Woods 2011
Woods 2011
Woods 2011
Electrokinetic / Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma / Hydrogel / Lab on a
chip / Microflow cytometry DOI 10.1002/elps.201100172
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Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 3188–3195 Microfluidics and Miniaturization 3189
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3190 J. Woods et al. Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 3188–3195
2.2 Preparation of hydrogel for tumour cell electro- (iii) Biocompatible extracellular pH is 6.8–7.8 [25].
kinesis Adequate pH buffering is especially important in
EK, as electrolysis and other interactions can alter the
As fluid flow in tissues occurs within a gel-like matrix local pH, reduce the zeta potential and even reverse
[17, 18], low melting point (LMP) agarose hydrogel (A9419, the direction of flow [26–29]. A 0.025 M HEPES buffer
Sigma-Aldrich, UK) was used in the microchannels was selected as optimal for this application [30, 31].
to provide a biometic microenvironment and also to
suppress the hydrodynamic back pressure during EK A PBS-based hydrogel was also used in all the
transport. 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic comparative EK mobility experiments.
acid (HEPES)/sucrose mixture was first prepared by
dissolving acid and base components of HEPES in deionised
water giving a 0.1 M stock solution, pH 7.4, at 251C (http:// 2.3 Tissue and cell samples
www.liv.ac.uk/buffers/buffercalc.html). This was diluted 1:1
with deionised water and then mixed with 0.50 M sucrose Tumour samples from patients with head and neck squamous
1:1 to give 0.025 M HEPES/0.25 M sucrose (final concentra- cell carcinoma (HNSCC) were selected as representative of
tions). Hydrogel was then prepared by dissolving 0.25 or small clinical biopsies typically consisting of tiny pieces of
0.50% w/v LMP agarose in the above HEPES/sucrose tissue E0.1–3.0 g in mass. Anonymised samples from
buffer, which was specifically formulated to meet the HNSCC lesions were obtained from patients undergoing
following criteria: surgery, having gained ethical approval from Hull and East
Yorkshire Research Ethics Committee (07/H1304) and the
(i) EK linear velocity is proportional to zeta potential z and Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (RO568).
field strength. Applied potentials should be kept at Samples were stored in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium
minimal levels to prevent high currents, Joule heating (DMEM; E15-009, PAA Laboratories, UK) supplemented with
and cell lysis [19]. To maximise bulk flow and cell 10% v/v foetal calf serum (FCS; S1900, Biosera, UK) and
viability at a given voltage, it is desirable to maximise z antibiotic solution [10 000 U/mL penicillin and 10 mg/mL
which is affected by pH and inversely proportional to streptomycin in 0.9% w/v NaCl; P11-010, Sigma, UK], at 41C,
ionic strength [20–22]. Well-buffered fluids at low ionic and if not used immediately, snap frozen and cryopreserved in
strength are thus essential for EK at low voltages in liquid nitrogen at 1961C.
microfluidic cellular applications. K562 human erythroleukaemic cells were selected for
(ii) Biocompatible osmolality for human tumour cells is proof of principle in EK studies, as it was experimentally
E297 mOsm/kg [23]. To prevent artefacts arising from easier to work with cell lines than fresh cells derived from a
hypo- or hyper-tonic shock, osmolality in vitro is tumour. Cells were cultured in Roswell Park Memorial
commonly controlled using salts, e.g. phosphate- Institute medium (RPMI 1640; E15-840, PAA Laboratories)
buffered saline (PBS). The requirement for low ionic supplemented as above and harvested by centrifugation at
strength precludes the use of salts, so an isotonic 400 g. Cell and tissue preparation was carried out in a
sucrose solution was used in place of PBS [24]. class II biological safety cabinet.
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Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 3188–3195 Microfluidics and Miniaturization 3191
2.4 Antibodies cells had been established, the optimal field strength
required for controlled cell manipulation enabling subse-
Integrin subunits b1 and a6 were selected as ubiquitously quent cell sorting (10–100 V/cm) was determined using
expressed cell membrane targets that are reported to be K562 cells. After functionalising the device by rinsing with
upregulated in metastatic HNSCC cells [32, 33]. Monoclonal NaOH and buffer as described, channels were filled with
antibodies conjugated with red or green fluorophores were hydrogel made with either PBS or HEPES/sucrose buffer,
used: anti-CD29 (integrin b1) PerCPe-Fluors710 (46-0299, and containing either labelled or unlabelled cells suspended
eBioscience, UK) and anti-CD49f (integrin a6) Alexa at E0.5–1.0 106 mL 1. The device was placed on the stage
Fluors488 (313608, Cambridge Bioscience Ltd, UK), each of an inverted fluorescence microscope, and a voltage
at 5 mL per mm3 of tissue (E400 000 cells). applied between access ports A and B (Fig. 2A) using
0.5 mm Pt electrodes connected to a 1-kV DC power supply
(Kingfield Electronics, UK). Fluorescent image sequences
2.5 Integrated antibody labelling and cell release were analysed in ImageJ to derive apparent linear velocity
(vapp) which was converted to apparent mobility (mapp);
A 1 mm3 piece of HNSCC biopsy tissue was placed in the mapp 5 mepf1meof. Cell diameters were measured in ImageJ
tissue reservoir upon the cell strainer and submerged in and plotted against corresponding mapp.
