The Art of Retention

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THE ART OF retention

1 Preface
2 Introduction
3 The Principles of Retention
4 Mental and Physical benefits
5 Spiritual and Energetic effects
6 The art of Sexual Transmutation
7 Semen Retention Timeline
8 Recovering from Relapses
9 Wet Dream Protocol
10 Conclusion
11 Ancient Excerpts

The aim of this e-book is to serve as a practical

guide for the modern man to awaken the

untapped potential that lies dormant within

himself through the sacred practice of semen

retention, seeking to bridge the gap between

ancient traditions and the challenges faced in

the world today.

This is NOT meant to be a rigid set of rules but

rather a flexible framework, recognizing that

each individual's journey is unique in its own

right. It is my sincere hope that this book may

provide you with the tools needed to help

navigate this journey towards self-realization.

In a world where lust, instant gratification, and

overstimulation have become the status quo,

there exists an ancient practice that allows us

men to break free from these debilitating

chains, draining us of our innate masculine

essence, and finally tap back into our true

power: Semen retention

This timeless technique, revered by some of the

greatest men in all of human history, holds the

keys to unlock our hidden reservoirs of supreme

mental clarity, invigorating physical vitality,

and transcendental spiritual progression on the

path toward embodying our highest self.


Within the pages of this book, we will embark on

a journey of exploration, shedding light on the

profound benefits of this practice and discuss

practical methods on how we can implement it

into our modern-day lifestyles.

So whether you're seeking to enhance your mental

capabilities, improve your overall physical well-

being, deepen your spiritual connection, or simply

yearn for a brighter future, pay close attention as

we dive into the details of the true power behind

this practice. Open your mind to the possibilities

that lie ahead, and let us venture into the world

behind the science and secrets of semen retention.

Now, in order for us to fully grasp the

significance of this practice, it is essential to

understand the bare basics of what semen

retention really is.

At its core, it is simply the conscious and

deliberate act of abstaining from wasting our

vital life force energy. Letting it build up to the

point where we can learn how to properly

redirect it towards attaining higher purposes in

life, rather than just merely engaging in

compulsive sexual release to satisfy our lower

animalistic nature.

The Principles of Retention

This practice dates back to many ancient

civilizations and is deeply ingrained in various

cultures and spiritual traditions around the

world. In ancient China, Taoist sages viewed a

man’s semen as a precious essence, known as

"jing" which was to be preserved in order to

maintain overall health and vitality.

In Indian yogic traditions, a man’s seed is linked

to the concept of "virya," the core essence that

supports the mind, body, and soul. By channeling

this energy upwards through the body's 7 energy

centers or chakras, individuals are able to achieve

supreme states of sublime consciousness.

The Principles of Retention

Over time however, the practice

of semen retention has become a

completely forgotten concept

within the overly sexualized

society you see today.

With adult content being free and so widely

available to us with just a few simple clicks of a

button, hookup culture being such a prevalent

factor in our cultural norms, and claims from so-

called ‘health organizations’ stating that frequent

masturbation and ejaculation are healthy, it is

evident to see the agenda that is being pushed

upon young men to drain them of their innate

masculine energy. However, this is nothing new...

The Principles of Retention

From the earliest days of human history,

societies, tribes, and governing bodies have

recognized a fundamental truth: the strength of

their foundations hinges upon the spirits and wills

of their men. Yet, across the span of time, these

tactics of disempowerment have evolved from

overt aggression to much more subtle, and

manipulative schemes. Resulting in an internal

battle of vigor that leaves men drained of the very

essence that once made them formidable.

In the past, the battlefield was the arena where

men clashed, and empires rose or fell. These

conquerors understood that by eliminating the

The Principles of Retention

masculine drive within an opposing force was

akin to dismantling a crucial pillar that upheld

the strength of nations. Without the resilient

masculine spirit, societies were left to crumble.

In these modern times, this age-old concept is still

very much alive and as prevalent as it has ever

been throughout human history, but now has

taken on a new way of being implemented within

the world around us. The battleground is no

longer defined through physical dominance and

brute force but now has shifted on over towards

the subversive tactics of mental, spiritual, and

psychological warfare.

The Principles of Retention

With poisoned nourishment infiltrating our

bodies, derailing our hormonal equilibrium,

coupled with sedentary routines devoid of the

physical demands we crave as men, our vigor and

vitality are slowly drained as each day passes by.

And on top of that, with the pervasive allure of a

lust-filled society, propelled by the pornography,

online dating, and sex-selling industries, further

ensnaring the minds of men by exploiting their

own biological instincts, we can clearly witness

the demise of the masculine spirit in real time.

Chipping away at the key cornerstones that make

up the true essence of what it means to be a man.

The Principles of Retention

Saladin Ayyubi, the founder of the Ayyubid

dynasty, once claimed that, “If you want to

destroy any nation without war, make adultery and

nudity common in the younger generation.” The

results of these statements could not have been

any more obvious than they are seen today.

As he knew, this act of

polluting and corrupting

the minds of men within

the next generations to

come would further stunt

and diminish the masculine fire that once burned

within. Debilitating our connection to the divine

spark needed for our continued evolution in life.

The Principles of Retention

On the quest to resist this relentless assault on

masculinity, the practice of semen retention is as

profound of a counter as there is acting as a

rebellion against the tide and a return back to our

roots. Each practitioner of this path essentially

becomes a glitch in the matrix, disrupting the

designs that seek to nullify our masculine potency

By embracing the art of cultivating and

channeling our life force, we as men ascend to

higher planes of awareness and start to peer

through the veil. To awaken from this dark

slumber requires us to reject the false, and reclaim

the inherent power that lies dormant within.

The Principles of Retention

The threads that weave the very fabric of this

existence is interlaced with energy, frequency, and

vibration, as once stated by Nikola Tesla, a life

long practitioner of retention. So it is when a man

learns to master the source of his own vital energy

that a transformational process occurs. Evolving

from a pawn to a sovereign entity, immune to the

traps of a world intent on draining him of his

spirit in order to keep him compliant.

To those who choose to embark on this journey,

be prepared. This practice of retention will slowly

but surely start to pull back the curtains on the

illusions of life and expose you to its inner truths.

