Model Answers

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Name of the Examination- Final Examination2023-24

Class-IX Subject – Biology Date: 2.03.2024

S. No. Answers Marks

(d) A is false but R is true. Explanation: Dendrite consists of short processes called dendrons
1. 1
that arises from the cyton and branches into dendrites. Axon is a single, long cylindrical
process which forms fine branches terminally.

2. 1

3. a)the flowers available for nectar collection by the bees 1

4. b)The inner membrane is longer than the outer membrane 1

5. c)areolar tissue 1

6. d)parenchyma and collenchyma 1

7. 2
Cross-breeding is useful in cattle improvement in the following ways:

a)Crossbred animals help in increasing milk production, growth rate, and production of overall

animal protein than normal animals.

b)Improved variety of cattle and other livestock is known to increase production efficiency, and

it can reduce the number of resources and inputs farmers require to invest in livestock


c)They are also disease resistant to various diseases than normal breeds.
8. a)The nucleoid is the region of a prokaryotic cell that stores the genophore, or genetic 2
information without a membrane.
b)The nucleus in eukaryotes is completely contained by a double membrane and contains genetic
elements such as DNA, RNA, histones, and protein.
c)Genes are passed down via generations.
d)It regulates cell development, synthesis, and reproduction.

a)The cell wall structure is present specifically in the plant cell.

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S. No. Answers Marks
b)The presence of the cell wall offers more rigidity to the plant cell as compared to animal

c) Cell wall structure helps withstand greater changes in the surrounding medium.

d)Under drastic conditions, the plant cells can also remain stable as the cell wall limits the
changes in the cell.

a)If the cells are not organized in tissue then the bodily processes will be disorganized and also
9. 2
there will be no coordination in the working of the parts of the body.The movement and
locomotion of the body and all essential work will also stop working. (Any two)-1/2mrk each

b) Squamous Epithelium is made up of a single layer of flat cells. The cells are in contact with
the basement membrane. When these tissues are arranged in many layers such that only one
layer is in contact with the basement membrane, then squamous epithelium is called as
stratified squamous epithelium.-1mrk
a) The two tissues responsible for movement of the body are muscular tissue and nervous
10. 3
b) The tissues present in brain and spine are nervous tissues.
The nervous tissue sends signals to muscular system to show movement.-1mrk each

11. a)Tube wells-1/2mrk 3

b) River lift system ,check dams etc. 1/2mrk each
d)Prevents soil erosion
Recharges water table
Prevents the rain water from flowing away(Any two) 1/2mrk each
12. 4
b)In between the nodes.For branching.-1/2 mrk+1/2 mrk

c) Growing Regions--1mrk

a)Cutting the leaves,sucking the sap and boring into the plant stem.-1/2 mrk each
13. 5
b) The three important preventive measures for pest control are:

 Employing crop rotation.

 Use of pest-resistant varieties.
 Employing optimum time of sowing the crops.
 Spraying pesticides (Any three)- 1/2 mrk each

c) Preventive and control measures are used before grains are stored for future use, which
include strict cleaning of the produce before storage, proper drying of the produce first in
sunlight and then in shade, and fumigations by using chemicals that kill pests. (Any two)-1mrk

a)Weather conditions, soil quality and availability of water are the main factors on which crop
yield depends. As weather conditions like drought and flood situation are unpredictable, it is
important to have varieties that can grow in adverse climatic conditions and are tolerant to high
soil salinity . . (Any two)-1mrk each

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S. No. Answers Marks
b)Some of the factors for which crop variety improvement is done are as follows:

 High Yield: To increase the productivity of the crop per acre.

 Improve Quality: Quality considerations of crop products vary from crop to crop. For
baking quality is important in wheat, protein quality in pulses; oil quality in oilseeds and
preserving quality in fruits and vegetables.
 Biotic and Abiotic Resistance: Crop production can fall due to biotic and abiotic stresses
under different situations. Thus, varieties resistant to these stresses can improve crop
 Change in Maturity Duration: The shorter the duration of the crop from sowing to
harvesting, more economical is the variety. It reduces the cost of crop production and
allows the farmers to grow multiple crops in a year.
 Wider Adaptability: Developing varieties for wider adaptability helps in stabilising the
crop production under different environmental conditions. Also, one variety can then be
grown under different climatic conditions in different areas.
 Desirable Agronomic Characteristics: Height and profuse branching are desirable
characteristics for fodder crops. Dwarfness is desired in cereals such that fewer nutrients
are consumed by these crops. Thus, developing varieties of desired agronomic characters
also help in higher yield.(Any three) -1mrk each

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