Banjo Chord Chart 1
Banjo Chord Chart 1
Banjo Chord Chart 1
C C7 F G G7 Am Dm
D D7 G A A7 Bm Em
E E7 A B B7 Cm Fm
F F7 B C C7 Dm Gm
A A7 D E E7 Fm Bm
B B7 E F F7 Gm Cm
This chord chart provides the most common banjo chords used for each of the natural
(non sharp or flat) keys.
All chords are written to be played within the first 5 frets, and the top line of each chord
diagram is the first fret for all chords.
within a chord indicates that chord may be played with or without that fretted note.
on the 5th string indicates the 5th string may be played as part of that chord.
Chart A shows the notes for each string. The third string G is pitched the same as the G
below middle C on a piano; the fifth string G is pitched the same as the G above middle C
Chart B shows how to tune a banjo in open G using the first string as the primary string, and
then tuning the other strings to match it. Steps are as follows:
D G B D 4 3 2 1
G 5