Economy Historically Project
Economy Historically Project
Economy Historically Project
nvestors spend less as they fear stocks values will fall and
thus stock markets fall on negative sentiment.
Most important point i want to mention is that
american economy got struck in recession is because the low and poor
economic fundamental of USA. A fall in effective demand will lead to a
fall in demand, thus contributing to an economic downturn. For
instance, any consumer feeling less secure about his future (jobs or
otherwise) might want to delay purchasing a car. When this happens
across the economy.
Other things being equal, above average rates of
Total Factor Productivity growth (because of technological innovation)
generate higher rates of growth in real (inflation adjusted) wages
because workers are compensated for producing more goods and
urrent crisis in the US
The defaults on sub-prime mortgages (homeloan defaults)
have led to a major crisis in the US. Sub-prime is a high risk debt offered to
people with poor credit worthiness or unstable incomes. Major banks have
landed in trouble after people could not pay back loans (See: Subprime pain:
Who lost how much)
The housing market soared on the back of easy availability
of loans. The realty sector boomed but could not sustain the momentum for long,
and it collapsed under the gargantuan weight of crippling loan defaults.
Foreclosures spread like wildfire putting the US economy on shaky ground. This,
coupled with rising oil prices at $100 a barrel, slowed down the growth of the
cent from its peak in the second quarter of 1990. The 2001 recession saw a
0.6 per cent decIine from the peak in the fourth quarter of 2000.
The dot-com burst hit the US economy and many
developing countries as well. The economy also suffered after the 9/11 attacks.
n 2001, investors' wealth dwindled as technology stock prices crashed.
|mpact of a Poss|b|e U8 Recess|on |n |nd|a
l|slory r|grl ro|d a c|ue rere. Tre |asl l|re lre ouoo|e oursl (2001-
2002), lre 0JlA Werl doWr oy 23, Wr||e lre lrd|ar lrdex le|| oy 15.
Vucr ras rappered oelWeer lrer ard roW. Tre lrd|ar ecorory ras
sroWr a roousl ard cors|slerl groWlr lrajeclory ard lre projecl|or lor 2008 |s 9. lrd|ar exporls
lo lre ur|led 3lales accourl lor jusl over 3 ol 00P. lrd|a ras a rea|lry lrade surp|us W|lr lre
ur|led 3lales.
lr olrer Words, lre ellecls ol lr|s recess|or or lrd|a ray oe qu|le d|sl|rcl
lror lrose ol lre pasl. lere are sore areas Worlr lo||oW|rg:
1. A cred|l cr|s|s |r lre ur|led 3lales r|grl |ead lo a 7est7:ct:7|ng of
asset a||ocat|on al pers|or lurds. ll ras oeer suggesled lral Ca|PER3 |s |||e|y lo sr|ll ar
add|l|ora| u3S21 o||||or lo |ls |rlerral|ora| porllo||o. A |arge porl|or ol lr|s |s |||e|y lo l|oW |rlo lrd|a
ard Cr|ra. ll olrer lurds lo||oW su|l, a cascad|rg ellecl car oe expecled. A|org W|lr lre a|ready
s|gr|l|carl do||ar lurds ava||ao|e, lre add|l|ora| lurds cou|d oe dep|oyed lo creale |rlraslruclure--
roads, a|rporls, ard seaporls--ard oe ready lor a rap|d la|eoll Wrer rorra|cy |s reslored.
2. lr lerrs ol spec|l|c seclors, lre |T Enab|ed 8e7;|ces secto7 may be
h|t s|rce a rajor|ly ol lrd|ar lT l|rrs der|ve Z5 or rore ol lre|r reverues lror lre ur|led 3lales--
a c|ass|c case ol rav|rg pul a|| eggs |r ore oas|el. ll Forlure 500 corpar|es s|asr lre|r lT
oudgels, lrd|ar l|rrs cou|d oe adverse|y allecled. lrslead ol |oo||rg al lre scerar|o as a lrreal,
lre seclor Wou|d do We|| lo locus or producl |rroval|or (as opposed lo rere|y prov|d|rg serv|ces).
ll lr|s |s dore, lrd|a car ererge as a rajor p|ayer |r lre lT producls calegory as We||.
3. Tre man:fact:7|ng secto7 has to 7amp :p sca|e econom|es, ard
|rprove producl|v|ly ard operal|ora| ell|c|ercy, lrus |oWer|rg pr|ces, |l |l W|sres lo ollsel lre |oss ol
reverue lror a poss|o|e u3 recess|or. Tre derard lor app||arces, corsurer e|eclror|cs, appare|,
ard a rosl ol producls |s ruge ard car oe exp|o|led lo advarlage oy adopl|rg appropr|ale pr|c|rg
slraleg|es. A|lrougr ur|||e|y, a pro|orged recess|or r|grl see lre erergerce ol reW reg|ora|
group|rgs--lrd|a, Cr|ra, ard Korea?
