Vbit Workshop Manual
Vbit Workshop Manual
Vbit Workshop Manual
Prepared By
Assistant Professor & Lab Incharge
Department of Mechanical
The objective of this lab is to teach students various trades of mechanical systems and to
explain them the working for performing various operations on these systems. This lab
complements the engineering workshop course. Students will gain practical knowledge by
performing operations in various trades of Carpentry, Fitting, Tinsmithy, House wiring,
Moulding, Blacksmithy, Welding and Plumbing.
Upon the completion of Engineering Workshop course, the student will be able to:
1. Design and model different prototypes in the carpentry trade such as cross lap joint,
dove tail joint.
2. Design and model various basic prototypes in the trade of fitting such as square fir
and straight fit.
3. Design and model various basic prototypes in the trade of Tinsmithy such as round tin
and rectangular tray.
4. Design and model various basic house wiring techniques such as connecting one lamp
with one switch, connecting two lamps with one switch and one bulb controlled by
two switches.
5. Design and model various basic prototypes in the trade of moulding, blascksmithy
and welding different parts.
1. “ Tight fitting clothes” must be worn because an loose clothing is likely to be caught
in moving or rotating parts of a machine, long sleeves of shirts, long hair, neck tie and
jewelry are “definite hazard” in the machine shop.
2. Wear “safety shoes”. Don’t wear canvas shoes, as they give no resistance to hard
objects dropped on the feet.
3. Know your job and follow instructions.
4. A machine should not be started until it is determined that all conditions of
safe operations are compiled with.
5. Suitable “fences and guards” should be in place before commencing the job, and
these should be removed only for the purpose of authorized inspection and
6. No adjustment, repair or filling should be attempted while the machine is running.
7. One should know the location of “main-switch”to switch off power in case
of emergency.
8. Adjust and secure the tool properly before commencing the job.
9. Wear “safety Goggles” when working in areas, where sparks or metal chips are
10. The use of “Cooling Mixture” is very essential as it preserves the cutting edges of the
tool, and prevents distortion of the work.
11. Check up the “Serviceability” of a tool, measuring instrument or Tester before putting
it for use.
12. Accidents occur unexpectedly without prior warning, causing damage to men
and Machine; these can be avoided if proper “ Safety Rules” are followed.
13. Proper insulation of electric wires and earthing of electrical appliances and machines
must be ensured.
14. Maintenance of “Serviceable” fire extinguishers and water points in shop floor,
for preventing “fire hazards” is most essential.
15. Maintaining of cleanliness of “shop-floor” is most important.
1. Operate a machine unless you are authorized to do so.
2. Walk away from a running machine
3. Distract or interfere with any one operating machine.
4. Start a machine unless you know how to stop it.
5. Be over confident.
To allow the student to gain knowledge of operation of different tools in a mechanical
workshop and to get a feel for industrial application, and to provide the student with
progressive hands-on structured experience of industrial environment. To develop an
understanding of the basics of maintenance of machinery and equipment.
Course objective:
1. To give ‘hands on experience’ of crafts-man ship, machining, and assembly.
2. To make students familiar with different work trades.
3. To develop quality and safety consciousness among the students.
4. To develop respect towards technicians work amongst the student.
5. Know how to function and operate in a workshop environment and grasp the
principles underlying the work being done.
6. Effectively use various measuring tools and instruments commonly used in Mechanical
7. Make simple parts using common workshop machinery.
8. Carry out first-line maintenance of common workshop machines using the
technical manuals.
9. Understand the basics of planned / Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
1. Operate /use all common tools and basic machines.
2. Read, understand and interpret engineering drawings.
3. Make three dimensional sketches.
4. Handle marking-out and precision measuring instruments.
5. Carry out basic metal cutting tasks.
6. Perform first-line maintenance of workshop machines.
7. Be a productive contributor to scheduled maintenance tasks.
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Aim: To prepare a T-lap
1. Feed the saw from head to tool.
2. Care should be taken while operating with the tools.
3. The saw teeth should not touch the hard material.
Aim: To make a V-fitting from the given two MS pieces.
