Cisco FSO 2024
Cisco FSO 2024
Cisco FSO 2024
Full-Stack Observability
Dynatrace doesn’t
The capabilities and limitations of observability impact every user experience, every
transaction, and, ultimately, the business’s bottom line. Unified observability is only
valuable if it provides visibility and useful insights drawn from data across your entire
technology stack. Let’s cut through the noise and examine the 5 must-haves for full-
stack observability that will enable you to monitor and secure your applications and
data with precision, harness actionable insights, optimize operations, and innovate with
confidence now and into the future.
Dynatrace’s platform was built over 10 years ago for monitoring infrastructure. It
uses proprietary agents for data collection, and open and modern telemetry formats
are add-ons, limiting flexibility and coverage.
Dynatrace relies on third-party domain monitoring and loosely linked add-ons with
proprietary data streams that are difficult to correlate. This leaves you lost in a sea of
open windows within the tool, slows your workflow, and without enough insight.
Now, why is that database so slow?
Dynatrace’s security functionality is limited and lacks context to assess the business
impact of vulnerabilities and exploits.
Dynatrace simply does not have the means or ecosystem to keep up.
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