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● Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems ●

The course explores the main tenets and Practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada
Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. It aims to help learners understand the historical contexts of
nine religions, appreciate their uniqueness and Similarities and promote mutual understanding among believers of Different faiths.

They are expected to demonstrate understanding And appreciation of one’s faith and that of others.

Worldview is a set of beliefs used to understand the world.

“Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of ‘reality’ (the way things actually exist). Every human being
has a belief system that he/she utilizes and it is through this mechanism that we individually “make sense” of the world around us.”

Inside the box are worldviews about man’s perspective of God. (Serapio, 2016).

°Belief in supernatural powers: the power which is beyond human powers. The human sufferings enable human being to seek God’s help
for their problems.

° Belief in the holy or sacred: This is the heart of every religion. Every religion has sacred books or texts.

°Systems of rituals: these are the different ways each religions expresses their faith. Catholic Christians have the seven sacraments
which include ceremonies and rituals.

°Sinful acts usually a violation of the laws established by God which each members has to follow.

°The Method of salvation: the belief in the afterlife or the idea of heaven and hell. If you are a good believer you will go to heaven but if not,
you will go to hell. Islam went further by believing that if one’s life is sacrificed against the enemies of Islam, their soul go straight to

°Mode of worship: each religions has different expressions of worship which include praying, kneeling, dancing, singing to name a few.

° Liturgy and Ideology: Liturgy is described as public worship. It Is a gathering of believers with ceremonies such as wedding ceremonies,
worship services or bible studies.

°Place of worship: Each religion has holy places which they believe God is present such as churches, temples, mosques and other
sacred places. The elements or characteristics of religions mentioned above are necessary for a particular religion to perpetuate their
worldviews and belief systems.

• Worldview worldview is a set of beliefs used to understand the world. The basic way of interpreting things and events that pervades a
culture so thoroughly that it becomes a culture’s concept of reality-what is good, what is important, what is sacred, what is real.

•Belief system are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of ‘reality’ (the way things actually exist)

• Religion-Etymologically, the word came from ‘Religare a Latin word which means to bind fast or hold together, to secure, to bind, to
fasten together, to create a system of attitudes and beliefs.

• Naturalism denies the existence of God. All that exist is the material universe.

•Deism- believes that God or gods created the universe but God or gods no longer actively involved in the continuous process of

•Theism- It means that God or gods created the Universe and continued to actively participate of the world’s activities and in human

• Panentheism- means that God or gods are the inner spiritual essence of everything in the Universe.

•Monotheism- a belief in one God.

•Polytheism a belief in many gods

•Sacred something that possesses holiness.

•Religious Rituals religious rites,” which are the sacred, customary ways of celebrating a religion or culture
Religious Rituals-religious rites,” which are the sacred, customary ways of celebrating a religion or culture. Animism is defined as the
belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests

Religion etymologically came from the Latin word religare’ which means “to bind” or “to tie” or some authors use the word ‘relegere
meaning to read again.

Spirituality-tends to be more personal compared to religion which is more organized and institutional.

Theology- is defined as the systematic study of the nature of the Divine and, more broadly, of religious belief.

Philosophical Theology is the study of knowing God through the use of logical reasoning. Sacred something that possesses holiness. It
could refer to things, places, symbols or divine entity,

Religious Rituals-religious rites,” which are the sacred, customary ways of celebrating a religion or culture.

Animism is defined as the belief in numerous spiritual beings concerned. With human affairs and capable of helping or harming human

● Creative Nonfiction●

Focusing on formal elements and writing Techniques, including autobiography and blogging, among others,The subject introduces the
students to the reading and writing of Creative Nonfiction as a literary form. The subject develops in students skills in reading, and
thinking critically and creatively, that will hel them to be imaginative readers and writers.

Creative nonfiction therefore is an art of bringing all the strategies of storytelling to the narration of factual events. There are different
forms and types of Creative Nonfiction.

°Autobiography a written account of the life of a person written by him/herself.

°Biography a detailed description or account of a person’s life written or as told by someone else.

°Literary Journalism/Reportagea kind of literary journalism that reports on an event, history or an actual case based on direct
observation, investigation or thorough research and documentation.

°Personal Narrative. A narrative essay about a true story of something that happened to someone, usually told to illustrate an insight; is
based on autobiographical events.

°Travelogue a story of the experiences encountered by someone while touring a place for the pleasure of travel.

Therefore, Creative non-fiction writers must see beyond facts “to discover their underlying meaning”, they must “dramatize that meaning
in an interesting, evocative, and informative way.” Now let us see in this

The word "creative" refers to the use of literary craft, the techniques fiction writers, playwrights, and poets employ to present nonfiction
factually accurate prose about real people and events in a compelling, vivid, dramatic manner. Creative nonfiction (also known as literary
nonfiction or narrative nonfiction) is a genre of writing that uses literary styles and techniques to create factually accurate narratives. It
contrasts with other nonfiction, such as academic or technical writing or journalism, which is also rooted in accurate fact but is not
written to entertain based on prose style.

●Philippine Politics and Governance●

This course introduces the students to the basic concepts and vital elements of politics and governance from a historical-institutional
perspective. In Particular, it attempts to explain how the important features of our country’s political structures/institutions, processes,
and relationships developed across time.

