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Will it contribute to the

Facilities Description students learning and

development and why?
Office of the principal The principal office was so Yes, it is, Because the
clean and peaceful place principal's office is
among other facilities in essential to a student's
the school. Inside the learning and growth within
office there are a lot’s a school community. Its
memorabilia such as effect reaches far beyond
trophies, books, and administrative duties, as it
papers. And also, the serves as the central hub
control room for the CCTV for developing a good and
arounds the school supportive educational
premises are inside if environment. Here, we will
principal office. look at how the principal's
office contributes to
student learning and
growth and why these
contributions are so
Library The school library was had Yes, it is, school library
enough books and other provide access to a wealth
learning materials that the of knowledge and
students can use for information. They have an
answering their extensive collection of
assignment and research books, periodicals,
related topics. But the reference materials, and
school library can only digital resources that cover
accommodate short a wide range of subjects
number of students due and interests. This all
minimal spaces inside. collection empowers
students to explore beyond
the confines of their
textbooks and curricula,
fostering curiosity and a
love for learning.
Counseling Room The counseling room is Yes, it is, the counseling
designed to provide a safe, room is an essential
private, and supportive resource that promotes
environment for the students' emotional well-
students. It has a being, personal growth,
comfortable seats, calming and overall learning
decor, and essential
experience. The
counseling materials. This
counseling room provides
room is usually use if the
student had committed students with the tools and
inappropriate action or resilience they need to t
behavior inside the school. succeed academically and
develop into well-rounded
individuals by addressing
emotional and
psychological issues.

Canteen/ Cafeteria The school cafeteria has a Yes, it is, the school
communal dining area cafeteria contributes to
within an educational students' learning and
institution where students development in a wide
and staff gather to have range of ways, including
meals. It typically features fostering physical health,
cafeteria-style food social skills, cultural
service, with a variety of awareness, responsibility,
food options such as and general well-being. A
pastries, snacks, and well-functioning cafeteria
beverages. The cafeteria is can be an essential
serves as central hub for component of a
social interaction during comprehensive
meal breaks educational experience,
promoting students' growth
and achievement.
Medical Clinic The school medical clinic Yes, it is, A medical clinic
of the school was complete allows students to obtain
in terms of basic medical practical, hands-on
equipment such as bed, experience in a real-world
stretcher, medicine, and healthcare setting.
event fire extinguisher. The Students pursuing careers
in medicine, nursing, allied
school clinic is often
health professions, or
staffed by knowledgeable
healthcare management
healthcare professionals would benefit greatly from
such as nurses or nurse this hands-on experience.
practitioners and is
equipped to treat minor
illnesses and injuries. It is
an essential resource for
ensuring students' well-
being and safety while on

Gymnasium The school Gymnasium Yes, it is, the school

was so clean and big it is gymnasium is an important
good for doing school asset for students physical
events and especially and mental development. It
physical activities for fosters physical health,
students learning. But the emotional well-being,
gymnasium has a little bit academic performance,
of downside which is not social skills, and a healthy
well ventilated so during lifestyle. As such, it is
summer you will critical in developing well-
experience moderate hot rounded and healthy
weather condition. persons. And also
exposure to physical
education and fitness in
the gym can instill lifelong
habits of staying active and
maintaining a healthy

Outdoor/Garden The school garden as a Yes, it is, a school garden

pleasant ambiance and full is an interesting and
of plans and vegetables flexible instructional
that makes the school resource. It improves the
more beautiful and cleaner, learning experience, raises
because the plans environmental awareness,
represent nature, peace,
and leads to a healthier
and cleanliness. And it is
school environment. It also
designated area within a
school premises where creates a sense of
students, teachers, and community and an
sometimes community appreciation for the natural
members cultivate and world among students and
grow various types of educators.
Comfort Room Boys The boys’ comfort is Yes, it is, A school comfort
slightly dirty and messy room's primary goal is
due misused of the personal hygiene and
students although the convenience; however, it
school has its janitor to also indirectly promotes
maintain the cleanliness of students' learning and
the school specially the CR development by fostering
but sometimes the real physical health, comfort,
problem is within the safety, and good hygiene
students who use the CR habits. Keeping these
facilities clean, well-
maintained, and easily
accessible helps to a
healthy school climate that
promotes students’ general
well-being and academic

Comfort Room for Girls The girls comfort room is Yes, it is, A school comfort
also slightly dirty due to room's primary goal is
misused of the students personal hygiene and
although the school has its convenience; however, it
janitor to maintain the also indirectly promotes
cleanliness of the school students' learning and
specially the CR but development by fostering
sometimes the real physical health, comfort,
problem is within the safety, and good hygiene
students who use the CR habits. Keeping these
facilities clean, well-
maintained, and easily
accessible helps to a
healthy school climate that
promotes students’ general
well-being and academic

Bulletin Board There are two bulletin Yes, it is, School bulletin
boards in the school one boards serve several
located near the cafeteria purposes in assisting
and the second one is students' learning and
located at besides the gate development. They serve
of grade 9 and then in communication,
building. A school bulletin organization, visual
board is a dedicated learning, motivation, and
display place within a the development of a
school that is usually sense of community.
located in a conspicuous Bulletin boards contribute
and communal area, such to a pleasant and
as a corridor, or near the stimulating educational
main door. Its major atmosphere by offering a
function is to provide as a platform for information
visual communication tool transmission,
for students, teachers, accomplishment
parents, and guests. celebration, and creative

Hand Washing Area The hand washing area is Yes, it is, A school hand
very useful and clean it washing station is an
helps to prevent diseases essential aspect of
that can cause sickness to ensuring a clean and
students. This area is healthy school
crucial for maintaining a environment. It teaches
clean and healthy school children and staff proper
environment, as it helps hand hygiene, lowering the
prevent the spread of risk of illness transmission
germs and illnesses. and boosting overall well-
being within the school

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