2018 Machines

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Indian Institute ofEngineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

Dual Degree B.Tech-M.Tech (EE) 4tn Semester Final Examination, 2018


Full Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

(i) Ans\rer any six questions taking three from each half
(iD Two marks are riserved for neatness and orgarized ansvi€a_script in each ha'lf
(ii0 Graph papers will be supplied, ifneeded.
Qv) 115e
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First half

following data: rr4-72 {l' r'2 ={.6 o, xl : x'2 = 1'57 tt, \tt:24 c) and r. =200 o (symbols
having their usual significance).
Derive in brief expressions for slip at peak torque and peak power following an exact model for
the machine for a constant supply voltage. Assuming a fult load stip of 3%, evaluate the Iated
torque, rated stator current and the conesponding magnetizing current. Draw the phasor diagram
showing the voltage, back emf, magnetizing curent and stator current'
slip ring induction machine keeping &e stator terminals shorted? Answel in brief with clear
explanation. @+3+2+2)

2. The following test data relate to a 4 hp, 400v, 3-phase, 50H2, 4-pole star connected squirrel
cage induction motor:
No-load test: 400 V' 3.2 A, 330 W
Blocked rotor test: 105 V, 8 A' 510 W
The (hot) resistance measured between any two stator terminals under hot condition is 0.5 C).

Draw the circle diagram and evaluate the following: (i) input line cu ent, (ii) p.t, (iii) slip and
(iv) the efficiency at rated loa4 (v) the maximum torque aI]d (vi) the slip for maximum torque.
Separate marks are reserved for neat drawinq ofthe circle diagram and clar f workin out

3. (a) The following test results were obtained from a 3-phase, 20 h p', 400 V, 50 Hz, 6-pole
induction motor. No load:400 V, l0 A, power factor 0.8; blocked-rotor: 200 V, 50 A, power
factor-O.4i5. Derive the equivalent circuit parameters and dlaw the per phase equivalent circuit.

(b) If the machine in part (a) above is to be run as an isolated induction generator, with the
stator fiequency being 50 Hz, what should be the value ofthe capacitor that is to be at no load but

to develop rated terminal voltage?

(c) What is skewing of rotor or stator of an induction motor? Why is it done? Write down the
expression for the skew factor for the nG harmonic. (6+2+3)

4. (a) The winding particulars of the stator of a 30 hp, 415 V, 4-poie. 3-phase, delta-connected
squirrel cage induction machine are given below:
(i) Total no. of slots:48 (ii) winding arrangement: double layer (iii) no. oftums percoil =4
(iv) coil pitch: short pitched by one full slot pitch (v) skewing: NIL
Calculate the amplitude of the space firndamental component ofthe resultant armatl)re mmf at
full load. The efficiency and operating pf may be taken as 89olo and 0.88 respectively. Show the

calculation steps with brief clarification for the calculations. Draw the waveform of the resultant
armatwe mmffor one pole pair for any chosen time-phase or instant ofthe supply.
(b) What is breadth factor of a distributed armature winding of an ac machine? Derive an

expression for breadth factor. Also findthe limits ofthe value of breadth-factor. (tL+4)

5. (a) Starting from basic principles of electromechanical energl conversion, show with
appropriate derivations that the torque developed in a DC machine is given by,

T= k 9p I", where symbols have their usual significance.

(b) Graphically draw the ampere conductor distribution in the slots and hence derive the

waveform ofthe air-gap mmfofa 12 slot, 2-pole, double-layer wound DC machine. Indicate the

assumptions and basic principles on which it is based.

(c) In a 3-phase machine, the effect of short-pitching and over-pitching of an armature coil are

same.- Is the statement true or false? Answer with proper logic. (5+4+2)

Second half
6. Justi! the validity of the following statements with proper reasoning:
a) Under normal operating speeds, rotor core loss is usually neglected in athree-phase induction
b) Per-unit leakage reactances are higher in induction motor than in transformer.
c) Power factor ofa three-phase induction motor is low at no-load.
d) Relative speed between stator field and rotor field is zero in a three-phase induction motor.
e) At lower values offrequency maximum torque is reduced in V/fcontrol ofa thee-phase induction
2 3

7.a) Explain the operating principle ofa pole-changing motor using consequent poie techniques.
Discuss how three different torque-speed characteristics are obtained by pole-changing and
by suitable
connections amongst the three phases.
b) A three-phase,420 v, 6 pole, 50 Hz, 100 kw srip-ring induction motor with its rotor winding
short-circuited has a full-load slip of 0.04 and slip at ma.timum torque is 0.2 when the motor
is operated
at rated voltage and frequency. Neglecting stator resistance and rotational losses determine (i)
torque (in N-m) and (ii) slip at maximum torque when the rotor resistance is doubled by adding
series resistance with the rotor circuit. (5+6=11)

8.a) A three-phase,400 v, double cage induction motor has a standstilr per phase reakage impedance
of (0.3 - j0.4) ohm for the outer cage and (0.1 + j 1.5) ohm for the inner cage_ Find the ratio
of outer to
inner cage torques at (i) starting (ii) at a slip of 5%. (Neglect stator impedance)
b) Derive the condition of maximum torque developed in a tkee-phase induction motor
and hence
prove that to increase the starting torque additional extemal resistance must be
added in series with the
rotor circuit.
c) What is NEMA Class-D type induction motor? What are its applications? (S+4+2=tt)

9. a) It is desired to operate a three-phase induction motor from a 440 V distribution circuit which is
designed to supply not more thar 1200 A. Ifa three-phase squirrel cage induction motor has a fullJoad
efficiencv of0.85, full-load power factor of 0.8 and starting current at rated voltage is 5 times
the full-
load current, what is the maximum permissibre kw rating ofthe motor, (i) if it is
started direct-onJine,
(ii) if it is started using an auto-tralsformer with 80% tapping (iii) if it is started using
a star-delta starter?
b) A three-phase, 50 Hz, 400 V, 6 pole slip-ring induction motor has a marimum torque o f 25ayo of
full-load torque. slip at ma.rimum torque is 0. r g. per phase rotor resistance is 1 .0 ohm
at 50 Hz.
Determine the minimum supply voltage required so that the motor can still supply its fulr-road
Assume thal the magnetic circuit is unsaJurated.
c) Explain in details how the speed ofa three-phase induction motor can be controlled by v/f
method. sketch the torque-speed characteristic for v/f method. Also sketch the torque-speed
characteristic for variable fiequency and constart volt-operation. (4+l+3=11;

10 a) What are the various methods of starting of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor?
the auto-transformer method of starting and compare the staxting line curent and
starting torque with that
of a direct-on-line starting.
b) A three-phase, 440Y,60 Hq 6 pole squirrel cage induction motor develops a maximum torque
of 2.5
times full-load torque at a speed of 1020 r.p.m when fed ftom rated vollage and frequency
source. Ifthe
motor is now operated fiom 400 v, 50 Hz source, compute (i) magnitude of maximum
torque in terms of
fuil-load torque, (ii) speed at which maximum torque occurs.
[Neglect stator resistance]

3 7

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