The Principles of Retention

Now, to make it clear before we go any further

with this book, it must be said that this journey is

NOT for everyone but is tailor-made specifically

for the men who are committed to sacrifice their

lower animalistic desires in order to embark on

the righteous road towards self-mastery.

So keep that in mind as this quest to restore the

connection back to your true essence causes a

ripple effect that extends far beyond than just

yourself. By reclaiming your masculine energy,

not only do you fortify your own inner temple but

you also become a radiant beacon of light that

illuminates the path for others to follow as well.

The Principles of Retention

Coming to the conclusion of this chapter, having

laid down the basic foundational principles for

understanding the core concepts behind this

sacred practice, it is important to note that the

advice presented here is applicable to all who

wish to partake on this path, no matter what your

current circumstances are.

So, if this brief introduction to The Art of

Retention has resonated with you, let us continue

to the next sections ahead, where we will delve

deeper into the specific details behind semen

retention and explore the realms of its many

profound mental, physical, and spiritual benefits.

To get a more holistic understanding of semen

retention, we must first uncover how it affects

us as a whole. In this chapter, we will examine

the physiological and neuro-chemical effects of

this discipline to help provide further insights

on how this age-old practice truly benefits our

mind and body.

On the mental side of things, by retaining your

seed and abstaining from lust, you will start to

drastically alter and rewire the inner hardware

of your mind to direct its attention towards

creation rather than consumption.

Mental and Physical benefits

See, when living within this constant cycle of

PMO (porn, masturbation, and orgasm), we

trigger huge surges of dopamine within the brain,

the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and

reward, in a matter of seconds that requires no

work or positive actions to produce it at all.

This repeated exposure to

high levels of dopamine

eventually leads us to

desensitize the system as a

whole, causing the brain

to crave more and more stimulation to experience

the same levels of pleasure. And the longer we

expose ourselves to this poison, the worse it gets.

Mental and Physical benefits

This crippling addiction acts as an anchor, pulling

us down from ever rising above our lower nature

to actualize our highest potential in life, just like

any other drug out there.

Regular, healthy, and productive activities that

once brought us happiness and enjoyment are

now no longer suitable to satisfy our cravings for

that next hit. This leads to reduced motivation,

ambition, and drive within our day-to-day lives. By

consciously regaining control and detaching from

these degenerate behaviors, individuals practicing

retention finally allow their dopamine receptors

to return back to their normal baseline levels by

Mental and Physical benefits

going through a re-sensitization process. As our

dopamine receptors start to heal, these so-called

'mundane' or 'boring' habits and activities spring

back to life once again, putting us in a similar

state to how we were as children — full of joy and

immersed in a state of pure bliss within the

present moment.

This newfound perspective on life leads to a

major decrease in brain fog and an immense

increase in mental discipline that bleeds over to

all the other areas of life, as your focus naturally

starts to shift towards more long-term and

productive goals helping you build for the future.

Mental and Physical benefits

With one of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST,

sources of distraction for us as men within the

modern world finally kept under control, we are

able to tap into our higher faculties and truly

unlock our hidden creative capabilities.

Along with that, the practice of semen retention

will help you return back to a more natural stoic

state of being. The world around you is much like

the ever-changing wind with its ebbs and flows,

but as a masculine man it is imperative for you to

remain unmoved by the chaotic waves of life

pulling at you each and every way. This is what

eventually sets apart the boys from the men.

Mental and Physical benefits

But as we see now, the modern day man is merely

just a a slave to his own flesh and desires, reacting

solely based on impulses like that of an animal.

However through the act of cultivating such a

state of unwavering self-control, one is able to

develop and embody this stoic state of mind that

seems to make every other psychological obstacle

you come to encounter in life that much easier to

“The first and greatest victory

is to conquer yourself...To be

conquered by yourself is of all

. things the most shameful and

vile” - Plato

Mental and Physical benefits

The Universe is always testing you as a man to

see if you will lose sight of your mission and fold

under pressure. With each passing grade along

the way, the world will reward you with the

strength and fortitude needed to continue on your

path towards greatness. This is where the practice

of semen retention emerges as a key fundamental

cornerstone along your journey.

By learning how to tame the beast of lust, you

will find yourself less reactive and triggered by the

other external forces of the world attempting to

knock you off your path as you gain dominion

over the most potent human emotion there is.

Mental and Physical benefits

Now moving onto the physical benefits of semen

retention, preserving this sacred life force is

known to greatly help rejuvenate the body and fill

it back up with a sense of virile, vigor, and vitality.

From increased energy levels, enhanced physical

performance, improved skin and hair, a boost in

testosterone levels, a stronger immune system,

and an overall feeling of power as a whole,

individuals on semen retention will be tapping

into new levels of health they’ve never felt before.

This is due to the fact that your seed is rich in

various types of nutrients, minerals, and proteins

that are taken up by the body to produce it.

Mental and Physical benefits

And aside from survival, your natural biological

instincts are hard-wired to prioritize reproduction

in order to pass on your genetic code to your

future offspring. This inevitably requires a huge

amount of bodily energy and valuable materials

to be used towards the creation of your seed,

which most men waste on a day-to-day basis.

So by taking take a step back to understand the

the role semen plays within our physical vessel,

you’ll soon come to realize that it extends far

beyond just reproductive functions. Since these

essential resources can be reabsorbed back into

the body and be used for other purposes.

Mental and Physical benefits

“In a pure and orderly life, this matter is

reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to

form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues.

This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused

through his system makes him manly, strong, brave

and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate,

weak, physically debilitate, and prone to sexual

irritation, disordered function, and a wretched

nervous system” - Swami Sivananda

Mental and Physical benefits

It is important to note the fact that the practice of

semen retention is only considered as a piece of

the puzzle within a holistic approach to our

overall well-being. It is NOT some magic pill nor

a one-size-fits-all solution to all our problems in


So, combining semen retention with other healthy

habits, such as regular exercise, eating a natural

whole food diet, getting quality sleep, proper

sunlight exposure, and so forth, is essential to

create the synergistic blend of all the elements

needed in order to contribute towards the general

improvement of our physical health and vitality.

