev) was a Bengali RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
polymath – poet, writer, playwright, composer, Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
philosopher, social reformer and painter. He won the
Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for his english 163. Ustad Amjad Ali khan plays which of the
translation, song offerings of Gitanjali and became the following instruments?
first non-european to win the Nobel Prize in literature. (a) Bansuri (b) Sarod
(c) Shehnai (d) Santoor
159. With which musical instrument was the noted
musician Ustad Bismillah Khan associated? RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Flute (b) Tabla Ans. (b) :
(c) Flageolet (d) Sitar Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Sarod
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia Flute
Ans. (c) : Shehnai Maestro, Ustad Bismillah Khan is Ustaad Bismillah Khan Shehnai/Clarinet
the legend of Indian classical music. He was born on Shivkumar Sharma Santoor
21st March, 1916 to a Muslim family of musicians in Pt. Ravishankar Sitar
Bihar's Dumraon. His real name was Quamruddin
Khan. In 2001, he was awarded the Bharat Ratna, Kishan Maharaj Tabla
India's highest civilian honour for his contribution to V. Balsara Piano
Indian music. N. Rajan Violin
160. Popular folk song 'Kajari' is famous in : 164. With which of the following musical
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh instruments was V Balsara associated?
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Haryana (a) Sarangi (b) Piano
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Mandolin (d) Jal Tarang
Ans. (a) : Kajari is one of the most popular folk music RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
of Uttar Pradesh sung by classical and semi-classical Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
musicians. It is sung in large regions of Uttar Pradesh, 165. Which of the following individuals is NOT
but especially Mirzapur is considered to be the origin of associated with the musical instrument
the Kajari while other state's songs are: santoor?
Madhya Pradesh – Pandvanigeet (a) Bhajan Sopori
Chhattisgarh – Bhojali, Jasgeet (b) Ustad Amjad Ali Khan
Haryana – Raganis (c) Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma
161. Which of the following belongs to the (d) Tarun Bhattacharya
Pandavani style of folk singing based on the RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
epic Mahabharata? Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Teejan Bai (b) Sharda Sinha 166. Who among the following is a famous Santoor
(c) Vimalakka (d) Hira Devi Vaiba instrumentalist?
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Nikhil Banerjee (b) Ustad Binda Khan
(c) Shiv Kumar Sharma (d) Sajjad Hussain (c) Saxophone (d) Trumpet
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (a) : Khol is a barrel shaped asymmetrical drum.
167. The famous musician Mrs. N. Rajam is Its two faces are of different sizes and it seems to
associated with which musical instrument? resemble to the ancient Gopuchha shape of drums. It is
(a) Violin (b) Tanpura also known as "Mridanga" a musical instrument of
(c) Flute (d) Sitar south India.While, Shehnai, Saxophone and Trumpet
are wind musical instruments.
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
174. The South Indian counterpart of the North
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Indian instrument 'Nagada' is:
168. With which of the following instruments is (a) Chenda (b) Damru
Hariprasad Chaurasia associated?
(c) Uddukai (d) Been
(a) Violin (b) Tabla
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Flute (d) Drum
Ans. (a) : The South Indian instrument, Chenda is
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
similar to the north Indian Nagada.
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
175. With which of the following fields is Zakir
169. Which of the following exponents does not play Hussain associated?
the Sitar? (a) Literature (b) Painting
(a) Anoushka Shankar (c) Music (d) Sculpture
(b) Pt Shiv Kumar Sharma RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (evening)
(c) Ustad Vilayat Khan
Ans : (c) Zakir Hussain is related with music. He is a
(d) Pt. Ravi Shankar recipient of the Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri and the
RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Sangeet Natak Academy Award.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
170. Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly (iv) Painting
matched (instrument to the artist)?
176. Kalamkari painting was originated:
(a) Pakhawaj - Shiv Kumar Sharma
(a) Himachal (b) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Sitar - Pt. Ravi Shankar
(c) Madhya (d) Andhra
(c) Sarod - Amjad Ali Khan
RPF Constable 03.02.2019 (Shift - I)
(d) Tabla - Kishan Maharaj
Ans. (d) : Kalamkari painting was originated in Andhra
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Pradesh, mainly found in Machilipatnam region.
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
177. Raja Ravi Verma is associated to the state
171. Which of the following musical instruments is
not Indo - Islamic in origin?
(a) Telangana (b) Kerala
(a) Veena (b) Tabla
(c) Tamilnadu (d) Andhara Pradesh
(c) Rabab (d) Sitar
RPF SI 11.01.2019 (Shift - II)
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Raja Ravi Verma was a Indian painter &
Ans. (a) : Tabla, Rabab and Sitar are the Indo-Islamic
artist. He was related to the royal family of Travancore
origin musical instruments while Veena is originated in
which is now the state of Kerala in India.
178. Raja Ravi Varma was famous in which field?
172. Which of the following is NOT a style of
Hindustani classical music? (a) Literature (b) Music
(a) Dhrupad (b) Thumri (c) Painting (d) Dance
(c) Alapana (d) Tappa RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : Alapana is not a style of Hindustani classical Ans : (c) Raja Ravi Varma was a famous Indian painter
music. Hindustani classical music is the classical music and artist. He is a greatest painter in the history of
of northern regions of the Indian subcontinent. Its Indian art. His works are one of the best examples of
origins are dated back from 12th century CE when it fusion of European academic art with purely Indian
diverged from carnatic music of the south. Remaining sensibility and iconography. He was awarded with
(Dhrupad, Thumri and Tappa) are the style of Kaisar-e-Hind gold medal by British India in 1904.
Hindustani music. 179. Mural Painting flourished in India between __.
173. Which of the following is not a wind musical? (a) 2nd century BCE to the 10th century
(a) Khol (b) Shehnai (b) 10th century BCE to the 10th century
(c) 50th century BCE to the 10th century (d) Pattachitra painting
(d) 17th century to the 19th century RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB Group-D 13-12-2018 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (a) : A mural is any piece of artwork painted or 185. What is a Madhubani art?
applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other permanent (a) The art of storytelling
surfaces. The earliest evidance of murals is the beautiful (b) The art of Gujarat
painted on the cave of Ajanta and Ellora and Bagh (c) Folk art practiced in Bihar
(d) The art of extracting honey
180. Recently 'Kalamkari' a form of painting was in RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the headlines, associated to which Indian state?
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan 186. Which of the following painting is named after
a district of Bihar?
RRB Group-D 22-09-2018 (Shift-III)
(a) Bundi (b) Mewar
Ans. (a) : Kalamkari is a type of hand-painted or block
(c) Kangra (d) Madhubani
painted cotton textile produced Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana only natural dyes are used in Kalamkari, RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-III)
which involves twenty-three steps. Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
181. Who painted the famous painting called The 187. Which contemporary painter made a serics of
last supper? paintings on Mahatma Gandhi?
(a) Claude Monet (b) Mozart (a) Amrita Shergil (b) Ram Kinkar
(c) Michal Angelo (d) Leonardo-da-Vinci (c) M.F. Husain (d) Atul Dodiya
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-III) RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) The last supper is a late 15th century mural Ans : (d) Atul Dodiya is an Indian artist from Mumbai.
painting by Italian artist Leonardo-da-Vinci. Its 188. 'Cheriyal' a style of painting that has been in
dimension 4.6 m × 8.8 m . This painting is located in news recently, is unique to which state?
Santa Maria delle Grazia in Milan (Italy). (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh
182. Main center of Kalamkari painting is_____. (c) Telangana (d) Karnataka
(a) Karnatak (b) Maharashtra RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-III)
(c) West Bengal (d) Andhra Pradesh Ans. (c) : Cheriyal scroll painting is a stylized. Version
RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III) of Nakashi art, rich in the local motifs peculiar to the
Ans. (d) : Kalamkari Painting was first used to portray Telangana. They are at present made only in
scenes from sacred texts such as Ramayana, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Mahabharata & Bhagavatam. It is originated in the State Art Style
modern day states of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sri Bihar – Madhubani Art
Kalahasti and Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh are Maharashtra – Warli painting
two most prominent centres of Kalamkari. Odisha – Pattachitra painting
183. Madhubani painting style is native to which Andhra Pradesh – Kalamkari painting
state? Madhya Pradesh – Gond painting
(a) Odisha (b) Andhra Pradesh Rajasthan – Phad painting, Mandana
(c) Bihar (d) Madhya Pradesh West Bengal – Kalighat painting
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Gujrat – Athiya
Ans : (c) Madhubani art is a style of Indian painting, 189. The Warli Folk painting is an art form of the
practiced in the Mithila region of the Indian subcontinent state of :
and Nepal. This painting is done with a variety of tools
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat
including fingers, twigs, brushes, nib pens and
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
matchsticks and using dyes and pigments. It is
characterized by its geometrical patterns. The centre of RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Madhubani painting is Madhubani (Bihar) that why this Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
is known as Madhubani painting style. 190. Who stayed in India for 23 years (1802-25)
184. Which Indian art form is practiced in the painting portraits, landscapes and scenes of
Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal? everyday life of common people?
(a) Kalamezhuthu (a) George Chinnery (b) Walter Statesman
(b) Tanjore art (c) William Hodges (d) Walter Sherwill
(c) Madhubani painting RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : George Chinnery was an English painter who Ans. (b) : Block printing on fabrics was introduced by
spent most of his life in Asia, specially in India and the old Chippa Community located in the Bagru district
southern China. He was from London, England. of Rajasthan. Bagru is known for natural dyes and hand
191. Which of the following cities is famous for the block printing. Bagru is home of both Raiger and
Kalighat paintings? Chippa community. Chippa have been involved in
(a) Madurai (b) Kolkata fabric printing tradition for over 100 years.
(c) Banaras (d) Nathdwara
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(v) Indian Dress
Ans. (b) : Characterised by bright colours and bold 196. 'Phulkari' is famous embroidery of which state
outlines, Kalighat painting evolved as a unique genre of of India?
Indian painting in 19th century, Kolkata (formly (a) Rajasthan (b) Punjab
Calcutta), in West Bengal. From the depiction of gods (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
and other mythological characters, these paintings RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-III)
developed over time to reflect a variety of themes. Ans. (b) Phulkari refers to the folk embroidery of the
Kalighat 'patuas' (painters) produced these cheaply made Punjab. Although, Phulkari means floral work. The
works of art to make a living by selling to a mass market. designs include not only flowers but also cover motifs
Kalighat paintings are said to have originated in the and geometry. It is famous in Punjab and Jammu
vicinity of the iconic Kalighat Kali Temple in Kolkata. Kashmir.
192. Tanjore paintings originated in the time of 197. Lucknow is famous for which traditional art of
which dynasty? embroidery?
(a) Mughals (b) Cholas (a) Phulkari (b) Kantha
(c) Kaushalas (d) Chandelas (c) Chikankari (d) Patchwork
RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Thanjavur has a unique place in the history of Ans. (c) : Chikankari is the embroidery work done with
Indian painting, in that it houses the 11th the white cotton thread on fine white cotton material.
century Chola wall paintings in the Brihadeeswara Lucknow, the state capital of Uttar Pradesh is world
temple (Periya koyil or Pervudaiyar koyil in Tamil) as renowned for its traditional chikankari embroidery. The
also paintings from the Nayak period (many times word 'Chiken' is basically derived from persian word
superimposed on the earlier Chola paintings) dating to 'Chikeen'. In earlier days, the Chikankari embroidery
the 16th century.The art flourished in Tanjavoor, the was traditionally done on mulmul-fine muslin cotton.
capital city of the Chola dynasty, and thus got its name. 198. Which Indian city is famous for embroidery
193. Phad, an art form of Rajasthan, is a _______ work called 'Chikenkari'?
form of painting. (a) Lucknow (b) Hyderabad
(a) tribal (b) sensual (c) Ahmadabad (d) Puri
(c) religious (d) musical RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c) : phad is a style religious scroll painting and 199. Traditional weaving of Gujarat is known as
folk painting, practiced in Rajasthan state of India. This ........... .
style of painting is done on a long piece of cloth or
(a) Tushar (b) Kanjivarm
canvas, known as phad.
(c) Jamdani (d) Patola
194. In Thangka Paintings, images of Lord .........
RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
are made on cotton or silk cloth.
(a) Mahavira (b) Buddha Ans. (d) :
(c) Shiva (d) Vishnu Traditional Weaving States
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Kanjivaram Tamil Nadu
Patola Gujarat
Ans. (b) : Thangka Painting is based on teachings and
life of Buddha. The painting is a tremendous depiction Jamdani West Bengal
of Indian, Nepalese and Tibbetan culture. Mainly 200. India's first costume museum is situated at -
Buddha's paintings have been made on silk canvas. (a) Goa (b) Uttar pradesh
195. Which community of Rajasthan has been (c) Maharashtra (d) West Bengal
following block printing since the last three RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
centuries? Ans. (a) : Moda Goa Museum by Wendell Rodricks
(a) Khatri (b) Chippa will be India's first costume museum, housed in a 450-
(c) Bishnois (d) Khatik year - old traditional Goan Villa 'Casa Dona Maria' in
RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Colvale (Goa).
201. Potali is the bridal dress worn by the brides Ans : (b) Khandvi is a dish of Gujarat. It is one of the
belonging to which state? much-loved Gujarat snack. It is also known as Patuli or
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan Dahivadi and made with gram flour. Some other
(c) Kerala (d) Manipur traditional recipes of Gujarat are: Dhokla, Aam
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Shrikhand, Methi Ka Thepla, Dal Dhokli, Fafda, Upma,
Ans. (d) : Potali is dress worn by the brides of Manipur. Dabeli, Khaman Dhokla etc.
It is also worn during the time of dance. It is a 207. Dhokla is a cuisine of which Indian state?
cylindrical skirt made up of thick fabric that is (a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha
ornamented with sequins and mirrors.
(c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka
202. The fabric that became a symbol of India's
RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-III)
freedom struggle is:
(a) Khadi (b) Silk Ans : (c) Kindly go through above explanation.
(c) Wool (d) Polyester 208. Dal bati Churma is one of the most popular
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist food items of ______ cuisine.
Ans. (a) : The fabric that became a symbol of India's (a) Rajasthani (b) Punjabi
freedom struggle is Khadi. It is not a poor man's cloth (c) Marathi (d) Gujarati
any more with some makeover form the designers. It RRB Group-D 01-11-2018 (Shift-II)
has become a style statement. Khadi is not only the Ans : (a) Dal bati Churma is one of the most popular
symbol of India's freedom struggle as well as Indian
food items of Rajasthani cuisine. Bati is made with
values, pride and evaluation.
whole wheat flour that is roasted over firewood, and
(vi) Martial Arts/Warfares Churma is a mixture of sugar and flour. It is generally
served for lunch or dinner at religious occasions,
203. With which Indian state is Malabar cuisine marriage ceremonies and birthday parties in Rajasthan.
associated? 209. Chainsoo is a famous food preparation of the
(a) West Bengal (b) Manipur state of _______.
(c) Kerala (d) Assam (a) Uttarakhand
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 30-08-2019 (Shift - III) (b) Arunachal Pradesh
Ans. (c) : With its unique flavor and taste Malabar (c) Maharashtra
cuisine is associated with Kerala. (d) Telangana
204. The Indian martial art, Kalaripayattu RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
originated from which state of India?
Ans. (a) : Chainsoo is a famous food of Uttarakhand
(a) Karnataka (b) Andhra Pradesh
which is made up of Black Gram.
(c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
RPF SI 12.01.2019 (Shift - III) 2. Books/Authors
Ans. (c) : Kalaripayattu is an ancient martial art
indigenous to Kerala. The word ‘Kalari’ first appears in (i) National Books
the Tamil sangam literature to describe both a battle 210.
Which of the following book was written by
field and combat arena.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
205. ......... is the traditional martial art of Manipur.
(a) The Arctic Home in the Vedas
(a) Bihu (b) Thang-Ta
(b) Glimpses of world.
(c) Bagurumbo (d) Rauf
(c) Gift of monotheists.
RRB Group-D 25-09-2018 (Shift-I)
(d) All men are brothers.
Ans : (b) Thang-Ta, the art of sword and spear is the
traditional martial art of Manipur in the North-east RPF Constable 05.02.2019
Ans. (c) : Raja Ram Mohan Roy wrote "Gift of
India. It integrates various external weapons-the sword,
Monotheists" in the year 1809 and it was written into
dagger etc with the internal practice of physical control
through soft movements coordinating with the rhythms Bengali. ‘Glimpses of World History’ by Jawahar Lal
of breathing. It is also known as Huyen langlon (method
Nehru, ‘The Arctic Home in the Vedas’ was written by
of safe-guarding) in Manipur. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. ‘All Mens Are Brother’ is written
by Krishna Kriplani.
(vii) Famous Dish 211. Who is the writer of the Hindi play Adhe
206. Khandvi is a dish of which Indian state? Adhure?
(a) Karnataka (b) Gujarat (a) Nirala (b) Pant
(c) Odisha (d) Maharashtra (c) Mohan Rakesh (d) Premchand
RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-II) RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Mohan Rakesh was one of the pioneers of the (c) Rabindranath Tagore
Nai Kahani literary movement of the Hindi literature in (d) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
the 1950. He wrote many plays, novels, stories such as RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Adhe Adure, Lahron ke Rajhans, Na Aanewala Kal, Ans. (d) : Durgeshnandini is a Bengali historical
Ashadh Ka Ek Din. The play (Ashadh Ka Ek Din) romantic novel written by Indian writer Bankim
recieved a Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for best play Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1865.
217. Who was the author of the literary work
212. Which one of the following books is authored
by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad?
(a) Harshavardhana (b) Chanakya
(a) India Wins Freedom
(c) Shudraka (d) Kalidasa
(b) Wings of Fire
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) We the people
(d) God of Small Things Ans. (a) : Harshavardhana is considered as one of the
greatly distinguished Indian rulers of the 7th century
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
AD. He is considered to be the writer of three Sanskrit
Ans. (a) : Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's most popular works: Ratnavali, Nagananda and Priyadarshika.
book is India Wins Freedom is an account of the
Partition from the Maulana Azad’s perspective. It 218. Who among the following wrote the book 'Hind
includes his personal experiences when India became Swaraj'?
independent. (a) Subhash Chandra Bose
213. Which one of the following books was written (b) Sarojini Naidu
by Vishnu sharma? (c) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Arthashastra (b) Panchatantra (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Indica (d) Rajatarangini RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (c) : Books related to freedom movement and
Ans. (b) : Famous writers and their concerned books their authors are as follow:
are as follow: Author Books
Writers Books • Mahatma Gandhi Hind Swaraj, Navjeevan,
Vishnu Sharma Panchtantra Young India, My
Kautilya Arthashatra experiment with truth.
Megasthanese Indica • Subhash Chandra Bose The Indian Struggle
Kalhan Rajtarangini The Golden Threshold
• Sarojini Naidu
214. Who wrote the play 'Mudrarakshasa'?
• Jawahar Lal Nehru discovery of India,
(a) Somadeva (b) Vishakhadatta Glimpses of World History
(c) Kalidas (d) Bodhayan
• Annie Besant Commonweal, New India.
RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Mudrarakshasa is a sanskrit-language play by • Dr. Rajendra Prasad India Divided.
Vishakhadatta that narrates the ascent of the king • Pathway to Pakistan Chaudhary
Chandragupta Maurya to power in India. Khaliquzzaman
Some writers with their books are as follow: • Khushwant Singh A Train to Pakistan
1) Somdeva– Kathasaritsagar • Abdul kalam Azad India wins freedom,
2) Kalidas– Raghuvansam, Abhigyansakuntlam Ghubar-e-Khatir
3) Bodhayan– Sulbasutra, Srautasutra Eternal India. My truth.
• Indira Gandhi
215. Name the creation of Devaki Nandan Khatri
• Jawahar Lal Nehru The Discovery of India,
which is considered to be the first authentic
An Auto-biography.
work of prose in Hindi.
Glimpses of world
(a) Chandrakanta (b) Gitanjali
(c) Ratnavali (d) Gita Govinda
219. Who is the author of the book 'India Divided'?
RRB NTPC 20.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Ans. (a) : Chandrakanta is an epic fantasy Hindi novel
by Devaki Nandan Khatri. Chandrakanta is the story of (b) Abdul Kalam Azad
eternal love set against the battle and strife between two (c) Indira Gandhi
kingdoms Naugarh & Vijaygarh. (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
216. 'Durgeshnandini' was written by: RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Premchand RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Chandu Menon Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
220. 'Waiting for a Visa' is whose autobiography? 224. Who wrote Padmavat?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar (b) Indira Gandhi (a) Malik Muhammad Jayasi
(c) Satyajit Ray (d) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Gulbadan Begum
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Abul Fazal
Ans. (a) : ‘Waiting for a Visa’ is an autobiography of (d) Ferdowsi
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. This book suggests how RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
untouchables Dalit community still waits acceptance or Ans. (a) : Malik Muhammad Jayasi (1477-1542) was an
welcome not only from the Indian government but also Indian sufi poet. He used to write in the Awadhi
from the society in general. This book is used as a text language. His best known work is the epic poem
book in Columbia University. ‘Padmavat’ (1540).
221. Who is the author of the novels Rangbhoomi, Gul Badam Begum who wrote Humanyun-nama was
Godan, Gaban & Vardan? the daughter of Babur.
(a) Maithili Sharan Gupt Abul Fazal was grand vizier of the Mughal emperor
(b) Munshi Prem Chand Akbar, and author of the "Akbarnama".
(c) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Ferdowsi (AD 940-1025) was a persian poet and author
(d) Sumitra Nandan Pant of Shahnama or Book of Kings.
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 225. The well-known poem 'Meghaduta' was
Ans. (b) : Munshi Premchand was the prolific writer of written by
Hindi literature. His original name was Dhanpat Rai (a) Sattanar (b) Premchand
Srivastava. In field of Hindi literature, he was known as (c) Kalidasa (d) Ilango
King of Novels (UPANYAAS SAMRAT). His RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
important literary works are : Sewa Sadan, Premashram,
Ans. (c) : Meghaduta (Meghadootam) is a lyric poem
Rangbhoomi, Nirmala, Gaban, Karmabhoomi, Godan,
written by Kalidasa.
Vardan etc. He wrote some stories also Kafan, Poos Ki
Raat, Panch Parmeshwar, Bade Ghar ki beti etc. 226. 'Nirmala' was a fiction novel written by:
(a) Kamala Das
222. Chandrakanta, the popular epic fantasy was
written by : (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(a) Maithili Sharan Gupt (c) Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
(b) Jaishankar Prasad (d) Munshi Premchand
(c) Devaki Nandan Khatri RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Munshi Premchand Ans. (d) : Nirmala is a Hindi fiction novel written by
RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Indian writer Munshi Premchand. The melodramatic
novel is centered on Nirmala, a young girl who was
Ans. (c) :
forced to marry a widower of her father's age. His works
Writer Famous Creations include Godaan, Karmabhoomi, Gaban, Mansarovar,
Devaki Nandan Khatri Chandrakanta, Idgah. He published his first collection of five short
Chandrakanta Santati stories in 1907 in a book called Soz-E-Watan.
(Chandrakanta's Progeny) 227. The world's first handwritten needle book is
Maithili Sharan Gupt Saket, Bharat-Bharati, (a) Moti Mahal (b) Madhushala
Jayadrath Vadh, Yashodhara (c) Chitra (d) Devdas
Jaishankar Prasad Kamayani, Dhruvswamini, RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Kankal Ans. (b) : The world's first handwritten needle book is
223. Who wrote the book Words of Freedom: Ideas "Madhushala" written by Piyush Goyal. Originally, this
of a Nation? book written by Harivansh Rai Bachchan.
(a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 228. Who wrote the great Indian literary works
(b) B.R. Ambedkar 'Meghadoota' and 'Abhigyan Shakuntalam'?
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose (a) Bhasa (b) Kalidas
(d) Ravindranath Tagore
(c) Chanakaya (d) Shudraka
RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : ‘Words of Freedom: Ideas of a Nation’ is a
Ans. (b) :
set of books that enumerate the writings and speeches
Book Authors
of fourteen of the greatest leaders of India. These
books were written to celebrate India's sixteenth Mudrarakshasa Visakhadatta
anniversary of being repubilc. Rabindranath Tagore Rajtarangini Kalhana
wrote the book ‘Words of Freedom: Ideas of a Nation’. Kathasaritsagara Somadeva
Kamasutra Vatsyayana 232. Which one of the following was written by Dr.
Prashnottarmalika Amoghavarsha A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?
Swapanvasdattam Bhasa (a) Rebooting India (b) Imagining India
Buddha-charita Asvaghosha (c) Untouchable (d) The life Tree
Natyashastra Bharata RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Meghaduta Kalidasa Ans : (d) The Life Tree is a collection of poems by
Vikramorvasiyam, Raghuvamsha former President APJ Abdul Kalam. It was published in
Amarkosa Amarshmha 2005. The poem contained in this book bring out Dr.
Panchasidddhantika, Brihat Samhita Varaha Mihira Kalam's deep love for India and its culture. Together
Surya Siddhanta, Aryabhatta with his devotion to God and to this motherland, his
Aryabhatta devotion to humanity is also uniquely manifested in
Panch tantra Vishnu Sharma these poems.
Nitisara Kamandaka 233. Which of the following has been written by
Aihole Prasasti Ravi Kriti Munshi Premchand?
Indica Megasthanese (a) Kamayani (b) Yama
Arthasastra Kautilya (c) Chidambara (d) Sevasadan
Charaka Samhita Charaka RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Lilawati Bhaskara II Ans. (d) : Seva Sadan was the first novel of Munshi
Harshacharita, Kadambari, Harsha vardhan Premchand, it was first written in Urdu as Baazare-e-
Nagananda, Ratnavali Husn, but its hindi version published first.
Bhavabhuti Mahaviracharita, 234. Who wrote the 'Brihat Samhita', a collection of
Malti Madhav, scientific information on diverse subjects?
Uttararamcharita (a) Varahamihira (b) Kalhana
Bharati Kiratarjuniyam (c) Charaka (d) Nagarjuna
229. Which of the following is the work of Kalidas? RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Kumarsambhavam Ans. (a) : Varahamihira was an eminent astronomer and
(b) Malti Madhav mathematician from the Gupta period. The two seminal
(c) Kiratarjuniyam works written by him are ‘Panch Siddhanitka’ and
(d) Kiratarjuniyam and kumarasambhavaam both ‘Brihat Samhita’. The book contained various subjects
like astrology, planetary movements, eclipses,
RRB JE - 31/05/2019 (Shift-II)
architecture, matrimony, agriculture, etc.
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
235. Who is the author of 'Gitanjali' a collection of
230. Who wrote the famous Bangla Novel 'Pather poems?
(a) Ravindra Nath Tagore
(a) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhay
(b) R. K. Narayan
(b) Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
(c) Satyajit Ray
(c) Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay
(d) Salim Ali
(d) Rabindra Nath Tagore
RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) Gitanjali is a collection of poems by Bengali
Ans. (b) : Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay was a famous
poet Rabindra Nath Tagore. Tagore received the Nobel
Bengali writer and novelist. He is especially known for
prize for literature. It is a part of the UNESCO
his epic 'Pather Panchali'. A film was also produced
collection of representative works.
based on it by the famous film maker Satyajit Ray.
236. The story of 'My experiment with truth' was
231. Who is the author of 'Rajatarangini'?
written on the life of which of the following
(a) Kalidas (b) Chand Bardai
(c) Jayadeva (d) Kalhana
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Ans. (d) : Rajatarangini is a book written by Kalhana,
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
depicts magnificently about the history of Kashmir.
Kalhana was patronised by Lohara dynasty ruler (d) Amartya Sen
Harsha. RRB Group-D 28-11-2018 (Shift-I)
Authors Books Ans : (a) The story of ‘My Experiments With Truth’ is
Chanda Bardai Prithviraj Raso the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, covering his life
Jaydev Geet - Govinda from early childhood through to 1921.
237. Name the literary work done by Ravindra Nath 241. The book 'Natya Shastra' on Indian classical
Tagore during the 19th and 20th centuries. dance is written by-
(a) Pather Panchali (a) Shri Ved Vyas (b) Shri Tulsidas
(b) Jhutha Sach (c) Bharat Muni (d) Kashyap Muni
(c) The Home and World RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Ganadevata Ans : (c) Bharat Muni was an ancient Indian theatrologist
RRB Group-D 07-12-2018 (Shift-I) and musicologist who wrote Natya Shastra. He is
Ans : (c) Gitanjali, short work of Ravindranath Tagore considered the father of Indian theatrical arts forms.
and 'The Home and the World’ is a famous book of 242. Who is the author of the Book 'Straight Drive'?
Ravindranath Tagore. (a) Kapil Dev
238. Who is the author of book named 'Indian (b) Sunil Gavaskar
Philosophy'? (c) Prakash
(a) Shiv Khera (d) Viswanathan Anand
(b) Sarojini Naidu RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Ans : (b) The book 'Straight Drive’ is authored by Sunil
(d) Swami Vivekanand Gavaskar. He is a recipient of Padma Shri and Padma
RRB Group-D 06-12-2018 (Shift-III) Bhushan.
Ans. (c) : 243. Who is the author of 'Biography of Indira
Author Book Gandhi'?
Dr. S. Radha Krishnan - Indian Philosophy, The (a) Shobha De (b) Arundhati Roy
Hindu view of Life (c) Pupul Jayakar (d) R.K. Narayan
Sarojini Naidu - The Golden Threshold, RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Palanquin Bearers, The Bird Ans : (c) Pupul Jayakar was Indian cultural activist and
of Time writer, best known for her work on the revival of
Shiv Khera - Jeet Apki, Freedom is not traditional and village arts, handlooms. She was
Free, You Can Sell, Living awarded with Padma Bhusan in 1967.
With Honour 244. Which of these books is not written by A.P.J.
Swami Vivekanand - The Complete work of Swami Abdul Kalam?
Vivekanand, Medition And Its (a) The Scientific Indian
Methods, Jana Yoga, Karma (b) Envisioning an unpowered
Yoga (c) My Country, My Life
239. Mahatma Gandhi made it clear in the famous (d) Ignited Minds
book, Hind Swaraj (1909) that British rule was RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
established in India- Ans : (c) ‘My Country, My Life’ was written by Lal
(a) By co-operation of Indians Krishna Advani and other three book written by Dr.
(b) By the use of force A.P.J Abdul Kalam.
(c) Without the co-operation of Indians 245. Who is the author of Hindi drama 'Aadhe
(d) By other foreign forces Adhure'?
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) (a) Nirala (b) Pant
Ans : (a) Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is book (c) Mohan Rakesh (d) Premchandra
written by Mahatma Ganadhi in 1909. He expresses his RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III)
view on swaraj, modern civilization, etc. Ans : (c) Hindi Drama ‘Aadhe Adhure’ was written by
240. Which of these books is not authored by R.K. Mohan Rakesh and it was published in 1969. Mohan
Narayan? Rakesh was one of the pioneers of the Nai Kahani
(a) Two leaves and a bud Literary movement. His first modern hindi play is
(b) Bachelor of Art ‘Ashadh Ka Ek din’.
(c) The English teacher 246. In which book did Mahatma Gandhi write that
(d) Waiting for the Mahatma the British rule in India was the result of
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I) cooperation extended by Indians?
Ans : (a) Major works of R.K. Narayan - Waiting for the (a) Village Swaraj
Mahatma, The English Teacher, The Bachelor of Arts, (b) Hind Swaraj
Gods, Dewons and Others, The world of Nagaraj, The (c) India of My Dreams
Dark Room, Swami and Friends, A Tiger of Malgudi, (d) The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Under the Banayan Tree, The Painter of Signs etc. RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Mahatma Gandhi, in his book ‘Hind Swaraj’ 251. Who composed the famous Tamil epic
wrote that the British rule in India was the result of 'Manimekalai'?
cooperation extended by Indians. Mohandas Gandhi wrote (a) Ilango Adigal (b) Nathakuthanaar
this book in his native language Gujarati, while traveling (c) Sattanar (d) Tirotakkadevar
from London to South-Africa on board SS Kildonan RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Castle. It has also been translated to French. Ans. (c): Manimekalai, is a Tamil-Buddhist epic composed
247. The novel 'Tamas' has been written by: by Kulavāṇikaṇ Seethalai Sataṇar probably around the 6th
(a) RK Narayan (b) Amrita Pritam century. It is an "anti-love story". The epic consists of 4,861
(c) Khushwant Singh (d) Bhisham Sahani lines in akaval meter, arranged in 30 cantos.
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 252. Who wrote the famous poem 'Khoob Ladi
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Mardani'?
(a) Sri Aurobindo
Ans. (d) : 'Tamas' is the most famous novel of Bhishma
(b) MK Gandhi
Sahni. It was published in the year 1973. In 1975 he
(c) Sarojini Naidu
was also awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for the
(d) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
novel Tamas.
RRB NTPC 01.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
248. Who wrote the novel 'The White Tiger'? Ans. (d) : Rani Laxmi Bai was an iconic female warrior
(a) Khushwant Singh (b) Chetan Bhagat who bolstered in the Revolt of 1857 against the British
(c) Vikram Seth (d) Arvind Adiga rule and describing her very valour is a poem written by
RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Subhadra Kumari Chauhan. The poem titled "Khub
Ans. (d) : Arvind Adiga is an Indian writer. He has Ladi Mardani , Wo Toh Jhansi Wali Rani Thi". In 1853,
written a novel named 'The White Tiger' based on the when the Maharaja of Jhansi died, East India Company
Indian caste and varna system. Writing on a world-class took advantage of the situation and applied the Doctrine
standard and placing it in the world scene his book was of Lapse to annex Jhansi, So Rani Laxmi Bai revoled
published in 2008. In the same year, he also received against East India Company.
the 40th Man Booker Prize. Arvind Adiga is a writer by 253. Which author created the little village of
profession as well as a well known journalist. 'Malgudi' as the backdrop for his stories of the
249. Who wrote about the injustices of the caste little boy 'Swami'?
system in his book 'Gulamgiri' (1871)? (a) R.K.Narayan (b) B.V.Karanth
(a) Kashi Baba (c) Girish Karnad (d) U.R. Ananthamurty
(b) Dr. BR Ambedkar RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) EV Ramaswamy Naicker Ans. (a) : R. K. Narayan was a well-known English
(d) Jyotirao Govindrao Phule author of Indian literature. The full name of R. K.
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Narayan was Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer
Ans. (d) : Book named “Ghulamgiri(1871)” was written Narayanaswami. He was an Indian writer best known
by Jyotirao Govindrao Phule.The basic theme of the for his works set in the fictional South Indian town of
book is the injustice of the caste system as gulamgiri Malgudi. His first novel, Swami and Friends (1935), is
means slavery. an episodic narrative recounting the adventures of a
group of schoolboys.
250. The book 'Changing India' documents the
work of: 254. Who wrote the novel 'The God of Small
(a) Pranab Mukherjee (b) Rajiv Gandhi Things'?
(c) Dr. Manmohan Singh (d) Narendra Modi (a) Kiran Desai (b) Chetan Bhagat
(c) Salman Rushdie (d) Arundhati Roy
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : Changing India: The book is released by Ans. (d) :
former PM Manmohan Singh. In this book, he describes
Author Book
his journey from economist to the politician. Some facts Arundhati Roy The God of Small Things,
about Manmohan Singh: The End of Imagination.
He is an Indian economist and politician who served Chetan Bhagat Five point someone, The
as the Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. three mistake of my Life,
He became the first PM after Jawahar Lal Nehru to Half Girl-Friend
be re-elected after completing his five years tenure. Kiran Desai The Inheritance of loss,
Now our present PM Narendra Modi become the Hulla ballo in the Guava
third PM of India who was re-elected after Orchard.
completing his tenure. Salman Rushdie Mid night Children, Sunrise
He was the 15th Governor of the Reserve Bank of over Ayodhya, The Satanic
India. Verses etc.
255. Which is RK Narayan's first novel? 260. The Novel 'A Prime Minister to Remember'
(a) Malgudi Days was written by:
(b) The English Teacher (a) Tavleen Singh
(c) Swami and Friends (b) Bipin Chandra
(d) The Guide (c) Admiral Sushil Kumar
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (d) Arundhati Roy
Ans. (c): R.K. Narayan's first novel 'Swami and RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Friends' was published in 1935. Malgudi Days, The
Ans. (c) : A book titled 'A Prime Minister to Remember
Guide and The English Teacher are the major novels
Memories of a Military Chief' was authored by former
written by him. Sahitya Akademi award was given to
Navy Chief Admiral Sushil Kumar. Admiral Sushil
the novel 'The Guide’ in 1960.
Kumar was the 16th Chief of Naval Staff and also look
256. Which Indian Author is best known for writing after the naval operation during the Kargil conflict of
stories based in and around the fictional village 1999. He served as Navy Chief from 1998 to 2001. 'A
of Malgudi? Prime Minister to Remember Memories of a Military
(a) Ravindra Nath Tagore Chief', on PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, in which he
(b) Mulk Raj Anand credited Mr. Vajpayee for turning a strategic loss into a
(c) R.K. Lakshman massive victory. He also mentions operation Parakram
(d) R.K. Narayan that was called after the Parliament attack was not the
RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-III) military's finest hour.
Ans. (d) Malgudi is a fictional town located in south
261. Which Indian Prime Minister translated the
India in the novels and short stories of R.K. Narayan. It
epic Telugu novel in to Hindi which is named
forms the setting for most of Narayan's works. Starting
as Sahasra Phan'
with the first novel, swami and friends, all but one of
his fifteen novels and most of his short stories take (a) P.V. Narasimha Rao
place here. Malgudi ki kahaniyan, Swami and friends, (b) Manmohan Singh
the guide are some famous books. (c) V.P. Singh
257. 'Malgudi Days' is based on the works of which (d) I.K. Gujral
Indian author? RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Sankar Naga (b) R.K. Lakshman Ans. (a) : Vishwanath Satyanarayana was the author of
(c) R.K. Narayan (d) Girish Karnad the book Veyi Padagalu, a Telugu novel. It was
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist translated into Hindi by India's 9th Prime Minister PV
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. Narsimha Rao, with the name 'Sahasara Phan' (A
258. Silappatikaram, a famous Tamil epic, was Thousand Hoods).
composed by: 262. Who wrote the book, 'Why I am Hindu'?
(a) Kalidas (b) Chathanar (a) Manmohan Singh (b) Shashi Tharoor
(c) Thiruvalluvar (d) IIango Adigal (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) Narendra Modi
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : "The Tale of an Anklet" also referred to as RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Silappathikaram, is the earliest Tamil epic. It was written Ans. (b) :
in the 5th–6th century AD by Prince Ilanko Adikal
(Ilango Adigal). The epic is a tragic love story of an
Book - Writer
ordinary couple, Kannaki and her husband Kovalan. Why I am Hindu - Shashi Tharoor
259. Which one of the following books is NOT Changing India - Manmohan Singh
authored by Amartya Sen? National Unification - 1961 - Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(a) Poverty and Famines
Karmayogi - M.S. Ashokan
(b) On Economic Inequality
(c) Poverty of India 263. The famous novel 'Untouchable' was written
(d) Resources, values, and development by:
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) R.K. Narayan
Ans. (c) : (b) Mulk Raj Anand
Books Author (c) K.R. Srinivasan Iyengar
Poverty and Famines Amartya Sen (d) A.K. Ramanujan
Poverty of India Dadabhai Naoroji RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
On Economic Inequality Amartya Sen Ans. (b) : The novel 'Untouchable' was written by Mulk
Resources, values and Amartya Sen Raj Anand. The powerful story of Untouchable is based
development on India's caste system.
264. Who has written the narrative history 'India 268. Who is the author of 'Economy of
after Gandhi'? Permanence'?
(a) Malathi Rao (b) Arundhati Roy (a) PC Mahalanobis (b) KN Raj
(c) Ramachandra Guha (d) Rupa Bajwa (c) JC Kumarappa (d) K Kamaraj
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans.(c) : Ramachandra Guha was born on 29 Ans. (c) :
April,1958. He is a historian and a huge fan of Famous Book Writer
Gandhian philosophy. He wrote two books with most Economy of Permanence; J.C. Kumarappa
relevance to Gandhiji. Gandhian Economic Thought
1. India after Gandhi. Experiments in Statistical P.C. Mahalanobis
2. Gandhi: The Years That changed the World, 1914– Sampling in the Indian
1948. Statistical Institute
265. Who is the author of the book "Economic Organizational Issues in Indian K.N. Raj
Nightmare of India- Its Cause and Cure"? Agriculture
(a) Raghuram Rajan 269. Who has written Bahuroopi Gandhi?
(b) Charan Singh (a) Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
(c) Amiya Kumar Bagchi (b) Anu Bandopadhyaya
(d) Abhijit Banerjee (c) Amrita Pritam
RRB NTPC 08.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : 'Economic Nightmare of India- Its Cause and
Cure' is a book written by Charan Singh. Chaudhary Ans. (b) : Anu Bandopadhyaya has written the Book
Charan Singh served as the 5th Prime Minister of India Bahuroopi Gandhi.
between 1979 -1980. Other books written by Chaudhary 270. Name the famous Indian writer who has
Charan Singh are Abolition of Zamindari, Co-operative written novels like 'Untouchable' and
farming, India's Economic Policy- The Gandhian 'Coolie'.)'.
Blueprint etc. (a) RK Narayan
266. The Book – The Test of My Life – was written (b) Mulk Raj Anand
by- (c) Anita Desai
(a) Sachin Tendulkar (b) Yuvraj Singh (d) Kamla Das
(c) Saina Nehwal (d) Kapil Dev RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : Mulk Raj Anand born on 12 December
1905, Peshawar, British India (now in Pakistan) was
Ans. (b) : The book ‘The Test of My Life: From
prominent Indian author of novels, short stories, and
Cricket to Cancer and Back' was written by Yuvraj
critical essays in English, who is known for his
realistic and sympathetic portrayal of the poor in India.
• Sachin Tendulkar- Playing It My Way. He is considered a founder of the English language
• Saina Nehwal- Playing to Win, Mera Racket Meri Indian novel. He gained wide recognition for his
Duniya. novels Untouchable (1935) and Coolie (1936), both of
• Kapil Dev- Kapil: The Autobiography of Kapil Dev, which examined the problems of poverty in Indian
Cricket My Style. society. Among his other major works are: The Village
267. Who is the author of the book 'Shades of (1939), The Sword and the Sickle (1942), and The Big
Saffron'? Heart (1945; rev. ed. 1980). He passed away on 28
September 2004 in Pune.
(a) Kamla Bhasin (b) Saba Naqvi
Notable awards
(c) Chidanand Rajghatta (d) Arundhati Roy
• International Peace Prize - 1953
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
• Padma Bhushan - 1967
Ans. (b) :
• Sahitya Akademi Award – 1971
Book Writer
271. Who wrote the famous book 'Ignited Minds'?'
Shades of Saffron Saba Naqvi (a) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Borders and Boundaries : Kamala Bhasin (b) Chetan Bhagat
Women in India's (c) Robin Sharma
partition (d) Jhumpa Lahiri
Horse that flew Chidananda Rajghatta RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Ignited Minds is a book by Dr A.P.J. Abdul 276. Which Indian author has described life in the
Kalam. He was the former President of India and also hills of kumon in the book 'Things to leave
known as the "Missile Man of India" for his work in the Behind'?
development of missiles and launch vehicles. In this (a) Shashi Tharoor
book, Dr Kalam talks about his dream of developed (b) Anosh Irani
India. The title of the book comes with a tagline, (c) Namita Gokhale
“Unleashing the power within India” (d) Vikram Seth
Other books by him: RRB ALP & Tec. (09-08-18 Shift-III)
• Wings of Fire. Ans : (c) ‘Things To Leave Behind’ was written by
• Turning Points Indian writer Namita Gokhale and she is the author of
• India 2020 twenty books. Examples are: The Book of shadows,
• Naa Jeevana Gamanam Paro, A Himalayan love story etc.
• You are born to Blossom 277. Which of the following players has recently
• Forge your Future written the auto biographical book 'Ace
• Mission India Against odds'?
• The Luminous Sparks: A Biography in Verse and (a) Saina Nehwal
Colours (b) Anil Kumble
272. Who among the following has compiled 'The (c) Yuvraj Singh
wings of fire'? (d) Sania Mirza
(a) K. R. Narayan (b) Pranab Mukherjee RRB ALP & Tec. (10-08-18 Shift-II)
(c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (d) V.S. Naipaul Ans : (d) ‘Ace Against Odds’ is the biography of the
RRB Group-D 10-10-2018 (Shift-I) Indian professional tennis player Sania Mirza. The book
Ans : (c) The wings of fire is an auto biography of A.P.J. is her biography chronicling her journey to becoming
Abdul kalam. He was an Indian Aerospace scientist and one of Indias and world's top female tennis player. She
politician who served as 11th President of India from has won 6 grand slams. It was published in 2016.
2002-2007. He was also known as missile man of India. 278. Which author has described his passion for
He was awarded by Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan cricket in India as the subject of his recent
Padma Bhushan. book 'Selection Day'?
(a) Vikram Seth
273. Who is the author of 'The wings of fire'?
(b) Anil Menon
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr. Radha Krishnan (c) Anish Tripathi
(c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (d) Aravind Adiga
(d) Ashish Giri Vs. V.V. Giri RRB ALP & Tec. (20-08-18 Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans : (d) Aravind Adiga is a Indian- Australian writer
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. and journalist. His debut novel, The white Tiger won
Man Booker Prize - 2008.
274. Which of the following book has not written by
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam? 279. Who is the author of the book ‘Indira Gandhi :
(a) Wings of Fire: An Autobiography A Life in Nature’?
(b) India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium (a) Natwer Singh
(c) The Discovery of India (b) Priyanka Vadra
(d) Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within (c) Jairam Ramesh
India (d) Sonia Gandhi
RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB Group-D 22-09-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (c) : Jairam Ramesh is an Indian economist and
275. 'No Nation for Women' is written by: Politician belonging to congress party. A chequered
(a) Manav Kaul (b) Priyanka Dubey Brilliance: The many lives of V.K. Menon and Indira
(c) Indumati Desai (d) Kishwer Desai Gandhi: A life in nature was written by Jairam.
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 280. Which book has been written by former RBI
Ans. (b) : Governor Raghuram G. Rajan?
Book Writer (a) I do what I do.
(b) The Emergency – Indian Democracy's
Prem Kabootar Manav Kaul
Darkest Hour.
No Nation for Women Priyanka Dubey (c) The Unseen Indira Gandhi
Origin of love Kishwar Desai (d) The ministry of utmost happiness
The Inheritence of Loss Kiran Desai RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Author Book Ans : (a) 'Playing it my way' is the autobiography of
(a) Former governor I do what I do, The third former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. It was
Raghuram Rajan pillar, Fault Lines: How published on 5 November 2014 in Mumbai. Sachin is
Hidden Fractures still the highest run scorer of all time in International
threaten the world crickets.
economy 285. Who is the author of the book' Jinnah often
(b) Surya Prakash The emergency: Indian came to our house?
Democracy's Darkest (a) Sunita Harayanan
Hour (b) Sowvendra Shekhar
(c) K.P. Mathur The Unseen Indira (c) Kiran Doshi
(d) Dinanath Gopal Tendulkar
(d) Arundhati Roy The Ministry of Utmost
RRB Group-D 19-09-2018 (Shift-II)
281. Identify the name of the book that won booker Ans. (c) : Kiran Doshi is retired Indian diplomat and
prize and tells the story of two twin brothers as educationist. In 2016, his last novel, ‘Jinnah often came
well as how small things can make a big to our house’, received the Hindu Prize for the best
work of fiction published in India.
difference in people's life and behaviour.
(a) A fine balance 286. The author of the Book ‘The Peoples President
(b) The glass place Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’:
(c) Midnight's Children (a) Sumitra Mahajan (b) Tarun Vijay
(d) God of small things (c) S.M. Khan (d) K.C. Pant
RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-II) RRB Group-D 03-10-2018 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) The god of small things is a debut novel of Ans : (c) The peoples President : Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the was written by S.M. Khan. Zero waste, Engineering and
childhood experience of fraternal twin whose lives are Green Petroleum are famous book of S.M. Khan.
destroyed by the, 'Love laws' that lay down "who 287. What is the name of the author of the book
should be loved, and how much." The Booker prize is a 'One Indian girl'?
literary prize awarded each year for the best novel (a) Chetan Bhagat (b) Mark Tuli
written in English and published in U.K. or Ireland. (c) Brad Stone (d) Ashwin Sanghi
282. Arun Shourie is the author of which of the RRB Group-D 03-10-2018 (Shift-II)
following books. Ans : (a) Chetan Bhagat is an Indian author and
(a) Anita Desai Columnist. Five point someone, The 3 mistakes of my
(b) Anita gets Bail life, 2 states, Half girlfriend, One Indian Girl and
(c) Anita gets a life Making India Awesome are famous books of Chetan
(d) Anita gets the ball Bhagat.
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-I)
288. Who is the author of the book ‘Making India
Ans. (b) Arun Shourie is the author of the book 'Anita
gets Bail' and he is an Indian economist, journalist
(a) Arundhati Roy (b) Kailash Satyarthi
author and politician. He has worked as an economist
with the World Bank, a consultant to the planning (c) Sachin Garg (d) Chetan Bhagat
commission of India. RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
283. The book 'Interpreter of Maladies' is written Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
by. 289. Who has written the book 'Cricket my style'?
(a) Nayan tara sahgal (b) Jhumpa Lahiri (a) Kapil Devl (b) Anil Kumble
(c) Arundhati Roy (d) Shobhaa De (c) Sunil Gavasher (d) Ashwin Sanghi
RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-I) RRB Group-D 05-10-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) ‘Interpreter of Maladies’ is a book collection
Ans : (a) 'Cricket my style' was written by Kapil Dev. It
of nine short stories by American author of Indian
was published in 1987.
origin Jhumpa Lahiri published in 1999. She won the
Pulitzer Prize for friction in 2000. 290. Who wrote the autobiography of unknown
284. Which player's autobiography is named India?
'Playing it my way'? (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Sachin Tendulkar (b) Rahul Dravid (b) Nirad C.Chaudhari
(c) Vinod Kambli (d) Kapil Dev (c) Salman Rushdie
RRB Group-D 20-09-2018 (Shift-II) (d) R.K. Narayan
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Nirad Chaudhari was an Indian writer. His (ii) International Books
masterpiece is The Autobiography of an Unknown
Indian, Published in 1951. He was born in present day 297. ‘If the poem does not come in the form of
Bangladesh in 1897. leaves of a true, it is better not to come’ is said
291. Who is the author of 'Anandmath'? by:
(a) Dinbandhu Mishra (a) S.T. Coleridge (b) W. Wordsworth
(b) Subramania Bharati (c) John Keats (d) John Terry
(c) Bharatendu Harishchandra
(d) Bankimchandra chattopadhyay RRB Group-D 04-12-2018 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd Ans. (c) These lines are said by famous poet John
Ans : (d) Bankimchandra Chatterjee was an Indian Keats. John Keats was an English romantic poet. He
novelist, poet and journalist. He was the composer of was died from Tuberculosis at the age of 25.
Vande Mataram originally in Sanskrit. 298. Malala has penned a book on refugee girls
292. Whose autobiography is “On my terms”? titled:
(a) Sharad Pawar (b) Shashi Tharror
(a) Women Deprivation (b) We are Displaced
(c) Chetan Bhagat (d) Pranab Mukharjee
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (c) We are Deprived (d) We are exploited
Ans : (a) ‘On my terms’ is a autobiography of Sharad RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Pawar. He is an Indian politician from Maharashtra and Ans. (b) : We are Displaced (My journey and stories
the leader of NCP. from Refugee Girls Around the World) book has been
293. Who is the author of the famous autobiography authored by Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala
'Dreaming Big: My Journey to connect India'? Yousafzai. The book introduced the people behind the
(a) Abdul Kalam (b) Sam Pitroda statistics and news stories about the millions of people
(c) Nandan Nelekani (d) Azim Premji
displaced world wide.
Ans : (b) Satyan Pitroda, popularly known as Sam
Pitroda is an Indian telecom engineer, inventor and 299. The book titled 'No spin' is the autobiography
entrepreneur. He is popularly known as the father of of _______ .
India's computer & IT Revolution was awarded by (a) Anil Kumble (b) Shane Warne
Padma Bhushan in 2009. (c) Muttaih Muralithran (d) Salim Ali
294. Who is the author of the Book "To the Brink RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-I)
and Back: India's 1991 story"?
Ans : (b) 'No Spin' is a autobiography of Australian
(a) Jairam Ramesh (b) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(c) Salman Rusdie (d) Natwar Singh Cricketer Shane Warne. In this book, Warne tells about
RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist his life challenges, life and cricket events. He is second
Ans : (a) This book was written by Jairam Ramesh and highest wicket taker after M. Murlitharan in test match.
based on the story of 1991 economic changes in India. 300. The book 'Systema Naturae' was written by
In this time, Manmohan Singh was the finance minister Swedish botanist –––––.
of India. (a) Anders Dahl (b) Carolus Linnaeus
295. Who is the author of the book 'Lone Fox (c) Carl Peter Thunberg (d) Goran Rothman
Dancing: My Autobiography?
(a) Ruskin Bond (b) Arundhati Roy RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Shobha De (d) V.S. Naipaul Ans. (b) : Carolus Linnaeus was the Swedish botanist
RRB ALP & Tec. (29-08-18 Shift-I) and also author of the famous book 'Systema Naturae'.
Ans : (a) Lone fox Dancing is autobiography of Ruskin He introduced the Linnaean taxonony, which is known
Bond. He was awarded by Padma Bhushan, Padma as the binomial nomenclature. The first edition of the
Shri. Other notable works of Ruskin Bond is ‘The book Systema Naturae was published in the year 1735.
Room on the Roof’, ‘The Blue Umbrella’, 'Flight of
301. Who is the author of the book 'Republic'?
Pigeons' etc.
(a) Plato (b) John Ruskin
296. Who is the author of ‘Politics of Jugaad: The
Coalition Handbook’? (c) TS Eliot (d) Leo Tolstoy
(a) Tom Hanks (b) Chetan Bhagat RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Jhumpa Lahiri (d) Saba Naqvi Ans. (a) : 'The Republic' was authored by the great
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist thinker Plato in 375 B.C . Plato is considered as the
Ans. (d) : The writer of the book 'Politics of Jugaad: founder of western political philosophy. Plato was the
The Coalition Handbook' is Saba Naqvi who is a
founder of the plationist school of thought and
famous journalist. He is also considered as one of
eminent writer and a thinker. The book deals a lot with academy. It was the first school of higher learning in the
the coalition governments in India. western world.
302. Who is the author of the book 'Wealth of 307. Who is the author of 'Early History of India'?
Nations'? (a) K.A. Nilakanta Sastri
(a) Adam Smith (b) Karl Marx (b) R.C. Majumdar
(c) Alan Greenspan (d) John Stuart Mill (c) R.G. Bhandarkar
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (d) Vincent Arthur Smith
Ans. (a) : Adam Smith wrote the book ‘Wealth of RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Nations’ in 1776 and gave the concept of political
Ans. (d) :
economy, which studies in depth how prosperity
achieve by a nation. Adam Smith is renowned as the Historian/Author Famous Book
‘Father of Economics’. Vincent Arthur Smith The Early History of
303. Who wrote the book 'Early Indus Civilisation' India: From 600 BC to
in 1948? the Muhammadan
(a) Ernest Machay (b) GF Dales Conquest (including the
(c) John Marshall (d) REM Wheeler Invasion of Alexander
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist the Great)
Ans. (a) : Ernest Machay wrote the book 'Early Indus K.A. Nilakanta Sastri A History of South
Civilisation' in 1948. The book was published by India: From Prehistoric
London, Luzac. John Marshal wrote the book 'Mohenjo- Times to the Fall of
daro' and ‘The Indus Civilization’ in 1931 covering the Vijayanagar
very first excavations at this ancient Indus metropolis. R.C. Majumdar Ancient India
304. First translation of the Bhagavad Gita into R.G. Bhandarkar First book of Sanskrit
English was done by: 308. Who is the author of the book titled "Dreams
(a) William Jones (b) Charles Wilkins from My Father"?
(c) Max Muller (d) Colebrook (a) Nelson Mandela (b) Tony Blair
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Barack Obama (d) Donald Trump
Ans. (b) : Charles Wilkins was a remarkable man and had RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
a flair for languages. He came to India in the late 18th
Ans. (c) :
century and started his career as a printer and a clerk with
the British East India Company. Soon enough, he was Books Writer
posted in Banaras, where he learnt Sanskrit and became the • Dreams from My father Barack Obama
first ever individual to translate the Bhagavad Gita into • Long walk to freedom Nelson Mandela
English. He titled his work Bhagwat Geeta or the • A Journey: My Political life Tony Blair
Dialogues of Krishna and Arjun. Fortunately, Wilkins • Great Again : How to Fix Donald Trump
know the then Governor-General Warren Hastings, who Our Crippled America
was very impressed with his work and strongly
309. 'The Origin of species' was written by:
recommended that the East India Company publish it in
England. It was, in 1785, and it received great acclaim. (a) Confucius (b) Aristotle
(c) Charles Darwin (d) Plato
305. Who wrote the book ‘Capital and Growth’?
(a) AR Rodon (b) Adam Smith RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) John Hicks (d) James Marshall Ans. (c) : The book ‘Origin of Species’ was written by
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Charles Darwin. It was published in November, 1859
Ans. (c) : The book ‘Capital and Growth’ is written by AD. Charles Darwin gave the "Theory of Evolution".
Sir John Richard Hicks. The book is based upon a
comparative study of methods of dynamic economics. In 3. Important Days
1972, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
Sciences (jointly) for his pioneering contributions to 310. When is United Nations World Environment
general equilibrium theory and welfare theory. Day celebrated?
306. Who wrote the book 'The Little Balance (La (a) On 10 December every year.
Bilancetta)' in 1586? (b) On 5 June every year.
(a) Carolus Linnaeus (b) Galileo Galilei (c) On 5 September every year.
(c) James Prescott (d) Archimedes (d) On 10 June every year.
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Galileo was an Italian scientist, he wrote his RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
first scientific book 'The Little Balance' (La Bilancetta) RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
in 1586, which described Archimedes method of finding RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
the specific gravities of substance using a balance. RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
Ans : (b) Every year, the Environment Day is 316. When is 'International Day of Sign Languages'
celebrated on 5th June. Its main objective is to create celebrate every year around the world?
awareness among people about environment protection. (a) 13 September (b) 13 October
Its theme of 2021 was "Restoration of Ecosystem". The (c) 23 October (d) 23 September
day was first started to celebrate in 1974 to
RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
remembrance of Stockholm conference 1972. Pakistan
was the global host of the day (5 June 2021). Ans. (d) : The UN General Assembly has proclaimed
311. 'World Environment Day' is annually 23rd September as the International Day of Sign
celebrated on ______. Languages in order to raise awareness of the importance
(a) 16th August (b) 5th June of sign language in the full realization of the human
(c) 16 June (d) 7th June rights of people who are deaf. The 2021 theme, declared
RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist by the World Federation of the Deaf, is “We Sign For
Ans.(b): See the explanation of above question. Human Rights.”
312. On which date is International Yoga day 317. When is the ‘World Population Day’
celebrated ? celebrated?
(a) 21 May (b) 21 June (a) 5 July (b) 21 July
(c) 5 June (d) 1 May (c) 11 July (d) 1 July
RRB Group-D 01-11-2018 (Shift-II)
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (c) : In 1989, the United Nations Development
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Programme (UNDP) recommended that 11th July be
Ans. (b) : On 27 September, 2014 during his speech at observed by the international community as World
the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Narendra Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency
Modi put forth his suggestion for the occasion of a and importance of population issues. UNDP was
‘Yoga Day’. The draft resolution proposed by India was inspired by the public interest and awareness that was
then endorsed by a record 177 member states. The first created by "Five Billion Day" on 11th July, 1987 when
International Day of Yoga was observed around the the world's population reached 5 Billion.
world on June 21, 2015. The theme for International
318. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer's
Yoga Day 2021 is "Yoga for well-being".
Welfare of India has declared a day of every
313. 'World Leprosy Day' is observed on the last year as 'National Women's Farmer's Day' on:
Sunday of-
(a) January (b) March (a) 15 October (b) 24 October
(c) February (d) April (c) 30 January (d) 8 March
R.R.B. JE- Stage - II 31-08-2019 (Shift -I) RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : 'World Leprosy Day' is observed on the last Ans. (a) : 15th October is celebrated nationwide as
Sunday of January. National Women Farmers Day to empower women
314. When is Halloween celebrated? farmers in India by the Ministry of Agriculture and
(a) 1 December (b) 29 September Farmers Welfare .
(c) 3 November (d) 31 October 319. The 'International Day of the Unborn Child' is
RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (evening) observed every year on:
Ans. (d) Halloween, contraction of All Hallow's Eve, a (a) 12 May (b) 25 March
holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All
Saints Day. The celebration marks the day before the (c) 8 March (d) 31 March
western Christian feast of All Saints and initiates the RRB NTPC 12.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
season of Allhallowtide which lasts three days and Ans. (b) :
concludes with All Soul's Day. Improtant Days Observed on
315. When is world Bicycle Day celebrated globally? International Day of the Unborn 25th March
(a) 6 June (b) 6 May
(c) 3 June (d) 4 June
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist International Nurses Day 12th May,
Ans. (c) : International Women's Day 8th March,
Important Days Observed on International Transgender Day of 31st March,
• World Bicycle Day 3rd June Visibility
• World Food Safety Day 7th June 320. National Handloom Day is celebrated every
• International No Diet Day 6th May year on ______.
• World Pest Day 6th June (a) 15 August (b) 19 July
• International Day of Innocent 4th June (c) 19 January (d) 7 August
Children Victims of Aggression RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans.(d): Every year on 7th August "National Handloom Ans.(c) : World Desertification and Drought Prevention
Day" is celebrated. It was started by the Indian Day is observed on 17th June every year. In 1994, the
government in order to strengthen weavers of the United Nations General Assembly declared it to be
nation. The first National Handloom Day was celebrated on June 17. World Environment Day is
inaugurated on 7 August, 2015 by Prime Minister observed every year on June 5, Earth Day on April 22,
Narendra Modi in Chennai. and International Day for Biodiversity on May 22nd.
321. The Government of India celebrates 325. In December 2018, the United Nations declared
_____every year as 'Civil Services Day' for the 7th June as:
civil servants to rededicate themselves to the (a) World Food Safety Day
cause of citizens and renew their commitment (b) World Organic Food Day
to public service and excellence in work. (c) World Healthy Food Day
(a) 21 January (b) 21 April (d) World No Hunger Day
(c) 21May (d) 21 October RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a): The first-ever World Food Safety Day,
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in
Ans. (b) : The Civil Services refer to the career
December 2018. In this direction, World Health
government civil servants who are the permanent
Organisation (WHO) in collaboration with the Food and
executive branch of the Republic of India. 21 April was
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
chosen to commemorate the day in 1947 when Sardar decided to celebrate 7th June as the First Food Safety
Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister of Day since 7th June 2019. The theme for 2021 is “Safe
Independent India, addressed the probationers of food today for a healthy tomorrow”.
Administrative Services Officers. Charles Cornwallis is
326. Which of the following date is observed as
known as ‘the Father of Civil Service in India’.
World Clean Up Day?
322. In order to raise public awareness about the (a) March 14 (b) September 14
environment and pollution of the earth, which (c) May 15 (d) September 15
of the following days is celebrated every year RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
across the world as Earth Day?
Ans. (*) : Third Saturday of September World
(a) 11th February (b) 22nd July
Cleanliness Day (September 18 in 2021)
(c) 22nd April (d) 11th November 14 March-International Mathematics Day
RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 14 September- Hindi Day
Ans. (c) : In order to spread the public awareness about 15 May -International Family Day
environment and pollution of the earth and inspire 15 September-Engineers Day
people to save and protect, every year 22nd April is Note- This question has been canceled by the Railway
celebrated as " Earth Day". It was established by Recruitment Board (RRB).
american senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, as an 327. National Education Day is observed on 11
environmental study. The theme for 2021 is "Restore November to celebrate the birthday of which
Our Earth". Indian leader?
323. In order to encourage more young voters to (a) Subhash Chandra Bose
take part in the political process, Government (b) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
of India has decided to celebrate _____ as (c) APJ Abdul Kalam
"National Voters Day". (d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(a) 28th January (b) 26th January RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) 27 January (d) 25th January Ans. (d) : National Education Day is an annual
RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist observance in India to commemorate the birth
Ans. (d) : Every year 25th January is celebrated as anniversary of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, the
‘National Voters Day’. The main objective of such first education minister of independent India, who
initiative is to aware youth and others about their right served from 15th August 1947 until 2 February 1958.
of forming a government and to establish a welfare National Education Day of India is celebrated on 11
democracy for the people of nation. November every year.
324. On which day is World Day to combat The Ministry of Human Resource Development
announced on 11th September 2008, "The Ministry has
desertification and drought observed?
decided to commemorate the birthday of this great son
(a) 22nd April (b) 5th June of India by recalling his contribution to the cause of
(c) 17 June (d) 22nd May education in India. November 11 every year, from 2008
RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist onwards, will be celebrated as the National Education
RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Day, with declaring it as a holiday."
328. Which day is observed as World Hunger Day 332. National Technology Day is observed every
every year? year to commemorate:
(a) May 25 (b) May 26 (a) Pokhran II
(c) May 29 (d) May 28 (b) Operation Blue Star
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Operation Meghdoot
Ans. (d): World Hunger Day is observed globally on 28 (d) Mangalyaan
May every year. The objective of this day is to raise RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
awareness about more than 820 million people living in
Ans. (a) India observes its National Technology Day
chronic hunger worldwide. It is observed since 2011 to
on 11th May every year. The day, which was first
not only spread awareness about the malaise of chronic
huuuunger but also to solve hunger and poverty through observed on 11th May, 1999, aims to commemorate
sustainable undertakings. the scientific and technological achievements of Indian
World Food Day is an international day celebrated scientists, engineers. It is the day India successfully
every year worldwide on 16 October to commemorate tested nuclear bombs in Pokhran on 11th May, 1998.
the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and On this day, India successfully test-fired its Shakti-1
Agriculture Organization in 1945. nuclear missile in an operation called Pokhran-II, also
code-named as Operation Shakti, which was led by
329. When is World Student's Day celebrated?
late president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. The day was
(a) 17th August (b) 15th October
named by the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari
(c) 17th September (d) 18th December
Vajpayee. The 2021 theme of National Technology
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist day was Science and Technology for a Sustainable
Ans. (b) : World Student’s Day is marked on Dr. A. P. Future.
J. Abdul Kalam's birth anniversary, 15 October. In 2010
333. Which day is observed as Armed Forces Flag
the United Nations declared 15 October as "World
Students' Day". Kalam was a dedicated teacher and Day across all colleges in India?
identified himself foremost in that role before anything (a) 11 December (b) 7 December
else. His love for students, finds best voice when he (c) 15 August (d) 16 November
said, "Dream, Dream, Dream, Dreams transform into RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
thoughts and thoughts result in action." He had Ans. (b) : Since 1949, 7th December is observed as the
famously said that teachers are the builders of society Armed Forces Flag Day throughout the country to
and the society can be built only when the students are honour the martyrs and the men in uniform who
made proficient in their subjects. valiantly fought on our borders to safe guard the
330. When is ‘International Literacy Day’ country's honour. There can't be a noble cause than
celebrated? laying down ones life for the country. On this day the
(a) 8th September (b) 29th September services rendered by personnel of Army, Navy and Air
(c) 14 September (d) 27th September Force are remembered. The Flag Day, gives us an
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist opportunity to contribute most generously to the Armed
Ans. (a) : International Literacy Day is an international Forces Flag Day fund.
observance, celebrated each year on 8 September, that 334. World Hindi day is celebrated annually :
was declared by UNESCO on 26 October 1966 at the (a) 10 January (b) 10 September
14th session of UNESCO's General Conference. It was
(c) 10 March (d) 10 April
celebrated for the first time in 1967. Its aim is to
highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, RRB Group-D 04-12-2018 (Shift-II)
communities and societies. The theme of International RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Literacy Day 2021 is “Literacy for a human-centered RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”. Ans. (a) : World Hindi Day is celebrated annually on
331. World Red Cross Day is celebrated on: January 10 since 2006 to promote the language at the
(a) 18 July (b) 8 July global level. The day marks the anniversary of first
(c) 15 June (d) 8 May World Hindi Conference which was inaugurated on
RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist January 10, 1975 by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Ans. (d) : World Red Cross Day is observed every year However, the celebration of first World Hindi Day was
on 8th May. The occasion is marked to celebrate the commenced on 10 January 2006 by former Prime
principles, history, values and impacts of the Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. It must be noted that the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. National Hindi Day is celebrated in India on 14
On this day, people pay tribute to members and September every year. On that day in 1949, the
volunteers of the organization who contribute to constituent assembly adopted Hindi, written in
humanitarian work. Devanagari Script, as the official language of the Union.
335. Which day is celebrated every year as World 340. World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed on ––
Hindi Day to mark the first anniversary of the ––––– every year.
World Hindi Conference held for the first time (a) 24 September (b) 24 January
in 1975? (c) 24 April (d) 24 March
(a) 14 October (b) 5 September RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) 10 January (d) 26 January Ans. (d) : Some important day and releted datas are as
RRB Group-D 11-10-2018 (Shift-I) follows:-
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. World Malaria Day – 25 April
336. When is National Pollution Prevention Day World Health Day – 7 April
observed in India? World Tuberculosis Day – 24 March
(a) April 2nd (b) December 2nd World Polio Day – 24 October
(c) January 2nd (d) March 2nd 341. Which of the following days is observed as
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist World Blood Donor Day?
Ans. (b) : (a) 14 June (b) 16 June
December 2 – National Pollution Prevention Day (in (c) 12 June (d) 10 June
the memory of people who lost their RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
lives in Bhopal Gas Disaster, 1984) Ans. (a) World Blood Donor Day is observed on 14
April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day June.
337. United Nations Day is celebrated every year 342. On which day Human Rights Day is celebrated
on: every year around the word?
(a) 24 October (b) 4 November (a) 2 October (b) 23 March
(c) 26 June (d) 30 October (c) 10 December (d) 20 December
RRB J.E. –2014 RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (c): Human Rights Day is observed by the
Ans. (a) : United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 international community every year on 10 December.
October every year. Since 1948, it marks the official It commemorates this day in 1948 ‘United Nations
establishment of the United Nations in 1945 of the UN General Assembly’ adopted the Universal Declaration
charter. United Nations is headquartered in New York, of Human Rights.
USA. The UN charter is the founding document of this 343. Government of India decided to celebrate the
great non-partisan institution that has been working birthday of ............ as "Parakram Diwas"
towards global peace and equality. every year
338. International day of Multilateralism and (a) Deen Dayal Upadhyay
Diplomacy is celebrated on _______. (b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(a) 24th April (b) 4th January (c) Swami Vivekanand
(c) 21 June (d) 3rd May (d) Vir Sawarakar
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Ans. (b) : The Government of India had declared 23
Date Day January as 'PARAKRAM DIWAS' on the occasion of
125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra
24th April – International day of Bose. Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January,
Multilateralism and 1897 in Cuttack, Odisha. He founded a party known as
Diplomacy. Forward Bloc. Also he graced the position of president
4th Januaryj – World Braille Day of Congress twice.
21st June – International Yoga Day 344. Which date is celebrated as National Voters
339. When is National Science Day celebrated in Day in India?
India? (a) 26 January (b) 24 January
(a) 21 March (b) 19 February (c) 21 January (d) 25 January
(c) 20 January (d) 28 February RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (d) :
Ans. (d) National Science Day is celebrated on 28th Date Days
February every year to commemorate the discovery of 26 January Republic Day
the "Raman Effect" by Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata 24 January National Girl Child Day
Raman, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in
1930. The first National Science Day was celebrated in 21 January Meghalaya Day
1987. 25 January National Voters Day
345. World Bamboo Day is celebrated every year on 349. In whose memory was the government of India
........... . declared June 29 as statistics day each year?
(a) 30 December (b) 10 March (a) Radhakamal Mukherjee
(c) 18 September (d) 10 July (b) Dhananjay Ramchandra Gadgil
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) Shakuntala Devi
Ans. (c): World Bamboo Day is celebrated on (d) Prasanta Chandra Mahalonabis
September 18 annually. Bamboos are used for various RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-III)
purposes mainly in East and South-east Asia. It is Ans : (d) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis was an Indian
observed to raise awareness about the fast-growing scientist and statistician. He is best known for the
grass plant Bamboo. World Bamboo Organization mahalanobis distance a statistical measure and for one
(WBO) has come forward to build awareness, to of the members of the first planning commission of free
protect natural resources, and the environment, to India.
ensure sustainable utilisation, etc. World Bamboo 350. When is world Ozone day celebrated?
Organization (WBO) declared the day officially on (a) 15 January (b) 16 December
September 18 at 8th World Bamboo Congress held in (c) 16 September (d) 25 April
Bangkok in 2009. World Bamboo Organization RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-III)
(WBO) is headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium. The
Ans : (c) September 16 was designated by the UN
theme for the 12th edition of WBD 2021 is General assembly as the international day for the
‘#PlantBamboo: It is time to plant bamboo’ preservation of ozone layer. This designation had been
 World Bamboo Organization Headquarters: made on 1994.
Antwerp, Belgium. 351. When is World Water Day celebrated?
(a) 21 March (b) 23 March
 World Bamboo Organization founded: 2005.
(c) 22 March (d) 20 March
 World Bamboo Organization Executive director: RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-II)
Susanne Lucas. RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (evening)
346. When is National Panchayati Raj Day observed Ans : (c) World water day, held on 22 March every year
in India? since 1993. It was proposed in the UN in 1992 in its
(a) 4 June (b) 3 May Agenda 21' in Rio de Janeiro. The day highlights
(c) 10 April (d) 24 April importance of freshwater.
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 352. In Indian history, which day is celebrated as
Swaraj Day?
Ans. (d) : The first time National Panchayati Raj Day
was celebrated on 24 April 2010. Since then, National (a) 15 August, 1947 (b) 26 January 1950
Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on 24th April every (c) 26 January (d) 14 August 1947
year in India. Panchayati Raj was constitutionalized RRB JE - 02/06/2019 (Shift-II)
through the 73rd Consitutional Amendment Act, 1992. Ans. (c) The Purna Swaraj or declaration of the
347. When is International Dance Day celebrated? Independence of India, was promulgated by National
congress on 26 January 1930. The flag of India was
(a) 27th April (b) 29th April
hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on 31 December 1929 on
(c) 28th April (d) 30th April
the banks of Ravi river in Lahore.
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
353. When is national energy conservation Day
Ans. (b) : The dance committee of International Theatre celebrated?
Institute (ITI) founded the International Dance Day and (a) 14 December (b) 02 October
decided to celebrate the dance day on 29 April to
(c) 12 November (d) 06 October
honour the birthday of Jean Georges Noverre, who is
RRB JE - 22/05/2019 (Shift-I)
the generally consider as the creator of modern ballet.
Ans : (a) Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on
348. When is World Book and Copyright Day
December 14 every year since 1991. It focuses on
celebrated? making people aware of climate change and global
(a) 19 January (b) 27 April warming by promoting efforts towards saving energy
(c) 23 April (d) 13 May resources.
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 354. National Youth Day is celebrated on 12
Ans. (c) : World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated January to mark the birth anniversary of
every year on 23rd April to encourage people about which of the following social reformer?
books, reading, understanding copyright laws, to (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
measure and to protect intellectual copyright. (b) Ram Krishna Paramhansa
(c) Swami Vivekanand (c) 9 January, 2003 commemorates Mahatma
(d) Dayanand Saraswati Gandhi's return from south Africa to Mumbai
RRB Group-D 23-10-2018 (Shift-II) on 9 Jan, 1915.
Ans.(c) : National Youth Day, also known as (d) 1 September, 2014 is celebrated to
Vivekananda Jayanti, is celebrated on 12 January being commemorate the economic departure of Shri
the birthday of swami Vivekananda. In 1984, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Government of India declared this day as National Youth RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Day and since 1985 the event is celebrated every year. Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
355. When is National Youth Day celebrated in 360. When is National Navy Day celebrated in
India? India?
(a) 12 July (b) 15 December (a) 12 December (b) 4 December
(c) 12 January (d) 12 November (c) 12 November (d) 15 July
RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-I) RRB Group-D 12-11-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. Ans : (b) Navy Day in India is celebrated on 4 December
356. When is National Mathematics Day celebrated every year to recognize the achievement and role of the
every year in India? Indian Navy to the country. 4 Dec. was chosen as on that
(a) 22 December (b) 22 November day in 1971 during operation trident, the Indian Navy
(c) 21 March (d) 21 January sank four Pakistani vessels
RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-III) 361. P.M. Modi's birthday is celebrated across India
Ans : (a) National Mathematics Day is celebrated every as _______.
year on December 22 since 2012 across the nation to (a) Sewa Diwas
recognize and celebrate the works of Srinivasa (b) Hindi Day
Ramanujan. It was on this day 1887, the Indian (c) Farmer Day
mathematical genius Srinivasa was born in Tamil Nadu (d) Children Day
357. National Mathematics Day is celebrated in RRB Group-D 27-09-2018 (Shift-I)
India to mark the birth of which famous Ans. (a) On Sep. 17, the 67th birthday of P.M.
person? Narendra Modi was celebrated as Sewa Divas across the
(a) MM. Swaminathan country. Medical camps, blood donation programs and
(b) Srinivasa Ramanujan cleanliness campaigns were organized on the occasion.
(c) C.V. Raman 362. On which date does India celebrate National
(d) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Unity day every year?
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-I) (a) 11 September (b) 5 December
Ans. (b) See the explanation of above question. (c) 19 November (d) 21 November
358. Which of the following days is celebrated every RRB Group-D 15-11-2018 (Shift-II)
year on 9 January to mark the contribution of Ans : (*) National Unity day (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) is
the overseas Indian community in the celebrated in India on 31 October. It was introduced by
development of India? the government of India in 2014. The day is celebrated
(a) Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to mark the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel.
(b) Akhil Bhartiya Divas While world toilet day is celebrated on 19 November.
(c) Unnatiy Bharat Divas According to RRB, option (c) is correct.
(d) Overseas Indian Development day. 363. India celebrates 29 August as National sports
RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-I) day in whose honor?
Ans. (a) : Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated on 9 (a) J.Shrinath (b) Milkha Singh
January every year since 2003 by the republic of India to (c) Major Dhyan Chand (d) P.T. Usha
mark the contribution of the overseas Indian community RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-II)
towards the development of India. Mahatma Gandhi RRB Group-D 22-09-2018 (Shift-II)
returned to India from South Africa on the same day RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(1915). RRB Group-D 27-11-2018 (Shift-I)
359. What do you understand by Pravasi Divas or Ans. (c) The National sports day is celebrated on dhyan
when was it started? chand's birthday on August 29 to honour the hockey
(a) 15 January, 2013 is celebrated to legend. He was born on August 29, 1905 in Prayagraj and
commemorate the players. is also known as Hockey Magician. The Government of
(b) 17 January, 2014 when Indian marine India awarded Chand India's third highest civilian honour
engineer was awarded. of Padma Bhushan in 1956.
364. On which date is world press freedom day Ans : (c) Every year March 20 is observed as World
celebrated? Sparrow Day to raise awareness about the sparrows.
(a) 15 August (b) 20 October The initiative was started by Nature Forever Society
(c) 10 June (d) 3 May (NFS) of India, founded by Mohammed Dilawar, an
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-II) Indian conservationist.
Ans. (d) United Nations General Assembly declared 370. On which date is World Lion's Day celebrated?
May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day. This day has (a) 10 September (b) 10 August
been celebrated since 1993. (c) 10 July (d) 10 June
Ans : (b) On August 10, the World Lion Day is
365. When is National Army Day celebrated in
371. When is World Heritage Day celebrated?
(a) 12 December (b) 15 January
(a) 8 March (b) 8 April
(c) 12 November (d) 15 July
(c) 18 April (d) 25 May
RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-II) RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Army day is celebrated on 15 January every Ans : (c) World Heritage Day is observed every year on
year in India, in recognition of Field Marshal April 18 to preserve the human heritage and recognize
Kodandera M. Cariappa had taken over as the first the efforts of the organizations working for it.
commander-in-chief of Indian army. On 15 January 372. When is World Cancer Day celebrated?
2021, India celebrated its 73rd Indian Army Day in New (a) 4 February (b) 5 March
Delhi. Indian Airforce day is observed on 8 October and (c) 12 May (d) 23 August
Indian Navy Day on 4 December. RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
366. World Animation Day is celebrated on: Ans : (a) World cancer day is an international day
(a) 15 December (b) 28 October marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and
(c) 16 April (d) 22 February to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.
RRB Group-D 07-12-2018 (Shift-I) 373. International women's day is celebrated every
Ans : (b) October 28, World Animation Day was an year on March–
international observance proclaimed in 2002 by the (a) 6 (b) 7
ASIFA as the main global event to celebrate the art of (c) 8 (d) 9
animation. RRB Group-D 26-09-2018 (Shift-I)
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
367. 20 February is celebrated as:
Ans : (c) International women's day is celebrated on the
(a) World Day of social Justice 8th of March every year around the world. It is a focal
(b) World heritage Day point in the movement for women's rights.
(c) World Water Day 374. When is the constitution day of India
(d) Central Excise Day celebrated?
RRB Group-D 19-09-2018 (Shift-III) (a) 24 November (b) 25 November
Ans. (a) : United Nation's (UN) world day of social (c) 26 November (d) 27 November
justice is annually observed on February 20. The day RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
was first celebrated in 2009. Ans : (c) Constitution Day also known as National Law
368. World Wildlife Day is celebrated on which day, is celebrated in India on 26 November every year.
day? On 26 November 1949, the constitution assembly of
India adopted the constitution of India and it came into
(a) 3 June (b) 3 March
effect on 26 January 1950.
(c) 12 April (d) 8 September
375. When is world Earth Day celebrated?
Ans : (b) World wildlife day is celebrated on 3 March. (a) 18 September (b) 25 August
369. Why is World Sparrow Day celebrated every (c) 22 April (d) 7 April
year on 20 March? RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) To commemorate the increasing number of Ans : (c) Earth day is an annual event celebrated around
sparrows. the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for
(b) To show the sparrow's superiority over other environment protection, first celebrated in 1970.
birds. 376. When was World Earth Day celebrated?
(c) To raise awareness for the preservation of (a) 22 April (b) 22 March
sparrows (c) 22 January (d) 22 February
(d) On the birthday of Dr. Salim Ali RRB JE - 28/06/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) See the explanation of above question.
377. When was Leprosy Day celebrated? 381. Which Indian won the Nobel Prize for peace in
(a) 25 December, 2015 (b) 17 January, 2016 2014?
(c) 25 January, 2016 (d) 30 January, 2016 (a) Kailash Satyarthi
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (b) Malala Yousafzai
(c) Sanjeev Chaturvedi
Ans : (d) National Leprosy Eradication Program was
(d) Anshu Gupta
started in the year 1955. In 2016, this day was
celebrated on 30 January. International Leprosy RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
prevention day is observed on the last Sunday of RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
January each year. Ans :(a) Nobel Prize for peace in 2014 were awarded
jointly to Kailash Satyarthi for their struggle against the
378. When is National Good Governance Day suppression of children and young people and for the
celebrated in India? right of all children to education and Malala Yousafzai.
(a) 24 December (b) 25 December He started the "Bachpan Bachao Andolan" campaign in
(c) 26 December (d) 31 December 1980.
RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 382. Who started the "Bachpan Bachao Andolan"
Ans : (b) Good Governance day is observed in India campaign for which he was awarded the Nobel
annually on 25 of december, the birth anniversary of Prize?
former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Good (a) Kailash Satyarthi
Governance day was established in 2014. (b) Medha Patkar
(c) Jaggi Vasudev
4. Awards (d) Malala Yousafzai
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-III)
(i) Nobel Prize Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
379. Who among the following is NOT a Nobel Prize 383. Who was the only woman to win the Nobel
winner? prize in physics and Chemistry twice?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Kailash Satyarthi (a) Dorothy Hodgkin
(c) Rabindranath Tagore (d) Amartya Sen (b) Marie Curie
RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-II) (c) Garia Geyer
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (d) Ada Yonath
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans : (b) Only one woman, Marie Curie, has been
honoured twice, with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics
Ans. (a) : Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian
and the 1991 Nobel prize in chemistry. It was established
citizen to be awarded Nobel Prize in the field of in 1901 and is awarded every year on 19 December.
Literature, and also first Asian to be awarded in 1913.
384. The UN Peacekeeping forces were awarded
Here is the list of the nine Indian Nobel Prize winners
Nobel Prize for Peace in the year ______.
till date:
(a) 1899 (b) 2000
1. Abhijit Banerjee for Economics, 2019
(c) 1988 (d) 1945
2. Kailash Satyarthi for Peace, 2014 RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
3. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan for Chemistry, 2009
Ans. (c) : The Nobel committee awarded the prize
4. Amartya Sen for Economics, 1998 because 'The Peacekeeping forces of the United
5. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar for Physics, 1983 Nations have under extremely difficult conditions
6. Mother Teresa for Peace, 1979 contributed to reducing tenssions where an armistice
7. Hargobind Khorana for Medicine, 1968 has been negotiated but a peace treaty has yet to be
8. CV Raman for Physics, 1930 established.'
Note: The Nobel Prize is awarded in six categories each 385. The Nobel prize awarding institute, Swedish
year -- Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Academy, is associated with:
Economics, and Peace Prize. (a) Peace (b) Medicine
(c) Literature (d) Physiology
380. How many categories are there of Nobel Prize?
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) 5 (b) 7
(c) 6 (d) 4 Ans. (c) : The Swedish Academy of Nobel prize
awarding body, belongs to the field of 'Literature'
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist because the Nobel Laureates in Literature is selected by
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question the committee of the Academy.
386. The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was 391. Who among the following was the first Chinese
awarded to: Citizen to win Nobel Peace Prize?
(a) Sukumar Sen (b) Amartya Sen (a) Yu Jie (b) Wang Dan
(c) Jai Prakash Narayan (d) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Liu Xiaobo (d) Liu Xia
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Amartyen Sen is a world renowned Nobel Ans. (c) : Liu Xiaobo was the first Chinese citizen to be
awarded a Nobel Prize of any kind while residing in
Laureate who was awarded the Prize in Economic
China.The Nobel Prizes are five separate prizes that,
Sciences in 1998 "for his contributions to welfare
according to Alfred Nobel's will of 1895, are awarded
economics". to "those who, during the preceding year, have
387. The first Nobel Prize in medicine was given in conferred the greatest benefit to Mankind." Alfred
1901 for the discovery of therapy against? Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and
(a) Diphtheria (b) Polio industrialist most famously known for the invention of
(c) Smallpox (d) Malaria dynamite. In 1968 Sveriges Riksbank (Swedish Central
Bank) founded the establishment of prize in economics
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, to also be
Ans : (a) In 1901, Emil von behring was awarded the administrered by the Nobel Foundation.
first Nobel prize in Physiology or medicine for his work 392. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for the
on serum therapy, especially its application against discovery of insulin?
diphtheria. (a) Frederick Banting (b) James Collip
388. Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for (c) E. Abraham (d) William Osler
Literature for which book? RRB NTPC 10.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(a) Gora (b) Gitanjali Ans : (a) The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
(c) Gitabitan (d) Sanchayita 1923 was awarded jointly to Frederick Grant
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Banting and John James Rickard Macleod "for the
Ans. (b) : Renowned poet Rabindranath Tagore won the discovery of insulin.". Insulin was discovered in 1921
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 for his collection by Banting and West. It is secreted by the β-cell of the
'Gitanjali' published in London in 1912. The prize pancreatic ‘Islets of Langerhans’. Diabetes is caused by
gained even more significance by being given to an a low secretion of insulin. The over secretion of insulin
Indian for the first time. The original version of the leads to a disease called hypoglycemia, which reduces
fertility and vision.
Gitanjali was published on 14 August 1910 in Bengali
language by Indian Publishing House Calcutta. The 393. Which organisation was formed by Henry
English version of Gitanjali was first published in Dunant, the winner of the first Nobel Peace
November 1912 by the Indian Society of London. In Prize in 1901?
(a) Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
1915 Tagore was awarded a knighthood for services to
literature, which was he returned in protest against the
(b) Medecins Sans Frontieres
1919 Jalliyanwala bagh massacre.
(c) World Wide Fund for Nature
389. Who is India's only Nobel laureate in (d) International Red Cross
literature? RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Rabindra Nath Tagore
Ans. (d) : Henry Dunant was awarded the Nobel Peace
(b) Amartya Sen Prize for his humanitarian efforts to help wounded
(c) C.V. Raman soldiers. The Red Cross came into being at the initiative
(d) Kailash Satyarthi of a man named Henry Dunant, who helped wounded
Ans. (a) See the explanation of above question. soldiers at the Battle of Solferino in 1859 and then
lobbied political leaders to take more action to protect
390. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill war victims.World Red Cross Day is observed every
received a Nobel Prize for; year on 8 May. (Birthday of Dunant)
(a) Physiology (b) Economics 394. Who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for his
(c) Literature (d) Peace research on transmission of malaria?
RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Paul Lauterbur (b) Robert G Edwards
Ans. (c) : The Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 was (c) Karl Landsteiner (d) Ronald Ross
awarded to Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill "for RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
his mastery of historical and biographical description as Ans. (d) : Ronald Ross was awarded the Noble Prize in
well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human 1902 for his research on the transmission of malaria, while
values." Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood group in 1900.
395. Who among the following is the youngest Nobel (ii) Bharat Ratna
(a) Nadia Murad (b) Tsung Dao Lee 400. Which is the highest civilian award presented
(c) Malala Yousufzai (d) Lawrence Bragg by the Government of India?
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Padma Vibhushan (b) Ratna
Ans. (c) : In October 2014 Malala along with Indian (c) Ashok Chakra (d) Padmashri
children's rights activist Kailash Satyarthi, was named RRB Group-D 12-12-2018 (Shift-III)
as Noble Peace Prize winner. At the age of 17, she Ans : (b) The Bharat Ratna is the highest civillian
became the youngest person to receive this prize. award of the republic of India. Instituted on Jan 2, 1954
396. In which year Kailash Satyarthi and Malala and it is presented by the president of India. The first
Yousafzai were jointly given the Nobel peace recipients of the Bharat Ratna were second president
prize? and first vice president of India. Dr. Sarvepalli
(a) 2012 (b) 2013 Radhakrishnan. The Bharat Ratna of the year 2019 has
(c) 2014 (d) 2015 been conferred on Pranab Mukherjee, Nanaji Deshmukh
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (Posthumously) and Bhupen Hazarik a (posthumously).
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
401. Bharat Ratna India's highest civilian award
397. Name the Indian scientist who shared the was given for the first time in which year?
Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in
(a) 1904 (b) 1944
1968 for cracking the genetic code.
(a) Har Gobind Khorana (c) 1954 (d) 1984
(b) Visvesvaraya RRB Group-D 26-10-2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Venkatarman Radhakrishnan Ans : (c) Bharat Ratna India's highest civilian award
(d) Meghnad Saha was given in 1954 for the first time.
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 402. Which of the following prime minister has been
Ans. (a) : The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in awarded the Bharat Ratna Award?
1968 was awarded jointly to Robert W Holley, Har (a) B.P Singh (b) Morarji Desai
Gobind Khorana and Marshall W. Nirenberg for their (c) Chara Singh (d) Manmohan Singh
interpretation of the genetic code and its, function in
RRB NTfPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
protein synthesis. In 2021, this award was awarded
jointly to David Julius and Ardem Pata Poution for their Ans : (b) Prime Minister, Morarji Desai has been
discoveries of receptors for temperature & touch. awarded the Bharat Ratna Award (1991).
398. In which year was the United Nations 403. Which of these two dignitaries were awarded
Organization (UNO) awarded with the Nobel the Bharat Ratna Award in March 2015?
Peace Prize? (a) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Amitabh Bachchan
(a) 2001 (b) 2003 (b) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Madan Mohan
(c) 2002 (d) 2000 Malaviya
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) Atal Bihar Vajpayee and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Ans. (a) : In 2001, the Nobel Peace Prize was given to (d) Madan Mohan Malviya and Atal Bihari
United Nations along with Kofi Annan. In 2020, the Vajpayee
same was given to World Food Programme. In 2021,
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
Nobel Peace Prize has been given to:
Maria Ressa → Phillippines Ans : (d) Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
and founder of Banaras Hindu University Madan Mohan
Dmitry Muratov → Russia
Malviya were awarded by Government of India in March
399. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for
2015 Bharat Ratna Award. Mukharjee, fondly known as
flagging environmental issues?
'Pranab Da', has been the fifth president received this
(a) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
and Albert Gore award.
(b) Sierra Club 404. Which formar Prime Minister of India was
(c) World Wide Fund For Nature awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously?
(d) Greenpeace (a) Rajiv Gandhi
RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (b) P.V. Narshimbha Rao
Ans. (a) : The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 was Awarded jointly (c) Moraji Desai
to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and (d) I.K. Gujral
Albert Gore Jr. for flagging environmental issues. RRB Group-D 03-10-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) Rajiv Gandhi, Former Prime Minister of India (iii) Pulitzer Prize
was awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously. Seven
Prime Minister have so for been awarded the Bharat Ratna 409. _____ is the first rapper to win Pulitzer Prize
in India. Their names are Jawahar lal Nehru (1955) Lal for music.
(a) Joyner Lucas (b) Kendrick Lamar
Bahadur Shastri (1966), Indira Gandhi (1971), Morarji
(c) J. Cole (d) Eminem
Desai (1991), Rajiv Gandhi (1991-posthumously),
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Gulzarilal Nanda (1997) and Atal Bihari Vajpayee (2015).
Ans. (b) : Rapper Kendrick Lamar won the Pulitzer
405. In which year was Sachin Tendulkar awarded Prize in music. The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for
the Bharat Ratna? achievements in newspaper and online journalism,
(a) 2016 (b) 2013 literature and musical composition. It was established in
(c) 2015 (d) 2014 1917 publisher Joseph Pulitzer.
Ans. (d) : In 2014, Sachin Tendulkar was awarded the 410. Who was the first Indian to win the Pulitzer
Bharat Ratna. Prize?
(a) Gobind Behari Lal (b)Siddhartha Mukherjee
406. In which year did the Government of India (c) Geeta Anand (d) Jhumpa Lahiri
institute two civilian awards-Bharat Ratna and RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Padma Vibhushan? Ans. (a) : Gobind Behari Lal was an Indian - American
(a) 1954 (b) 1955 Journalist and independence activist. He became the
(c) 1950 (d) 1953 first Indian to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Pulitzer
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Prize for reporting started in 1917.
Ans. (a) : The Government of India instituted two
civilian awards-Bharat Ratna & Padma Vibhushan in
(iv) Jananpith Award
1954. The latter had three classes namely Pahela varg, 411. Which is India's highest literary award?
Dusra varg and Tisra varg. These were subsequently (a) Jnanpith Award
renamed as Padma Vibhushan, Padama Bhushan and (b) Sahitya Academy Award
Padma Shri by the Vice Presidential notification issued (c) Vyas Samman
on January 8, 1955. (d) Kabir
RRB JE - 02/06/2019 (Shift-I)
407. When was the provision of Bharat Ratna
Ans : (a) Jnanpith Award is India's highest literary
introduced? award. The first recipient of the award was the
(a) 1952 (b) 1954 Malayalam writer G. Sankara Kurup in 1965 for his
(c) 1955 (d) 1950 collection of poems. The most recent recipient of award
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist is Malayalam poet and essayist nambootiri who was
Ans. (b) : The provision (initiated) of Bharat Ratna was awarded for the year 2019 This is the 55th Jnanpith
done by the President Dr. Rajendra Prasad on January 2, Award. The recipient of 56 Jnanpith Award is Nilmani
Phookan in 2020.
1954. The first award was given to Chakravarti Raj th
Gopalachari, CV Raman and Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan 412. Who was honoured with the 55 Jnanpith
Award for the year 2019?
in the year 1954. The original statutes did not provide
(a) Krishna Sobti
for posthumous awards but were amended in January
(b) A Achuthan Namboothiri
1955 to permit them. (c) Chitra Mudgal
408. Who among the following was the recipient of (d) Shobha Rao
Bharat Ratna in 2019? RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Rajeshwar Acharya Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
(b) Virat Kohli 413. Who was the first winner of the Jnanpith
(c) Nanaji Deshmukh Award?
(d) Teejan Bai (a) Uma Shankar Joshi (b) Amrita Pritam
(c) G Sankara Kurup (d) Ashapurna Devi
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award Ans. (c) : Malyalam writer G. Shankar Kurup (Kerala)
given by the Government of India in the field of art, was the first winner (1965) of the Jnanpith Award and
literature, science and for exceptional service to any Bengali writer. Ashapurna Devi (West Bengal) was the
politician, thinker, scientist, industrialist, writter and first female recipient. Jnanpith Award is given for the
social worker and in recognition of public service of best literary writing by an Indian citizen in a language
highest order. listed in eighth schedule of the Constitution of India.
414. Jnanpith Award contains a cash prize along Ans : (b) Dada Saheb Phalke is India's highest award in
with a bronze replica of Goddess______. cinema. Presented first in 1969, the award was
(a) Durga (b) Sita introduced by the government of India to commemorate
(c) Sarswati (d) Lakshmi Dada Saheb Phalke's contribution to Indian Cinema.
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Phalke is known as 'the father of Indian cinema' The
Ans. (c) : The Jnanpith Award is given to prominent first recipient of the award was actress Devika Rani.
personality cult of literature in 22 constitutionally The prestigious 51st Dada Saheb Phalke Award will be
adopted languages. It is distributed every year. It honoured to Rajnikant, Union Information and
consists of: Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar announced on
→ `11 lakh cash prize, April 1st 2021.
→ Bronze replica of Goddess Saraswati 419. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is the highest
award, given to the remarkable contributions
(v) Oscar Award of famous personalities in the field of:
(a) Social work (b) Education
415. The prestigious Oscar Award ceremony is held
(c) Cinema (d) Sports
every year in which of the following countries?
RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Russia (b) England
(c) India (d) America Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-III) 420. Who is called 'Father of Indian Cinema' ?
(a) Mani Sethna (b) Dilip Kumar
Ans : (d) The prestigious Oscar Awards ceremony is
held every year in USA. The first Academy Award or (c) Dadasaheb Phalke (d) Raj Kapoor
Oscar Awards Presentation was held on May 16, RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1929 The 92nd Oscar Award held in 2020, Parasite Ans. (c) : Dadasaheb Phalke was a producer-director-
became the first foreign language film to win best screenwriter in the Indian Film Industry. He is also
picture. called the 'Father of Indian Cinema' because he made
416. Which of the following countries hosts the India's first full-length feature film, Raja Harischandra,
which was released in the year 1913 was his debut film
academy (Oscar) Award for Excellence in
and also India's first full-length feature film.
cinema every year?
(a) France (b) USA
(vii) Padma Vibhushan Award
(c) UK (d) Canada
RRB Group-D 17-09-2018 (Shift-I) 421. ___is the 'Ghazal Queen of India', who was
awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1975.
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
(a) Hasina Akhtar
417. Which of the following films was NOT
(b) Begum Shabana
nominated for an Oscar award?
(c) Begum Akhtar
(a) Salam Bombay (b) Lagaan
(d) Begum Hasina
(c) Mother India (d) Karma
RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-II)
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) Akhtari Bai Faizabadi, who known as Begum
Ans. (d) : India has been nominating for the Oscar Akhtar, was an Indian singer and actress. She is regarded
Award in the foreign language feature film category as one of the greatest singers of ghazal, dadra and Thumri
since 1957 in which Mother India (1957), Salaam genre of Hindustani classical music. She was born in 10
Bombay (1988), Lagaan (2001) etc. have been January, 1914 in Bhadarsa she was awarded with Padma
nominated, while the film Karma has not been Bhushan, Snageet Natak Academy Award for Hindustani
nominated for the Oscar award. music.

(vi) Dada Saheb Phalke Award (viii) Bravery Awards

422. The highest decoration for valour (during
418. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is related to which wartime) given to the Indian uniformed
field? soldiers is __________.
(a) Literature (b) Cinema (a) Vir Chakra
(c) Journalism (d) Volleyball (b) Shaurya Chakra
RRB J.E. -2014 (c) Mahavir Chakra
RRB ALP & Tec. (09-08-18 Shift-II) (d) Param Vir Chakra
RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : The Param Vir Chakra (PVC) is India's Ans : (c) The 50- year -old booker prize for English
highest military decoration, awarded for displaying languages fiction is among the world's most prestigious
distinguished acts of valour during wartime. literary award. The prize was launched in 1969 with
It was introduced by the government on 26th January sponsorship from leading British grocery wholesale,
1950. Major Somnath Sharma was the first recipient of booker. It was renamed 'Man Booker Prize' in 2002
the Param Vir Chakra (PVC). when the man group hedge fund took over sponsorship.
Mahavir Chakra: It is the second-highest military 426. Who is the winner of the 'Man Booker Prize
decoration in India, after the Param Vir Chakra. It is 2016 for a book titled 'The sellout'?
awarded for acts of conspicuous gallantry in the (a) David Jale (b) Paul Beatty
presence of the enemy whether on land, at sea or in the (c) J.M. Koitji (d) Madeleine Thien
air. It was introduced by the government on 26th RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I)
January 1950. Ans : (b) Paul Beatty is an American author and an
Vir Chakra: It is an Indian wartime military bravery associate professor. In 2016, he won the national book
award presented for acts of conspicuous gallantry in the critics circles award and Man Booker Prize for his novel
presence of the enemy on the battlefield and is the third 'The sellout'. He is the 1st American honored with man
in precedence in wartime gallantry awards and comes booker.
after the Param Vir Chakra and Mahavir Chakra. It was 427. For which book Arundhati Roy was conferred
established by the President of India on 26 January with the Booker Prize?
1950. All these are in effect since 15 August 1947. (a) Power Politics
Shaurya Chakra: The Shaurya Chakra is awarded for (b) The Cost of Living
gallantry otherwise than in the face of the enemy. It was (c) An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire
instituted in 1952.
(d) The God of Small Things
423. Which is the highest gallantry award given for RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
the most conspicuous act of bravery or self-
Ans. (d) : Arundhati Roy won the prestigious Booker
sacrifice in the presence of the enemy, whether
Prize in 1997 for her first novel "The God of Small
on land at sea or in the air? Things'. Two other Indian origin authors had won this
(a) Param Vir chakra (b) Bharat Ratna prize i.e. Kiran Desai and Arvind Adiga.
(c) Dhyanchanda Award (d)Padma shri Arundhati Roy has also written the book 'Power
RRB Group-D 27-11-2018 (Shift-I) Politics', 'The Cost of Living' and 'An Ordinary Person's
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Guide to Empire'.
428. Who among the following was the first Indian
(ix) Bhatnagar Award woman to win the Booker Prize?
424. Shanti swarup Bhatnagar Annual Award is (a) Anita Desai (b) Amrita Pritam
given for outstanding achievement in which (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Arundhati Roy
field. RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Indian classical music Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(b) Literature 429. Which of the following books won the Man
(c) Science and Technology Booker International Prize in the year 2019?
(d) Tribal art style (a) Two Virgins (b) The Golden Gate
RRB ALP & Tec. (17-08-18 Shift-III) (c) Celestial Bodies (d) Midnight's
Ans : (c) Shanti Swarup Bhatanagar Award for science
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
and technology (SSB) is a science award in India given
annually by the council of scientific and Industrial Ans. (c) : The Man Booker International Prize in the year
2019 has been given to Oman author Jokha Alharthi for
research (CSIR) for notable and outstanding research. It
her book 'Celestial Bodies'. This award was first received
was first awarded in 1957.
by Ismail Kadare of Albania in 2005. The Man Booker
International Prize 2021 was awarded to David Diop of
(x) Booker Prize France his book 'At Night All Blood is Black'.
425. What is the name of the world's most
prestigious English language literary award? (xi) Ramon Magsaysay Award
(a) Best Translated book award 430. Ramon Magsaysay Award winner Anshu gupta
(b) Commonwealth writer Award is associated with which of the following NGO?
(c) Man booker Award (a) Prayatna (b) Akshaya Patra
(d) Booker Award (c) Goonj (d) Udaan
RRB Group-D 08-10-2018 (Shift-III) RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) Goonj was founded in 1999 by Anshu gupta, (b) P.V Narsimbha Rao
for his work with goonj, he was awarded the Ramon (c) Rajiv Gandhi
Magsaysay Award in 2015. (d) Charan Singh
431. ______ is one of the recipients of the Ramon RRB JE - 31/05/2019 (Shift-I)
Magsaysay Award Ans : (c) A sports award is named after pirme minister
(a) Arvind Kejriwal (b) Suprabha Seshan Rajiv Gandhi in India.
(c) CNR Rao (d) Nirmala Deshpande 436. Which of the following awards is given for
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist outstanding performance in journalism?
Ans. (a) : Arvind Kejriwal is one of the recipients of the (a) Guru Raj Bhatta
Ramon Magsaysay Award. In 2006, he received the (b) Indian Sahitya Academy
award for emergent leadership in recognition of his (c) Dadasaheb Phalke
involvement in the grassroot level movement (d) Ramnath Goenka
‘Parivartan’ using right to information legislation in a RRB Group-D 16-11-2018 (Shift-II)
campaign against government corruption. Ans. (d) : Ramnath Goenka award is given for
excellence in Journalism. It is one of the most prestigious
(xii) Other Major Awards awards in India in the field of journalism. This award
432. Which state government confers the 'Basava have been held annually since 2006
Puraskara' award? 437. Which of the following awards is awarded to
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat Indian players for their lifelong contribution to
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka the field of sports?
RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift (a) Dhyanchand Award
Ans. (d) : Basava Puraskara is an honor presented by (b) Sardar Award
government of Karnataka. The honor is introduced (c) Dronacharya Award
based on people's commitment to social changes and (d) Indira Gandhi Award
work for achieving strict concordance. It contain RRB Group-D 12-10-2018 (Shift-III)
amount of 1 million, a memento and a citation. Ans : (a) Dhyanchand award is awarded to Indian
433. Gandhi Peace Prize, to whom this annual players for their lifelong contribution to the field of
award is given? sports. Instituted in 2002, the award is given only to the
(a) Only individuals disciplines included in the events like Olympic games
(b) Only institutions world cup along with cricket, indigenous games, and
(c) Individuals and Institutions para Sports. First winner of this award is shahuraj
Birajdar, Ashok Diwan, Aparna Ghosh.
(d) Groups of Institutions
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 438. Which award is given to the workers for their
outstanding performance, innovation ability,
Ans : (c) Gandhi Peace Prize is an annual award given to productivity and indigenization contribution
individuals and institutions. The government of India by exceptional courage and mental readiness in
launched the International Gandhi Peace prize in 1995 on the field of performance?
occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma
(a) Krish award
Gandhi. Recently Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (known as
(b) Shram Award
Bangabandhu) was awarded by Gandhi Peace Prize 2020.
(c) Padma Award
434. How much money is given to Rajiv Gandhi
(d) Dronacharya Award
khel Ratna Award winner?
RRB Group-D 17-09-2018 (Shift-I)
(a) 25 Lakh (b) 7.5 Lakh
(c) 7 Lakh (d) 10 Lakh Ans : (b) The prime Minister's Shram Award were
instituted in 1975 by the Government of India. This
RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-I)
national award is conferred on workers for outstanding
Ans : (a) The Prize money for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel contributions that improve productivity, innovation and
Ratna Award has been increased to whopping Rs. 25 indigenization, resulting in saving foreign exchange.
lakh from 7.5 lakh. This award is given in four (Shram Ratna, Shram
While- Arjun Award – `15 lakh from `5 lakh Bhushan, Shram virangana and Shram SHREE/Devi)
Dhronacharya (lifetime)– `15 lakh from `5 lakh Categories.
and (Regular) - `10 lakh from `5 lakh 439. Moortidevi Award for Excellence is given every
Dhyan Chand Award - `10 lakh from `5 lakh year in which field?
435. The Prime Minister in India after whom a (a) Dance (b) Music
sports award is named? (c) Literature (d) Drama
(a) V.P Singh RRB Group-D 22-10-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Moortidevi Award is an Indian literary award Ans : (d) Navlekhan Award is given for excellence in
annually presented by the bharatiya Jnanpith, a literary the field of literature.
and research organization, to an author. As of 2019, • Grammy Award – Provided in the field of western
Hindi writer and professor, Vishwanath Tiwari is most music.
recent recipient of the award. This is the 33th • Pulitzer Award – Provided in the field of
Moortidevi Award. Journalism and literature.
440. Which award is awarded to the best • Arjuna Award – Provided in the field of sports.
performing university in the Inter- University 444. The Sahitya Akademi Award is given by the
tournament? government of India for outstanding
(a) National sports promotion Award performance in which of the following fields?
(b) Dronacharya Award (a) Music (b) Sport
(c) Arjuna Award (c) Literature (d) Innovation
RRB Group-D 05-10-2018 (Shift-I)
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy.
Ans. (c) : The Sahitya Akademi Award is a literary
RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-I)
honor in India which Sahitya Akademi annually confers
RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-III) on writers of the most outstanding books of literary
Ans : (d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad trophy is merit founded on 12 March 1954 and it is located in
awarded to the best performing university in the Inter- Rabindra Bhavan near Mandi House in Delhi. It
University tournament. Government of India instituted supports 24 languages (22 Schedule language + English
'Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (MAKA) Trophy' award in and Rajasthani).
1956-57. In this award, the university is awarded a sum 445. The prestigious grammy award is given for
of Rs. 10 Lakh and second place university Rs. 5 Lakh excellence in which of the following fields?
and third place university is given Rs. 3 Lakh. (a) Sports (b) Music
441. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy (MAKA) (c) Politics (d) Social work
was instituted in year .............. and awarded to RRB Group-D 01-12-2018 (Shift-II)
the overall top performing Indian University in Ans : (b) The grammy Award is an award presented
the Sports. by the recording academy to recognize achievements in
(a) 1956-57 (b) 1958-59 the music held on May 4, 1959. The 62nd Annual
(c) 1952-53 (d) 1954-55 grammy awards were held on January 26, 2020 at the
staples center in los Angeles.
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
446. Which of the following Awards is associated
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. with only Music?
442. Which Union Ministry organizes National film (a) Tagore (b) Oscar
award every year? (c) Cannes (d) Grammy
(a) Culture and Tourism RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(c) Youth Affairs 447. Who was the first Indian shooter to receive the
(d) Information and Broadcasting Arjuna Award?
RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-I) (a) Jaspal Rana
RRB Group-D 13-12-2018 (Shift-II) (b) Maharaj Bhim Singh
Ans. (d) : The National film awards, presented by Ministry (c) Shyam Lal
of Information and Broadcasting in India to felicitate the (d) Maharaja Karni Singh
best of Indian cinema censored in the year 1953. RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ceremony took place at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 10 Ans. (d) Maharaja Karni Singh was the first Indian
October 1954 and awards were given by the President of shooter to receive the Arjuna Award. This award started
India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. in the year 1961. In price the winner of the award is given
443. Which of the following awards in given for an Arjuna statue and `5 Lakh. by ministry of sports
excellence in the field of literature? (GOI).