1. Tre lour|sr seclor cou|d oe allecled. NoW |s lre l|re lo agg7ess|;e|y
p7omote hea|th to:7|sm.0|ver lre ava||ao|||ly ol la|erled proless|ora|s, ard W|lr a d|sl|rcl cosl
advarlage, lrd|a car oe lre desl|ral|or ol cro|ce lor rea|lr lour|sr.
5. A recess|or |r lre ur|led 3lales ray see lre |oss of some jobs |r
lrd|a. Tre corcepl ol 3oc|a| 3ecur|ly, lral ras oeer aoserl url|| roW, ray ga|r rorerlur.
. Tre lrd|ar Rupee ras apprec|aled |r re|al|or lo lre u3
do||ar. Expo7te7s a7e p:sh|ng fo7 go;e7nment |nte7;ent|on ard rale culs. wral |s corver|erl|y
lorgoller |r lr|s deoale |s lral a slrorger Rupee Wou|d reduce lre |rporl o|||, ard rarroW lre
overa|| lrade del|c|l. Tre lrd|ar cerlra| oar| (Reserve 8ar| ol lrd|a) car |rlervere aryl|re ard cul
|rleresl rales, |rcreas|rg ||qu|d|ly |r lre ecorory, ard cala|yz|rg doresl|c derard. A slrorg
doresl|c derard Wou|d a|so re|p |r corpel|rg g|ooa||y Wrer lre recess|or |s over.
lr surrary, al lre racro-|eve|, a recess|or |r lre u3 ray or|rg doWr
00P groWlr, oul rol oy rucr. Al lre r|cro-|eve|, spec|l|c seclors cou|d oe allecled. lrroval|or
roW ray prove lo oe lre erg|re lor groWlr Wrer lre rexl ooor occurs.
For u3 l|rrs, Wro rave |org |oo|ed al Cr|ra as a oeller |rveslrerl
desl|ral|or, lr|s ray oe a good l|re lo |oo| al lrd|a as We||. Aller a||, 350 r||||or peop|e W|lr
purcras|rg poWer carrol oe |grored. Tr|s |s rol a sa|es p|lcr lor lrd|a, oul or|y a gerl|e
suggesl|or lo u3 corporal|ors.
US Economy Forecast 2008 - First Recession then
various categories that are created or lost by means of something called the
birth-death (BD) ratio.
The BD ratio estimate is based upon past history. While
estimating the most recent month's employment picture is quite difficult, you can
do a fairly accurate job when you go back a few years, using other government
data, tax information, etc. And so you can create a trend for how many jobs you
miss due to the birth and death of jobs in the small business area. Now,
remember, that number is an average of many years of history. As an average it
is fairly accurate over long periods of time.
But there is one flaw in this methodology: it will tend to
underestimate new jobs when the economy is recovering from recession and
overestimate them when the economy is slowing down. Thus, in 2003-4, the
Democrats were beating up Bush about the jobless recovery. As it turns out,
those employment numbers were massively revised upward a few years later.
There was in fact a powerful recovery going on, just not in the statistics.
However, nobody but a few economic geeks paid attention, as it was last year's
This month the BD ratio created 66,000 new jobs for the
establishment survey, or 48,000 more jobs than the headline number. Let's look
at a table directly from the BLS web site.
and so on. This survey covers people who are employed both by large and small
employers, illegal immigrants, etc.
(By the way, this is going to become increasingly suspect
as more of us simply use cell phones and do not have a home phone. t will skew
the survey.)
These surveys tend to paraIIeI each other, except at
turning points in the economy. Then there can be some Iarge
discrepancies. As an exampIe, take this month's househoId survey.
There was a loss of 436,000 jobs in the household
survey. Unemployment rose to 5%, up from 4.4% last February, and 4.7% last
month. Writes Philippa Dunne from The Liscio Report: "Rises of that magnitude
are rare; it's 1.6 standard deviations from the mean, and at the 92nd percentile of
monthly changes since 1950. They're even rarer outside recessions; of the 55
rises of 0.3 point or more, just 18 have been in expansions, and most of those
were either close to recessions or in jobless recoveries. n fact, the last time we
saw a 0.3 point rise was in January 2001, two months before the official cycle
peak. More than half the rise in unemployment came from permanent job losers."
Now we know why Christmas consumer spending was so weak. And some
segments of the economy were particularly hard hit. Unemployment rose to
17.1% for all youth, and 34.7% for black youth (up by 5%!!!). 6.9% of single
women with children are unemployed, and are losing jobs faster than the work
force at large. Part-time jobs are way up. The BLS also tracks part-time jobs of
people who are doing them out of economic necessity, and that is up even more.
All in all, this was an ugly labor report. Look at the graph below from Chart of the Day.
Housing: Going Down, Down, Down
Let's look at two charts from Gary Shilling's latest letter. They pretty much say it all: