Lesson Plan

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able:
1. identify the steps and procedure in preparing and presenting multi-decker sandwich
2. perform the steps and procedure in preparing and presenting multi-decker sandwich
3. prepare sandwiches using sanitary practices


Learning Competencies: Prepare a variety of sandwiches

III. TEACHING MATERIALS: Tools and ingredients in preparing club house sandwich, and Modules
Reference: Modules in Home Economics COOKERY 9
Code: TLE_HECK9-12SW-IIIb-g-12

1. Daily Routine
a. Cleaning the Classroom
b. Opening Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
2. Review
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
Good morning Class! Good morning Sir!

Before we start with our new topic, let us recall what

we have perform last meeting. What was our last
lesson all about? It's all about hamburger Sir

Very good! It’s all about Hamburger. Now as you

can remember, who can give the very first step in
preparing Hamburger? Yes Ms./Mr.. Mice en place

Correct!What kind of meat we used in preparing

hamburger patty? Yes Ms./Mr.. Beef Sir

Very Good! It shows that you've learned well during

our discussion. Please give a big(2x) hand to
yourselves. (Students will clap their hands)

3. Motivation (Video Presentation)

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
The teacher will allow the learners to watch the video The learners will watch the video presentation about
presentation about sandwich preparation played on sandwich preparation played on the monitor.
the monitor.

After the video presentation the teacher will ask some

questions about the video presentation The learners will answer the questions of the teacher.
4. Unlocking of Difficulties
8 neat stacks – creating 8 organized piles of something.
Frill picks – are made of small bamboo sticks used to keep sandwiches together while
it’s being prepared and while it’s being served to you
Serrated Knife – are mostly used to cut products with a hard outside and a softer inside.

Classic Club Sandwich

Ingredients: Tools:
12 slices white bread Non-stick pan
¾ cup mayonnaise 16 frill picks
8 lettuce leaves Food tong
16 slices tomatoes Plates for presentation
Iodize salt and ground black pepper Spatula/spoon
16 slices crispy bacon serrated knife/bread knife
6 slices chicken breast

1. Mice en place all the tools and ingredients needed. Marinate the chicken breast with salt and pepper. Preheat
the non-stick pan, pan fry the bacon until crispy and set aside. On the same pan, pan fry the chicken breast until
it cooked then set aside.

2. Remove the crust of the bread and toast it in a non-stick pan both sides. Cut the lettuce leaves in half
crosswise and form into 8 neat stacks.

3. To make a multi-decker club: On a clean work surface, arrange 3 bread slices in a row. Spread 1 tablespoon
mayonnaise over 1 side of each bread slice. Place a lettuce stack on top of the first bread slice, top with 2
tomato slices, and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Place 2 slices bacon over the tomatoes and top with 1/8
chicken(without letting any hang over the sides). Season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste. Repeat with
the second bread slice. Carefully place the second layered bread slice on top of the first layered bread, chicken
side up. Cover with the third bread slice, mayonnaise side down.

4. Pin the sandwich’s layers together by piercing them with 4 frill picks through the top bred slice, in 4 places in
a diamond-like pattern, all the way to the bottom bread slice. Repeat entire process with the remaining
ingredients to form 3 more sandwiches.

5. Using a serrated knife/bread knife cut each sandwich, diagonally, into 4 triangular pieces(each piece should
be secured in the center with a prick or sword).

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
The teacher now will demonstrate on how to prepare The learners will observe the teacher demonstrating
the classic club sandwiches. the steps and procedures in preparing classic club

In general, there are eight ingredients used in making classic club sandwich. The bread, mayonnaise,
lettuce tomato, salt, black pepper, bacon and chicken breast. And there are five steps and procedures that can
greatly improve the skills and capabilities of a learners as a cook.

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
The teacher will instruct the learners to proceed on
the laboratory area for their performance.
The learners will go to their old groupings and
perform how to prepare and present the classic club
Will observe the performance of the learners using sandwich.
the following rubrics(attached at the back of the LP)

After the performance the Teacher will give his

feedbacks regarding the performance of his learners.

Research and study the steps and procedure in making hotdog sandwich.
Reference: Modules in Home Economics COOKERY 9
Code: TLE_HECK9-12SW-IIIb-g-12

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator




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