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Sugar-works at Glasgow, ii. 455.
Reign of Mary, 1561-1565, i. 7;
Regency of Moray, 1567-1570, 43;
Regencies of Lennox and Mar, 1570-1572, 61, 62;
Regency of Morton, 1572-1578, 82, 83;
Reign of James VI. 1578-1585, 126-129;
1585-1590, 160, 161;
1591-1603, 219-221; 1603-1625, 379-381.
Reign of Charles I., 1625-1637, ii. 1-3;
1637-1649, 105-113;
Interregnum, 1649-1660, 174-177;
Reign of Charles II., 1660-1673, 255-261;
1673-1685, 349-355;
Reign of James VII., 469-475;
concluding remarks, 496-499.
Sun, total eclipse of the, i. 296.
Celebrated eclipse of, ii. 215.
Suns, curious appearance of three, ii. 9.
Sunday, observance of, i. 329-333.
Superstitions and superstitious practices, i. 322-326.
Suppers, laudable custom of, revived, ii. 267.
Surgeons exempted from serving as jury-men, i. 42.
Sutherland, Earl of, overtaken by a snow-storm, i. 363;
contributions of tenantry to, 517.
Sutherland of Duffus, his quarrel with Gordon of Enbo, ii. 5, 6.
Swans on Linlithgow Loch, anecdotes of, ii. 267, 268.
Swearing, fines for, i. 342.
Sweden, king of, troops levied in Scotland for, i. 445;
unfortunate issue, 446.
Sword-dance, description of the, ii. 67, 68.
Sydserf, Thomas, editor of the Mercurius Caledonius, ii. 271;
his theatre, 324.

Tailiefeir, Bessie, sentenced to be brankit, i. 46.

Tailors, petition against outlandish, ii. 253, 254.
Tallow, laws against exporting, ii. 5.
Tarugo’s Wiles, Sydserf’s play called, ii. 324.
Taxes, allocation of, to various towns, ii. 7.
Tay, remarkable flood in the, i. 525-527.
Taylor, John the Water-poet, his visit to Scotland, i. 493-500.
Tea, in Scotland, its first introduction, ii. 405.
Tennant, Francis, hanged for his pasquils against the king and
progenitors, i. 320.
Tercel called for by James VI., i. 391.
Test, magistrates of Peebles in a puzzle about the, ii. 429;
burlesque of, 433.
Thanksgiving-day, on settlement between King and Estates, ii.
Theatre, first, in Edinburgh established about 1679, ii. 400.
Theatricals in Scotland, toleration of, i. 306, 307.
Thirteen Drifty Days, Hogg’s account of the, ii. 365-367.
Thomson, Annaple, and others, worried and burnt as witches, ii.
405, 406.
Thomson, Gavin, assaulted by Thomas Pringle, i. 418.
Thomson, Margaret, her complaint against Tutor of Calder, ii. 154.
Thumbikens, an instrument of torture so called, ii. 460.
Tide, remarkable swelling of the, at Leith, &c., i. 476.
Tobacco, Murray’s patent for importing, i. 531, 532.
Licence for sale of, ii. 74;
tax on, 332;
first practitioner of tobacco-spinning in Leith, 346.
Toe-writing, singular instance of, ii. 253.
Toleration, want of, in Scotland, i. 244;
imputation of toleration indignantly repudiated by King James,
Declared against by the Presbyterian kirk, ii. 180;
granted by James VII., 470;
want of, at the Revolution, 498.
Tories, first introduction of the word into Scotland, ii. 227.
Torthorald, Lord, stabbed by William Stewart, i. 415.
Town-guard of Edinburgh, origin of the, ii. 438.
Trade, decree against freedom of, i. 458.
Interesting particulars regarding, in Scotland, ii. 248, 249.
Transmigration of witches to distant places, &c., disputation on, i.
Traquair, burning at Peebles of popish relics found at, ii. 499-501.
Traquair, Countess of, and her son, ii. 336.
——, first Earl of, anecdote of, ii. n. 88;
his death and character, 251, 252.
Travelling, anecdotes of, i. 299, 381, 493; ii. 218, 247, 391, 476.
Trembling Exies, a disease so called, ii. 222.
Trough, Children of the (a singular anecdote), i. n. 234.
Tulyies or combats in Edinburgh, i. 47, 185, 258, 318.
Tumbling Lassie and Reid the mountebank, ii. 487.
Turnbull and Scott, hanged for publishing a libel against Morton, i.
Turnbull, Andrew, beheaded, i. 320.
—— of Airdrie, abduction of his daughter, i. 419.
Turners, a base coin so called, ii. 128.
Tweedies and Veitches, feud between, i. 200-202;
James VI. endeavours to suppress, 432.

Universities, order against receiving fugitive students at, i. 439.

Urquhart of Craigston, singular fortunes of his grandson, ii. 81-83.
Usher, Adie, a Border-thief, hanged; his son Willie, i. 546.
Usury severely punished, ii. 298.

Vallam, James and George, hanged for robbery, i. 364.

Vautrollier, a French Protestant, prints a volume of poems for
James VI., i. 154.
Veitches and Tweedies, feud between, i. 200-202, 432.
Victory, naval, over the Dutch, rejoicings at, ii. 303.
Vintners and Butchers, outcry against extortion of, ii. 489, 490.
Visions in the air, ii. 313-315.
Vois, Cornelius de, his gold and silver licence, i. 50.

Wages of skilled artisans in Scotland, ii. 235.