(a) Grammy Award 448. The Arjuna Award is given in the area of:
(b) Pulitzer Award (a) Military (b) Literature
(c) Arjuna Award (c) Sports (d) Entertainment
(d) Navlekhan Award RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB Group-D 22-10-2018 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
449. Which award was instituted in 1961 by the Ans. (a) : Actress Suchitra Sen was the first Indian
Ministry of Sports, Government of India. actress to be bestowed with an award in an international
(a) Arjuna (b) Murti Devi film festival. The actress was the recipient of the Best
(c) Vyas Samman (d) Tansen Actress trophy at the Moscow Film Festival for her
RRB JE - 29/05/2019 (Shift-II) remarkable work in Saat Pake Bandha, a film that was
released in 1963.
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
455. Who holds the record for winning the overall
450. Arjuna Award given by the Government of maximum National Film Awards?
India for public achievement in which of the (a) Javed Akhtar (b) Shabana Azmi
following fields? (c) Ajay Devgan (d) Satyajit Ray
(a) Literature (b) Poverty alleviation RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Sports (d) Economics
Ans. (d) : Its Satyajit Ray with a whopping 32 wins
RRB ALP & Tec. (09-08-18 Shift-III) across all categories (interestingly only 6 of which were
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. for direction). He received Bharat Ratna posthumously
451. Doctor B.C. Roy Award, instituted in 1962, is in 1992.
mainly given to eminent achievers primarily in 456. The award given to the coaches of sports and
which field? games in India is:
(a) Medical (b) Journalism (a) Golden Boot (b) Vir Chakra
(c) Method (d) Sport (c) Arjuna Award (d) Dronacharya Award
RRB ALP & Tec. (10-08-18 Shift-III) RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) Dr. B.C. Roy Award was instituted by Ans. (d) : The Dronacharya Award is given to coaches
Medical Council of India (MCI) in 1962. It is the as recognition for their contribution to a particular sport
highest medical honour of India, mainly given to or for their role in an athlete's rise to the top. It was
achievers from medical field. instituted in 1985. The award carries a cash prize of Rs.
15 Lakh a bronze statue of Dronacharya and a scroll of
452. Kalidas Samman Award has been instituted by honour.
which state government?
457. The prestigious Dronacharya Award was
(a) Madhya Pradesh Government instituted by the government of India in which
(b) Maharashtra Government year?
(c) Chhatisgarh Government (a) 1995 (b) 1965
(d) Rajasthan Government (c) 1985 (d) 1975
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Kalidas Samman is a prestigious arts award Ans. (c) See the explanation of above question.
presented annually by the government of Madhya 458. Which award is bestowed upon coaches for
Pradesh in India. Kalidas Samman was first awarded in producing medal Vinners at prestigious
1980. Kalidas Samman is one of the most notable arts international sport Events?
and music awards. Kalidas Samman Award 2019 had (a) Arjuna Award
given to Anil Rastogi in field of theater. In year 2021, (b) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
Kalidas Samman was given to Nand Kishore Bhatt. (c) Dronacharya Award
453. The famous award given for the popularization (d) Dhyan chand Award
of science-Kalinga, is given by? RRB Group-D 08-10-2018 (Shift-II)
(a) WHO (b) UNICEF Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
(c) UNESCO (d) UGC INDIA 459. The 'Borlaug Award' is given for outstanding
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist work in the field of:
Ans. (c) : Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of (a) Agriculture and environment
Science is an award given by UNESCO for exceptional (b) Films
skill in presenting scientific ideas to lay people. It was (c) Medicine
created in 1952, following a donation from Biju (d) Sports
Patnaik, Founder President of the Kalinga Foundation RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Trust in India.
Ans. (a) : Borlaug award the Indian scientist award for
454. Who among the following was the first Indian their research and contribution to the field of agriculture
actress to receive an Intarnational Film and the environment. This award was created in 1972
Award? and named in honour of Nobel Laureates and the father
(a) Suchitra Sen (b) Meena Kumari of Green Revolution "Norman Borlaug". Norman
(c) Sridevi (d) Madhubala Borlaug was awarded with the Nobel peace prize in
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 1970 for a lifetime of work to feed a hungry world.
5. International Organization 464. Name the intergovernmental organization that
promotes international cooperation?
(i) United Nation Organisation (a) NATO (b) UN
(c) WHO (d) IGO
460. Which one of the following bodies are not RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Bretton Woods Institutions? Ans. (b) : See the explation of above question.
(a) World Bank 465. Which among these established in lieu of
(b) International Monetary Fund league of Nations?
(c) World Trade Organisation (a) Amnesty International
(d) United Nations (b) United Nations
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) World Bank
Ans. (d) : In July 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference (d) International Monetary Fund
was organized in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
United States under the guidance of Harry Dexter of the Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
USA and John Maynard Keynes of England in which 44 466. The United Nations University is located in:
countries were participated. The purpose of this (a) Beijing, China (b) Stockholm, Sweden
conference was to regulate the international monetary (c) Tokyo, Japan (d) London, England
system financial disorder. After conference, global RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) were Ans. (c) : The United Nations University (UNU) is the
established. academic and research arm of the United Nations,
461. In which year did India join the United Headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. The
Nations? University was established in 1972 and formally began
(a) 1945 (b) 1950 its activities in September 1975 following the signature
of the permanent headquarters agreement between the
(c) 1962 (d) 1947 United Nations and Japan. Its mission is to help resolve
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist global issues related to human development and welfare
Ans. (a) : R. Mudagliar signed memorandum to join through collaborative research and education.
UN on behalf of India. India is a charter member of the 467. Where is the headquarters of UNO?
United Nations and participates in all of its specialized (a) New York (b) Wa.shington
agencies and organizations. (c) Geneva (d) Vienna
462. UN was founded as a successor to the League of RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Nations on 24th October ........... . RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) 1945 (b) 1946 Ans : (a) The United Nations Organization is
headquartered in New York city and establishment of
(c) 1944 (d) 1943 UNO is 24 October, 1945. The current head (Secretary
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist General) of UNO is Antonio Guterres.
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 468. Which organisation is termed as ‘a Child of
Ans. (a) : UN was founded as a successor to The War’?
League of Nations on 24th October 1945. UN (a) UNICEF (b) UNESCO
predecessor the League of Nation was established by (c) League of Nations (d) UNO
the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and was disbanded in RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1946. Its official languages are Arabic, Chinese, Ans. (c) : League of Nations is the organisation often
English, French, Russian and Spanish. At present, there termed as "a child of war" as it was founded on 10
are 193 members of United Nation. It aims at January 1920 following the Paris Peace Conference that
maintaining international peace and security, protects ended the First World War, it ceased operations on 20
human rights and promotes sustainable development April 1946. In 1919 U.S. president Woodrow Wilson
and upholds international Law. won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role as the leading
architect of the League of Nations.
463. Who among the following is not the founder
members of the United Nations? 469. Which one among the following languages is
one of the six official languages of the United
(a) USA (b) Cuba
(c) Germany (d) France
(a) Hindi (b) Japanese
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Chinese (d) Urdu
Ans. (c) : Germany is not the founder members of the RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
United Nations. RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : There are six official languages of the UN. 474. The UN system is based on six principal
These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian organs. Which of the following organs does
and Spanish. The United Nations Secretariat uses two NOT come under it?
working languages : English and French. (a) Food and Agriculture Organization of the
470. The foundation day of the UN Charter was on: United Nations
(a) 29th October 1946 (b) 20th October 1932 (b) The International Court of Justice
(c) 21 October 1950 (d) 24th October 1945 (c) The Economic and Social Council
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (d) The UN Secretariat
Ans. (d) : The Charter of the United Nations is the RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
founding document of the United Nations. It was signed Ans. (a) : Food and Agriculture Organization of the
by 51 nations on 26 June 1945 in San Francisco, at the United Nations is not a part of the United Nations six
conclusion of the United Nations Conference on principal organs. It is a specialized agency of the United
International Organization, and came into force on 24 Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
October 1945. Recently, United Nations member
Its headquarters is in the Rome, Italy. Other than this,
states are the 193 sovereign states that are members of
the United Nations (UN) is an international organization
the United Nations (UN) and have equal representation
in the UN General Assembly.The UN is the world's founded in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member
largest intergovernmental organization. states. Its mission and work guided by the purposes and
principles contained in its founding charter and
471. How many member countries did the UNO
implemented by its various organs and specialized
have on its formation in 1945?
(a) 51 (b) 56
(c) 48 (d) 45 The main organs of the UN are:
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (1) The General Assembly
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (2) The Economic and Social Council
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (3) The Trusteeship Council
(4) The International Court of Justice
472. Identify the principal organ of the UN which
got suspended in 1994? (5) The UN Secretariat.
(a) International Court of Justice (6) Trusteeship council (Suspended)
(b) General Assembly 475. The United Nations has_____principal organs.
(c) Security Council (a) 6 (b) 3
(d) Trusteeship Council (c) 8 (d) 4
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : The United Nations charter established the Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Trusteeship Council in 1945 as one of the six main 476. Which of the following is not a part of the UN?
organs of the United Nations and entrusted it with the
(a) The International Court of Justice
task of overseeing the administration of the trust
territories placed under the International Trusteeship (b) The General Assembly
system. The Trusteeship Council suspended its (c) The Security Council
operations on 1 November 1994, a month after Palau's (d) The State Council
independence, the last remaining trust territory of the RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
United Nations (UN). Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
473. FAO is a specialized agency that works on the 477. United Nation Development Programme
behalf of UN. Choose its full form. (UNDP) was founded in the year _____.
(a) Fund for Agriculture Organization
(a) 1965 (b) 1945
(b) Food and Agriculture Organization
(c) 1955 (d) 1960
(c) Foreign Aviation Organization
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(d) Foreign Agriculture Organization
RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) was established on 22nd November, 1965. Its
Ans. (b) : The Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) of the United Nations leads international effects headquarters is in New York (USA). It has 170 member
to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and countries. Its main objective is to provide financial
developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum assistance to industrial extension programmes. Every
where all nations meet as equals to negotiate year UNDP prepares 'Human Development Report'.
agreements and debate policy. FAO is the largest of the UNDP help countries eliminate proverty and achieve
UN agencies. It was established in 1945 and its sustainable human development, an approach to
headquarters is in Rome, Italy. economic growth.
478. The United Nations Development Programme deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of
(UNDP) Focuses on– the United Nations. It is comprised of all 193 Members
(a) On Solutions to the Challenges of global of the United Nations. UN call its full General
development. Assembly generally in the month of September.
(b) On developing countries. 483. How many members are there in the Security
(c) On least development countries Council of the UN as of October 2020?
(d) On development countries (a) 5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist members
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. (b) 5 permanent and 5 non permanent members
479. What is the full form of UNDP? (c) 5 permanent members only
(a) United Nations Digital Project (d) 10 permanent and 5 non permanent members
(b) United Nations Digital Programme RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) United Nations Development Project Ans. (a) : As of October 2020, there are 5 permanent
(d) United Nations Development Programme members and 10 non-permanent members in the
Security Council of the United Nations. The five
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper)
permanent members are USA, Russia, Britain, France
RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
and China. Non-permanent members are elected for a
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. term of two years. India, for the eighth time, has entered
480. United Nations General Assembly passed a the UNSC, as a non-permanent member in 2021 and
resolution in the year ....... for establishing the will stay on the council for two years i.e. 2021-22.
UNIDO. 484. In the UN Security Council, there are:
(a) 1970 (b) 1975 (a) 10 permanent and 5 non-permanent members
(c) 1985 (d) 1966 (b) 5 permanent and 5 non-permanent members
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) 5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members
Ans. (d) : On 17 November, 1966, the United Nations (d) 10 permanent and 10 non-permanent
General Assembly passed resolution 2152 (XXI) members
establishing the United Nations Industrial Development RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Organization (UNIDO) as an autonomous body within
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
the United Nations. Its mission is to promote and
accelerate the industrialization of developing countries. 485. What is the term of Non-permanent members
481. Which treaty was imposed by the five nuclear of UN Security Council?
weapon powers and five permanent members (a) 2 years (b) 3 years
of the UN Security Council on the rest of the (c) 5 years (d) 4 years
world in 1968? RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Non Aligned Treaty RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) North Atlantic treaty Organization Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
(d) Non-Proliferation Treaty 486. Which of the following countries is a
RRB NTPC 08.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist permanent member of the United Nations
Ans. (d) : The NPT (Non- Proliferation Treaty) is a Security Council?
landmark international treaty whose objective is to (a) Canada (b) China
prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and to promote (c) India (d) Japan
co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and ALP Stage -II 23.01.2019 (shift - II)
the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. The five RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
nuclear weapon states are China, France, Russia, UK RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
and the United States.
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
482. Generally in which month does the United
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
Nations call its full General Assembly every
year? 487. Which of the following countries is NOT a
(a) January (b) June Permanent Member of the Security Council of
(c) March (d) September United Nations ?
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Russia (b) Canada
Ans. (d) : United Nations was established in 1945 under (c) France (d) China
the Charter of the United Nations, the General RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Assembly occupies a central position as the chief Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
488. How many non-permanent members does the Ans. (d) : Kurt Josef Waldheim born on 21 December
UN Security Council have? 1918 and died on 14 June 2007 was an Austrian
(a) 12 (b) 15 politician and diplomat. Waldheim was the fourth
(c) 14 (d) 10 Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 1981, and President of Austria from 1986 to 1992.
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 494. The current secretary general of the United
Ans. (d) : See the explation of above question. Nations belongs to which of these countries?
489. Where is the headquarters of United Nations (a) South Korea (b) India
Security Council located? (c) USA (d) Portugal
(a) Chicago (b) New Jersey RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Boston (d) New York Ans. (d) : The Secretary-General is appointed by the
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist General Assembly on the recommendation of the
Ans. (d) : United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is Security Council for a five year, renewable term. The
headquartered at New York, USA. current Secretary-General, and the 9th occupant of the
post, is Antonio Guterres of Portugal. He took office
490. Declared in the Stockholm Declarations, which
on 1 January 2017.
of the following statements are related with
United Nations Conference on Environment. 495. Where is the headquarters of United Nations
(a) Creation of United Nation Environment system staff college located?
Programme (a) Turin (b) London
(b) Cultural and natural Inheritance of world (c) Washington (d) Berlin
(c) Intellectual property Right RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Unequal growth Ans. (a) : The United Nations System Staff College
RRB NTPC 26.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (UNSSC) is a UN organization that serves the personnel
Ans. (a) : The United Nations environment programme of the United Nations and its affiliates via interagency
was established by Maurice Strong, It's first director training and learning. the headquarters of this organization
after the United Nations conference on the human is located in Turin, Italy. The college was formally created
environment in stockholm in 1972. UNEP is responsible by general assembly on 20 December, 2002.
for co-ordinating responses to environmental issue 496. Which is not an agency of United Nations?
within the United Nation system. (a) Red Cross international Committee
491. International organisation that coordinates UN (b) International Labour Organization
Environmental activities is: (c) World Health Organization
(a) United Nations Economic and Social (d) Food and Agriculture Organization
Organisation RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) United Nations Security Council Ans. (a) : Major specialized agencies and related organs
(c) United Nations Environment Protection of the UN include the International Labour Organisation
Council (ILO) established in 1919 and headquartered in Geneva,
(d) United Nations Environment Programme the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Nations (FAO) established in 1945 and headquartered
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. in Rome, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
492. In which of the following cities, United Nations Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established in 1945
subsidiary regional headquarters is NOT and headquartered in Paris, and the World Health
opened? Organization (WHO) established in 1948 and
(a) Geneva (b) Nairobi headquartered in Geneva.
(c) Rome (d) Vienna 497. What is the full form of the abbreviation UPU
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist which is related with United Nations?
Ans. (c) : The UN is headquartered in New York City (a) Universal Paid Union
and has other subsidiary regional offices in Geneva, (b) Universal Private Union
Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague. So, the option (c) is (c) Universal Postal Union
correct answer. (d) Universal Plane Union
493. Kurt Waldheim, the fourth secretary general of RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the United Nations (UN) was the former Ans. (c) : UPU stands for Universal Postal Union. It is a
president of which country? specialized agency of the United Nations that aims to
(a) Spain (b) Mexico organize and improve postal service throughout the
(c) Argentina (d) Austria world and to ensure international collaboration in this
RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist area.
498. The United Nations adopted the 'Charter of 503. Maintenance of International Peace and
Economic Rights and Duties of States' in _____. Security is the main purpose of which of the
(a) December 1974 (b) December 1976 following Units/Organizations?
(c) December 1980 (d) December 1977 (a) WTO (b) WHO
RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) UNO (d) NATO
Ans. (a) : The General Assembly of United Nations RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
adopted resolution 3281 (XXIX) containing the Ans. (c) :The UNO (United Nations Organisation) was
“Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States” on founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51
12 December 1974, by 115 votes to 6, with 10 countries committed to maintaining international peace
abstentions. and security, developing friendly relations among
nations and promoting social progress, better living
499. Which one of the following major organs of the standards and human rights.
United Nations is not located in New York?
504. Whose statement is the following?
(a) Economic and Social Council
"The United Nations was formed not to take
(b) Secretariat humanity to Heaven, but to save it from Hell".
(c) Trusteeship Council (a) Dag Hammarskjold (b) Trygce Lie
(d) International Court of Justice (c) U Thant (d) Kurt Walsheim
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : The International Court of Justice is the Ans. (a) : Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld was a
principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Its seat is Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the
at the Peace Palace in Hague (Netherlands). It is the second Secretary-General of the United Nations from
only one of the six principal organs of the United April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September
Nations not located in NewYork. 1961. He said that the UN was not created to take
500. The principal judicial organ of the United mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell”.
Nations is situated in: 505. Who was the first UN Secretary–General?
(a) Vienna (b) Geneva (a) Kofi A Annan (b) U Thant
(c) New York (d) Hague (c) Trygve Lie (d) Dag Hammarskjold
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question Ans. (c) : On 1st February 1946, Trygve Halvdan Lie of
Norway was elected the first Secretary-General of the
501. Which of the following statements is NOT
United Nations. He was formally installed by the
General Assembly at its 22nd meeting on 2 February
(a) The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 1946. The General Assembly on 1 November 1950,
has five permanent members. continued Mr. Lie in office for a further three years
(b) The United Nations (UN) has six official from 1 February 1951. He resigned as Secretary-
languages. General of the United Nations in November 1952.
(c) The term of a judge in the International Court 506. The first secretary-General of the United
of Justice (ICJ) is five years. Nations was related to which of these
(d) The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has countries?
fifteen judges. (a) Finland (b) Swedan
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Portugal (d) Norway
Ans. (c) : The International Court of Justice (ICJ) RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
consists of 15 Judges elected for nine year terms by the Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Security Council and the General Assembly. Five seats 507. Who was the first secretary-General of the
come up for election every three years there is no bar on United Nations Organization (UNO)?
consecutive terms. According to article 2 of the ICJ (a) U Thant (b) Trygve Lie
statute, the judges are "independent" and "elected" (c) Kurt Waldheim (d) Dag Hammarskjold
regardless of their nationality. RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
502. For how many years are the judges elected in Ans. (b) : The first secretary-general of United Nations
the International Court of Justice? Organization was Trygve Lie of Norway.
(a) 7 (b) 6 508. The headquarters of the World Tourism
(c) 8 (d) 9 Organization (UNWTO) is located at:
RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Johannesburg, South Africa
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. (b) Mandaluyong, Philippines
(c) Madrid, Spain (c) Kurt Waldheim
(d) Frankfurt, Germany (d) Dag Hammarskjold
RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) :The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion 513. International Fund for Agricultural
of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible Development (IFAD) was created in ______ for
tourism. UNWTO headquarters are based in Madrid, rural poverty reduction in developing
Spain since 1976. Countries.
509. The headquarters of the UNEP is located at: (a) 1990 (b) 1977
(a) Johannesburg, South Africa (c) 1995 (d) 1980
(b) Mandaluyoung, Philippines RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Frankfurt, Germany Ans. (b) : The International Fund for Agricultural
(d) Nairobi, Kenya Development (IFAD), is an international financial
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist institution and specialized agency of UN that works to
Ans. (d) : United Nations Environment Programme address poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing
(UNEP) is the global authority that sets the countries. It focuses solely on rural economies and food
environmental agenda, promotes the coherent security. It was established in December 1977. Its
implementation of the environmental dimension of headquarters is in Rome, Italy.
sustainable development within the United Nations 514. Who was the secretary of UNO between the
system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the year 1997-2006?
global environment. It was founded in June 1972 as a (a) Kofi Annan (b) U–Thant
result of the Stockholm Conference on the Human (c) Ban ki-Moon (d) Trigvi Li
Environment. Its headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya. RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
510. Which UN body directly deals with Ans.(a): Kofi Annan (Ghana) held office of Secretary-
reproductive health of population? General of UNO from January 1997 to December
(a) WIPO (b) UNDP 2006.
(c) UNFPA (d) IFAD 515. Which country's President suggested the name
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 'United Nations'?
Ans. (c) : United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), (a) France
formerly the United Nations Fund for Population (b) Germany
Activities, is a UN agency aimed at improving (c) Russia
reproductive and maternal health worldwide. Its work (d) United States of America
includes developing national healthcare strategies and RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
protocols, increasing access to birth control, and leading RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
campaigns against child marriage, gender-based
Ans. (d) : The name ‘United Nations’, coined by
violence, obstetric fistula, and female genital
United States of America's President Franklin D.
mutilation.The agency began operations in 1969 as the
Roosevelt, was first used in the Declaration by United
United Nations Fund For Population Activities under
Nations of 1 January 1942, The UN officially came
the administration of the United Nations Development
into existence on 24 October 1945.
Fund. Its headquartered situated in New York.
516. When was the name 'United Nations' coined?
511. Who was the UNO's first Secretary-General
(a) 1 January 1942 (b) 1 January 1947
from the African continent?
(c) 1 January 1945 (d) 1 January 1943
(a) Kurt Waldheim
RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Winston Churchill
(c) Boutros Boutros- Ghali Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
(d) Dag Hammarskjold 517. Which UN organisation deals with illicit
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist trafficking and drug abuse?
Ans. (c) : Boutros Boutros- Ghali, was an Egyptian
scholar and statesman, secretary general of the UN from (c) UNFPA (d) UNEP
January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1996. RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
512. Who was the UNO's first Secretary-General Ans. (b) : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
from the African continent? (UNODC) is a UN body established in 1997. It is a
(a) Winston Churchill nodal body focusing on trafficking and abuse of illicit
(b) Boutros Boutros-Ghali drugs crime prevention and criminal justice.
518. The current (as on October 2020) United 523. What is the full form of UNITAR?
Nations Emblem was approved on 7 December (a) United nations Institute for Transport and
1946. What do the olive branches in the agriculture Research
emblem symbolise? (b) United Nations Institutive for total
(a) Feeling of pride when associated with the UN agriculture readiness
(b) The area of concern of the United Nations (c) United Nations Institute for Training and
(c) Peace throughout the world research
(d) The National symbol of the nation where the (d) United Nations Institutive for Transport
UN is headquartered Readiness
RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : The emblem consists of a map of the world Ans : (c) United Nations Institute for Training and
on a polar azimuthally equidistant projection Research (Unitar is a dedicated training arm of the
surrounded by two olive branches. These two symbols
United Nations system. UNITAR was founded in 11
speak for themselves: the olive branch is a symbol of
December 1963 and headquarters are based in Geneva,
peace, while the world map represents the Organization
in its quest to attain world peace. Switzerland.
519. How many times has India been elected as non- 524. The Geneva II Conference was an international
permanent member of the UN Security Council peace conference backed the United Nations, It
till Oct, 2020? was held to decided the future of which
(a) 5 (b) 4 country?
(c) 8 (d) 10 (a) Iran (b) Pakistan
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) Iraq (d) Syria
Ans. (c) : Eight (8) times has India been elected as non- RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III)
permanent member of the UN Security Council till Oct, Ans : (d) The Geneva II Conference was an
2020. international peace conference backed by the United
520. How many organizations are part of the United Nations, it was held to decided the future of syria with
Nations in India? the aim of ending the syrian civil war. The conference
(a) 22 (b) 28 took place on 22 January 2014 in Montreux, on 23-31-
(c) 12 (d) 26 January 2014 in Geneva (Switzerland), again on 10-15-
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist February 2014.
Ans. (d) : There are 26 organisations of UN which are 525. What is the full form of IMO?
working in India. (a) International Monetary organization
521. Who has been selected as the 193rd member of (b) India Meteorological organization
the UN? (c) International Maritime organization
(a) South Sudan (b) France (d) Indian Monetary Organization.
(c) Brazil (d) Colombia RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans : (c) The International Maritime Organization
Ans. (a) : South Sudan is the latest (193rd) member of (IMO) is the United Nations specialized agency with
UN. Antonio Guterres is the present Secretary –General responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and
of United Nations. the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by
522. Which of the following is not a consumer right ships. The IMO was established on 17 March 1948 and
defined in the United Nations consumer bill? headquartered in London, United Kingdom. The
(a) The right to choose secretary general of IMO is Kitack Lim
(b) The right to safety 526. Headquarters of International Maritime
(c) The right to contest Organization (IMO) is located at:
(d) The right to redress (a) Geneva
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I) (b) Washington
Ans : (c) The consumer right as defined in the United (c) New York
nations consumer bill does not include the right to (d) London
contest president John F. Kennedy spoke of eight rights RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
in this bill that are right to basic needs. Right to safety,
Right to Information. Right to choose, right to Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
representation, right to redress, right to consumer 527. Which of the following is NOT a correct pair of
education and right to healthy environment. World a UN organ and its headquaters?
consumer rights day is celebrated on 15 March. United (a) The International Court of Justice (ICJ) - The
Nations (UN) is established in 24 October 1945. Hague
(b) World Health Organization (WHO) - New Ans : (a) Be Healthy, Be Moblile is a Joint initative
York from World Health Organisation (WHO) and
(c) United Nations Educational, Scientific and International Telecommunication Union (ITU). It is an
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Paris initative to prevent & control Non-communicable
(d) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) diseases.
- Vienna 532. In which year India was declared polio-free by
RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist World Health Organisation?
Ans. (b) : United Nations organs and their headquarters: (a) 2012 (b) 2000
* International Court of Justice (ICJ)- The Hague, (c) 2014 (d) 2008
Netherlands RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
* The World Health Organization (WHO)- Geneva, Ans : (c) The World Health Organisation (WHO)
Switzerland presented official certification to India for its 'Polio free'
* The United Nations Educational, Scientific and status on 27 March 2014.
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Paris, France.
* The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - (iii) World Trade Organisation
Vienna, Austria.
533. Select the option that shows the correct match
(ii) World Health Organisation of an organization and its headquarters.
528. Where is the headquarters of World Health (a) WHO– Paris
Organization (WHO)? (b) GATT– Geneva
(a) South Africa (b) France (c) INTERPOL– Washington D.C.
(c) America (d) Switzerland (d) ESRO– Brussels
RRB Group-D 23-10-2018 (Shift-I) RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) WHO (World Health Organization) Ans. (b) :
headquarters is situated in, Geneva, (Switzerland). This Organization Headquarters Establi
institute was established on 7 April 1948. The objective -shed
of this organization is to increase the level of health of World Health Geneva, 1948
world's people. Switzerland
Organization (WHO)
529. _______ is the UN specialized agency which
General Agreement on Geneva, 1948
directs and co-ordinates health related matters
Tariffs and Trade Switzerland
(c) WHO (d) WFP The International Lyon, France 1923
RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Criminal Police
Ans. (c) : The World Health Organization (WHO) is a Organization
specialized agency of the United Nations which directs (INTERPOL)
and co-ordinates and responsible for international public European Space Paris, France 1964
health. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and Research
was established on 7 April 1948. Tedros Adhanom Organisation (ESRO)
Ghebreyesus is currently Director - General of WHO. 7
534. WTO is a global organization. Which of the
April is celebrated as World Health day.
following statements regarding WTO is
530. Which of the following is the headquarters of incorrect.
World Health Organization? (a) Its full form is World Transport Organization
(a) New York (b) Paris (b) It deals with the rules of trade between
(c) Vienna (d) Geneva nations
RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) Nagozi Okonjo Iweala of Nigeria is the
RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist seventh director general of the organization.
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. (d) Its apex decision-making body is the
531. WHO rules and prevention of Non- Ministerial Assembly
communicable disease is? RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Be Healthy, Be Mobile Ans. (a) : World Trade Organization is an international
(b) MD Resolution organization dealing with the rules of trade between
(c) Airstrip One nations. The WTO is the successor to the General
(d) MM Mobile Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was
RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-I) created in 1947. WTO began operations on 1st January,
1995. The WTO has 164 members and 23 observer (c) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
governments. WTO is dominated by its highest (d) Gradual Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
authority, the ministerial conference, composed of RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
representatives of all WTO members. In February 2021, Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question
Nigeria's Ngozi Okonjo–Iweala was appointed as 7th
Director General of the WTO. 542. Which organization has been the successor of
535. Which of the following organisations deals
(a) UNCTAD (b) ILO
with formulation and implementation of
(c) WTO (d) ECOSOC
global trade?
(a) ILO (b) WTO RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) WHO (d) IMF Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 543. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. came into existence in the year :
(a) 1950 (b) 1995
536. WTO sets the rules for:
(c) 1945 (d) 1948
(a) Terrorism (b) Global trade
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Global tour & travel (d) Environment
Ans. (d) : The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(GATT) was signed by 23 countries in October 1947,
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. after World War II and became law on Jan 1, 1948. The
537. What does World Trade Organization (WTO) purpose of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
promote? was to make International Trade easier. World Trade
(a) Unilateral trade Organization (WTO) repleaced the GATT on 1
(b) Financial support January, 1995.
(c) Global peace 544. Irish diplomat and formal Director General of
(d) Multi-lateral trade General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (Now
RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist WTO) is _______ who is called father of
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Peter Sutherland (b) Ken Rutherford
538. Since July 2016, World Trade Organization
(c) Peter Gilmore (d) Kiefer Sutherland
(WTO) has ______members.
RRB Group-D 06-12-2018 (Shift-II)
(a) 161 (b) 162
(c) 164 (d) 163 Ans. (a) Irish diplomat and former Director General of
GATT (Now WTO) is Peter Sutherland who is called
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
"Father of Globalization". WTO (World Trade
Ans. (c) : It's member countries are 164. Organization) was established on 1 Jan 1995 by
539. When was WTO (World Trade Organization) replacing the GATT. It's headquarters is situated in
established? Geneva Switzerland.
(a) 1995 (b) 1983 545. Word Trade Organization was constituted
(c) 1948 (d) 1999 under ______ agreement on January 1, 1995.
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Asean free trade agreement
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (b) Trans-pacific partnership
540. The formation of World Trade Organisation (c) Marrakesh Agreement
(WTO) was preceded by : (d) Comprehensive Economic partnership
(a) General Agreement on Trade in Services RRB Group-D 26-11-2018 (Shift-III)
(b) General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs Ans. (c) WTO is an international organization set up in
(c) Multilateral Trade Agreement 1995 by a replacing the General Agreement on Trade
(d) General Agreement on Intellectual Property and Tariffs (GATT) under the Marrakesh Agreement. It
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist is the only global International organization dealing
with the International trade between nations.
Ans. (b) : The General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
was started in 1944 in Bretton Woods Conference . It is 546. Where is the headquarters of World Trade
a precedor of World Trade Organization. Organization?
(a) England (b) America
541. GATT was established to regulate world trade
(c) Switzerland (d) France
in 1948. GATT stands for:
RRB Group-D 29-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(a) Gradual Aggregate of Tariffs and Trade
(b) Gradual Agreement of Tariffs and Trade Ans. (c) See the explanation of above question.
(iv) United Nations International Ans : (c) The time when the above question was asked,
the number of World Heritage Sites in India were 32 by
Children's Emergency Found UNESCO in which 25 cultural sites and 7 natural sites.
(UNICEF) Presently there are 40 World Heritage Sites located in
India. These include 32 cultural sites, 7 natural sites and
547. Which agency was created by the United 1 mixed-criteria site. India has the sixth largest number of
Nations to provide emergency food and health sites in the world. Italy have highest World Heritage Sites
care to children and mothers in the countries with 58 and followed by China with 56 sites.
affected by World War II? 552. Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located?
(a) UNICEF (b) UNESCO (a) Mascow (b) New York
(c) WHO (d) IMF (c) London (d) Paris
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a): UNICEF was created by the United Nations Ans : (d) UNESCO is established in 1945 and
General Assembly resolution 57 (1) on 11 December headquartered in Paris. Director-General of UNESCO is
1946 to provide emergency food and healthcare to Audrey Azoulay.
children’s and mother’s in the countries which are 553. Which of the following plans was started by the
affected by World War II. It's headquaters is in New central government in 2015 to take care of the
York, USA. In 1965, the organisation got Nobel Peace UNESCO World Heritage Sites and to make
Prize and in 1989 got the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize. these sites economically viable?
548. Where is the headquarters of UNICEF
(c) AMRUT (d) Smart City
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Washington (b) Paris
Ans. (b) : Objective of HRIDAY (Heritage City
(c) Zurich (d) New York
Development and Augmentation Yojana) is to preserve
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist character of the soul of heritage city and facilitate
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. inclusive heritage linked urban development by
exploring various avenues including involving private
(v) UNESCO sector. Specific objectives are planning, development
and implementation of heritage sensitive infrastructure.
549. Which of the United Nation's organization has
Government of India, was launched this scheme on 21st
International Institute of Education Planning
January, 2015.
at Paris as its part?
554. What is the full form of UNESCO ?
(a) United Nations Economic Settlement Committee
(c) UNU (d) ILO (b) United Nations Economic, Social and
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Communal Organization
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Ans. (b) : The United Nations Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization
And Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an (d) United Nations Employment Scheme
international organization that promotes education, Concering Organization
science and culture. UNESCO was founded on RRB NTPC 12.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
November 16, 1945. It has the International institute of Ans. (c) : UNESCO, acronym for United Nations
Educational planning in Paris as its part. UNESCO'S Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, is a
International Institute For Educational planning was- specialized agency of the UN.
founded in Paris, France, in 1963. 555. Which of the following is not an UNESCO's
550. The Headquarter of UNESCO is in: World Heritage Sites (India)?
(a) Washington D.C. (a) Char Minar (b) Red Fort
(b) New York (c) Taj Mahal (d) Elephanta Caves
(c) London RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Paris Ans. (a) : A Word Heritage site is a place that is listed
by UNESCO for its special cultural or physical
RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
significance. The list of World Heritage, sites is
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question maintained by the international "World Heritage
551. How many sites in India have been declared as Programme" administered by the UNESCO World
World Heritage Site by UNESCO? Heritage Committee. There are 40 World Heritage Sites
(a) 25 (b) 7 in India, which include 32 cultural, seven natural and 1
(c) 32 (d) 18 mixed sites. In the above options, Char Minar is not
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist included in this list.
556. Which of the following is NOT listed in 560. As of Jan 2021, how many UNESCO World
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India? Heritage Sites does India have?
(a) Sun Temple, Konark (a) 18 (b) 41
(b) Group of Monuments located in Mandu, (c) 38 (d) 52
Madhya Pradesh RRB NTPC 01.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Agra Fort Ans. (c) : As of January 2021, India has 38 sites. But as
(d) Fatehpur Sikri of 27 July 2021, number of sites became 40. 39th –
RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Rudreshwara Temple (Ramappa), Telangana.
Ans. (b) : Group of Monuments located in Mandu, 40th –Dholavira (Gujarat).
Madhya Pradesh, is not included in the list of UNESCO 561. Name the caves found in Western India on the
World Heritage Site's. Island of Gharapuris which received the
• Agra Fort, Ajanta caves, Fatehpur Sikri, Ellora Caves, UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 1987.
Sun Temple (Konark), Jaipur city etc. are listed in (a) Elephanta Caves (b) Khajuraho Caves
UNESCO World Heritage sites in India.
(c) Ellora Caves (d) Ajanta Caves
There are currently 1,154 UNESCO World Heritage
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Sites all over the world.
Ans. (a) : The Elephanta Caves are located in western
557. Where is the UNESCO World Heritage Site,
India on the Island of Gharapuri, 11 km from Mumbai.
Kandariya Mahadev temple located?
In 1987, the restored Elephanta Caves were designated
(a) Khajuraho (b) Bhubaneswar
as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is currently
(c) Mahabalipuram (d) Mandsour maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India.
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
562. Which place in India has been chosen as a
Ans. (a) : UNESCO World Heritage Site, the temple of UNESCO world heritage site in 2018?
Kandaria Mahadev is located in Khajuraho. This temple
(a) Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of
is the best among all the temples of Khajuraho in terms
of art technique, construction process grandeur etc. The
monuments of the Khajuraho group belong to the (b) Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore
Chandela dynasty. The temples are related to Jain and (c) Konark Sun Temple, Odisha
Hindu religions. (d) Dachigam National Park, Srinagar
558. Which of the following monuments belongs to RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
UNESCO's List of World heritage Sites in Ans. (a) : Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensemble of
India? Mumbai became the UNESCO World Heritage site in
(a) Vaishno Devi (b) Khajuraho 2018.
(c) Krimchi Temple (d) Akshardham Temple 563. Which of the following is NOT included in
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. India?
559. As per UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India, (a) Khajuraho (b) Bhimbetka
identify the incorrect pair as per the year of (c) Sanchi (d) Anand Bhavan
inclusion. RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Agra Fort (UP)-1983 Ans. (d) : Khajuraho, Bhimbetka and Sanchi are in the
(b) Red Fort, Delhi-2007 World Heritage Sites list. The Anand Bhavan is a
(c) Sanchi Stupa (MP)-1988 historic house museum in Prayagraj which is not listed
(d) Fatehpur Sikri (UP)-1986 in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 564. Which among the following is Not a UNESCO
Ans. (c) : Name of Heritage Sites State World Heritage Site ?
Agra Fort UP 1983 (a) Ajanta Caves, Aurangabad
Ajanta Caves Maharashtra 1983 (b) Rani ki vav, Patan
(c) Jantar Mantar, New Delhi
Ellora Caves Maharashtra 1983
(d) Sun Temple, Konark
Taj Mahal UP 1983
RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Lal Quila (Red fort) Delhi 2007
Ans. (c) : There are 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Sun Temple, Konark Odisha 1984 in India → 32 cultural, 7 natural and 1 mixed property.
Group of Monuments at Tamil Nadu 1984 Jantar Mantar, New Delhi is not a UNESCO World
Mahabalipuram Heritage Site among answer's choices. The Oldest
Buddhist Monuments at MP 1989 World Heritage Site in India is Ajanta Caves (2nd
Sanchi century BC to the 6th Century AD).
565. Which of the following Indian cities was given 569. Which country does the letter 'B' represents in
the status of the first World Heritage City by the BRICS?
UNESCO? (a) Bangladesh (b) Belgium
(a) Hampi (b) Ahmedabad (c) Brazil (d) Bahrain
(c) Jaipur (d) Hyderabad RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB Group-D 01-10-2018 (Shift-III) Ans : (c) Brazil does the letter 'B' represents in the
Ans. (b) On July 8, 2017, during the 41st meeting of BRICS.
the World Heritage Committee, the historic city of 570. BRICS Development Bank is now renamed as–
Ahmedabad, was announced to be included in the (a) Asian Development bank
World Heritage List. It is the first city in India to be (b) World bank
ranked in the World Heritage List. The city of Jaipur
(c) New Development Bank
in Rajasthan has been included in this list in June
(d) New BRICS Bank
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
566. Which Indian city was included in the
UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2017 for Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
its rich musical tradition? 571. What are the BRIC Countries?
(a) New Delhi (b) Lucknow (a) Brazil, Russia, India And Canada
(c) Chennai (d) Bengaluru (b) Britain, Russia, India and Canada
RRB Group-D 01-10-2018 (Shift-III) (c) Brazil, Russia, India and China
Ans. (c) UNESCO has included Chennai in the list of (d) Britain, Russia, India and China
creative cities network. Chennai has been roped in to RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-III)
contribute to the rich tradition of music. Under this, Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
cities are selected in seven fields - handicrafts, folk 572. Which country out of the following is NOT a
art, design, film, cooking, literature, music and media member of the BRICS group?
arts. There are six Indian city in Creative City (a) South Africa (b) Sri Lanka
Network– Jaipur (2015), Varanasi (2015), Chennai (c) Brazil (d) India
(2017), Mumbai (2019), Hyderabad (2019) and RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Srinagar (2021).
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
567. What is the name of the city recently included
573. Which of the following is a member of BRICS?
in the Creative City Network for contribution
to music by the United Nations Educational, (a) Bhutan (b) Canada
Scientific and Cultural Organization (c) Brazil (d) Indonesia
(UNESCO)? RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Kolkata (b) Bengaluru Ans. (c) See the explanation of above question.
(c) Mumbai (d) Chennai
RRB Group-D 08-10-2018 (Shift-II) (vii) INTERPOL
Ans. (d) See the explanation of above question.
574. The International Criminal Police Commission
(ICPC), predecessor to INTERPOL was
(vi) BRICS founded at ____ in 1923.
568. Which was the last country to join BRICS? (a) NewYork (b) Geneva
(a) China (b) India (c) Washington (d) Vienna
(c) Russia (d) South Africa RRB NTPC 20.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : International Criminal Police Commission
Ans. (d) : BRICS is an acronym for the grouping of the (ICPC) was established in 1923 in Vienna. Now it is
world's leading emerging economies namely Brazil, headquartered in Lyon, France. In 1956 the ICPC
Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the ratified a new constitution under which it was renamed
first four were grouped as BRIC and South Africa was the International Criminal Police Cooperation and
invited to join BRIC in December 2010, after which the Crime Central. It is the world's largest International
group adopted the acronym BRICS. Hence South Africa Police Organization with 194 member countries.
was the last country to join BRICS. During the sixth 575. INTERPOL has its headquarters in ________.
BRICS Summit in Fortaleza (2014) the leaders signed
(a) Germany (b) France
the Agreement Establishing the New development Bank
(NDB) as BRICS bank. It is headquartered in Shanghai (c) Switzerland (d) Spain
and the present president of the NDB is Marcos Prado RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Troyjo from Brazil. Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
576. Where is the headquarters of Interpol? 582. In 1987, The South Asian Association of
(a) Paris (b) London Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was
(c) Lyon (d) Brussels established Secretariat in ..............?
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Dhaka (b) New Delhi
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. (c) Kathmandu (d) Islamabad
RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(viii) SAARC Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
577. Where is the headquarters of SAARC 583. Where and when was SAARC (South Asian
Development Fund (SDF) established by Association for Regional Cooperation) formed?
SAARC nations? (a) Pakistan, 1981 (b) Bangaladesh, 1985
(a) Kathmandu, Nepal (b) Dhaka, Bangladesh (c) Sri Lanka, 1988 (d) India, 1987
(c) Thimphu, Bhutan (d) Mumbai, India RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c) : The SAARC Development Fund (SDF) was
established in 2005. It is the umbrella financial (ix) OPEC
institution of the South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC). The SDF Secretariat based in 584. Which of the following organization's
Thimphu, Bhutan undertakes and implements projects headquarters is not correct matched?
and programmes under three windows: Social, (a) UNICEF -New York
Economic and Infrastructure in fulfillment of the greater (b) OPEC - Zurich
developmental goals of the SAARC region. (c) World Bank - Washington
Note : South Asian Association for Regional (d) NATO - Brussels
Cooperation (SAARC) is an economic and political RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
organization of eight countries in South Asia. It was
Ans. (b) :
established in 1985 when the Heads of State of
Afanistan Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Organization Year of Headquarters
Pakistan and Sri Lanka formally adopted the charter. Establishment
578. What does the abbreviation SAARC stand for: UNICEF(United 1946 New York,
(a) South Asian African Railway Corporation Nations United States
(b) South Asian Association for Regional Children's Fund)
Cooperation OPEC 1960 Vienna, Austria
(c) South Australian Asian Regional Cooperation (Organization of
(d) South American African Regional Conference the Petroleum
RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Exporting
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question Countries)
579. Which of the following countries is NOT a World Bank 1944 Washington
member of SAARC? DC, United
(a) Nepal (b) Afghanistan States
(c) Pakistan (d) Malaysia NATO (North 1949 Brussels,
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Atlantic Treaty Belgium
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Organization)
RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 585. Which country is NOT a member of OPEC?
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. (a) Algeria (b) Venezuela
580. How many countries are members of SAARC? (c) Nigeria (d) Kenya
(a) Eight (b) Four RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Seven (d) Five
Ans. (d) : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Countries (OPEC) is an acronym. It is a permanent
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
intergovernmental organization created at the Baghdad
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Conference in September, 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
581. Which of the following country is a member of Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. It has since 1965 been
SAARC? headquartered in Vienna, Austria. Currently it has 13
(a) China (b) Myanmar members. Kenya is not a member state of OPEC. OPEC
(c) Mauritius (d) Afghanistan is a cortel that aim to manage the supply of oil in the
RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist world market in an effort to set the price of oil in the
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. world market.
586. Where is the headquarters of OPEC located? 592. Which of the following UN agencies promotes
(a) Geneva (b) Brussels International Labour Rights?
(c) Vienna (d) Zurich (a) IMF (b) IMO (c) ILO (d) ICAO
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
593. Where is the headquarters of International
587. What does OPEC stand for? Labour Organisation (ILO) located?
(a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (a) Geneva, Switzerland
(b) Oil Products of Exporting Countries (b) Washington DC, USA
(c) Oil Products and Exergy Conservation (c) Lyon, France
(d) Organization of the Petroleum Exporting (d) Helsinki, Finland
Countries RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 01-09-2019 (Shift - III) Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(xi) NATO
588. Which of the following countries is a member
of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum 594. What is the name of the intergovernmental
Exporting Countries)? military alliance between 30 European and
(a) Brazil North American countries?
(a) The International Military Collaboration
(b) Japan
(b) The International Military Fund
(c) The Democratic Republic of the Congo
(c) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(d) India (d) The World Militia Organization
RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (c) : The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also
589. Which among the following organizations is the called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an
best example of an agreement between intergovernmental military alliance between 27
oligopolists? European countries, 2 North American countries, and 1
Eurasian country. The organization implements North
(a) WHO (b) UNESCO Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. Its
(c) UNO (d) OPEC headquarters is situated in Brussels, Belgium.
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 595. Where is the headquarters of the North
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the question Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
(x) ILO (a) Lisbon (b) Madrid
(c) Brussels (d) Ottawa
590. In which year was the International Labour RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Organisation (ILO) established?
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) 1921 (b) 1931
596. What kind of organisation is NATO (North
(c) 1919 (d) 1909
Atlantic Treaty Organization)?
RRB NTPC 12.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Intergovernmental Military Alliance
Ans. (c) : International Labour Organization (ILO) is a (b) Technology Exchange and Development group
specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the only (c) Intergovernmental Economic Cooperation group
tripartite UN agency. Established in 1919 by the treaty (d) Cultural Cooperation and Development
of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the League of Organization
Nations. ILO brings together governments, employers RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
and workers representative of 187 member states, to set Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
labour standards, develop policies and devise
programmes promoting decent work for all women and 597. Which of the following organisations is India
NOT a member?
man. Its headquarters situated in Geneva, Switzerland.
(a) G20
591. International Labour Organization was
(b) United Nations (UN)
founded on ........... .
(c) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
(a) 15 November 1947 (b) 14 December 1946 (d) Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
(c) 28 June 1919 (d) 14 December 1945 RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (c) : India is not a member of the NATO. India is a
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. member of SCO, UN and G20.
(xii) World Bank and International (c) International Labour Organization
(d) World Bank
Monetary Fund RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
598. The headquarters of which of the following Ans. (d) : International Bank for Reconstruction and
international organizations is situated Development (IBRD) and International Development
Washington DC? Association (IDA) are the part of World Bank group.
(a) IMF (b) ECB 603. IMF and World Bank were formed in 1944. In
(c) OECD (d) ILO which city is their headquarters located?
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Vienna (b) Geneva
Ans. (a) : (c) Washington DC (d) New York
International Headquarters RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Organization Ans. (c) : International Monetary Fund (IMF) was
International Monetary Washington, D.C. established on 22 July 1944 in the Bretton woods
Fund (IMF) Conference, New Hampshire, United States, originally
with 45 members and came into existence on 27 December
European Central Bank Frankfurt, Germany 1945. Its headquarters is in Washington, D.C., US.
604. Which of the following is NOT a function of
Organisation for Paris, France the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
Economic Co-operation (a) Monitoring the financial and economic
and Development policies of its member countries
(OECD) (b) Providing loans to countries that find it
International Labour Geneva, Switzerland difficult to meet their international payments
Organization (ILO) (c) Assisting mainly low and middle income
599. The headquarters of the World Bank is countries to effectively manage their economies
situated at: (d) Creating innovative business models to
(a) The Hague, Netherland increase the wealth of its member countries
(b) Washington DC, USA RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) London, UK Ans. (d) : International Monetary Fund (IMF) do not
(d) Paris, France create innovative business models to increase the wealth
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist of its members countries. IMF is an organization of 190
countries, working to foster global monetary
Ans. (b) : World Bank is an international financial
cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate
institution that provides loans to the government of low
international trade, promote high employment and
and middle income countries for the purpose of
sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty
pursuing capital projects. It is formed in 1944 and its
around the world.
headquarter is situated in Washington DC, USA.
605. Which of the following institutions supported
600. When was the World Bank founded?
Neeranchal National Watershed Project to
(a) After the Second World War improve watershed management program?
(b) During the First World War (a) ADB (b) World Bank
(c) Before the First World War (c) WHO (d) FAO of the UN
(d) During the Second World War RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : The World Bank has supported the
Ans. (d) : The World Bank was founded in July, 1944 Neeranchal National Watershed Project to improve the
during the World War II. watershed management program. The objective of this
601. Which of the following countries is not a project is to provide technical support for the adoption
member of the World Bank Group? of technologies outcomes of communities in selected
(a) Canada (b) China sites. The number of beneficiary states under this
(c) USA (d) Cuba project is Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat,
Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha,
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Rajasthan and Telangana.
Ans. (d) : 189 countries are the member of World
606. In which year was the International Bank for
Bank while Cuba is not the member of World Bank.
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),
602. IBRD and IDA are the part of: better known as the World Bank, established to
(a) United Nations help Europe recover from the devastation of
(b) International Monetary Fund World War II?
(a) 1944 (b) 1947 (d) International Monitoring Fund
(c) 1946 (d) 1945 RRB Group-D 22-09-2018 (Shift-I)
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (b) See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (a) : The International Bank for Reconstruction 612. The headquarters of International monetary
and Development (IBRD) was founded in anticipation fund situated in which country?
of the end of World War II, during the Bretton Woods (a) China (b) America
Conference of 1944, a gathering of the 44 Allied (c) Canada (d) Singapore
Nations of the Second World War meant to establish the RRB Group-D 23-10-2018 (Shift-II)
post-war global financial order. Along with establishing
a new global monetary policy regime, the Bretton Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
Woods Conference was also where the International 613. Where is the world bank headquarters is
Monetary Fund and the IBRD were formed. situated.
607. In which conference were The World Bank and (a) Russia (b) U.S.A.
its Associate institution the International (c) Japan (d) England
Monetary Fund establised by the United RRB Group-D 19-09-2018 (Shift-I)
Nations? Ans : (b) World Bank headquarters is situated in
(a) Bretton Woods Conference Washington DC, United States. It was founded on July
(b) U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment 1944 in Bretton Woods Conference along with the
(c) International Conference on Financing for International Monetary Fund. It's objective is to provide
Development loan and grants to government of low-and middle
(d) Atlantic Conference income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital
RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist projects.
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (xiii) ASEAN
608. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development is commonly known as: 614. Which of the following is one of the founding
(a) Reserve Bank of India countries of ASEAN?
(b) World Bank (a) India (b) Malaysia
(c) State Bank of India (c) Australia (d) Cambodia
(d) Internation Monetary fund RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (b) : Association of South east Asian Nations
(ASEAN) is an organisation formed by the governments
609. International Bank for Reconstruction and
of Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and
Development, and the world Bank was
Singapore in 1967 to promote economic growth, peace,
established in which years.
security, social progress and cultural development in the
(a) 1945 (b) 1943 Southeast Asian region.
(c) 1944 (d) 1946
615. Which one of the following statment is
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. incorrect regarding the Association of South-
610. When did the International Monetary fund East Asian Nations (ASEAN)?
came into existence? (a) It stated with the three original member
(a) 1945 (b) 1952 countries
(c) 1950 (d) 1948 (b) ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in
RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-I) Bangkok
Ans : (a) IMF was founded on 22 July 1944, at the (c) According to the information received till 2019,
Bretten Woods Conference. It formally came into the number of its member countries is ten
existence on 27 December 1945. (d) One of the objectives of the organization is to
It's headquarter is situated in Washington D.C. It's accelerate economic development, social
working is to fast global monetary co-operation, secure progress and cultural development in the region
financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
high employment and sustainable economic growth, and Ans. (a) : With respect to the ASEAN (Association of
reduce poverty around the world. South-East Asian Nations), statement in option (a) is
611. In reference of International monetary wrong because the founding fathers of ASEAN are,
transaction, what is the full form of IMF? Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
(a) International Monetary ASEAN is a regional organization which was established
(b) International Monetary Fund to promote political and social stability amid rising
(c) Indian Monetary Form tensions among the Asia–pacific's post–colonial states.
616. India is not a member of which of these (c) New York (d) The Hague
groups? RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) South Asian Association for Regional Ans. (d) : International Court of Justice is a significant
Cooperation organ of the United Nations. It was formulated through
(b) Association off South-East Asian Nations UN Charter in 1945. It has total 193 member countries.
(c) Shanghai Cooperation Organization The headquarters of ICJ is in the Hague, Netherlands.
(d) Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-sectoral 621. Where is the headquarters of NASA.
Technical and Economic Cooperation (a) New York (b) Washington D.C.
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Boston (d) Texas
Ans. (b) : Among the following, India is not a member RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
of the Association of Southeast Asian Ans : (b) The headquarter of NASA is Washington
Nations(ASEAN). ASEAN consists of 10 member D.C.
countries viz. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
622. Reuters is a news agency. Where is its
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
headquarters located ?
and Vietnam.
(a) U.K. (b) U.S.A.
● Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia
(c) Australia (d) India
● Founded: 8 August 1967, Bangkok, Thailand
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
617. Which among the following countries is NOT
Ans : (a)
the member of ASEAN?
Country News Agency
(a) Thailand (b) Indonesia
U.K. - Reuters
(c) Singapore (d) India
Australia - Australian Associated Press
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
India - Press Trust of India,
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question Samachar Bharati, United
News of India (UNI).
(xiv) Other Major Organizations Reuters is an international news organization owed by
& Institutions Thomson Reuters, and it is the largest news agency of
618. Where is the headquaters of the International the world. The agency was established in London in
Civil aviation Organisation (ICAO) situated? 1851 by German born Paul Reuter.
(a) Lisbon (b) Ottawa 623. The Headquarter of International Renewable
(c) Madrid (d) Montreal Energy Agency is situated at ________.
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Abu Dhabi (b) Singapore
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Jakarta (d) Jeddah
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : International Civil Aviation Organization, a
specialized agency of the United Nations, located at Ans. (a) : The International Renewable Energy Agency
Montreal, Canada, established in 1947, is headquartered (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation
in Montreal, Canada. Its current head is Raymond mandated to facilitate co-operation, advance knowledge
Benjamin Please note that IATA (International Air and promote the adoption and sustainable use of
Transport Association) is also located in Montreal. renewable energy. It was founded in 2009 and it's
headquarter is in Masdar, Abu Dhabi.
619. The International Court of Justice is located in
.......... . 624. In which city is the headquarters of the
International Rice Research Institute located?
(a) The Hague (b) Austria
(a) New York (b) Los Banos
(c) New York (d) Washington
(c) Rome (d) Paris
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) :
Ans. (b) : The headquarters of the International Rice
Institutions Headquarters Research Institute is located in Los Banos, Philippines.
International Court of Justice The Hague Rice Gene bank is also located here along with more
United Nations NewYork than 1 lac 25 thousand variety of rice which is collected
World Bank Washington DC from hundred countries. It was established in 1960.
IMF Washington DC 625. Where is the global headquarters of
OPEC Vienna (Austria) International Space University?
620. Where is the headquarters of the International (a) USA (b) Canada
Court of Justice located? (c) UK (d) France
(a) Paris (b) Washington D.C. RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) The International Space University (ISU) was Ans. (d) : Argentina is not a member of EU. Argentina
founded in 1987 and is registered in Strasbourg, France. is a part of the EU’s negotiating with the regional bloc
The chairman of ISU is Chris Sallaberger and president Mercosur for a free trade agreement which will form the
is Juan de Dalmau. back bone of EU-Latin American relations. The
626. Where is the headquarters of the organisation for European Union (EU) is a political and economic union
prohibition of chemical weapons? of 27 member states that are located primarily in
(a) Netherlands (b) Switzerland Europe. The EU was created by the Maastricht Treaty,
(c) Sweden (d) Denmark which entered into force on November 1, 1993.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III) 631. In which year was the European Union
Ans : (a) The organisation for the prohibition of established?
chemical weapons (OPCW) is located in Netherlands (a) 1992 (b) 1989
(The Hague). OPCW is an intergovernmental (c) 1993 (d) 1994
organisation and the implementing body for Chemical RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Weapons Convention which entered into force in 29
April 1997 Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
627. Where is the headquarters of International 632. After the signing of which treaty did the
Committee of the Red Cross situated? European Community come to be known as the
(a) Prague (b) Geneva European Union?
(c) New Delhi (d) New York (a) The Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997
RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (b) The Single European Act, 1986
Ans. (b) : The International Committee of the Red (c) The Treaty of Maastricht, 1992
Cross is headquartered in Geneva. It was established (d) The Treaty of Lisbon, 2007
on 17 February, 1863. It is an international RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
organization which aims to protect people in conflict Ans. (c) : The Maastricht Treaty, 1992 (also called the
zones. It won the Nobel Peace Prize three times in Treaty on European Union) was signed on 7 February
1917, 1944, and 1963. 1992 by the members of the European Community in
628. The Commonwealth of nations, normally Maastricht, Netherlands to further European
known as 'The Commonwealth' is a: intergration.
(a) Economic organisation 633. Which one of the following is a member of
(b) Political organisation BIMSTEC?
(c) Social organisation (a) Vietnam (b) Sri Lanka
(d) Human rights organisation (c) Laos (d) Cambodia
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : The Commonwealth of nations, normally Ans. (b) : Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral
known as 'The commonwealth' is a political Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a
organisation of 54 member states, almost all of which regional multilateral organisation which was introduced
are former territories of the British empire. It was in 1997. The following countries are the member of this
founded on 11 December, 1931 and headquartered in 1. Bangladesh
London, UK. The member states have no legal 2. Bhutan
obligations to one another.
3. India
629. The dissolution of the Soviet Union began in 4. Nepal
which of the following years?
5. Sri Lanka
(a) 1992 (b) 1989
6. Myanmar
(c) 1991 (d) 1990
7. Thailand
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
634. Which of the following countries is NOT a
Ans. (c): On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union
member of BIMSTEC?
collapse . The former superpower was replaced by 15
independent countries. Earlier in the day, Mikhail (a) India (b) Nepal
Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet (c) Bhutan (d) Maldives
Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
independent Russian state. Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
630. Which of the following countries is not a part 635. In which year did India join the Shanghai
of the European Union? Cooperation Organisation?
(a) Greece (b) Germany (a) 2001 (b) 2005
(c) Hungary (d) Argentina (c) 2019 (d) 2017
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (c) 31st October, 2012
was founded at a summit in Shanghai on 15 June 2001 (d) 14th November 2015
by the Presidents of Russia, China, the Kyrgyzstan RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. India
Ans. (a) : International Human Right Commission
and Pakistan became its permanent members in 2017.(IHRC) is a non governmental and non-profit
636. Jean Henry Dunant, a Swiss businessman, was organization. IHRC was established on 24th December
the main inspiration for the setup of which 2003 headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. All
international humanitarian organization? member states of UN are also member of IHRC.
(a) International Committee of the Red Cross640. Where was the world's first TV channel
(b) World food Programme dedicated to human rights launched?
(c) World Health Organization (a) Germany (b) France
(d) Global Forum for Disaster Reduction (c) Russia (d) UK
RRB NTPC 12.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Henry Dunant was the founder of the Ans. (d) : The world’s first television channel dedicated
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). It is
to human rights was launched in London on 16 January,
a humanitarian institution based in Geneva, 2019. The channel was launched by the International
Switzerland. Established in 1863 at the origin of the
Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR).
Geneva conventions and the ICRC International Red The web-based channel would bring human rights
cross day is observed on May 8 on the birth anniversary
issues to audiences in over 20 countries across Europe,
of Henry Dunant. Latin America and the Middle East.
637. Who is one of the founders of the Red Cross 641. Which is the first and the oldest
intergovernmental organization?
(a) Jean Henry Dunant
(a) International Labour Organization
(b) Carolina Millan
(b) United Nations
(c) Von Herring
(c) Council of Europe
(d) B Skinner
(d) Central Commission for Navigation on the
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Rhine
Ans. (a) : The Red Cross Society came into existence RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
when a man named Henry Dunant who helped wounded
Ans. (d) : Central Commission for Navigation on the
soldiers at the Battle of Solferino in 1859.
Rhine (CCNR) is the first and the oldest
638. Which of the following organization's intergovernmental organization of the world .It has five
headquarters is NOT correctly matched? members country viz. Belgium, France, Germany,
(a) Amnesty International-New York, USA Netherlands and Switzerland. The CCNR is composed
(b) OPEC-Vienna, Austria of the delegations of its member states, which are
(c) IMF-Washington DC, USA responsible for drawing up Rhine regulations, and a
(d) WHO-Geneva, Switzerland standing "Secretariat" responsible for preparing its
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : 642. Select the correctly matched pair (organization
Name of International Headquarters with their headquarters) from the following
Organisation pairs.
(a) ILO : Washington (b) IMF : Paris
OPEC (Organization of Vienna, Austria
the Petroleum Exporting (c) UNIDO : Vienna (d) UNESCO : Geneva
Countries) RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Amnesty International London, United Ans. (c) :
Kingdom Organizations HQ
International Monetary Washington, DC, USA International Labour Organization Geneva,
Fund (IMF) Switzerland
World Health Geneva, Switzerland International Monetary Fund Washington
Organization (WHO) D.C., US
639. When was the International Human Rights United Nations Industrial Vienna,
Commission established in Geneva? Development Organization Austria
(a) 24th December, 2003 United Nations Educational Paris, France
(b) 12th October, 1993 Scientific and Cultural Organization
643. India is an associate member of ............ . Ans. (d) : The WIPO Convention, the constituent
(a) LAIA (b) ASEAN instrument of the World Intellectual Property
(c) SAFTA (d) NAFTA Organisation (WIPO), was signed at Stockholm on July
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 14, 1967. It is a specialized agency of the United
Ans. (c) : The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Nations located in Geneva, Switzerland. WIPO's
is the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of the South Asian mission is to lead the development of a balanced and
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The effective international intellectual property (IP) system.
agreement came into force in 2006. SAFTA signatory 648. The International Renewable Energy Agency is
countries are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, headquartered in–
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The objective (a) Abu Dhabi (b) Dubai
of SAFTA is to promote good competition in the free
trade area and to provide equitable benefits to all the (c) Sharjah (d) Kuwait
countries involved in the contracts. It also aimed to RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-I)
benefit the people of the country by bringing Ans : (a) The international renewable energy Agency
transparency and integrity among the nations. (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation
644. Name of country which is NOT a member of mandated to facilitate cooperation, advance knowledge,
The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA). and promote the adoption and sustainable use of
(a) Afghanistan (b) Pakistan renewable energy. It was founded in 26 January 2009
(c) Singapore (d) Maldives and its statute entered into force on 8 July 2010. The
RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist agency is headquartered in Masdar City, Abu dhabi.
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question The director-General of IRENA is Francesco La
Camera, a national of Italy.
645. What is G-7?
(a) 7 IMF described advanced economies in the 649. What is the full form of WWF?
world (a) Web world federation
(b) 7 sister states of India (b) World wildlife federation
(c) 7 seas of the world (c) World wildlife fund
(d) 7 continents of the world (d) World web federation
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage IInd
Ans. (a) : The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter- Ans : (c) World wildlife fund (WWF) is an international
governmental political forum consisting of Canada, non-governmental organization founded on 29 April
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom 1961. WWF is headquartered in Switzerland and its logo
and the United States. Its members are the world's is white panda.
largest IMF advanced economies and wealthiest liberal
democracies; the group is officially organized around 650. Which of the following is NOT an economic
shared values of pluralism and representative grouping formed by different nations to
government. As of 2018, the G7 nations account for strengthen their economies? ?
close to 60 percent of global net wealth ($317 trillion). (a) G20 (b) SAARC
646. Amnesty International is an organization (c) G7 (d) L8
focused on protection of: RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Environment
Ans. (d) : Regional and economic groupings such as the
(b) Human rights SAARC, European Union, ASEAN, G-7, G-20, BRICS
(c) Endangered species etc are formed to increase economic co-operation
(d) Malnutrition of Children among nations in the neighborhood or those sharing
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist common economic interests. L8 is not belong the above.
Ans. (b) : Amnesty International (AI), an international 651. Where are the headquarters of the OECD is
non-govermental organization (NGO) founded in
London on July 1961 which seeks to publicize
violations by governments and other entities of rights (a) Rome (b) Geneva
recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human (c) New York (d) Paris
Rights (1948). RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
647. Where is the headquarters of the World Ans. (d) : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Development (OECD) is headquartered in Paris, France.
situated? The OECD was officially founded on 30 September
(a) Tokyo (b) Beijing 1961, It is an intergovernmental economic organization
(c) Paris (d) Geneva whose purpose is to promote economic progress and
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist world trade. It has 38 member countries.
652. What is the driving force and executive body of 656. When did the "Sustainable Development"
the European Union (EU)? word came into existence?
(a) Court of Auditors (a) 1987 (b) 1978
(b) European Parliament (c) 1992 (d) 1980
(c) European Commission RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) Council of the European Union Ans. (a) The Brundtland Report, published in 1987 by
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist the United Nations World Commission on Environment
Ans. (c) : The European Commission is the driving and Development, coined the term "Sustainable
force and executive body of the European Union (EU). development" and difined it as "development that meets
It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new the needs of the present without compromising the
European legislation, and it's implementation. This EU ability of future generations to meet their own needs".
institution operates as a cabinet government, with 27 657. Brexit word often seen in news is related to
members of the Commission (Informally known as " which of the following country?
commissioners") (a) Dubai (b) UK
653. Clean Development Mechanism programme is (c) America (d) Singapore
used to Diminish _______? RRB Group-D 08-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(a) Deficiency of water
Ans : (b) Brexit means – Separation of United kingdom
(b) Sound pollution
from Europian Union, Brexit stands for – Britain - Exit.
(c) Deforestation It is known that there has been a referendum in UK on
(d) Green house gas production 23 June 2016. 51.86% citizens of UK gave vote in
RRB NTPC 26.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist favour of Brexit. On 31 Jan, 2020 Britain has officially
Ans. (d) : The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997. declared the Brexit.
Under Kyoto Protocol clean development mechanism 658. Which of the following countries becomes the
was designed to meet a dual objective to help developed Vice-president of Asian - Pacific zone of world
countries fulfill their commitment to reduce emission customs organizations?
and to assist developing countries in achieving
(a) Australia (b) India
sustainable development CDM programme is used to
diminish Green house gas emission. (c) Japan (d) China
RRB Group-D 20-09-2018 (Shift-II)
654. The Inter - Governmental - Treaty - Based
organisation having its headquarters in India Ans : (b) India has became the Vice-president of Asia-
is: Pacific zone of world custom organization from July
(a) ATS (b) NATO 2018 to June 2020. World Custom Organization
(c) ISA (d) OECD represents approx 180 custom administration in the
world. It was established on 26 January 1952.
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a 659. Which of the following is the one of the
cooperation organization of 124 countries based on founders of Banyan Nations India's first firm to
solar energy, headquartered in Gurugram (Gurgaon), win "Dell People Choice award for the circular
Haryana. This organization will bring the nations economy" at World Economic Forum" in
situated between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn on Davos?
one platform. The availability of sunlight is in (a) Mani Vajipey (b) Dilip Shenoi
abundance in such countries. In this organization, all (c) Priyanka Bakaya (d) Pronita Saxena
these countries will work together in the field of solar RRB Group-D 19-09-2018 (Shift-III)
energy. Ans. (a) Hyderabad based plastic recycling T-Hub start
655. Where is the headquarter of bank of up 'Banyan Nation' has become the first Indian firm to
International Settlement situated? win the Dell Peoples Choices Award for Circular
(a) Barcelona (b) Basel Economy Enterpreneur as part of the Circulars
(c) Berlin (d) Bangkok Economy Awards at the World Economic Forum held at
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Davos. The start up is founded by Mani Vajipey and
Ans. (b) : Established on 17 May 1930, the headquarter Raj Madangopal.
of Bank of International Settlement (BIS) is situated in 660. Where is the headquarters of Transparency
Basel, Switzerland. The BIS provides central banks International (NGO against the world
with a wide range of financial services, including Corruption situated)
reserve management and fiduciary services. It promotes (a) New Delhi (b) Berlin
cooperation among central banks and provides facilities (c) Geneva (d) New York
for international operations. RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) Transparency International is a non- 666. What was the name of the spacecraft by which
governmental organization (NGO) founded in Berlin Rakesh Sharma Travelled to space?
Headquarter in 1993 to expose corruption and reduce its (a) Soyuz T - 11 (b) Rockwell X-30
harmful effects around the world, especially on the poor (c) Sprial - EPOS (d) Mercury - Atlas 9
and underprivileged. RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I)
661. A new bridge will be built on the Mechi river Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
along the Indo-Nepal border at an estimated 667. _____ in Hyderabad is responsible for remote
cost of `158.65 crores. this bridge will sensing satellite data acquisition and processing,
financed from which source? data dissemination, aerial remote sensing and
(a) Reserve bank of India decision support for disaster management.
(b) Bank of Nepal (a) National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
(b) National Informatics Centre (NIC)
(c) Asian Development bank
(c) Indian Institutes of Science Education and
(d) World Bank
Research (IISER)
RRB Group-D 10-12-2018 (Shift-III)
(d) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Ans. (c) A new bridge was to be proposed to build with RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
the amount of `158.65 crore on Indo-Nepal border. For
Ans. (a) : Hyderabad-based NRSC is an autonomous
it Finance will be provided by Asian development body under the department of Space (DOS), known as
Bank, By this bridge, Border area would be connected the National Remote Sensing Agency. This center is
by road transportation. responsible for acquisition and processing or remote
662. Where is the headquarters of Asian sensing satellite data, data distribution acrial remote
Development Bank is situated? sensing and decision support for disaster management.
(a) Japan (b) China 668. What is the full form of GEO?
(c) Philippines (d) India (a) Geostructure Element Orbit
RRB Group-D 24-10-2018 (Shift-I) (b) Geostationary Earth Orbit
Ans. (c) The Asian Development Bank is a regional (c) Geographical Earth Orbit
development bank established on 19 December 1966, (d) Geography Earth Orbit
which is headquartered in the Ortigas center located in RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
the city of Mandaluyong, Manila, Philippines. Ans. (b) : Geostationary Earth Orbit is the movement of
man-made satellites in which the satellite moves in its
6. Space Programme orbit above the Earth's equator. Communication
satellites are placed at a distance of about 35,786 km
663. In which country's spacecraft did Rakesh from the surface of the earth.
Sharma travel into space?
669. GSLV stands for :
(a) Germany (b) Soviet Union (a) Global Satellite Launch Vehicle
(c) UK (d) Japan (b) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (evening) (c) Global Stationary Launching Vehicle
Ans : (b) Indian Air force pilot Rakesh Sharma in 1984 (d) Geosynchronous Satellite Launching Vehicle
created history by making Journey to space, being the RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
first Indian to do so. Rakesh Sharma was the member of Ans. (b) : GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch
Soyuz T-11 mission of USSR and was launched on 2nd Vehicle) is an expendable space launch vehicle
April, 1984. He spent nearly 8 days encircling the earth designed developed and operated by the Indian Space
664. Who was the first indian to travel to Space? Research Organisation (IRSO) to launch satellites and
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam (b) Sunita Williams other space objects into Geosynchronous Orbit. It is a
(c) Rakesh Sharma (d) Vikram Sarabhai three-stage vehicle with a lift-off mass of 420 tonnes.
GSLV is a three-stage rocket with the first stage using
RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
solid fuel the second stage using liquid fuel and the
Ans. (c) :. See the explanation of above question. third stage using cryogenic fuel-gases stored in liquid
665. Which of the following spacecraft was used by form at extremely low temperature that enhances the
Rakesh Sharma for his historic space journey? carrying capacity of the rocket.
(a) Apollo-II (b) Progress- I 670. X-band synthetic aperture radar has been used
(c) Soyuz T -11 (d) Salyut - VII in which satellite?
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(c) RISAT-2B (d) GSAT-12
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : RISAT-2B is an indigenously developed Ans. (b) : Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) is a space
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging satellite probe mission launched from Satish Dhawan Space
operating in X Band with 3.6 m radial rib antenna. It Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. It was launched by
was launched by ISRO through PSLV C46 (Core using a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) C 25 XL
Alone) on 22 May 2019 from First Launch Pad of on 5 November 2013 by the Indian Space Resarch
SDSC (SHAR). The satellite has the capability to Organisation (ISRO). It is also known as Mangalyaan or
operate in different modes including Very High Mangal Mission. Mars orbiter Mission was India's first
Resolution RADAR imaging modes of 1m × 0.5m venture into the interplanetary mission and it made it
resolution and 0.5m × 0.3m resolution. It is a radar the fourth space agency to achieve Mars orbit, after
imaging satellite, it can image during day / night / all Roscosmos, NASA and the Europan space Agency.
weather conditions. The Satellite will be utilized for 675. Which was India's first venture into
high resolution spot imaging of locations of interest. interplanetary space?
671. Sriharikota, one of the two space launch (a) GSAT-31 (b) Chandrayaan-1
stations in India is located in: (c) AstroSat (d) MOM
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 676. In which year was Mars orbiter Mission
Ans. (a) : Sriharikota is a space launched station and an (MOM) Mangalyaan launched?
island on the coastline of Andhra Pradesh. It lies in (a) 2012 (b) 2013
Satish Dhawan Space Centre. Several Polar and orbital (c) 2014 (d) 2015
satellites are launched from this station. RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
672. Name the first student satellite built by Indian Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
high school student team and launched by 677. Which of the following is related to the Inter
NASA planetary Mission of India?
(a) Anusat (b) SRMsat (a) Simple (b) Jugnu
(c) Pratham (d) KalamSat (c) Mangalyaan (d) Anusat
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : KalamSat is a satellite named after the former Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. It was developed by a
678. The term 'MOM' was recently in news related
class 12 student of Tamil Nadu. This satellite is lighter
than smart phone and made of reinfored carbon fibre
polymer, its role will be to demonstrate the performance (a) Regarding CAG report
of 3D-printed carbon fibre. US space agency NASA had (b) Asian Games
launched this world's smallest and lightest satellite. (c) Mangalyaan
673. Which of the following satellites is India's first (d) Election Commission
dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory? RRB ALP & Tec. (10-08-18 Shift-I)
(a) AstroSat (b) IRS Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
(c) JUGNU (d) INSAT 679. Where was the First experimental satellite
RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist telecommunication earth station set up in 1967
Ans. (a) : AstroSat is India's first multi-wavelength in India
space observatory. This scientific satellite mission seek (a) Ahmedabad (b) Ahmadnagar
to understand the universe in more detail. It was (c) Aurangabad (d) Allahabad
launched by ISRO in the year 2015 from Satish Dhawan RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Space Center by PSLV C-30. It is India's first dedicated Ans. (a) : Space research activities in India started in
astronomy mission which aims to- 1960. Experimental Satellite Communication Earth
• Estimate the magnetic field of neutron stars, detecting Station (ESCES) was commissioned in Ahmedabad in
new short-lived bright X-ray sources in the sky. 1967, which emerged as a training center for the Indian
• Surveying a limited region of the universe in the as well as international scientists and engineers from
ultraviolet region. India.
674. In which year did ISRO launch the Mars 680. When was the Indian National Committee for
Orbiter Mission? Space Research formed?
(a) 2012 (b) 2013 (a) 1955 (b) 1966
(c) 2014 (d) 2015 (c) 1952 (d) 1962
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : On 23 February, 1962 the Indian National 685. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre is located at:
Committee for Space Research or INCOSPAR was (a) Hyderabad (b) Mumbai
established by the Government of India. Homi J. (c) Bengaluru (d) Thiruvananthapuram
Bhabha created the INCOSPAR with another brilliant RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
scientist Vikram Sarabhai as its Chairman. It was part of Ans. (d) : Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) is
the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). located at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It is a major
681. The Indian Space Programme is said to have research space centre of ISRO focusing on rocket and
begun in _______ with the setting up of space vehicles for India's satellite programme.
INCOSPAR by the Indian government. 686. Which of the following is an 'Earth
(a) 1968 (b) 1970 Observation Satellite'?
(c) 1960 (d) 1962 (a) INS-1A (b) SARAL
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Youthsat (d) APPLE
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (b) : An Earth Observation Satellite or Earth
682. EMISAT is which type of satellite launched by
remote sensing satellite is a satellite used or designed
ISRO? for earth observation from orbit, including spy satellite
(a) Navigation satellite and similar ones intended for non-military uses such as
(b) Intelligence satellite environmental monitoring, meteorology, cartography
(c) Remote-sensing satellite and others. Bhaskar I (1979), Rohini (RSD-1) (1981),
(d) Communications satellite SARAL (2013) and ScatSat-1 (2016) are few Earth
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Observation Satellite.
Ans. (b) : The Indian Space Research Organisation 687. Which Indian satellite gathers data for
(ISRO) has launched the EMISAT satellite on board oceanographic, coastal and atmospheric
the PSLV-C45 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre
(a) GSAT-4 (b) INSAT-4D
in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh on 1 April, 2019. The
EMISAT satellite is aimed at electromagnetic (c) IRS-P4 (d) INSAT-3B
spectrum measurement. It is an electronic intelligence RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
satellite for the Defence Research and Development Ans. (c) : IRS-P4 OceanSat is the first Indian satellite
Organisation (DRDO). manufactured to gather data for oceanographic
application. Besides, it also collect data for coastal and
683. Chandrayaan – I, India's first mission to moon, atmospheric application. It was launched on 26th May,
was launched successfully in: 1999 by PSLV-C2 from SHAR kendra, Sriharikota,
(a) October 2008 (b) November 2011 Andhra Pradesh.
(c) November 2009 (d) October 2010 688. In which state is the Satish Dhawan Space
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Centre, Sriharikota, located?
Ans. (a) : Chandrayaan-1 ,India’s first mission to the (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu
Moon was launched on 22 October 2008 using the Polar (c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C11). It is significant RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
that, Chandrayaan –2 was launched on 22nd July, 2019 Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
from the Sriharikota spaceport by GSLV MK–III. 689. After the Mars Mission, which inter-planetary
684. Which one of the following is not a launch mission is India eyeing at?
vehicle technology? (a) The Sun (b) Saturn
(a) GSLV (b) MSLV (c) Mercury (d) Venus
(c) ASLV (d) PSLV RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : To launch Shukrayaan-I, Venus Mission in
Ans. (b) : MSLV is not a launch vehicle technology. On 2024. It will be India's first Mission to Venus.
other hand, PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and 690. How many times does a GPS satellite circle the
GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) are earth?
the two launchers (launch vehicles) which are used to (a) Once every 2 hours
carry spacecraft to space. The Augmented Satellites (b) Once every 12 hours
Launch Vehicle (ASLV) was designed to augment the (c) Once every 48 hours
payload capacity upto 150 kg, thrice that of SLV-3 for (d) Once every 24 hours
low earth orbit. RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites Ans. (a) : Aryabhata was India’s first satellite, named
revolve in medium earth orbit at an altitude of approx. after the famous Indian astronomer. It was launched on
20,200 km. Each satellite circles the earth twice a day 19 April 1975 from Kapustin Yar, a Soviet rocket
(once every 12 hours). GPS is a three part system - launch and development site in Astrakhan Oblast using
satellites, ground stations and receivers. a Kosmos-3M launch vehicle. It was built by the Indian
691. What does PSLV stand for ? Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
(a) Partner Satellite Launch Vehicle 696. Which one of then following country assisted
(b) Private Satellite Launch Vehicle India to launch its first artificial Satellite in
(c) Public Satellite Launch Vehicle year 1975?
(d) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (a) Soviet Union (b) France
RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) USA (d) UK
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is the
third generation launch vehicle of India. It is the first Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Indian launch vehicle to be equipped with liquid stages. 697. When did India launch its first satellite?
After its first successful launch in October 1994, PSLV (a) 19 April, 1975 (b) 21 April, 1975
emerged as the reliable and versatile workhorse launch (c) 18 April, 1975 (d) 20 April, 1975
vehicle of India. RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
692. What does PSLV stand for? RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Polar sunlight launch vehicle Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
(b) Polar space launch vehicle 698. What was the name of the first Indian satellite
(c) Polar satellite launch vehicle launched into the orbit?
(d) Poblic satellite launch vehicle (a) Aryabhata (b) Kalpana
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Bhaskara (d) Rohini
Ans :(c) See the explanation of above question RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
693. Which of these is the historical launcher of RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
ISRO? RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(a) ASLV (b) GSLV Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
(c) Sonic Rocket (d) PSLV 699. In which year did India launch its first
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I) satellite?
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. (a) 1975 (b) 1979
694. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a network (c) 1970 (d) 1980
of several satellites orbiting the Earth at an RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III)
approximate altitude of: RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I)
(a) 30,000 km (b) 20,000 km Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
(c) 25,000 km (d) 15,000 km 700. Which was the first unmanned satellite built by
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist ISRO?
Ans. (b) : The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a (a) Bhaskar-1 (b) Aryabhata
navigation system using satellites, a receiver and (c) Rohini (d) Megha
algorithms to synchronize location, velocity and time RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
data for air, sea and land travel. The satellite system Ans : (b) Aryabhata was the first unmanned satellite built
consists of a constellation of 24 satellites in six by ISRO.
Earth-centered orbital planes, each with four 701. Which of the following statement is not true
satellites, orbiting at 13,000 miles (20,000 km) above about the Indian National Satellite System
Earth and traveling at a speed of 8,700 mph (14,000 (INSAT).
km/h). (a) They started in 1979.
695. India's First satellite was designed and built (b) They were designed for communication
entirely in India. It was launched on April 19, Purposes.
1975. by a Russian space launch vehicle named (c) European launch Vehicles have been used for
Kosmos - 3M from the Kapustin yar site. the INSAT series
(a) Aryabhata (b) Bhaskara (d) They are designed for weather forecasting
(c) Rohini (d) Apple Purposes.
RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Indian National Satellite System or INSAT (a) PSLV-C11 (b) RLV-TD
started in 1982-1983. INSAT-1A, the first satellite was (c) GSLV MkIII (d) GSLV
launched in April 1982 but could not fulfil the own aim. RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
INSAT-1B was launched in August 1983. Ans. (a) : Chandrayaan-1, India's first mission to Moon,
702. Where has ISRO established the third space was launched successfully on October 22, 2008 from
Technology Incubation center (S-TIC) to Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota,
encourage start-ups and entrepreneurship Andhra Pradesh by the Launch Vehicle PSLV - C11. It
among the student community and create a is significant that Chandrayaan-2 was launched on July
conducive environment for space technology in 22, 2019 from the SDSC by GSLV MK-III M1. India is
the country between academia and industry? already in talks with Japan's JAXA (Japan Aerospace
(a) National Institute of Technology, Exploration Agency) for a future mission Chandrayaan-
Tiruchirappalli 3 in 2024.
(b) National Institute of Technology, Calicut 706. India's first indigenous satellite launch vehicle
(c) National Institute of Technology, Andhra is:
Pradesh (a) GSLV (b) SLV-3
(d) National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (c) PSLV (d) ASLV
RRB NTPC 12.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Space Technology Incubation centre (S-TIC) Ans. (b) : Satellite Launch Vehicle-3 (SLV-3) was the
is to attract and nurture the going academia with India's first experimental satellite launch vehicle, which
innovative ideas/research aptitude for carrying out was an all solid, four stage vehicle weighing 17 tonnes
research and developing, ISRO has set up 6 (S-TIC) in with a height of 22m and capable of placing 40 kg class
6 regions of our country viz. Central, East, North, payloads in Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
North-East, South and West. On May 2019, ISRO setup 707. ISRO's Communication satellite GSAT-29
the third Space Technology Incubation Centre (S-TIC) carried a high resolution camera named
at NIT- Tiruchirappalli. as____that is capable of tracking enemy ships
703. Which Indian communication satellite failed to in the Indian Ocean.
reach orbit after the rocket's third stage (a) Geo Rakshak (b) Third Eye
malfunctioned? (c) Geo Eye (d) Geo Vision
(a) IRS-P4 (b) INSAT-4D RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) INSAT-3B (d) GSAT-4 Ans. (c) : Geo Eye is the name of the resolution camera
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist installed in ISRO's communication satellite GSAT-29
Ans. (d) : GSAT-4 was an experimental communication which is capable of monitoring the movements of
and navigation satellite. It was sent in the first enemy ships in the Indian Ocean. ISRO was established
experimental flight of Geostationary satellite Launch by on 15 August 1969 while its current Chairperson is S.
Vehicle D3, but it did not reach orbit due to failure of Somnath and it's headquarter is in Bangolore,
the third stage of Geostationary satellite Launch Vehicle Karnataka.
D3. 708. Kalpana-1 is a_____satellite.
704. The full form of NASA is. (a) Communication (b) Military
(a) National Aeronautics and Space (c) Navigation (d) Meteorological
Administration RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) National Agronomy and Space Ans. (d) : Kalpana is the first meteorological satellite
Administration launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation
(c) National Agriculture and Soil Administration which was launched by the Polar Satellite Launch
(d) National Aeronautics and Space Association Vehicle on 12 September, 2002 from the Satish Dhawan
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Space center. It is also known as 'METSAT'.
Ans. (a) : National Aeronautics and Space 709. Which of the following satellites was operated
Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur?
executive branch of the United States federal (a) Jugnu (b) IRS - 1D
Government responsible for the civilian space (c) Rohini (d) Bhaskara
programme as well as aeronautics and space research. It RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
was established under the National Aeronautics-and Ans. (a) : Firefly (Jugnu) satellite was operated by
Space Act, 1958, Heaquarters in Washington DC, USA. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. It is India's first
705. Chandrayann-1, India's first spacecraft nano satellite which was used to provide further data for
mission to the moon, was successfully launched agricultural disaster monitoring which was launced by
by: PSLV-C18 vehicle from Satish Dhawan Space Center.
710. Flying-V, a futuristic and fuel efficient airplane 716. Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?
is developed by researchers in ________ (a) Katherine Johnson (b) Neil Armstrong
(a) Netherland (b) France (c) Buzz Aldrin (d) George Tailor
(c) Germany (d) USA RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Neil Armstrong was the first man to put feet
Ans. (a) : Flying-V, a futuristic and fuel efficient on the moon. He reached on the moon on 21st July,
airplane is developed by researchers of Delft 1969 via Apolo-11 mission. Neil was an American. In
University of Technology in the Netherlands and 2019 China sent 2 rovers via its Lunar mission.
partner Dutch airline KLM. It is a futuristic and fuel-
efficient long distance aircraft that could one day 717. What was the name of the lunar expendition
carry passengers in its wings. It is a 22.5 kg and 3- that landed humans to the moon?
meter scale model. (a) Lunokhod 1 (b) Apollo 11
711. The first sounding rocket, Nike-Apache was (c) Junior (d) Viking 1
launched by India in______. RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
(a) 1963 (b) 2000 Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question
(c) 1950 (d) 1990 718. What is the name of the space craft that landed
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist man on the moon?
Ans. (a) : Thumba began its operation with launch of (a) Challenger (b) Apollo-11
Nike Apache, a two stage US sounding rocket, on (c) Eagle (d) Columbia
November 21, 1963. The beginning of modern rocket
based research in India. RRB JE - 31/05/2019 (Shift-I)
712. In which projects did ISRO succeeded in Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
September 2014? 719. When did Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
(a) Launched policy load vehicle landed an the moon?
(b) Launched synchronous satellite (a) 21 June, 1967 (b) 15 June, 1967
(c) Launched rockets to mars (c) 14 July, 1969 (d) 20 July, 1969
(d) Mars orbiter spacecraft successfully entered
orbit around planet Mars. RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-II)
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper) Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question
Ans. (d) : Mars orbiter spacecraft successfully entered 720. Which of the following persons was included in
into an orbit around planet mare projects did ISRO the crew of the Apollo-11 space flight in 1969?
succeeded in September 24, 2014. (a) Yuri Gagarin (b) Pete Conrad
713. From where was Mangalyaan launched? (c) Alan Sheppard (d) Neil Armstrong
(a) Chennai RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(b) Sriharikota Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
(c) Trombay
(d) On the Gopalpur sea 721. The first spacecraft to land on the Moon was
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Apollo 14 (b) Apollo 11
Ans : (b) Mangalyaan was lauched from Sriharikota.
(c) Loona 18 (d) Luna 16
714. On which date did Mangalyaan of India
entered the orbit of Mars after covering a RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
distance of 66.6 crore kilometers? Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
(a) 24, September, 2014 722. What is the name of India's first planned
(b) 30, September, 2014 manned space flight?
(c) 21, September, 2014 (a) Vayuyaan (b) Gagan Viman
(d) 20, September, 2014 (c) Pushpakyaan (d) Gaganyaan
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Yellow paper) RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. Ans. (d) : ISRO's Gaganyaan mission is India's maiden
715. Which is the first nation to enter its space craft manned space mission. Gaganyaan is an Indian crewed
in the first attempt in Mars orbit? orbital spacecraft intended to be the formative
(a) USA (b) UK spacecraft of the Indian Human Spaceflight Programme.
(c) Germany (d) India The first crewed mission was originally planned to be
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper) launched by ISRO’s GSLV Mk III in December 2021,
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. but it has now been pushed back to no earlier than 2023.
723. In which year did India launch an imaging 728. Name the centre in India which is used for
satellite called the Technology Experiment launching satellites.
Satellite (TES)? (a) North Eastern Space Applications Centre
(a) 2001 (b) 2007 (NESAC)
(c) 1998 (d) 1988 (b) Barren Island
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) ISTRAC ground station
Ans. (a) : The Technology Experiment Satellite (TES), (d) Wheeler Island
weighing 1108 kg, was launched on October 22, 2001. RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
TES is an experimental satellite to demonstrate and Ans. (d) : The Integrated Test Range missile testing
validate the technologies, like attitude and orbit control facility is located on Dr Abdul Kalam Island, formerly
system, high–torque reaction wheels, new reaction known as wheeler Island, an island off the coast of
control system, light-weight space craft structure, solid Odisha. Missiles like Agni, Prithvi, Brahmos, Astra,
state recorder, x-band phased array antenna, improved Nirbhay etc are tested here.
satellite positioning system, miniaturized TTC and 729. Which of the following is NOT connected with
power system and, two-mirror-on-axis camera optics India's space programmes?
724. What is the Electric Power Generation (a) Abdul Kalam Island (b) Sriperumbudur
Capability of Chandrayaan-2's Rover- (c) Thumba (d) Sriharikota
Pragyan? RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) 50 W (b) 25 W Ans. (b) : The Indian Space Research Organisation
(c) 75 W (d) 100 W (ISRO) operates through a countrywide network of
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist centres. Sensors and payloads are developed at the
Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad. Satellites are
Ans. (a) : Chandrayaan 2 was the second Lunar
designed, developed, assembled, and tested at the U R
exploration mission which has been developed by the
Rao Satellite Centre (formerly the ISRO Satellite
Indian Space Research Organization. It had three main
Centre) in Bangalore.
components namely the Pragyan Rover, Vikram Lander,
Indian Space Programme began at Thumba Equatorial
and orbiter. According to ISRO, the Pragyan Rover is
Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) located at Thumba
capable of conducting in-situ payload experiments. It
near Thiruvanathapuram.
weighs a total of 27 kg and has an electric power
In Abdul Kalam Island or Wheeler Island, the
generation capacity of 50w.
Integrated Test Range missile testing facility of ISRO
725. Which was the first satellite of India that was is located.
launched from an Indian-made launched Sriharikota is a Barrier Island in the Andhra Pradesh
vehicle? state of India. It is most famous as the home of India's
(a) Aryabhata (b) Rohini only satellite launch center of ISRO.
(c) Bhaskar -1 (d) INSAT-1A While as Sriperumbudur is known for being the
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist birthplace of Sri Ramanuja, one of the most prominent
Ans : (b) Rohini was the first satellite of India that was Hindu Vaishnava saints. The former Indian Prime
launched from an India- made launch vehicle. Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated here in 1991.
726. –––––– is an experimental satellite that was 730. Which is the last satellite launched by ISRO in
launched first time by Indian Space Research year 2020?
Organisation (ISRO) in August 1979 from (a) CMS - 01 (b) Gaganyaan
Satish Dhawan Space Centre. (c) Chandrayaan - 2 (d) Astrosat
(a) Insat-3DR (b) Cartostat RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Himawari 8 (d) Rohini Ans. (a) : CMS-01 is a communication satellite
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist designed and developed by the Indian Space Research
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. Organisation (ISRO). This satellite was successfully
launched by Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-XL C50 on
727. Which of the following is NOT a navigation 17 December 2020 . It provides services like tele-
satellite system? education, tele-medicine, disaster management support
(a) NAVIC (b) MEO and Satellite Internet access.
731. At how much distance above the Earth's
RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist surface is the International Space Station
Ans. (b) : The MEO is not a navigation satellite system. located ?
It is a mobile and fixed telecommunication service. It is (a) 200 km (b) 1000 km
a brand of Altice Portugal. This service was launched in (c) 400 km (d) 700 km
2006 in Lisbon. RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : The International Space Station is located 737. Mission Shakti is related to which of the
about 400 km distance above the earth surface . following ?
Recently the chairman of ISRO said that India will (a) India's Anti-satellite missile test
make its own space station by 2030. (b) India's mission for nuclear self-dependence
The space station is situated in the lower orbit of the (c) India's missile development program
earth . The Salyut programme was the first space station (d) India's anti-nuclear defence system
programme, undertaken by the Soviet Union in 1971. RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
732. India's space programme was started by: Ans. (a) : India conducted an anti-satellite missile test
(a) Vikram Sarabhai (b) Vijay Sarabhai on 27th March, 2019 which was dubbed as Mission
(c) Rahul Kumar (d) Vivek Sarabhai Shakti. The test successfully destroyed a live satellite in
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist the Low Earth Orbit. Mission Shakti became a
Ans. (a) : Vikram Sarabhai who initiated India's space significant achievement for India for it brought the nation
research and helped develop nuclear power in the in the row (4th position) with the US, Russia, and China to
country. He is known for the establishment of the Indian successfully interdict and intercept a satellite in outer
Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Sarabhai is space-based on complete indigenous technology.
known as the father of Indian Space Program. The first 738. Which of the following is INCORRECT in
Chairman of ISRO was Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. Indian respect of geostationary satellite?
Space Research Organization (ISRO) was formed on 15 (a) Orbits are used for IRS satellite
August, 1969. (b) Many of these satellite orbits are also sun-
733. Who is known as the Father of India's Space synchronous
Programme? (c) Altitude should be Approximately 36000 km
(a) Vikram Sarabhai (b) Vikram Seth (d) Rotate with speed and direction of earth
(c) Aditya Sarabhai (d) Anuj Lal RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : A geo-stationary satellite is an earth-orbiting
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist satellite and placed directly over the equator. It revolves
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist in the same direction the earth rotates (west to east) and
takes 24 hours to complete one rotation.
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
A geostationary satellite is in an orbit that can only be
734. The first chairman of ISRO was: achieved at an altitude very close to 35,786 km (22,236
(a) Dr. Vikram Sarabhai miles) and which keeps the satellite fixed over one
(b) Prof. Satish Dhawan longitude at the equator. The satellite appears
(c) Prof. U.R. Rao motionless at a fixed position in the sky to ground
(d) Dr. K. Kasturirangan observers. A geostationary satellite is used in Direct
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist broadcast TV, Communication network, global positioning
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. or GPS. Therefore, Remote sensing satellite placed in
geostationary orbit .
735. Sriharikota, from where chandrayan-2 was
739. Which country has launched the world's first
launched, is located in which district?
quantum satellite to establish hack-proof
(a) Chennai (b) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Bengaluru (d) Nellore
(a) China (b) India
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Japan (d) USA
Ans. (d) : India’s second mission to the Moon, RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22nd July 2019 from
Ans. (a) : China launched the world's first quantum
Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota. (SDSC) or
satellite which boasts of establishing "hack-proof"
Sriharikota range (SHAR) is a rocket launch centre
communications between space and the ground as it is
operated by Indian Space Research Organisation
equipped with security features to prevent wiretapping
(ISRO). It is located in Sriharikota in Nellore district of
and intercepts. It is nicknamed "Micius" after a fifth
Andhra Pradesh.
century BC Chinese philosopher and scientist who has
736. India’s first manned space mission have been been credited as the first one in human history
targeted to launch by Indian Space Research conducting optical experiments.
Organisation (ISRO) in the year-----------.
740. Who was the second person to land on the
(a) 2024 (b) 2025
(c) 2022 (d) 2027 (a) Alan Shepard (b) Charles Conrad
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Buzz Aldrin (d) Alan L Bean
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : Buzz Aldrin is an American former (c) Geological Advanced Geo Augmented
astronaut, engineer and fighter pilot. He made Navigation
three spacewalks as pilot of the 1966 Gemini (d) GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation
12 mission, and, as Lunar Module Eagle pilot on the RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1969 Apollo 11 mission, he and mission commander- Ans. (d) : Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Neil Armstrong were the first two people to land on
and Airports Authority of India (AAI) have
the Moon.
implemented the GPS Aided Geo Augmented
741. India's first unmanned lunar probe Navigation-GAGAN project as a Satellite Based
Chandrayaan-I was launched at: Augmentation System (SBAS) for the Indian Airspace.
(a) Thiruvananthapuram (b) Balasore
747. Which of the following is correct about
(c) Wheeler Island (d) Sriharikota
International Space Station (ISS)?
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) It has been assembled mainly by USA and
Ans. (d) : Chandrayaan-I was the first Indian lunar China.
probe mission under the Chandrayaan program. It was
(b) It is expected to operate until 2050.
launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation in
October 2008, and operated until August 2009. The (c) It is located in low earth orbit.
mission included a lunar orbiter and an impactor. India (d) Only astronauts from USA and China are
launched the spacecraft using a PSLV-XL C11 rocket allowed to visit ISS.
on 22 October 2008 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Wheeler Island, now Ans. (c) : The International Space Station (ISS) is a
known as Dr.Abdul Kalam Island is an Integrated Test modular space station (habitable artificial satellite) in
Range, located on off the coast of Odisha. Radio contact Low Earth Orbit. It is an international partnership of
with Chandrayaan-I spacecraft was abruptly lost on space agencies provides and operates the elements of
August 29, 2009. the ISS. The five participating principals space agencies
742. Which of the following was India's first moon are: NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), JAXA
mission? (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA (Canada). It was
(a) Aditya (b) Avatar launched on 20 November 1998 for a period of 22 years
(c) Chandrayaan-1 (d) Astrasat ago.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III) 748. What is the name of the robot developed by
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. DRDO that is used for locating, handling and
743. ISRO launched the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft destroying hazardous objects?
in ........... . It was uniquely equipped to confirm (a) Chaturobot (b) PackBot
the presence of solid ice on the moon. (c) Daksh (d) Rustom
(a) 2008 (b) 2006 RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) 2006 (d) 2009 Ans. (c) : Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Daksh is
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist an electrically powered and remotely controlled robot
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. used for locating, handling and destroying hazardous
744. India’s first lunar mission, Chandrayaan-I was objects safely, which was developed by DRDO in
terminated ……….. due to loss of 2011. The battery-powered robot 'Daksha' is primarily
communication with the spacecraft. designed for rhe safe handling and destruction or
(a) 28 July 2009 (b) 15 August 2009 detection of IEDs using multiple comeras, X-ray
(c) 29 August 2009 (d) 5 September 2009 devices.
RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 749. Which year did the Government of India
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. approve ISRO's proposal for the first Indian
745. Chandrayaan-I was launched using : Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-I?
(a) PSLV-C46 (b) GSLV Mk-III (a) 2003 (b) 2013
(c) PSLV-C42 (d) PSLV-C11 (c) 2008 (d) 2001
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (a) : The Government of India approved ISRO's
746. What does GAGAN, a satellite based proposal for the first India Moon Mission, called
navigation system, stand for? Chandrayaan-1 in November 2003. The Chandrayaan-1
(a) Graphic Aided Geo Augmented Navigation mission performed high-resolution remote sensing of
(b) Geographical advanced Geo Augmented the moon in visible, near infrared (NIR), low energy X-
Navigation Rays and high energy X-Ray regions.
750. Which of the following nation has one of the Ans. (c) : The indigenously developed Chandrayaan-2
largest domestic communication satellite spacecraft consisting of Orbiter, Lander and Rover was
systems in Asia-Pacific region? successfully launched on-board indigenous GSLV MK III-
(a) Nepal (b) Bangladesh M1 Mission on 22nd July, 2019. It carried 13 payloads.
(c) Sri Lanka (d) India 756. Which of these spacecraft was used to orbit the
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist planet Venus from 1990 to 1994?
Ans. (d) : The Indian National Satellite System in one (a) Magellan spacecraft
of the largest domestic communication satellite systems (b) Atlantis spacecraft
in the Asia-Pacific region with nine operational (c) Dawn space Craft
communication satellites place in Geo-Stationary Orbit. (d) Hayabusa
It was commissioned in 1983. The satellites also RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
incorporate transpondar for receiving distress alert Ans. (a) : Magellan, U.S. Spacecraft (from 1990 to
signals for search and rescue mission in South Asian 1994) used radar to create a high-resolution maps of the
and Indian Ocean region. surface of Venus. The Magellan spacecraft was
751. Who was the first woman of Indian descent to launched by the National Aeronautics and Space
go to space? Administration from the space shuttle on 4 May, 1989.
(a) Shawna Pandya (b) Nalini Ramarajan It arrived at Venus on 10 August 1990. On 12 October
(c) Kalpana Chawla (d) Sunita Williams 1994, Magellan was sent to a crash landing on Venus.
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist The spacecraft began returning high-quality radar
Ans. (c) : Kalpana chawla was the first woman of India images of the Venusian terrain that showed evidences of
origin to go to space. She was an astronaut and an volcanism, tectonic movement, turbulent surface winds.
engineer for NASA where she was selected in 1994. 757. Name the satellite launched by NASA to
Kalpana died on 1 February, 2003, 16 minutes before precisely track Earth's shrinking polar ice
the scheduled landing when the space shuttle Columbia cover.
STS-107 crashed during entry over the southern United (a) CYGNSS (b) SLINEX-2018
States. (c) HYSIS (d) ICESat-2
752. When was Indian Space Reserch Committee RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
formed? Ans. (d) ICESat-2 (short for Ice, Cloud and land
(a) 1961 (b) 1963 Elevation Satellite), launched on 15 September 2018
(c) 1965 (d) 1962 by NASA to precisely track Earth's shrinking polar ice
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist cover.
Ans. (d) : Indian Space Research Committee was 758. Which is the heaviest and most powerful
formed in 1962 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. communication satellite of India?
(a) Kalpana-1 (b) IRNSS-1D
753. The first Indian Communication satellite is:
(c) GSAT-11 (d) GSAT-6
(a) MOM (b) Aryabhata
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Rohini (d) APPLE
Ans. (c) : India's heaviest and most powerful
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
communication satellite is GSAT - 11. It was launched
Ans. (d) : APPLE (Ariane Passenger PayLoad by European Space Agency's Ariane-5 VA-246 Rocket
Experiment) was the India's first communication from Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana on 5
satellite, successfully launched by Ariane-1, from December 2018. It's total weight is about 5854 kg.
Kourou, French Guiana on June 19, 1981.
759. A ______ satellite GSAT-12 was launched by
754. What type of satellite is APPLE? PSLV-C17 from Sriharikota.
(a) Meteorology satellite (a) Meteorological (b) Pico
(b) Remote sensing satellite (c) Communication (d) Nano
(c) Communication satellite RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Earth observation satellite Ans. (c) : On 15 July 2011 from Sriharikota the Indian
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched GSAT–
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. 12 a communication Satellite via its Polar Satellite
755. How many payloads are carried by India's Launch Vehicle (PSLV) C-17.
second lunar mission Chandrayaan-2? 760. Who was the chairman of ISRO when
(a) 10 (b) 12 Chandrayaan-I was launched?
(c) 13 (d) 11 (a) Suresh Pathak
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (b) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
(c) G. Madhavan Nair Ans. (a) : Luna 9 was an unmanned spaceflight
(d) R Umamaheswaran programme of the Soviet Union's Luna program which
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist was the first spacecraft to land on the Lunar surface on
Ans. (c) : Chandrayan-I was launched by ISRO in 2008 3 February 1966.
under the leadership of chairman of ISRO G. Madhavan 766. Who among following is NOT related with
Nair Indian Space Programme?
(a) K. Sivan
761. The remote sensing lunar satellite Chandrayaan (b) Satish Dhawan
-I launched in which year? (c) Satyendra Nath Bose
(a) 2007 (b) 2008 (d) A S Kiran Kumar
(c) 2009 (d) 2010 RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (c) : In the given options Dr. K. Sivan, Dr Satish
Ans : (b) See of the explanation of the above question. Dhawan and Dr. A.S. Kiran Kumar have all been the
762. ISRO launched India's first lunar probe chairman of ISRO while Satyendra Nath Bose was an
mission in October 2008. Who was the Indian mathematician, best known for his work on
chairman of ISRO at that time? quantum mechanics and state of matter Bose-Einstein
condensate (BEC).
(a) G Madhavan Nair (b) K Kasturirangan
767. Name the mission ISRO has conceived to study
(c) APJ Abdul Kalam (d) A S Kiran Kumar
the sun.
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Exposat (b) Suraj
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (c) Exoworld (d) Aditya L1
763. Among the following, which satellite facility is RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
equipped with the state-of-the-art data Ans. (d) : ISRO has launched Aditya L1 Mission using
acquisition systems that receive data from PSLV-XL. The objective of Aditya L1 mission is to
various satellites? study the Sun's corona, chromosphere and photosphere.
(a) AGEOS (b) SCATSAT-1 In addition, it will study the particle flux emanating
(c) ISRO (d) IMGEOS from Sun, and the variation of magnetic field strength.
RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 768. India's scientific mission to observe and study
the solar corona is called:
Ans. (d) : Integrated Multi Mission Ground Segment
(a) Aditya-L1 (b) Satnav
for Earth Observation Satellites (IMGEOS) facility is (c) Astrostat (d) Chandrayaan
established in Shadnagar campus. This facility is RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
equipped with state of the art data acquisition systems
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
which receives data from various satellites. Payload
programming requests are consolidated at the respective 769. What is the name of the spacecraft to be
sub systems based on the feasibility of tracking a launched by ISRO in 2019-20 for studying the
particular satellite and acquisition schedules generated
(a) Sun (b) Aditya
for each of the antenna in ground station.
(c) Ravi (d) Bhaskar
764. When was the INSAT-1B launched?? RRB Group-D 03-10-2018 (Shift-II)
(a) 1987 (b) 1990 RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(c) 1989 (d) 1983 Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 770. GSAT-31is an/a ___
RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Navigational Satellite
(b) Telecommunication Satellite
Ans. (d) : INSAT-1B, the second in the INSAT-1 series
(c) Polar Satellite
was successfully launched by Space Shuttle of USA on
(d) Experimental Satellite
August 30, 1983. It was stationed at 74ºE in place of
RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
INSAT-1A. It was the first operational satellite in the
Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) series and Ans. (b) : GSAT-31 is a telecommunication satellite
which was launched with the help of European Launch
provided telecommunication, broadcasting radio
service provider Ariane space's rocket from spaceport of
networking, weather observation and forecasting
French Guiana. GSAT-31 will dedicate its services to
services. It was operational till July 1990 with all its
mainland and islands of India. Its the nation's 4G
4375 two way vice or equivalent circuits in use. telecommunication satellite which will provide the
765. Which was the first vehicle to soft-land safely Digital Satellite News Integration and DTH services for
on the surface of the Moon? next 15 years.
(a) Luna 9 (b) Ranger 6 * GSAT-31 is India's 40th Communication Satellite.
(c) Sputnik 25 (d) Apollo * The GSAT-31 will replace the Satellites 'INSAT-4CR'
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist and 'INSAT-4A'.
771. Which of the following is a satellite based 776. What is the name of the first dedicated Indian
augmentation system of India? astronomy mission that is aimed at studying
(a) JATAN (b) GAGAN celestial sources in X-ray, optical and UV
(c) NAG (d) GAGAN SHAKTI spectral bands simultaneously?
RRB NTPC 30.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) AstroSat
Ans. (b) : GAGAN is the acronomy for GPS Aided (b) XtroSat
GEO augmented Navigation. It was setup by India. (c) OpticoSat
772. 'NAVIC' is another name for: (d) AstroMat
(a) A scheme by the Central Government for RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
fisherman development Ans. (a) : AstroSat Mission: AstroSat is the first
(b) The independent regional navigation satellite dedicated Indian astronomy mission aimed at studying
system developed by India
celestial sources in X-ray, optical and UV spectral
(c) The polar satellite launch vehicle of India
bands simultaneously. The payloads cover the energy
(d) A training programme for Indian maritime
bands of Ultraviolet (Near and Far), limited optical and
X-ray regime (0.3 keV to 100keV). AstroSat with a
RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
lift-off mass of 1515 kg was launched on 28
Ans. (b) : Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System September 2015 into a 650 km orbit inclined at an
(IRNSS) is a regional navigation system developed by angle of 6 degree to the equator by PSLV-C30 from
the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) which
Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. The
is totally under control by Government of India. The
minimum useful life of the AstroSat mission is
Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi has named
it NAVIC dedicate it to fishermen of India. It's purpose expected to be 5 years.
is to give accurate location information to its user in 777. When was India's hundredth space mission
part of the country and upto a distance of 1500 km from launched?
the Indian border. (a) September, 2012 (b) September, 2014
773. ________ was the first artificial satellite (c) September, 2009 (d) September, 2010
launched by the Soviet Union in 1957 RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Bhashkara (b) Cartosat-2 Ans. (a) : The Indian Space Research Organisation
(c) Sputnik-1 (d) RISAT-1 (ISRO) successfully launched the hundredth space
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist mission with PSLV-C21 from the Satish Dhawan Space
Ans. (c) : World's first artificial satellite launched by Centre in Sriharikota in September 2012. Currently, the
Soviet Union was Sputnik, in the year 1957. India's first space agency has undertaken 206 missions, including
satellite was launched by ISRO in 1975 with the help of 124 Spacerafts and 82 Launchers, since the launch of
USSR. the Aryabhatta in 1975.