200 mL of enzyme solution. Antibodies as described above Having established cell flow characteristics using the
were added to the collagenase solution (see below) after 3 h, K562 cells, the integrated device was then used to study
and the tissue incubated at 41C for a further 5–21 h as freshly dissociated antibody-labelled tumour cells
shown in Fig. 1B. The reduction in temperature and from a tissue biopsy. Cells were initially observed entering
extended time frame, compared with conventional metho- the channel under gravitational and hydrodynamic
dology, was designed to minimise enzyme and cellular forces, and when this cell movement had subsided,
metabolic activity while permitting sufficient time for the cells were then moved through the microchannel
diffusion of reagents to occur into centre of the tissue. to the detection window by EK with a field strength of
In preliminary experiments, cells were retrieved at 70 V/cm. Again, mapp was derived from vapp using ImageJ
various stages for imaging, to assess the effectiveness of the analysis.
labelling and dissociation method, to optimise the duration
of the cold perfusion required for saturation of tissue with
enzymes and antibodies, and to check whether the enzymes 3 Results
affect antibody labelling. Reservoir contents were gently
pushed through a 50 mm mesh cell strainer using a syringe 3.1 Integrated antibody labelling and cell release
plunger, centrifuged at 400 g for 3 min; 10 mL from the
reservoir was observed on a microscope slide by inverted Antibody labelling and dissociation of cells from tumorous
fluorescence microscopy (Axiovert S100, Carl Zeiss, UK) and normal (peripheral) regions of HNSCC biopsies was
using a 20 objective lens. Identical excitation filters of undertaken both ‘off-chip’ and ‘on-chip’ on a series of
band pass 470/40 nm allowed excitation at 488 nm. To different biopsies, testing different incubation periods
collect the red signal, a 660-nm beam splitter and emission of the enzyme and antibody mixture. An example of an
filter band pass 690/50 nm excluded green fluorescence. To ‘off-chip’ experiment is shown in Fig. 3. It was found that
collect the green signal, a 495 nm beam splitter and emis- incubation periods 420 h were required to elicit relatively
sion filter band pass 540/50 excluded red fluorescence. small clumps of cells and sufficient single cells for
Dual-labelled cells were separately imaged by monochrome downstream analysis; tumour biopsies tended to yield more
CCD camera [Orca ER, Hamamatsu Photonics UK] for single cells than the peripheral tissue although as expected
analysis in ImageJ software [34]. there were difference in the dissociation reflecting tumour
After an allotted time span for incubation in enzyme/ heterogeneity. Greater incubation times were not pursued
antibody mixture, the solution was replaced with HEPES/ as the aim was to label and analyse as contemporaneously as
sucrose buffer and cell release from the tumour mass was possible. This methodology enables minimally disruptive in
instigated by incubating the device at 371C for 30–60 min. situ antibody labelling of cell membrane targets and
The device was then placed upon the microscope stage for moreover is able to reflect the dynamic behaviours of ex
observation of tissue cells passing through the cell strainer, vivo human cancer cells within both normal and malignant
under gravity and hydrodynamic pressure, and into the functional tissues.
microchannel. The rationale behind the cold perfusion approach for
antibody labelling and tissue disaggregation is the total
suffusion of the tissue ECM with minimally active collage-
2.6 EK cell transport nase, and simultaneous saturation of antigen binding sites
with antibody. In contrast to conventional methods, this
Once the optimal conditions for effective in situ labelling of relatively prolonged incubation at 41C preserves the tissue,
cell-membrane integrins and the dissociation of labelled antibodies and enzymes, and slows cellular activity; while
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3192 J. Woods et al. Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 3188–3195
Figure 3. Fluorescent pseudo-coloured micrographs of peripheral cells (A–C) and tumour cells (D–F) from a patient with HNSCC. Cells
were dual-labelled and dissociated ‘off-chip’ by the combination method. Antibodies to two integrin subunits were used: (A and D) anti-
CD49f (a6) conjugated with Alexa Fluors488 (green), (B and E) anti-CD29 (b1) conjugated with PerCPe-Fluors710 (red). Monochrome
images were combined to show co-localisation of a6 and b1 (C and F). Pseudopodia are just apparent upon the tumour cells, with
clusters of b1 at the leading edges. Results are representative of three separate experiments.