Tools required: 1. Bench vice, 2. Steel rule, 3. Try-square, 4. Ball-Peen
hammer, 5. Scriber, 6. Dot-punch, 7. Set of files, 8. Surface plate, 9. Jennycaliper, 10.
Hacksaw frame with blade, 11. Flat chisel.
Sequence Of operations:
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked withthe
steel rule.
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the out-mating edges arefiled
and checked for their flatness with the help of the try square.
3. The side edges of the two pieces are filed such that, they are right angles toeach
NOTE: Care is taken to see that the marking dots are not crossed, which is indicated
by the half of the punch dots left on the pieces.
RESULT: The required V-fitting is thus obtained, by following the stages, as
described above
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Aim: To make a semi-circular fitting from the given two M.S Pieces.
Material Required: Two MS Flats of 48X40X4mm
Tools Required: Bench vice, Steel rule, Try-square, Ball peen hammer,
divider, dot punch, centre punch, set of files, surface plate, Jenny caliper and
Hacksaw with blade.
Sequence of Operations:
1.The burrs in given materials are removed and the dimensions are checked
For 48X40X4mm with steel rule.
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and outer mating edges are filed
and checked for their flatness, with the help of try-square.
3. The side edges of the two pieces are filed such that, they at right angles to
each other and widths are exactly 48mm.
4. Wet chalk is applied on surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given half rounds (semi circles) are marked on the two pieces, by using
the Jenny calliper and divider.
6. The portion to be removed is then marked.
7. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the above scribed lines.
8. Using the hack saw the unwanted portions are removed to the extent possible.
9. The cut edges are filed by using square and half round files.
10. The pieces (X and Y) are fitted together and the mating is checked for the
correctness of the fit. Any defects noticed, are rectified by filing with a smooth
Note: The centres of the half rounds are marked by a centre punch. However,
after marking the centre of the half round in the piece Y, the edges of it is further
filed, till half of the punch dot is left.
Precautions: 1. Never remove chips with hand use a wire brush.
2. Working tool should not be kept at the edge of table.
3. While sawing secure work rigidity
Result: The required semi-circular fitting is thus obtained, by following the stages
described above.
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7. These four sides of the tin are bent to 900 using stakes anvil.
8. Finally all the corners of the tray are joined.
Thus the Square Tin is made from the given sheet metal.
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Aim: To make the mould for a steeped Cone pulley pattern
Material required:
Moulding sand, parting sand, facing sand, stepped cone pulley pattern,
moulding boxes etc.
Tools Required:
1. Showel 2. Sieve 3. Trowel 4. Rammers
5. Sprue pin 6. Strike off bar 7. Lifter 8. Gate cutter
9. Runner 10. Riser 11. Vent rod 12. Draw spike
13. Bellow
Sequence of Operations:
1. Sand preparation
2. Core preparation
3. Placing the pattern on moulding board
4. Ramming of drag
5. Placing runner and riser
6. Ramming of cope
7. Removal of pattern, runner, riser
8. Gate cutting
Working steps:
Result: Thus the desired stepped cone pulley mould is prepared and isready
for pouring the molten metal.
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Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It joins different metals/alloys, with or
without the application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal. The fusion of metal takes place by
means of heat. The heat may be generated either from combustion of gases, electric arc, electric resistance or by chemical
Welding provides a permanent joint but it normally affects the metallurgy of the components. It is therefore
usually accompanied by post weld heat treatment for most of the critical components. The welding is widely used
as a fabrication and repairing process in industries. Some of the typical applications of welding include the
fabrication of ships, pressure vessels, automobile bodies, off-shore platform, bridges, welded pipes, sealing of
nuclear fuel and explosives, etc
Edge preparations
For welding the edges of joining surfaces of metals are prepared first. Different edge preparations may be used for
welding butt joints, which are given in Figure.
Welding joints
Some common welding joints are shown in Figure. Welding joints are of generally of two major kinds namely lap
joint and butt joint. The main types are described as under
The overhead position is probably even more difficult to weld than the vertical position. Here the pull of gravity
against the molten metal is much greater.