Walden, Lord, his journey of pleasure in Scotland, i. 454, 455.
Walker, Patrick, his account of illusive psalm-singing, ii. 314;
of visions of bonnets and weapons at Crossford, 485.
Wallace, Margaret, worried and burnt for witchcraft, i. 527-529.
Walsingham, Sir Francis, a councillor of Queen Elizabeth, his
mission to James VI., i. 152.
Waly, waly! a popular ballad, composed on the Marchioness of
Douglas, ii. 340.
Wame-ill or land-ill, also called the Pestilence but Mercy, i. 57.
Wappinshaw, why so called, i. 542.
Watch, a body of men appointed to keep peace in the Highlands,
ii. 306.
Watson, William, minister of Burntisland, i. 467.
Watt, John, shot dead on the Burgh-moor, i. 349.
Waugh, Robert, hanged for rebuking the Regent Morton, i. 80.
Weather, the, i. 107, 112, 259, 286, 421, 431, 457, 458, 523, 541;
ii. 4, 12, 17, 28, 61, 79, 83, 113, 115, 122, 134, 149, 199,
217, 222, 224, 234-236, 240, 253, 298, 299, 305, 313, 319,
324, 358, 365-367, 371-373, 426, 454, 462.
Weir, Bessie, hanged as a witch, ii. 377-379.
——, John, tried for ‘incest,’ for marrying the relict of his grand-
uncle, ii. 28.
Weir, Major, strangled and burnt, ii. 332.
——, of Cloburn, a boy of fourteen, taken to Ireland, and married
to a daughter of Laird of Corehouse, i. 454.
Wells of Edinburgh run dry, ii. 226.
Wemyss, Countess of, death and extravagance of the, ii. 215.
Wemyss of Logie, Mrs Margaret Twinstoun contrives his escape
from confinement, i. 238.
West Indies, deportation of poor people to the, ii. 304, 305.
Westerhall, Laird of, slain by the Hamiltons, i. 99.
Whale captured by the English at Leith, ii. 218.
Whales, fourteen killed at Dornoch, i. 319.
Wheat, Council grants licence for exporting 4000 bolls, ii. 54.
Whig, origin of the term, ii. 171, 172.
Whilliwha’s, swindlers so called, i. 468.
Wigton and Cassillis, Earls of, dispute between, ii. 30.
Wind, tremendous storm of, i. 421.
Wine, its importation into Western Isles restricted, i. 531.
Wirtemberg, Duke of, visits Scotland, i. 418.
Wishart, Janet, burnt for witchcraft, i. 278, 279.
Witchcraft, act against, i. 24;
William Stewart, Lyon King-of-arms hanged for, 60;
witches of Athole, 70;
Bessie Dunlop, burnt for, 107-110;
Alison Peirson, burnt for, 183;
trials of Lady Foulis and Hector Monro, 202-206;
Bessie Roy tried for, 206;
extraordinary trials for, 210-218;
devil preaching to witches, illustration, 215;
numerous cases of, 257;
barbarous legal procedure in cases of, 273;
remarkable trials in Aberdeen, 278-285;
‘the great witch of Balwery,’ 291;
wood-cut of a witch seated on the moon, 378;
the Broughton witches, 420;
Margaret Barclay, executed for, 488;
John Stewart, tried for, 488;
Margaret Wallace, worried and burnt for, 527-529;
Bessie Smith, of Lesmahago, 539;
Thomas Grieve, strangled and burnt, 540;
Privy Council’s doubts regarding, 548.
Various cases of, ii. 31-34;
John Balfour, a discoverer of, 61;
William Coke and Alison Dick, burnt for witchcraft, their bill of
expenses, 70, 71;
case of Agnes Finnie and others, 149-154;
conference of ministers on, 180;
several trials and burnings for, 186-189;
presbytery of Lanark and the eleven witches, 194, 195;
proceedings of Cromwell’s law-commissioners for Scotland,
219, 220;
burnings for, 243, 244;
numerous trials for, at the Restoration, 277-279;
confessions of Isobel Gowdie and Janet Braidhead, 285-291;
M‘Leans and others tortured for, 293-295;
more cases of, 330;
Jean Weir hanged, 333;
curious cases of, 376-381;
another witch-storm, 385, 386;
anecdotes of, 393-395;
Katherine Liddel persecuted for, 396;
curious witch-trial at Borrowstounness, 405, 406;
Marion Purdie imprisoned for, 462;
books on, 475.
Wogan, Captain, his daring march to the north, ii. 223;
verses quoted from Waverley on his death, 224.
Wood, George, threatened arrestment of his corpse, ii. 328, 329.
Wood, James, heir of Bonnington, beheaded, i. 350.
Wool, prohibition against exporting, &c., i. 475;
Petition for dressing and refining of, ii. 346.
Wreckers of Dunbar and Western Islands, Council’s proceedings
against, ii. 94, 95.
Writs, several persons hanged for making false, i. 260, 296.

Yester, Master of, and Stewarts of Traquair, feud between, i. 168-

York, James, Duke of. See James VII.
Young, Isobel, burnt for witchcraft, ii. 31.
——, John, his attack on Richard Bannatyne, ii. 16.
Young, Margaret, petitions Privy Council against false
imprisonment, ii. 153.
Printed by W. and R. Chambers.

Half-glazed Window of
Seventeenth Century.—See
page 283.
Transcriber’s Notes:
The original accentuation, and spelling has been retained. Hyphenation has
been made consistent as far as possible. New original cover art included with
this eBook is granted to the public domain.
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