Politics is the social institutions through which power is acquired and exercised by certain in dividuals or group

Governance the act or prosess of governing or over seeing the control and direction of something (such as a country or an organization)

Politics as the art of government:Politics is viewed as an art or practical application of knowledge for the achievement of a particular
Politics as public affairs:This second view considers politics as what happens in the public sphere of life. It is important that you
remember the distinction between the political and the nonpolitical. It coincides with the division between what is public and what is

Politics as compromise and consensus:The third view about politics refers to the way in which decisions are made.

Politics as power:The fourth view sees politics to be present in all social activities.

●Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person●

An initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. Topics to be discussed Include
the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment, freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being
unto death.

Doing philosophy involves asking the right questions, critically examining the work of previous philosophers, truly understanding the
works and the reasoning behind the works, and possibly building on the works of previous philosophers by expanding or testing this

Philosophy of Human Person can be interpreted as a philosophical investigation into the fundamental structure and nature of human in
the light of metaphysical principles. It aims at understanding the transcendent nature of human, above and beyond all appearances and
environmental aspects that affect a human person.

What is Philosophy? Many philosophers could not agree on the exact definition of the word philosophy.. Despite its varying definitions
and lack of general agreement to it, it does not mean that the term cannot be defined and characterized. Here are some popular
definition of philosophy:

Etymological definition The word philosophy is derived from philosophia which is a combination of the Greek terms philos (love) and
Sophia (wisdom). Thus, philosophy means love of wisdom.” Philosophers, therefore, are the people who are “lovers of wisdom” (Amanze,
et Al 2010)

Technical definition Philosophy can be best defined as the science of the first causes (Maritain, 2005). It seeks to know and clanfy the
very source of which all the chain of causes ultimately all go back to it. Philosophy is also a science since it utilizes reason and logic in an
attempt to understand reality and answer fundamental questions concerning knowledge, life morality, and human nature.

Metaphysics . Study of Existence. What’s out there?

Epistemology. Study of knowledge. How do I know about it?

Ethics. Study of action. What should I do?

Politics. Study of Force. What actions are permissible ?

Aesthetics. Study of Art. What can life belike?

●Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions●

The subject covers various contemporary arts practices of the region where the school is located. It aims to provide students with an
Appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles, and engage them to
an integrative approach in studying Arts

CPAR is an art poduced at the present period in time.english vernacular “modern” &”contemporary”are synonyms

What are the elements and principles of contemporary art forms? * Visual Elements: line, colour, form, space, shape, texture, value, and
tone. * Principles of Art & Design: pattern, repetition, rhythm, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, and unity / harmony.

What are the elements and principles of art appreciation? Art Appreciation Open Educational Resource Elements of art are the physical
parts of the work, including line, shape, form, space, texture, value, color, and time. Principles of art are the ways in which those parts are
arranged, including unity/ variety, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, and pattern.


This course deals with the concepts, underlying principles, processes and implementation of a business plan
Businesses are the backbone of the ecoomy. Entrepreneurs plays an important role in developing the economy through providing the
needed products and services including the solution to the problem of unemployment. Entrepreneurs are encouraged by the economy
because they can provide a lot of opportunities for the uemployed young people. It will increase in per capita income, higher standard of
living and increased individual saving, revenue to the government in the form of income tax, value added tax, export duties, import duties,
and balanced regional development

1. Development of Managerial capabilities this means that one of the benefits an entrepreneur gets is to develop his managerial

2. Creation of Organizations which means that because of entrepreneurships many organizations will exist.

3. Improving standard of living this means that entrepreneurship can lift up the economic status of an individual.

4. Means of economic development- this means that not only the life of the entrepreneur is improved but also the society where
the business is located.

Concept of Entrepreneurship. The word ‘entrepreneur” was derived from the French verb enterprendre, which means to undertake”
This is pinpointing to those who “undertake the risk of enterprise. The enterprise is created by an entrepreneur and the process is
called “Entrepreneurship” Entrepreneurs are innovators, willing to take risks and generate new ideas to make it unique and
profitable solutions to the present-day problems.

● PR2●

Blas the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to
influence your judgment:

Complementary serves to fill out or to complete.

Complexity the state of having many parts and being difficult to understand or find an answer

Consolidate to bring together separate parts into a single or unified whole.

Correlational presenting observations about the characteristics of someone or something

Dataset a collection of separate sets of information that is treated as a single unit by a computer

Descriptive . Presenting observations about the characteristics of someone or something

Empirical provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.

Experimental something that is new or uses new ideas or methods relating to tests, especially scientific ones:

Hypothesis supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

Insight a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem,

In-depth done carefully and in great detail, covering many or all important points of a subject.

Intuition the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning

Methodology a set of systems, methods, procedures or rules that is used to conduct a structured research process.

Phenomena Facts, occurrences, or circumstances which are observable or can be observe

Precautionary Intended to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening:

Preconceived formed before having the evidence for its truth or usefulness.

Quantitative Research a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical,
mathematical, or computational technique

Quasi – having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes

Random Sampling a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an equal probability of being chosen.
Replicate To reproduce or make an exactopy or similar copies.

Research the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new

Researcher’s Blas the tendency to see what is expected to see, or what is wanted. To see, with prior knowledge and subjective
feelings about the group being studied.

Sample Size a part of the population chosen for a survey or experiment.

Spurious Conclusions are results which are not true and are not based from the claimed or proper source

Superficial not complete and involving only the most obvious things.

Variable refers to something that may or does vary or change.

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