The body or the frame of the welding machine shall be efficiently earthed. Pipe lines containing gases or
inflammable liquids or conduits carrying electrical conductors shall not be used for aground return circuit All
earth connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current.2.
Welding arc in addition to being very is a source of infra-red and ultra-violet light also; consequently the operator
must use either helmet or a hand-shield fitted with a special filter glass to protect eyes3.
Excess ultra-violet light can cause an effect similar to sunburn on the skin of the welder4.
The welder’s body and clothing are protected from radiation and burns caused by sparks and flying
globules of molten metal with the help of the following:5.
Leather or asbestos apron is very useful to protect welder’s clothes and his trunk and thighs while
seated he is doing welding.7.
For overhead welding, some form of protection for the head is required8.
Leather jackets and 1ather leggings are also available as clothes for body protection.10. Welding
equipment shall be inspected periodically and maintained in safe working order at alltimes.11. Arc welding
machines should be of suitable quality.12. All parts of welding set shall be suitably enclosed and protected to meet the usual
service conditions
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To make a Lap joint, using the given two M.S pieces and by arc welding.
Material Supplied:
Mild steel plate of size 100X50X5 mm2 No’s
Welding Electrodes
: M.S electrodes 3.1 mm X350 mm
Welding Equipment: Air cooled transformerVoltage-80 to 600 V,3-ɸ supply, Current up to 350Amps
Tools and Accessories required:
1.Rough and smooth files.
3.Arc welding machine (transformer type)
4.Mild steel electrode and electrode holder
5.Ground clamp
7. Face shield
9.Chipping hammer.
Sequence of operations:
1.Marking 2. Cutting 3. Edge preparation (Removal of rust, scale etc.) by filling
The Lap joint is thus made, using the tools and equipment mentioned.
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To make a Butt joint using the given two M.S pieces by arc welding.
Material Required:
Mild steel plate of size 100X50X5 mm – 2 No’s
Welding Electrodes
: M.S electrodes 3.15 mm X350 mm
Welding Equipment
: Air cooled transformerVoltage-80 to 600 V 3 phase supply, amps up to 350
The single V-butt joint is thus made, using the tools and equipment as mentioned above.
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The electrical circuit for one light controlled by one switch is thus
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The electrical circuit for two lights controlled by one switch inSeries isthus
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The electrical circuit for one light controlled by 2 Two Way Switchesis
thus made.
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Black smithy or Forging is an oldest shaping process used for the producing small articles for which accuracy in
size is not so important. The parts are shaped by heating them in an open fire or hearth by the blacksmith and
shaping them through applying compressive forces using hammer.
Thus forging is defined as the plastic deformation of metals at elevated temperatures into a predetermined size or shape
using compressive forces exerted through some means of hand hammers, small power hammers, die, press or upsetting
machine. It consists essentially of changing or altering the shape and section of metal by hammering at a temperature of
about 980°C, at which the metal is entirely plastic and can be easily deformed or shaped under pressure. The
shop in which the various forging operations are carried out is known as the
smithy or smith’s shop.
Hand forging process is also known as black-smithy work which is commonly employed for production of small
articles using hammers on heated jobs. It is a manual controlled process even though some machinery such as power
hammers can also be sometimes used. Black-smithy is, therefore, a process by which metal may be heated and shaped to its
requirements by the use of blacksmith tools either by hand or power hammer. Forging by machine involves the
use of forging dies and is generally employed for mass- production of accurate articles. In drop forging, closed
impression dies are used and there is drastic flow of metal in the dies due to repeated blow or impact which
compels the plastic metal to conform to the shape of the dies.
Applications of forging
Almost all metals and alloys can be forged. The low and medium carbon steels are readily hot forged without
difficulty, but the high-carbon and alloy steels are more difficult to forge and require greater care. Forging is
generally carried out on carbon alloy steels, wrought iron, copper-base alloys, aluminium alloys, and magnesium
alloys. Stainless steels, nickel-based super alloys, and titanium are forged especially for aerospace uses.