Going beyond the physical and psychological

aspects of this practice, semen retention has

deep roots buried within the arcane wisdom of

various ancient cultures. For years, continence

and sexual abstinence through the act of

celibacy has been documented as a powerful

esoteric catalyst or amplifier for one's spiritual


In this chapter, we will explore these

transcendental benefits that practitioners of

semen retention will come to experience on their

own personal journey of self-discovery.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

Through retaining this sexual energy, individuals

can cultivate a deeper connection with their life

force, prana, or chi, allowing them to find their

spiritual practices growing in power, leading to

deeper insights, and expediting their inner growth

due to the increase in their energetic intensity.

In certain spiritual traditions, sexual energy is

commonly represented within the mythological

symbolm of the sacred serpent Kundalini. This is

believed to be the dormant source of cosmic

energy coiled up at the base of our spine, which

once awakened, forms the pathway for our

spiritual ascension.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

From the snakes coiled around the neck of Lord

Shiva, the serpent wrapped around the staff of

Moses, or the caduceus wielded by the Greek god

Hermes, this symbolic archetype has remained a

prevalent occult teaching seen all throughout

human history.

Referring to the fact that once we learn how to

transcend human lust through the proper

discipline, dedication, and patience, individuals

are able to experience states of serene yogic bliss

blending into the oneness of the Universe as they

awaken the Christic force that lies within.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

With this heightened level of consciousness, the

trajectory of your life undergoes a profound shift

as you now will be guided towards the real reason

for your existence, gradually uncovering your

true purpose in life by unlocking your innate 6th

sense of divine intuition.

Upon this revelation, your perspective and

priorities start to follow suit, with the primary

objective becoming the fulfillment of this soul

mission uniquely assigned to you. Setting you on

the virtuous path towards living in alignment with

your highest self and achieving your ultimate

potential in all facets of life.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

On the metaphysical side of things, this life force

energy is seen as a powerful component of one’s

aura; the human energetic field that makes up the

non-physical or subtle body that surrounds our

material form. Preservation of the seed is believed

to amplify this celestial frequency and enhance its

etheric presence.

In Eastern Ayurvedic teachings, when one learns

how to harness the power of their prana and raise

it up along the 7 energy centers in the body, it will

be refined into a substance known as Ojas Shakti,

which can be translated to as 'Aura' or 'Brilliant


Spiritual and Energtic effects

This substance has been directly linked to the

phenomenon behind personal magnetism, as it

strengthens and purifies the emanation of our

individual energetic field, further enhancing our

abilities to manifest intentions and connect with

the unseen metaphysical forces of nature.

By cultivating a higher vibrational state that leads

to becoming more attuned with the cosmic energy

field that flows throughout the Universe, one is

able to attract more positivity, synchronicities,

and meaningful connections into their lives as

they start to operate in alignment with the natural

laws that govern this plane of existence.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

Along with this, others around you will start to

notice and pick up on this radiant energy emitted

by your aura. Communication skills, both verbal

and nonverbal, become more potent and effective,

making it easier to convey ideas and leave a

greater energetic imprint on the inner psyche of


This heightened charisma makes us more

confident and captivating in social settings and

causes us to have a profound influence over our

environment with a significant capacity to attract,

inspire, lead, and motivate through the power of

our magnetic presence.

Spiritual and Energtic effects

“A man of much Ojas becomes the leader of men. It

gives off a tremendous power of attraction. As one

man may speak beautiful language and beautiful

thoughts, but they do not impress people. While

another man speaks neither beautiful language nor

beautiful thoughts, yet his words charm. Every

movement of his is powerful. This is the power of

Ojas” - Swami Vivekananda

Spiritual and Energtic effects

So, as you can see here, semen retention is as

much of a spiritual journey, allowing you to tap

into the deeper layers of your eternal being, as it

is a mental or physical discipline. By using this

practice as such, we can foster a harmonious

integration of our mind, body, and soul to come

together as one great symphony.

Now, to make it clear, just retaining your seed

will NOT be enough to experience how powerful

this practice truly is. In the next chapter, we will

discuss some of the most essential practices to

pair along with retention to transmute this energy

properly and ensure success along this path.

To truly complement your semen retention

journey, you must instill daily practices that will

encompass the mental, physical, and spiritual

aspects of this practice that will allow you to

redirect this energy towards different outlets.

When combined together, these two techniques

come to form what is commonly refereed to as

The art of Sexual Transmutation.

Now, the first key component when it comes to

this whole concept of sexual transmutation is

acknowledging the fact that where attention

goes, energy flows.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

By becoming more cognizant of where our

attention goes, we can learn how to manipulate

this flow of our energy to work in our favor. This

brings us over to one of the most fundamental

practices to pair along with semen retention:

Mindfulness through meditation and breathwork.

Within this next step, we are about to go over a

daily meditation and breathwork habit you can

use to truly harness and unlock the powers of

your life force. This technique involves awakening

and channeling the dormant Kundalini energy

within the body through what is known as the

Microcosmic Orbit.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

The Microcosmic Orbit, also referred to as the

'circulation of the light,' finds its roots in ancient

Taoist and Chinese energy cultivation practices.

Dating back thousands of years, these traditions

viewed the human body as a microcosm of the

Universe, with energy flowing through specific

pathways, or meridians.

The Ren Mai channel starts from the pelvic

region, passes up through the chest, and

eventually ends at the mouth. The Du Mai

channel runs from the perineum, moves along the

spine, and travels up over the head ending at the

upper palate.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

These two main channels symbolize the balance

between the Yin and Yang energies, believed to

harmonize the opposing masculine and feminine

forces within the body. By practicing the

Microcosmic Orbit, individuals learn how to

circulate their life force from the lower energy

centers and transmute it up towards their higher

faculties through these designated channels.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

So now, after establishing a solid foundational

understanding of the basics when it comes to the

Microcosmic Orbit, let us dive into the details on

how we can apply this profound tool into our

daily meditation practices to help redirect this

sexual energy from the reproductive organs and

slowly rise it upwards to the higher planes of


The art of Sexual Transmutation

1. Preparation:

Find a quiet, clean, and peaceful space where you

won't be disturbed during your practice. Ideally

this should be done on an empty stomach.

2. Posture:

Assume a comfortable seated posture with your

spine erect, shoulders relaxed, and hands resting

on your knees.