allowing sufficient time for diffusion to the centre of the collagenase activity. Since this may nonetheless go some
tissue. The diffusion coefficient D in free solution at 201C is way toward preconditioning the tissue to facilitate entry of
dependent upon both medium and solute, and inversely IgG1, a 3-h delay was incorporated before adding the anti-
proportional to solute molecular weight. Diffusion into body. Although 24 h incubation was used for the following
tissue, however, is more complex than in free solution, as proof of concept studies, shorter incubation time periods
extracellular space is non-homogeneous, and tissue porosity also gave effective antibody labelling but less efficient
affects diffusion rate [35]. Tumour tissue is often composed dissociation.
of very densely packed cells, in the region of 2–4 105 cells/ After incubation of tissue biopsies ‘on-chip’ with the
mL (mm 3 [36]). D for IgG1 and collagenase in tumour antibodies and enzymes, the excess mixture was replaced
tissue is typically E1 10 11 m2/s, or 10 mm2/s [36, 37] with HEPES/sucrose buffer. Incubation at 371C then
compared with 4.2 10 11 and 4.5 10 11 m2/s for IgG1 increased enzymatic activity within the tissue, cleaving the
and collagenase in free solution at 201C [38]. For a 1-mm3 ECM and releasing labelled cells. Concurrently, as the
piece of tumour tissue, diffusion distance to the centre is temperature was raised from 4 to 371C, the hydrogel
5 10 4 m, giving an approximate diffusion time of underwent partial melting without reaching the total fluid
E12 500 s or 3.5 h at 201C. However, diffusion is also phase (501C). Heating the microdevice to 371C thus realised
temperature dependent, resulting in significantly longer two desired outcomes – dissociation of labelled cells from
time scales at 41C [39]. the tissue, and flow of cells vertically through the strainer
In the case of antibody diffusion, as the antibody front and laterally into the hydrogel-filled channel by gravitational
progresses, the effective diffusion rate is influenced not only and hydrodynamic forces, as shown in Fig. 1C. The 0.25%
by the above factors but also by antibody–antigen binding hydrogel was found to be superior to the 0.5% hydrogel in
and is thus inversely proportional to antigen density [40]. terms of allowing cells to cross from a fluidic medium into
Pre-treatment with collagenases has been shown previously the hydrogel macropores, whereupon it was found to
to enhance the diffusion of large molecules into in vivo adequately control the hydrodynamic back flow and stabilise
tissue [40]. Accordingly in this current work, collagenase – cell motion in the microchannel. Eight independent
whose activity at 41C is much reduced [41] – was incubated experiments were undertaken to test the labelling and
for 24 h to allow diffusion into the tissue with only residual dissociation aspects of the device.
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3194 J. Woods et al. Electrophoresis 2011, 32, 3188–3195
mobility of these cells showed no difference from that directly from this vital and information-rich tumour
observed in initial experiments characterising the flow microenvironment provide unique data on individual
system with the K562 cell line. Agarose hydrogel is patient tumours. Finally, the use of EOF and EPF to
mechanically similar to ECM and supports the cells in transport antibody-labelled and unlabelled heterogeneous
motion, preventing settling out, while permitting continued tumour cells suggests that through careful selection of field
paracrine interactions via soluble signalling factors strength and flow direction, some degree of cell separation
[18, 47, 48]. may also be achievable. Future studies using multiple
fluorescently labelled antibodies to validate the detection of
known diagnostic/prognostic markers on tumour samples
4 Discussion in the microfluidic device are planned, e.g. detection of
epidermal growth factor receptor on HNSCC, in parallel
This study has demonstrated the feasibility of using ex vivo with technological developments of the integrated micro-
human tumour tissue as a source of primary cells for EK fluidic device.
microflow cytometry. Furthermore, it has enabled the
integration of solid tumour cell dissociation, antibody The authors thank Dr. S. Clark, Dr. S. Hattersley,
labelling, cell transportation and fluorescence-based cell L. Houghton, M. Park, Dr. K. Shaw, M. Tarn, and Dr. X.
detection to be achieved on a single microfluidic platform. Zhang for technical assistance, Professor N. Stafford for HNSCC
The demonstration that these procedures can be success- tumour samples and the BBSRC (BB/E002722) and the
fully assimilated will lead to future devices containing these University of Hull for financial support.
processes in portable units as the existing components can
all be miniaturised without loss of function or sensitivity [2]. The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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handling, simplifies the pre-analytical stage of microflow
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