NewEngInUse4 FinalExam1 ListenSpeak
NewEngInUse4 FinalExam1 ListenSpeak
NewEngInUse4 FinalExam1 ListenSpeak
Speaking 10 points
Student A
1 Ask your partner questions about the topics below. Write the answers.
My questions My partner’s answers
1. an item that you’re sorry you bought
2. what you think you’ll be doing in ten years
3. something you used to do and you miss
4. something funny that someone told you
5. a film or TV programme you’ve seen
Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions.
2 Ask your partner questions about the topics below. Write the answers.
My questions My partner’s answers
1. a possession you can’t live without
2. something you dislike doing
3. something you have to do soon
4. something you would do if you were extremely rich
5. something nice that was done for you