3. Awareness:

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to

center yourself into the flow of the moment.

Without forcefully trying to control it, let your

breath slowly start to fall into a natural and

relaxed rhythm of steady inhales and exhales.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

4. Activation:

Now at this time start to visualize the Muladhara

Chakra, located at the base of your spine. With

each inhale, visualize energy rising up from the

Earth, as you engage the pelvic floor muscles

helping to activate the sacral pump and facilitate

the upward movement of this energy.

5. Transmutation:

Bringing your awareness now to the Microcosmic

Orbit pathway, envision this energy ascending up

the back of your spine and traveling to the crown

of your head with each inhale. As the subsequent

exhale follows, feel this energy descending down

the front of your body all the way to the floor.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

6. Circulation:

After completing a few cycles, vigorously expel

the last bit of air as you completely empty your

lungs. While still keeping an upright posture,

simultaneously pull your deeper abdominal

muscles inwards to their maximum extent and

maintain this position for the longest duration

possible as you hold your breath.

By doing so we are able to activate the Maha

Bandha or “Great Lock”. When ready to

reintroduce air back into the lungs, allow the

inhalation to occur slowly through the nose and

then come perform a full exhale from the mouth.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

This pose is composed of the three major

energetic locks within the body. The Mulabandha

(Root Lock) associated with the Muladhara

chakra, the Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock)

linked to the Manipura chakra, and the

Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock) related to the

Vishuddha chakra.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

The Maha Bandha’s engagement of these specific

locks increases the flow of our life force energy,

throughout the body. The Microcosmic Orbit,

comprising of the Ren Mai and Du Mai channels,

complements this alignment and offers a pathway

for the current of energy to ascend and descend in

a smooth fluid pattern.

So when combined

together, these two

techniques offer an

optimized approach

into cultivating and

harmonizing the flow

of this vital energy.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

7. Repeat and Refine:

Continue this cycle for at least 10-15 minutes,

maintaining a rhythmic and mindful breathing

pattern throughout each round. Gradually start

to extend the duration of the hold as you become

more accustomed to the practice.

Optionally, you can integrate specific mantras and

mudras that help resonate with your intentions

and connect them to the flow of the breathwork.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Along with such practices of mindfulness, a whole

shift of your mindset itself is needed in order to

truly succeed on semen retention. Within this

overtly sexualized society we live in today, we as

young men have gone through many subtle yet

pervasive societal conditionings that prioritizes us

to pedestalize sexual pursuits above all else.

This is the reason that many of us will encounter

the ‘fear of missing out’ while on this path of

retention. And by constantly trying to fight and

battle against this block, we further add on extra

friction and resistance to the journey as a whole,

making it much more difficult that it needs to be.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Yet if we take a stepback we can see that there is

a better way to combat this by simply just

elevating our point of perspective. This is where

the art of Mental Alchemy comes into play, as you

learn how to transmute your mindset from one of

lack, to one of abundance.

Now, this scarcity mindset often manifests within

us through an anxious state of searching for

things outside ourselves in order to fill the void of

emptiness that we feel inside. This belief trickles

down to the idea that the happiness and joy in life

we are constantly yearning for is limited to only

being a byproduct of chasing external pleasures.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Recognizing these thought patterns is critical to

take the first step towards dismantling these

chains holding you back by creating a new self

image. This act of self-destruction is a crucial

principle that we all must undergo in order to

elevate above our current situation.

Through prayer, affirmations, visualization, and

so forth, we can slowly but surely plant the seeds

of success within our subconscious mind that

allows us to eventually break free from these

psychological constraints that have been

cemented into our psyche from the social

conditioning we’ve received throughout the years.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

As your sense of self worth grows with this

newfound perspective on life, your actions and

behaviors will also change along with it. These

degenerate and destructive habits will no longer

correlate to who you are, as you start to realize

deep down that you deserve better.

Knowing this will further assure that you are

NOT giving up on anything as you take upon this

path, but rather gaining back everything that

you’ve been missing out on this entire time. So in

order for you to step into your higher self, you

must be willing to burn off the remnants of the

past ideals and demons holding you back.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

This subtle yet profound shift of mentality will

not only enhance your effectiveness on this path,

but also act as a reminder of the reason behind

why you have embarked on this righteous journey

in the first place.

“Every new act of creation begins with an act of

destruction” - Pablo Picasso

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Now the next nonnegotiable habit you must have

while practicing retention is of course exercise.

Regular physical activity not only improves your

overall health but also helps you redirect this

surplus of sexual energy, allowing you to prevent

stagnation, restlessness, and provide another

primal outlet to express it aside from just sexual


By incorporating regular physical activity into

your daily routine, you bolster your capacity for

self control and discipline. This in turn helps you

psychologically stay focused and grounded while

embarking on this road to self-mastery.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

So whether that's cardiovascular exercises,

weightlifting, calisthenics, martial arts, sports, or

anything else you can think of, having a

consistent exercise routine is an absolutely

essential piece to the puzzle when it comes to

successfully practicing semen retention.

Now, staying within the realms of the physical

aspects of this practice, it's crucial to understand

the significance of the role your nutrition plays in

supporting you along this path. In this next

section, we will dive into details of the dietary

keys that can truly help you enhance your

experience on semen retention.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

First and foremost, the foundation of any good

diet is built upon nutrient-dense, whole foods that

provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants needed to help support your body's

natural functions and hormonal balance.

Items such as eggs, fattier cuts of free-range/wild-

caught animal products, saturated fats like butter,

ghee, or coconut oil, monounsaturated fats like

olive oil, raw unfiltered honey, raw dairy

products, fresh fruits, and vegetables are all

packed with vitamins, minerals, and other

nutrients that help make up the crucial

components to cultivate our life force energy.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

And while supplementation of things like zinc,

magnesium, selenium, and so forth can help

benefit you in certain areas, they should only be

seen as add-ons to an already established base.

So focus the majority of your attention on finding

out what works best for you as you experiment

with real deal whole food items, while at the same

time cutting out the processed junk seen in the

modern-day diet.
“Let food be thy medicine

and medicine be thy food”

- Hippocrates

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Remember that your physical body is the

machine/vehicle needed to operate on this plane of

reality, so make sure you treat it right and feed it

with the highest level of fuel you possibly can.