The ease with which forging is done is called forgeability. The forgeability of a material can also be defined as
the capacity of a material to undergo deformation under compression without rupture. Forgeability increases with
temperature up to a point at which a second phase, e.g., from ferrite to austenite in steel, appears or if grain
growth becomes excessive.
For carrying out forging operations manually, certain common hand forging tools are employed. These are
also called blacksmith’s tools, for a blacksmith is one
who works on the forging of metals in their hot state. The main hand forging tools are as under.
The tongs are generally used for holding work while doing a forging operation. Various kinds of tongs are
shown in Figure.)
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Straight-lip fluted tongs are commonly used for holding square, circular and hexagonal bar stock. B)
Rivet or ring tongs are widely used for holding bolts, rivets and other work of circular section.c)
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Flat tongs are used for mainly for holding work of rectangular section.
d)Gad tongs are used for holding general pick-up work, either straight or tapered.
Flatter is shown in Fig. 14.7. It is commonly used in forging shop to give smoothness and accuracy toarticles
which have already been shaped by fullers and swages.
Swage is used for forging work which has to be reduced or finished to round, square or hexagonal form. I
with half grooves of dimensions to suit the work being reduced. It consists of two parts, the top part having
a handle and the bottom part having a square shank which fits in the hardie hole on the anvil face.
Fuller is used in forging shop for necking down a forgeable job. It is made in top
and bottom tools as in the case of swages. Fuller is made in various shapes and sizesaccording to needs, the
size denoting the width of the fuller edge
Punch is used in forging shop for making holes in metal part when it is at forging heat.
Rivet header
Rivet header is used in forging shop for producing rivets heads on parts.
Chisels are used for cutting metals and for nicking prior to breaking. They may be hot or cold depending on
whether the metal to be cut is hot or cold. A hot chisel generally used in forging shop is shown in Fig.. The
main difference between the two is in the edge. The edge of a cold chisel is hardened and tempered with an
angle of about 60°, whilst the edge of a hot chisel is 30° and the hardening is not necessary. The edge
is made slightly rounded for better cutting action.
Hand hammers
There are two major kinds of hammers are used in hand forging:
a.The hand hammer used by the smith himself and b. The sledge hammer used by the striker.
Hand hammers may further be classified as (a) ball peen hammer, (b)straight peen hammer, and (c) cross peen hammer.
Sledge hammers may further be classified as (a) Double face hammer, (b) straight peen hammer, and (c) cross peen
hammer. Hammer heads are made of cast steel and, their ends are hardened and tempered. The striking face is made lightly
convex. The weight of a hand hammer varies from about 0.5 to 2 kg whereas the weight of a sledge hammer
varies from 4 to 10 kg
Set hammer
A set hammer generally used in forging shop is shown in Fig. 14.9. It is used for finishing corners in
shouldered work where the flatter would be inconvenient. It is also used for drawing out the gorging job.
An anvil is a most commonly tool used in forging shop which is shown in. It acts as a
support for blacksmith’s work during hammering. The body of the anvil is made of
mild steel with a tool steel face welded on the body, but the beak or horn used for bending curves is not
steel faced. The round hole in the anvil called pritchel hole is generally used for bending rods of small
diameter, and as a die for hot punching operations. The square or har die hole is used for holding square
shanks of various fittings. Anvils in forging shop may vary up to about 100 to 150 kg and they should
always stand with the top face about 0.75 mt. from the floor. This height may be attained by resting the
anvil on a wooden or cast iron base in the forging shop.
Swage block
Swage block generally used in forging shop is shown in figure. It is mainly used for heading, bending,
squaring, sizing, and forming operations on forging jobs. It is 0.25 mt. or even more wide. It may be used
either flat or edgewise in its stand.
The following are the basic operations that may be performed by hand forging:
1. Drawing-down:
Drawing is the process of stretching the stock while reducing its cross-section locally. Forging the tapered
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end of a cold is an example of drawing operation.
2. Upsetting:
It is a process of increasing the area of cross-section of a metal piece locally, with a corresponding reduction
in length. In this, only the portion to be upset is heated to forging temperature and the work is then struck at
the end with a hammer. Hammering is done by the smith (student) himself, if the job is small, or by
his helper, in case of big jobs, when heavy blows are required with a sledge hammer.