774. Which of the following is dedicated as India's 778. Astrophysicist ..........., who first theorized the
first educational satellite? existence of the solar wind in 1958, became the
(a) INSAT-4A (b) CARTOSAT-1 first living individual after which NASA named
(c) GSAT-3 (d) HAMSAT a Spacecraft
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Elon Musk (b) Johannes Kepler
Ans. (c) : GSAT-3 is the satellite known with another (c) Eugene Parker (d) Carl Sagan
name of "Edusat". It was launched through GSLV-F01
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
on 20th sept 2004 by ISRO. It was a first satellite of its
kind dedicated for educational services. Ans. (c) : Eugene Parker was the first Astrophysicist
775. What is the name of the world's smallest who first theorized the existence of the solar wind in
spacecraft launched by India? 1958 and became the first living individual after which
(a) Star (b) Sparkle NASA named a spacecraft. Eugene N. Parker has
(c) Spring (d) Sprites developed the theory on the supersonic solar wind
(1958) and predicted the Parker spiral shape of the Solar
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
magnetic field in the outer solar system.
Ans. (d) : The world's smallest spacecraft were on 23
June 2017 successfully launched into low-Earth orbit 779. In Aditya - L1, the first Indian mission to study
by Indian rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle the Sun, what does L1 stand for?
(PSLV). It is known as 'Sprites', these tiny satellites are (a) Laboratory point 1
just 3.5cm x 3.5cm and carry radios, sensors and (b) Lagrangian point 1
computers, and each device is powered by sunlight and (c) Line point 1
weighs just four grams. The Sprites were constructed (d) Lower point 1
by researchers at Cornell University. RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : The Aditya-1 mission has now been revised contact with another celestial body. Luna 2, originally
to “Aditya-L1 mission” and will be inserted in a halo named the second soviet cosmic rocket and also known
orbit around the L1, which is 1.5 million km from the as Lunik 2
Earth. The satellite carries additional six payloads with Apollo 10 : Apollo 10 was a may 1969 human space
enhanced science scope and objectives. A satellite light, the fourth crewed mission in the united states
placed in the halo orbit around the Lagrangian point 1 Apollo programs and the second to orbit the Moon.
(L1) of the Sun-Earth system has the major advantage 784. Which was the first manned vehicle to travel
of continuously viewing the sun without any on the lunar surface?
occultation/ eclipses. (a) Lunar Robonaut
780. A satellite orbiting around the equator 3600 (b) Lunar Spidernaut
kilometers above the center of the earth is (c) Lunar Rover
called as– (d) Lunar Challenger
(a) Polar (b) Synchronous RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(c) Mediterranean (d) Elliptical Ans : (c) The Lunar Rover was the first manned vehicle
RRB J.E. 2014 to travel on the lunar surface. The Lunar Roving vehicle
Ans : (b) When a satellite reaches exactly 42.164 (LRV) is a battery powered four-wheeled rover used on
kilometers from the center of the earth (about 36,000 the moon in last mission of American Apollo program.
km from earth's surface), it enters a sort of "sweetspot" 785. Which is the first pico satellite of India?
in which its orbit matches earth's rotation. This special,
high earth orbit is called geosynchronous.
(c) STUDSAT (d) GSAT- 4
781. In which attempt did the first Indian RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-III)
spacecraft enter the orbit of mars?
Ans : (c) STUDSAT is the first pico satellite of India
(a) First (b) Second
designed by students. STUDSAT-1 is a pico satellite, a
(c) Third (d) Fourth miniaturized satellite, successfully launched on 12 July
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-I) 2010 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre into a sub
Ans : (a) In first attempt did the first Indian spacecraft synchronoue orbit. The STUDSAT is manufactured by
enter the orbit of mars. The Indian space research NITTE Meenakshi Institute of technology, Bangolore.
organisation (ISRO) is the national space agency of the 786. Which was ISRO first indigenous manned
republic of India, headquartered in Bengaluru. It is space mission?
founded on 15 August 1969 and the director of ISRO is
(a) Mangalyaan II (b) Mangalyaan
kailasavadivoo sivan who has been honored with the
(c) Chandrayaan (d) Gaganyaan
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award by the Tamil Nadu
government in 2019. Ans : (d) Gaganyan is the ISRO's first indigenous
manned space mittion, setup to launch with three Indian
782. NASA's Unmanned space craft Juno
astronauts as soon as 2023.
successfully completed its first mission by
orbiting– 787. In 2004, the MESSENGER spacecraft was sent
(a) Jupiter (b) Moon by NASA to study:
(c) Mars (d) Neptune (a) Saturn (b) Jupiter
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Pluto (d) Mercury
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) NASA's unmanned space craft Juno
successfully completed its first mission by orbiting in Ans : (d) Messenger (Mercury Surface Space Environment
Jupiter orbit on July 4,2016. Geochemistry and Ranging) was a NASA robotic space
probe that orbited the planet Mercury. Messenger was
783. Which was the first satellite to orbit our moon?
launched on August 3, 2004 into an initial parking orbit
(a) Luna 2 (b) Luna 10
around Earth.
(c) Apollo 10 (d) Apollo 11
788. Who is also famously known as 'Rocket Man'
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
for providing significant contribution to
Ans : (b) Luna 10 was the first satellite to orbit around development of cryogenic engines for India's
the moon, and the first human -made object to orbit any space program?
astronom ical body beyond the earth. It is also called
(a) Ashok Khadolia (b) K. Sivan
Lunik 10.
(c) Pratik Barbe (d) Pawan Chandan
Luna 10 (E-65series), it was a 1966 soviet Luna
program, robotic spacecraft and it was the first artificial RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-III)
satellite of the Moon. Ans. (b) K. Sivan is also famously known as 'rocket
LUNA 2 : It was the first spacecraft to reach the surface Man' for providing significant contribution to
of the Moon, and the first human-made object to make development of cryogenic engines for India's space
program. Rising through the ranks, Sivan became the (c) Thiruvananthapuram
director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, (d) Sriharikota
Thiruvananthapuram, in 2015 while in present time, RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-III)
S.Somnath is the chief of IRSO. Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question
789. Who is known as 'Rocket Man' of India? 795. When was Hubble launched into space?
(a) Dr. K. Sivan (a) 1989 (b) 1990
(b) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (c) 1995 (d) 1999
(c) A.S. Kiran Kumar RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(d) Rakesh Sharma
Ans : (b) The Hubble Space Telescope is large telescope
RRB Group-D 27-09-2018 (Shift-III) in space. It was launched into orbit by space discovery on
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. April 24, 1990.
790. Name the India's second mission to the moon. 796. Which of the following is one of the largest and
(a) GSAT - 6A (b) Gaganyaan-2 the most versatile space telescope that was
(c) PSLV-C-39 (d) Chandrayaan-2 launched into low Earth orbit?
RRB Group-D 07-12-2018 (Shift-I) (a) Chandra (b) Hubble
(c) James web (d) Spieger
Ans : (d) India's second mission to the moon is known
as chandrayaan-2. It consists of a lunar orbiter, and also RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
included the Vikram Lander, and the Pragyan lunar Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question
rover, all of which were developed in India. It was 797. NASA is responsible for the space program
launched on 22 July 2019 at satish Dhawan space centre and for ____ research.
in Andhra Pradesh. (a) Communications (b) Aeronautical
791. Where is ISRO rocket launch pad located in (c) Robotic (d) Nuclear
India? RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(a) Sriharikota (b) Trombay Ans. (b) : NASA is responsible for the space program
(c) Bangalore (d) Mysore and for aeronautical research.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) 798. What is the main objective of the Indian space
Ans. (a) : Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) or program?
Sriharikota Range (SHAR) is a rocket launch centre 1. Mass communication and education through
operated by ISRO. It is located in Sriharikota in Andhra satellite
Pradesh. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) as 2. Surveying and managing natural resources
formed in 1969 by the help of Vikrm sarabhai through remote sensing, technology,
792. In which year was the Indian space research environmental testing and meteorological
organization (ISRO) established? forecasting.
(a) 1969 (b) 1962 3. Development of indigenous satellite and
(c) 1971 (d) 1975 satellite launch vehicle.
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage IInd (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
Ans : (a) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is (c) 1 and 2 both (d) 1, 2 and 3
the space agency of the Government of India, under RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
which various space programs are carried out. It was Ans : (d) The main objective of the Indian space
established on 15th August 1969 and its headquarters is program is
located in Bangalore. Its first chairman was Dr. Vikram (1) Mass communications and education through
Sarabhai. satellite.
793. What is the full form of ISRO? (2) Surveying and managing natural resources through
(a) Indian satellite research organization remote sensing, technology, environmental testing
(b) Indian space research organization and meteorological forecasting.
(c) Space reform society of India (3) Development of indigenous satellite and satellite
(d) Solar research organization of India vehicle.
RRB NTPC 10.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist 799. Sputnik-3 was launched by which of the
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question following countries?
(a) America (b) U.K.
794. Where is the headquarters of Indian Space
(c) The Soviet (d) France
research organisation located?
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Bangalore Ans : (c) Sputnik-3 was launched by the Soviet in 1958.
800. Where is the space Application centre located Ans : (a) The Angara rocket family is a family of
in India? space-launch vehicles being developed by the moscow-
(a) Mumbai (b) Ahmadabad based khrunichev state research and production space
(c) Trivandrum (d) Bangalore centre, Russia.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III) 806. Which of the following is not a launch vehicle
Ans : (b) The space Applications centre (SAC) is an used to place satellite in orbit?
institution of research in Ahmadabad Under the aegis of (a) PSLV (b) GSAT-8
the Indian research Organization (ISRO) . (c) GSLV (d) Ariane SGS
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-II)
801. The IRS series of Indian satellite used for–
(a) Forestry (b) Communications Ans : (b) GSAT-8 OR INSAT04G is a communication
satellite. It was constructed by ISRO, as part of INSAT
(c) Remote Sensing (d) Astronomy
system. GSAT- was launched on may 21, 2011 from
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II)
kourou, french Guiana.
Ans : (c) Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite
program to support the national economy in the areas of 807. How many astronauts have visited the moon?
agriculture, water resources, forestry and ecology, (a) 2 (b) 5
natural calamities and disaster management. IRS under (c) 8 (d) 12
the ISRO started off in 1988 with the IRS-1A and it is RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
used for remote sensing. Ans : (d) Twelve astronauts have visited the moon.
802. What is the main purpose of the series of 808. Where is the Satish Dhawan space center
(a) TV broadcasting to remote areas. (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Mobile network of remote areas. (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu
(c) Internet services RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(d) Mapping locations via GPS. Ans : (c) Satish Dhawan Space Center is located in
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-III) Andhra Pradesh.
Ans : (a) The Indian national satellite (INSAT) is a 809. Which of the following is a navigation satellite?
series of multipurpose geostationary satellite lauched by (a) GSLV (b) PSLV
ISRO for the purpose telecommunications, broadcasting (c) IRNSS (d) SLV–3
meteorology, and search and rescue operations. RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I)
Commissioned in 1983, INSAT is the largest domestic Ans : (c) The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
communication system. (IRNSS) is an Independent Regional Navigation Satellite
803. When was ALSV first used in India? System being developed by India. It is first launched on
(a) 1980 (b) 1987 July 1, 2013 and last launched on April 12, 2018.
(c) 1994 (d) 2000 810. Which of the following is not true with respect
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-III) to global positioning system?
Ans : (b) ASLV was first used in India on march 24, (a) It is space based navigation system.
1987, second on July 13, 1988 third on may 20, 1992 (b) It can predict cyclones
and fourth on may 05, 1994. (c) It can be used to map the movement of
804. ISS is an abbreviation for.
(d) It can be used for navigation in the car.
(a) International space station
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) International space system
(c) Indian space studies Ans : (c) The global positioning system (GPS),
originally Navstar GPS sytlized in capital letters in its
(d) Inter-Space spectroscopy
logo is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-II) by the united states government and operated by the
Ans : (a) The International space station (ISS) is a space United states space force.
station that keeps moving in low earth orbit. 811. Name of the astronaut who spent 340 consecutive
805. What is the name of an ecologically clean days in space and returned safely to earth?
rocket developed by Russia based space (a) Joseph a. Walker (b) Scott Joseph kelly
research centre? (c) William H. Dana (d) William J. Night
(a) Angara (b) Vostok RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Korolev (d) Luna Ans : (b) Astronaut Scott Joseph kelly who spent 340
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-I) consecutive days in space and returned safely to earth.
812. When was the national Aeronautics and space 818. Kalpana Chawla, the first woman of Indian
act passed in America? origin went to space on ____ spacecraft?
(a) 1958 (b) 1957 (a) Columbia (b) Challenger
(c) 1945 (d) 1969 (c) Atlantis (d) Adventure
RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) The National Aeronautics and space Act was Ans : (a) Kalpana Chawla was assigned as a mission
passed in America on July 29, 1958. All American specialist in November 1996 as STS-87 aboard the
space exploration programms are conducted by NASA. space shuttle columbia, becoming the first woman of
Indian origin to fly into space IN 2003, chawla was one
813. What is the full form of GSLV? of the seven crew members who died in the space
(a) Geosynchronous satellite launch Vehicle shuttle columbia disaster. During its re-entry into the
(b) Geographical Satellite launch vehicle Earth's atmosphere.
(c) Geosynchronous satellite locating vehicle 819. Nustar Space-based X-ray telescope conducts
(d) Global satellite locating vehicle deep survey for –
RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Comet (b) Black holes
Ans : (a) Geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) (c) Planet (d) Small star
in an expendable launch system operated by the ISRO. RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
GSLV was used in thirteen launches from 2001 to 2018. Ans : (b) In-depth survey of black holes is carried out
814. Name the satellite that carries life in space. with the help of nuster (Nuclear spectroscopic telescope
(a) Bio satellite (b) Micro-satellite array) space-based x-ray telescope. The launch was
conducted successfully on 13 June, 2012.
(c) Spy- Satellite (d) Border Satellite
820. Where is the National Aeronautics and Space
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Administration (NASA) located?
Ans : (a) Bio-satellite is the satellite that carries life in (a) Washington (b) New Yard
sapce. (c) California (d) Florida
815. Which robotic space craft had brought the RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
solar energy particle from space? Ans : (a) NASA is located in Washington DC, USA.
(a) Genesis (b) Viking 821. INSAT-3D, the weather satellite launched with
(c) Cygnus (d) Giotto an advanced weather monitoring payloads was
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist launched in –
Ans : (a) Genesis was a NASA sample-return probe (a) 2012 (b) 2013
that collected a sample of solar wind particle and (c) 2014 (d) 2015
returned them to Earth for analysis. Genesis was RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
launched on August 8, 2001. Ans : (b) India's weather satellite INSAT-3D, carrying
816. Who was the notable personality behind the advanced weather monitoring payloads, was launched
historic mars Orbiter space program? successfully on July 26, 2013 Ariane-5 launched
(a) Kiran kumar (b) G. Madhavan Nair vehicle from kourou, French Guiana.
(c) K. Radhakrishnan (d) K.Kasturirangan 822. Commercial and marketing arm of ISRO is –
(a) Antrix Corporation Limited
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(b) ISRO satellite corporation
Ans : (c) K. Radhakrishnan was the notable personality (c) ISRO Marketing corporation Limited
behind the historic mars orbiter space program. He was (d) Space Applications center
the chairman of ISRO. Under his guidance, the mars RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
mission was launced on 5 November 2013. He has also Ans : (a) Antrix Corporation Limited was incorporated
been awarded the padma bhushan in the year 2014. as a private limited company owned by the Indian
817. GSAT-18 launched by India in October 2016 is government on 28 September 1992. Its objective is to
basically a ____satellite. promote the ISRO's products. Services and
(a) Meteorological (b) Remote sensing technologies. Antrix Corporation Limited is the
(c) Communication (d) Earth observation commercial and marketing arm of ISRO.
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage IInd 823. ''Antrix Corporation Limited" Bangalore is a:
Ans : (c) GSAT-18 is India's latest communication (a) Film producing company
satellite with 48 transponders that receive and transmit (b) ISRO's Marketing branch
communication signals. It was launched by ISRO on (c) Mobile Handset manufactures
october 2016. GSAT-18 was successfully placed into (d) Electricity distribution company
orbit by Ariane-5 VA-231 rocket belonging to french RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
company arianespace. Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
824. Which orbit does not have a space station? (b) Smiling Buddha
(a) Meer (b) Salute -7 (c) Operation Shakti
(c) Skylab (d) Voyager (d) Operation Research
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) Voyager program is an American scientific Ans. (c) : Pokhran-II consisted of five detonations. The
program that employs two robotic interstellar probe, tests were initiated on 11 May, 1998 under the assigned
voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977. The first spacecraft code name 'Operation Shakti.
was the voyager, a 722- kg robotic space probe. 830. "Jagritam Aharnisham" or "Always Alert" is
825. What does space tourism mean? the motto of which organization ?
(a) Scientific space exploration (a) The Coast Guard
(b) Space travel for vocation (b) The Indian Army
(c) Wandering the world only through air travel (c) Research and Analysis Wing
(d) Reaching Mars (d) Intelligence Bureau
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Space tourism refers to the purpose of Ans. (d) : Jagritam Aharnisham or Always Alert is the
holidaying and entertainment in space by the space motto of Intelligence Bureau (I B).
shuttle with the help of modern technologies. The Intelligence Bureau is India's domestic intelligence,
826. What is the name of the official Journal of the internal security and counter-intelligence agency.
committee on space research (COSPAR)?
831. Which of the following is a multi-barrel rocket
(a) Astrophysics and Space system developed by DRDO?
(b) Space Science Reviews (a) Trishul (b) Dhanush
(c) Advances in Space research
(c) Pinaka (d) Prithvi
(d) Space research
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Pinaka is a multi-barrel rocket launcher
Ans : (c) 'Advance in space research' is the official developed by Defence Research and Development
journal of the committee on space research. Record
Organisation (DRDO). Through this, 12 rockets of 100
Harrison is the editor in chief of the journal, founded in
kg weight can be launched in 40 seconds.
October 1981 by the Space Scientists Association.
Trishul is a short range surface to air missile.
7. Defence System of India Prithvi is a surface to surface ballistic missile.
Dhanush is a naval variant of the Prithvi missile having
500 kg payload.
827. Which of the following missiles is a canister
launched hypersonic surface-to surface tactical 832. Which of the following is a supersonic cruise
missile developed by DRDO? missile?
(a) Trishul (b) Akash (a) Trishul (b) Brahmos
(c) Astra (d) Shaurya (c) Akash (d) Prithvi
RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (evening) RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) Shaurya is a canister launched hypersonic Ans. (b) : The BrahMos is a medium - range ramjet
surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from
Indian Defence Research and Development submarine, ships, aircraft or land. It is the fastest
Organization for use of the India Armed Forces. It has a supersonic cruise missile in the world. BrahMos is a
range of 700 to 1900 Km and is capable of carrying a two stage missile with a solid propellant booster engine
payload one ton conventional or nuclear warhead. as its first stage which bring it to supersonic speed and
828. What was India's first nuclear test code name? then gets separated. The liquid ramjet or the second
(a) Operation Parakram (b) Operation Force stage then takes the missile closer to speed in cruise
(c) Smilling Buddha (d) Parmanu phase. The name BrahMos is a portmenteau formed
RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III) from the names of two rivers, the Brahmputra of India
and the Moskva of Russia
Ans. (c) : Operation Smilling Buddha was the assigned
code name of India's first successful nuclear bomb test 833. BrahMos supersonic missile is a joint venture
on 18 May 1974. The bomb was detonated on the army between ––––––.
base Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan. (a) India and USA (b) India and China
829. What was the code name for Pokhran Nuclear (c) India and Russia (d) India and UK
Test 2? RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Laughing Buddha Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
834. Which supersonic cruise missile is named after 839. Which of the following is a surface-to-surface
the Indian river Brahmputra and the Russian intercontinental range ballistic missile
river Moskva? developed by India?
(a) BrahMos (b) Putramos (a) Agni-V (b) Agni-IV
(c) Mosputra (d) Mosbrahma (c) Shaurya (d) Brahmos
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (a) : Agni-V, a surface to surface ballestic missiles
835. Name the Kalvari class submarine launched in was launched from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Island in
Mumbai in Nov, 2020. October 27, 2021. This year nation celebrates its 75th
(a) INS Khanderi (b) INS Arighat infantry day. Agni-V feature:–
(c) INS Karanj (d) INS Vagir Propulsion– three stage solid fuel missile.
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Range– 5500-5800 km.
Ans. (d) : INS Vagir is part of six Kalvari-class
Guidance & control– A ring laser gyroscope based
submarines being built in India. This is designed by
inertial navigation system (RLG-INS).
French naval defence and energy company DCNS.
Vagir is named after the sandfish, a deadly deep sea 840. Which of the following is India's longest-range
predator of the Indian ocean. It is anti-surface warfare, ballistic missile?
anti-submarine warfare, intelligence gathering and area (a) Agni V (b) Aakash III
surveillance capable. Indian Navy launched this submarine (c) Naag Missile (d) BrahMos
on November 12 at the Mazagon Dock in Mumbai. RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
836. Who has produced the indigenous LCA fighter Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
jets Tejas? 841. Which of the following scientist have no
(a) India Aeronautics Limited contribution in the Nuclear field in India?
(b) Hindustan Dynamics Limited (a) Raja Ramanna (b) Homi J Bhabha
(c) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(c) C N R Rao (d) Shekhar Basu
(d) Bharat Dynamics Limited
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (c): Light Combat Aircraft-Tejas is an Indian Ans. (c) : Homi J Bhabha conceived of the three stage
single-engine multirole light fighter designed by the nuclear programme as a way of develop nuclear energy
Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) in by working around India's limited uranium resources.
collaboration with Aircraft Research and Design C.N.R. Rao is an Indian chemist who has worked
Centre (ARDC) of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited mainly in solid-state and structural chemistry.
(HAL) for the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. It 842. The Defence Reearch and Development
came from the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Organisation (DRDO) was established in:
programme, which began in the 1980s to replace (a) 1947 (b) 1991
India's ageing MiG-21 fighters. In 2003, the LCA was (c) 1958 (d) 1950
officially named "Tejas". RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
837. After Indian independence from the British Ans. (c) : Defence Research and Development
Empire, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Organisation (DRDO) was established in 1958 charged
Nehru authorised the development of a nuclear with military’s research and development. It was
programme headed by _____. formed in 1958 by the merging of the Technical
(a) Homi J Bhabha (b) SN Bose Development Establishment. The Chief and Director
(c) S Chandrasekhar (d) Vikram Sarabhai General of DRDO is the scientific advisor of the
RRB NTPC 01.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Defence Minister. As of now, Dr. G Satheesh Reddy is
Ans. (a) : Homi Jehangir Bhabha is known as the father the Chief of DRDO. The organisation is headquartered
of the Indian nuclear program. As per Jawaharlal in New Delhi.
Nehru's request, Bhabha served as the Director of the
843. Which one of the following is not an
nuclear programme and was instrumental to start India's
international organization?
nuclear programme. He was the founding director of
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and (a) World Tourism Organization
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). (b) Organization for Economic Cooperation and
838. Who is regarded as the Father of the Indian Development
Nuclear Program? (c) Defence Research and Development
(a) Dr. Homi Bhabha (b) Raja Ramanna Organization
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) APJ Abdul Kalam (d) Statistical Office of European Union
RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
844. Which of the following is India's first formally 849. Which of the following missile developed by
designed and indigenously designed and DRDO is an air-to-air missile?
manufactured ballistic missile submarine (a) Akash (b) Agni
(SSBN)? (c) Astra (d) Prithvi
(a) INS Calvary (b) INS Vagin RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) INS Arihant (d) INS Chakra Ans. (c) : Astra , means ‘weapon’ is an Indian all
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist weather beyond-visual-range active radar homing air-
Ans. (c) : INS Arihant, class of indigenous Ballistic to-air missile, developed by the Defence Research and
Missile nuclear submariners or Ship Submersible Development Organisation. It is the first air-to-air
Ballistic Nuclear (SSBN), is armed with K–15 missile developed by India. It’s range are 10km to 110
km. It has been integrated with Indian Air Force's
(Sagarika missile) with a range of 750 km. The first and
Sukhoi Su-30MKI.
only operational SSBN, INS Arihant will give India the
standoff capability to launch nuclear weapons Some missile are as follow
submerged in Indian water. The first unit of the INS Aakash surface to air
Arihant, was commissioned into the Navy in August Agni. Surface to surface
2016. Prithvi. Surface to surface
845. Which of the following is India's first 850. Nirbhay missile has a strike range of:
indigenous nuclear ballistic missile submarine? (a) 1000 km (b) 100 km
(a) INS Sindhughosh (b) INS Arihant (c) 500 km (d) 200 km
(c) INS Kalvari (d) INS Shalki RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Nirbhay is a long range, all-weather, subsonic
cruise missile designed and developed in India by the
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) which
846. Which one of the following is anti-tank guided is under Defence Research and Development
missile? Organisation (DRDO). Nirbhay cruise missile was
(a) Trishul (b) Akash launched on 15 April 2019. It’s strike ranges is about
(c) Prithvi (d) Nag 1000km.
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 851. The new version of the Akash surface-to-air
Ans. (d) : Nag missile also called “Prospina” for the defence missile 'Akash 1S' is fitted with:
land-attack version, is an Indian third-generation, all- (a) a new indigenously-developed command
weather, fire-and-forget, lock-on after launch, anti-tank guidance programme
guided missile (ATGM) with an operational range of (b) a new indigenously-developed seeker
500 m to 20 km. (c) a new indigenously-developed propeller
847. Which of the following is a nuclear-powered (d) a new indigenously-developed actuator
submarine? RRB NTPC 07.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) INS Kalvari (b) INS Shalki Ans. (b) : Akash-1S missile which has been designed
(c) INS Sindhuvir (d) INS Arihant to take on incoming aerial attacks. This variant of
Akash has some additional features compared to the
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
original one. Akash-1S missile has an indigenous seeker
Ans. (d) : INS Arihant is a nuclear powered submarine and can shoot down enemy fighter jets, missiles and
which was launched by the former Prime Minister drones very effectively and accurately at a range of up
Manmohan Singh and his wife on 26 July, 2009. This to 30 kilometers and at altitudes up to 18 km. It was
day is also celebrated as Vijay Diwas Kargil war victory developed by Defence Research and Development
Day whereas it was inducted into the Indian Navy fleet Organisation (DRDO).
in 2011. 852. What was India's first indigenously built
848. From the given options, which is India's first aircraft carrier called?
indigenously built nuclear-armed submarine? (a) INS Vijay (b) INS Shakti
(a) INS Arihant (b) INS Kalvari (c) INS Garuda (d) INS Vikrant
(c) INS Khukhri (d) INS Chakra RRB NTPC 01.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : INS Vikrant also known as Indigenous
Ans. (a) : India's first indigenously built nuclear-armed Aircraft Carrier 1 (IAC-1), is an aircraft carrier
submarine is INS Arihant. It has several attack modes. constructed by the Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) for
Arihant means "slayer of enemies" and it has a range of the Indian Navy. It is the first aircraft carrier to be built
750-3500 km. It is also called nuclear tide. in India.
853. Who was the Chairman of Atomic Energy Ans. (b) : The founder of Indian Nuclear Programme,
Commission at the time of India's First nuclear Homi J. Bhabha had envisaged that nuclear technology
Test at Pokharan in 1974? is going to be very essential and not just in the power
(a) Raja Ramanna sector but for the other societal uses intended for
(b) APJ Abdul Kalam betterment of life.
(c) Rajagopala Chidambaram 858. The Indian nuclear test site, Pokhran is
(d) Homi Sethna situated in the ............ district of Rajasthan.
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Barmer (b) Bikaner
(c) Jaisalmer (d) Jodhpur
Ans. (d) : Homi Sethna was an Indian nuclear scientist
and a chemical engineer, gaining international fame as RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission during Ans. (c) : Indian Nuclear test site Pokhran is located in
the time when the first nuclear test, code name Smiling Jaisalmar district of Rajasthan. India conducted its first
Buddha in Pokhran Test Range in 1974 was conducted. nuclear test on 18 May, 1974 at the Pokhran Nuclear
test range in Jaisalmer. The Code name of nuclear test
854. Which one among the following is NOT a land- was 'Smiling Buddha.'
based ballistic missile?
859. The first nuclear bomb experiment test in India
(a) Dhanush (b) Prithvi was carried out in the year :
(c) Saurya (d) Agni (a) 1974 (b) 1973
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) 1999 (d) 1976
Ans. (a) : Dhanush missile is an Indian short-range, RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
ship-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). It is the third Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
variant of the Prithvi missile family, which includes
860. What is EyeROV Tuna?
the Prithvi I, Prithvi II, and the Prithvi Air Defense
(a) Heliport (b) Missile
interceptor. It has a range of 350 km and is capable of
carrying a conventional as well as nuclear payload of (c) Monorail (d) Underwater drone
more than 500 kg. It can hit both land and sea-based RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
targets. It is liquid fueled, capable of carrying nuclear Ans. (d) : EyeROV Tuna is india's first commercial
or conventional payloads. drone. The Ministry of Defence of the Indian
Government via its defence innovative programme
855. ________ is India's first indigenously built
became the reason of its genesis as it was made under
warship. this by Kerala startup.
(a) INS Shivalik (b) INS Arihant
861. India's first beam weapon KALI-5000 was
(c) INS Godavari (d) INS Talwar developed by
RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) ISRO & DRDO (b) CDAC
Ans. (c) : INS Godavari was commissioned in Navy on (c) DRDO & BARC (d) BEL & ISRO
10th December 1983. It was India's first indigenously RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
built warship. During its three decade services, it made Ans. (c) : Beam weapon KALI-5000 was developed by
several impacts like: It is played a significant role in DRDO and BARC. KALI (kilo Ampere Linear Injector) -
"Operation Cactus" 1988. On 23rd December 2015, it 5000 is a linear electron accelerator weapon which can
was retired from the services of Indian Navy. destroy any uninvited missiles and planes in air.
856. Which of the following equipment is primarily 862. When was the Atomic Energy Commission set
used in military submarines? up to supervise atomic energy activities in
(a) Telescope (b) Microscope India?
(c) Endoscope (d) Periscope (a) August, 1949 (b) December, 1950
RRB NTPC 31.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) January, 1948 (d) August, 1948
Ans. (d) : A periscope's basic purpose is to allow a RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
person to see objects above the water while the ship Ans. (d) : The Indian Atomic Energy Commission was
remains submerged in water. It is primarily used in first setup in August, 1948 in the Department of
military submarines. The periscope works on the Law Scientific Research which was created a few months
of Reflection. earlier in June 1948. Homi Jehangir Bhabha (1948-
857. Who predicted 'nuclear technology is going to 1966) was the first chairperson of Atomic Energy
be very essential and not just in the power Commission of India. At present, K.N. Vyas is the
sector but for other societal uses intended for chairman of Department of Atomic Energy.
betterment of life? * Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the Minister of
(a) JC Bose (b) Homi J Bhabha Atomic Energy.
(c) Sir CV Raman (d) APJ Abdul Kalam * Headquarter of the Atomic Energy commission is
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist situated in Mumbai.
863. The International Atomic Energy Agency 867. Who was the prime minister of India during
(IAEA) was established in: the Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998?
(a) 1966 (b) 1967 (a) P.V. Narasimba Rao
(c) 1955 (d) 1957 (b) Manmohan Singh
RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Ans. (d) : The International Atomic Energy Agency (d) Rajiv Gandhi
(IAEA) was created in 1957 in response to the deep RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-II)
fears and expectations generated by the discoveries and Ans : (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the Prime Minister
diverse uses of nuclear technology. Its headquarters is of India during the Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998. He
in Vienna, Austria. IAEA has 173 members and India is was the 10th Prime Minister of India from 16 May to 1
also a member of it. Rafael Mariano Grossi is the June 1996 and from 19 March 1998 to 22 may 2004.
director General of IAEA (2021). 868. Which of the following missile is India's first
864. When did the Central Industrial Security Force tactical surface-to-surface missile?
come into existence in India? (a) Agni (b) Akshay
(a) 1970 (b) 1989 (c) Prithvi (d) Brahmos
(c) 1990 (d) 1969 RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans : (c) The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical
Ans. (d) : The Central Industrial Security Force surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missile (SRBM)
(CISF) is a Central Armed Police Forces in India. It and is India's first indigenously developed ballistic
was set up under an Act of the Parliament of India on missile. Development of the prithvi began in 1983, and
10 March 1969 to provide integrated security cover to it was first test-fired on 25 February 1988 from
certain sensitive public sector undertakings. The CISF sriharikota. It was developed by DRDO under the
is governed by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, Integrated guided Missile development program
and its headquarters are at New Delhi. (IGMDP). Operational rage of Prithvi I is 150 km,
865. Which of the following is a Garrison town? Prithvi II 250-350 km and Prithvi III 350-600 km.
(a) Surat (b) Jalandhar 869. Rustom-2 is a _________ developed by defence
(c) Kota (d) Udaipur research and development organization of
RRB NTPC 04.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist India?
Ans. (b) : Garrison towns are the towns whose (a) Unmanned combat vehicle
formation is a result of the setting up of a military (b) Light weight vehicle
base. They are also referred to as cantonment towns. (c) Anti-Missile Tank
The main function of the Garrison towns is to cater (d) Air-to-Air Missile
the needs of defence and people employed in defence RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-III)
services of the nation. These are specially designed for Ans : (a) The DRDO Rustom is a Medium Altitude
the purpose of military, navy or airforce activities. Long Endurance unmanned air vehicle (VAV) being
There are 62 cantonments in the country which have developed by DRDO for three services, Indian Army,
been notified under the Cantonments Act, 1924 Indian navy, and the Indian Air force of Indian Armed
(succeeded by the Cantonments Act, 2006). In above forces.
question, Jalandhar is a Cantonment town in Punjab
and is a part of western command. 870. 'INS Vikramaditya is a–
(a) Aircraft Carrier (b) The main battle tank
866. Which of the following is a surface-to-air
(c) Submarine (d) Jet fighter plane
RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Brahmos (b) Trishul
(c) K-15 Sagarika (d) Agni Ans : (a) INS Vikramaditya is a modified kiev-class
RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-I) aircraft carrier and the flagship of the Indian Navy which
entered into service in 2013. Originally built as Baku and
Ans : (b) Trishul is a short range surface-to-air missile commissioned in 1987. It was launched on 1982.
developed in India. It was developed by defence
research and development organisation (DRDO). Its 871. Which of the following describes Agni
operational range from 500 meters to 9 kilometers. The correctly?
defence research and development organisation (a) Long range ballistic missile
(DRDO) was formed in 1985 and headquartered in (b) Long range gun.
DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi. Chairman of DRDO is G (c) Multi-purpose tank
Satheesh Reddy and Avinash Chander was the first (d) A fighter aircraft
chairman of DRDO. RRB JE - 28/05/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) AGNI missiles are long range, nuclear 876. What is Agni-II
weapons capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile. It (a) An Intermediate -range ballistic missile
is a family of medium to intercontinental range ballistic (b) A battle tank
missiles developed by India, named after one of the five (c) A satellite
elements of nature. (d) A satellite launch vehicle
872. Arjun is a third generation _____ developed RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Yellow paper)
by India's Defence Research and Development Ans : (a) Agni-II is a medium - range ballistic missile
Organisation (DRDO), for the Indian Army. with two solid fuel stages and post boost vehicle. It is
(a) Light fighter aircraft 21 m long and 1.3 m wide. It is equipped with nuclear
weapons and is capable of carrying 1 tonne payload.
(b) Helicopter
877. Which of the following is India's indigenously
(c) Fighter aircraft
designed and developed long range subsonic
(d) The main battle tank cruise missile?
RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Helina (b) Pinaka
Ans : (d) Arjun is the third generation main battle tank (c) Nag (d) Nirbhay
developed by the DRDO . It can achieve a maximum RRB Group-D 26-09-2018 (Shift-III)
speed of 67 km/h. Ans : (d) Nirbhay is a long-range all-weather, subsonic
873. Brahmos-II is a _____ currently under joint cruise missile designed and developed in India by the
development by the Russia's NPO Aeronautical development Establishment (ADE) which is
Mashinostroyenia and India's defence research under DRDO. The seventh trial took place on October
and development organisation. 12, 2020 from wheeler Island.
(a) Subsonic cruise Missile 878. Which of the following is India's indigenously
(b) Light combat Aircraft built and developed long-range subsonic cruise
(c) Main battle Tank 1
(a) Pinaka (b) Helina
(d) Hypersonic Cruise Missile
(c) Nag (d) Nirbhay
RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-I) RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) Brahmos-II is a hypersonic cruise missile Ans. : (d) See of the explanation of the above question
currently under joint development by Russia's NPO
879. Which of the following causes a ballistic missile
Mashinostroyenia and India's Defence research and
to fail due to a flaw in its precision?
development organization. Brahmos Aerospace named
(a) Due to its shape
the missle brahmos-II in honour of the former president
(b) Due to air resistance
of India's APJ Abdul Kalam.
(c) Due to projection angle
874. What is the name of a tank manufactured in (d) Due to metal
India? RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-I)
(a) Indra (b) Arjun Ans. (b) Ballistic missiles fail due to disturbances in
(c) Mahabali (d) Kailash precision of air resistance.
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 880. For what purpose was Rustom-2 developed by
Ans : (b) Arjun is a tank manufactured in India. DRDO.
Arjun is the third generation main battle tank developed (a) Under water missile launcher
by the DRDO. It can achieve a maximum speed of 67 (b) Unmanned combat aerial vehicles
km/h. (c) Anti-satellite missile
875. What does IGMDP stand for in the context of (d) Untraceable by Radar
India? RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(a) Management Development Program Ans : (b) TAPAS - BH-201(also known as Rustom-2)
(b) Financial policy is a medium - altitude long- endurance unmanned aerial
(c) Launch Program vehicle (UAV) designed to carry out surviellance and
(d) Marketing policy In management studies. reconnaissance roles for the Indian armed force. It can
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper) fly for 24 hours and fly up to 22,000 feet.
Ans. (c) The Integrated guided Missle development 881. Which of the following is INS-Arihant?
program (IGMDP) was conceived by renowned scientist (a) Submarine (b) Indian naval base
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in 1982-83. Under this, Prithvi, (c) War vessel (d) Aircraft carrier
Agni, Trishul, Akash and Nag missile have been RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage IInd
developed. Ans : (a) INS-Arihant is Indian Submarine.
882. India's first Aircraft carrier INS vikrant was 887. Where was the surface - to - air akash missile
decommissioned from service in which year? tested?
(a) 1997 (b) 1992 (a) Sriharikota
(c) 2004 (d) 2000 (b) Abdul Kalam Island
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) (c) Thumba
Ans. (a) : INS- Vikrant, the first aircraft carrier of the (d) Pokhran
Indian Navy was decommissioned from service on RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
January 31, 1997. It was purchased from Britain in the Ans : (b) The surface - to - air Akash missile was tested in
year 1957 and inducted into the Indian Navy in the year Abdul kalam Island, chandipur, odisha it was first tested
1961. on 1990. It has a range of 25 km.
883. Which unmanned target penetrating aircraft 888. What is Maareech?
has been developed and designed by India and (a) Advanced Torpedo Defence System
successfully tested its unmanned aerial vehicle submitted to the Indian Navy in November
flight? 2015.
1. Nishant2. Lakshya 3. Astra (b) A new training aircraft being development
(a) Only 2 (b) Only 1 for the India's Air Force.
(c) Only 2 and 3 (d) Only 1 and 2 (c) A Driver less car being launched in India
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-III) (d) A Drone of the Indian Air Force.
Ans : (d) Nishant and Lakshay, unmanned target RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III)
penetrating aircraft has been developed and designed by Ans : (a) Maareech Advanced Torpedo Defence system
India and successfully tested its unmanned aerial (ATDS) is a torpedo detection and countermeasure
vehicle flight. Astra is a air-to-air Missile. system used by the Indian Navy. In November 2015, the
884. Which is the short - range surface - to -air first Maareech ATDS system was inducted in the Indian
missile in India? Navy.
(a) Prithvi (b) Astra 889. Akash developed by DRDO is a –
(c) Trishul (d) Akash (a) Surface-to-Air missile system
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-III) (b) Surface-to-Surface missile system
Ans : (c) Trishul is the short-range surface- to - air (c) Air-to-Surface missile system
missile in India. See the description of Q: (319) (d) Not a missile system
• Astra = The air to air missile has a range of 25 to RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
40 km. Ans : (a) Akash is surface-to-air missile developed by
• Prithvi = The short range surface - to- surface DRDO. Trishul is a short range surface-to-air missile
missile has a range of 150 to 350 km. developed in India. It was developed by defence
• Akash = The medium range surface - to air missile research and development organisation (DRDO). Its
has a range of 25 km. operational range is 500 meters to 9 kilometers. The
defence research and development organisation
885. Which is India's first self-made jet fighter (DRDO) was formed in 1985 and headquartered in
aircraft? DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi. Chairman of DRDO is G
(a) Dassault Rafael (b) MiG-21 Satheesh Reddy and Avinash Chander was the first
(c) LCA Tejas (d) Dassault Mirage. chairman of DRDO.
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-III) 890. What is the name of third generation anti-tank
Ans : (c) The LCA (Light combat Aircraft) Tejas is missile that was successfully tested by DRDO
India's first self- made jet fighter aircraft designed by in Rajasthan?
the aeronautical development Agency (ADA) in (a) Agni (b) Nag
collaboration with Aircraft research and design centre (c) Cobra (d) Tufan
(ARDC) of Hindustan aeronautics Limited (HAL) for RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the Indian Air force and Indian Navy. In 2003, the light
Ans : (b) Nag missile, also called 'PROSPINA' for the
combat Aircraft (LCA) was official named "Tejas"
land attack version, is an Indian third generation all
886. What is the name of an Indian light combat weather, fire-and-forget, lock-on after launch, anti-tank
aircraft. guided missile (ATGM) with an operational range of
(a) Chetak (b) Tejas 500 m to 20 km. Development of Nag missile began in
(c) Rudra (d) Dhruv 1988 under APJ Abdul Kalam. DRDO successfully
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) conducted final trial of Nag anti-tank guided missile on
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question. October 22 in Rajasthan.
891. Who is the supreme commander of the Indian 895. In which year, Gymnastic was included in
armed forces. Modern Olympic games?
(a) Home Minister of India (a) 1896 (b) 1988
(b) Defence Minister of India (c) 1900 (d) 1972
(c) Prime Minister of India RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III)
(d) President of India Ans. (a) : Artistic gymnastics was introduced at the
RRB Group-D 12-11-2018 (Shift-II) very first Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. At the
Ans : (d) The president of India is the supreme Berlin Games (1936), gymnasts for women was added
commander of Indian Armed Forces according to Article to the Olympic.
53(2). The Indian Armed forces are under the
896. When did India first take part in the Olympic
management of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) of the
government of India. The responsibility for national
defence rests with the cabinet. (a) 1972 (b) 1920
Supreme Commander – President Ram Nath Kovind (c) 1974 (d) 1928
Minister of Defence – Rajnath Singh Ans. (b) : India first sent a team to the Summer
Defence Secretary – Ajay Kumar Olympic Games in 1920. The first Olympic were held
892. Who is the supreme commander of the Indian in 1896 in Athens, Greece.
Armed forces. 897. Who among the following was the first Indian
(a) Narendra Modi woman to be nominated to the International
(b) Sumitra Mahajan Olympic Committee?
(c) Pranab Mukherjee (a) Chanda Kocchar (b) Anjum Chopra
(d) Lieutenant General Dalbir Singh (c) Nita Ambani (d) Mithali Raj
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (evening)
Ans : (c) According to Article 53(2) of the Indian Ans. (c) Nita Ambani has become the first Indian
constitution the supreme commander of the Indian woman member of International Olympic Committee to
Armed Force is President of India. Pranab Mukherjee be nominated in June 2016 by the IOC Executive
was the president of India during the question hour. Board.
While currently Shri Ramnath Kovind is the President. NOTE : The International Olympic Committee is a non-
On 24 December 2019, the cabinet committee on profit, non-governmental organization. The IOC is
security Affairs of India announced the creation of the responsible for the promotion of Olympic values and is
post of Chief of Defence Staff and Vipin Rawat was regarded as the supreme authority of the Olympic
India's first Chief of Defence as on 1 January, 2020. movement.
893. What is the Full form of RAW?
898. Who among the following has won maximum
(a) Regional Aviation Wing medals in Olympics?
(b) Research and Analysis Wing (a) Michael Phelps (b) Larisa Latynina
(c) Royal Agency of Warsaw
(c) Mark Spitz (d) Birgit Fischer
(d) Read After Writing
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage IInd
Ans. (a) : Michael Phelps is a American swimmer who
Ans : (b) Research and Analysis wing is the foreign won 28 medals (23 gold ,3 silver and 2 bronze) in
intelligence of India. The agency's primary function is
Olympic Games.
gathering foreign intelligence, counter terrorism, counter
proliferation, advising Indian policymaker and advancing 899. In which Olympic games did Milkha Singh
India's foreign strategic interests. Its headquarter is in New finish fourth in the 400 m running final?
Delhi. RAW was founded on 21 September, 1968 and it's (a) Tokyo Olympic games
Wing Executive is Samant Goel. (b) Rome Olympic games
(c) London Olympic games
8. Sports (d) Melbourne Olympic games
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(i) Olympic
Ans. (b) : Milkha Singh finished at 4th, behind South
894. The Winter Olympic Games came into being in Africa's Malcolm Spence in the 1960 Rome Olympics
(a) 1916 (b) 1912 400 metre final race.
(c) 1920 (d) 1924 900. In which year did India first participate in the
RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (Evening) Olympic Games?
Ans. (d) The first Winter Games were held in 1924 in (a) 1900 (b) 1914
Chamonix, France, but they were originally called (c) 1925 (d) 1923
"Winter sports week". RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : India first participated in the Olympics in (iii) Asian Games
1900 in Paris. The country was represented by a lone
athlete Norman Pritchard an Anglo Indian who won 905. 2022 Asian Games to be held at-
India's first medal at the Olympics in the 200 meters (a) Beijing (b) Hangzhou
hurdles. While the country sent its first official (c) Shanghai (d) Chengdu
contingent in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
901. Baichung Bhutia was the first Indian Ans. (b) : The 2022 Asian Games also known as XIX
sportsman to refuse to carry the Olympic Asiad will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from
Torch Relay to support the – 10 to 25 September 2022.
(a) Tibetan Independence Movement 906. How many times the Asian Games have been
(b) Discrimination Against Women held in India?
(c) Children not provided training facilities for (a) Three (b) One
Sports (c) Four (d) Two
(d) More funds for Indian Sports RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : Asian Games are known as Asiad. Asian
Ans. (a) : Baichung Bhutia was the first Indian Games have been organized twice in India. The first
sportsman to refuse to carry the Olympic Torch Relay Asian Games were organized in 1951 in New Delhi,
to support the Tibetan Independence Movement. He is a India. Again our country hosted these games in 1982.
retired footballer. The 18th Asian Games kicked off in the Jakarta and
Palembang cities of Indonesia in August 2018.
(ii) Commonwealth 907. The suggestion of organising Asian Games was
first made at the ______.
902. Which of the following countries hosted the
first Commenwealth Games in 1930? (a) Conference of Asian Countries, New Delhi in
(a) Australia (b) New Zealand
(b) Conference of Asian Countries, New Delhi in
(c) Canada (d) England
RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift
(c) Conference of Asian Countries, New Delhi in
Ans : (c) The first Commonwealth Games were held 1952.
in 1930 in Hamilton, Canada where 11 countries sent (d) Conference of Asian Countries, New Delhi in
400 athletes to take part in 6 sports and 59 events. The 1943
2022 Commonwealth Games will be held in RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (evening)
Birmingham, England.
Ans. (a) In March 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru hosted the
903. Select the option with the INCORRECT full Asian Relations conference held in New Delhi- a
form for the corresponding acronyms. meeting with a prospect to bring the possibility of Asian
(a) CCI : Competition Commission of India Games under the attention of participating countries.
(b) C-DAC: Centre for Development of Note: Asian Games were regulated by the Asian Games
Advanced Computing Federation from 1951 to 1978, Since 1982 Olympic
(c) CHOGM: Commonwealth Heads of Council of Asia regulates it.
Government Meeling
(d) CITES: Convention on International Trade in (iv) Hockey
Endangered Species
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 908. Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is associated with
which sport?
Ans. (c) : CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of
(a) Badminton (b) Football
Government Meeting) is a meeting of heads of common
(c) Hockey (d) Cricket
wealth nations. The meeting is organised biennially. It
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 30-08-2019 (Shift - III)
has 54 members from all over the world.
Ans. (c) : Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is a national level
904. Which Nation has hosted the Commonwealth
tournament of women hockey in India. It is named after
Games five times? business tycoon Ratan Tata.
(a) Australia (b) England
909. Which of the following trophies is associated
(c) Canada (d) New Zealand with hockey?
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Santosh Trophy (b) Ranji Trophy
Ans. (a) : Australia had hosted the Commonwealth (c) Subroto Cup (d) Bombay Gold Cup
Games five times (1938, 1962, 1982, 2006 and 2018). RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
Ans. (d) : Bombay Gold Cup is associated with 915. With which sport is the term 'Beamer'
Hockey whereas Subroto cup, Santosh Trophy is associated?
associated with football and Ranji Trophy is associated (a) Football (b) Cricket
with cricket. (c) Hockey (d) Chess
910. With which of the following tournaments is RPF JE (Electrical) 19.09.2019 (Shift - III)
associated hockey? Ans. (b) : Beamer is associated with Cricket, it is a type
(a) Rangaswamy Cup (b) Davis Cup of delivery in which the ball without bounding, passes
above batman waist height.
(c) Subroto Cup (d) Irani Cup
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 916. Who among the following was the first non-
British President of the MCC (Marylebone
Ans. (a) : Rangaswamy Cup is associated with hockey. Cricket Club)?
It was first held in 1928 as an inter-provincial (a) Ricky pointing (b) Stephen Flaming
tournament to select players for the national team for (c) Kumar Sangakkara (d) Sachin Tendulkar
the Olympics. Davis Cup, Subroto Cup, and Irani Cup RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
are associated with lawn-tennis, football, and cricket
Ans. (c) : 1787 Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC),
former governing body of Cricket, founded in London
911. Which of the following country other than in 1787. Former Sri Lankan international cricket player
India has Field Hockey as its National Sport? Sangakkara became the first non-British President in the
(a) Mongolia (b) Pakistan history of MCC.
(c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh 917. Who was the captain of Indian cricket team
RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist when India won the Cricket World Cup in
Ans. (b) : 1983?
Country National Games / Sports (a) Ravi Shastri
Mongolia Mongolian Wrestling, Archery (b) Sunil Gavaskar
Pakistan Field Hockey (c) Kapil Dev
(d) Mohinder Amarnath
Nepal Volleyball
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Bangladesh Kabaddi
Ans. (c) : The Indian Cricket team are two times World
912. With which of the following sports was Cup Champions. Kapil Dev was named the captain of
Sandeep Michael associated? the 1983 India World Cup team. After 28 years India
(a) Hockey (b) Badminton repeated this moment in 2011 in the Captainship of
(c) Football (d) Tennis Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 30-08-2019 (Shift - III) 918. Sachin Tendulkar scored his 100th
Ans. (a) : Sandeep Michael is a Bengaluru born international cricket century against which
sportsman associated with hockey. team?
(a) England (b) Australia
(v) Cricket (c) Bangladesh (d) Pakistan
RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
913. With which of the following sports is Mithali
Ans. (c) : The former Indian Cricket team batsman
Raj associated?
Sachin Tendulkar made his 100th century against
(a) Golf (b) Cricket Bangladesh. Sachin is the only person in the world to
(c) Football (d) Basketball have 100 centuries in ICC test and One day
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (evening) international matches.
Ans : (b) Mithali Raj is an Indian cricketer and the Test 919. When was the first Indian Cricket Club-the
and ODI captain of women's national cricket team. Calcutta Cricket Club established?
914. What is the full name of L.B.W. Cricket? (a) 1791 (b) 1793
(a) Leg Before Wicket (c) 1790 (d) 1792
(b) Leg Between Wicket RRB NTPC 20.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Leg Break Wicket Ans. (d) : The first Indian Cricket Club, the Calcutta
(d) Leg Beyond Wicket Cricket Club was established in the year 1792. Cricket
RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III) was introduced to India by European merchant sailors in
Ans. (a) : L.B.W. (Leg Before Wicket) is a rule in the 18th century.
cricket to give out to a batsman if he/she is in line of Note: In fact, Calcutta Cricket Club is the second oldest
wicket and ball touches his/her deferring pads without Cricket Club in the world, after the Marylebone Cricket
touching hand or any other parts. Club (1787).
920. 'Silly point', 'Slip' and 'Gully' are terms used Ans. (a) : The first ICC Men's T-20 World Cup was
in: held in South Africa in 2007 where India defeated
(a) Football (b) Cricket Pakistan in the final match. ICC Men's T20 World Cup
(c) Cycling (d) Hockey 2021 which was held in the UAE and Oman, won by
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Australia by defeating New Zealand.
Ans. (b) : ‘Silly point’, ‘Slip’ and ‘Gully’ are the terms 925. Who is the first batsman to smash 500 sixes in
used for cricket fielding positions. international cricket?
(a) Chris Gayle (b) Virat Kohli
921. Indentify the Indian batsman who scored three
consecutive test centuries in his first three (c) M.S. Dhoni (d) Rohit Sharma
International Cricket test matches. RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Virat Kohli Ans. (a) : West Indies opener Chris Gayle has become
(b) Sachin Tendulkar the first ever player to smash 500 sixes in international
cricket. He achieved this feat in the One Day
(c) Mohammad Azharuddin
International (ODI) series against England.
(d) Rahul Dravid
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (vi) Football
Ans. (c) : Mohd. Azharuddin made three consecutive
centuries in his first three test matches. His international 926. Bendodkar Trophy is associated with which
playing career came to an end when he was found to be
involved in a match-fixing scandal in 2000 and (a) Football (b) Hockey
subsequently banned by the BCCI for life. In 2012, the (c) Badminton (d) Cricket
Andhra Pradesh High Court lifted the life ban. R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 01-09-2019 (Shift - III)
922. Who is the first batsman in the history of Ans. (a) : Bendodkar Trophy is an annual football
cricket to score 3 ODI double centuries? tournament organized by Goa Football Association. The
tournament was first started in 1970 on the name of then
(a) Sachin Tendulkar (b) Virender Sehwag
Chief Minister Dayanand Bandodkar.
(c) Virat Kohli (d) Rohit Sharma
927. Lionel Messi is related to which of the following
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Rohit Sharma is the only player to have (a) Basketball (b) Golf
scored three One-day International(ODI) matches (c) Boxing (d) Football
double centuries including 209, 264 and 208. Sachin RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
Tendulkar was the first male cricketer who scored the
Ans. (d) : Lionel Messi is an Argentine Professional
first double century (200) in the ODI against South
footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris
Africa in 2010.
Saint Germain and Captains the Argentina National
923. The Chinaman style of bowling in Cricket has Team.
been named after: 928. With which of following sports is Black Pearl
(a) An Indian bowler of Chinese origin associated?