This is a key pillar for you to hone in on when it

comes to preventing any issues while practicing

the art of retention.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Now, another great habit to incorporate on this

journey is fasting. Throughout human history,

various cultures and spiritual traditions have

recognized the profound significance of fasting as

a transformative healing ritual. And when you

really think about it, semen retention in itself is

also another form of fasting. So by combining

both together, we create a synergistic effect that

helps enhance the potency of each other.

On the mental side of things, fasting will greatly

improve your cognitive function, focus, mental

clarity, and overall boost your productivity.

Within the complexity of the human body, the gut

The art of Sexual Transmutation

and brain share a symbiotic relationship that

directly influences our mood and mental state of

being. Fasting is known to trigger certain

hormonal responses from this gut-brain axis to

boost specific nootropic compounds, such as

BDNF, which further elevates our alertness,

concentration, and overall mental acuity.

Now, when it comes to the physical effects,

fasting helps conserve our energy expenditure by

redirecting the focus of our bodily functions from

resting and digesting to repair and rejuvenation.

This triggers a powerful cellular recycling process

within the body known as autophagy.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

On spiritual terms, fasting elevates one’s

discipline and willpower by cultivating the ability

to restrain from immediate sense gratification and

develop self-control over one's flesh, as seen

throughout history with figures such as the

Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, and so forth.

Through this act of transcending material desires

and heightening our spiritual senses, we become

more attuned to receive transcendental insights,

intuitions, and revelations that help us develop a

Universal perspective that extends beyond just

the physical confines of this body that we inhabit.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

As we note these benefits, it becomes clear that

fasting wasn't merely just a cultural or religious

practice but actually a holistic remedy to help

nourish the mind, body, and soul. By intertwining

fasting and semen retention together, we truly

form a potent combo that works hand in hand to

amplify each other's transformative effects.

So whether that be water fasts or complete dry

fasts, ranging anywhere from shorter intermittent

stints to even longer bouts of going up to 24

hours or more, incorporating some form of

fasting to your overall routine will prove to be of

immense benefit to you on this journey.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Now, with that said, the next step when it comes

to sexual transmutation revolves around the

spiritual expression of this energy. This is quite

frankly THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of the

puzzle to succeed on semen retention because

without a purpose in place when it comes to this

practice, you are bound to remain stuck in the

cycle of relapsing over and over again.

By abstaining from lust, you will start to tap into

higher levels of awareness and unravel the layers

of your true nature that have been kept dormant

by the distractions of the outside world for far

too long.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Using practices such as the meditation technique

we discussed before, to sit in silence and truly

self-reflect, you will start to uncover that burning

desire within the core of your spirit and identify

your true calling in life.

This unveiling is integral to understanding and

embracing one's purpose as you connect back to

what innately excites your inner child and the

source of what your soul is inherently drawn to.

By manifesting this vision, not only will you be

living a life in alignment with your divine mission,

but you will also be tapping into the god-like

capabilities of man to create his own reality.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

The unlocking of this intense passion that resides

within you is the key to igniting the true power of

this practice, as this spiritual clarity becomes a

guiding light illuminating the path towards your


Understand that this life force is the supreme

source of creative energy. So by using it as the

fuel for the engine needed to pursue any endeavor

in life, whether that be creating art, music,

content, writing, business, or anything along those

parameters, you will be able to tap into an infinite

stream of inspiration and innovation propelling

you to new heights never imagined before.

The art of Sexual Transmutation

Sexual transmutation is not merely just a mental

or physical phenomenon but extends far deeper

into the spiritual realms of reality. Realize the

power of this energy has the capability to create

something as complex and intricate as a whole

new life in the form of a human being.

By learning how to harness it properly and

redirect it towards other avenues through the

techniques discussed in this chapter, we can

essentially bring forth life to our dreams and

make them a part of our reality. Remember,

energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only

be changed from one form to another.

Taking all this into account, we can see that this

journey of semen retention is just like anything

worthy of true value in life, it is never acquired

without considerable effort. And after having

traversed this practice personally for over 3

straight years now, I've discerned 6 key distinct

stages that have defined and shaped the timeline

of this individual process.

In this chapter, we will discuss these 6 stages of

semen retention and what you can come to

expect along this practice as you embark on

your own path.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 1 - The Power Up phase (Day 0-30):

So at this point, you've come to understand the

detrimental consequences of these degenerative

habits caused by PMO addiction and, in one way

or another, have discovered the transformative

practice of semen retention.

In this initial stage, anticipate a substantial surge

of energy that affects not only your physical body

but also boosts your overall brain power. As you

wake up each morning with a burning

determination to conquer the day, expect this

newfound ability to help you push your limits in

the gym, experience quicker recovery, heighten

Semen Retention Timeline

your reflexes, and much more. This will allow you

to operate at the peak of your performance as

you finally stop spilling your seed and wasting

away the vital resources contained within it.

Simultaneously, this increase in focus and mental

clarity becomes clearly evident as the lingering

brain fog you’ve been accustomed to living with

your entire life gradually starts to dissipate and

fade away. With this finally solved, watch how

your productivity and mental outputs towards your

studies, career, and goals start to completely

skyrocket, paving the way for the next stages that

come ahead.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 2 - The Detox phase (Day 30-90):

As this next phase starts to unfold, you will notice

an awakening of your mind from the shackles of

lust as you come to realize the subconscious

programming that has steered you towards an

incessant prioritization of sex.

This distorted view of the world clouds our

understanding of what constitutes a real, healthy

relationship, as the influence of these mental

perversions has skewed our ideas on how we

should perceive such things for far too long.

While engaged in this internal wrestling match,

questioning and challenging these societal norms,

Semen Retention Timeline

beware of your mind playing tricks on you in an

attempt to lure you back into these old ways of

life that you now know no longer serve you, as

the laws of human nature incline us towards the

path of least resistance, making change inherently


Solidify your commitment to the power of this

practice and anchor yourself in the resolve that

brought you to this transformative journey. This

discomfort of change is merely just a testament to

the monumental shift taking place within. So stay

strong, remain focused, and continue to embrace

the determination to not give up along this path.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 3 - The Rewiring phase (Day 90-150):

This is the most pivotal and most challenging

stage you'll encounter along your journey as you

are now approaching what is commonly referred

to as ‘the flatline’. This phase essentially becomes

a defining point that will either propel you to the

next levels of this path by testing your resiliency

or potentially drag you back down to square one,

forcing you to repeat this process all over again.