3. Fullering:
Fullers are used for necking down a piece of work, the reduction often serving as the
starting point for drawing. Fullers are made of high carbon steel in two parts, called the top and bottom
fullers. The bottom tool fits in the har die hole of the anvil. Fuller size denotes the width of the fuller edge.
4. Flattering:
Flatters are the tools that are made with a perfectly flat face of about 7.5 cm square. These are used for
finishing flat surfaces. A flatter of small size is known as set-hammer and is used for finishing near corners
and in confined spaces.
5. Swaging:
Swages like fullers are also made of high carbon steel and are made in two parts called the top and
swages. These are used to reduce and finish to round, square or hexagonal forms. For this, the swages are
made with half grooves of dimensions to suit the work.
6. Bending:
Bending of bars, flats, etc., is done to produce different types of bent shapes such as angles, ovals, circles
etc. Sharp bends as well as round bends may be made on the anvil, by choosing the appropriate place on it
for the purpose.
7. Twisting:
It is also one form of bending. Sometimes, it is done to increase the rigidity of the work piece. Small piece
may be twisted by heating and clamping a pair of tongs on each end of the section to be twisted and
applying a turning moment. Larger pieces may be clamped in a leg vice and twisted with a pair of tongs or a
monkey wrench. However, for uniform twist, it must be noted that the complete twisting operation must be
performed in one heating.
8. Cutting (Hot and Cold Chisels):
Chisels are used to cut metals, either in hot or cold
state. The cold chisel is similar to fitter’s
chisel, except that it is longer and has a handle. A hot chisel is used for cutting hot metal and its cutting
edge is long and slender when compared to cold chisel. These chisels are made of tool steel, hardened and
To improve machinability
Hold the hot work downwards close to the ground, while transferring from the hearth to anvil, to minimize
danger of burns; resulting from accidental collisions with others..
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2 Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work. These should hold the work securely to prevent its
bouncing out of control from repeated hammer blows.3.
3.Care should be exercised in the use of the hammer. The minimum force only should be used and the flat
face should strike squarely on the work; as the edge of the hammer will produce heavy bruising on hot
7. Ensure that hammers are fitted with tight and wedged handles
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Round to Square Rod
To make a Square rod from a given round rod, by following hand forging operation.
Tools required:
Smith’s forge
500gm and I kg ball-peen hammers
Swage block
Half round tongs
Pick-up tongs
Cold chisel.
Sequence of operations:
1.Take the raw material from stock i.e., mild steel 12 mm round shaped.
2.Handle specimen with round tong and
heat in blacksmith’s forge up to the part appears as red cherry colour code.
3.The required piece heated up to it gets the recrystallization temperature.
4.The part is taken out from the forge and blow with sledge hammer for obtaining the square shape on
all edges.
5.The hammering is done on the anvil.
6.The above mentioned all steps are done, after the specimen bent in required shape.
7.Check the dimensions after cooling the job by quenching process.
NOTE:In-between the above stage, the bar is heated in the smith’s forge, to facilitate forging
The square rod is thus made from the given round rod.
1.Hold the job carefully while heating and hammering
2.Job must be held parallel to the face of the anvil.
3.Wear steel-toed shoes.
4.Wear face shield when hammering the hot metal
5.Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work.
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To make an S-hook from a given round rod, by following hand forging operation.
Tools required:
Smith’s forge
500gm and I kg ball-peen hammers, Flatters, Swage block, Half round tongs, Pick-up tongs, Cold chisel.
Sequence of operations:
1.One end of the bar is heated to red hot condition in the smith’s
forge for the required length
2.Using the pick-up tongs; the rod is taken from the forge, and holding it with the half round tongs, the
heated end is forged into a tapered pointed end.
3.The length of the rod requires for S-hook is estimated and the excess portion is cut-off, using a cold
4.One half of the rod towards the pointed end is heated in the forge to red hot condition and then bent
into circular shape as shown.