(b) An Australian bowler of Chinese origin (a) Soccer (b) Golf
(c) An English bowler of Chinese origin (c) Snooker (d) Horse Racing
(d) West Indies bowler of Chinese origin RPF JE (Electrical) 19.09.2019 (Shift - III)
RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : Brazilian Footballer Pele is also known as
Ans. (d) : The term is traditionally believed to have 'Black Pearl' he was part of the Brazillian national teams
originated with the former West Indies Spinner Ellis that won three World Cup Championships (1957, 1962,
Achong. Back in 1933, England hosted West Indies in 1970).
a Test match in Old Trafford. Achong bowled an 929. ––––––––– has won the FIFA Men's Football
unexpected delivery from his wrist which got a sharp World Cup the maximum number of times.
turn after pitching outside off and got the English (a) Brazil (b) England
batsman Walter Robins stumped. From then, left-arm (c) France (d) Germany
wrist spinners have been referred to as Chinaman RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
bowlers. Ans. (a) : Brazil have won five times, and they are the
924. Which country won the first ICC Men's T20 only team to have played in every tournament. The
Cricket world cup title? other World Cup winners are Germany and Italy, with
(a) India (b) England four titles each.The first competition for the cup was
(c) Pakistan (d) West Indies organized in 1930 by the Fédération Internationale de
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Football Association (FIFA) and was won by Uruguay.
930. Who among the following sportsmen has the Ans : (c)
nickname 'CR7'? Sports Cups & Trophy
(a) Chris Paul (b) Cristiano Ronaldo Football Nixan Gold Cup,
(c) Chris Gayle (d) Chris Rea Durand Cup, Santosh
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Trohpy
Ans. (b) : Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was Cricket Ashes, Reliance Cup,
born on 5 February, 1985 known as Cristiano Ronaldo, C.K. Naidu Trophy
or by his nickname 'CR7', is a Portuguese professional Badminton Thomas Cup, Agarwal
footballer who plays as a forward. He plays for Premier Cup, Chadha Cup
League Club Manchester United and is the captain of
Lawn Tennis French Open, U.S Open
the Portuguese national team.
Australian open,
931. Which of the following competitions is Wimbledon.
associated with football?
(a) Duleep Trophy (vii) Badminton
(b) Santosh Trophy
935. Narang Cup is associated with which sport?
(c) Irani Cup
(a) Badminton (b) Football
(d) Deodhar Trophy
(c) Hockey (d) Basketball
RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
R.R.B. JE- Stage - II 31-08-2019 (Shift -I)
Ans. (b) : Santosh Trophy competition is related to
Ans. (a) : Narang Cup is associated with badminton.
football while Dilip trophy, Irani Trophy and Deodhar
Beighton cup is associated with Hockey and Santosh
Trophy are related to cricket. Trophy is related to Football.
932. Which country has played every FIFA Football
World Cup since it began ? (viii) Chess
(a) Germany (b) Brazil
936. With which game is Bhagyashree Thipsey
(c) England (d) Spain
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Chess (b) Swimming
Ans. (b) : The 21 FIFA World Cup tournaments have
(c) Football (d) Badminton
been won by eight national teams. Brazil have won five
R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 01-09-2019 (Shift - III)
times, and they are the only team to have played in
every tournament.The first competition for the FIFA Ans. (a) : Sports personality Bhayashree Thipsey is a
Cup was organized in 1930 by the Federation player of chess. She won five times the Indian women's
International Football Association (FIFA) in Uruguay chess championship and Asian women's Championship
and was won by Uruguay. FIFA World Cup 2022 is in 1991.
scheduled to take place in Qatar from 21th November to 937. The record of being India's youngest Chess
18th December, 2022. grandmaster is recorded in which of the
933. Durand Cup is associated with which game? following?
(a) Football (b) Table Tennis (a) D. Gukesh (b) V. anand
(c) Basket Ball (d) Hockey (c) G.N. Gopal (d) Parimarjan Negi
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : The Durand Football Tournament, also Ans. (a) : At the time when question was asked D.
known as Durand Cup, is an annual domestic football Gukesh at the age of 12 years 7 months and 17 days
competition in India which was first held in 1888 in became the second youngest Grandmaster of the world
Annadale, Shimla. It is hosted by the Durand Football & India's youngest Grandmaster. At present Abhimanyu
Tournament Society (DFTS). The tournament is Mishra is the World's youngest Grandmaster at the age
named after its founder, Sir Mortimer Durand, Foreign of 12 years 4 months and 25 days.
Secretary of British India from 1884 to 1894.The
tournament is the oldest existing football tournament (ix) Volleyball
in Asia.
934. Nixan Gold Cup is associated with which 938. In volleyball, spike is also known with the
sport? name of ?
(a) Basketball (b) Badminton (a) Open (b) Protection
(c) Football (d) Volleyball (c) Drop (d) Smash
RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III)
Ans. (d) : In Volleyball Spiking is the off play where a Ans. (a) : The French Open also known as Roland
player slams the ball sharply down-wards over the net Garros is the premier Clay Court Championship in the
& into the opposite court, making it difficult for the world. It is the second of the four annual Grand Slam
opposing team to recover the ball. In Volleyball, spike tournaments. The other three are the Australian Open,
in also known with the name of Smash. Wimbledon Open and the US Open.

(x) Lawn Tennis (xi) Boxing

939. Who among the following was the first woman 944. What is the boxing field called?
to win Wimbledon title successfully nine times? (a) Court (b) Ring
(a) Martina Navratilova (b) Monica Seles (c) Track (d) Diamond
(c) Chris Evert (d) Steffi Graf RPF SI 11.01.2019 (Shift - II)
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (morning) Ans. (b) : A boxing ring often referred to simply as a
Ans. (a) : Among the following Martina Navratilova is ring or the squared circle, is the Space in which boxing
the first woman to win Wimbledon title successfully match occurs.
nine times. 945. Sushil Kumar won the Olympic medal for:
940. With which of the following sports is the term (a) Shooting (b) Weightlifting
'double fault' associated? (c) Wrestling (d) Boxing
(a) Tennis (b) Bridge RRB NTPC 04.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Baseball (d) Golf Ans. (c) : Sushil Kumar is related to Wrestling. He was
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (morning) born on 20th May 1983 in Delhi. He has won two
Ans. (a) : In the given options double fault is associated olympic medals and also gold medals in
with Tennis. Double faults nears hitting a faults on the Commonwealth Games. He usually participates in 66kg
free style wrestling.
second service.
941. In which year Table Tennis was recognized as (xii) Other Major Sports
an Olympic Sports.
(a) 1996 (b) 1988 946. The term Breast stroke is related to which
(c) 1972 (d) 1900 among the following sports.
RPF SI 18.01.2019 (Shift - III) (a) Short Run (b) Long Jump
Ans. (b) : The First World Table Tennis (c) Chess (d) Swimming
Championships was held in London in 1926, but the RPF SI 12.01.2019 (Shift - III)
Sports had to wait a long time before it was given its Ans. (d) : The term Breast stroke is related to
Olympic debut at the 1988 Seoul Games. Swimming other term associated with Swimming are
Backstroke, Deck, Lap, Lane, Line etc.
942. Which of the following is NOT one of the
Grand Slam tournaments of tennis? 947. With which of the following sports is Ezra Cup
(a) French Open (b) Canadian Open
(a) Rugby
(c) Wimbledon (d) Australian Open
(b) Foot Volleyball
RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Polo
Ans. (b) : Canadian Open is not a Tennis Grand Slam (d) Equestrian show jumping
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Tennis Grand Slams Ans. (c) : The Ezra Cup is a popular Polo tournament
Grand Slam Duration Court Type conducted annually in India by the Calcutta Polo Club.
Australian Open Mid-January Hard Court It claimed that, it is the first official Polo trophy in
history. The first Ezra Cup was held in 1880.
French Open May & June Clay
Wimbledon Open June-July Grass 9. Major Research Centres/ Institute
US Open August- Hard Court
948. Where is 'Center for Space Science and
943. Which of the following tournaments of Tennis Technology Education in Asia-Pacific
is played on a clay court? (CSSTEAP) located?
(a) Roland Garros (b) Wimbledon (a) Jaipur (b) Mumbai
(c) US Open (d) Australian Open (c) Dehradun (d) Bengaluru
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 12.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (c) : The Centre for Space Science and Ans.(b) The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) was
Technology Education in Asia Pacific region established on 13 February 1890 in the then Royal
(CSSTEAP) has been contributing significantly in Botanical Garden (RBG), Calcutta, now Kolkata, West
capacity building in Asia pacific. It was established in Bengal. It was established with the objectives of exploring
1995, headquartered in Dehradun. the plant resources of the country and identifying plant
species with economic virtue. In 1954, the government
949. Where is the Central Potato Research Institute reorganized the BSI under Government of India, Ministry
of India located? of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(a) Shimla (b) Delhi 954. What is name of India's first research station
(c) Lucknow (d) Ranchi located at the International Arctic Research
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Base Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway?
Ans. (a) : Central Potato Research Institute → Shimla (a) Maitri (b) Himadri
(c) Dakshin Gangotri (d) Bharathi
Indian Agricultural Research Institute → New Delhi
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Indian Sugarcane Research Institute → Lucknow
Ans. (b) : Himadri 'the abode of snow' is India's first
Central Rice Research Institute → Cuttack research station located at the International Arctic
Central Tobacco Research Institute → Rajahmundry Research base, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway. It is
Indian Iron Research Institute → Ranchi located at a distance of 1,200 kilometers from the North
950. Where is one of the lead centers of Indian Pole. It was inaugurated on the 1st July, 2008 by Shri
Kapil Sibal the Former Minister of Science and
Space Research Organization, Satish Dhawan
Technology and Earth Science, in the presence of
Space Centre located? dignitaries from Norway, UK, Germany, and other
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Rajasthan countries besides India. National Centre for Polar and
(c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra Ocean Research (NCAOR) as nodal agency make sure
RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist availability of the requisite facilities at the Himadri.
Ans. (a) : Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Dakshin Gangotri-the first, Maitri- the second and
Bharti, India's latest research station in Antarctica.
was founded in 1969. It was founded under the
chairmanship of renowned space scientist Dr. Vikram 955. Which of the following is NOT an Indian
Sarabhai. The Satish Dhawan Space Center is the main research base at Antarctica?
satellite launch center of the Indian Space Research (a) Dakshin Gangotri (b) Bharati
Organization. It is located in Sriharikota of Andhra (c) Maitri (d) Dakshin Yamunotri
Pradesh. It was established in 1 October 1971. RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
951. Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri are research
centers located in 956. What is the name of the research station seat
up by India in Antarctica in the year 2012?
(a) Antarctica (b) North America
(a) Hind (b) Sagarika
(c) South America (d) Oceania
(c) Bharati (d) Dhruva
RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Dakshin Gangotri (South Gangotri) was the Ans. (c) : India presently has two active research
first scientific base station of India situated in stations at Antarctica namely ‘Maitri’ and ‘Bharati’.
Antarctica, established on 26 Jan, 1982. Maitri also New station ‘Bharati’ has just been constructed in
known as Friendship research center is India's second 2012 and commissioned in March, 2013. Maitri station
permanent research station in Antarctica as part of has been in operation since 1989.India’s first Indian
Indian Antarctic Programme established in 1989. station was ‘Dakshin (south) Gangotri’ which served
952. South Gangotri is a research base station from 1983 to 1988.
established by Indian Scientist. Where is it 957. Which of the following is not the Indian
located? research station in Antarctica?
(a) Himalaya (b) Bharati
(a) Kaveri Basin (b) Sri Lanka
(c) Dakshin Gangotri (d) Maitri
(c) Antarctica (d) Sundarban Delta
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB ALP & Tec. (10-08-18 Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Refer to above explanation.
Ans : (c) Refer to above explanation.
958. Which of the following is India's first Arctic
953. The Botanical Survey of India is located at: research station?
(a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata (a) Bharati (b) Maitri
(c) New Delhi (d) Mysore (c) Himadri (d) Dakshin Gangotri
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift
Ans : (c) Himadri 'the Adobe of Snow' is India's first Ans : (b) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
research station located at the International Arctic is situated at Mumbai in India. Tata Institute of
Research Base, Svalbard, Norway. It was inaugurated Fundamental Research is national centre for nuclear
on 1 July 2008. As of today India has two operational science and mathematics working under Department of
research station in Antartica named Maitri (Since 1989) Atomic Energy, Government of India. It is also an
and Bharati (Commissioned in 2012). university that offers postgraduate and Ph.D programme.
959. At end of 2015, how many research station 964. Tropical Forest Research Institute is located in
were established at Antarctica by India? the state of-
(a) 2 (b) 3 (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
(c) 4 (d) 5 (c) Kerala (d) Madhya Pradesh
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist R.R.B. JE. Stage - II 01-09-2019 (Shift - III)
Ans : (b) Antarctica continent is also known as "the Ans. (d) : Tropical Forest Research Institute is located
continent dedicated to science". India started its first in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. It works under the Indian
Antarctic expedition in 1981-82 and it was done under Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICIRE) of
leadership of Sayed Zahoor Qasim on 9th January 1982. the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
India established its first research center for scientific Change, Government of India.
experiment on this continent as Dakshin Gangotri at 965. India's first National Centre for Marine Bio–
Antarctica while the second is "Maitri" (1989) and third diversity (NCMB) is located in–
is 'Bharati' (2012). (a) Mumbai (b) Puducherry
960. Where is located the headquarter of Indian (c) Bhavnagar (d) Jamnagar
Council Agricultural Research? RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift
(a) New Delhi (b) Bengaluru Ans : (d) India's first National centre for Marine
(c) Dehradun (d) Mumbai Biodiversity is situated in Jamnagar, Gujarat for
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) safeguarding the biodiversity of the coastal areas. It was
Ans: (a) The headquarter of Indian Council inaugurated in 2011.
Agricultural Research (ICAR) is located in New Delhi. 966. Where is India's the first oceanarium being set
It was established in the year of 1911 in Bihar, and up?
shifted to Delhi in 1929. (a) Mumbai (b) Goa
961. The headquarter of Tea Board of India is (c) Kochi (d) Vishakhapatnam
located in : RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift
(a) Guwahati (b) Kolkata Ans : (c) Kochi in Kerala, the land of God's Own
(c) New Delhi (d) Darjiling country set up India's first oceanarium in 2010. An
RRB Group-D 01-11-2018 (Shift-II) oceanarium is a simulated ocean and contains all living
Ans. (b) The headquarter of Tea board of India is organisms found in the water body inducing large
located in Kolkata. Tea Board is a regulatory body of species like Whales and Shark.
Government of India, that monitors and controls 967. Where is the National Geophysical Research
production of Tea. Institute (NGRI) located?
962. Where is the headquarters of Coffee Board of (a) Jamshedpur (b) Hyderabad
India located? (c) Mumbai (d) Jaipur
(a) Darjiling (b) Bengaluru RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage IInd
(c) Tiruvananthapuram (d) Guwahati Ans : (b) The National Geophysical Research Institute
RRB Group-D 12-11-2018 (Shift-I) (NGRI) is located in Hyderabad. NGRI is a geoscientific
Ans. (b) Coffee is produced mainly in hilly areas of the research organization established in 1961 under the
south Indian states with Karnataka having largest Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),
producer of coffee about 70% of total production of India's largest research and development organization
India. The Coffee Board of India was formed in the year CSIR was established by the government of India on 26
of 1942. It is headquartered at Bengaluru in Karnataka September 1942 and headquarter of CSIR is New Delhi
an autonomous body. The founder of CSIR is Arcat Ramaswamy Mudaliar and
963. Tata Istitute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar.
is situated at____. 968. Where is Indian Statistical Institute located?
(a) Pune (b) Mumbai (a) Kolkata (b) Raipur
(c) Bengaluru (d) New Delhi (c) Hyderabad (d) Mumbai
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-I) RPF SI 24.12.2018 (Shift - I)
Ans. (a) : Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) grew out of Ans. (a) : Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
the Statistical laboratory set up by Prasanta Chandra Technology is a unit of Department of Atomic Energy,
Mohalanobis in Presidency College, Kolkata. It was Government of India, engaged in Research &
established in 1931. Its headquarter is in Baranagar, Development in areas of lasers and a particle
West Bengal. accelerators. It was established in 1984 and
969. Where is ONGC headquarters located? headquarterd in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
(a) Dibrugarh (b) Kandla 974. Where is Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
(c) Visakhapatnam (d) Dehradun Technology, a unit of the Department of
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist Atomic Energy situated?
Ans : (d) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is (a) Jammu (b) Patna
an Indian multinational oil and gas company earlier (c) Mumbai (d) Indore
headquartered in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. As a RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
corporation, it's registered office is now at New Delhi, Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
ONGC was founded on 14th August 1956 by
975. Where is the headquarters of Nuclear Power
Government of India.
Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)?
970. Which of the following statements is not
(a) Kanpur (b) Guwahati
Correct regarding the Tata Institute of
(c) Delhi (d) Mumbai
Fundamental Research?
(a) A National Center of the Government of India RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) A Private Sector Institution Ans. (d) : Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
(c) Aided by Department of Atomic Energy (NPCIL) is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra . It
was created in September 1987 under the Companies
(d) Deemed University
Act 1956, with the objective of undertaking the design,
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
construction, operation and maintenance of the atomic
Ans. (b) : Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is a power stations for generation of electricity in pursuance
National Centre of the Government of India, under of the schemes and programmes of the Government of
the umbrella of the Department of Atomic Energy, as India under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act,
well as a deemed University awarding degrees for 1962." All nuclear power plants are operated by the
master's and doctoral programs. The Institute was company.
founded in 1945 with support from the Sir Dorabji
976. The Sahitya Academy is headquartered at:
Tata Trust under the vision of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha.
At TIFR, basic research in Physics, Chemistry, ________,
Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science and (a) Bangalore (b) New Delhi
Science Education are carried out. (c) Hyderabad (d) Mumbai
971. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
set up under the vision of: Ans. (b) : The headquarters of Sahitya Academy is
(a) Srinivasa Ramanujan located at New Delhi. Sahitya Academy is an
(b) Dr. Homi J Bhabha organisation dedicated to the promotion of literature in
(c) Dr. CV Raman the languages of India. It was founded in 1954. It
(d) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam organises national and regional workshops and
RRB NTPC 11.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist seminars, provides research and travel grants to authors.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. 977. The headquarters of Bharat Electronics
972. Where is the Tata Institute of Fundamental Limited is located at:
Research situated? (a) New Delhi (b) Bengaluru
(a) Mumbai (b) Calcutta (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai
(c) Chennai (d) Bengaluru RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is an
Ans. (a) : Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Indian Government-owned aerospace and defence
situated in Mumbai. electronics company. It primarily manufactures
973. In which year was the Raja Ramanna Centre advanced electronic products for ground and aerospace
for Advanced Technology established? applications. BEL is one of nine PSUs under the
(a) 1984 (b) 1981 Ministry of Defence of India. It has been granted
Navratna status by the Government of India. Its
(c) 1989 (d) 1961
headquarters is in Bengaluru.
RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
978. Which institute is known as the mother of Code
institutions involved in research on nuclear and A B C D
accelerator technology ? (a) 4 3 1 2
(a) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (b) 4 3 2 1
(b) Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced (c) 4 2 1 3
Technology (d) 3 2 1 4
(c) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Ans. (a) :
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Major Companies Headquarter
Ans. (a) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited New Delhi
is the mother of the R&D institutions such as Indira
Coal India Limited Kolkata
Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Bharat Petroleum Corporation Mumbai
Technology (RRCAT), Variable Energy Cyclotron limited
Centre (VECC), etc., which carry out pioneering Bharat Electronic Limited Bengaluru.
research on nuclear and accelerator technologies and Therefore option (a) is correct.
industrial establishments . It was founded by Homi 983. The headquarter of the Archaeological Survey
Jehangir Bhabha Atomic Energy Establishment, of India is located in:
Trombay (AEET) in January 1954. (a) Jodhpur (b) New Delhi
979. The earlier name of Bhabha Atomic Research (c) Mumbai (d) Jaipur
Centre was : RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited Ans. (b) : The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra
(b) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Modi, inaugurated ‘Dharohar Bhawan’ – the new
(c) Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay headquarters building of the Archaeological Survey of
(d) Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam India (ASI) at 24 Tilak Marg in New Delhi. It is under the
RRB NTPC 11.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ministry of Culture, was established in the year 1861 is the
premier organization for the archaeological researches and
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. protection of the cultural heritage of the nation.
980. What is the full form of BARC? 984. Select the pair that is matched correctly (the
(a) Bhabha Aromatic Research Center institute to the city is based in).
(b) Bhabha Atomic Rehabilitation Center (a) Central Potato Research Institute - Dehradun
(c) Bhabha Aerospace Research Center (b) Central Leather Research Institute - Salem
(d) Bhabha Atomic Research Center (c) Central Arid Zone Research Institute - Jodhpur
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (d) Central Drug Research Institute- Kanpur
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
981. Where is the headquarters of the Zoological Ans. (c) : Central Potato Research Institute - Shimla
Survey of India ? Central Leather Research Institute - Chennai
(a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata Central Arid Zone Research Institute - Jodhpur
(c) New Delhi (d) Mysuru Central Drug Research Institute - Lucknow
RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 985. Forest Research Institute of India is located at
Ans. (b) :The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), _____.
founded on 1 July, 1916 by the Government of India (a) Guwahati (b) Dehradun
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. (c) Shimla (d) Trivandrum
Its headquarters is in Kolkata. RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
982. Match the following companies with their Ans. (b) :
headquarters. Institution Location
A Bharat Heavy 1 Mumbai Forest Research Institute Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Electricals Limited
Central Ayurveda Guwahati, Assam
B Coal India Limited 2 Bengaluru Research Institute
C Bharat Petroleum 3 Kolkata Central Potato Research Shimla, Himachal
Corporation Limited Institute Pradesh
D Bharat Electronics 4 New Delhi Rajiv Gandhi Center for Thiruvananthapuram,
Limited Biotechnology Kerala
986. Where is the headquarters of the National 991. National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute of Oceanography located? Institute (NEERI) is located at:
(a) Vishakhapatnam (b) Mangalore (a) Indore (b) Pune
(c) Chennai (d) Goa (c) Nainital (d) Nagpur
RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : The National Institute of Oceanography, Ans. (d) : The CSIR-National Environmental
founded on 1 January 1966 as one of 37 constituent Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) is a
laboratories of the CSIR,is an autonomous research research institute created and funded by the
organization in India to undertake scientific research Government of India. It was established in Nagpur in
and studies of special oceanographic features of the 1958 with a focus on water supply, sewage disposal,
Northern Indian Ocean. Headquartered is in Goa, it has communicable diseases, and to some extent on industrial
regional centres in Kochi, Mumbai and Vizag. pollution and occupational diseases found common in
987. Where is Indira Gandhi Institute of post-independent India. It is a pioneer laboratory in the
Development Research (IGIDR) situated? field of environmental science and engineering and part
(a) Ranchi (b) Mumbai of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(c) Bhopal (d) Bengaluru (CSIR). It has five zonal laboratories in Chennai, Delhi,
RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai. NEERI falls under the
Ans. (b) : Indira Gandhi Development Research Ministry of Science and Technology (India) of the central
Institute is situated in Mumbai. It is a highly advanced government.
research institution. It was established in 1987. Dr. Kirit 992. The Central Drug Research Institute is situated
Parikh was the first director of the institution. in:
988. Where is the headquarters of Atomic Energy (a) Delhi (b) Hyderabad
Commission of India located ? (c) Mumbai (d) Lucknow
(a) Bengaluru (b) Mumbai RRB NTPC 29.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Thiruvanthapuram (d) Hyderabad Ans. (d) : Central Drug Research Institute is a
RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist multidisciplinary research laboratory in Lucknow
Ans. (b) : The Indian Atomic Energy Commission was employing scientific personnel from various areas of
set up on 3 August, 1948 under the late Department of biomedical sciences. The research institute was
Scientific Research. A resolution passed by the formally inaugurated on 17 Feb, 1951 by PM,
Government of India later replaced the commission by Jawaharlal Nehru.
"Atomic Energy Commission of India" on 1 March, 993. Where is the headquarters of Geological
1958 under the Department of Atomic Energy with Survey of India located?
more financial and executive powers headquartered in (a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata
Mumbai, Maharashtra (c) Bhopal (d) Ahmedabad
989. Where is the Physical Research Laboratory RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(PRL) which is national research institute for
Ans. (b) : The Geological Survey of India was
space and allied sciences located?
established in March 1851. Its main task is to conduct
(a) Thiruvananthapuram (b) Banglore
geoscientific surveys and mineral resource assessment,
(c) Ahmedabad (d) Hyderabad air borne and marine survey geo-environment and
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist natural hazards studies, glaciology etc. It is
Ans. (c) : The Physical Research Laboratory is also headquartered in Kolkata and it has six regional offices
known as cradle of space sciences in India. It was which are in Lucknow Jaipur, Nagpur, Hyderabad,
founded in 1947 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. It is located in Shilong and Kolkata.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 994. Banaras Hindu University is situated in which
990. In which city the forest survey of India is state?
located under the ministry of environment of (a) Uttarakhand (b) Uttar Pradesh
India? (c) Jharkhand (d) Bihar
(a) New delhi (b) Dehradun RRB JE - 23/05/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Bhopal (d) Guwahati Ans : (b) Banaras Hindu University formerly Central
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Hindu College, is a public central university situated in
Ans. (b) : Forest Survey of India is the chief Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. It was established jointly in
organization for surveying forest cover in the country. It 1916 by the Maharaja of Darbhanga Rameshwar Singh,
functions under the Ministry of Environment and Madan Mohan Malaviya, Sunder Lal and British
Forest. It is headquartered in Dehradun, Uttarakhand theosophist Annie Besant. It is the largest residential
and was founded in 1981. It prepares the State of forest university in Asia with a area of 4000 acres of land in
report. two different campuses.
995. In which of these cities is the Indian Institute of Ans : (a) Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts is a
Petroleum located? premier government funded arts organization. It is
(a) Kochi (b) Dehradun headquartered in New Delhi. It is an autonomous
(c) Visakhapatnam (d) Kandla institute under the Union Ministry of Culture. It was
RRB JE - 02/06/2019 (Shift-II) established in the memory of Indian Prime Minister
Ans. (b) Indian Institute of Petroleum is situated in Indira Gandhi in 1985 by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
Dehradun in Uttrakhand state of India. It is one of the 1000. In which of the following cities is the Central
constituent laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Rice Research Institute situated?
Industrial Research (CSIR). It was established in 1960 (a) Kolkata (b) Hyderabad
dedicated to hydrocarbon sector. Its objectives include
(c) Delhi (d) Cuttack
applied research leading to the development of
technologies, products and processes in the area of RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-II)
petroleum refining and Petrochemicals. Ans : (d) Central Rice Research Institute is situated in
996. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Cuttack, Odisha. It was set up in 1946. It came under
(TRAI) is headquartered in which city? Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) in
(a) Kolkata (b) New Delhi 1966, now known as National Rice Research Institute
(c) Hyderabad (d) Mumbai (NRRI).
RRB Group-D 15-11-2018 (Shift-III) 1001. Where is Indian Forest Research Institute is
Ans. (b) : TRAI is a statutory body set up by the situated?
government of India under section 3 of the Telecom (a) New Delhi (b) Lucknow
Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997. It is the (c) Dehradun (d) Bhopal
regulatory of Telecommunications sector in India. TRAI RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-II)
was founded on 20 Feb, 1997. Ans : (c) Indian Forest Research Institute is located at
997. Which private university has a campus in Dehradun in Uttrakhand. It is an institute of the Indian
Modinagar N.C.R.? Council of Forestry Research and Education. It was
(a) SRM Institute of Science and Technology founded in 1906.
(b) Galgotias University 1002. Where is Salar Jung Museum located?
(c) Amity University
(a) Kolkata (b) Ahmedabad
(d) Manipal University
(c) Delhi (d) Hyderabad
RRB Group-D 12-12-2018 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) The SRM Institute of Science and
Ans : (d) The Salar Jung Museum is an art museum
Technology, Modinagar NCR, Ghaziabad was
established in the year 1997. It is the constituent of the located at Dar-ul-shifa, on the southern bank of the
SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai. It is Musi River in the city of Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
a leading world-class private Institute, offering degrees It has a collection of sculptures, paintings, carvings,
and research programs in Science, Engineering and textiles, carpets and furniture from Japan, China,
Management. Burma, Nepal, Persia, Egypt Europe and North
998. Where is the Indian Institute of Science America. It is one of the largest museums in the world.
located? 1003. Sahitya Akademi is located in which city of
(a) Kanpur (b) Bangalore India?
(c) Mumbai (d) Chennai (a) Varanasi (b) Nagpur
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (c) New Delhi (d) Bangalore
Ans : (b) Indian Institute of Science is situated in RRB Group-D 04-12-2018 (Shift-II)
Bangalore, Karnataka. It was established in 1909 by the Ans : (c) Sahitya Akademi is located in New Delhi. The
Indian government. Sahitya Akademi is a India's National Academy of
Indian Institute of Pulses Research - Kanpur letters and is an organization dedicated to the
Bhabha Atomic Research Center - Mumbai promotion of literature in the languages of India. It was
National Biodiversity Authority - Chennai formally inaugurated by the government of India on 12
999. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts is March 1954. It annually confers the Sahitya Akademi
headquartered at ............. ? Award for writers of the most outstanding books of
(a) New Delhi (b) Kolkata literary merit published in any of the 24 major Indian
(c) Lucknow (d) Mumbai languages, ie. English, Rajasthani and the 22 listed
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-I) languages in the schedule of the Indian constitution.
1004. The Sahitya Academy is mainly devoted to 1008. In which city is the headquarters of Indira
promote which field? Gandhi National Center for Arts located?
(a) Drama (b) Music (a) Pune (b) New Delhi
(c) Literature (d) Dance style (c) Mumbai (d) Kolkata
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) RRB NTPC 20.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) The Sahitya Academy is mainly devoted to Ans. (b) : The headquarters of Indira Gandhi National
promotion of literature. Center for Arts is located in New Delhi. It is a center for
Educational Research and diffusion in the field of arts.
1005. Which of the following museum is situated in
It was established in 1987 as an autonomous body by
the Ministry of Culture of Government of India.
(a) Dakshinachitra Museum
1009. In which of the following cities is the Indian
(b) Salar Jung Museum
National Centre for Ocean Information
(c) Albert Hall Museum
Services (INCOIS) located?
(d) Napier Museum (a) New Delhi (b) Chennai
RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Kolkata (d) Hyderabad
Ans. (d) : The Napier Museum is an art and natural RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
history museum situated in Thiruvananthapuram, Ans. (d) : INCOIS (The Indian National Centre for
Kerala, India. The museum has been named after the Ocean Information Services) is an autonomous
former Madras Governar-General John Napier. organization of the Government of India under the
Impressed by the traditional Kerala style architecture, Ministry of Earth Sciences, located in Hyderabad.
Lord Napier in 1872 CE assigned, the architect of the INCOIS is mandated to provide the best possible ocean
Government of Madras, Robert Fellowes Chisholm, to information and advisory services to society, industry
build this royal structure. government agencies and the scientific community
Whereas, through sustained ocean observation.
Dakshinachitra Museum → Chennai, Tamil Nadu 1010. In which of the following Indian states is the
Salar Jung Museum → Hyderabad, Telangana Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL)
Albert Hall Museum → Jaipur, Rajasthan situated?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar pradesh
1006. Where is the NSE (National Stock Exchange of
India) headquartered? (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Chennai (b) Mumbai RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) New Delhi (d) Pune Ans. (c) Central Institute of Indian languages (CIIL)
was established in 1969 in Mysore, Karnataka under the
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
aegis of Ministry of Human Resource and Development
Ans. (b) : National Stock Exchange of India Limited (Ministry of Education). CIIL was established to co-
(NSE) is the leading stock exchange of India, located in ordinate the development of Indian languages, to bring
the Mumbai city of Maharashtra state. It is under the about the essential unity of Indian languages through
ownership of some leading financial institutions, Banks, scientific studies, promotes inter-disciplinary research,
and Insurance companies. The NSE was established in contribute to mutual enrichment of languages and thus
1992 as the first dematerialized electronic exchange in contribute towards emotional integration of the people
the country. Present Chairman & Public Interest of India.
Director of NSE is Mr. Girish Chandra Chaturvedi and
MD and CEO is Mr. Vikram Limaye. 10. World Heritage Site of India
1007. In which year did Jawaharlal Nehru lay the
foundation stone of the National Museum in 1011. Hampi was declared a World Heritage Site by:
New Delhi ? (a) UNO (b) IMF
(a) 1965 (b) 1950 (c) WHO (d) UNESCO
(c) 1960 (d) 1955 RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : Hampi was declared as a World Heritage Site
Ans. (d) : The foundation stone or the corner stone of by UNESCO, in 1986. It was the capital of
the National Museum of India, New Delhi was laid by Vijayanagara Empire in the 14th century. It was
the Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru on 12 May, prosperous, wealthy and grand city near the
1955. It was prepared by the Maurice Gwyer Tungabhadra River, in Karnataka. It was the world's
Committee in May 1946. second largest medieval era city after Beijing.
1012. Which of the following pairs is not correctly 1015. Which of the following site was declared World
matched (UNESCO Natural Heritage Site to its Heritage Sites due to unique natural
location)? environment by UNESCO in 1985?
(a) Elephanta Caves - Karnataka (a) Champaner - Pavagadh Archaeological Park -
(b) Sunderbans National Park - West Bengal Gujarat
(c) Sun Temple - Odisha (b) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary - Assam
(d) Fatehpur Sikri - Uttar Pradesh
(c) Caves of Elephanta - Maharashtra
RRB NTPC 15.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Sundarban National Park - West Bengal
Ans. (a) : UNESCO (United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organisation) prepares a World RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Heritage Site list and places them in "Places" of Ans : (b) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary was declared a
significant cultural or physical specialization, in this list. World Heritage Site in 1985 by UNESCO. It acquired
As per July 2021, total 40 Heritage sites are in India in the status of a biosphere reserve in 1989. It is a major
which. national park in India. It is known for its rare and
Cultural sites – 32, Natural sites –7, Mixed sites –1 endangered endemic wildlife such as Indian rhinoceros,
Site Places wild buffaloes (only pure strain of buffalo in India)
Elephanta Caves Maharashtra Roofed Turtle, Hispid Hare, Golden Langur and Pygmy
Sundarban National Park West Bengal Hog.
Sun Temple Odissa Champaner - Pavagadh Archaeological Park - Gujarat
Fatehpur Sikri Uttar Pradesh in 2004,
Dholavira Gujarat Elephanta Caves - Maharashtra in 1987 and
1013. As per UNESCO, Ellora caves are group of Sundarban National Park - West Bengal in 1987 are
how many caves? included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
(a) 34 (b) 36
(c) 32 (d) 38 1016. Valley of Flowers National Park declared as a
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist World Heritage Site of UNESCO and is located
in which state?
Ans. (a) : Ellora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
from Aurangabad district, as per the UNESCO (a) Karnataka
comprising more than 34 rock-cut caves. The complex (b) Jammu and Kashmir
has caves from Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain faith. It is (c) Sikkim
famous for the exceptional monolithic shrine of Kailash (d) Uttarakhand
Mandir. Ellora dates back to about 1,500 years ago, and RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-I)
is the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture. The 34 Ans : (d) Valley of Flowers National Park is based in
caves are actually Buddhist, Hindu and Jain religious the state of Uttarakhand, North India. It was declared a
monuments carved in the rock. They were given the national park in 1982 further it was declared a World
status of World Heritage Site in 1983. Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2005. It was gained
1014. Which railway station is a part of UNESCO's importance as a region containing a diversity of Alpine
World Heritage Sites ? flora, Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows ecoregion.
(a) Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Extra facts-
(b) Anand Vihar Terminus
* The Netherland is known as land of flowers.
(c) Kolkata Terminus
(d) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus * Bulgaria is known as land of roses.
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 1017. Which of the following site is not included in
Ans. (d) : There are two UNESCO World Heritage the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list?
Sites on Indian Railway, these are the Chhatrapati (a) Kaziranga National Park
Shivaji Terminus, formerly known as Victoria (b) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal
Terminus Station, in Mumbai(2004) and the (c) Keoladeo National Park
Mountain railways of India. Mountain railways of (d) The Leaning Temple of Huma
India is not contiguous, but consists of three separate RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III)
railway lines located in different parts of the country. Ans. (d) : The Leaning Temple of Huma is not included
• The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a narrow in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. It is located
gauge railway in West Bengal (1999). in the state of Odisha in India. This temple is dedicated
• The Nilgiri Mountain Railway, a metre gauge to the Hindu God Lord Bimaleshwar Shiva.
railway in the Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu (2005). Keoladeo National Park is a vast bird sanctuary in
• The Kalka-Shimla Railway, a narrow gauge Rajasthan.
railway in the Shivalik mountains in Himachal Chhatrapati Shivaji Termnal is situated in Mumbai.
Pradesh (2008). Kaziranga National Park is located in Assam.
1018. Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram on of 1021. The three mountain railways of India are
the " UNESCO World Heritage Site" founded collectively designated as a UNESCO World
by the Pallava kings is in _____ district of ___. Heritage Site. Which of the following does not
(a) Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu come under these three railways?
(b) Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu (a) Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
(c) Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu (b) Nilgiri Mountain Railway
(d) Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu (c) Kashmir Railway
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-I) (d) Kalka - Shimla Railway
Ans : (b) Mahabalipuram is also known as RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Mamallapuram, It's known for its temples and Ans : (c) The mountain railways of India are the
monuments built by the Pallava dynasty in the 7th and railway lines that were built in the mountains of India.
8th centuries. It was named after Pallava king Three of them, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, the
Narsimhavarman I, who was also known as Mahabali Nilgiri Mountain Railway and the Kalka - Shimla
and Kanchipuram was the capital of Pallava dynasty. It Railway, are collectively called as a UNESCO World
is famous for temples in form of chariots and the shore Heritage Site under the name 'Mountain Railway of
temple dedicated to Siva. Thanjavur is famous for India'.
Brihadishvara Temple. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway received the World
1019. In March 2016, which of the following Heritage Site tag first in 1999 followed by the Nilgiri
biosphere reserve was included in UNESCO mountain railway is 2005.
World Network of Biosphere Reserves? The Kalka- Shimla Railway received the honor in 2008.
(a) Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve The Toy Train is a nickname of Darjeeling Himalayan
Railway. It is a narrow-gauge railway that links the
(b) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Siliguri and Darjeeling.
(c) Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
1022. What is the name of the famous church located
(d) Simlipal Biosphere Reserve
in Goa where the Mummy of St. Francis
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III)
Xavier is kept and it is also in the list of
Ans : (a) Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve became part UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
of World Network of Biosphere Reserves of UNESCO's (a) Basilica of Bom Jesus
in 2016. It is located in the Southernmost end of the (b) Our Lady of the Mount
Western Ghats and it is located in both Kerala and
(c) Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tamil Nadu state. It is the habitat of 2000 varieties of
(d) Saint Mary's Basilica
medical plants, of which at least 50 are rare and
endangered species. RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is located in Tamil Nadu. Ans : (a) The Basilica of Bom Jesus is a Roman
Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve is in Uttarakhand and catholic basilica located in Goa. It is a part of the
Simlipal Biosphere Reserve is located in Mayurbhanj Churches and convents of Goa UNESCO World
district of Odisha. There are 18 biosphere reserves in Heritage Site and holds the mortal remains of St.
India. Francis Xavier. It was made by Portuguese.
The Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, more
1020. Find the odd one out in relation to the World
commonly known as Mount Mary Church is located in
Heritage Site.
Mumbai. St. Mary's Basilica is located in Bangalore.
(a) Rashtrapati Bhavan
1023. The World Heritage Site Basilica of Bom Jesus
(b) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
is located in which state?
(c) Taj Mahal
(a) Goa (b) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Sun Temple
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) Rashtrapati Bhavan (Delhi) is not included in
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
the World Heritage Site of UNESCO whereas the
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Mumbai), Taj Mahal 1024. Which among the following place is not
(Agra) and Sun Temple (Konark Odisha) were included included in the list of UNESCO World
in World Heritage Sites of UNESCO in 2004, in 1983, Heritage Site in India?
and in 1984 respectively. (a) Rani Ki Vav, Gujarat
Konark Sun Temple which is based in Odisha is (b) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal, Maharashtra
depicted on the reverse side of the Indian currency note (c) Bhimbetka Caves, Madhya Pradesh
of Rs. 10 to signify its important to Indian Cultural (d) Bara Imambara, Uttar Pradesh
Heritage. RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
Ans : (d) Bara Imambara is not listed in UNESCO 1028. The Victoria Memorial Monument work as__.
World Heritage Site. It is based in the Lucknow of Uttar (a) A Railway station
Pradesh. It was built by Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula in 1784 (b) A Art gallery
and its designer was Kifayat-ullah who is said to be a (c) A Centre of education
relative of the architect of the Taj Mahal. (d) A Museum
Rani Ki Vav is a step well situated in the town of Patan RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
in Gujarat. It is located on the banks of Saraswati River.
Ans : (d) The Victoria Memorial is a Museum which is
Its construction is attributed to Udayamati, queen of the
situated in Kolkata, West Bengal, which was built
11th century Solanki dynasty and spouse of Bhima I.
between 1906 and 1921. It was dedicated to the Queen
Bhimbetka rock shelters exhibits the earliest traces of
human life in India and evidence of stone age starting at
the site and referred to as a Buddhist site as well. 1029. The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is a
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus is located in UNESCO World Heritage Site located in–
Mumbai. It was designed by British born architectural (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh
engineer Frederick William Stevens. Now it is the (c) Uttarakhand (d) Chhattisgarh
headquarters of India's Central Railway. RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
1025. Which of the following sites was added to the Ans : (a) The Khajuraho group of monuments is a
list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in July group of Hindu temples and Jain temples in Chhatarpur
2016? district of Madhya Pradesh. The temples are famous for
(a) Kanchenjunga National Park, Sikkim their nagra-style architectural symbolism and their
(b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex, Bodhgaya erotic sculptures. The temple were built between 885
(c) Kaziranga wildlife Sanctuary AD and 1050 AD by the Chandela dynasty. The temples
(d) Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur were given the World Heritage Site status in 1986.
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-I) Stage IInd 1030. Which two Indian cities were added to the
Ans : (a) Kanchenjunga National Park is located in creative city network of UNESCO in December
Sikkim. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage 2015?
Sites list in July 2016, becoming the first 'Mixed (a) Varanasi and Jaipur
Heritage' site of India. (b) Ayodhya and Gwalior
Mahabodhi Temple complex, Bodhgaya is located in (c) Dwarka and Vallabhi
Bihar. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is an (d) Madurai and Ujjain
ancient Buddhist temple, built to mark the site where RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. Ans : (a) Two Indian cities, Varanasi and Jaipur on 11th
Keibul Lamjao National Park is based in Manipur. It is December 2015 have added to the creative city network
the only floating park in the world. of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural
1026. Which of the following site was listed as World Organization (UNESCO) for the first time ever.
Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2016? Varanasi is UNESCO city of music while Jaipur is the
(a) Mountain Railway of India city of crafts and Folk Arts.
(b) Western Ghats 1031. Which of the following site has not been
(c) Kanchenjunga National Park selected by UNESCO as a World Heritage
(d) Chharapati Shivaji Terminal - Mumbai Site?
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage IInd (a) Matheran Hill Station
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. (b) Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Station
1027. Victoria Memorial Hall, a UNESCO World (c) Kalka Shimla Railway Line
Heritage Site is located in which city of India? (d) Nilgiri Mountain Railway.
(a) Mumbai (b) Chennai RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Kolkata (d) Delhi Ans : (a) Matheran is a hill station in the state of
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist Maharashtra. It is one of the smallest hill stations in
Ans : (c) The Victoria Memorial, one of the top India. It is located on the Western Ghats range at an
historical places in Kolkata, is the brainchild of Lord elevation of around 800 meter above sea level. It is
Curzon, a Viceroy of India. When Queen Victoria, who Asia's only automobile-free hill station but it is not
was the Empress of British India, died in January 1901, included in the World Heritage Site list of UNESCO.
Curzon suggested the creation of a grand memorial to UNESCO added Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Kalka-
honor her. It was designed by William Emerson. Queen Shimla Railway line and Nilgiri Mountain Railway to
Victoria became the figure head of India after the Sepoy World Heritage Site list in 1999, in 2008 and in 2005
Mutiny of 1857 and ruled till her death. respectively.
1032. The World Heritage Site having the Name) Act in 1948. It is also a legal deposit Library of
architectural work of Le Corbusier is located India, where books published in the country are
in– deposited under Delivery of Books Act, 1954.
(a) Kochi (b) Chandigarh 1036. India's 'Statue of Unity' is situated in the state
(c) Goa (d) Puducherry of:
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (b) Chandigarh is the one of the beautiful city in (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra
India. It was designed by the Swiss-French modernist RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
architect Le Corbusier. Apart from the city's Ans. (a) : In 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
architecture and buildings he designed like Capitol inaugurated the 'Statue of Unity'. It is located in the
complex, High Court, Secretariat, Legislative Assembly Gujarat on the bank of Narmada River in the Kevadiya
and giant Open Hand Monument. It is also famous for Colony, facing the Sardar Sarovar Dam. It was built in
its clean roads and greenery. It was added to the honour of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. It is the tallest
UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 2016. statue in the world. It is at a height of 182 m and is 23 m
1033. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Rani-Ki- taller than China's spring Temple Buddha statue and
Vav is located at– almost double the height of 'Statue of Liberty' (93 m) in
(a) Shimla, Himachal Pradesh USA.
(b) Patan, Gujarat 1037. 'Amar Jawan Jyoti' was established under
(c) Konark, Odisha ............. in? January 1972.
(d) Jodhpur Rajasthan (a) Gateway of India
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (b) Wagah Border
Ans : (b) 'Rani ki Vav' is located in the town of Patan in (c) India Gate
Gujarat. This was the best example of water (d) Jaisalmer war Memorial
management in ancient India. It was declared a RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. It is featured on Ans. (c) : The Amar Jawan Jyoti is an Indian memorial
the new Rs. 100 note by RBI. It is located on the banks constructed after the Indo-Pak War of December 1971.
of the Saraswati River; this is one of the oldest and It burns day & night under the arc of India Gate as a
finest step wells and is remarkably preserved. tribute to the Indian martyrs. Prime Minister Indira
1034. Which of the following city is architecturally Gandhi first paid homage to Indian Soldiers at India
planned city? Gate on the eve of 23rd Republic Day on 26 January
(a) New Delhi (b) Bengaluru 1972. Now, the government has put out the eternal
(c) Mumbai (d) Chandigarh flame of the Amar Jawan Jyoti underneath India Gate
and merged it with the one instituted at the national war
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
memorial in 2019 a few hundred meters away.
Ans : (d) Chandigarh was one of the early planned cities in
1038. The Kedarnath temple is located in the ............
post independence India and is internationally known for
district of Uttarakhand.
its architecture and urban design. The master plan of the
(a) Haridwar (b) Tehri Garhwal
city was prepared by Swiss French architect Le Corbusier.
(c) Rudraprayag (d) Uttarkashi
The word Chandigarh literally means Chandi Garh or fort
of Goddess Chandi, a name derived from a temple situated RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
nearby in Panchakula. Administratively, It falls under Ans. (c) : Kedarnath temple is located in Rudraprayag
central government of India as union territory and is the district of Uttarakhand. It is one of the most Paramount
capital of both states of Haryana and Punjab. location for worshipers of Shiva. Badrinath temple is
located in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. It is one of
11. World Famous Places the four sites in India's Char Dham Pilgrimage.
1039. In which Indian state "Namdroling
Monastery" is located
1035. The National Library of India is situated at? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Sikkim
(a) Kolkata (b) New Delhi (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Karnataka
(c) Chennai (d) Mumbai RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : Namdroling Monastery is located in Mysuru
Ans. (a) : The National Library of India is located in district of Karnataka. It is the largest teaching centre of
Belvedere Estate, Alipore, Kolkata, India. It is India's the school of Tibetan Buddhism known as Nyingmapa.
largest library by volume and public record. The It is spread over an area of 80 square feet and was built
National Library came into being in the place of the from Bamboo which was donated by the Indian
Imperial Library by the Imperial Library (Change of Government to the Tibetans in exile.
1040. Which continent have the highest number of (c) Arunachal Pradesh
World Heritage Sites? (d) Jammu and Kashmir
(a) Asia (b) Europe RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) South America (d) Australia Ans : (b) The highest post office in the world is located
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III) in Hikkim village of Himachal Pradesh It is situated at
Ans : (b) Europe continent has the highest World an elevation of 4400 meter (14,400 ft). India has the
Heritage Site. The list of World Heritage Sites is given largest postal network with around 156000 branches in
by UNESCO. As of July 2021, a total number of 1154 the world.
World Heritage Sites exist across 167 countries with 1045. Peter's Square is located in which of the
897 cultural, 218 natural and 39 mixed properties. following country?
China and Italy are the countries with the most sites on (a) Athens (b) Berlin
the list.
(c) Washington (d) Vatican City
UNESCO mission is to promote cooperation among
nations to protect heritage around the world that is of RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
such outstanding universal value that its conservation is Ans : (d) St. Peter's Square is a large plaza, located
important for current and future generations. directly in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican
1041. ..................is a religious city located in the state City. The Vatican city is the smallest independent state
of Maharashtra, India? in the world and resisdence of the spiritual leadership of
(a) Shirdi (b) Rajgir the Roman Catholic Church. It is situated in Europe
continent. Its territory is surrounded by the Italian
(c) Somnath (d) Kushinagar
capital city Rome. Its capital is Vatican City and
RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-II)
currency is Euro.
Ans : (a) Shirdi is a town in the state of Maharashtra. It
is known as the home of reverend spiritual leader Sai 1046. Kurukshetra, the famous battle field
Baba and as a major pilgrimage site. Devotees gather mentioned in epic Mahabharata is located near
daily at the Sai Baba Temple complex to honor his ____.
legacy. (a) Rawalpindi (b) Meerut
1042. Where is Tawang Monastery located? (c) New Delhi (d) Ambala City
(a) Assam (b) Nagaland RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Mizoram Ans : (d) The battle-field of the Mahabharata,
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Kurukshetra located in Haryana, 50 km to the east of
Ans : (c) Tawang Monastery is located in Tawang city the Ambala city in Haryana. It is known for the battle
of Tawang district in the Indian state of Arunachal between the Kauravas and Pandavas in the
Pradesh. It is the largest monastery in India and second Mahabharata. It is believed that this is the place where
largest in the world after the Potala Place in Lhasa, Krishna recited Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. According to
Tibet. It is an important pilgrim center for the followers legend, it was named after the king Kuru, who was from
of Buddhism. It was founded by Mera Lama Lodre the Bharat Dynasty and was the ancestor of Pandavas
Gyasto in 1680. and Kauravas in Mahabharata.
1043. India's largest post office is situated in which 1047. In which of the following city is Indira Gandhi
city? Memorial Tulip garden situated?
(a) Bengaluru (b) Chennai (a) Chandigarh (b) Mysore
(c) Mumbai (d) Hyderabad (c) Srinagar (d) Darjeeling
RRB JE - 29/05/2019 (Shift-II) RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) India's biggest post office also known as Ans : (c) Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip garden is
General Post Office is located in Mumbai and it is the located in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is
central post office of the city of Mumbai. It was formed spread over an area of about 30 hectares and is situated
in 1794 in the vicinity of Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. on the foothills of Zabarwan Range with an overview of
India's earliest postal system was started by Lord Clive Dal lake. It is Asia's largest Tulip garden with a new
in 1766. During the rule of Warren Hastings, Governor high-tech cold storage facility for safekeeping of
General of British India, the post office was first delicate tulip bulbs.
established on 31 March 1774 at Calcutta, followed in
1778 at Madras and 1792 at Bombay. 1048. Where is the Vivekananda Rock Memorial
1044. Where is the world's highest post-office
located? (a) Cochin (b) Kolkata
(a) Assam (c) Kanyakumari (d) Chennai
(b) Himanchal Pradesh RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is located in Ans : (b) The Golden Temples of Dambulla is also
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. It is a popular tourist known as Dambulla cave temple is a World Heritage
monument in Kanyakumari and was built in 1970 in Site and located in Sri Lanka. It symbolizes the great
honour of Swami Vivekananda. He delivered an iconic Buddhist Culture in ancient Sri Lanka.
and eloquent speech at the Chicago convention of
parliament of religions on September 11 in 1893. 1053. Famous Canton Tower is located in which
Introducing Hinduism to the world, he spoke about country?
intolerance, religion and the need to end all forms of (a) China (b) Turkey
fanaticism. (c) Kuwait (d) Dubai
1049. Which village in Shivamogga district of RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Karnataka uses Sanskrit in everyday
conversation? Ans : (a) Canton Tower is situated in the Haizhu district
(a) Jhiri of Guangzhou, China. It has height of 604 meters,
(b) Ganoda making it the second tallest tower in the world after
(c) Mattur Tokyo Skytree (Tokyo Japan). It has Height of 634 m.
(d) Shyamsundarpur 1054. Where is Angkor Archaeological Park
RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist situated?
Ans : (c) Mattur is a village near the city of Shivamogga in (a) Cambodia (b) Thailand
Karnataka state, known for the usage Sanskrit for day-to- (c) Myanmar (d) Nepal
day communication, although the general language of the
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
state is Kannada. It is a tiny hamlet on the banks of the
perennial river Tunga. Sanskrit is the primary sacred Ans : (a) Angkor Archaeological Park is situated in
language of Hinduism, and has been used as a northern Cambodia. It is one of the most important
philosophical language in the religions of Hinduism, archaeological sites in southeast asia. It is home to the
Buddhism, and Jainism. magnificent temple ruins of Angkor. The temples ruins
1050. Which of these places was founded by Guru contained between the 9th and 12th century AD in the
Ramdas in 1577? pinnacle of ancient Khmer architecture, art and
(a) Amritsar (b) Ludhiana civilization of Khmer Empire.
(c) Chandigarh (d) Jalandhar
1055. Where is the world's largest statue of Jesus
RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) Amritsar is the largest and most important city
(a) Brazil (b) Mexico
in Punjab state of India. It is historically also known as
Ramdaspur. It was founded by Guru Ramdas, the fourth (c) Italy (d) Peru
Sikh Guru in the Sikh tradition. He constructed a pool RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
here and founded Golden temple which was completed Ans : (b) The largest statue of Jesus Christ, Cristo Rey,
by his successor Guru Arjan Dev. height 20.5 meter (67 feet) is situated in the state of
1051. Where is the 'forbidden city' located? Guanajuato in Mexico. It was completed in 1944 and
(a) Vietnam (b) Myanmar bears the hallmarks of the Art Deco movement.
(c) Greece (d) China
1056. In which country is Golden Rock Pagoda
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Forbidden City is imperial palace complex
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Myanmar
at the heart of Beijing (Peking), China. it was
commissioned in 1406 by the Yongle emperor of the (c) Nepal (d) China
Ming dynasty, it was first officially occupied by the RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
court in 1420. It was so named because access to the Ans : (b) Golden Rock Pagoda, also called the
area was barred to most of the subjects of the realm. Kyaiktiyo Pagoda is one of the most sacred Buddhist
Government functionaries and even the imperial sites. It is located near Kyaikto in Mon state of
family were permitted only limited access; the emperor Myanmar. The country is also known as Burma and
alone could enter any section at will. The 178-acre (72-
called the Golden land. Its capital city is Naypyidaw
hectares) compound was designated a UNESCO World
and its largest city is Yangon (Rangoon).
Heritage Site in 1987.
1052. Where is the Golden temple of Dambulla 1057. The World Heritage Site Pashupatinath
located? Temple is located_____.