Through this detoxification process of the mind

and body liberating themselves from the shackles

of lust, you will start to ingrain this new state of

being as your natural default mode of operation.

Semen Retention Timeline

Similar to the concept of a computer lagging and

experiencing technical difficulties as it adapts to a

new software update, you too may perceive a

momentary stalling of progress on your journey

when you reach this stage.

Expect a sense of lethargy, brain fog, mood swings,

and an overall state of confusion that may lead you

to believe that this path really isn’t even worth it,

and that everything you’ve experienced so far up

until this point was merely just placebo. Remind

yourself that this is all a part of the healing

process and continue to keep pushing on as you

make way for the next stages coming up ahead.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 4 - The Activation phase (Day 150-365):

Now this, my friends, is the phase where the real

fun finally starts. The initial struggles you have

endured thus far now set the table for this

activation process to begin. Having recalibrated

into this new way of life, you've now also

unlocked the gateway to tap into the profound

power of creativity that comes along with it.

Over the course of time that this energy has been

accumulating and harnessed properly through the

process of these previous stages, it has become

primed to be put into motion through none other

than The art of Sexual Transmutation.

Semen Retention Timeline

This surplus of life force energy that you now

possess, along with the mental fortitude and

physical discipline needed to make it this far

along the journey, will now act as the means to

channel this potent source of super fuel for any

creative pursuit of your choice.

Whether it's crafting music, creating artwork,

starting a business, or writing a book, the creative

abilities to express this buildup of sexual energy

in a more sophisticated manner will find its way

to come to light. This newfound application of

the generative potential that lies within your seed

will lay down the stepping stones to your success.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 5 - The Acceleration phase (Day 365-730):

In these advanced levels of your journey, you've

come to master the art of transmuting this energy

and will soon unlock the most potent benefit of

this practice: The Amplifier effect.

This is akin to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

within the anime Dragon Ball Z, a state where

things that might have taken you over a year to

accomplish beforehand can now be compressed to

materialize in a matter of only a few months. This

is a result of unleashing this untapped energy,

heightened focus, and unwavering willpower

through mastering one’s sexual energy.

Semen Retention Timeline

Along with this elevated sense of power, you will

experience the effects of donning such a radiant

aura and magnetic presence as you go about your

day-to-day life. This glowing shine that surrounds

you both physically and metaphysically will

seemingly attract things—people, opportunities,

and synchronicities—from the Universe directly

to you with ease, further helping you accelerate

your progress on this path.

It seems as if life itself starts to favor you now, as

this energetic frequency that you emit has been

raised to such a high level, inevitably attracting

the things that also line up with its vibration.

Semen Retention Timeline

Stage 6 - The Actualization phase (Day 730+):

Upon reflection, this is the point in your journey

where you come to realize that the practice of

semen retention is not merely just about the

tangible benefits of heightened energy, mental

clarity, extreme focus, and a push towards your

purpose. Instead, it is now actualized for the

foundational bedrock it has provided you with on

this rollercoaster ride we call life.

This practice doesn't just propel you to achieve

your highest potential across all facets of life, but

it also acts as an anchor to help ground yourself

steadfastly in the midst of all life's challenges.

Semen Retention Timeline

So it is at this juncture that the similarities with

various religious and spiritual practices become

quite apparent, further inviting you to delve

deeper into the intricate connections between the

practice of semen retention and the road to self-


As you uncover the details linking these two

together, you will experience a profound shift in

how you perceive this path and start to actualize

the depth of this sacred practice. Realizing that

you've truly tapped into something far more

potent and pure than you might have initially

envisioned in the first place.

Semen Retention Timeline

Now, just to make it clear, the purpose of this

timeline is to offer a broad estimate of what you

might experience along this journey. This is NOT

intended to serve as an absolute ultimatum of

how everyone’s progress along this path will go,

as each individual’s story will be characterized by

their own unique personal ups and downs

throughout the process.

No two roads can ever be the same, and I can

only speak from my own individual experience.

So consider this timeline as a general framework

to be informed of such stages and phases that you

may also encounter while practicing retention.

Now, this path is by no means an easy task, as

it will come with its fair share of obstacles along

the way that we must understand how to deal

with over time. Most notably being learning

how to recover from a relapse.

Firstly, it's crucial to acknowledge that a relapse

does not define your overall progress on this

journey. So, instead of dwelling on guilt or

disappointment, view these minor slip-ups as

significant opportunities to learn from your

mistakes by taking some time to reflect on the

factors that eventually caused them to happen.

Recovering from Relapses

This is where developing a consistent journaling

habit can be of extreme value to you, as you can

track and identify these triggers that led you to

relapse. So, start to trace your steps back and ask

yourself if there were any specific stressors,

emotional pinpoints, or environmental influences

that played a role in this.

If you stay true to yourself and thoroughly

inspect deep enough, you will undoubtedly find

certain key moments beneath the surface that

caused you to trip up. Most of these impulsive

habits that hijack your logical brain are deeply

embedded within the subconscious mind.

Recovering from Relapses

This winding labyrinth of thoughts, emotions,

and cultural programmings that are kept hidden

behind the scenes harbor many self-sabotaging

mechanisms that aim to keep us from ever rising

above our current state of being. When practicing

semen retention, the mind will interpret this push

for change as a threat to its equilibrium and will,

in turn, try to derail you in the process.

The subconscious mind operates silently and in

stealth, so the quicker you can catch on to these

tricks and traps it lays out by regularly reviewing

your journal, the more prepared you will be for

the next time these same challenges arise.

Recovering from Relapses

“The mind can either act as a beautiful servant, or

a horrible master” - Osho

Furthermore, this is a time where you can really

sit back, reflect, and reconnect with the original

reasons on why you started retention in the first

place. By further reaffirming your motivations,

you can reignite your sense of commitment to this

practice and remind yourself of the bigger picture.

