2week 2 Day 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Las Piñas City


GRAD Date NOVEMBER 22, 2023 - Quarter First
Teachers TIME SECTION Checked
Daily Program by:
Lesson 12:00-12:50 WILFREDO M. GAGARIN
Log JR.
MakaDiyos MT II, OIC
4:00-4:50 PSDS District I
 Reading Coordinator PSDS ENGLISH
 SBM Coordinator

A.Content Standards / The learner demonstrates an understanding that word meaning changes based on
Pamantayang context
B.Performance The learner uses strategies to decode the meaning of words in context
Standards /
Pamantayan sa
C.Learning Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words: definition, exemplification:
Competencies /
Objectives (Write the Identify context clues to find meaning of familiar and unfamiliar words:
LC code for each) / definition, exemplification
Mga Kasanayan sa
Pagkatuto (Isulat ang
code ng bawat
II.CONTENT(Subject Identify context clues to find meaning of familiar and unfamiliar words: definition,
Matter)/ NILALAMAN exemplification
A.References /
1.Teacher’s Guide
pages/ Mga pahina sa
Gabay ng Guro
2.Learner’s Material
pages / Mga pahina sa
Kagamitang Pang-
3.Textbook pages/ Mga
pahina sa Teksbuk
4.Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal/
Kagamitan mula sa
portal ng Learning
B.Other Learning PowerPoint presentation and videos about defining context clues to find
Resources/ Iba pang meaning of familiar and unfamiliar word
Kagamitang Panturo
Begin the classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the class- room health and safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
A.Reviewing previous Directions: Read the sentences. Find the word/s that give/s meaning or help you
Lesson or presenting understand the meaning of the underlined word. Box it.
new lesson/ Balik-aral
sa nakaraang aralin 1. Old coins are rare or hard to find, that’s why collectors buy them at
at/o pagsisimula ng high price.
bagong aralin
2. We laughed at the clown’s comical jokes and funny tricks.
3. Cigarette is hazardous to our body as it is dangerous to one’s health.
4. I can smell the sweet aroma of a freshly baked cake from the oven.
5. Nobody lived in the vacant house down the street for ten years.
B.Establishing a Context clues-are signs that help define a difficult or unfamiliar word within a
purpose for the lesson/ book. The clue may apper within the same sentence as the word to which it refers,
Paghahabi sa layunin or it can be used with examples or pictures.
ng aralin
Types of Clues:
1. Definition or Explanation context clues – the unfamiliar word is directly
defined in the sentence in which it appears.

Example: Our teacher gave us a deadline or due date to submit our project.
2. Exemplifications or illustration context clues -means the act of giving,
showing, or illustrating by means of examples or using pictures that helps define the
unfamiliar word.

Example: Malunggay leaves, pechay, and eggplants are my father’s favorite

C.Presenting examples/ Directions: Identify whether the clue to the underlined word is
instances of the new exemplification or definition. Write E or D on the lines provided.
lesson/ Pag-uugnay ng
mga halimbawa sa
bagong aralin 1. I felt so lonesome, sad and alone, after my pet died.
2. Last month we opened our business café’, a small coffee
restaurant near the call center building.
3. The décor including the fancy flowers, paper buntings, and cut-out
pictures made the camp look amazing.
4. My mother is allergic to crustaceans including crabs, shrimps, and
5. Our English teacher told us to write examples of adjectives. I wrote
intelligent, elegant, and gorgeous
D.Discussing new In Chrome, navigate to any web page with text on it.
concepts and practicing 2. Locate a word you want to look up.
new skills.#1/ 3. Highlight the word, then press Cmd+C (Mac) or Ctrl+C (PC) to copy
Pagtatalakay ng it.
bagong konsepto at 4. Select the small red dictionary icon in the top right of your browser.
paglalahad ng bagong A search tab will appear.
kasanayan #1 5. Select inside the search field and press Cmd+V (Mac) or Ctrl+V
(PC) to paste the previously copied word.
6. Select define.
7. You'll be shown a few top definitions of the word, along with an
option to hear how it's pronounced, its grammatical function (noun,
adjective, etc.), and a list of synonym
E.Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2/
Pagtatalakay ng
bagong konsepto at
paglalahad ng bagong
kasanayan #2

F.Developing Mastery Group 1

Lead to Formative Activity: Game- Putting things together
Assessment 3)/
Paglinang sa
Kabihasan (Tungo sa
Choose ten learners. Give each learner a strip of paper where a sentence
Formative Assessment)
was written. On the board post a label definition and exemplification clues.

Each learner will post the strip of paper under the appropriate label.

Group 2
Activity: Group Game: Sorting things
Distribute activity sheet with 6 sentences. Each group will underline unfamiliar
words in the sentences. The group will create two baskets labeled with definition
and exemplification then sort the sentences.

