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Class : XIIth Subject : BIOLOGY

Date : DPP No. : 1

Topic :- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

1. Wind pollinated flowers are
a) Small, brightly coloured, producing large number of pollen grains
b) Small, producing large number of dry pollen grains
c) Large producing abundant nectar and pollen
d) Small, producing nectar and dry pollen

2. Wind pollination is common in

a) Lilies b) Grasses c) Orchids d) Legumes

3. ‘Cells at the chalazal end are called synergid cells’. The above statement is
a) True b) False
c) Sometimes (a) and sometimes (b) d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. Orthotropous ovule belongs to

a) Urtica b) Polygonum c) Peperomea d) All of these

5. Center of each microsporangium is occupied by

a) Sporogenous tissue
b) Spongious tissue
c) Central tissue
d) Microspore mother cell

6. Which of the following plant products is the hardest?

a) Lignin b) Cutin c) Suberin d) Sporopollenin

7. Functional megaspore develops into …A… also called …B…

A and B in the above sentence is
a) A-Female gametophyte; B-Embryo sac b) A-Embryo sac; B-Female gametophyte
c) A-Endosperm; B-Nucellus d) A-Microsporangium; B-Megasporangium

8. Syngamy and triple fusion is called …A… . The central cell becomes …B… develops into …C… and zygote
develops into …D…
A, B, C, D in the above statement are
a) A-Fusion, B-haploid, C-diploid cell, D-embryo
b) A-double fertilization, B-PEN, C-endosperm, D-embryo
c) A-embryo, B-endosperm, C-PEN, D-diploid cell
d) A-PEN, B-endosperm, C-syngamy, D-fertilisation

9. Dicot embryo consists of

a) Radicle and plumule
b) Radicle, plumule, cotyledons and sometimes endosperm
c) Radicle, plumule, cotyledons and tegmen
d) Radicle, plumule, cotyledons and tegmen and testa

10. First three layers of microsporangium which does the function of protection are
a) Epidermis, endothecium, middle layer b) Epidermis, mesocarp, endocarp
c) Epidermis, middle layer, endothecium d) Epidermis, endocarp, mesocarp

11. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species of

a) Gossypium b) Triticum c) Brassica d) Citrus

12. Nucellus forms which of the following parts of fruit?

a) Seed coat b) Perisperm c) Seed d) Raphe

13. Mesogamy is
a) Fusion of male and female gametes
b) Fusion of physiologically similar and morphologically different gametes
c) Entry of pollen tube through integuments
d) None of the above

14. Identify the correct statement.

a) Because of marked climatic variations, plants growing near the sea shore do not produce annual rings
b) The age of the plant can be determined by its height
c) Healing of damaged tissue is because of the activity of sclerenchyma cells
d) Grafting is difficult in monocot plants as they have scattered vascular bundles

15. Which of the following perform microsporogenesis?

a) Microspore mother cell b) Pollen mother cell
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

16. Tapetum is found in

a) Anther b) Microspore c) Male gametophyte d) Female gametophyte

17. Double fertilization was discovered by

a) Nawaschin b) Strasburger c) Emerson d) None of these
18. Microsporangium produces
a) Male gametes b) Female gametes c) Pollen d) Both (a) and (c)

19. Grafting is successful in dicots but not in monocots because the dicots have
a) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring
b) Cambium for secondary growth
c) Vessels with element arranged end to end
d) Cork cambium

20. Megaspore mother cell is found near the region of

a) Micropyle b) Chalaza c) Nucellus d) Integuments

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