Another common roadblock experienced on

this path is none other than nocturnal emissions

or otherwise referred to as wet dreams. This is a

phenomenon most of us already have, or

eventually will encounter along the way when it

comes to practicing semen retention.

While these wet dreams might briefly interrupt

the momentum you’ve built up on your streak,

they can gradually become minimized and

eventually avoided altogether by implementing

the specific tips and techniques listed within this

step-by-step protocol.
Wet Dream Protocol

1. Mindful Eating Habits:

Avoid having heavy meals or excessive liquids

before bed, as a full stomach can exert pressure

on the prostate and potentially increase the

likelihood of you experiencing these nocturnal


2. Post-Meal Walks:

Incorporate a short walk or any other type of

light physical activity, such as stretching or yoga,

after your last meal. This will help aid in

digestion and promote an overall state of

relaxation, which in turn will help minimize any

heaviness that will sit in your stomach as you fall


Wet Dream Protocol

3. Conscious Food Choices:

Be mindful of the types of foods you consume

before bed, as certain items such as chocolate,

onions, garlic, and other aphrodisiacs are known

to be sexually stimulating substances which may

further contribute to erotic dreams.

4. Screen Time Reduction:

Minimize your screen time in the hours leading

up to bed. The blue light emitted from the screens

not only interferes with melatonin production,

which affects the quality of our sleep, but it also

can act as a source of temptation that can

eventually lead you down the rabbit hole of


Wet Dream Protocol

5. Optimal Sleeping Positions:

Choose sleeping positions that alleviate pressure

on the pelvic region. Sleeping on your back or

sides is the most preferable to reduce any type of

irritation in that area of the body, while sleeping

on your stomach causes unnecessary force to be

pressed upon your gut.

6. Relaxing Bedtime Routine:

Create a constant and calming bedtime routine

that promotes relaxation. This may include

activities such as turning off all electronics, using

a candlelight, reading, stretching, or practicing

some form of mindfulness to prepare yourself for

a restful night of sleep.

Wet Dream Protocol

7. Cold Shower:

Taking a cold shower before bedtime can aid in

cooling your internal bodily temperature, which

will help reduce the likelihood of experiencing

heightened stimulation and sexual arousal.

It's important to note that wet dreams are NOT

synonymous with a conscious, voluntary release,

as the fluids emitted during wet dreams actually

differ. So while avoiding them should be the goal

on your journey, it's also essential not to be too

hard on yourself if they do happen on occasion.

With time and practice, you can reduce their

occurrence completely by implementing the steps

stated within this protocol.

As we conclude our exploration of the practice

of semen retention, we find ourselves standing

at the intersection of how the modern-day man

can implement this ancient wisdom into his life.

The information covered throughout this guide

serves as a testament to the transformative

potential that lies within this simple yet

profound discipline of retaining one's life force.

Through the insights shared and the secrets

uncovered within the pages of this e-book, it

becomes evident that this journey is much more

than just a mental or physical act, and extends

far beyond what is merely seen on the surface.


As you integrate the principles of semen retention

into your life, remember that this is NOT a one-

size-fits-all practice but rather a personal journey

of self-exploration and empowerment.

So whether you are an experienced practitioner or

someone who is completely new to this concept,

the education shared within here is ultimately an

invitation for you to embark on your path and

discover the unique benefits that come along with

it for yourself. At the end of the day, the true

power lies not only in the practice itself but, more

importantly, in the conscious and intentional way

in which you personally choose engage with it.


It is my hope that this book serves as a beacon of

knowledge, guiding you throughout this journey

of retention with clarity and purpose. May it

inspire self-discovery, foster a deeper connection

with your true essence, and illuminate the path

towards a much more fulfilling and empowered

existence on the quest to embodying your highest

potential in life.


Ali Fooladi


Now, for those of you who are truly serious about

succeeding on this path and searching for further

instructions in regards to your own individual

journeys, look no further than our personalized

coaching and consultation programs.

Our specialized systems are specifically designed

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continue reaching new heights on your journey

towards achieving your ultimate capabilities.


So if you’re someone looking to

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Master long streaks of semen retention

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Within this final bonus chapter, you’ll find a

rich tapestry of historical texts and timeless

excerpts that come to illuminate the profound

significance of this practice from many ancient

cultures and traditions of time.

