Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery

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T.L.E. 12 (Cookery)
At the end of the lesson the students can:
a. Identify the ingredients used in preparing the
b. Demonstrate on how to cook “Caldereta”
c. Follow correct procedure in preparing
Caldereta and Observed Safety And Sanitation.
d. Relate Topic In a Real life situation.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cooking “Caldereta”
Skills: Listening, Observing, Teamwork
Reference: Teacher’s Guide Page 13
Cookery Manual pages 157 -
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint, Visual
Aids, laptop, projector.
III. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity

A. Preperation
Checking Of Attendance
What was topic last
Student’s: Our topic last meeting was all
about common ingredients used in cooking

What are the classifications of ingredients

used In cooking?
Student’s: dry ingredients, liquid ingredients ,
minor ingredients

Very Good!

Who can give an example of dry ingredients?

Student’s: beef (shortribs),

Potato, liver spread.

Very Good!

How about liquid ingredients?

Student’s: water, Tomato
Sauce, oil.
For Minor ingredients?

Student’s: garlic (crushed), onion, pepper,

labuyo, bell pepper, laurel leaf.

Any Questions?

Student’s: Optional

B. Motivation

I have here four pictures in one word. May I

request everybody to Please read the
1.The First who will raise his/her hand will be the one
to answer.
2.Observer the picture attentively.
3.Avoid making unnecessary noise while doing the

Who can guess Ilustration No.1?

Student’s: Cooking Ma’am

Very good!

How About this one?

Student’s: Tomato Sauce Ma’am

Yes, Very Good!

Next One
Student’s: Caldereta

Very Good!

How about this one?

Students: Green peas

Very, Good
What do you think our lesson today?

Students: Mam I think our lesson today is about caldereta.

Yes, It is Cooking Caldereta

Everybody read our Learning Objectives.

Identify ingredients used in cooking caldereta.
Demonstrate on how to cook Caldereta.
Follow correct Procedure in preparing Caldereta and
observed safety and sanitation.
Relate the topic in a real life situation.

Before we discuss our topic, we will unlock first the

difficult words. Everybody Read.

Unlocking of difficult words:

a. Baking- to cook in an oven using dry heat
b.Sift – to separate course particle in the
ingredient by passing the a sieve
c.Dissolve – (of something): solid to mix with a
liquid and become a part of it
d.Cream – to rub, mash, or work shortening
against the side of a bowl until its smooth and
e. Fluffy – having a light and soft
f. Mis’en place – pronounced meez in pla
which means “putting in place as in set up”

Thank you !

Activity 1st
I Will group you into 3
groups. Please read the

 List down the ingredients that can be
 Write your answers in a meta card then
paste it in the Caldereta standand post
in the board.
 Arrange it in a layer as you desire.

Before, Anything else Everybody please read

the rubric.

Thank you !

Your time starts now.

Time Is up ! (2mins)

(The students do the task)

(Post their output on the board)

Okay lets check your work.

Group 1 …..
All answer are correct.

Group 2 …..
You got 1 mistake.

Group 3 ….
You got 2 mistakes.

Let us give a fireworks clap everybody. (Do the firework


2nd Activity
Teacher’s Demonstration

Now, how will you make Caldereta ? Anyone know


This morning I will show you how to cook a food called

First, let’s have a mise en place . As you see here,
everything is set from measuring to preparations. Same as
the tools are ready.

So are you ready to witness how to cook a caldereta?

Yes Ma’am we are very much excited !!!

There are some important reminders. May I request

everybody to read;

1. OBSERVE cleanliness
2. REMOVE all you hand accessories
3. WASH your hands properly
4. WEAR complete working outfit
5. PROPER handling of tools should be observed to
avoid accident.

Is that clear?

Yes Ma’am
Here’s ingredient that we are going to use for cooking
 1lb goat meat chevon, cubed.
 1 Tbps garlic minced .
 1 piece medium-sized onion minced .
 3 pieces medium-sized tomatoes diced.
 ½ teaspoon crushed chili or fresh thai chili
 1 cup tomato sauce.
 ¾ cup bell pepper sliced.
 6 Tbps liver spread.

Now that you know already the ingredients in cooking

We will proceed to the procedure in Cooking.

Who can read first to sixth procedure ?

(While the student read the 1st step teacher do the

Procedure in cooking caldereta:

1.Combine the vinegar, salt and ground black pepper
in a large bowl. Then marinate the goat meat for at
least an hour (This should eliminate the gamey
smell and taste of the meat) Then separate the
meat from the marinade.
2.Pour the cooking oil in a cooking pot or casserole
and apply heat.
3. Saute the garlic, onion, tomatoes
4.Add the marinated goat meat then cook until the
color of the outer part turns light brown.
5.Put-in tomato sauce and crushed chili then allow to
cook for 2 minutes.
6.Add water and allow to boil. Simmer for at least 45
minutes or until the meat is tender.
7.Add the liver spread and cook for 5 minutes (You
may add water if the sauce seems to dry up)
8.Put-in potatoes and carrots then simmer for 8
9.Add the olives and bell pepper then simmer for
another 5 minutes .
10. Add salt and pepper to taste.
11. Serve hot. And Enjoy!

(The students are attentively observing the


(After 45 minutes)
Here it is….. (present the output)

Observe it carefully .
Now who can describe the Caldereta?

Student’s: Ma’am It looks delicious and yummy !

Nice answer!

Why is it important to measure all the ingredients


Ma’am it is important measure all the ingredients

appropriately so that the result is good.

Very well said!

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