RRB NTPC General Science: All The Best Champs

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Ojas Academy


This book consists of 50 unique questions and answers of general science.

This question helps the students to crack RRB NTPC and other competitive exams.

We are looking forward to provide another 50 questions in next edition

Users are requested to go through all the questions and related topics

This is part 1 and part will be released soon

I any student wants solutions send mail to this ID: [email protected]

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Success ahead
Ojas Academy

1) Atomic number of Oxygen

a) 20 b)16 c)1 d)8

2) Chemical formula of Glucose

a) C6H12O6 b) C6H14O6 c) C12H12O6 d) C6H12O12

3) Which of the following carries Oxygen in Human body

a) Chlorophyll b) Hemoglobin c) Carbhohydrates d) Heart

4) Which of the following is not greenhouse gas

a) Water vapour b) Carbon dioxide c) Methane d) Oxygen

5) pH value of pure water

a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

6) What is the largest organ of human body?

a) Heart b) Brain c) Skin d) Liver

7) What is the largest internal organ in human body?

a) Heart b) Lungs c) Liver d) Skin

8) If a object with mass ‘M’ is moving with constant velocity ‘V’ then the Kinetic
energy of the object is given by?
a) MV2 b) ¾ MV2 c) ½ MV3 d) ½ MV2

9) An object having Mass ‘m’ is at a height ‘h’ from earth surface will have a potential
energy of? (g= acceleration due to gravity)
a) m2gh b) mgh c) ½ mgh d) mgh2

10) A man starts at point ‘P’ travels a distance of 5πR cms in a circle of radius R cm. what
is the displacement?
a) R cm R/2 cm c) 3R cm d) 2R cm
Ojas Academy

11) Which of the following is a semiconductor?

a) Oxygen b) Gold c) Silver d) Silicon

12) Which gland is present in Brain?

a) Thyroid b) Pancreas c) Adrenal d) Pituitary

13) In which of the following medium sound travels faster?

a) Liquid b) Solid c) Gaseous d) Vacuum

14) Optical fibre works on the principle of?

a) Interference b) dispersion c) Total internal reflection d) absorption

15) What is the reason for mirage formation?

a) Refraction b) total internal reflection c) both d) none of these

16) Which of the following will have higher viscosity?

a) Water b) oil c) Honey d) alcohol

17) Which of the following is Omnivorous?

a) Tiger b)Deer c)Human d)Cat

18) Malaria treatment is successful done for the first time by?
a) Ronald Ross b)Alexander Fleming c)Louis Pasteur d)J C Bose

19) Which of the following is a noble gas?

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) Helium

20) pH range for acidic compounds lies between?

a) 1-7 b) 4 - 10 c) 5 – 14 d) 2- 8

21) pH range for basic compounds lies between?

a) 4-10 b) 3-11 c) 7-14 d) 2-6
Ojas Academy

22) 1 Kilowatt hour is equal to

a) 3 mega joule b) 3.6 mega joule c) 4.8 mega joule d) 5.2 mega joule

23) Which type of reaction takes place in sun to produce energy?

a) Nuclear fission b) Nuclear fusion c) both d) none

24) Which is used for making dry ice

a) Water b) alcohol c) oxygen d) carbon dioxide

25) Good conductor of electricity

a) Wood b) graphite c) petrol d) glass

26) Speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum

a) is equal to speed of sound b) is equal to speed of light
c) less then speed of sound d) less then speed of light

27) Which of the following is used in ovens?

a) X- rays b) gamma rays c) micro waves d) Radio waves

28) Decibel is the unit of

a) Speed of light b) speed of sound c) Intensity of sound d) intensity of light

29) Galvanization is the process used

a) To deposit gold on iron c) to deposit silver on iron
b) To deposit zinc on iron d) to deposit copper on iron

30) Nucleus of atom consists of

a) Electron b) proton c) electron and proton d) neutron and proton

31) Which is used in electric heating coil?

a) Copper b) zinc c) Nichrome d) Bauxite
Ojas Academy

32) Which type of power is supplied to domestic residences?

a) DC power b) AC power c) High power d) Low power

33) In winter we use woollen clothes because it is

a) Good conductor of heat c) bad conductor of heat
b) Looks good d) soft

34) How to avoid dehydration in summers by drinking

a) Alcohol b) Water c) kerosene d) soft drinks

35) Which is used in photosynthesis reaction?

a) Haemoglobin b) phosphorous c) chlorophyll d) electricity

36) Which type of transformer is used in residential colonies

a) Step up b) step down c) straight d) curve

37) Corona disease is caused by

a) Bacteria b) virus c) fungus d) fish

38) Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation?

a) A b) K c) D d) K

39) Scurvy is caused by deficiency of Vitamin

a) D b) C c) K d) A

40) Beriberi is caused by deficiency of Vitamin

a) B12 b) B2 c) C d) B1

41) The device that converts AC to DC is

a) Modulator b) Oscillator c) Rectifier d) Amplifier

42) The fish in the water appears near than the actual distance because of
a) Reflection b) Dispersion c) Refraction d) Scattering
Ojas Academy

43) Which is the weakest Force in nature?

a) Electrical b) Magnetic c) Gravitational d) Nuclear

44) Fuse melts in domestic electric circuits because of rise in

a) Current b) Resistance c) Capacitance d) Inductance

45) Which of the following is used to increase/decrease speed of fan?

a) Amplifier b) Regulator b) Switch d) Fuse

46) Which of the following is linear device?

a) Diode b) Transistor c) MOSFET d) Resistor

47) Which law states that “ every action has equal and opposite reaction
a) Newton’s 1st Law b) Newton’s 2nd Law
c) Newton’s 3 Law d) Newton’s 4th Law

48) Electrical Conductivity through body takes place by?

a) Molecules b) Neutrons c) Atoms d) Ions

49) Which of the following is used in pencils?

a) Silicon b) diamond c) sulphur d) Graphite

50) What is the relation among Density (D), Mass (M) and Volume (V)?
a) D=M*V b) D=V/M c) D=M/V d) None

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