5.The other end of the rod is then heated and forged into a tapered pointed end.
6.The straight portion of the rod is finally heated and bent into circular shape as required.
7.Using the flatter, the S-hook made as above, is kept on the anvil and flattened so that, the shape of the
hook is proper.
In-between the above stage, the bar is heated in the smith’s forge, to facilitate forging
The S-hook is thus made from the given round rod; by following the stages mentioned above.
1.Hold the job carefully while heating and hammering
2.Job must be held parallel to the face of the anvil.
3.Wear steel-toed shoes.
4.Wear face shield when hammering the hot metal
5.Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work.
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Plumbing is a skilled trade of working with pipes or tubes and plumbing fixtures. The process is mainly
used for the supply of drinking water and the drainage of waste water, sometimes mixed with waste
floating materials in a living or working place. A plumber is someone who installs or
repairs piping systems, plumbing fixtures and equipment such as valves, washbasins, water heaters, waterc
losests, etc. Thus it usually refers to a system of pipes and fixtures installed in a building for the
distribution of water and the removal of waterborne wastes. The latin word plumbum, means metal lead
pipe, is the origin for developing the term plumbing. Plumbing process was originated during the
ancient civilizations such as the greek, Roman, Persian, Indian and Chinese civilizations as they developed
public baths and needed to provide potable water, and drainage of wastes carried by water.
Pipes are manufactured by using different types of materials like steel, cast iron, galvanized iron, brass,
copper, aluminum, lead, plastic, concrete, asbestos, etc. They are usually classified according to the material.
They are also grouped as cast, welded, seamless, extruded, etc. For conveying large quantity of water, cast iron, steel
or concrete pipes having large diameter are usually used. Galvanized iron pipes (GI pipes) are popular for
medium and low pressure water supply lines. Plastic pipes are preferred for household uses at low
pressure. Pipes are generally specified by their inner diameter (Nominal diameter specified in inches).
Hence, the pipe fitting size is also based on this dimension. But for plastic pipes, this rule is not strictly
followed because threading is not usually required for them. For engineering uses, along with the nominal
diameter, the pipe thickness is also specified as light, medium or heavy.
Types of pipe joints:
According to the pipe material, size and application, different methods are used to join pipes. The most
common types of pipe joints are:1.Screwed pipe joint For GI Pipes 2. Welded pipe joint– for steel, copper,
aluminium and lead pipes 3.Flanged pipe joint for cast iron and steel pipes 4.Soldered pipe joint for brass
and copper tubes 5.Glued or cemented pipe joint –
for PVC pipesPipes made of iron (GI Pipes) and brass of small and medium diameters (10 mm to 100 mm) are
usually joined by screwing the pipe specials with internal or external threads. Welding is used to make per
manent joint of medium and large diameter steel pipes. Flanged pipe joints are common in medium and
large diameter pipes of cast iron and steel, along with rubber/CAF (Compressed asbestos fibre) gaskets. The
flanged are screwed to the pipe for smaller diameter but made integral for large diameters. Pipes of copper and brass are
usually joined by soldering. PVC (poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe is the most popular choice in plastic group. It
is rigid and uses thread and solvent weld (glue) connections. It also can be heat fused. PVC pipes are
available in
various pressure ratings for water supply, and is a very choice for landscape irrigation. The reasons for the
popularity are the economy, no corrosion and easiness to work. CPVC is a different type of plastic, which
has an extra chlorine atom in the compound, can be used for the hot water supply, and in industry. To join plastic pipes,
gluing or cementing method is used. Solvent cement is the gluing material and
it partially melts the surface of the plastic pipe to make the joint. As the glue evaporates within twominute
s, a strong joint is obtained
Screwed pipe fittings, (pipe specials) are removable or temporary pipe connections which permit necessary dismantling
or reassembly for the purpose of installation, maintenance, cleaning, repair, etc. The functions of pipe
fittings can be broadly classified as:
1.To join two or more pipe lines together
2.To effect change in diameter or direction
3.To close the end of a pipe lineThe most common types of screwed pipe fittings used in galvanized iron
(GI) pipe lines and plastic(PVC) pipe lines are shown in Figure (I to 17).