(a) Amritsar (b) Sri Lanka (a) Peshawar (b) Kabul
(c) Indonesia (d) Malaysia (c) Kathmandu (d) Multan
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) The Pashupatinath Temple is a famous and 1063. Which of the following was built by ancient
sacred Hindu temple complex that is located on the Incas city of petra?
banks of the Bagmati river, approximately 5 km (a) Petra city (b) Hagia Sophia
northeast of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. It is (c) Machu Pichhu (d) Arcopolis
inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site's list. It RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
is dedicated to Lord Shiva and was built by Licchavi
Ans : (c) Machu Picchu was built by ancient Inca
king Prachanda Dev in the 5th century and later
Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
renovated by Malla kings.
declared by UNESCO in 1983. It is a 15th century Inca
1058. Where is 'Fountain of Wealth' located? citadel located in the Eastern cordillera of southern
(a) Singapore (b) Thailand Peru.
(c) Saudi Arabia (d) London
1064. Where is the World Heritage Site and
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II) historical sanctuary of Machu Picchu?
Ans : (a) The ‘Fountain of Wealth’ was listed in the (a) China (b) Japan
Guinness Book of World Records in 1998 as the largest (c) Victnam (d) Peru
fountain in the world. It is located in the hub of one of
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I)
Singapore's largest shopping malls, the Sun Tec City.
At present the world's largest fountain is 'Palm Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
Fountain' of Dubai in UAE. 1065. 'Kaaba' most sacred place in Islam located in
1059. Temple Trees, is the official residence of the Mecca is also known by the name _____.
Prime Minister of which of the following (a) Masjid-Al-Haram
countries? (b) Masjid-Al- Emir-Abdelkadir
(a) Nepal (b) Myanmar (c) Abu Darwish Mosque
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Bangladesh (d) Mazar-e-Sharif
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I) RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Temple Trees, is the official residence of the Ans : (a) Masjid-Al-Haram is a mosque that completely
Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. It is located in Colombo. encircles 'Kaaba' the holiest site of Islam. It is located in
1060. Where is Notre-Dame Cathedral located? the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia and it is the largest
(a) California (b) Leeds mosque in the world's.
(c) Belgium (d) Paris
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 12. Famous Personalities
Ans : (d) Notre- Dame Cathedral is situated in Paris,
capital of France. It is also called Notre- Dame de Paris. 1066. Who said the following sentence?
It is one of the first examples of French gothic "What's in a name? That which we call a Rose
architecture. by any other name smell as sweet"
1061. Which is the most energy efficient city in the (a) Catherine Wells
world? (b) Willian Dafoe
(a) Vancouver (b) Reykjavik (c) William Shakespeare
(c) Denmark (d) Malmo (d) Edmund Mallon
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB Group-D 12-11-2018 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Raykjavik is the capital and largest city of Ans. (c) : William Shakespeare used the quotation
Iceland. It is the most energy efficient city in the world. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any
It relies on renewable hydropower and geothermal other would smell as sweet." in his play Romeo and
plants. Juliet. He was an English dramatist, Poet, and actor. He
1062. Basilica of Bom Jesus is located in............ . is considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all
(a) Fort Kochi (b) Goa time. His important works are Romeo and Juliet, Julius
(c) Mumbai (d) Chennai Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, etc.
RRB Group-D 27-11-2018 (Shift-I) 1067. Who is the proponent and the propagandist of
Ans. (b) : The Basilica of Bom Jesus is a Roman 'Art of Living'.
catholic basilica located in Goa. It was commissioned (a) Pandit Ravi Shankar
by the religious order of the Jesuit, Its construction (b) Swaminarayan
began in 1594 and the church was consecrated in 1605. (c) Sahajanand Swami
It was built specifically to house the relics of St. Francis (d) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Xavier. RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the proponent and the Ans : (c) In July 20, 1969, the American astronaut Neil
propagandist of 'Art of Living'. He is a spiritual leader Armstrong put his left foot on the lunar surface and
and founder of the Art of Living foundation (founded famously declared, "That's one small step for man, one
1982), which aims to relieve individual stress, societal giant leap for mankind."
problems and violence. It is a humanitarian and 1073. What is the name of 8th United Nations
educational Non Government Organization (NGO).
Secretary General?
1068. Banaras Hindu University which completed (a) B.V. Ghali (b) Kofi A. Annan
100 years in February 2016 was founded by__.
(c) Ban Ki-Moon (d) Dr. Jim Yoga kim
(a) Gulzari Lal Nanda
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Madan Mohan Malviya
(c) Jai Prakash Narayan Ans : (c) Ban Ki-Moon was the eighth Secretary-
(d) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan General of the United Nations. His tenure was from 1
January 2007 to 31 December 2016. Earlier he was the
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
foreign minister of South Korea. The current Secretary
Ans : (b) Madan Mohan Malviya was an Indian scholar, General of the United Nations is Antonio Guterres
educational reformer, and politician notable for his role in
(Portugal) He took up his charge as Ninth Secretary-
the Indian independence movement. He was respectfully
General on 1 January 2017.
addressed as Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and also
called as Mahamana. He strived to promote modern 1074. Who was the eighth Secretary-General of the
education among Indians and eventually cofounded UN?
Banaras Hindu University (BHU) at Varanasi in 1916. (a) Antonio Guterres (b) U Thant
He was posthumously conferred with Bharat Ratna, (c) Ban Ki-Moon (d) Kofi Annan
India's highest civilian award in 2014. RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
1069. Who among the following founded the Banaras Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
Hindu University?
1075. Ban Ki-Moon, the eighth Secretary General of
(a) Madan Mohan Malaviya
UN, is from
(b) Gopala Krishna Gokhale
(a) Japan (b) China
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) South Korea (d) North Korea
(d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
R.R.B. JE- Stage - II 31-08-2019 (Shift -I)
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
1070. Who was the first Indian bodybuilder to win 1076. UN Postal Administration issued a
the title of Mr. Universe? commemorative stamp of ____, the Indian
(a) Manohar Aich (b) Premchand music legend on the 2nd October 2016.
(c) Manotosh Roy (d) Molloy Roy (a) Pandit Ravi Shankar
RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-III) (b) R.D. Burman
(c) M.S. Subbulakshmi
Ans : (c) Monotosh Roy was the first Indian
bodybuilder, who held the Mr. Universe title in Group (d) Ustad Bismillah Khan
III Amateur Division in 1951. He was the first Indian RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-I)
and Asian to be awarded the Mr. Universe title. Ans : (c) On 2 October, 2016 the United Nations released
1071. Who is the only Indian to receive the highest a postal stamp on the 100th birth anniversary of
civilian award from both India and Pakistan? Karnataka music artist of India in honor of the late M.S.
(a) Indira Gandhi (b) Morarji Desai Subbulakshmi, valued at Rs. 79.83 (1.20$). She was the
(c) Charan Singh (d) V. P. Singh first Indian to perform at UN and the first musician to be
RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-III) awarded the Bharat Ratna.
Ans : (b) Morarji Desai is the only Indian to receive the 1077. Who was the first Indian to be elected as the
highest civilian award from both India and Pakistan. He President of the United Nations?
was also the fourth Prime Minister of India. He was (a) Vijaylakshmi (b) Indira Gandhi
conferred with pakistan's highest civilian award Nishan- (c) Annie Besant (d) Sarojini Naidu
E- Pakistan in 1990 and Bharat Ratna, India's highest RRB JE-25/05/2019 (Shift-II)
civilian award in 1991. Ans : (a) Vijaylakshmi Pandit was the first Indian to be
1072. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap elected as the President of the United Nations General
for mankind" has been said by whom? Assembly. She was the daughter of Motilal Nehru and
(a) Lindon (b) Riched Nixon sister of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the first Prime
(c) Neil Armstrong (d) Yuri Gagarin Minister of Independent India, her niece Indira Gandhi
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist the first female Prime Minister of India.
1078. Name the only US President who has also 1083. Which of the following films is directed by
served as the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Satyajit Ray?
Court? (a) Pyaasa (b) Mahal
(a) Lyndon B. Johson (c) Pather Panchali (d) Kora Kagaz
(b) Zachary Taylar RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) John Quincy Adams
Ans. (c) : Satyajit Ray was an Indian Bengali
(d) William Howard Taft filmmaker, widely regarded as one of the greatest
RRB ALP & Tec. (31-08-18 Shift-II) filmmakers of the 20th century. He directed many films,
Ans. (d) : William Howard Taft was elected the 27th including Pather Panchali, a 1955 Bengali language epic
president of United States (1909-1913) and later drama film. It is an adaptation of Bibhutibhushan
became the tenth chief justice of the United States Bandyopadhyay's 1919 Bengali novel of the same
(1921-1930) supreme court, the only person to have name, and marked Ray's directorial debut. This film
served in both of these office. The current president of won eleven international prizes, including the inaugural
US is Joe Biden.
Best Human Document award at the 1956 Cannes Film
1079. Who among the following Neelanjana Festival.
Sudeshna, known as the popular American
1084. Who founded the Visva Bharati which later
writer of Indian origin?
became a Central University?
(a) Sanjayan (b) Mali
(a) Sri Aurobindo
(c) Jhumpa Lahiri (d) Handanar
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Sarojini Naidu
Ans : (c) 'Nilanjana Sudeshna' Jhumpa Lahiri is an
American author known for her short stories, novel and (d) Rabindranath Tagore
essays in English. Interpeter of Maladies, the namesake RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
and the lowland are some book of Jhumpa Lahiri. Ans. (d) : Vishwa Bharti was established by
1080. Who is known by the nickname can't mis-swiss Rabindranath Tagore in 1929, which later became a
in Tennis? Central University. Till, 1947 it was an ordinary
(a) Sania Mirza college. And later on Parliament via Act of 1951
(b) Maria Shara Pova declared it as a Central University.
(c) Martina Hingis 1085. Who invented the word ‘Brexit’?
(d) Serena Williams (a) Peter Wilding (b) Gerard Batten
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) (c) Tommy Robinson (d) Nigel Farage
Ans. (c) : Martina Hingis is a swiss former professional RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
tennis players. She spent long time as the singles world Ans. (a) : Peter Wilding the chairman of British
No-1 and doubles world no-1 as well as. influence, invented the Word Brexit. Brexit was
1081. Vidyapati was a famous poet and writer of withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European
which of the following languages? Union on 31 January, 2020. EU was founded in 1993.
(a) Bhojpuri (b) Dogri
1086. Whose famous quote is this?
(c) Maithili (d) Marathi
''If you cry because the sun has gone out of
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
your life, your tears will prevent you from
Ans : (c) Vidyapati, also known by the Sobriquet seeing the stars.”
Maithili Kavi Kokil, was a Maithili and Sanskrit poet,
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
writer and polyglot. Vidyapat's influence was also
(b) Amrita Pritam
extended to other Eastern literary traditions.
(c) Sumitranandan Pant
1082. Which of following was given the title of "Lady
with a Lamp" (d) Sri Aurobindo
(a) Madam Cama RRB NTPC 17.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Florence Nightingale Ans. (a) : "If you cry because the sun has gone out of
(c) Annie Besant your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the
(d) Sarojini Naidu stars" is the greatest quote of Rabindranath Tagore. It is
RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage IInd significant that, Rabindranath Tagore, India's first
Ans : (b) Florence Nightingale was an English social Nobel laureate will always be remembered in India as
reformer statistician and the founder of modern nursing. his poetic composition reverberates in our hearts and
Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy in 1820. spirits in the form of our national anthem.
1087. She wrote in English as Kamala Das but when Ans. (c) : The Ulat Bansi are the compositions of
she wrote in her mother tongue what was the famous poet Kabir. These are intrinsically upside-down
name she used? sayings. They are written in a form in which everyday
(a) Arundhati Roy (b) Ambai meanings are inverted. They express difficulty in
(c) Madhavikutty (d) Vasanthi capturing the nature of the ultimate reality. They
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist express Kabir’s mystical experiences.
Ans. (c) : Kamala Das is an Indian author who wrote 1092. _______ built the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel at
openly and frankly about female sexual desire and the Mumbai by integrating Indian and European
experience of being an Indian woman. She wrote both styles.
in English (mostly poetry) and, under the pen name (a) Ratan Tata (b) RD Tata
Madhavikutty, in the Malayalam language of southern (c) Jamsetji Tata (d) JRD Tata
India. She received many Literary Awards, including RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Sahitya Academy Award (English) for Collected Ans. (c) : Jamsetji Tata built the Taj Mahal Palace
Poems in 1985. Hotel at Mumbai by intergating Indian and European
1088. "The United Nations was not created to take styles. The Taj Mahal Palace is a historic luxury hotel in
mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from Colaba district of Mumbai. It was inaugurated on 3
hell." Who said this? December, 1903.
(a) Kofi A Annan (b) Dag Hammarskjold 1093. Who coined the word “Artificial Intelligence”?
(c) U Thant (d) Kurt Waldheim (a) John McCarthy (b) David Bradley
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (c) John Berger (d) Charles Bachman
RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : "The United Nations was not created to take
mankind to heaven but to save humanity from hell". Ans. (a) : John McCarthy, who coined the term
This was said by Dag Hammaraskjold in speech in 'Artificial Intelligence' in 1956, defines it as 'the science
1954. Dag Hammarskjold was a Swedish economist and and engineering of making intelligent machines.'AI is
diplomat who was the second Secretary General of the 'the study and design of intelligent agents' where an
United Nations. His tenure was from 1953 to 1963. intelligent agent is a system that perceives its
environment and takes action which maximizes its
1089. Which is Satyajit Ray's famous film about the chances of success.
decline of the aristocratic zamindari style of
1094. Dr. Bindeswar Pathak is related to.
(a) Bachapan Bachao movement
(a) Pather Panchali (b) Apur Sansar
(b) Women movement
(c) Jalsaghar (d) Charulata
(c) Agriculture society
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Sulabh toilet movement
Ans. (c) : Satyajit Ray's 1958 Bengali film Jalsaghar, RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
usually translated as "The Music Room" is typically
Ans. (d) : Dr. Bindeswar Pathak is an Indian
taken to depict, broadly, the decadence and recline of
Sociologist & Social entrepreneurs. He is related to
aristocratic 'feudal' landowners (zamindars), who
Sulabh toilet movement. He is the founder of Sulabh
represent the languid past of the nobility, and the International. In 2018, he was honoured with Japan's
ascendance of a restless business oriented class that Prestigious Nikkei Asia Prize for his contribution to
represents an emerging present and possible future. Asia development.
1090. Who was the chairperson of the drafting 1095. Who led India's first expedition to the
committee of the Universal Declaration of Antarctic in 1982?
Human Rights(UDHR)? (a) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
(a) Rebecca Adami (b) Angela Juradak (b) Dr. Paramjit Singh
(c) Eleanor Roosevelt (d) Hansa Mehta (c) Dr. Zahoor Qasim
RRB NTPC 01.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (d) Dr. S Z Qasim
Ans. (c) : Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed as a RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
delegate to the United Nations General Assembly by Ans. (d) : Indian Antarctic expedition commenced in
United States President Harry S. Truman in 1945. He 1981 that reached Antarctic on 08 January 1982. It was
played an instrumental role in drafting the Universal led by Dr. S.Z. Qasim with a selected team of 21
Declaration of Human Rights. members. The first permanent research station "Dakshin
1091. Ulat Bansi is a distinct contribution of which Gangotri" was established in 1983 at 70.08ºS, 12.00º E
Bhakti poet? over the Ice shelf in Central Dronning Maud Land
(a) Tukaram (b) Nanak region. Currently, there are three permanent research
(c) Kabir (d) Surdas base stations in Antarctica, named Dakshin Gangotri
RRB NTPC 02.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (1983), Maitri (1988) and Bharati (2012).
1096. Kailash Satyarthi was the founder of: 1100. Who among the following is called 'Meera of
(a) Bachpan Bachao Andolan modern India"?
(b) Sabko Padhao Andolan (a) Kamala Das (b) Mahasweta Devi
(c) Stree Bachao Andolan (c) Aashapurna Devi (d) Mahadevi Verma
(d) Beti Padhao Andolan RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (d) : Mahadevi Verma is widely regarded as the
Ans. (a) : Kailash Satyarthi was the founder of Bachpan "Modern Meera". She is considered one of the four
major pillars of Chhayawadi era in Hindi literature. Her
Bachao Andolan. He founded the Bachpan Bachao
creations are as:- Nihar, Rashmi, Neerja, Sandhyageet
Andolan in 1980. Kailash Satyarthi was awarded the
& Path ke Sathi etc.
Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 along with Malala Yousafzai
for his struggle against the suppression of children and 1101. UNO's former Secretary General Kofi Annan
young people and right of children to education. The belongs from the African Country of ____.
book titled 'COVID-19: Crisis of Civilisation and (a) Egypt (b) Namibia
Solutions' is penned by Kailash Satyarthi. (c) Ghana (d) Kenya
RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1097. Nobel Laureate, Kailash Satyarthi is associated
with which of the following organization. Ans. (c) : Kofi Atta Annan was a Ghanaian diplomat
(a) Bachpan Bachao Andolan who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the
United Nations from January 1997 to December 2006.
(b) Child Relief and You
Annan and the UN were the co-recipients of the 2001
(c) SOS Village Nobel Peace Prize.He was the founder and chairman of
(d) Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao the Kofi Annan Foundation, as well as chairman of The
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Elders, an international organization founded by Nelson
Ans. (a) : Kailash Satyarthi was awarded with Nobel Mandela.
Peace Prize in 2014. He was awarded for his work 1102. The first Indian woman judge of the Supreme
against the suppression of children and for the right of Court of India was:
all children to education. Kailash Satyarthi founded (a) R Bhanumathi (b) Indu Malhotra
Bachpan Bachao Andolan in 1980 where all children (c) Indira Banerjee (d) Fathima Beevi
are free from exclusion and exploitation and receive RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
free education. Ans. (d) : M. Fathima Beevi is a former judge of the
1098. Who wrote the lyrical poem 'My Mother at Supreme Court of India. She appointd to the apex court
Sixty-Six'? in 1989. She became the first female judge to be a part
(a) Kamala Das of the Supreme Court of India and the first Muslim
(b) Ashokamitran woman to be appointed to any of the higher judiciaries
(c) Robert Frost in country.
(d) Rabindranath Tagore 1103. The first woman to swim the English Channel
RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist was:
(a) An Indian (b) A French
Ans. (a) : 'My Mother at Sixty Six', is a touching poem
(c) A British (d) An American
written by Indian poet Kamala Das who wrote under the
RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
pen name of 'Madhavikutty'. In this poem, she describes
her feeling of love and attachment towards her ageing Ans. (d) : Gertrude Ederle becomes first women (U.S.)
mother. to swim English Channel on August 6, 1926. She swim
21 miles from Dover, England to Cape Griz-Nez across
1099. What was the real name of the Hindi literary the English Channel, which separates Great Britain
writer Munshi Premchand? from the north western tip of France.
(a) Atmaram (b) Sachchidanand
1104. Which physician came to India and served in
(c) Dhanpat Rai (d) Nawab Rai the Bengal Medical service from 1794 to 1815
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist and also undertook pioneering survey
Ans. (c) : Premchand, pseudonym of Dhanpat Rai explorations in several diverse regions of India.
Srivastava, (born July 31, 1880, Lamhi, near Varanasi, (a) Francis Buchanan (b) Sir William Jones
India—died October 8, 1936, Varanasi), Indian author (c) William Bentinck (d) Warren Hastings
of novels and short stories in Hindi and Urdu who RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
pioneered in adapting Indian themes to Western literary Ans. (a) : Francis Buchanan (also known as Hamilton)
styles. undertook pioneering survey explorations in several
He is regarded as one of the foremost Hindi writers of diverse regions of the Indian subcontinent during his 20
the early twentieth century. His works include Godaan, years career as a surgeon naturalist with the British East
Karmabhoomi, Gaban, Mansarovar, Idgah. India Company.
1105. M.S. Swaminathan is ............. Ans : (c) Edwin Herbert Land was an American
(a) An agricultural scientist scientist and inventor, best known as the co-founder of
(b) An environmental scientist the polaroid corporation. He invented inexpensive
(c) An ornithologist filters for polarizing light. He is famous for number of
(d) Journalist patents registrar.
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 1109. What did Alfred Nobel , the founder of Alfred
Ans. (a) : M.S. Swaminathan is an agricultural scientist Nobel prize. invented?
of India. He was born in 1925, Tamil Nadu. He is (a) Compass (b) Dynamite
renowned for his leading role in India's "Green (c) Penicillin (d) Light Bulb
Revolution". In recognition of his outstanding RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
contributions, he was awarded the first world food Ans : (b) Alfred Nobel is best known for his invention
prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award and many other of dynamite and an explosive device called a blasting
national and international honours. cap, which inaugurated the modern use of high
1106. Who was the first Indian poet who was invited explosive. He also founded the Nobel Prize.
to record his poems at the Library of Congress 1110. Who is called the father of Hindi theatre of
located in Washington DC? India?
(a) Vinay Kumar (a) Raja Harish Chandra
(b) Ravindra Bhattacharya (b) Dada Saheb Phalke
(c) Gopalakrishna Adiga (c) Bhartendu Harish Chandra
(d) Abhay K (d) Prithvi raj Kapoor
RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB J.E. -2014
Ans. (d) : Indian poet-diplomat Abhay K. has become Ans : (b) Dada Saheb Phalke is called the father of
Hindi theater of India.
the first Indian poet invited to record his poems at the
Library of Congress in Washington D.C. in 'The Poet 1111. Who is considered the grand old lady of
and the Poem' series conducted by poet Grace Bollywood?
Cavalieri. He is the author of a Memoir and Seven (a) Zohra Sehgal
collections of poems including 'The Seduction of (b) Nargis
Delhi' (2014), 'The Eight-eyed Lord of Kathmandu' (c) Suriya
(2017) and 'The Prophecy of Brasilia' (2018). The (d) Madhubala
prestigious reading series recorded at the Library of RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Congress since 1997. Ans : (a) Legendary actress Zohra Sehgal, who essayed
1107. Who is known as the 'Missile Man of India'? character roles with aplomb in a career spanning both
(a) Bhisham Sahni theatre and cinema, died on 10 July 2014 in New Delhi.
(b) K Sivan She was 102 years old. He was born in Muslim family.
(c) CV Raman 1112. Ben Kingsley is associated with __
(d) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam organization.
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Pop Music (b) Astronaut
Ans. (d) : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is known as the (c) Scientific Research (d) Motion picture
Missile Man of India for his contribution to the RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
development of India's missile projects. India became Ans : (d) Ben Kingsley is an English actor. Throughout his
Nuclear power country in his supervision. He was the career spanning over 5 decades, he is best known for
chief scientific adviser to the Prime Minister between playing the role of Mohandas Gandhi in 1982 film Gandhi
1992 to 1999. He was the head of several nuclear test atfor which he received the Oscar for best Actor.
Pokharan, Rajasthan. Dr. Kalam was awarded with 1113. In Ramanand Sagar's TV series Ramayana who
India's highest civilian honour Bharat Ratna in 1997. played role of Sita (1986-88)?
1108. American scientist Edwin Land was famous (a) Dipika Chikhalia (b) Aparajita
for– (c) Padma Khanna (d) Anjali Vyas
(a) The invention of radar RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Discovery of helium on the surface of the sun Ans :(a) Dipika Chikhalia Topiwala is a Indian actress
(c) Number of patents registered known for playing Devi Sita in Ramanand Sagar's
(d) Krypton discovered television serial Ramayan and for acting in other TV
st serials.
RRB NTPC Stage I 30.04.2016 (Shift-II)
1114. Which of the following has won an Oscar for 1119. Which political leader of India popularly
dance direction? known as 'Chacha'?
(a) A.R. Rahman (b) Guru Datt (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Satyajit Ray (d) Gulzar (b) Subhash Chandra Bose
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : (c) Satyajit Ray was an Indian film director (d) Mahatma Gandhi
scriptwriter documentry, filmmaker author, lyricist RRB JE - 28/05/2019 (Shift-I)
editor and music composer. He was awarded by Bharat Ans : (c) Jawaharlal Nehru was the first and longest
Ratna (1992) and Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1984, serving Prime Minister of India. He was fondly
A.R. Rahman was awarded with Oscar for music. addressed as "Chacha Nehru" by kids. He was known
1115. ................. was the director of the 1928 film for his affection towards kids so his birth anniversary
celebrated as Bal Diwas, Children's Day, every year on
November 14 across India. He was born on 14
(a) Naresh Mitra (b) Dilip Kumar
November 1889 in Allahabad during British India.
(c) Prithviraj Kapoor (d) Guru Datt
1120. Name the character in Mahabharata who was
RRB Group-D 10-10-2018 (Shift-III)
blessed with the 'divine vision' to see the
Ans : (a) The 1928 film 'Devdas' was based on Sarat Mahabharata battle and explain it scence by
Chandra Chattopadhyay's novel Devdas. It was a silent scene to the blind king Dhritarashtra.
film directed by Naresh Mitra. The film was shot in (a) Dushala (b) Balrama
Kolkata, India. (c) Sanjaya (d) Vidura
1116. Indian film director Gurudutt's real name RRB ALP & Tec. (31-08-18 Shift-I)
was? Ans : (c) Sanjaya was blessed with divine vision by
(a) Vasanth Kumar Shivshankar Padukone Veda Vyasa, so he could see everything that went on in
(b) Shambhunath Padukone the battle, so he could report the events to the blind
(c) Prabhakar Padukone King Dhritarastra. He was the charioteer and advisor of
(d) Basant Padukone blind King Dhritarastra.
RRB Group-D 19-09-2018 (Shift-I) 1121. Who is the youngest Indian girl to climb Mount
Ans : (a) Indian film director Gurudutt's real name was Everest?
Vasanth Kumar Shivashankar Padukone. Gurudutt was (a) Dipika Rathore
an Indian film director, Producer and actor. He made (b) Bachhendri Pal
1950's and 60's classic such as Pyaasa and Kaagaz Ke (c) Shivangi Pathak
Phool etc. He was born in 9 July, 1925. (d) Premlata Agrawal
1117. Who is the editor in chief of the news channel RRB Group-D 16-10-2018 (Shift-II)
'Times Now'? Ans : (c) India's Shivangi Pathak has become youngest
(a) Rahul Shivashankar (b) Ravish Kumar women of the country to scale Mount Everest from
(c) Arnab Goswami (d) Sonia Singh Nepal side. At age 16, she made history to climb the
world's highest peak, Mount Everest. She hails from
RRB Group-D 16-10-2018 (Shift-III)
Hisar in Haryana. Bacchendri Pal is an Indian
Ans : (a) 'Times now' is an English news channel based mountaineer, who become the first Indian women to
in Mumbai. It is broadcast in India, Singapore and U.S.A. reach the summit of Mount Everest.
The channel launched on 23 January, 2006 in Partnership 1122. ................ was proclaimed a saint by Pope
with Reuters. Francis in a Vatican ceremony on 4 September
1118. Who created comic strip Calvin and Hobbes? 2016.
(a) Bob Marley (b) Chuck Jones (a) Mother Teresa (b) Sister Florence
(c) Tex Avery (d) Bill Watterson (c) Saint Mary (d) Sister Nirmala
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB Group-D 25-09-2018 (Shift-III)
Ans: (d) Calvin and Hobbes is a popular children's Ans. (a) Mother Teresa was an Roman Catholic nun and
comic strip that discussed topics such as life, live, missionary. She was born in Macedonia. After living in
relationship and various insightful humors. It is a daily Macedonia for eighteen years, she moved to Ireland and
American comic strip developed by cartoonist Bill then to India, where she voluntarily assumed Indian
Watterson that was syndicated from 1985 to 1995. Citizenship in 1948 AD. For her humanitarian work in
Commonly cited as "the last great newspaper comic". It India, she was awarded India's highest civilian award,
has enjoyed broad and enduring popularity, influence the Bharat Ratna in 1980. She was declared a saint by
and academic and philosophical interest. Pope Francis in Vatican ceremony in 2016.
1123. Who established the "Humanity Hospital" Ans : (a) Eknath Easwaran said that "Patience can't be
having toiled as a vegetable vendor, house help acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle.
and Labourer all her life? Every day you need to work on it." He was an Indian-
(a) Shila Majumdar born spiritual teacher, author, as well as a translator and
(b) Subasini Mistry interpreter of Indian religious texts such as the
(c) Anu Mondal Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads.
(d) Sujja Dutta 1127. Who among the following scientists acquired
RRB Group-D 10-10-2018 (Shift-III) Indian citizenship?
Ans : (b) Subasini Mistry built a charitable hospital (a) J.B.S. Haldane
called "Humanity Hospital" for the poor at Hanspukur (b) Charles Darwin
village of West Bengal in 1996. In recognition of her (c) Harold C. Urey
social work, in 2018, the Government of India awarded
(d) Stanley N. Miller
her the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian
award. She was also among one of the 12 recipients of RRB Group-D 11-10-2018 (Shift-II)
the Women transforming India Awards in 2017. Ans : (a) John Burdon Sanderson Haldane was a
1124. Who among the following is popular as British scientist known for his works in physiology,
"Mozart of Madras"? genetics, evolutionary biology and mathematics. He
(a) Bhardwaj was interested in Hinduism and became a vegetarian. In
(b) Ilaiyaraaja July 1957, he moved to India and applied for Indian
(c) Aniruddh Ravichandar citizenship which granted in 1961.
(d) A.R. Rahman 1128. Early Rock Music was recorded and
RRB Group-D 04-10-2018 (Shift-II) promoted by ............, a Memphis music
RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-III) producer.
Ans. (d) A.R. Rahman is popularly known as "Mozart (a) Jim Morrison (b) Eddie Vedder
of Madras" Time magazine dubbed him "the Mozart of (c) Johnny Cash (d) Sam Phillips
Madras" and placed him in its list of the world's 100 RRB Group-D 06-12-2018 (Shift-III)
most influential people in 2009. He is musician, singer Ans. (d) : Early Rock music was recorded and promoted by
and his most famous film Slumdog Millionaire earned Sam Phillips. He was an American record producer who
him BAFTA, Golden Globe, Academy and Grammy played an important role in the emergence of rock and roll
awards. as the major form of popular music in 1950s. He was the
1125. The famous activist Irom Chanu Sharmila is founder of Sun Records and Sun Studio in Memphis,
known as the Iron lady of _____. Tennessee, where he produced recording by Elvis Presley,
(a) Manipur Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash.
(b) Tripura 1129. Who was Benazir Bhutto?
(c) Nagaland (a) 11th P.M. of Pakistan
(d) Mizoram (b) 2nd P.M. of Pakistan
RRB Group-D 27-09-2018 (Shift-I) (c) 5th President of Pakistan
Ans. (a) Irom Chanu Sharmila is known as the 'Iron (d) 8th President of Pakistan
Lady of Manipur', which is located on the north-eastern
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
side of India. She was on hunger strike demanding to
the Indian Government to repeal of AFSPA (Armed Ans : (a) Benazir Bhutto was Pakistan politician who
Forces Special Power Act, 1958). Which grants special served as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990
power to the Indian Armed Forces in disturbed areas. and again from 1993 to 1996. She was the first women to
She ended the fast on 9 August 2016, After 16 years head a democratic government in Muslim majority
long hunger strike. country. She was assassinated in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on
1126. Who said "Patience can't be acquired overnight. 27 Dec, 2007.
It is just like building up a muscle. Every day 1130. The Tibetan Buddhist monk who unified
you need to work on it"? Bhutan as a Nation?
(a) Eknath Easwaran (a) Ygyen Wangchuck
(b) Akhil Sharma (b) Ngawang Namgyal
(c) Indresh Shah (c) Ngawang Gyaltsen
(d) Dinesh D. Souza (d) Jigme Wangchuck
RRB Group-D 15-11-2018 (Shift-I) RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651) was the 1135. What is India's famous comic series launched
Tibetan Buddhist monk who unified Bhutan as a by Anant Pai called?
Nation. Bhutan was established on 17 December, 1907. (a) Raj Comics (b) Amar Chitra katha
Bhutan is one of the only a few countries which has (c) Jhankaar (d) Chandamama
been independent throughout his history, never RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
occupied or conquered.
Ans : (b) Anant Pai, Popularly known a uncle Pai; he
1131. Who was 'Charles Correa'? was an Indian educationalist and a pioneer in Indian
(a) A famous Play writer comics. He is most famous as the creator of two comic
(b) A famous poet book series viz. Amar Chitra Katha, which retold
(c) A famous film maker traditional Indian folk tales, mythological stories, and
(d) A famous Architect biographies of historical characters, and Tinkle, a
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Children's anthology.
Ans : (d) Charles Mark Correa was an Indian architect 1136. Who is the father of experimental psychology?
and urban planner. Credited with the creation of modern (a) James Mckeen Caltell
architecture in post-independent India. Jawahar Kala (b) Sigmund Freud
Kendra, Bharat Bhawan, Sabarmati Ashram, Gandhi (c) Wilhelm Wundt
Smarak, British Council, India and Kanchanjunga
(d) Gustav Fechner
Apartment are famous structures made by Charles
Correa. RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
1132. Who was a 'Confucius'? Ans : (c) Wilhelm Wundt a German professor, know
(a) A staple cook of Tibet today as one of the founders of modern psychology
Wundt, who distinguished psychology as a science from
(b) A Chinese Philosopher
philosophy and biology, was the first person ever to call
(c) A famous spring and autumn painter in China
himself a psychologist.
(d) Korean feudalist
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 1137. The structure of Indian parliament House
located in New Delhi was designed by ____ .
Ans : (b) Confucius was Chinese philosopher and he
(a) Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker
was also known as Kong Qiu, he was traditionally
considered the paragon of Chinese Sages. (b) Duke of Connaught
(c) Sir John Archer and Sir Edward Bartley
1133. Where was Dadabhai Naoroji appointed as
Professor of Mathematics and Physics? (d) Sir Claude Bartley and Sir. John Baig
(a) Presidency college, Chennai RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Presidency college, Kolkata Ans : (a) The structure of the Indian parliament House
(c) St. Xavier's college, Mumbai located in New Delhi was designed by Sir Edwin
(d) Elphinstone college, Mumbai Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker. The foundation of the
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist parliament was laid on 12.01.1921 and completed in
1927. It is a huge circular building with a diameter of
Ans : (d) Dadabhai Naoroji was the first Indian to be
560 meters. It is spread over an area of about 6 acres.
appointed as a professor of Mathematics and Physics at
This building is equipped with 12 doors, 144 pillars
Elphinstone college, Bombay. Dadabhai Naoroji also
with a height of 27 feet. It is a wonderful specimen of
known as the "Grand old Man of India" and unofficial
Portuguese Architecture. Two flour were added to the
Ambassador of India. He introduced the principal of
'Drain theory and poverty'. structure in 1956 due to a demand for more space.
1134. Who was a Carl Sagan? 1138. Who among the following was a famous
(a) An American Astronomer
(a) Oliver Goldsmith
(b) A British Physicist
(c) The French Astronaut (b) Niels Bohr
(d) An American President (c) Sigmund Freud
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (d) Isaac Newton
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer,
Planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, Ans : (c) Sigmund Freud was a prominent psychologist.
astrobiologist. He was better known for 'Search for Extra In the year 1900, a famous book of Freud 'Interpretation
Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). He was awarded by pulitzer of Dreams' was published, based on his and his patients'
award. Carl Sagan testified to the US Congress in 1985 that dream analysis. According to freud, the vocal aspect of
the greenhouse effect will change the earth's climate personality is produced by three states.
system. (1) Id (2) ego (3) Super ego
1139. Name of fort which was built in honor of the 1144. Who among the following is known as the
world famous musician Richard Wagner? 'Father of Indian Cinema'?
(a) Balmoral Castle (a) Raj Kapoor
(b) Neuschwanstien Castle (b) Prithviraj Kapoor
(c) Convoy Castle (c) Dadasaheb Phalke
(d) Kronborg (d) Satyajit Ray
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Neuschwanstien Castle was built in honor of Ans. (c) : Dadasaheb Phalke is known as "Father of
the famous musician Richard Wagner. The construction
Indian Cinema." He was an Indian producer, director
began in 1869, but was never fully completed.
and screenwriter. He directed India's first feature film
1140. Who propounded the homeopathic principle of Raja Harishchandra (1913). The Government of India
'Like Cures Like'? instituted Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1969, in his
(a) Hippocrates honour for a lifetime contribution to Indian cinema.
(b) Samuel Hahnemann
1145. Who founded the journal 'Bande Mataram' in
(c) Samuel Cockburn
(d) George Vithnoulkes
(a) Ramanand Chatterji
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(b) Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
Ans : (b) Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann was a
German physician, best known for creating the (c) Aurobindo Ghosh
pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine called (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
homeopathy. Homeopathy arrived in India in 18th RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
century. It flourished in Bengal at first and then spread Ans. (d) : The 'Bande Mataram' was an English
all over India. Language weekly newspaper published from Calcutta,
1141. Who proposed the scientific management founded in 1905 by Bipin Chanda Pal and edited by Sri
school of thought against the administrative Aurobindo. Its aim was to prepare Indians to struggle
management school of thought? for complete independence. It was a daily organ of
(a) Henri Fayol Indian nationalism.
(b) Frederick Taylor 1146. Which freedom fighter started the newspaper
(c) Peter Drucker Al-Hilal?
(d) Max Weber (a) Maulana Shaukat Ali
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Ans : (b) Taylor is a leading thinker of the subject of (c) Chaudhry Khaleequzzaman
public administration. He proposed scientific
(d) Hakim Ajmal Khan
management school of thought against administrative
management school of thought. Scientific management RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
ideology is an important stream of early management, Ans. (b) : Al-Hilal was a weekly Urdu language
which is called classical ideology. newspaper established by the Indian Muslim
1142. Who built the rock garden of Chandigarh? independence activist Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
(a) Tara Chand (b) Nek Chand There are some news paper
(c) Himanshu Parekh (d) Kamal Sagar 1) Udant Martand : Jugalkishor Shukla
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 2) The leader : Madan Mohan Malviya
Ans : (b) Nek Chand Saini was a self-taught Indian 3) Voice of India : Dada Bhai Naoroji
artist, known for building the rock garden of 4) Harijan, Young India, Indian Opinion – Mahatma
Chandigarh. He was awarded with Padmashri by Indian Gandhi .
government in 1984. He was died in 2015 due to
5) Vande Matram. Lala Lajpat Rai
6) Sudharak. G K Gokhale
1143. Who wrote the national anthem of Bangladesh
Amar Sonar Bangla? 1147. Who among the following stated the
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Qazi Nazrul Islam newspaper, 'Sambad Kaumudi'?
(c) Muhammad Iqbal (d) Mirza Ghalib (a) Sisir Kumar Ghosh
RPF SI 11.01.2019 (Shift - II) (b) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Ans. (a) : Bangladesh's National Anthem titled "Amar (c) Rash Bihari Bose
Sonar and National Anthem of India "Jan Gan Man" (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
was composed by Rabindranath Tagore. RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Some newspaper magazines and its authors- (b) Sevagram Vidyalaya
1819 Sambad Bengali Raja Ram (c) Gyandham Vidyalaya
Kaumudi weekly Mohan Roy (d) Rabindra Vidyalaya
newspaper RRB Group-D 01-10-2018 (Shift-II)
1780 Bengal English James Ans. (a) : Rabindranath Tagore popularly known as
Gazette newspaper Augustus 'Gurudev' was one of India's most cherished renaissance
Hicky figures, who put India on the literary map of the world
1822 Mirat-ul- Persian Raja Ram when he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.
Akhbar language Mohan Roy He founded Visva Bharti, a famous educational institute
journal in Santiniketan, West Bengal, India in 1921. It was
declared to be a central university and an institution of
1912 Al-Hilal Urdu weekly Abul Kalam
national importance by an act of Parliament 1951.
newspaper Azad
1913 Pratap Hindi Ganesh 13. First in World/India
language Shankar
newspaper Vidyarthi 1151. Who was the first Indian to be awarded the
1947 Navjivan Weekly Hindi M. K Gandhi Nobel prize?
newspaper (a) Ravindra Nath Tagore
1932 Harijan Weekly M. K Gandhi (b) Mahatma Gandhi
journal (c) C.V. Raman
1919 Independent Newspaper Motilal Nehru (d) Mother Teresa
RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-II)
1919 Young India Weekly M. K Gandhi
English RRB Group-D 05-10-2018 (Shift-II)
journal RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
1920 MookNayak Marathi B.R. Ans : (a) Ravindra Nath Tagore was the first Indian to
weekly Ambedkar be awarded the Nobel prize.
newspaper 1152. When did the first train Journey of world's
1148. Co-founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange is a first train hospital i.e. life line Express (LLE)
computer programmer of which country? started?
(a) Australia (b) Russia (a) 16 July, 2000 (b) 16 July, 1993
(c) UK (d) USA (c) 16 July, 1991 (d) 16 July, 1992
RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-III) Stage IInd
Ans. (a) : Julian Assange is an Australian computer Ans : (c) The first train hospital i.e. life line express
programmer who founded the media organization (LLE) started on 16 July, 1991. It's main objective is to
WikiLeaks. Assange created WikiLeaks in 2006 to provide medical Assistance to remote areas and
serve as a clearing house for sensitive or classified inaccessible areas. It is also known as. 'Magic train of
documents in May 2011. The Sydney peace foundation India'. It has been working for the last 23 year with the
has awarded his gold medal for peace with justice to collaboration of Impact India foundation, Indian
Julian Assange Railways and the health ministry.
1149. Who was the first Indian Director of the 1153. Who was the first Indian to travel into space?
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore? (a) Ravish Malhotra (b) Sunita Williams
(a) C.V. Raman (c) Rakesh Sharma (d) Kalpana Chawla
(b) APJ Abdul Kalam RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Morris Travers RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-I)
(d) SubramanyanChandrashekhar RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans. (a) : Indian Institute of Science (IISC) was Ans : (c) Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to travel
established in year 1909. Its first director was Marris into space. Wing commander Rakesh Sharma, AC is a
Travers and its first Indian director was Sir C.V. former Indian Air Force pilot who flew aboard Soyuz
Raman. Raman got the Nobel prize in 1930 for his T-11 on 3 April 1984 with the Soviet Interkosmos
discovery of Raman effect. programme. He is the only Indian citizen to travel in
1150. Which of the following institutions was space. He was born on 13 January 1949 in Patiala. He
founded by Rabindranath Tagore? was confered with India's highest peace time gallantry
(a) Visva Bharati award, the Ashoka Chakra.
1154. Which was the first Indian Institute of 1159. Who was the first hockey player to be awarded
Technology (IIT) to be established? the Padmashri?
(a) IIT, Kharagpur (b) IIT, Delhi (a) Dhyanchand
(c) IIT, Bombay (d) IIT, Kanpur (b) Balbir Singh Dosanjh
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Leslie walter Claudius
Ans. (a) : IIT Kharagpur was the first Indian Institute of (d) Dhanraj Pillai
Technology (IIT) to be established in West Bengal, RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
India in 1951. The committee for the establishment of Ans :(b) Balbir Singh Dosanjh, popularly known as
IITs in different parts of India along the lines of Balbir Singh Sr. represented India in three Olympic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Games getting the gold Medal on each occasion. In the
1155. ______ led India's first expedition to year 1957, he became the first recipient of the Padma
Antarctica and guided successfully the other Shri award in sport category. In 2015, he was awarded
seven expeditions in this icy continent from the Lifetime Achievement Award.
1981 to 1988. 1160. Who is the first recipient of Sahitya Academy
(a) M.K. Kaul Award for Drama in English?
(b) A.K. Hanjura (a) Mahesh Dattani (b) Raja Rao
(c) V.K. Raina (c) R.K. Narayan (d) Rushkin Bond
(d) Dr. S.Z. Qasim RRB Group-D 05-12-2018 (Shift-III)
RRB Group-D 01-11-2018 (Shift-II) Ans : (c) R.K. Narayan is the first winner to win the
Ans : (d) Dr. Syed Zahoor Qasim successfully led Sahitya Academy Award for Drama in English. It is
India's first Antarctic expedition and successfully first awarded in 1960. The Sahitya Academy Award is
guided the other seven expeditions in this icy continent the second-highest literary honor in India. In 2019,
from 1981 to 1988. Earlier he had held the post of Shashi Tharoor received the Sahitya Academy Award
Secretary in the Department of Environment and for his book "An Era of Darkness".
Director of National Institute of Oceanography. 1161. Who was the first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi
1156. Who was the first filmmaker of India? Khel Ratna Award?
(a) S. S. Vasan (a) Virat Kohli
(b) V. Shantaram (b) Vishwanathan
(c) Dhundiraj Govind Phalke (c) Mahesh Bhupati
(d) Andeshir Irani (d) Sachin Tendulkar
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-II) RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, Populary known as Ans : (b) The first recipient of the award was chess
Dada Saheb Phalke, was an Indian producer- director- Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, who was honoured
screen writer, known as the father of Indian cinema. His for the performance in the year 1991-92. Under the
debut film, Raja Harish Chandra, was the first Indian Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, 1 medal, citation and
Movie in 1913. `7.5 lakh were given to the awardee. Prize money has
been increased to 25 lakh from year 2020. Winner of
1157. Who directed India's first publicly released
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2020 are following
film Raja Harish Chandra?
Rohit Sharma, Mariyappan Thangavelu, Manika Batra,
(a) V.G. Dhamale
Vinesh Phogat and Rani Rampal.
(b) V. Shantaram
Note- Recently the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award
(c) Vimal Rao renamed as the 'Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna'.
(d) Dada Saheb Phalke
1162. Who was the first Indian to receive Magsaysay
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. (a) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
1158. Who is the first citizen of Indian origin who (b) D.G. Mukharjee
has been awarded the Nobel peace prize? (c) Vinoba Bhave
(a) Ravindra Nath Tagore (d) Moraji Desai
(b) Mother Teresa RRB Group-D 13-12-2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Kailash Satyarthi Ans. (c) : In 1958 Bhave was the first recipient of the
(d) Amartya Sen international Ramon Magsaysay Award for community
RRB J.E. -2014 leadership. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna
Ans. (c) : Kailash Satyarthi is the first citizen of Indian posthumously in 1983. Ravish Kumar wins 2019
origin who has been awarded the Nobel peace prize. Ramon Magsaysay Award for his 'ethical Journalism'
1163. Who received the first Nobel prize for Physics Ans : (b) India's first defence incubators will
in India? established in Hyderabad, which is India's missile
(a) Dr. C.V. Raman development centre and fast emerging the hub for
(b) Dr. Hargovind khurana aerospace industries. It will be housed at T- Hub.
(c) Pro. C.N.R. Rao 1169. Which is the first indigenous aircraft of India
(d) Pro. Narlikar designed by HAL?
RRB J.E. -2014 (a) HF 25 MKI (b) HF 24
Ans. (a) : Dr. C.V. Raman, received the first Nobel (c) HT 3 MKI (d) HF 28
prize for physics in 1963, India. He is known Indian RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
physicist. Ans : (b) HF-24 is the first indigenous aircraft of India
1164. Who was the first person to be awarded the designed by HAL
Dada Saheb Phalke Award? 1170. Which of the following is India's first long-
(a) Prithvi Raj Kapoor (b) Lata Mangeshkar range multiple target missile?
(c) Satyajit Roy (d) Devika Rani (a) Akash (b) Akshay
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (c) Prithvi (d) Brahmos
Ans : (d) Devika Rani was the first persons to be RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III)
awarded the Dada Saheb Phalke Award. Ans. (a) : Akash is the India's first long-range multiple
1165. Who is the first player to get Bharat Ratna target missile.
Award? 1171. Name the first female officer to be directly
(a) Sachin Tendulkar (b) Dhyanchand recruited as a combat officer by the prestigious
(c) Balveen Singh (d) Vijay Amritraj Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) Force?
(a) Manzil Saini (b) Usha Kiran
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper)
(c) Prakriti (d) Sonia Narang
Ans : (a) Sachin Tendulkar (born, April 24, 1973) is the
RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-III)
first and youngest player to get Bharat Ratna. Award.
Ans. (c) 25 year old Prakriti has been inducted as the first
He is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsman in
direct entry combat officer in Indo-Tibetan Border Police
the history of cricket.
(ITBP) Force. ITBP raised on 24 October 1962, under the
1166. Who is the only Indian economist to win the CRPF Act, in the wake of Sino-Indian War of 1962.
Nobel prize. 1172. What is the name of the first woman who
(a) Avinash Dixit (b) Amit Mishra become the head of a paramilitary force?
(c) Amartya Sen (d) Abhjeet Banergee (a) Divya Ajith
RRB ALP & Tec. (09-08-18 Shift-III) (b) Archana Ramasundaram
Ans : (c) Amartya Sen is the only recipient of the Nobel (c) Punita Arora
Prize for economics in 1998, becoming first Asian to (d) Ashwini Pawar
have been honoured with the award. Other persons of RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Indian origin who received the award are Ravindra Nath
Ans : (b) Archana Ramasundaram also spelt as Archana
Tagore (Literature), C.V. Raman (Physics), Hargovind
Ramasundar is the first woman to become the head of the
Khurana (Medical Science), Mother Teresa (Peace), paramilitary force. Archana Ramasundaram is the director
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Physics), Venkataraman general of the Armed forces of India. Prior of this she was
(Chemistry), Kailash Satyarthi (Peace). the director of the National Crime records bureau.
1167. Which of the following is India's first 1173. Who has become the first woman pilot to join
indigenously built submarine? the Indian Navy, she will soon be flying
(a) Vikrant (b) Vikam reconnaissance aircraft?
(c) Vijay (d) Shalki (a) Shubhangi Swaroop (b) Sheela Swaroop
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Rita Swaroop (d) Geetika Swaroop
Ans : (d) INS Shalki S-46 is a shishumar-class deisel- RRB Group-D 20-09-2018 (Shift-II)
electric submarine of the Indian navy. The submarine Ans : (a) Shubhangi Swaroop is the first female pilot of
was the first ever submarine to be built in India. It was the Indian Navy. She is from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.
launched in 1989 and built by Mazgaon Dock limited. She is a pilot of Maritime reconnaissance aircraft in
1168. In which city will India's first defence Indian Navy. Apart from Shubhangi, Aastha Sehgal of
incubators be established? Delhi, Roopa of Puducherry, and Shakti Mayas of
(a) Bangalore (b) Hyderabad Kerala have the distinction of becoming the first woman
(c) Ahmadabad (d) New Delhi officer of the country in the Naval Armament
RRB Group-D 25-09-2018 (Shift-I) Inspection (NAI) organisation.
1174. Shubhangi Swaroop became the first woman to Ans : (c) On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union
join as a female pilot– successfully launched Sputnik -1, the world first
(a) Indian Navy (b) Indian Air force artificial satellite. Only about the size of a beach ball
(c) Indian Army (d) RAW and weighting 83.6 kg. It was launched from the
RRB Group-D 25-09-2018 (Shift-I) baiknur space Launch center in Kazakhstan.
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. 1181. The first successful launch of unmanned
1175. Name the first monkey to travel in outer space. satellite was done by–
(a) Albert II (b) Johnny I (a) United states of America
(c) Robert I (d) Tony I (b) France
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage IIst (c) Soviet Union
Ans : (a) Albert II, a rhesus monkey, was the first (d) Germany
monkey to travel in outer space on 14 June 1949, in a RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
US. - launched V-2 Albert II reached about 83 miles
Ans : (c) The first successful launch of unmanned
(134 km).
satellite was done by soviet union.
1176. What is the name of the first dog to go into 1182. Which was the world's first artificial satellite?
(a) Apollo 11
(a) Jules (b) Laika
(b) Sputnik- 1
(c) Roger (d) Sputnik
(c) Sputnik 0
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(d) GSAT
Ans : (b) Laika was a Soviet space dog who became
one of the first animals in space and the first animal to RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
orbit the Earth. Laika from the streets of Moscow, was Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
selected to be the occupant of the soviet spacecraft 1183. What is METSAT, the first exclusive weather
Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer orbit on 3 satellite built by ISRO?
November 1957. (a) Geosynchronous satellite
1177. The first dog to travel in outer spaces– (b) A satellite in low Earth Orbit
(a) Tommy (b) Roxter (c) Polar orbit satellite
(c) Laika (d) Dexoger (d) Deep space probe satellite
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
Ans : (a) METSAT (Kalpana-1) was the first exclusive
1178. Which of the following is the first animal to be weather satellite built by ISRO. METSAT satellite was
taken into celestial orbit via soviet sputnik-2? the first launched by the PSLV -C4 into the
(a) Laika a dog geostationary orbit. It was launched on 12 September
(b) Albert, a rat 2002 from Sriharikota and it is a geosynchronous
(c) Belka, a monkey satellite.
(d) Baker, a rabbit
1184. Apollo-11 the first artificial satellite by which
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II)
humans landed on the moon, ___ launched in
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. which year?
1179. Which was the first satellite launched by the (a) 1975 (b) 1968
US in 1958? (c) 1969 (d) 1958
(a) Sputik 1 (b) Apollo 11 RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(c) GSAT (d) Explorer 1
Ans : (c) In 1969, Apollo-11 was the first artificial
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
satellite by which humans landed on the moon.
Ans : (d) Explorer 1 was the first satellite of the US and
1185. Who is the first man to travel into space?
the first satellite to carry science instruments. The
satellite was launched on January 31, 1958 from Cape (a) Neil Armstrong
Canaveral. (b) Yuri Gagarin
1180. The world's first artificial satellite, which was (c) Edwin Aldrin
shaped like a beach ball of 83.6 kg was (d) Valentina Areshkova
launched by which country? RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(a) America (b) China Ans : (b) On April 12, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gangarin
(c) The Soviet Union (d) France became the first man to travel to space, making a 108-
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III) minute orbital flight in his Vostok-1 spacecraft.
1186. Who was the first human to travel in outer Ans : (c) Polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) is the
space? first Indian launch vehicle to be equipped with liquid
(a) Neil Armstrong (b) Yuri Gagarin stages. After its first successful launch in October 1994,
(c) Buzz Aldrin (d) John Glen PSLV emerged as the reliable and versatile workhorse
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist launch vehicle of India with 39 consecutively successful
Ans : (b) Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human mission by June 2017. As of 28 February 2021, the
to travel to outer space. PSLV has made 53 launches, with 50 successful and two
outright failure.
1187. Which astronaut became the first human to
enter space and orbit the earth? 1193. Who was the first Chinese woman to visit
(a) David Gagarin space?
(b) Yuri Gagarin (a) Wang yaping (b) Yi-so-yeon
(c) Yuri Malenchenko (c) Liu Yang (d) Yelena Serova
(d) David Malenchenko RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans : (c) Mrs. Liu Yang was the first Chinese woman
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question. to visit space and part of the Shenzhoug mission. On 16
June 2012, Mrs. Liu Yang became China's first female
1188. Which of the following is the first lunar probe astronaut.
mission of India?
1194. Which is India's first security satellite?
(a) Mangalyaan (b) Chandrayaan-1
(a) INSAT 2 B (b) GSAT-7
(c) Astrosat (d) IRNSS-1
(c) GSAT-6 (d) IRS-1A
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Chandrayaan-1 was the first lunar space probe
of the Indian Space Research Organisation and found Ans : (b) GSAT-7 or INSAT-4F or Rukmini is a
water on the moon. multiband millitary communications satellite developed
by ISRO. The Indian Navy is the user of the multi-band
1189. With which country does the Hubble space
communication spacecraft, which has been operational
telescope take the picture of the first predicted
since September 2013. It is India's first security
supernova explosion?
(a) United States of America
1195. Who was the world's first female astronout?
(b) Britain
(a) Svetlana Savitsky
(c) Canada
(b) Valentina Tereshkova
(d) Russia
(c) Sally Ride
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 22.04.2016 (Shift-II)
(d) Judith Resnick
Ans : (a) United states Agency 'NASA' launch Hubble
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
space telescope on April 24, 1990. It takes the picture of
the first predicted supernova explosion. Ans : (b) 16 June 1963, Soviet cosmonaut valentina
tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space.
