NewEngInUse3 BasicPracticeTest U2

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Basic Practice Unit 2 Test Name: ................................ Mark: ...........

Vocabulary 20 points Grammar 20 points

1 Relaciona A con B para formar expresiones. 1 Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras.
Utiliza el Present Perfect Simple y las
(8 puntos) expresiones temporales entre paréntesis.
A B (12 puntos)
1. direct ...... a. your country 1. the show / not start / . (yet)
2. do ...... b. pottery ..........................................................................
3. represent ...... c. songs ..........................................................................
4. take part ...... d. on television 2. the musician / leave / the stage / . (just)
5. appear ...... e. the environment ..........................................................................
6. compose ...... f. charity work ..........................................................................
7. save ...... g. a film 3. she / not play / the piano / the age of 10 / . (since)
8. make ...... h. in international ..........................................................................
2 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)
4. we / not be / to a concert / years / . (for)
1. Vera has gone on an adventure trip. She’s
in a forest performing in a band /
learning survival skills. ..........................................................................
2. Grace designs fashion accessories / 5. they / fly / in a hot-air balloon / ? (ever)
acts in a play. Have you seen her handbags?
3. Top tennis players earn a lot of money /
donate money when they compete in ..........................................................................
tournaments. 6. I / be / horse-riding. Maybe I’ll take riding
4. There’s a rock festival next week. lessons this summer. (never)
Different bands are acting in a play / ..........................................................................
performing on stage around town.
5. You need musical instruments when you are
acting in a play / performing in a band. 2 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)
6. She’s very musical. She composes songs /
1. I didn’t buy / haven’t bought a dress for my
directs films.
sister’s wedding yet.
7. It’s important to teach children to
2. It’s been years since she acted / has acted in
save the environment / make pottery.
a play.
8. As a child actor, she appeared on television /
directed a film. 3. My friends went / have gone to the new
cinema a few days ago.
3 Completa las frases con las siguientes 4. The band didn’t perform /
palabras. (4 puntos) haven’t performed yesterday.
camping  rock climbing  canoeing  windsurfing 5. She saw / has seen the new film twice.
1. You need a tent when you go 6. Did they donate / Have they donated a lot of
…………………… . money last year?
2. You need a boat when you go 7. How many competitions did he take part in /
has he taken part in last year?
…………………… .
3. You need to go to the beach when you go 8. It didn’t rain / hasn’t rained for three weeks.

…………………… .
4. You need special shoes, a helmet and a rope
when you go …………………… .

NEW ENGLISH IN USE ESO 3 BASIC PRACTICE Photocopiable © Burlington Books

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