A brief description of these fittings is given below1.
Coupler (coupling):
Two pipe lines of equal diameter and in axial alignment can be joined by acoupler (coupling). It is a short
sleeve with internal thread.2.
Reducer coupler
(Reducer coupling): This is a coupler to join two pipe lines of different diametersin axial alignment.3.900
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This is a pipe special used or effecting abrupt change in direction through 90°. Internal threads are provided
both ends. An elbow brings twice the head loss than a bend.4.
Reducer elbow:
This is an elbow with outlet diameter less than that of inlet diameter It is used to join two pipe lines having
different diameters and meeting at right angle.
This is a pipe special used to effect gradual change in direction (usually 90°).The two ends ofthe bend
are externally threaded.
6.Return hand:
This bend is used to return the direction of pipe line through 180°.The ends are internally threaded for fitting
the pipe lines.
This pipe special is used to make a branch connection of same diameter to the main pipe line atright angle. A
Tee is internally threaded and it connects three ends of pipes
.8 Reducer Tee:
This is a pipe special similar to Tee used to take a branch connection of reduceddiameter from the main pipe
9 Cross:
This pipe special is used to take two branch connections at right angles to the main pipe line.The threads are
provided internally,
10. Close nipple:
A nipple is a short straight piece of pipe with external thread on both ends. A closenipple is the shortest one
of this category with external thread for the full length. They are used to jointwo internally threaded pipe
specials and valves.
11.Short nipple:
A short nipple has the same shape and function of a close nipple, but it has a shortunthreaded portion at the
middle of its length for gripping.
12.Short nipple with hexagonal grip:
This nipple has an additional hexagonal nut shape at the middle portion for easy screwing with spanner. It is
similar to an ordinary short nipple, except that difference.
13.Hose nipple:
A hose nipple is used to connect a hose (flexible pipe-usually plastic or rubber) to a pipe line. One end of the
hose-nipple has a stepped taper to fit the hose, while other end has thread. Ahexagonal nut shape is given to
the middle portion for gripping with a spanner.
14.Male plug:
A male plug is used to close an internally threaded end of a pipe line or pipe special. Ithas external thread and a grip
of square shape at the end.15.
Female plug (cap):
A female plug is used to close an externally thread end of a pipe or pipe special.It has internal thread and a
grip of square shape at the end.16.
Screwed union:
II consists of three pieces as shown in the drawing. The two end pieces haveinternal threads at their ends which are
connected to the pipe ends. The central hexagonal (or octagonal) piece (union nut) has internal thread at one
end and a collar at the other end. After the end pieces arescrewed on to the pipes, the central piece (union nut)
is tightened to draw the end pieces together to geta water tight joint.17.
This is a disc type pipe special having threaded hole at the centre for screwing to theexternally threaded end of a pipe line.
It will have holes around the central hole at equal angular spacing(3, 4, 6f or 8 Nos.) for joining to another
similar flange or flat surface using bolt or stud. Example forthe use of various pipe fittings in pipe line
is given in Figure
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Machine Shop
Demonstration of Lathe, Drilling and Surface Grinding Machine
A lathe machine is a powerful tool used for shaping metal and other materials into desired shapes. It is used
for turning, facing, boring, threading, and drilling operations. The lathe machine is an important part of the
metalworking and woodworking industry, and it is used in a variety of manufacturing industries like
automotive, aerospace, furniture, metalwork, and medical device manufacturing. The various other
operations that you can perform with the help of a Lathe Machine are sanding, cutting, knurling, drilling,
and milling parts which are symmetrical in shape. Nowadays modern CNC lathes can also help in creating
Asymmetrical shapes
The function of a Lathe is to remove the material from the workpiece. This workpiece is mounted rigidly on
a machine spindle and then revolved at the required speed. Whilst the piece is revolving the cutting tool is
fed against the workpiece either longitudinally or crosswise to get the desired shape and size.