Group 3
Classify the following sentences accordingly. Rewrite them under the proper
1. I have completely forgotten, not remembered, my things inside the room.
2. My family sells beverages like, tea, soda, and chocolate drink.
3. In that shop you will find haberdashery items like ties, cuff links, shirts, and
pants for men.
4. The ancient Chinese used abacus, a device with movable beads that can be used
as calculator.
5. The design in her blouse is symmetrical. The regularity of design is pleasing to
the eyes.
Definition clues Exemplification clues
_____________________ ___________________

Group 4
Directions: Each member will be given sentences. Let them identify the meaning of
the underlined word in each sentence. Then tell whether the sentence gives
exemplification or used definition.
G.Finding practical Directions: Read the sentences. Color the box red if the sentence uses definition
application of concepts context clues and color the box blue if it uses an exemplifications context clues.
and skills in daily
living/ Paglalapat ng
aralin sa pang-araw-
araw na buhay
Generalizations and
Abstraction about the
Lesson/ Paglalahat ng

I.Evaluating Learning/ Directions: Read the following sentences. Find the meaning of the underlined
Pagtataya ng Aralin unfamiliar words by encircling it. Identify whether the context clues used are
Definition or Exemplification. Write your answer before the number.
_________1. The PTA officers of FSES put up a bazaar, which is a type of yard
_________2. My favorite beverages during summer are Iced Tea, Coke, and Sago’t
_________3. They live in the enormous house in Multinational Village where cost
of living is very big.
_________4. The snakes, lizards, and turtles are some of the reptiles that were
found under the bridge Tambo Road.

_________5. My neighbor is very aloof. She seems to be cold and does not like to
make friends.
J.Additional Activities Directions: Classify the following sentences accordingly. Rewrite
for Application or them under the proper column.
Karagdagang gawain 1. I have completely forgotten, not remembered, my
para sa takdang-aralin
things inside the room.
at remediation
2. My family sells beverages like, tea, soda, and chocolate drink.
3. In that shop you will find haberdashery items like ties, cuff links,
shirts, and pants for men.
Tala ___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
___ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective
___ Lesson not carried.
VI.REFLECTION/ ___ Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson
Pagninilay ___ Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson.
___ Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest
about the lesson.
___ Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in
answering the questions asked by the teacher.
___ Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
___ Majority of the pupils finished their work on time.
___ Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
___ Conduct toothbrushing and hand washing (EVERYDAY)
A.No. of learners _______________# of learners who earned 80% above
earned 80%in the Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
evaluation./ Bilang ng # of learners who earned 80% above
mag-aaral na nakakuha
ng 80% sa pagtataya Enrolment 41 40 37 34 40
B. No. of learners who _______________# of learners who require additional activities for
required additional remediation
activities for Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
remediation who scored # of learners who require additional activities for
below 80%/ Bilang ng remediation
mag-aaral na Enrolment 41 40 37 38 40
nangangailangan ng iba %
pang gawain para sa
C.Did the remedial ___ Yes ___ No
lesson work? No. of _____________# of learners who caught up with the lesson
learners who have Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
caught up with the # of learners who caught up with the lesson
lesson./ Nakatulong ba
ang remedial? Bilang
Enrolment 41 40 37 38 40
ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin
D.No. of learner who _____________# of learners who continue to require remediation
continue to require Section 1 2 3 4 5 6
remediation/ Bilang ng # of learners who continue to require remediation
mga mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa Enrolment 41 40 37 38 40
remediation %
E.Which of my Strategies used that work well:
teaching strategies • ___Metacognitive Development:
worked well? Why did Examples: Self assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and vocabulary
these work?/ Alin sa assignments.
mga istratehiyang • ___Bridging:
pagtuturo nakatulong Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and anticipatory charts.
ng lubos? Paano ito • ___Schema-Building:
nakatulong? Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects.
• ___Contextualization:
Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and local
• ___Text Representation:
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games.
• ___Modeling:
Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want students
to use, and providing samples of student work.

Other Techniques and Strategies used:

___ Explicit Teaching
___ Group collaboration
___Gamification/Learning throuh play
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Carousel
___ Dyads
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
F.What difficulties did _____ Bullying among pupils
I encounter which my _____ Pupils’ behavior/ attitude
principal or supervisor _____ Colorful IMs
can help me solve?/ _____ Unavailable technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
Anong suliranin ang _____ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
aking naranasan na __ Additional Clerical works
solusyunan sa tulong ng __Reading Readiness
aking punungguro at __Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or _____ Localized Videos
localized materials did I _____ Making big books from views of the locality
used/discover which I _____ Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
wish to share with _____ local musical composition
other teachers? / Anong __Flashcards
kagamitang panturo __4 F’s
ang aking nadibuho na
nais kong ibahagi sa
mga kapwa ko guro?

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