1190. Who was the first chairman of ISRO?
She was a resident of Russia. Svetlana Savitskaya was
(a) Kasturi Rangan (b) Vikram Sarabhai
the second Russian human to travel into space.
(c) Homi K. Bhabha (d) S.V. Raman
1196. Which was the first Indian communication
RRB NTPC 06.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Vikram Sarabhai was the first chairman of (a) Aryabhata (b) Bhaskar-I
(c) Apple (d) Chandrayaan-I
1191. Which of the following series of satellite RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
launched the first Indian satellite using an
Indian launch vehicle? Ans : (c) The Ariane passenger payload experiment
(Apple), was the first Indian experimental
(a) INSAT (b) Aryabhata
communication satellite with a C-band transponder
(c) Bhaskar (d) Rohini launched by ISRO on June 19,1981 by Ariane, a launch
RRB NTPC 10.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist vehicle of the European Space Agency from centre
Ans : (d) Rohini became the first satellite to be placed spatial Guyanais near Kourou in French Guiana.
in orbit by an Indian-made launch vehicle SLV-3 on 1197. What is the name of Indian's first
July 18, 1980. geostationary satellite launched by ISRO in
1192. When was PSLV first used in India? 1981?
(a) 1980 (b) 1987 (a) Aryabhata (b) Apple
(c) 1994 (d) 2000 (c) Bhaskar-2 (d) INSAT-1B
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Apple is the India's first geostationary satellite 1202. Who among the following joined the 969
launched by ISRO in 1981. See description of question Railway Engineer Regiment of Territorial
(306). Army (TA) in 2011? She was the first female
jawan in the Indian Army?
1198. Which of the following does a Bandicoot refer
(a) Sita Sahu
(b) Amrita Devi
(a) A security robot
(c) Chhavi Rajawat
(b) A telerobot for heart surgery
(d) Sapper Shanti Tigga
(c) Humanoid
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) A drainage-cleaning robot
Ans. (d) : Sapper Shanti Tigga was the first woman
RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist soldier of the Indian Army. In 2011, she joined the 969
Ans. (d) : ‘BANDICOOT’ is an automatic sewer Railway Engineer Regiment of Territorial Army. She
cleaning robot which has been procured by the hailed from Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.
Guwahati Municipal. The BANDICOOT robot is also 1203. Who was the first Indian woman to be depicted
the first of its kind in the world that was developed by on Indian Stamps?
a Start-up India company called Genrobotics, based on (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Kasturba Gandhi
Kerela under the Make in India initiative, founded by (c) Meerabai (d) Rani Laxmibai
CSR of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL). RRB JE - 25/05/2019 (Shift-II)
1199. .......... was India's first indigenously made film Ans : (c) Meerabai was the first Indian woman to be
in colour depicted on postal stamp in 1952. She is the famous
(a) Chhota Chetan devotee of Krishna. Her bhajans dedicated to Krishna
(b) Kisan Kanya and her love and devotion to him made her icon.
(c) Raja Harishchandra She was a great saint and poetess. She wrote Barsi ka
(d) Alam Ara mayra, Geet Govind Teeka, Rag Govind and Rag
Soratha ke pad.
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
1204. Who was the first Asian to swim across the
Ans. (b) : Kisan Kanya was the first indigenously hindi
English Channel?
colour feature film which was directed by Moti Gidwani
(a) Mihir Sen (b) Anita Sood
and produced by Ardeshir Irani. This film was made on
(c) Arati Saha (d) Taranath
farmers and laborers. This film came in 1937 and was
RRB JE - 26/05/2019 (Shift-II)
based on the condition of farmers. This film paints a
new picture of exploitation poverty and hunger. Ans : (a) Mihir Sen was a famous Indian long distance
swimmer. He was the first Indian to swim across
1200. In which year was the first radio programme English Channel in 1958, and did so in the fourth fastest
broadcasted in India? time. He was the only man to swim the oceans of the
(a) 1957 (b) 1923 five continents in one calendar year.
(c) 1930 (d) 1936 Anita Sood was a woman swimmer of India. She
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist became the fastest Asian swimmer to cross the English
Ans. (b) : Broadcasting in India actually began about 98 channel with a time of 8 hours and 15 minutes on
years before all India Radio came into existence. In August 17th, 1987. She was awarded Arjuna Award for
her achievements.
June 1923 the Radio club of Bombay made the first ever
Arati Saha was an indian Bengali long-distance
broadcast in the country. This was followed by the
swimmer, best known for becoming the first Asian
setting up of the Calcutta Radio club five months later. woman to swim across the English Channel on 29
1201. Which one of the following is the tallest statue September 1959.
in the world Taranath Narayan Shenoy, is a deaf and visually
(a) 'Great Buddha of Thailand' in Thailand impaired Indian swimmer, having successfully
(b) 'Statue of Unity' in India completed the English Channel.
(c) 'Spring Temple Buddha' in China 1205. Who is the first Indian woman to Climb the
(d) 'Statue of Liberty' in USA summit of the Mount Everest four times?
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Deepika Rathore
(b) Suhail Sharma
Ans. (b) : The 'Statue of Unity' is the tallest statue in the
(c) Anshu Jamsenpa
world. Its total height is 182 m. It is situated on the bank
(d) Madhusudan Patidar
of Narmada river in Gujarat, India.
RRB Group-D 01-10-2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Anshu Jamsenpa is an Indian mountaineer 1209. Who manufactured the first chocolate bar?
and the first woman in the world to scale the summit of (a) Nestle
Mount Everest twice in a season. Now she has become (b) Hershey Company
the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest five (c) Joseph Fry & Sons
times. She is from Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh. She (d) Pearsons
has been awarded India's fourth highest civilian award RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the Padma Shri in 2021. Ans : (c) Chocolate is a product of the cacao bean
She unfurled the Indian tricolour on the mountain's crest which grown in pod-like fruits on tropical cacao trees.
in 2011 first time on may 12 and she made a second About 70 percent of world's cocoa beans come from
summit also on may 21, Jamsenpa ascended the Everest four west African countries: Ivory Coast, Ghana,
for the third time in 2013. She climbed the peak of Nigeria and Cameroon.
Mount Everest 4th times in 2017. The creation of the first modern chocolate bar is
1206. Who is the first woman in the world to climb credited to Joseph Fry. who in 1847 discovered that he
the summit of the Mount Everest twice in a could make a moldable chocolate paste by adding
season? melted cacao butter back into Dutch cocoa. Belgium is
(a) Lakpa Shrpa (b) Junko Tabai one of the most well known destinations for
(c) Anshu Jamsenpa (d) Anga Rita chocoholics, with tons of factories and workshop.
RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-I) Brussels, capital of Belgium, often called the "chocolate
Capital of the world."
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
1210. ..............was the first female Prime Minister of
1207. Who was the first woman to reach the summit Sri Lanka.
of Mount Everest?
(a) Ranasinghe Premadasa
(a) Bachendri Pal (b) Junko Tabei
(b) Dingiri Banda Wijetunga
(c) Arunima Sinha (d) Premlata Agrawal
(c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (d) Chandrika Kumaratunga
Ans : (b) Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb the RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
summit of the Mount Everest in 1975. She was a Japanese
Ans : (c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike was a Srilankan states
mountaineer and she was also the first woman to climb the
woman. On 21 July 1960, following a land slide victory
seven summits, climbing the highest peak on every for the freedom party, she was sworn in as the first
continent. She died on 20 October 2016 at the age of 77. female prime minister in the world. She served three
Bachendri Pal is an Indian mountaineer, who in 1984 terms : 1960-1965, 1970-1977, and 1994-2000.
became the first Indian woman to reach the summit of
1211. Who is the first Indian woman to swim across
Mount Everest. She was from Uttarakhand State.
the English Channel?
Arunima Sinha is a the world's first female amputee to
(a) Nafisa (b) Arati Saha
scale Mount Everest. She was born in Uttar Pradesh.
(c) Bula Chaudhary (d) J. Secunder
Premlata Agrawal has the distinction of being the
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper)
first Indian woman to climb the seven summit, the
seven highest continental peaks of the world. Ans. (b) : Arati Saha became first Indian woman to swim
across the English Channel in 1959. She also became the
1208. Who was the first woman in the world to first Asian woman to do so. She is a Indian Bengali long-
graduate from medical college? distance swimmer and she became the first-ever female
(a) Rebecca Lee Crumpler recipient of India's Padma Shree award which is the fourth-
(b) Elizabeth Blackwell highest civilian award in 1960.
(c) Anandibai Joshee 1212. Who is the first disabled woman of India to
(d) Kei Okami reach the summit of Mount Everest?
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (a) Anshu Jamsenpa
Ans : (b) Elizabeth Blackwell was a British Physician, (b) Anshu Sinha
notable as the first woman to receive as medical degree (c) Arunima Sinha
in the United States, and the first woman on the Medical (d) Purna
register of the General Medical Council. RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-III)
Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first African-American Ans : (c) Arunima Sinha is an India's first disabled
woman physician of United States. woman to scale Mount Everest. After a hard toil she
Anandibai Joshi was the first Indian female practitioner reached the summit of Mount Everest on 21 May 2013.
of western medicine, alongside Kadambini Ganguly. In 2015 She was conferred the Padma Shri, the fourth
Kei Okami was the first Japanese woman to obtain a highest civilian honour in India. In the same year She
degree in Western medicine from Women's Medical also received the Tenzing Norgay National Adventure
college of Pennsyvania, USA. award.
1213. Where was the paper first invented? Ans. (c) On the night of December 2,1984, Chemical
(a) China (b) India Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) spilt out from Union Carbide
(c) Jambiya (d) Germany Ltd. Pesticide factory turned the city of Bhopal into a
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist colossal gas chamber.
Ans : (a) Paper was first invented in China. It is a thin 1219. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster occurred in the
sheet material produced by mechanically and/or year-
chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from (a) 1986 (b) 1987
woods, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in (c) 1984 (d) 1985
water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
fibre evenly distributed on the surface followed by Ans. (a) : The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear
pressing and drying. First evidence of making paper in accident that occur on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 reactor
India are found in the Indus valley Civilization. in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of
1214. Which two words appeared on the first postage Pripyat in Ukrainian SSR.
stamp of independent India? 1220. Which organization was established on 15 July
(a) Vande Matram (b) Jai Hind 1948 with the motto 'Unity and Discipline'?
(c) Jai Bharat (d) Jai Kisan (a) RIMC (b) NCC
RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift (c) IMA (d) NDA
Ans : (b) The first stamp of independent India was RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
issued on 21 November 1974. It depicts the Indian Flag Ans. (b) : The "National Caded Corps (NCC) came into
with the patriot's slogan Jai hind (Long live India) on existence on 15 July 1948 under NCC Act (No XXXI of
the top right hand corner. 1948) enacted by the parliament. The cadets are given
1215. The world's first official airmail was sent basic military training in small arms and parades the
from ........... to ............ in February 1911. motto of NCC is "Unity and Discipline".
(a) Hyderabad, Tirupati (b) Andhra, Delhi 1221. Where is the Nobel Museum situated in the
(c) Allahabad, Naini (d) Allahabad, Agra World?
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Sweden (b) Stockholm
Ans. (c): On 18 February, 1911, Henri Pequet (1888- (c) Denmark (d) London
1974) piloted the first official airmail from Allahabad to RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Naini. For this aircraft Humber-Sommer biplane was Ans : (b) The Nobel Museum is located in Stockholm the
used and it takes thirteen minutes only. capital of Sweden. It was opened in the spring of 2001
for the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize. It name was
14. Miscellaneous changed to Nobel Prize Museum in 2019.
1222. Which is the largest pyramid of Egypt?
1216. What type of nuclear reaction is responsible for
liberation of energy in the nuclear reactor? (a) Pyramid of Khafre
(a) Nuclear fusion (b) Nuclear fission (b) Pyramid of Menkaur
(c) Nuclear generation (d) Nuclear destruction (c) Pyramid of Khufu
(d) Pyramid of Djedefre
Ans. (b) : In a nuclear reactor the liberation of energy
takes place through nuclear fission. RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) The Great Pyramids of Giza (also known as
1217. When did Chernobyl nuclear disaster occur?
the pyramid of Khufu or the pyramid of cheops) is the
1. August 1987
oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza
2. August 1989 pyramind complex. Egypt is famous for its ancient
3. April 1988 civilization and some of the world most famous
4. April 1986 monuments such as the pyramids and the sphinx. All
RRB JE CBT-II 28–08–2019 (morning) Egyptian pyramids were built on the west bank of the
Ans. (d) : Chernobyl nuclear disaster occured on 26th Nile river.
April 1986, because of reactor design flaws and human Giza has three principal pyramids. Khufu
error. (Originally 481 feet or 146 meter high, and sometimes
1218. Gas leaked during Bhopal tragedy was– called the great pyramid) Khafre (471 feet) and
(a) Ethyl Isothiocyanate Menkaur (2013 feet).
(b) Sodium Isothiocyanate 1223. Which of the following facts about
(c) Methyl Isocyanate Kumbhalgarh Fort Rajasthan is not correct?
(d) Potassium Isothiocyanate (a) Presently it is located in Rajsamand district of
RRB JE CBT-II 29–08–2019 (evening) Rajasthan
(b) It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site based in Ans : (b) Unidentified Flying Object UFO is a popular
the hilly districts of Rajasthan. term for any flying object phenomenon that cannot be
(c) The wall of Kumbhalgarh fort is the second instantly identified.
largest wall in the world after the longest 1228. Construction work has begun in Lincolnshire
wall of China. on the world's longest subsea power cable,
(d) Kumbhalgarh Fort is situated on the top of a which will run between Britain and ______ to
hill in the famous Satapura mountain range. share renewable energy between the two
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist countries.
Ans : (d) Kumbhalgarh fort is located on the western (a) Denmark (b) Belgium
Aravalli hills in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan (c) France (d) Austria
state. It is the second largest wall after the 'Great Wall' RRB NTPC 10.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
of China. It was considered to have been built by Rana Ans. (a) : The UK's National Grid and Denmark's
Kumbha in the 15th century. It is further declared a Energinet has began work on the world's longest subsea
UNESCO World Heritage Site that is under the group power cable. A 475 mile long (765 km) cable, is being
Hill Forts. UNESCO recognized the group of hills of built in Lincolnshire.
Rajasthan as World Heritage Site are Kumbhalgarh
Fort, Ranthambore Fort, Amber Fort, Chittor Fort, 1229. Under whose administration is the Department
Gagran Fort, Jaisalmer Fort. of Atomic Energy works?
(a) Ministry of Science and Technology
1224. What is the full form of ISI?
(b) Ministry of Power
(a) Inter Services Intelligence
(c) Prime Minister's Office
(b) Inter Services Intelligence
(d) Cabinet Secretariat
(c) International Space Intelligence
RRB NTPC 05.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) International Scientific Infrastructure
Ans. (c) : On 3rd August, 1954, the Department of
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Atomic Energy was established in the charge of Prime
Ans : (a) The Inter-Services Intelligence is the premier Minister by the order of President.
intelligence agency of Pakistan. ISI was founded by
Robert Cawthome on 1 Jan, 1948. Its headquater is in 1230. Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) operates under
Islamabad. the aegis of:
(a) Ministry of Human Resource Development
1225. Which organization is the originally name as
(b) Ministry of Skill Development and
special police establishment?
(a) CID (b) RAW
(c) Ministry of Home Affairs
(c) CBI (d) CRPF
(d) Ministry of Defence
RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (c) The Central Bureau of Investigation is the
Ans. (b) : The Scheme of Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS)
premier investigating agency of India. Operating
formerly known as Shramik Vidyapeeth was a unique
under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Personnel,
creation of Government of India is being implemented
Public Grievances and Pensions CBI was founded by
through NGOs in the country since 1967. The scheme
government of India on 1 April, 1963. Its headquarter
was renamed as Jan Shikshan Sansthan in 2000. JSS
is in New Delhi. It was originally formed as special
scheme was transferred from Ministry of Education
police establishment in 1942.
(erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource Development)
1226. Pakistan film industry is known as? to Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in
(a) Pollywood (b) Lollywood July, 2018.
(c) Kollywood (d) Mollywood 1231. In which city of India the central AGMARK
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist laboratory is located?
Ans : (b) Between 1947, and 2007, Pakistan cinema (a) Mumbai (b) New Delhi
was based in Lahore, home to the nation's largest film (c) Nagpur (d) Chennai
industry (nicknamed Lollywood). Bollywood of India is RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
in Mumbai.
Ans. (c) : The Central AGMARK Laboratory is
1227. What is the extension of UFO? situated in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Agmark Laboratory
(a) Under Fire Object Directorate of Marketing and Inspection has set up for
(b) Unidentified Flying Object quality certification of agriculture produce through the
(c) Unapproved Foreign Object network of 22 Regional Agmark Laboratory at different
(d) Unidentified Free Object place in the country with central Agricultural
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist Laboratory, Nagpur as the apex Laboratory.
1232. India’s first synthetic drug --------was Ans. (c) : The Animal Welfare Board of India is a
developed by Council of Scientific and statutory advisory body on Animal Welfare Laws and
Industrial Research (CSIR). promotes animal welfare in the country. Established in
(a) Methaqualone (b) Laudanum 1962, the board consists of 28 Members. The term of
(c) Ergoapiol (d) Norodin office of Members is for a period of 3 years.
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist 1237. Which of the following is NOT a division of
Ans. (a) : The Council of Scientific and Industrial National Sample Survey Organisation?
Research abbreviated as CSIR was established by the (a) National Development Agenda
Government of India in September 1942. It is an (b) Data Processing Division
autonomous body that has emerged as the largest (c) Survey Design and Research Division
research and development organisation in India. It had
(d) Field Operation Division
developed India's first synthetic drug, methaqualone in
1950. RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1233. CSIR stands for : Ans. (a) : The National Sample Survey Organisation
(a) Council of Space and Invention Research (NSSO) is an organization responsible for conducting
large scale surveys on socio-economic indicators such
(b) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
as income, health, employment, expenditure, etc. on an
(c) Council of Scientific and Indian Research
all India basis. It was set up in 1950 and now it is
(d) Committee of Science and Iron Research
renamed as National Sample Survey Office, works
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. Implementation of the Government of India. The NSSO
1234. The Government of India had constituted consists of four Divisions, namely, the Survey Design
Narcotics Controls Bureau in _______. and Research Division (SDRD), the Field operations
(a) 1986 (b) 1984 Division (FOD), the Data Processing Division (DPD),
(c) 1980 (d) 1982 and the Coordination and Publication Division (CPD).
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Thus from above description National Development
Ans. (a) : The Government of India constituted Agenda is NOT a division of National Sample Survey
Narcotics Control Bureau on 17th March 1986. It's a Organisation (NSSO).
body of Indian government for prevention of drugs Note- NSSO merged with the Central Statistics Office
smuggling and trading of narcotic products. It is (CSO) to form National Statistical Office (NSO).
headquartered in New Delhi and lies under Ministry of 1238. Which of the following Nations was the
Home Affairs. member of "Allied Powers" group in World
1235. Which office of the Government of India is the War II?
executive department of Nuclear energy ? (a) Germany (b) Italy
(a) Home Minister's Office (c) USA (d) Japan
(b) Ministry of Power RRB NTPC 13.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Office of the Defence Minister Ans. (c) : The second World War or World War II was
(d) Prime Minister Office a global war between all the major countries of the
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist World. These countries were divided into the Axis
Ans. (d) : The Indian Atomic Energy Commission powers and its allies. This war took place between
was first setup in August 1948 in the Department of 1939-1945. The allied countries included France, Great
Scientific Research, which was created a few months Britain, United States, Soviet Union and China. The
earlier in June 1948. The Department of Atomic Axis Powers included Germany, Italy and Japan.
Energy (DAE) was setup on 3 August, 1954 under 1239. Which of the following is the full form of
the direct charge of the Prime Minister through a ICANN ?
Presidential Order. Subsequently, in accordance with (a) (The Internet Consortium for Assigned
a Government Resolution dated March 1, 1958, the Names and Numbers)
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was established (b) (The Internet Corporation for Assigned
in the Department of Atomic Energy. Names and Numbers)
1236. The Animal welfare board of India was (c) (The Internal Corporation for Assigned
established in the year: Names and Numbers)
(a) 1960 (b) 1968 (d) (The International Corporation for Assigned
(c) 1962 (d) 1965 Names and numbers)
RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : The full form of ICANN is the Internet International Organization. Working on the Dumbarton
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is a Oaks proposals, the Yalta Agreement, and amendments
American multistateholder group and nonprofit proposed by various governments, the conference
organization responsible for coordinating the agreed upon the charter of the United Nations and the
maintenance and procedures of several databases related statute of the new International Court of Justice.
to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the internet. 1244. How many nuclear explosions were conducted
1240. Where has India's first floating elementary by India at Pokhran in May 1998?
school been inaugurated? (a) One (b) Four
(a) Naini Jheel, Nainital (c) Five (d) Two
(b) Lake Pichola, Udaipur RRB NTPC 30.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Dal Lake, Srinagar Ans. (c) : The Pokhran tests were a series of five
(d) Loktak Lake, Manipur nuclear bomb tests explosions conducted by India at the
RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Indian Army's Pokhran Test Range, Rajasthan.
Ans. (d) : Loktak lake, the largest freshwater lake in the The tests were initiated on 11 May 1998, under the
country, has now become home to first of its kind assigned code name 'Operation Shakti'.
Loktak floating elementary school. Situated about 50 1245. For which Indian spice did the Indian
km from Imphal, the school has been inaugurated in government challenge the US patenting and
Manipur. It was opened under the initiative undertaken force them to revoke it?
by All Loktak Lake Fisherman’s Union with the support (a) Mustard (b) Clove
of an NGO People Resources Development Association (c) Cardamom (d) Turmeric
(PRDA). RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
1241. What is the name of the parliament of Ans. (d) : For turmeric, Indian government challenges
Denmark? the US patenting and force them to revoke. India
(a) Parliament (b) Stortinget challenged this patenting on the basis of Indian
(c) The National Diet (d) Folketing traditional knowledge of turmeric’s antiseptic
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist properties.
Ans. (d) : Parliament – Country 1246. A unified script for nine Indian languages,
Folketing – Denmark which is being proposed as a common script of
Parliament – India, Britain, Canada, South Africa India is :
Stortinget – Norway (a) Bharati (b) Telugu
Federal Parliament – Australia (c) Devanagari (d) Gurmukhi
The National Diet – Japan RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Congress – America Ans. (a) : Taking a cue from European languages,
National Assembly – Pakistan several of which have the same (Roman-letter-based)
1242. Which of the following beaches has become the script, Srinivasa Chakravathy's team at IIT Madras has ,
first in Asia to get the Blue flag certification? over the last decade, developed a unified script for nine
(a) Baga Beach (b) Chandrabhaga Beach Indian languages, named the Bharati Script. It is
(c) Marina Beach (d) Kovalam Beach designed to be a common script that can express all the
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist major Indian languages.
Ans. (b) : Chandrabhaga Beach in Odisha was the 1247. NCSM is an autonomous organization under
prestigious international eco-label Blue flag and became Ministry of Culture. What is the full form of
the first beach in Asia to win this certificate. It is NCSM?
located near the famous Konark Sun temple a UNESCO (a) National Council of Space Museum
World Heritage Site. It is also the site of annual (b) National Council of Science Museums
Chandra Bhaga Mela (honour of the Sun God). (c) National Council of Social Museum
1243. On 25 April 1945, _____ governments met in (d) National Council of Satellite Museum
San Francisco for a conference and Started RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
drafting the UN Charter Ans. (b) : NCSM stands for National Council of
(a) 50 (b) 25 Science Museums. It is a self-governing organisation
(c) 60 (d) 45 under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. It
RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist was formed on 4 April 1978. Its headquaters is in
Ans. (a) : Delegates of fifty (50) nations met in San Kolkata. The main purpose of NCSM is the informal
Francisco, California, USA, between 25 April and 26 communication of science. Currently its Director
June 1945 at the United Nations Conference on General is A.D. Chaudhary.
1248. VVPAT is a machine that is used in Indian (b) Unique Indian Demographic Association of
elections to ensure that the citizen's vote has India
been correctly placed. What is the full form of (c) Unique Identification Association of India
VVPAT? (d) Unique Indian Digital Authority of India
(a) Voting Verification Paper Audit Trail RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Voter Voting Pattern Audit Tally Ans. (a) : Aadhar is a 12 digit number. It records a
(c) Voting Varification Paper Audit Tally person's demographic and biometric information.
(d) Voter Varifiable Paper Audit Trail Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is the
RRB NTPC 16.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist issuing and managing body for Aadhaar cards in the
Ans. (d) : VVPAT stands for Voter Verifiable Paper country.
Audit Trail. It is a verification system for voting 1253. Which committee was related to the policies
machines designed to allow voters to verify that their and programme for agriculture?
vote was cast correctly or not. It was first used in (a) Bhanu Pratap Singh Committee
assembly election in Nagaland in 2013. (b) Charan Singh Committee
1249. The areas or regions of the world that are (c) Yashpal Committee
located outside the sovereign jurisdiction of any (d) Rammurthy Committee
one state, and therefore require common RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
governance by the international community are Ans. (a) : Bhanu Pratap Singh Committee was related
known as: to the policies and programmes for agriculture. The
(a) Ecosystem (b) Barren areas committee was set up in 1991.
(c) Zero line (d) Global commons 1254. 'Make-In-India's' symbol is a lion made of
RRB NTPC 05.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist ______.
Ans. (d) : Global commons have been traditionally (a) Nails (b) Hammers
defined as those parts of the planet that fall outside (c) Cogs (d) Bows
national jurisdictions and to which all nations have RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
access. International law identifies four global
Ans. (c) : The logo of Make-in-India is the silhouette
commons, namely the High Seas, the Atmosphere, the
of a lion on the prowl, made entirely of cogs,
Antarctica and the Outer space.
symbolising manufacturing, strength and national
1250. Which of the following buildings was designed pride. 'Make in India' initiative was launched globally
by F.W. Stevens? on 25 September, 2014 as a part of India's renewed
(a) The Town Hall, Bombay focus on Manufacturing.
(b) Horniman Circle (formerly Elphinstone 1255. Name the first country of the Soviet Republic
Circle) (USSR) to declare its independence.
(c) Bombay Secretariat (a) Ukraine (b) Lithuania
(d) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (c) Georgia (d) Moldova
(Formerly Victorial Terminus) RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist Ans. (b) : Lithuania is a country located on the coast of
Ans. (d) : Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus was the Baltic sea in the northern part of the continent of
designed by Fredrick William Stevens. It was earlier Europe. It is the largest of the three Baltic countries
known as Victoria Terminus. It is an outstanding example (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). When the Soviet Union
of Victorian Gothic Revival architecture in India. weakened in the 1990's on March 11, 1990 Lithuania
1251. Megalopolis a Greek word meaning "great becomes the first Soviet republic to declare its own
city" was popularized by ______ (1957) independence. Modern Lithuania is a member of the
(a) Patrick (b) Jean Gottman European Union, the European Council and NATO.
(c) Lewis Mumford (d) Griffin 1256. What form of art is used to decorate the floor
RRB NTPC 13.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist in front of the house?
Ans. (b) : Megalopolis refers to a cluster of densely (a) Madhubani (b) Kolam
populated cities stretching over a large region. Jean (c) Worli (d) Mehndi
Gottman had popularized the term in 1957 to classify RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the region from Washington to Bostan, including New Ans. (b) : Kolam also known as Muggu is a form of
York, Philadelphia and Balfimore. traditional decorative art that is drawn by using rice
1252. Aadhar is a 12-digit unique number that is flour as per age-old conventions. Its origin belongs to
issued by the _____. the ancient Tamil Nadu. It is widely practised by female
(a) Unique Identification Authority of India family members in front of their house entrance.
1257. When did the referendum on Brexit take Ans. (b) : Alam Ara is the first Hindi language and
place? Indian speech film made in 1931. The director of this
(a) August, 2016 (b) June, 2017 film was Ardeshir Irani. It starred Master Vithal as the
(c) June, 2016 (d) April, 2016 lead hero and Zubeida the heroine.
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 1262. The parliament of Japan is called
Ans. (c) : The United Kingdom European Union (a) Stortinget (b) The National Diet
membership referendum commonly reffered to as the (c) Parliament (d) Folketing
EU referendum or the Brexit referendum, took place on RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
23 June, 2016 in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar to Ans. (b) :
ask the electorate whether the country should remain a Country Parliament
member of, or leave in which 51.89 percent voted in Japan – The National Diet
favour of leaving the EU and 48.11 percent voted to Denmark – Folketing
remain a member, Prime Minister David Cameron Australia – Common Wealth
resigned. Parliament/Federal Parliament
1258. The withdrawal of United Kingdom from the Norway – Stortinget
European Union is refferred to more 1263. Which animal has been declared as the
commonly as : 'National Heritage Animal' of india?
(a) Exit (b) Brexit (a) One-horned Rhino (b) Elephant
(c) Britain stronger (d) Vote leave (c) Royal Bengal Tiger (d) Asiatic Cheetah
RRB NTPC 27.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Brexit a portmanteau of “British exit” was Ans. (b) : In October 2010 the Government of India
the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the declared the elephant as the National Heritage Animal
European Union on 31 January 2020 .Now the current of India. Elephants are herbivorous creature, which are
members of EU are 27. found from dense forests to savana (open grasslands).
1259. The Postal Index Number (PIN) is a six digit Keeping in view the reduction in the number of
code used by Indian postal department, what elephants in the country. The elephant project was
does the first two digit of the code (taken started in 1992 by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India.
together) stands for:
(a) District 1264. Braille system is based on which of the
(b) Delivery post office
(a) On numbers (b) On dots
(c) Municipal corporation
(c) On Words (d) On letters
(d) Sub region or one of the postal circles
RRB NTPC 19.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans. (b) : Braille is a tactile writing system used by
Ans. (d) : Postal Index Number or more popularly people who are visually impaired, including people who
known as PIN code is a six-digit numeric code in the are blind, deafblind or who have low vision. It is written
Indian postal system by India post. It was first with the help of dots. It is also possible to create
introduced on 15th August, 1972 by Shriram Bhikaji embossed illustrations and graphs, with the lines either
who was the then Additional Secretary in the Ministry solid or made of series of dots. It is developed by a
of Communications. The first two digits of the PIN French named Louis Braille, in 1824.
identify a particular circle. 1265. The national calendar of India is based on
1260. Urdu is also referred to as: ........... Era.
(a) Shauraseni (b) Farsi (a) Shaka (b) Gupta
(c) Lashkari Zaban (d) Awadhi (c) Vikrama (d) Kali Yuga
RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Urdu is a 'camp language' or 'lashkari zaban' Ans : (a) The national calendar of India is based on the
because it originated in the army camps of the Mughals. Shaka Era. Kanishka the great, was the emperor of the
Literally, the word Urdu (originally Turkish) means the Kushan dynasty in the second century. He was famous
royal camp. for his military, political, and spiritual achievements. He
ascended the throne in 78 AD/CE by defeating the
1261. In 1931, the first Indian movie with sound was
Shakas and this date was used as the beginning of the
released. Name the film. Shaka calendar Era. It was adopted by India from 1
(a) Kisan Knaya (b) Alam Ara Chaitra 1879, Shaka Era or 22 March 1957 along with
(c) Jungle Ka Jawan (d) Raja Harishchandra the Gregorian calendar for the following official
RRB NTPC 09.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist purposes. It is also known as Shalivahana Calender.
1266. Which of the following museum is an 1270. Where does the Prime Minister of India hoist
anthropological Museum, that presents an the Indian flag every year on Independence
integrated story of the evolution of man and Day?
culture with special reference to India? (a) Qutub Minar (b) India Gate
(a) Indira Gandhi Sangrahalya (IGS) (c) Red Fort (d) Raisina Road
(b) Indira Gandhi Jantu Sangrahalaya (IGJS) RRB Group-D 24-09-2018 (Shift-III)
(c) Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya Ans : (c) Independence Day is celebrated annually on
(IGRMS) 15 August as a national holiday in India
(d) Indira Gandhi Pustak Sangrahalaya commemorating the nation's independence from the
RRB ALP & Tec. (31-08-18 Shift-I) British Rule on 15 August 1947. So, the Prime Minister
Ans : (c) Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is hoists the flag on Independence Day at the Red Fort in
located in Bhopal, India. It is well-known as Museum of New Delhi every year.
Man or National Museum of Mankind, is one of the best 1271. The chronicler was a such person that____ .
Museums in India for those seeking an insight into its (a) Used to organize programs for the army.
many cultures. It starts by tracing the origin of mankind (b) Used to write accounts of historical events for
and then showcases the habited, culture and day to day the king.
life in different parts, of India. (c) Used to organize programs for the people
1267. Short films such as Henry and The Displaced (d) Used to compose music for the king
were used for ....... market. RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(a) VFX (b) 7D Animation
Ans. (b) : The chronicler was a such person that used to
(c) VR Technology (d) 3DAnimation
write contemporary descriptions of historical events for
RRB Group-D 16-11-2018 (Shift-I) the King. Amir Khusro and Ziauddin Barani were
Ans : (c) Short films such as Henry and the Displaced fourteenth-century famous chronicler.
are used to the Virtual Reality (VR) technology market. 1272. Shrikhand is an Indian sweet dish which is
Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated
made from extracted water yogurt and is one
environment with scenes and objects that appear to be
of the main sweet dish in ______cuisine.
real, making the user feel they are immersed in their
(a) Bengali (b) Kerala
surroundings. This environment is perceived through a
device known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet. (c) Maharashtrian (d) Haryanvi
RRB Group-D 31-10-2018 (Shift-III)
1268. Which period is considered as the period of
renaissance for the Indian Theatre? Ans. (c) Shrikhand is a traditional Indian sweet made
(a) 1765-75 (b) 1886-96 with hung curd and flavored with saffron and
cardamom. It is very popular in western Indian states of
(c) 1980-90 (d) 1965-75
Maharashtra and Gujarat.
RRB Group-D 12-12-2018 (Shift-III)
1273. Which ministry controls cow slaughter in
Ans : (a) The earliest form of Indian theatre was
sanskrit theatre that emerged sometime around the 2nd
century BC. The period 1765-75 is considered as a (a) Defence (b) Agriculture
renaissance for Indian theatre. In this period the plays (c) Home (d) Environment
were presented verbally rather than using written RRB Group-D 24-10-2018 (Shift-I)
scripts. Ans : (d) Ministry of environment of the government of
1269. The correct extended form of NALSA. India controls cattle slaughter in India. It is responsible
(a) National League Supreme Authority for planning, promoting, coordinating, and overseeing
(b) National Legal Safety Authority the implementation of environment and forestry
(c) National Legal Services Affaires programmes in the country. The Parliament of India has
(d) National Legal Services Authority made and act "The prevention of cruelty to animals act,
RRB Group-D 30-10-2018 (Shift-III) 1960" to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or
suffering on animals. As per the provisions of the law
Ans. (d) : The National Legal Services Authority
the government of India amended this act in 2017 and
(NALSA) was formed on 9 November 1995- under the
imposed a ban on the sale and purchase of cattle for
Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to provide free
slaughter at animal markets.
legal services to the weaker sections of the society and
to organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of 1274. Which organization has founded Govardhan
disputes. Article 39A of the constitution of India Ecovillage in Maharashtra?
provides equal justice and free legal aid. NALSA has (a) ISKCON (b) Gaudiya Math
been established to give it a tangible form. It is (c) RSS (d) Isha Foundation
headquarter in New Delhi. RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) ISKCON organization has founded Govardhan Ans. (a) : World's first robot ski competition was held
Ecovillage in Maharashtra. Govardhan Ecovillage is a in South Korea's 2018 Winter Olympics in which self
place that houses spiritual and ecofriendly initiatives. It operational humanoid skiers with two legs participated
is a model form community that illustrates the wearing skis. The robots were equipped with sensors,
principles of 'Simple Living & high Thinking' which is batteries and deep learning algorithms that allow them
not just a principle but a way of life that has to be to move on their own-Eight teams from local
adapted in the current fast moving world to connect universities and tech firms took part in the competition.
with our roots again to experience not just happiness but 1279. In which year was All India Radio (AIR)
sheer bliss. established?
1275. The behaviour of real objects, systems or (a) 1947 (b) 1960
phenomenon is represented by .......... . (c) 1936 (d) 1952
(a) Ki Model RRB Group-D 15-11-2018 (Shift-II)
(b) Scientific Model Ans : (c) All India Radio (AIR) established in 1936. It
(c) Numerical Model was change to Akashvani in 1957. It is the world's
(d) Atomic Model largest radio network. It is headquartered in the
RRB Group-D 26-11-2018 (Shift-III) Akashvani Bhavan building in New Delhi.
Ans : (b) A Scientific Model is a physical mathematical 1280. Quantum Number are -
or conceptual representation of the behaviour of real (a) Geometric
objects, system or phenomenon. Scientists seek to (b) Logical values
identify and understand patterns in our world by (c) Mathematical values
drawing on their scientific knowledge to offer (d) Numerical values
explanation that enable the patterns to be predicted. RRB Group-D 16-11-2018 (Shift-III)
1276. Jonathan Duncan, the resident of the East Ans. (d) : Quantum Number are Numerical values. It
India Company started a ........ college for the represents the position and energy of electron which
study of Hindu law and philosophy in 1791. revolves around the nucleus in the atom. There are four
(a) Sanskrit (b) Hindi quantum numbers-
(c) Tamil (d) English 1. Principal quantum number (n)
RRB Group-D 02-11-2018 (Shift-III) 2. Azimuthal quantum number (l)
Ans. (a) : Jonathan Duncan, the resident of the East 3. Magnetic quantum number (ms)
India Company started a sanskrit college at Banaras for 4. Spin quantum number (ms)
the study of Hindu law and philosophy in 1791. In 1958 1281. Which country gifted the statue of Liberty to
the Sanskrit college became a university and in 1974 the USA?
name was change to Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. (a) Germany (b) France
1277. What is Jashn-e-Rekhta? (c) England (d) Indian
(a) The annual dance festival to celebrate various RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Indian dance forms which is organized in Ans :(b) France gifted the statue of Liberty to USA on 4
Chennai. July 1886. The statue of Liberty was a gift from the
(b) The annual poetry festival to commemorate people of France to the people of the USA in
the manifestation of saint Kabir Das which is commemoration of USA's independence on 4 July
organized in New Delhi 1776. It is a personification of liberty in the form of a
(c) The Annual festival to celebrate harvest woman. It is 305-feet (93-metre) long statue and is
season which is organized in Mumbai located on Liberty Island in New York city. It was
(d) The annual literary festival to celebrate Urdu inscribed in 1984 as World Heritage Site.
language which is organized in New Delhi 1282. In which city is gold value determined?
RRB Group-D 04-12-2018 (Shift-III) (a) California (b) Sydney
Ans. (d) Jashn-e-Rakhta is the annual literary festival to (c) Rome (d) London
celebrate Urdu language. It is the world's largest Urdu RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
language literary festival. It is a three-day event held Ans : (d) Gold value is determined in London .
annually in New Delhi under the aegis of the Rekhta 1283. Four pairs of words are given. Find the odd
Foundation. one out-
1278. World's first robot ski competition was held in (a) 65th anniversary : Diamond Jubilee
which country? (b) 50th anniversary : Golden Jubilee
(a) South Korea (b) India (c) 40th anniversary : Ruby Jubilee
(c) Switzerland (d) Russia (d) 25th anniversary : Silver Jubilee
RRB Group-D 06-12-2018 (Shift-II) RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (a) Diamond Jubilee is a celebration held to mark 1288. Which of the following methods is used
60th anniversary or (77th Aniversary). Thus, the pair of primarily by anthropologist to gain new
option A is incorrect and the remaining pairs of options information about humans?
are correct. (a) Field work
1284. What is a Mobius strip? (b) Travel description of passengers
(a) A hole in the galaxy (c) Laboratory experiment
(b) A surface that has only one side and only one (d) Research paper
boundry curve RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(c) An interpolation side between the earth and Ans : (a) Field work is used by anthropologists to gain
the moon. new information about humans. This report studies
(d) A Plasma current generated by the velocity of social science such as- social work, anthropology,
light. criminal justice education, law health care, business
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist gerontology etc.
Ans : (b) Mobius strip is a surface with only one side 1289. What are the principles related to beliefs
and only one boundry curve. It can be created by taking values and practices of a culture from the
a strip of paper and giving one end a half twist, then perspective of culture?
joining the ends to from a loop. (a) Cultural pragmatism
(b) Cultural relativism
1285. +91 is the country calling code of which nation?
(c) Cultural freedom
(a) Canada (b) America
(d) Cultural Interdependence
(c) India (d) China
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) The beliefs related to the values and practices
Ans : (c) +91 is the country calling code for India, of a culture are called Cultural relativism. Cultural
Likewise relativism is believed that each culture is known as a
+1 is for Canada and America representation of its worldview.
+86 is for China 1290. What is the Geodesy?
+44 is for United kingdom (a) A branch of aeronautics
1286. Which one of the following not considered as (b) Iceberg study
harmful to the society? (c) Study of Mountains
(a) Child marriage (d) The branch of Mathematics that deals with
(b) Dowry system the size and area of earth
(c) Untouchability RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(d) Adult franchise Ans : (d) Geodesy is the branch of geophysics and
RRB NTPC 17.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage Ist mathematics that determines the correct dimensional
Ans : (d) Child marriage cannot be considered right for position of the points on the surface of the earth based
the general society. Untouchability, Dowry system and on measurement and observation.
Child marriage are considered as social evils that obstruct 1291. The famous passenger ship Titanic belongs to
the progress of society. On the contrary, Adult Franchise which country?
means that the right to vote should be given to all adult (a) U.S.A. (b) China
citizens without the discrimination of caste, class, clour, (c) Great Britain (d) France
religion or sex. It is considered as a fundamental pillar of RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
any democracy.
Ans : (c) The famous Titanic ship was from great Britain.
1287. What does PNR stand for? The Titanic was the world's largest steam- based
(a) Public Number in Railway passenger ship. It sailed from Southampton (England) on
(b) Passenger Name Record 10 April, 1912 on his first voyoge. After a 4 day journey
(c) Passenger Number Reservation on 14 April 1912. It collided with an iceberg and sank.
(d) Priority Number in Reservation Killing about 1500 passengers and ship personal, it is one
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist of the dealiest maritime disasters in history.
Ans : (b) Passenger Name Record is the full form of 1292. Who patented the three position traffic signal
P.N.R. A passenger name record is a record in the is 1923?
database of a computer reservation system that contains (a) Garrett Morgan (b) J.P. Knight
the itinerary of a passenger or a group of passengers (c) George Eastman (d) Robert Adler
travelling together. RRB NTPC 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) Stage IInd
Ans : (a) The US patent office on 20 November 1923 1298. What is a liquid paper?
granted patent NO. 1475074 to inventor and news (a) Paper that doesn't get wet
paperman Garrett Morgan for his three position traffic (b) Paper that turns into liquid.
signal. (c) Quick drying paper coloured fluid that is
1293. What type of government is there in applied to correct the printed material.
Bangladesh? (d) Paper that never dries
(a) Islamic Republic RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(b) Parliamentary democracy Ans : (c) Liquid paper is a quick-drying paper coloured
(c) Federal Republic fluid used to correct printed material. It is called
(d) Constitutional monarchy Whitener Nesmith Graham invented in 1956. It is an
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist volatile organic compound now its banned in India.
Ans : (b) Bangladesh has parliamentary democracy. It 1299. Which of the following is the vertical
is also called the 'Ethnic Parliament' The total of restructuring method?
members of this legislative is 350, out of which 300 are (a) Job rotation
directly elected by the public with 50 reserved for (b) Increase in Job
women. The term of the parliament is 5 years.
(c) Job promotion
1294. The colosseum, known as Flavian (d) Job evaluation
Amphitheatre is located in ______ .
RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(a) Venice (b) Rome
Ans : (c) Job promotion is a vertical restructing
(c) Milan (d) Vatican City
measure. Job promotion includes employee roles,
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist working conditions for existing employees, employee
Ans : (b) Flavin Amphitheatre is located in Rome. This evaluation, management roles. It specifically covers the
building is a fine example of Ancient Roman work of primary and secondary occupations.
architecture and engineering. It was built by emperor
1300. What denotes learned and shared beliefs and
vespasian between 72 AD. to 82 AD. In this stadium,
about 50000 people used to sit together and watch a
game of bloody fight between wild animals and salves. (a) Culture
(b) Casteism
1295. Which of the following is called 'Black
Beauty'? (c) Community
(a) Name of crows in Panchatantra (d) Incarnation
(b) Petrol in raw form RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
(c) Another name of Rapunzel Ans : (a) Culture encompasses the social behaviour and
(d) A coal-colored stone from mars norms found in human societies. It is the set of shared
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterizes
institution or organization.
Ans : (d) Black beauty is called a coal-colored stone
from Mars. 1301. Which company deals with the development of
post-it and scotch-tape?
1296. The word cancer is derived from the Greek
language 'Carcinos' meaning of :- (a) Johnson and Johnson
(a) Poisonous (b) Decay (b) 3M
(c) Crab (d) Incurable (c) Uniliver
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist (d) Amazon
Ans : (c) The word cancer is derived from the Greek RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
language 'carcinos' meaning of Crab. Ans : (b) 3M company has been associated with the
1297. The name of our planet earth originated from development of post-it and scotch-tape. This company is
which language? deals with medical devices Johnson & Johnson company
(a) Greek (b) Roman manufactures children's goods, sporting goods etc.
(c) English (d) Sanskrit 1302. What is the basic concept of Montessori
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist education?
Ans : (c) The name of our planet earth originated from (a) Discovery by travel
English/German which simply means ground. The only (b) Dreaming
known place in the universe where life is present or the (c) Communication
densest in the solar system and the largest among the four (d) Self-discovery through experiment
terrestrial planets. RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) The Montessori method of education was 1307. With what purpose was the Lalit Kala
developed by Italian physician Maria Montessori. It Academy established?
views children as naturally eager for knowledge and (a) To promote and encourage Indian music and
capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive dance
and well-prepared learning environment. (b) To promote and encourage study and
1303. The term polyarchy was used by Robert Dahl research in the fields of Indian art.
to describe the form of government in which? (c) To encourage study and research in Indian
(a) It reduces the multitudinous difference of drama
opinion to relatively simple alternatives. (d) To promote and encourage Indian literature
(b) It takes the individual as the basic unit of the RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
democratic model. Ans : (b) Lalit Kala Academy is an autonomous body
(c) People can participate through their formed in independent India established by the
representation. government of India on 5 August. 1954 to work in the
(d) People act through both the electoral system field of fine arts. Such as - Sculpture, graph art, house
and the group process. building art etc.
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist 1308. Prasar Bharati is an autonomous body under
Ans : (d) The term polyarchy is used by Robert Dahl to that comprises____
explain the form of government in which people act (a) All India Radio, Doordarshan and BSNL
through both the electoral system and the group process. (b) Both All India Radio and Doordarshan
1304. The Nationwide campaign 'operation smile' (c) Only All India Radio
associated with _______ . (d) Only Doordarshan
(a) Senior Citizens RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-II)
(b) War Widows Ans : (b) Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of
(c) Freedom fighter India) is a public broadcasting organization in India,
(d) Missing children mainly consisting of Doordarshan and All India Radio.
The current CEO of Prasar Bharti is Shashi Shekhar
RRB NTPC 11.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) Operation smile 'Campaign was launched by
1309. What is the full form of UNHCR?
the Ghaziabad police of Uttar Pradesh to search for the
Missing children. (a) United Nations Human Capital research
(b) United Nations Humanity Committee for
1305. What is the full form of the abbreviation
RLWL in relation to trains?
(c) United Nations High Commissioner for
(a) Regret loss waiting list
(b) Remote location waiting list (d) United Nations Humanity Commissioner
(c) Railway location waiting list Refugees
(d) Railway list waiting looked RRB NTPC Stage Ist 19.01.2017 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 09.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist Ans : (c) The full form of UNHCR is the united Nations
Ans : (b) Remote location waiting list (RLWL) means High Commissioner for Refugees. It was established on
the ticket is issued far intermediate station (between the 14 September 1950. Its objective is to provide
originating and terminating station) because usually, emergency relief, resettlement assistance, security and
these are the most important towns or cities on that permanent diagnosis against the problem of refugees
particular route. 1310. What is the meaning of IUCN?
1306. The University grants commission launched (a) Intensive care Unit for Nephrology
the world's largest language portal project (b) International Union for conservation of
called______ . Nature
(a) Bharat Vani (b) Hind Vani (c) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature
(c) Bharat Samagrah (d) Bhasha Gyan (d) Indian Universal Communication News.
RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) With the objective of distributing content in Ans : (b) IUCN stands for International Union for
all Indian languages through online portal, The Conservation of Nature. It is involved in data gathering
University Grants Commission (UGC) launched Bharat and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy and
Vani project, which aims to make available information education. It is best known for compiling and publising
about all the languages of India on one portal using the IUCN Red list of Threatened species, which assesses
multimedia. the conservation status of species world wide.
1311. Which automobile manufacturer, manufactured (b) Symbolic interaction
the air bags used in modern vehicles in the year (c) Struggle
1973. (d) Positivity
(a) Ford (b) Chrysler RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(c) Volkswagen (d) General Motors. Ans : (a) Structural pragmatism is the social theory that
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 26.04.2016 (Shift-III) tries to convince us how to focus on the relationship
Ans : (d) Air bags used in modern vehicles were between different social institutions in order to build a
manufactured by General Motors in the year 1973. It is society.
headquarter in Detroit Michigan United States. 1317. What is the significance of Potala Mahal?
1312. What is the Full form of CDM? (a) The palace of the king of the Qin Dynasty
(a) Clean Development Mechanism (b) The current residence of the Nepalese Prime
(b) Carbon Degeneration Mechanism Minister.
(c) Carbon Degeneration Mission (c) The ruins of the palace found in Sri Lanka
(d) Cash Deposit Mechanism (d) The Dalai Lama's winter palace.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-I) RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) CDM full name is Clean Development Ans : (d) Potala Mahal is located on the Red Hill in the
Mechanism, Clean Development Mechanism is defined center of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. It is also known as
under Article of the Kyoto Protocol. the winter palace of the Dalai Lama. In the year 1994, it
1313. What is the ancient style of articles containing was included in the world cultural Heritage List.
Egyptian symbols called? 1318. The union government has released a
(a) Pictograph (Hieroglyphics) commemorative postage stamp to mark the
(b) Fortress (Cuneiform) centenary year of ____ is the apex institution
(c) Hittite (Hittite) on fauna taxonomy in India.
(d) Japotech (a) Zoological Survey of India
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I) (b) Archacological Survey of India
Ans : (a) The ancient style of articles containing (c) National Animal Species Survey
Egyptian symbols is called pictographs. It is also called (d) Nation Sample Survey Organization
Hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs are egyptian ancient writing RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
system reminiscent of the ancient Egyptians. Ans : (a) Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) was founded
1314. Which of the following sculptures is designed on 1 July, 1916 by Government of India Ministry of
by a french sculptor as a symbol of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, as premier
independence? Indian organization in zoological research and studies
(a) Statue of Unity to promote the survey. Exploration and research of the
(b) Statue of Liberty fauna in the country.
(c) Statue of Law 1319. The United state of America launched an aerial
(d) Statue of Jesus bombing operation against Al-Qaeda and the
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II) Taliban after 9/11 attacks. What was the name
of this operation?
Ans : (b) The statue of Liberty is a large statue on a
(a) Operation Bin Laden
small island near New York Harbor in New York, USA.
(b) Operation permanent freedom
1315. Where is the statue of Liberty statue located? (c) Operation Osama
(a) Paris
(d) Operation permanent Afghan
(b) Washington
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III)
(c) Geneva
Ans. (b) : Following the 9/11 terrorist attack on United
(d) New York
states world trade center, an aerial bombing operation was
RRB NTPC 05.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist launched to end Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorist.
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. organization. The operation was called operation
1316. Which one of these social theories that tries to permanent freedom.
explain, why society works by focusing on the 1320. What is the name of the mobile application
relationship between different social recently launched by the Delhi Police which
institutions to build a society? allows women to call the police control room
(a) Structural Pragmatism and their relatives in case of any emergency?
(a) Shakti (b) Nidar 1324. Which is the national costume of Japan?
(c) Himmat (d) Sahas (a) Sheet (b) Kilt
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) (c) Psoriasis (d) Kimono
Ans. (c) : To protect women in the capital Delhi, Union RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Home Minister Rajnath Singh released a mobile app Ans : (d) The national costume of Japan is Kimono. It
'Himmat' on the initiative of Delhi Police. In the database is considered as a national costume since the mid
of this app. The consumer will be ask to enter the number Nineteenth centuary.
of two friends or relative. Whenever sos call occurs, a
1325. ONGC comes under which of the following
message will automatically send to these five numbers. In
this way not only the police but also the relatives of the
(a) Health
consumer can reach the spot to help him. This app has a
button, which can record 30 second of audio, video. (b) Education
(c) Agriculture
1321. Bilquis Edhi is a ______ .
(d) Energy
(a) A founder of child line in India.
(b) A founder Edhi Organization Pakistan RRB NTPC 17.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Advisor to Indian women's cricket team Ans. (d) : Maharatna status company ONGC ( Oil and
(d) Iranian worker Natural Gas Corporation Limited) is the largest crude
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III) oil and natural gas company in India, contributing
around 71 percent to Indian domestic production. Crude
Ans : (b) Bilkis Bano is the founder of Edhi, a Pakistan
oil is the raw material used by downstream companies
Institution. She along with her husband Abdul received the
like IOC, BPCL, HPCL and MRPL (last two are
Raman Magsaysay Award in 1986 for public service. In
subsidiaries of ONGC) to produce petroleum products
1915, she received the Mother Teresa Memorial
like Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Nephtha and Cooking
International Award for social Justice.
Gas, LPG.
1322. The Earth hour programme began in
1326. Where is the Parkes Observatory located?
(a) 2006 (b) 2005
(a) USA
(c) 2007 (d) 2008
(b) US
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
(c) Russia
Ans. (c) : Earth Hour, Organized by WWF (World
(d) Australia
Wide Fund) is a global grassroots movement uniting
people to take action on environmental issues and RRB NTPC 12.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Ans : (d) The Parkes observatory is located in New
protect the planet. The first Earth Hour event was held
on 31 March 2007. WWF- Australia inspired Sydney - South Wales of Australia. It also known informally as
"The Dish". It is a radio telescope observatory. It was
Siders to show their support climate action, More than
built during the Apollo mission to the Moon, it was
2.2 million individuals and 2,00 businesses turned their
light off for one hour in the first earth hour event.used to relay communication and telemetry signals to
1323. Inca ruins of machu Picchu are which country NASA, providing coverage for when the Moon was on
located. the Australian side of the Earth.
(a) Guatemala 1327. .................. is an electrically powered and
(b) Greece Remotely Operated Vehicle by DRDO.
(c) Mexico (a) MITRA
(d) Peru (b) AJIT
RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) RADA
Ans. (d) : Machu Picchu is a 15 century site located (d) DAKSH
on a ridge between the Huayna Picchu and Machu RRB-JE 30.08.2019, Ist Shift
Picchu mountain in Peru. In 1911, explorer Hiran Ans. (d) : DAKSH is an electrically powered remotely
Bingham III visited the site and published its existence operated vehicle designed and developed by the Indian
for the first time. Machu Picchu is belived to have been state owned Defense Research and Development
built by Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the 9th ruler of the Organisation (DRDO) at the Research and Development
Inca dynasty. Establishment (Engineers) Pune, India.

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