Enjoy these sacred teachings filled with valuable

lessons and eye-opening insights that have

guided some of the most admirable men in

human history who learned how to harness the

power of their life force and used this energy

towards the pursuit of fulfilling the ultimate

evolution of their mental, physical and spiritual

Ancient Excerpts

1) This energy may be expended just as each

individual shall elect: It may be wasted in lustful

and abnormal sensuality, used partly for the

legitimate purposes of reproduction, and the

remainder in towards lustful practices, or it may

be expended in intensifying the nutritive, the

muscular, and the mental life—W. W. Atkinson

2) Bodily pleasures are slavish, and the true

philosopher aims to abstain from them—Plato

3) Who is blinder even than the blind? The man

ruled by his passions/lust—Buddhist Maxim

Ancient Excerpts

4) Extraordinary powers, including healing and

clairvoyant perception, may evolve when one

retains their semen and drives its power back up

into the body. Many gifted minds from the Sages,

Saints, Christians, Buddhists, Moslems, and

Taoists all used this power dwelling in the vital

seed to perform miracles—Mantak Chia

5) Heroism lies within the conquest of one’s

sensual and lustful nature and not in the mere act

of combativeness—Srimad Bhagavatam

6) One drop of semen is manufactured out of

forty drops of blood—Charaka Samhita

Ancient Excerpts

7) Sexual fluid is your glow, your vigor, your

radiance, and your contentment. It also gives

strength to your prana and provides force

towards your meditations. If you were to hold it

inside, it would give you tremendous energy and

make you much more attractive—Muktananda

8) When a man succeeds in the conservation of

his sexual energy, his intellect reflects the image

of Brahman. The man who carries this image of

Brahman is able to accomplish everything and

will succeed wonderfully in whatever action he

engages in—Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Ancient Excerpts

9) Preserve your seed, for that is the source of

man's strength—Pythagoras

10) When one is confirmed in celibacy, spiritual

vigor is gained—Maharishi Patanjali

11) Not to tame the senses is to take the road of

misery, to conquer them is to enter into the path

of well-being—Hitopadesha

12) Happy is the man who has tamed the senses

and is utterly their master—Buddhist Maxims

13) Flee from youthful lusts—2 Timothy 2:22

Ancient Excerpts

14) The major reason why the majority of men

who succeed do not begin to do so before the age

of forty to fifty, is their tendency to dissipate their

energies through the over-indulgence in physical

expression of the emotion of sex—Napoleon Hill

15) Man has only one energy, and that energy is

sex. Once it is harnessed, you have the ability to

channel it towards any direction—Osho

16) The practice of celibacy leads to a great

enhancement of one’s energy, creating a sparkle

in the eyes and a luster on the cheeks—Maharishi


Ancient Excerpts

17) The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the

strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than

any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power

—Friedrich Nietzsche

18) The ignorant is the slave of his passions/lust,

the wise man is their master—Sutra of 42 sections

19) It is by resisting the passions/lust, not by

yielding to them that one finds true peace in the

heart—Imitation of Christ

20) By the taming the senses, infinite intelligence


Ancient Excerpts

21) A man practicing unbroken Brahmacharya

for twelve years develops a special power. He

grows a new inner nerve called the nerve of

memory. Through that nerve he remembers all, he

understands all—Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

22) A man who has command over his senses and

the forces of his being, has a just title to the name

of King—Angelus Silesius

23) The secret of health lies in preservation of this

vital force. He who wastes this vital and precious

energy cannot have physical, mental, moral, or

spiritual development—Dhanvantari

Ancient Excerpts

24) When semen is retained, the energy that

supports life itself is retained—Vatsyayana

25) Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of

lust, just as fire surely increases the more one

gives it fuel—Laws of Manu

26) If any man retains his semen, he is strong, and

the proof is the athletes who are abstinent—Plato

27) He whose senses have become calm like

horses perfectly tamed by a driver, who has rid

himself of pride and concupiscence, the gods

themselves will envy his lot—Dhammapada

Ancient Excerpts

28) There is no other duty equal to self-control.

Self-control is the highest virtue one can have

within this world—Swami Sivananda

29) I consider my greatest accomplishment to be

of lifelong celibacy—Isaac Newton

30) If this divine liquid is utilized correctly, the

body will shine like gold, and the mind will be

silenced—Thirumanthiram, Chapter 3

31) Every man should know how to possess his

vessel in sanctification and honour, not in the lust

of concupiscence—1 Thessalonians 4:4-5

Ancient Excerpts

32) Thus Solomon, in his wisdom, says: “Do not

give your strength to women” (Proverbs 31:3) As

whoever excessively indulges in sexual dissipation

becomes prematurely aged; his strength fails, his

eyes dim, and becomes subject to numerous other


33) At first sin is but a stranger to the soul; then it

becomes a guest; and eventually once we have

become habituated to it, it becomes the master of

the house—Tolstoy

34) Let not sin therefore reign your mortal body

that ye should obey it in the lusts—Romans 6: 12

Ancient Excerpts

35) What is there in this world that cannot be

achieved, when one preserves this jewel of semen,

by whose power I have so much glory in the

whole Universe?—Lord Shiva

36) This liquid is the medicine of gods. To speak

about this liquid's speciality, no amount of words

would ever suffice—Thirumanthiram, Chapter 3

37) The preservation of semen is the secret of

enlightenment—Swami Sivananda

38) Let your whole spirit and soul and body be

preserved blameless—1 Thessalonians 5:23

Ancient Excerpts

39) When virya is not used, it is all transmuted

into Ojas Shakti or spiritual energy and stored up

in the brain. Western doctors know little of this

salient point. Most of your ailments are due to

excessive seminal wastage—Swami Sivananda

40) Once you get the trick to channel your sexual

urges into the fuel for achieving your destiny, you

gain everything you need to succeed—King Ashok


41) Sensuality destroys life, lustre, strength,

vitality, memory, wealth, great fame, holiness,

and devotion to the Supreme—Lord Krishna

Ancient Excerpts

42) He who is able to calm his heart when passion

suddenly inflames it, can be called indeed a skilful

driver of the chariot—Fo-shu-hing-tsan-king

43) There is no triumph more glorious than that

of victory obtained over your own self—Saint


44) He who does not control this fluid is unwise.

It is by self control alone that one is able to gain

everything—Pran Sangli

45) No man is free who is not master of himself


Ancient Excerpts

46) If by leaving a small pleasure one sees a great

pleasure, let a wise person leave the small

pleasure and look to the great—Dhammapada

47) He who rules over his passions, desires,

cravings and senses is the real King of Kings—

John Milton

48) The sexual glands are useful for the physical

well‐being of the individual through their peculiar

secretion upon the processes of development and

nutrition. If retained it is absorbed back into the

system and adds enormously to man’s magnetic,

mental, and spiritual force—W. W. Atkinson

Ancient Excerpts

49) The power of our imagination is all too often

wasted on the act of masturbation―Mokokoma


50) The reabsorption of the seminal fluid back

into the blood is the best nutrition your body can

ever get. So control your lust and do not waste

this vital fluid on short term pleasures—Prateek


51) The essence of this seed is the marrow to your

bones, the food to your brain, the oil to your

joints, and the sweetness to your breath as a man

—Molvil Keith

Ancient Excerpts

52) Celibacy alone is the supreme penance. Of

course, other penances such as keeping fast and

silence are good in their place, but they are all

inferior to Brahmacharya. The Urdhvareta yogi

(a perfect celibate saint) who has done penance

over the restraint of the sexual organ is not a

human-being but a god—Lord Shiva

53) A person lacking in self-restraint and self-

discipline can never make progress in any

worthwhile endeavour nor can he be of any

service to his society. Such degenerated societies

of men will come to disintegrate in the long run

—Swami Chidananda

Ancient Excerpts

54) So strong and impelling is the desire for

sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life

and reputation to indulge in it. When harnessed

and redirected along other lines, this motivating

force maintains all of its attributes of keenness,

imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, etc.

which may be used as powerful creative force in

literature, art, or in any other profession or

calling, including, of course, the accumulation of

riches—Napoleon Hill

55) As far as possible, this fluid should not be

allowed out of the system in the course of selfish

aims and carnal engagements—Meher Baba


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