Lathe Machine
Head Stock:
Head Stock is situated on the left side of the lathe bed and it is the house of the driving mechanism and
electrical mechanism of a Lathe machine tool. It holds the job on its spindle nose having external screw
threads and an internally Morse taper for holding the lathe center. And it is rotating at a different speed by
cone pulley or all geared drive. There is a hole throughout the spindle for handling long bar work. Head
Stock transmits power from the spindle to the feed rod, lead screw, and thread-cutting mechanism.
It is the base of the lathe machine. It is made of the single-piece casting of Semi-steel ( Chilled Cast
Iron). The bed consists of two heavy metal slides running lengthwise, with ways or ‘V’ formed upon
them and rigidly supported with cross girths.
The tail Stock is situated on the right side above the lathe bed
It is used for:
Support the long end of the job for holding and minimizes its sagging.
It holds the tool for performing different operations like drilling, reaming, tapping, etc.
The carriage is used to support, guide, and feed the tool against the job when the machining is done.
Lead Screw
A lead screw is also known as a power screw or a translation screw. It converts rotational motion to
linear motion. Lead Screw is used for Thread Cutting operation in a lathe machine tool.
Feed Rod
The feed rod is used to move the carriage from the left side to the right side and also from the right side
to the left side.
2. Drilling Machine
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Drilling Machine is the simplest, moderate, and most accurate machine tool used in almost all the
production shops and tool rooms. Drilling is basically a single-purpose machine tool as its main purpose
is to make holes in the workpiece.
A machine consists of a spindle that provides rotary motion to the drilling tool, which finally makes the
hole in the job (workpiece).
Swivel table
Steeped pulley
Drill Bit and
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Drilling Machine
The bed is the main part of the machine on which the whole machine is being mounted. The bed is
made up of cast iron, so it has high compressive strength and good wear resistance.
The pillar is a type of vertical column that rests on the bed. A pillar is present at the center of the
bed. The pillar helps the motor and the spindle head.
Swivel Table:
The table is the place where the workpiece is being mounted. The table is attached to the column
and it can be rotated around the column and can have an upward and downward moment. A table
can be adjusted at any angle as per the requirement.
The motor is present at the top of the column. The inside motor shaft is there which is connected
to a stepped pulley so that we can increase or decrease the speed of the rotation of the motor.
Stepped pulley:
Two steeped pulleys are present on either side of the column at the top. Out of these two, one
pulley will be in an upward direction while the other pulley is inverted.
Spindle arrangement is present at top of the column opposite to the arrangement of the motor.
The top of the spindle is attached to one of the stepped pulleys. The bottom of the spindle is
connected to the chuck.
Chuck is present at the bottom of the spindle. The basic function of the chuck is to hold the cutting
tool firmly.
Drill bit:
A drill bit is an actual cutting tool that is used to create a hole in the workpiece.
Each Abrasive particle acts as a single-point cutting tool whereas the grinding wheel, full of
abrasives called a multi-point cutting tool.
Hand Traversing Wheel
Cross Slide Handwheel
Work Table
Wheel Head
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Vertical Feed Hand Wheel
Wheel Guard
Abrasive Wheel
It acts as a support for the entire assembly and also acts as an absorber of vibrations.
This traversing wheel is used to adjust the worktable in a longitudinal direction i.e. the worktable can be moved
in forward and backward direction by means of a Hand Traversing Wheel.
This hand wheel is used to adjust the worktable in an up and down direction so that the workpiece is to be
placed in exact dimension w.r.t. the Grinding wheel.
Work Table:
It is the vertical column where the wheel head, Wheel Guard and Abrasive Wheel are mounted.
Wheel Head:
It is the compartment that has to be moved up and down so that the grinding wheel can touch the workpiece.
This hand wheel is used to provide the feed to the wheel head in a vertical direction which also indicates the
depth of cut from the surface of the workpiece.
Abrasive Wheel:
This is the main tool that is used to remove the material from the surface of the workpiece. It is coated with
abrasives and thereby the accuracy obtained is very high.
The Coolant used in the Surface Grinding Process is used to cool the work region so that heat cannot be
dissipated into the workpiece and grinding wheel.